Removal of paraffin from fabric. How to remove wax from clothes: tips for removing stains

Non-specific contamination from paraffin (wax) on clothes appears infrequently, but they always cause confusion and the question of how to remove a candle stain from clothes without going to a dry cleaner. This process is not so complicated, so do not rush to throw away the soiled thing.

Before looking various ways How to remove stains from candle wax from the surface of the fabric, you need to consider some information. It is her knowledge that will help eliminate candle stains quickly and without subsequent problems with the fabric product itself.

How to Remove a Candle Stain: Things to Remember

  1. The principles for the elimination of paraffin or wax contamination in the classical format are identical, but it is important to take into account the specific features of the material and the contamination itself.
  2. Wax is a substance that melts already at a temperature of 42-45 degrees. Therefore, the main way to remove a stain from a candle is based on thermal exposure.
  3. The specificity of pollution is based on the fact that paraffin not only leaves a greasy mark on the matter, but also penetrates deep inside, gathering between the fibers of the fabric. Due to this feature, getting rid of stains can occur not only with the help of direct thermal influence, but also due to heated steam.
  4. If the candle was not white, but aromatic, with coloring components, then the initial thermal effect is excluded. Otherwise, it will be possible to remove the greasy trace, but the dye will “absorb” into the fabric and it will be impossible to remove it. For such cases, it is worth using household chemicals, which help to eliminate color pollution.
  5. Various delicate fabrics (silk,), as well as synthetic materials, also cannot stand heat. In the first variant suffers appearance material, in the second, the fabric fibers themselves may melt. Therefore, for such products it is necessary to apply or chemical substances, or strong dish detergent.
  6. Before using any chemical agent, it is necessary to check how the clothing fabric reacts to it. For example, some types of synthetics, reacting with gasoline components, can simply dissolve. It will be possible to remove a candle stain from such clothes, but after that you will have to darn the thing.
  7. In addition to the fact that paraffin (wax) melts perfectly under the influence of not the most high temperatures, it freezes perfectly in certain conditions. By exposing clothes to cold exposure, you can easily clean the top visible layer of contamination, after which all that remains is to remove the greasy speck.
  8. To get rid of wax contamination covering the fur, clothes should be taken out in the cold for 1.5-2 hours, then rub the fur villi with your fingers, shaking off the paraffin.

The fabric heating option is only suitable for dense, natural, undyed fabrics.

Additional Tips Before Removing Wax Stains From Clothes
  • If the wax (paraffin) has not had time to harden, it should be quickly blotted several times with a soft paper towel. Pressing, rubbing the paper on the fabric is impossible. Otherwise, the area of ​​contamination will increase, and the substance itself will penetrate deeply into the structure of the material, fixing itself inside.
  • If candle stains are noticed when they already have a completely hardened top layer, the hardened wax must be carefully scraped off the material with a plastic knife, any other tools at hand.
  • To effectively harden the paraffin, you can wrap the item in plastic bag and leave in the freezer for 30-40 minutes. When this is not possible, an ice pack should be placed on wax stains.
How to remove paraffin (wax) stains from clothes: aids
  1. Dish detergent, for example, "Fairy", perfectly eliminates grease stains on delicate and velvet fabrics.
  2. Laundry soap, washing powder.
  3. The following chemicals help in the fight against such pollution:
    • ethanol;
    • ammonia diluted in water, as well as wine or table vinegar;
    • petrol;
    • acetone and acetone-containing liquids;
    • White Spirit;
    • bleaches of various brands, as well as stain removers.
The process of removing greasy traces after wax or paraffin can be done manually or with the help of. Choosing the second option, it is necessary to add to the powder any bleach that is acceptable for use within the selected clothing fabric. Washing mode in this case it is better to set delicate for any material.

Before using chemicals aggressive means to protect the skin and Airways putting on a mask and gloves. And choosing a degree thermal effect on clothes, you need to take into account the information located on the labels of things.

Removing wax stains with steam and heat

When deciding to destroy candle stains that are found on dense, natural fabric without staining, you should resort to the simplest, “classic” cleaning option. It will not take more than half an hour and will not require any specific effects on the material.

  1. Unnecessary white cloth Lay out on a table or ironing board.
  2. Put napkins or paper towels on top. It is important that they be without patterns and pictures.
  3. After placing on top of the affected clothing, covering the wax (paraffin) stains with a paper napkin (towel, just thin paper or toilet paper). For reliability, you can spread a piece of gauze on top.
  4. Turn on the iron no more than 50 degrees, wait for it to heat up. The steam function is not needed in this case. Then it is required to iron the material in a contaminated place from time to time replacing paper napkins up and down.
  5. When the noticeable greasy spot disappears, the wax will transfer to paper and other fabric, all that remains is to wash the clothes using laundry soap, powder or any other suitable means.
The second common option for how to clean wax (paraffin) traces from fabric is steam exposure. This method especially relevant for suede fabrics that can suffer during the smoothing process.

How to remove wax marks with steam

Place the clothes, cleaned from the top layer of contamination, over hot steam from an iron or water heated to bubbling. Leave for 15-20 minutes. Then stretch in the usual way or gently wash only the places of former pollution.

In addition to steam, it is also permissible to use simply heated air, for example, using a hair dryer.

Heating a stained area on clothing can also be carried out using a conventional hot water. This method, how to remove stains from wax or paraffin candles, is suitable for various delicate fabrics that require careful handling.

The technique is very simple: it is necessary to hold the contaminated area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe material under a powerful stream of boiling water so that the water seeps through the material, and does not flow down it. 3-5 minutes of such exposure is enough, and after that you can wash the thing by hand or in a typewriter.

Additional ways to clean clothes from paraffin (wax)

If the materials of the products do not imply strong thermal effects and the question of how to remove stains from the surface of clothing remains relevant, you can use the tips below.

Removing wax marks from wool and fine delicate fabrics

At the place of contamination, having previously cleaned the wax from above, drip a little dishwashing detergent. The fabric must first be slightly moistened. Then you can either just leave the detergent on the surface, or lather it with your fingers.

Exposure time: from 6 to 10 hours. After its expiration, the clothes are washed in the usual way using necessary funds(soap, powder).

For delicate materials, the use of ammonia solution is also suitable. For a liter of water, take a teaspoon of this alcohol. Dissolve. Then pour the place of contamination and leave to influence for 40 minutes. Finally, the clothes are well rinsed in running water.

How to remove paraffin stains from velvet material, its analogues and synthetics

It is necessary to use the available chemical agent(gasoline, alcohol, turpentine and so on). The solvent components present in the compositions of these liquids easily destroy traces of wax without damaging the fibers of the material.

Cut thick fabric or a cotton swab should be applied required amount chemical liquid. Then rub the area of ​​contamination and leave a cloth or cotton wool over the stain for 30-40 minutes. Then all you need to do is wash your clothes.

If you use gasoline that has strong smell, it is necessary to wash things entirely, using an air conditioner that will drown out the unpleasant amber.

Using such recommendations for synthetic fabrics, it is forbidden to use gasoline, which is an excellent solvent for these materials. Other chemical liquids must be tested on a piece of matter, following the reaction of synthetics to such an impact. Only then follow the given instructions.

How to remove wax stain from leather

The easiest way to troubleshoot this issue is to:

  1. hardened paraffin is carefully peeled off; it is not necessary to use knives or other devices, it is enough just to crumple well leather material, after shaking off particles of wax;
  2. if a greasy visible trace remains, it should be wiped with cotton wool soaked in a solution of laundry soap, and then rinse the area with clean water.
The fight against colored spots from paraffin (wax)

When colored spots from a candle appear on clothes, you need to act as follows:

  • wax is peeled off the surface of the product;
  • clothes are soaked in warm water with the addition of a stain remover or bleach; the choice is based on the structure and color of the material;
  • after leaving things soaked for 3-5 hours;
  • after the time has elapsed, the clothes are thoroughly washed with soap or powder;
  • the remaining greasy mark on the surface of the material is removed by any in a suitable way(iron, steam, chemical solvents), based on the characteristics of the fabric.
Two visual tips on how to get rid of unsightly wax stains on jeans or fine fabric shown in the video:

Such a nuisance as pollution from candle wax is not as difficult to eliminate as it seems at first glance. Taking into account the characteristics of fabrics, choosing the right product and a convenient method will help not to harm clothes, easily getting rid of ugly stains.

To carefully remove paraffin stains from clothes without damaging them, first of all consider the characteristics and color of the fabric. So, a white cloth for cleaning is enough drop the contaminated area into boiling water a couple of timeswax traces soften, the wax will come off painlessly. You can also cover the paraffin stains with several layers of napkins and iron them on top with a hot iron changing the gasket if necessary. Then wash the item in warm soapy water and rinse thoroughly with warm and cool water.

Clean clothing stained with unstable paint only after the paraffin stain has completely cured. Rub the wax mark, simulating hand wash, and then sprinkle the rest of the paraffin with chalk or talcum powder, put a napkin on top and press it down with a weight. After an hour, clean the product with a brush, sponge and clean water.

To clean things that are not prone to shrinkage and shedding from traces of wax, pour hot water (at least 50-60 degrees) into a deep basin and pour your washing powder into it. Place the contaminated area of ​​the product in water, wait half an hour and then wash intensively and rinse it in warm and cold water. This method can also be used in washing machine, which has the appropriate temperature regime. Another easy way to remove a paraffin stain from clothes is not an effect of heat, but of cold. Put the thing in a plastic bag and place this bag in the freezer - the wax will freeze and crumble, after which it can be cleaned with a stiff clothes brush.

If paraffin gets on velvet, leather or suede clothes, you can not use the method with washing or ironing. Take out the leather item in the cold, wait half an hour, and then bend the contaminated area to break the wax stain. Suede product first hold the stained place on the ferry, then remove the paraffin a special brush for cleaning suede. If the stain does not completely remove, apply a solution of half a teaspoon to it. ammonia diluted in a liter of water. Clean the velvet thing from wax with organic solvents (alcohol or turpentine) - moisten cotton pad and apply it to the paraffin stain for twenty minutes, then wash off the solvent with soapy water.

If wax stained woolen or silk clothes, use a regular dish detergent for cleaning. Apply a few drops of it to the paraffin stain and leave for ten hours - the active substances of the product will destroy the fatty structure of the wax and it can be easily removed with machine wash in the desired mode for the fabric. Linen or cotton tablecloths, stained with wax, also wash in the machine at a temperature of 60 degrees or boil them in washing powder.

Every person in the apartment has a few candles, at least in case the lights go out. Some boast beautiful antique candlesticks. How not to love them? After all, candles come in all sorts, shapes, colors and scents - which is a definite plus, in our opinion.

Candles become great gifts and ideal solution to relax after a busy day. As experienced cleaning professionals, we know how to remove candle wax better than most people. Problems happen, but we're here to make things as easy as possible for you.

We will tell you how to remove candle wax from any surface. A drop of wax on the carpet? Easily. Need to remove wax from clothes? No problem. Candle wax on a granite countertop? Let's delete. A stain of dyed wax? Let's get it out forever. Candle wax on wood? We'll get it out without a single scratch. Wax on the wall? Removed in 10 minutes. Wax on glass? Easiest to clean up. The most difficult wax stains to remove? They don't stand a chance.

In the next article, we will look at removing wax from any surface.

How to remove candle wax from clothes

Note: Do not attempt to dry clothes in an electric dryer until you are sure the stain is gone.

Before removing a wax stain from clothing, allow it to harden first. If you try to remove hot candle wax, you will likely let it soak deeper into the fabric of your clothes, making it difficult to work with. Here are a few effective solutions to remove candle wax from clothes.

After the wax has hardened (you can place the garment in the refrigerator or freezer if you want to speed up the process), remove it from the clothes with a flat tool, be it a spatula or a butter knife. In most cases, all you have to do is fold the cloth over the very edge of the wax stain, and you can then peel off the wax quickly and easily.

Lay the fabric over something absorbent. Make sure the absorbent you choose won't cause the fabric to fade or stain.

Suitable funds:

  • piece of cardboard
  • brown paper bags
  • Several layers of white paper towels
  • Old cotton towel that you are willing to throw away

We prefer to use brown or white cardstock and paper bags so you don't have to worry about staining the fabric. Turn on the iron on medium temperature settings, turn off the steam. Place another absorbent pad on upper part spots. The fabric is now sandwiched between two absorbent articles. Place the preheated iron on the top sheet of absorbent material and swirl the iron quickly and continuously so as not to burn the fabric.

Slightly move the absorbent sheet occasionally so that there is a clean area of ​​absorbent material above the stain, so that the absorbent properties of the material will not be dulled.

Removing wax residue from fabric

Many of us use colored candles that match our apartment's home décor. In this case, after removing the wax, stains of the dye may remain on the fabric. Just like wax, the dye cannot be removed with water, it complex spots that require a different approach. Below you will find methods for removing wax dye from fabric:

Boiling treatment. If the fabric can handle this solution (check the manufacturer's recommendation label). Stretch the fabric over the pot of water, use a large rubber band or string to secure the fabric. Pour boiling water over the painted area. You may need to repeat this solution once or twice until you get results.

Alcohol treatment. Place a towel under the stained area, then pour some rubbing alcohol onto the stain. Blot with a clean cloth, paper towel. The dye should come off. Continue soaking until the stain is completely removed.

Dishwashing liquid. Use a mild detergent to remove the stain, you can get it by using dishwashing detergent. Apply a small amount to the painted area. Gently rub the detergent into the stain until you see the dye rising from the fibers of the fabric. Rinse and repeat until the stain is gone.

Hydrogen peroxide. Another remedy is to remove candle wax from clothing or wax residue. This is our favorite natural anti-blemish solution. Peroxide is inexpensive, you can buy a bottle for less than 50 rubles in most stores and pharmacies.

Hydrogen peroxide is an oxidizing (bleaching) agent that is safe for colored fabrics and does not harm them as bleach does.

Hydrogen peroxide is essentially the same water, but without one molecule. It works for about 45 minutes, even dissolved in water. However, peroxide breaks down almost instantly in direct sunlight, which is why it is sold in dark brown bottles.

There is an important trick here, since hydrogen peroxide turns into plain water, it leaves no residue, so you won't need to wash or rinse.

Place a piece of plastic wrap under the stain. Pour hydrogen peroxide directly onto the stain. Cover the top with plastic wrap and then mark the towel to keep the peroxide out of the light while it works on the stain. Leave the peroxide on the fabric at least, for an hour, then check. Repeat if necessary.

Removing candle wax from carpet

Removing wax from carpet can seem challenging task, but the process here is the same as with the fabric, often no less effective.

Cleaning with an iron

To remove candle wax that has caponed onto carpeting, let it harden first. If there is too much wax, you can put a few ice cubes in plastic bag and place it on top of the wax, this will help the wax to harden, making it brittle and allowing you to remove the excess wax. Try to remove as much wax as possible, as much as possible, to achieve best results. Next, use the absorbent materials and iron method we gave for clothes above.

Removing wax stains from carpet

If your carpet is stained with stained wax, here are a few solutions you can try before you think about rearranging your furniture to cover up the stain.

When it comes to dye stains, you should use acids to remove acid stains and alkaline stains should be removed with alkaline cleaners. Most if not all dyes are alkaline, with baking soda becoming the most suitable solution in this case.

Baking soda

Solution baking soda should help with most dye stains. The baking soda will also help remove residual odor. Make a baking soda paste by mixing 1/4 cup baking soda with 3/4 cup hot water. Mix thoroughly in a clear container until most of the baking soda has been diluted with water (a little hard sediment will remain at the bottom anyway).

Strain the rest of the water through a filter, which you can use a napkin or something similar. This solution will also help you get rid of the solids in the mixture.

Apply the solution to the paint stain and gently rub it into the carpet fibers to make the stain wet with the solution. Leave the solution for an hour. After an hour, check the solution, it should be almost dry.

Remove the dry part of the solution, then rinse the rest clean water and keep wiping until the stain is gone. Let working area dry and vacuum well.

Hydrogen peroxide

Again, follow the instructions given for clothing above. Let the peroxide dry and repeat if necessary.

Removing candle wax from wood

We hope that the wax stain will be noticed immediately and cleaned up immediately. You have to get to it and remove the wax when it's warm enough to stay flexible, but not hot enough to burn you.

If you don't notice a problem right away, remove the candle wax with wooden surface becomes more difficult, because you have to be careful not to scratch the finish layer, that is, you will not be able to use a knife or other tool that can scratch the wood.

If the stain cannot be removed, it may be necessary to sand the paintwork and re-staining. If you cannot decide or are not confident in your abilities, you should turn to professionals.

Cooling and gentle removal:

Useful advice. You can use a playing card to remove the wax, this solution may help.

Place a few ice cubes in a plastic bag. Place an ice pack on top of the wax to cool, which will make it hard and brittle. Use a playing card or something similar to remove the wax from the surface of the wood.

Heating with a hair dryer

Use a hair dryer on a low or medium temperature setting for wax residue. Lay the area around the stain with rags or paper towels to protect the paintwork. This solution will also help prevent wax from being sprayed onto bare wood. Continue until all wax residue is removed. If some wax remains because it has soaked into the wood, you can try some of the methods above.

Absorbents and iron

Place a paper bag or a few paper towels over the leftover candle wax stain. Use an iron on a low heat setting to heat the stain (detailed above). Wipe the affected area of ​​wood with a lint-free cloth or some sort of furniture polish.

Removing candle wax from walls

Use the method mentioned above. Use a hair dryer to melt the wax and blot it up with paper towels. Have someone help you to keep the wax from dripping and wipe off immediately. If there is any colored residue left on the wall, try using a pencil eraser or a paste of baking soda and water (1:3). Lightly rub the wall to avoid damaging the paint.

Wax on a glass table

Well, if the wax stain remains on the glass, it's the easiest surface to clean. Start by freezing with ice, let the wax harden. Remove cured wax with playing card. Spray on some window cleaner, then wipe off any remaining wax. You can also try thinner to remove the last, thinnest layer of wax from the glass.

Removing wax from granite countertops

Use a plastic spatula (card) and boiling water. Boil water in a saucepan, dip a spatula into hot water and, without allowing it to cool, remove a layer of wax. Repeat several times until removed the largest number wax. Wipe with a clean cloth to remove any residue.

The hardest wax stains

There are specialized products for removing candle wax (such as Un-Do Candle Wax Remover) that are very effective at removing wax stains. Follow the manufacturer's instructions to remove the wax from the affected surface.

Now that you know how to properly remove wax from any surface, you can enjoy your favorite candles without worrying about wax stains.

AT present time people rarely use candles in Everyday life. The need arises only when romantic dinner or when there is a power outage. After using candles, a person may find wax on their clothes.

In this situation, the question immediately arises of how to remove wax from a candle, ordinary washing in this situation is more likely to not help, but there are other ways to remove wax from clothes.

Methods for removing wax stains

Before removing the wax from the surface of the fabric, you must wait until it hardens.

When it has acquired hardness, you can use any blunt object and scrape it off the surface. The main thing is not to touch the drops while they are of a liquidish consistency, if you start rubbing fresh paraffin, you can smear it over the surface of the fabric and the speck will become larger.

Before removing, you need to consider the type of fabric and its color.

There are several ways to remove wax from the surface of the fabric:

  1. To remove a stain from white wax, you need to dip the stain in boiling water several times, the speck will melt and you just need to wash it. After that, the thing is thoroughly rinsed in water.
  2. You can clean the hardened wax, cover the stain with chalk or talc, put a napkin and some kind of weight on top. After about an hour, the clothes are carefully rubbed with a brush, followed by a sponge soaked in water.
  3. If the material can be washed in hot water, then it is necessary to pour water (60 0 C) into a basin, add the powder and place the soiled clothes there for half an hour. After the clothes are washed and rinsed thoroughly. If the washing machine provides for washing at this temperature, then you can use it.
  4. Most convenient way, this is to put the thing in a bag and put it in the freezer for half an hour, if the stain is large, then you can leave it there for several hours.
  5. Another common method of getting rid of a wax stain is heating with an iron. On the ironing board they put a rag folded in half, a soiled thing on it. Put a napkin and a rag on top of the stain. With the help of an iron, the stain is carefully ironed until the speck passes to the rag. If the stain is not big size, you can use a heated spoon instead of an iron.

After any of the methods, the clothes must be washed thoroughly to remove traces of wax.

Wax intended for depilation cannot be removed so easily, it hardens quickly enough, but does not scrape off, and it will not work to wash it off. When heated, very Great chance that paraffin gets on other surfaces.

Many ladies, faced with this unpleasant situation wondering how to remove depilatory wax from clothes , without damaging the material.

To remove it, you need to remove it from the surface of the fabric as soon as possible, without waiting until it hardens, and drop a little oil on top and rub it. After that, apply dishwashing liquid to the stain and wash it.

Available in salons special means designed to remove wax. You can purchase such a solvent for these purposes, but you need to use it with extreme caution so as not to spoil the clothing material.

It is almost impossible to get rid of a stain that came from a colored candle. In no case should you try to remove paraffin with an iron, this will only aggravate the situation. In this case, you must proceed as follows:

  • put a bag of ice on the stain;
  • after the wax hardens, carefully wrinkle the thing and shake off the paraffin so that it does not remain;
  • in order to get rid of greasy spot it is necessary to thoroughly rinse it under water, soak it in any stain remover and wash it in a typewriter after a few hours;
  • if the paint from the paraffin was washed off, and the stain itself remained, then you can use the method of heating with an iron. If in the process the iron itself left a dirty mark, then you need to know

It may happen that the wax disappears, and the paint remains from it, in which case you can sew on a patch or a decorative patch.

The choice of method for wax removal directly depends on the material of the clothing.

Most best option, it is to take and take the soiled item to dry cleaning, but in this case you will have to spend money.

For any fabric there is a method for removing paraffin. If you follow the tips, then this procedure can be done without much effort.

natural fabrics

Natural materials are highly valued and special occasions, a person will definitely wear a thing made of such a fabric. If wax from a candle gets on such clothes, the owner will be very upset.

Paraffin stains should be removed from the fabric only after they have completely dried and hardened. After that, you can use any blunt object to remove the top layer of paraffin.

This must be done with any fabric first. Next, you need to choose the most convenient way to remove the stain and strictly follow all the tips so as not to spoil the thing completely.

Remove wax from woolen clothes, cotton fabric and any dense material with increased resistance to high temperatures can be hot worked.

There are several methods of heat treatment:

  1. To remove stains using an iron, you will need several cotton cloths. The first rag is placed on the ironing board, a thing with a paraffin stain is placed on it and a rag is placed on top again. The iron must be set to minimum. temperature regime, which is provided for this type of fabric. The stained area must be ironed several times. If the stain has not completely disappeared, you need to change the cloth and repeat the procedure.
  2. If the fabric is too thin and the iron cannot be used, a hair dryer will come to the rescue.. Clothes need to be laid out, place a napkin over the stain and heat it using a hair dryer. From the stream of air (hot), the paraffin will melt and stick to the napkin. If necessary, repeat the procedure.
  3. You can remove paraffin with steam; an iron is perfect for this purpose. To do this, you need two napkins, clothes are placed between them and steam is applied to the soiled area. In this case, the iron does not need to be applied to the fabric, they are driven from above at a short distance so that the steam reaches the surface of the material.

In this way, only colorless paraffin stains can be removed. If a dye is present in the wax, then under the influence of high temperature, it will be deeply absorbed into the material and it will be almost impossible to remove it.

After hot treatment, a stain from the removed wax may remain; to eliminate the stain, it is necessary to soak a cotton swab in alcohol and rub the speck.

For delicate fabrics, you need to use a gentle method, on the stain formed, you need to drop dishwashing liquid, evenly distribute it over the entire stain and leave for 10-12 hours.

After the time has passed, the thing must be washed. The liquid should not be washed off before washing. Suede clothing must not be affected hot temperature from the iron, otherwise, it will be completely damaged.

To remove wax from such a material, you need to hold the item over the steam from the kettle for some time. When the paraffin melts, it is carefully removed with a napkin or sponge.

A suede thing can be treated with turpentine or gasoline (refined).

Cotton wool or a screw is moistened with any of these agents and applied to a wax spot for a quarter of an hour. After that, the item must be washed by hand in warm water and rinsed.

You can prepare a special solution that is suitable for suede and velvet material.

For it, you will need to mix gasoline (50 g), ammonia (35 g) and wine (10 g) alcohol. In the resulting consistency, cotton wool or bandage is moistened and applied to the wax for about 2 minutes. After that, the item is subjected to hand washing and rinsed thoroughly.

In cases with synthetic materials, heating or ironing can be applied only using the appropriate temperature setting.

Synthetic fabric under the influence of high temperatures can melt, it is for this reason that the use of an iron can be resorted to in extreme cases.

The temperature must be set to the lowest possible and select the “delicate ironing” mode.

The main method used to remove paraffin from synthetic items is hand washing.

You need to pour water into the basin no more than 70 0 С, for the greatest accuracy, you can see the temperature indicated on the tag.

The product must be put in water for a short period of time and with a napkin or sponge remove the paraffin. This must be done very carefully so as not to rub the wax over the surface.

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"This cleaner was given by my sister when she found out that I was going to clean the brazier and the wrought-iron gazebo in the country. I was delighted! I did not expect such an effect. I ordered the same for myself.

At home I cleaned the oven, microwave, refrigerator, ceramic tiles. The tool allows you to get rid of even wine stains on carpets and upholstered furniture. I advise."

Generic Methods

There is one universal way remove wax from candles, which is suitable for almost any fabric.

AT winter time years, you can hang clothes on the balcony so that the wax hardens and just scrape it off with a fingernail or any blunt object, you can use the blunt side of a kitchen knife.

If it's summer outside, then you can wrap the thing in a bag and put it in the freezer for a while. If it is not possible to put clothes in the freezer, then you can put ice or something frozen on the stain for about half an hour.

Precautionary measures

As soon as a wax stain appears on the fabric, it is better not to touch it. If necessary, you can gently blot the spot with a napkin. In no case should you rub the stain, otherwise the wax will be rubbed over a larger surface, and it will be much more difficult to remove it.

When using a special solvent, you must wear gloves to protect your hands and be sure to wear a mask so as not to harm the respiratory tract.

Before using the solvent, it must be checked on a small piece of material, if the fabric has not changed color and remains old look without streaks, then you can safely apply this remedy to remove paraffin.

After working with the solvent, the room must be thoroughly ventilated.

Wax stains are rare, which is why most people don't know how to remove them. There is nothing complicated in this, the main thing is to follow all the recommendations and precautions.

Remove candle wax drops from clothes with cold: ice water, freezing, or ice cubes; heat treatment: ironing, boiling water. From improvised means, use ammonia, turpentine, solvents and dishwashing detergent. Pre-treat soiled suede shoes with steam, and remove colored marks only after pre-freezing. Remove wax from delicate fabrics with laundry soap.

Drops of wax on your favorite dress or expensive carpet cause housewives to panic. How to remove such unusual contamination without damaging the material? There is an exit. The main thing is to act carefully and know the rules for removing wax drops from various surfaces.

heat treatment

Before washing wax pollution improvised means, try to perform simple actions that do not require the use of auxiliary chemical stain removers.

hot iron

Before removing a wax stain from a shirt or coat, stock up on plain white napkins or paper towels without patterns.

Put one under the stain, the other cover it. When processing too delicate fabric gauze can be placed on top of the napkin.

Program the iron to heat up to 50°C, remove the steam function. After waiting for the iron to heat up, you should iron the soiled area, periodically replacing towels. Paraffin during ironing will be absorbed into the paper, soon it will completely disappear.

After removing the wax, the item should be washed.

Do not use this method to remove colored candles and tinted wax for depilation, the dye will only be fixed in the fibers of the product and your favorite jacket or T-shirt will be damaged.

Boiling water

Stretch a spot on the item with the candle mark.

Pour hot water on it until completely dissolved. Wipe the treated area with a damp towel, wash the item in the usual way.

Low temperatures

Paraffin stain from wax on jeans, leather, wool, terry products excellent cold treatment. Suit fabrics are only allowed to use this method of cleaning.

For maximum results, immediately after getting the wax on the fabric, take off your clothes and start removing.

There are a few possible ways impact.


By freezing, you can remove not only wax, but also,.

Proceed according to the following scheme:

  1. Place the soiled item in the refrigerator compartment in a tightly closed bag.
  2. Remove clothes after 2-3 hours.
  3. Remember the place of contamination - the wax will peel off.
  4. Remove the remaining small particles with a fingernail or nail file.

Great way for leather clothes, mohair, and other fleecy fabrics.


Use ice cubes to remove dirt on large interior items: carpet, sofa; outerwear: sheepskin coat, down jacket.

leave ice cubes on the desired area for 5-7 minutes, remove, brush with a toothbrush with soft bristles. The method is also perfect for saving thin delicate fabrics: silk, chiffon.

Ice water

Use ice water. For 5 minutes, work with low temperature water on the stain that appeared from the candle. Carefully remove the wax. Alternatively, use chilled plastic bottles water.


Often, the helpers in the fight against candle imprints are inexpensive and easily accessible components that everyone has in their home.


Before removing candle wax from clothes with ammonia, check for cotton pads or prepare small cuts of soft light fabric.

Wet the wax mark with a solution of 1 teaspoon of ammonia and 500 ml of water. Leave to act for 2-5 minutes. After waiting for the stain to dissolve, wipe the area with cotton wool or prepared tissue paper.

Turpentine or alcohol

Wet a sponge with medical alcohol or turpentine, wring it out slightly, rub it with areas that require cleaning. Repeat the manipulations until the wax dissolves.

You can remove an old, stubborn mark from a candle from clothes with the help of a soaked cotton swab left on trousers or a blouse for 30 minutes. Then the thawed wax should be scraped off.

Kerosene or solvent

Apply a slightly diluted agent to cotton wool, treat the stained area. It is important to only contact the wax without touching the fabric around it so that prolonged contact does not discolor the fibers of the fabric.

Detergents for dishes

Apply undiluted concentrated detergent to the marked area. Leave for a long time. It is optimal to carry out the procedure in the evening, postponing for the night, so that for the course chemical reaction had as much time as possible.

In the morning, remove the paraffin that has lagged behind the tissue wet wipe or dampened with a soft towel. Wash.

The greasy traces remaining after removing the wax can also be removed with a detergent, leaving the thing with the applied product for a long time.

Chalk or talc

Rub the stained area with chalk or baby powder. Press down on top with a heavy object. After an hour, intensively treat the desired area with a brush, then with a damp cloth or wet cloth.

Getting rid of candle marks on denim

Jeans is an unpretentious fabric.

To get rid of stains denim pants or jacket:

  1. Soak the item for half an hour in well-heated water.
  2. After the allotted time, add hot water.
  3. Wash the product by hand, taking Special attention polluted place.

If there is no time for hand washing, use washing machine. When choosing a program, please note that the water temperature should be between 50-60°C.

Dealing with paraffin marks on suede

look after suede clothes and shoes are difficult. Therefore, when spots appear, you need to act carefully:

  1. Mix 25 ml of gasoline, 5 ml of wine alcohol, 17 ml of ammonia.
  2. Saturate a cotton pad or soft sponge with the solution.
  3. Place on stain for 60 seconds.
  4. Wipe with a clean, damp cloth or paper towel.

Removing wax from suede shoes

To remove candle marks, steam it for 5-15 minutes.

The easiest way is to hold it over a pot of boiling water. Let the product cool down. Then, using a hard-bristled shoe brush, treat the stained area. Repeat if necessary.

The specifics of removing stains from colored candles

Before removing colored wax from a candle from clothes or a tablecloth, wait for it to solidify. It is advisable to speed up the process with ice or a freezer.

  1. Scrape off the top layer of hardened wax.
  2. Then place the item to be soaked in a bowl of warm water with stain remover added. Whitening synthetic agent choose, depending on the type of material with which we work.
  3. Wait 3-5 hours, then wash with laundry detergent or soap.
  4. Rinse well and dry the product.

If a greasy stain remains after washing, treat it in one of the ways: iron, boiling water, cold.

Larisa, September 14, 2018.
