Foot care at home - how to properly care for your feet. Leg exercises

Beautiful female legs have always been and remain a special pride of the fair sex. They never cease to be admired by men. In most cases, beautifully shaped legs are born. But every woman is capable of making them well-groomed, it is worth making a little effort. Today, there are a certain number of requirements for the appearance of the legs, both female and male.

Professional care, like foot care at home, includes a whole range of procedures: foot care, depilation, cellulite removal, preventive measures for foot diabetes, therapeutic measures for varicose veins, various baths and others. To regularly maintain a healthy and aesthetic appearance of the legs, you must follow the rules.

The main principles in care

Taking care of the legs is not difficult, but you need to know a few rules:

  1. Convenience and comfort. Wear comfortable and practical shoes. It is very important to choose the right size, take into account the season, the climate in which you live. Shoes made of natural leather allow the skin of the feet to "breathe" and ensure proper thermoregulation of the feet. Due to this, the negative impact of long-term standing is reduced.

    When wearing uncomfortable and narrow shoes, a large number of corns and so-called corns appear. The bone begins to grow, an ingrown nail is formed, possibly even a curvature of the spine. If it so happened that you, for example, ordered shoes on the Internet, and they turned out to be tight, be sure to stretch them before you start wearing them.

  2. Daily hygiene care. Even if you feel extremely tired, make it a rule to wash your feet every day. In parallel with this, you can perform a kneecap massage. To eliminate the effect of roughness and cracking, you should rub a greasy cream based on lanolin at night. A contrast shower is very useful for the legs. After that, you need to dry the skin thoroughly, especially in the area between the fingers.
  3. Regular care. Professionals in cosmetology advise visiting a pedicure room 2-3 r. per month from spring to autumn, and in winter - 1 p. per month.

    In addition, baths should be taken repeatedly throughout the week: relaxing, nourishing and tonic.

  4. Vacation for legs. In the summer season, when the earth has warmed up, give free rein to the legs. Running barefoot on young grass while in the country, or on the surf while relaxing on the sea, is very good for your feet. Firstly, the air and the sun will refresh them, and secondly, this is a great foot massage that will provide vigor to the legs.
  5. Regular gymnastics. Use every opportune moment to perform leg exercises. Simple movements are enough: circular rotation of the feet, grip (when you try to take something with your toes), “bike” in a lying position, “up and down” on your toes, etc.
  6. Down with the hairline. Even the most graceful female legs in the presence of hairy vegetation, regardless of the scale, lose their attractiveness and are unlikely to be liked by anyone.

Folk care products

Many people prefer folk remedies for their reliability, simplicity and affordability. They guarantee the effectiveness of the use for medicinal purposes and absolute safety for health.

The most popular are the following types of funds:

  • For cracked skin on the feet. 2 tbsp. l. nettles, after grinding, you need to pour liquid in the amount of 1 liter. Endure several hours. Immerse your feet in this infusion and soak for 10 minutes. Finish off with a light foot massage.
  • From itching, swelling, peeling and calluses. Finely chop the nettle root, in the amount of 2 tbsp. l. Pour into a glass of boiling sunflower oil for 1 minute. The finished mixture is cooled and applied to the feet.
  • From bad smell. Beat a raw egg, mix it with 1 tbsp. l. vinegar and 1 tbsp. l. sunflower oil. Before going to bed, lubricate your fingers and put on plain socks to increase the effect (three times is enough).
  • Against sweating. 100gr. oak bark pour 0.5 liters of water and cook for 0.5 hours. Baths from this decoction to do before going to bed.

Foot care methods

For foot care, procedures such as cleansing, nourishing, moisturizing, toning and relaxation in the form of a massage are used. The cleansing procedure is very easy to perform. First, an emollient is applied - scrub or serum. After that, immerse the legs in a bath containing extracts of medicinal herbs for 10-15 minutes.

Foot baths have different effects, here are some of them:

  • contrasting, for toning and improving blood circulation;
  • relaxation, based on medicinal herbs and their oils, to relax muscle tone and relieve muscle tension;
  • against colds, using mustard, for warming, ensuring blood flow, reducing inflammation;

First, the feet are steamed, then cleaned with soapy water and a brush. For relaxation, add a drop of essential oil to the bath. After the procedure, rough skin areas are removed with special scrubs or pumice stone. Corns and calluses are carefully cut off.

The nails are cut in a straight line so as not to get an ingrown nail. The cuticle is removed with nail scissors. Next, a nail polish or a strengthening agent is applied.

The key to a healthy foot condition is a balanced diet. The menu should be balanced and contain a sufficient amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins.

As a support for hydrobalance and regeneration, it is recommended to use natural products in the form of appropriate oils, creams and masks. It is useful to make healing foot baths and remove hardened particles. Then apply a light layer of cream or oil.

You can make your own moisturizer. To do this, mix a little tea and citrus tree oils, mint with olive oil, and you can use it.

Masks with moisturizing and nourishing properties can be made in your own kitchen without leaving your home:

  • 2-3 tbsp. l. grind cottage cheese with kefir. The mixture is evenly distributed on the feet and aged for 0.5 hours. Then the area of ​​​​the feet is lubricated with an oil or cream;
  • grind a ripe banana and mix with kefir, the mixture will turn out to be a little liquid-shaped. Apply to the area of ​​the feet for 15-20 minutes. After the procedure, you need to lubricate the skin with cream or oil;
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. honey mixed with 1-2 tbsp. l. warm milk. Apply the mask for 20-25 minutes. Do not forget to grease with cream or oil.

Cracking of the skin of the foot can be removed with the help of masks from finely chopped cabbage leaves. The mixture is applied directly to the surface of the foot and wrapped in a film for 1 hour.

Refresh your feet with talcum powder, various creams, lotions or deodorants. They include antiseptics, antibacterial components, essential oils and zinc oxide. IA can be completed with a light massage using aromatic oil products.

In the presence of varicose veins and increased blood clotting - massage effects on the feet can be dangerous to health! Be sure to consult your doctor!

Foot care cosmetics

High-quality foot care will be provided by a complex of professional cosmetic preparations. Foot care products should have therapeutic, preventive, cosmetic and other properties.

Foot cosmetics are divided into: oily, creamy, scrubbing, peeling creams, in the form of masks and other products that will effectively act on the feet as a disinfectant, moisturizer, nutrition, etc. Varieties of pedicure are also related to the ways of caring for the feet.

Classic pedicure includes several stages:

  • Steaming the legs in a special decoction or infusion for about 15 minutes;
  • Getting rid of corn formations and corns;
  • Removing the excess part of the cuticle;
  • Care of toenails in terms of giving them the desired shape;
  • Application of moisturizing and softening cosmetics to the skin;
  • At the end of the pedicure - a light massage of the feet and coating of the nails with colored varnish or a medicinal preparation.

Performing a European pedicure includes the following steps:

  1. The regrown cuticle is removed with a special solution.
  2. The base of the nail is being prepared.
  3. The nails are given a certain shape.
  4. A cosmetic moisturizer and emollient is applied.
  5. Removal of keratinized skin after 15 minutes. after the previous step.
  6. Massage movements apply cream to the surface of the feet.
  7. Covering the nails with a stylish "french".

Hardware pedicure procedures involve:

  • Treatment with a disinfectant.
  • Softening the skin of the legs with a special tool.
  • Removal of the coarsened layer of the skin with the apparatus.
  • Treatment of the cuticle of the nail with the apparatus.
  • Giving nails the desired shape.
  • Foot surface massage.
  • Covering nails with varnish or a special hardener.

The spa pedicure includes the following treatments:

  • Cleansing the surface of the nail;
  • Application of cosmetics;
  • Peeling of the surface of the feet;
  • Removal of corn growths with serum;
  • Peeling with a scrub;
  • Giving nails the desired shape;
  • Applying a nourishing mask;
  • Light massage.

Based on personal preferences, as well as the condition of your feet, together you can choose the most suitable pedicure option for yourself.

Careful self-care, as well as care for hands and feet, includes the most important thing - an attitude towards oneself. Nowadays, for self-care, you can arm yourself with all handy and cosmetic products. If you are ready to embark on this path, then go ahead and let your legs always look stunning!

With the appearance of corns and corns on our feet, almost everyone happened to meet. If a simple callus ruins the appearance of our feet, then corns often carry a lot of heavy and even painful sensations. To date, cosmetic stores and pharmacies offer a wide range of potions for corns. Your pharmacist may advise you to take a cream, ointment or patch for therapy. In addition, there are many recipes of folk medicine, which also have a fruitful result. In this chapter you will find a description of the most effective and cheapest remedies for corns.

Cream use

In the treatment of corns and corns, there is a huge range of creams. At the same time, you can be told about each tool that it is the most cost-effective. How not to get lost in this diversity and choose a really worthwhile cream?

The structure of the product should contain a complex of therapeutic components that help soften and remove corns. Read the ingredients on the package carefully! If its group includes ingredients such as salicylic and benzoic acid, glycerin, castor oil, then such a cream will prove to be a professional.

It is not enough to buy a good cream, they still need to use it correctly. Keep in mind that cosmetic preparations for corns are very aggressive, so it is better to use them carefully. To prevent the cream from getting on the healthy part of the skin, you need to take a piece of the patch, make a slit in it and gently stick it to the diseased area of ​​the skin. If everything is done correctly, then the healthy tissue cover will be well protected by the patch. Now you can lubricate the problematic part with cream and wait for the results. Usually, after applying the cream, and softening the diseased area on the feet, they are recommended to be warmed up and cleaned with a pumice stone. An excellent cream - a super-effective remedy for rough and painful corns.

Ointment elimination

A typical difference from a cream, an ointment is a more perfect remedy for getting rid of corns. Since the ointment is no longer a cosmetic, but a drug. Under its use, there is an energetic softening of problem areas on the legs, it produces a softening, healing effect, and intensive tissue regeneration occurs. The composition of the ointment includes the same active substances as in the cream, but in the highest concentration. I suggest you consider the most fashionable and commercial remedies for the treatment of corns on the heels.

  1. One of the cheap and simple remedies is salicylic ointment. But, despite its cost, it is the most effective against the formation of corns.
  2. Ointment "Bensalitin" is another excellent tool that has a powerful keratolytic and antiseptic effect. It contains salicylic and benzoic acids. It is advised to use such an ointment on pre-steamed and well-dried legs. The agent is applied to the diseased area and fixed with a plaster to deepen the reaction. The process must be repeated every two hours until complete recovery.
  3. A wonderful remedy for removing keratinized skin on the feet is the 5-day anti-corn paste. It contains petroleum jelly and lanolin, which help to instantly soften dry corns. After such use, the corns are removed completely freely and without residue. Such an ointment can be used not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of the appearance of corns on the legs.

External treatment with a plaster

A fairly popular remedy for corns is a special patch. It should be attached to a clean surface for about a day. A day later, an unpleasant area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin is easily removed. If the corn is partially removed, then the process must be repeated again.

Compeed patches enjoy a special reputation. From simple patches, it differs in a long period of action. It is not difficult to use it - for this, you need to steam your legs and wipe them well with a towel. In order for the adhesive plaster to stick well, it is warmed up in the palms, and then applied to the corn. After that, the patch remains on the skin until it begins to lag behind the skin. Then it is necessary to re-steam the legs, remove the softened corn, and if necessary, repeat the procedure.

Because many people have to deal with such a problem, there are all kinds of alternative methods of treatment. Most of them are quite effective. I propose to analyze among the common recipes for home cosmetology.

  1. Foot baths are the best folk remedy in the fight against blisters. They help to soften the skin, and thus rough skin can be easily removed. Various formulations can be used. For example, warm whey helps a lot. The offal softens the skin and works like a mild peeling. You can also do a sea salt bath. For a couple of liters of water, add about three tablespoons of salt and mix well. Steam your feet for thirty minutes, after that it is better to treat them with a pumice stone or a cosmetic file. Some recipes advise adding about two tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide to the bath.
  2. Another great remedy for removing corns is compresses. To do this, it is advised to use raw onions or tomatoes, attaching them to the blister at night. A curious folk remedy is lard with garlic. Products should be taken in a ratio of 1: 3, crushed well and mixed. It is recommended to leave this mixture on the calluses all night, in the morning free the legs from the compress, wash thoroughly and rub with a pumice stone.
  3. An excellent folk remedy that quickly helps to remove corns is a semi-liquid mass of fresh celandine greens. It is passed through a meat grinder, then applied to diseased areas on the skin. The bandage must be kept until the morning. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated.
  4. A long-standing method of getting rid of calluses on the legs is a bread crumb. We moisten it in acetic acid and apply it to the blisters, while wrapping it with plastic wrap and putting a sock on top.

From this chapter, you found out what are the means and methods of getting rid of corns. We have analyzed the common ointments, creams, adhesive plasters and well-known folk remedies that are constantly available nearby. And now we provide you with an interesting video in which the charming Lena will tell you how to avoid blisters in private conditions.

Hello, friends!

Today I want to touch on such a topic as foot care at home. After all, everything should be beautiful in a woman: the face, and hair, and arms, and legs, and thoughts, of course! And in order to wear skirts above the knee in summer at any age, it is necessary that the legs are smooth, have a beautiful shape, and the heels are certainly soft and tender.

How to take care of your feet at home, how to take care of your feet, heels and toenails and how to do it right, we'll talk.

How to properly care for legs, feet, heels and nails at home

How to care for your feet at home using cosmetic procedures, I will describe below. But proper foot care involves not only them.

To give your legs a beautiful relief, so that your legs are elastic, walk more, forget about the existence of an elevator. Very useful cycling and mountain climbing. If walking in the mountains every day is not possible, climb the stairs.

At home, it is advisable to do simple exercises, such as jumping up and especially.

So that the blood in the legs does not stagnate, regularly massage the legs: from the bottom up from the toes to the hips. Knead each toe, stretch, bend and unbend. It is also useful for the prevention of education.

Rub the soles well with your hands.

And also try to make an infusion of flax seed for a bath (you need to take two tablespoons of seeds per liter of boiling water).

How to take care of your heels

When you follow the foot care procedures described above, you are guaranteed beautiful heels at home, and it is not necessary to visit beauty salons. And it is also preventive education.

But in some cases, with rough skin, you can try additional care.

We will make a bath for the heels from soda and soapy water. We steam the heels well and again process them with pumice.

After that, we prepare a milk bath. Pour a glass of milk into a bowl of warm water and lower the legs for 10-15 minutes.

Then pat your feet dry with a towel and wipe with a slice of lemon.

Already after 7-10 such procedures, the heels will become smooth, pink and tender.

Make milk for the whole body and feel like Cleopatra!

If corns and cracks appear on the heels, then the matter is more serious. But there is a way out!

Masks and compresses for heels will help us: from apples, strawberries, potatoes and others. Recipes .

How to care for toenails

We need to know not only how to care for the skin of the legs, but also not to forget about the nails.

Beautiful well-groomed nails on both hands and feet speak of their mistress.

How to properly care for toenails?

We will probably talk more about how to do a pedicure at home next time. It's already a great article.

But briefly, in principle, everything can be described in a nutshell.

Steam your legs, move and carefully cut the cuticle, then you need to shorten the nails with scissors, file them and paint them with varnish.

Now they use the most extravagant colors, but exquisite French manicure and pedicure are always in fashion.

Surely, many people want the skin on their feet to be soft and tender, as it used to be in childhood. But in order to maintain the health and beauty of the skin on the legs, it needs careful and proper care.

Every day, the legs bear the weight of the whole body and quite large loads, which often leads to fatigue, injuries and diseases of the legs. If you do not take care of them, you can get various infections and skin diseases. And a regular pedicure in the salon is not enough. There are a number of rules, the observance of which will help maintain healthy feet.

Feet tend to get dirty more often than other parts of the body. Therefore, care for them should begin with regular washing. This should be done at least twice a day (morning and evening). It is advisable to use a mild antiseptic soap for this, which will get rid of sweat, bacteria and dirt.

Do not use too hot water, which will wash away the fatty coating of the skin. In addition, you should avoid using hard water, because it causes dryness of the skin and the appearance of cracks. The feet are wiped with a soft towel, paying special attention to the area between the toes. Neglect of this rule can lead to a fungal infection.

2. Moisturize the skin of the feet

The skin on the legs is very prone to dryness. Therefore, when caring for your feet, it is important to apply a moisturizer, especially before bed. It is applied to the entire part of the foot, including the toes, with gentle massaging movements for 10 minutes. If cracks appear on the heels, then after applying the cream, it is recommended to wear warm socks on your feet all night. In addition to the cream, you can use natural products such as coconut or olive oil. Before using oils, they need to be warmed up a little so that the skin absorbs them better.

3. Exfoliate the skin of the feet

Proper foot care is hard to imagine without a foot peeling procedure. The skin on the legs is usually thicker than on other parts of the body, so you need to regularly remove dead skin cells, keeping it soft and tender for longer. Regular exfoliation will reduce the risk of calluses and corns.

For peeling, ordinary pumice is used, which is easy to purchase at any cosmetics or household chemicals store. Before the procedure, the feet should be soaked in warm water for about 10 minutes. This will soften the skin well and simplify peeling. The movements of the pumice stone should be intense, but gentle, so as not to damage the deeper layers of the skin.

You can also use a variety of store-bought or homemade scrubs to exfoliate. For example, it’s easy to make your own using sugar and baby massage oil by mixing the ingredients to a paste consistency. After the peeling procedure, the legs should be washed with cool water and smeared with a moisturizer. Exfoliate your feet preferably once or twice a week.

4. Trim your nails regularly

It is recommended to trim your nails every two weeks. Such care is needed not only for nails, but also for the skin to protect it from unwanted infections and ingrown nails. For a pedicure, it is better to use specially designated scissors. To make things easier, you can trim your nails after you shower, when they are much softer.

Do not leave your nails too short, because this can cause pain and discomfort when walking. Corners and irregularities after shearing must be smoothed with a nail file. Do not cut your nails at a sharp angle or at the edges - because of this, they can grow into the skin. The cuticle should be lubricated with emollient oil and gently shift it to the base with a special stick.

It is easier to prevent any diseases in advance, so the skin of the legs needs regular examination and examination. It is important to be sure that there are no infections and fungus on the feet. After taking a daily shower, cuts, scratches, abrasions and blisters should be treated if they suddenly appeared on the skin of the legs.

When a person notices wounds or sores that do not go away for a long time, this is an occasion to be examined by a doctor as soon as possible. People with diabetes should adhere to additional guidelines prescribed by their doctors. Diabetics should never ignore any pain in their legs.

6. Massage your feet

Regular foot massage is not only very pleasant, but also useful for keeping your feet healthy. This procedure helps to improve blood circulation in the lower extremities, relax after a hard day, relieve pain and prevent swelling. Feet can be massaged daily, before going to bed.

For a massage procedure, coconut or olive oil, which needs to be slightly warmed, is well suited. The massage is carried out with soft circular movements, and the fingers are slightly stretched forward. Instead of hands, you can use various massage devices: rugs, rollers, balls, electric massagers, etc.

7. Provide spa foot care

Foot baths help not only cleanse the feet of impurities, but also reduce the smell of sweat, relieve tension and remove toxins from the body. The best way to prepare baths is bitter salt (Epsom). It and a few drops of any aromatic oil are added to warm water, in which you need to soak your feet for about 10-15 minutes. To soften and moisturize dry skin, it is useful to use a pumice stone after taking a bath. After the procedure, the feet are rinsed with clean water, thoroughly wiped and a moisturizing cream is applied to them.

The skin of the legs, like any other part of the body, is exposed to sunlight. When the sun falls directly on the feet, they too can get severely burned, which is harmful to the skin. It immediately changes color - from reddish to dark brown. The best advice is to sunbathe in moderation and at the right time when the sun is less active, and also remember to treat your feet with sunscreen.

But you can get rid of unsightly tan on your feet with a simple home remedy - a mask of equal parts of glycerin, rose water and lemon juice. It is applied to thoroughly washed feet and left for 20 minutes, after which the mixture is removed with water. This mask should be used 2-3 times a week, and soon the skin will become much lighter.

9. Control hyperhidrosis

The human feet contain many sweat glands. Excessive sweating creates an ideal environment for bacteria to thrive and eventually leads to bad breath and infections. In order to avoid such problems, you need to wash your feet daily, change socks and purchase hosiery made from natural breathable materials.

Shoes also need good and regular care. It must always be kept clean. Talcum powder, starch, or baby powder may be used to prevent bad breath. There are many products for hyperhidrosis sold in cosmetic stores and pharmacies. Before using them, it will be useful to talk with your doctor so as not to cause allergies.

10. Choose the right shoes

For the health of the feet, it is very important to wear the right, comfortable shoes that will not restrict movement, cause discomfort, pain when walking, the appearance of corns and blisters. You need to choose shoes made from natural materials that allow the skin to breathe. The fitting should be carried out very carefully and immediately on both legs. At the same time, it will not be superfluous to walk around the store a little to check the convenience of the model. It is best to buy shoes at the end of the day, because at this time the feet swell. Narrow shoes and shoes with high heels are only suitable for certain occasions, on ordinary days you need to give preference to simpler and more comfortable models with heels no higher than 6 cm.

Foot care at home

Toenail care at home

At least once a month it is necessary to do a pedicure. First, you should pay attention to the toenails. If you cut them off after you make a foot bath, the nail platinum will be saturated with liquid, after which it will soften. As a result, the nails cannot be properly filed, which can lead to their fragility, as well as delamination.

Due to malnutrition and frequent use of varnishes, toenails may turn yellow. To whiten them, you can use lemon juice by rubbing it into the nail plates.

To properly trim your toenails, follow these guidelines:

  • carefully cut the nails with scissors or tweezers perpendicular to the nail plate, not too close to the skin of the toes;
  • it is better to make the length of the nails such that the nail does not slightly reach the edge of the toe;
  • use a scraper or spatula to remove accumulated dirt, as well as horny cells from under the nails;
  • gently round the edges of the nail plate with a nail file to avoid ingrowth;
  • At the end of the procedure for cutting nails, grind and polish them. This will whiten yellowish toenails. At the same time, try not to overdo it with the abrasive, so as not to damage the nail plate. After this technique, you will not need an additional application of varnish, since the nails will look quite well-groomed;
  • now apply and rub in the cuticle softener and remover. After that, you can lower your legs into a warm bath.

Here we stand: five top procedures for foot care

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How to take care of your feet at home

To make a foot bath, pour hot water into a basin, add a handful of sea salt and liquid soap. Then put 5-10 drops of essential oil into the water. It can be mint, lavender, eucalyptus, rosemary, tea tree or lemon oil. Place a rolled-up terry towel at the bottom, then put your feet on it. You need to take such a bath for about 30 minutes. When the skin is steamed, you can start taking care of your feet.

If your legs are very swollen, you should take contrast baths. Baths with a decoction of mint leaves or lemon juice will help get rid of sweating feet.

After the bath, you need to make the skin of the feet soft and smooth. To do this, you will need a pumice stone or a machine. Rub hardened areas on the soles of the feet with pumice stone, and clean off very thick corns with a machine tool. When doing this, do not press too hard on the machine to avoid cuts.

The next step on the way to beautiful legs is peeling the skin of the feet. This procedure is quite simple. Apply an exfoliating agent to damp skin of the legs and wipe the skin with some force for 5 minutes. As an exfoliator, you can use ground coffee, olive oil and sugar, powdered oatmeal, or ground lemon rinds.

To make the skin of your feet velvety and tender, also make a foot mask. You can purchase a ready-made mask at the store or make your own with warm oatmeal or a mixture of cottage cheese, sour cream and egg yolk. Apply the mask on dry, clean skin of the feet and hold for 20-30 minutes, then rinse it off with warm water, dry your feet with a towel and apply the cream on your feet with massage movements.

Cracks between the toes: treatment

Often there is such a problem as cracks between the toes, accompanied by diaper rash or itching, pain when walking. In addition, the skin between the toes periodically peels off, and the feet may smell bad. The cause of the cracks may be a fungus between the toes. In this case, it is necessary to carry out complex treatment with the use of antifungal drugs. Treatment should be continued even after the cracks have disappeared.

Home foot care: gentle, soft heels

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There are many different folk ways that help remove cracks between the toes. But these methods should be used after consultation with a dermatologist. To treat cracks, you can make a foot bath by adding 2 tsp to hot water. spoons of soda. After the bath, apply a compress of chopped onions on your feet at night. In the morning, wash your feet thoroughly, rub with a pumice stone and lubricate the skin with a moisturizer. Treating cracked toes also requires careful personal hygiene. It is important to ensure that shoes and socks are always dry and clean.

Daily foot care at home

Feet should be taken care of daily. Wash them at least once a day with gel or mild soap. After washing your feet, do not forget to thoroughly dry your feet with a towel, especially the skin between the toes. Before going to bed, apply a nourishing cream to the skin of the feet with massage movements. If the skin on the legs is very rough, you can apply a thick layer of cream on the feet at night, and put cotton socks on top.
