DIY decoration for candy bouquets. Candy bouquets for beginners: video tutorials

Original and pleasant gifts made by yourself - including bouquets of sweets. The master class will help you understand the intricacies of this hand made product.

It is appropriate to present such bouquets not only to work colleagues, study buddies, but also to your loved ones. Their production does not require large amounts of money. It is enough to buy delicious sweets and some materials for these crafts.

How to make a bouquet of sweets? Master class for beginners

Any craft begins with preparation. First you need to collect all the required materials and tools, here is a list of necessary things:

So, let's start the process and create a bouquet of candies. The master class will help with this.

We start by preparing the basket. For the future base of the bouquet, take a piece of polystyrene foam and give it the shape of its bottom, cutting off all excess. Then we wrap it in colored paper and secure the edges on the underside with tape. We insert the prepared foam into the basket.

Flower buds

  • We cut the corrugated paper prepared for the buds into squares with a side of 10 cm (according to the number of future flowers).
  • Take the candy and place it in the corner of the square of colored paper, closer to the bottom. Gradually wrap the candy into a roll, stretching the area where the candy is directly located with your fingers. At the base of the flower, wrap the ends of the paper tightly with a funnel.
  • We insert the skewer into the lower part and secure the structure well with tape so that the candy does not dangle.
  • We stretch the edges of the flower “petals” a little so that the visual effect of half-opened buds appears.

Assembling a bouquet into a composition

The preparation is complete, a little more - and the original bouquet of sweets will be ready. The master class continues:

  • We strengthen the finished flowers at an angle in a foam base around the perimeter of the basket.
  • We cut the strips of organza into pieces with a side of 12 cm. We bend them in half so that each corner of the square protrudes and is visible. Now we fold the structure in a zigzag so that its base looks like an acute angle.
  • Using pins, we secure the organza decorations in the free space of the bouquet.
  • If there are unused skewers left, you can attach folded triangles from the remaining fabric to them and additionally decorate the entire bouquet with them.
  • Wrap ribbon around the basket if appropriate. The gift is ready.

Congratulations, you've just made a DIY candy bouquet. The master class does not end there, because there are other techniques for decorating sweet bouquets. Let's talk about this in more detail.

Educational chapter: DIY candy bouquet, master class “Tulips”

Flowers in such a bouquet can be different: bright and discreet, large and small. We continue to learn the “candy bouquet” technique. The master class is dedicated to the theme of tulips - we offer you to master another option for turning chocolates into paper flowers.

Tulips is the conventional name for this technique. In fact, it is used not only to make such candy flowers, but also crocuses, snowdrops, etc. - with a similar bud shape.

What needs to be prepared?

  • Basket. It is better if it is wicker. It is more convenient to work with a small basket.
  • Corrugated paper for the petals (colored) and for the stem (green).
  • Food foil.
  • Round candies (possibly dome-shaped) with a hard filling.
  • Toothpicks.
  • Sisal is green in color (sisal is a coarse fiber, reminiscent of a washcloth in structure).
  • Double-sided tape, glue.

Collect all the necessary items in advance, clear the table and find a couple of hours of free time to make a bouquet of sweets with your own hands. The master class will help you understand the details of the process.

Performance technique

To make the candies more aesthetically pleasing, first remove the candy wrappers and wrap them in food foil. Gather the ends of the new foil wrapper on one side of the candy to create a tail.

Secure a toothpick inside the tail, twist the ends again and trim off the excess foil. Make the required number of blanks equal to the number of future flowers.

Cut corrugated paper (both colored and green) into strips 12-15 cm long and 3-4 cm wide. Each strip must be twisted 360º in the middle and folded in half.

Next step: stretch the paper at the fold so that it resembles a petal. For each flower you will need three to five colored blanks - for the petals and a couple of green ones - for the leaves.

Additionally, cut a piece of green paper into small thin strips. Take one of them and use it to decorate the stem of the future flower. To do this, glue the tip to the base of the bud, then wrap the stem with a strip, securing it with glue.

The leaves of the flower are glued to its stem, and the junction is covered with a strip of green paper according to the same principle as the design of the stem.

Place the sisal in a basket and arrange the flowers inside it in a beautiful arrangement. You can decorate the bouquet by gluing decorative butterflies, beads or rhinestones to the flowers.

Ready! Another interesting bouquet of sweets was made. The master class does not end here, as there are other interesting design methods.

Heart theme

Often, to express our feelings and emotions, we resort to the language of things. Gifts in the form of hearts cannot be interpreted in two ways, which is why they are good. We suggest making a sweet and touching bouquet of Heart candies. The master class will allow you to master one of the methods of a heart bouquet, where its base will be cardboard.

What do we make a bouquet from?

You need to prepare:

  • Cardboard.
  • Round or dome-shaped candies in elegant wrappers.
  • Organza.
  • Double sided tape.


  1. From plain paper, prepare an even heart-shaped template of a suitable size.
  2. Using the template, trace the heart onto the cardboard and carefully cut it out.
  3. Wrap and cover the base with thick colored paper or foil. Pay attention to the reverse side: avoid large layers of paper, as the gift should lie flat on the plane.
  4. Cut the organza into pieces with sides of 10x12 cm. Fold the resulting parts into triangles.
  5. We decorate the edges of the heart base with prepared decorative organza triangles. To do this, secure them to it with double-sided tape.
  6. We attach the candies inside the structure using the same double-sided tape.
  7. We fill the free space between the candies with organza decor, gluing its pieces with the same tape.

Often inspiration and ideas come when you are almost finished with a bouquet of candies. It is better to view the master class, photos with options and design examples in advance, so that you have a clear idea of ​​the final result.

Bunch of grapes - an original way of decoration

We suggest creating a bouquet of “Bunch of Grapes” sweets. The master class will help you learn the main stages and principles of this unusual way of presenting candy.

You will need:

  • Round-shaped candies in a beautiful wrapper (for example Ferrero Rocher) - 30-32 pcs.
  • Organza in two colors: green and wine (can be grape). ½ m cuts of each color.
  • Artificial decorative grape leaves.
  • A sheet of transparent wrapping packaging, cut into pieces measuring 15 by 15 cm.
  • A block of polystyrene foam 20 cm long.
  • Wooden skewers (you can use toothpicks).
  • Green electrical tape.
  • Glue gun.
  • Ribbon or thick thread.

Process of creation


Original handmade gifts always bring joy and pleasure. Bouquets of sweets are no exception. The master class is just the basic concepts of this exciting activity. All other components of success are your imagination, ingenuity and desire to give something special.

Handmade is now in fashion and appreciated more than ever! You can surprise a loved one, a work colleague or a small child with a handmade gift. And modern opportunities for needlework are so wide that they allow you to create seriously original and unique gifts.

If you want to see sincere emotions in the eyes of the recipient, we recommend trying to make an unusual candy bouquet. Non-standard surprises in this design will not only be pleasing to the eye, but will also become a delicious treat for tea.

You won’t spend more than a few hours of active work making it, but you will truly surprise those around you. Oddly enough, often this type of activity develops into a hobby and even a form of income.

Today there are many variations of such bouquets: with sweets and tea, with sweets and fruits, etc. But in our article we will tell you the most famous instructions on how to make a bouquet of sweets yourself at home.

Necessary materials for making bouquets

After looking through dozens of pages of interesting photos of candy bouquets, it’s easy to come to a conclusion about the most commonly used products for work.

An approximate list of required materials and tools:

  • Candies of the required assortment (can be completely different in color, shape and size).
  • Corrugated paper, simple colored sheets, it is possible to use colored foil, various ribbons, beads, etc.
  • Kraft paper is now fashionable for wrapping bouquets.
  • Long skewers and toothpicks are used as a base for the flower stem.
  • A glue gun saves a lot of time and effort.
  • Of course, you can’t do without a few rolls of tape.

Pineapple bouquet

You can give a very cute and creative gift to a friend or child - a candy pineapple bouquet. Such a simple work can be created using just a plastic water bottle - this will be our basis.

For work you will need:

  • plastic “pot-bellied” bottle 1.5-2 liters;
  • for convenience, a glue gun or regular glue;
  • corrugated paper in green shades;
  • candies in gold foil.

The working process

First, you need to take a previously prepared clean bottle as the basis of our future bouquet and cut it crosswise into two parts in a ratio of 1/3 and 2/3. After separating the bottle, insert the lower small part inside the larger part. Before this, we advise you to shorten the overall length of our pineapple and add “plumpness” to our tropical fruit.

The next step is to make the pineapple leaves. To do this, cut long leaves from green corrugated paper and then insert them into the top of the bottle where the cap is usually screwed on. Well, that’s all, your irresistible pineapple flower bouquet is ready!

Bouquet of snowdrops

For the flowers themselves you will need:

  • small favorite candies;
  • glue or glue gun;
  • snow-white and light green corrugated paper;
  • thin wire.

We begin to make preparations for our bouquet with snowdrops. To make leaves, take light green paper and make rectangles about 7x5 centimeters, connect them in half lengthwise and turn in the upper corners using scissors.

Now the fun part - making the flowers. From our snow-white paper we cut 3 rectangles with side dimensions of 1.5x6 cm.

All rectangles are slightly sharpened from the middle to the top, while the bottom corner is slightly cut off. In the middle part we stretch the petals and glue the petal to the leaf, do this with the rest of the petals.


As a result, we cover the stem of our flower with green corrugated paper (the width of the strip is about 1 cm), to which we glue several leaves. Our work is ready.

In these simple ways you can give a gift that your friends and family will remember for a long time, because it was made with soul. It is worth noting that making such lovely surprises will not require incredible costs and months of work. The main thing is to stock up on a positive attitude, delicious sweets and creativity, and everything will work out for you!

Photos of candy bouquets


Good afternoon, dear needlewomen!

What to give to your dear mother or grandmother, what to give to your beloved on March 8? “Flowers,” you answer. Indeed, flowers are a wonderful gift for a woman on a holiday. “Candy,” others will add. That's right, candy is also a win-win option. Let's combine two ideal gifts for March 8th and give a bouquet of sweets with our own hands! And making it is easy and simple even for beginners; in this article you will find a master class with a step-by-step description of how to make a bouquet of sweets. Our bouquet will consist of tulips and irises. Below we will tell you how to make tulips and irises from corrugated paper.

How to make a bouquet of sweets master class

We will need corrugated paper blue and yellow,

“Martian” candies - one candy for each flower in the bouquet

Basket and foam

We will also prepare a ruler, thread, tape, scissors, double-sided tape, wire cutters, 0.9 mm wire

To decorate the basket you need ribbons, butterflies, decorative flowers, leaves

Decorate the perimeter of the basket with ribbon or tea bags.

Making irises from corrugated paper

In order to make an iris flower from corrugated paper, we need wire. We measure 10 centimeters.

To better fix the corrugated paper flower, wrap the end of the wire with double-sided tape.

We attach the candy to the wire by the “tail” and wrap it with thread

We cut out three rectangles measuring 2.5 cm by 7.5 cm from blue paper - these are the future iris petals.

Cut out flower petals from corrugated paper.

We twist the paper flower petals a little with scissors.

We wrap the petals of the iris flower to the stem with threads.

Cut out the petals again.

We draw out the edge and center of each petal for a bouquet of sweets with our own hands.

We wrap three large petals around the flower, forming an iris flower.

We wrap the stem of a paper flower with tape.

Our first iris for a bouquet of sweets is ready!

Corrugated paper tulip

Now we will make a tulip with our own hands for a bouquet of sweets.

In order to make a tulip from corrugated paper, cut out a rectangle measuring 6 cm by 7.5 cm, and for the second layer, three rectangles 3 cm by 7.5 cm.

By analogy with the iris, we cut out the petals. To do this, fold a large rectangle along the corrugation line into three equal parts and cut it out as shown in the photo.

We pull out the middle of each tulip petal from the paper.

We tie it to the stem with the candy. We learned above how to make a stem with candy using the example of iris.

For the second layer of tulip petals, cut out three petals according to the shape shown below.

The middle of each tulip petal needs to be pulled out of paper.

We wrap the petals with threads in a checkerboard pattern relative to the first row, and wrap the stem of the tulip made of corrugated paper with tape.

Video: How to make a bouquet of corrugated paper candies

Text prepared by: Veronica

Bouquets collected with your own hands are a good way to congratulate in an original way, give a gift, decorate your home and even save money. In addition, homemade sweets and flowers will delight the owner for a long time.

Materials and tools

Whatever bouquet you have to make, you will need almost the same materials. They are quite affordable. Some can be purchased at florist shops, some at sewing shops, and some at points of sale of live bouquets.

You will need:

  1. Glue gun and sticks. This is a device that heats up solid glue. It flows in drops from the “nose” of the gun, which is very convenient when working with small parts.
  2. Tape– adhesive tape similar to scotch tape, but colored and slightly stretchy. It is convenient to fasten parts and hide unnecessary cuts.
  3. Corrugated paper– the main material for creating flower petals. It is quite durable, stretches well, and keeps its shape.
  4. Wooden skewers- act as flower stems.
  5. Wire– in florist shops they sell a special one, green. It bends and holds its shape well.
  6. Organza– synthetic fabric with a characteristic shine. Available in rolls and strips. It drapes easily, and it is convenient to attach paper to it with glue.

Decorative details: beads, rhinestones, etc. are used optionally.

It’s easy to make bouquets of sweets and flowers with your own hands, the main thing is to understand the intricacies.

  1. Making bouquets is a leisurely activity. A job done hastily will not be successful. In addition, in a hurry, you can get burned by glue or pricked by wire.
  2. You should not skimp on materials, otherwise the entire work will look cheap and may fall apart.
  3. You should work carefully, hiding extra “tails”, pieces of thread, and protruding wire. Such details reveal an inattentive craftsman; the work looks untidy.
  4. In the same time, no need to try to recreate an exact copy of flowers, leaves from paper and candy wrappers. Artificial bouquets made with your own hands do not pretend to be an exact match with natural ones, but rather to successfully imitate them.
  5. Handmade gurus do not recommend using artificial leaves in a bouquet and other plastic elements. This deprives the work of its uniqueness; it takes on a noticeably cheap look.

You need to know when to stop when decorating a bouquet. A generous scattering of rhinestones, for example, will distract attention from the flowers, and due to too many petals, the flower will lose its grace and will simply be unrecognizable.

Bouquet of Pineapple candies for beginners

The “Pineapple” bouquet is made from a bottle of champagne. This way you can beautifully decorate (hide) inexpensive alcohol and, at the same time, make an impression.


  • pyramid-shaped candies in yellow-golden tones – about 60 pieces;
  • a bottle of champagne or sparkling wine;
  • glue gun and rod;
  • double sided tape;
  • organza;
  • aspidistr;
  • sisal fiber.

The more potbellied the bottle of champagne, the more pineapple-like the bouquet will be. The organza needs to be glued to the bottle with tape - this way the candies will stick more firmly. Wrap the candies tightly in candy wrappers, glue the tails to the candies so that they do not stick out in different directions.

This can be done with regular tape or double-sided tape, but without tearing off the protective tape. There is a temptation to simply “plant” the candy on the tape without using a gun, but this way the bouquet will not last long. You need to glue the candies using hot glue - “butt”, avoiding staggered spaces.

You shouldn’t press down - you can crush the sweetness, because the chocolate will already melt a little from the hot glue.

Fill the surface of the bottle up to the point where the container narrows and meets the neck- about 3/4 of this height. If you cannot completely avoid gaps, you can use sisal fiber, or “gossamer.” Several threads are slightly crumpled and glued with a gun between the candies, filling all the joints or randomly.

The neck is decorated with pineapple “leaves”. To do this, the aspidistra is cut into pieces of 13-15 cm, and one edge is shaped into an elongated leaf with scissors. The tape itself will bend at the edges, but you can use scissors to add additional roundness - in this case, you need to do this right away, and not on the bottle when the “leaves” are glued.

The first pieces need to be glued onto the cork itself, closing it completely. Next, glue the “leaves” overlapping so that the glass is not visible. If there is a gap between the layer of candy and the aspidistra, you can close it with regular twine, carefully rolling it into a spiral.

Or tie a bow with a satin ribbon.

If desired, you can sprinkle the entire composition with shiny varnish. This will not affect its strength, but it will look more beautiful, especially if the wrappers are not very bright. You can also glue beads (white or transparent) onto the “leaves” of the pineapple - this will create an imitation of water drops. 5-6 are enough for the whole bouquet.

Bouquet of sweets and flowers made of corrugated paper


  • small (up to 1.5 cm in diameter) round or semicircular candies - 15-20 pcs.;
  • corrugated paper - 3 rolls: green and any two that match each other (preferably different shades of the same color);
  • wire, wooden skewers from 20 cm high - according to the number of colors;
  • double sided tape;
  • glue gun and rod;
  • sewing thread to match the color of the paper;
  • sisal fiber;
  • container for the bouquet (round cardboard box, tin or glass jar);
  • satin ribbon (from 1 m).

Caramels, milk candies or small truffles are ideal. It will be beautiful if the candy wrappers are transparent.

  1. The tails of the wrapper need to be folded together so that the round side of the candy is on top (if the candy is semicircular). Using double-sided tape, attach to the wire, unwinding a piece of 20 cm. Attention! Stripes on corrugated paper indicate length, that is, along the short edge (hereinafter referred to as the width) the paper should stretch.
  2. Cut rectangles 6 by 4 cm from corrugated paper. Make a wavy cut from one short edge with scissors. Tighten this edge with a pencil and fasten it so that it bends inward.
  3. Wrap the attached candy with a petal, holding the paper at the base and stretching it slightly. You need to completely wrap the candy with 2 of these petals and secure it at the bottom with tape or thread. The bud is ready. You need to make 5 of these. two different colors and 3 more green.
  4. They begin to make the roses themselves according to the same principle, only the candy needs to be attached not to a wire, but to a wooden skewer, or, as an option, a sushi stick.
  5. After making the bud, cut pieces of paper, also cutting off the edge and twisting it, in sizes: 6:6, 6:5, 5:5 cm.
  6. Start wrapping the smaller ones, stretching them at the bottom, and secure them with tape, but they should bend outward.
  7. Tie the last petals with a thread, and cut the lower edges of the finished flower and secure it at the base with double-sided tape to a skewer.
  8. From such a number of petals you will get a lush, blooming flower. If you do not use the last 2 and do not curl the edges so much, the rose will come out more elastic and dense - as if it had not fully blossomed.
  9. Sepals are made from pieces of green paper the same size as the outer petals. Cut it wide into several strips of 3-5 mm, not reaching 1.5-2 cm to the edge. The strips are twisted into strands with your fingers and secured in the same way as petals. 1 strip – 1 flower, if not enough, you need a wider strip.
  10. Tie the construction with thread. For buds they do the same.

Bouquets of sweets, handmade flowers of this type are attached to a round box.

Alternatively, you can use a glass jar, painted with acrylic paint or pasted over with organza, and also a tin can (if you choose a beautiful design, you don’t even have to decorate it). It should be wrapped in wrapping paper and a bow tied with a satin ribbon around the edge. The height of the flowers should be 1.5 times the height of the container - the buds should rise above the edges.

Flower fasteners need to be placed in the box. Styrofoam, foam rubber or a sponge will do.

You need to cut the material to the shape of the container like this: so that it fits into it, but does not fall out. A composition is formed outside the container: roses are arranged evenly over the area, with buds between them. To balance the color and fill the space, add a spider web to the hot glue.

Take a couple of caramels out of the packaging and “plant” them on top of the web, also gluing. After this, place the bouquet in a box, having previously measured the height and trimmed the stems. The sisal fiber should extend slightly beyond the edges. The bouquet is ready.



  • candies "Raffaello";
  • corrugated paper - several rolls of different colors;
  • double sided tape;
  • satin ribbon;
  • tape;
  • wrapping paper;
  • wire or wooden skewers;
  • glue gun and stick.

Unfold the roll of corrugated paper and cut it into 8 equal strips lengthwise. Then divide each one in half and bend it slightly. At the fold, scroll the strip by 180 0 and turn one tail by 90 0 - so that the 2 sides are parallel to each other. Bend them slightly in an arc with the front side of the paper facing out.

You will need 6 such strips - these are the tulip petals.

Attach the Raffaello candy in the package to the end of the wire with double-sided tape. Attach the petals one at a time: fold them upward, hold the tails of the folded strip together and wrap them around the wire, gluing them to tape, give the petal itself the shape of a hemisphere, wrapping it around the candy.

Place a strip of tape on the base. And so - all 6 petals, under them the “raphaelka” should be completely hidden. Wrap the place where the petals are attached with green tape. The tulip is ready. For leaves, divide the paper roll lengthwise and in half crosswise.

Cut one side of each strip into a leaf shape. If desired, they can be made in different lengths. Attach to a wire 3, 5 and 7 cm from the bud: Glue a thin strip of adhesive tape or tape onto the flat edge of the leaf so that the adhesive edge protrudes 5 mm, and wrap the wire in a circle.

When collecting a bouquet of such tulips, you need to fasten them one by one with double-sided tape in a checkerboard pattern. Having collected everything, wrap the attachment point with tape. Bouquets of sweets and homemade flowers look especially elegant in wicker baskets.

Before placing the bouquet there, you need to trim the stems.


Ferrero Rocher candies are best suited for poppies. You can take any large round candies, but then you will have to twist the tails and hide them. A poppy bouquet with candies consists of 3 types of poppies: a blossomed poppy, a bud and a dry box with seeds.

Bouquets of sweets: flowers with sweet filling, made by yourself, will be a pleasant gift at any celebration
Poppy head type Materials Manufacturing
blossoming flower
  • Ferrero Rocher candies;
  • corrugated paper - black and red;
  • wire;
  • tape;
  • a thread.
  1. Cut out 4 rectangles of 5:8 cm from red paper, and 1 of the same from black.
  2. Cut a quarter of the length of the black flap into a fringe 3-4 mm wide, twist it into flagella.
  3. Wrap the candy in paper, slightly twisting the flagella together in a spiral, and wrap the whole edge tightly around the wire and tie tightly with thread. You should get a lollipop with stamens on top.
  4. Cut the red rectangles in the form of a drop. Stretch the edges slightly to make them wavy.
  5. Attach the petals to the base using hot glue - apply a drop to the bottom edge of the petal.
  6. Glue the product by wrapping the paper around the thread.
  7. Trim off the excess from the bottom, wrap tape around the attachment point and the wire itself.
  • Ferrero Rocher candies;
  • corrugated paper - green and red;
  • wire;
  • tape,
  • glue gun and rod;
  • a thread.
  1. Cut the red paper as for tulip petals and roll it in the same way. For 1 bud you will need 1 ribbon.
  2. Place the candy where it is folded, wrap the loose ends around the wire and tie with thread.
  3. Prepare 2 green ribbons in the same way. Fold both edges of the workpiece together, cut 1 1-2 cm from the fold and bend it with your fingers so that the leaf holds the shape of an umbrella handle. Attach both leaves opposite each other. Fasten in the same way as the previous flower.
  4. Bend the wire into a swan shape, if desired.
Box with seeds
  • Ferrero Rocher candies;
  • corrugated paper – gray;
  • tape,
  • a thread.
  1. Prepare the paper ribbons in the same way as the red one for the buds, but do not cut off the second edge.
  2. Wrap the candy in 2 ribbons, crosswise, and secure in the usual way. The tapes should touch at the fold. They should be pulled back slightly and a small ponytail should be made, tying it with gray thread.
  3. Cut off the edges at the root. The poppy is ready.

Collect the poppy bouquet together (there should be more open flowers) and tie it with twine or a rope of the same paper. Tie it in a bow.



  • “Truffles” candies;
  • red thick double-sided cardboard - 1 sheet per 1 rose;
  • dry long twigs;
  • glue gun and rod;
  • twine or tape.

Cut a circle from a sheet of cardboard. Cut it in a spiral, starting from the edge. Start twisting the resulting ribbon, starting from the edge, into a spiral in a circle. Having received a more or less dense bud, drop hot glue onto the flat side of the candy (after attaching a piece of cardboard there with double-sided tape).

Place a flower on it and roll it in the same way until the end. Secure the edge in the same way. The result is a fairly abstract version of the rose that does not require any special additions. It is enough to attach the sharp edge of the candy to the branch and wrap it with color-matched tape.

You can wrap twine around the candy and the branch. Use it to tie several roses into a bouquet.



  • round candies;
  • corrugated paper;
  • tape;
  • double sided tape;
  • wooden skewers or wire.

Cut corrugated paper of 2 colors into strips 3 cm wide and 15 cm long.

Video of a master class on making crocuses for decorating sweets:

Prepare the strips: mark the middle, turn 180 0 in this place. Fold in half and shape into a hemisphere, slightly stretching the tails wide. Attach the candy to the skewer with tape. Overlap the candy in a circle with petals, trying to cover the candy wrapper with them as much as possible. Secure at the base with thread, cut off excess paper, and decorate with tape.

For the leaves, cut strips twice as long as the finished flowers. Fold in half and roll in the same way as the petals.

Twist the lower part of the leaves into a bundle around the wire, bend it in a smooth wave. The leaves do not need to be attached to the stem; it is enough to tie them together with the flowers with ribbon. Such flowers look good in a wicker basket or in a bottle, which has previously been wrapped in a thick twine in a spiral. The bouquet is ready.


Bouquets of candy, flowers - you can make anything with your own hands, even a real frigate! This bouquet is suitable for a magnificent celebration.


  • candies without “tails” on the wrappers;
  • chocolate “medals”;
  • penoplex (Styrex) - 1 sheet 5 cm thick;
  • glue gun and rods;
  • a block of sandpaper;
  • organza;
  • wooden skewers;
  • toothpicks;
  • metallized tape;
  • edging harness;
  • pins.

The first stage is the manufacture of the ship's hull. You need to make patterns from paper: a triangle 14:14:14 cm (2 pieces A1, A2) - the bow of the ship, a rectangle 14:21 cm - the deck (B). The height of these parts depends on the height (thickness) of the Styrex sheet, in this case the calculation is 5 cm. Rectangle 21:5:5 cm (2 pieces, the last number is thickness - C1, C2) - walls, and 14:5:5 - posterior wall (C3).

Cut out Styrex (this is the material used to insulate walls, can be found in hardware stores) according to templates.

You need to fold the structure in this way: glue 2 triangles to the front of the deck with hot glue - the nose - A1, A2. On the deck on both sides - the walls of the ship C1 and C2. At the back is the back of C3. If desired, smooth sharp corners, especially joints B and A1, A2, with sandpaper.

Cover with organza, draping the fabric with pins.

You can cut corrugated paper using the same patterns and stick it on. Finish the sides with edging cord. For the sail, cut the organza with a trapezoid: 20:5:20:10 cm. Cover the edges with metallized tape on both sides, bend it twice across to divide the flap into 3 parts, and glue wooden toothpicks in place of the folds.

Insert wooden skewers (thin) along the center, stringing sails on them in the place where the toothpicks are glued. Bend them to one side. Make 3 sails this way. Place double-sided tape on the candies and pieces of cardboard on top for better adhesion to the organza.

Place two wooden skewers with sails on the deck, one on the stern. Cover the outside with candies using hot glue. Candies in shiny golden foil and chocolate medals will look best– they can be wrapped in a circle with an edging strand.

Fill the deck of the ship with sweets, and you can also hide a small gift there.

Bouquet of candies "Raffaello"


  • candies "Raffaello";
  • matte wrapping paper in pastel colors;
  • wooden skewers;
  • double sided tape;
  • glue gun and rod;
  • organza to match the wrapping paper.

Attach the candy to the wire with hot glue. Cut the organza into 15:15 cm flaps, fold in four and thread through the free edge of the wire. Gather the fabric around the candy and tie a tail at the top with thread. Straighten the edges of the organza. Collect the finished flowers into one bouquet and secure with tape.

Wrap in wrapping paper so that its edges do not cover the flowers. Fold the edge of the paper outward, use a clamp and secure with hot glue.

Bouquets of flowers with lollipops

In fact, any of the above methods are suitable for Chupa Chups candy. This will even make the task easier, because you won’t need to attach the candy to a wire or skewer. But there is another way that has not yet been discussed.


  • Chupa Chups candies (or other candies on a stick - the larger the better);
  • corrugated paper (black, yellow),
  • tape (green);
  • wire;
  • double sided tape.

Wrap the lollipop in a square of black crepe paper, securing the edges with tape at the base of the candy.

Cut 10 cm of yellow paper across the entire roll. Cut the flap into strips of 1 cm, not reaching the edges 3 cm. At the ends, twist them into flagella. Wrap the resulting ribbon around the lollipop, secure with tape, and cut off the edges. Decorate the bottom of the bud with green tape. For a bouquet it is better to lengthen the candy stick with wire, taping it to the base with tape.

Wrap the stems together with thin twine, leaving 3-4 cm at the bottom. Tie a bow.

Christmas tree

With your own hands, you can create 2 main options for the base of a New Year tree bouquet: a cardboard cone and a bottle of champagne. Making a cone is simple: cut out a semicircle from thick cardboard, its radius will be the height of the finished spruce. Roll it into a cone and secure the edges with hot glue.

You can decorate the spruce with paper flowers, sweets and tinsel.

There are many options, but the materials are basically the same:

  • sweets in bright wrappers;
  • glue gun and rod;
  • threads of artificial beads;
  • green tinsel;
  • figured caramel for the top.

The bottle should be wrapped in organza for better adhesion, and a piece of paper should be glued to the place where the sweets are attached with double-sided tape.

  1. The easiest option is to take a bottle and candy in a green wrapper. Starting from the bottom, attach them in a circle using hot glue. Place a caramel or a Santa Claus figurine on top.
  2. Place candies on a cone or bottle in the same way, alternating them with layers of green tinsel, which also needs to be placed on glue. It should look like this: a circle of sweets - a circle of tinsel.
  3. Attach the candies to the cone in a chaotic manner. Wrap the tinsel in a spiral around the cone, slightly covering the candies. Decorate with a string of artificial beads. Place the “Christmas tree” on top of a decorative bucket, the hole of which will be a couple of centimeters wider than the base of the cone.
  4. Take the jelly candies and remove them from the wrapper. Using an awl, make holes in the cone at a distance of one and a half times the diameter of the candy. Place the jellies on toothpicks at one end and secure them to the cone with the other. Do not use glue or tape.

Using the same scheme, you can make a Christmas tree from lollipops.

Wedding bouquet of sweets

For a DIY wedding bouquet, a bouquet of peonies is best. Volumetric flowers will highlight a fluffy dress. You can make 2 or 3 bouquets in reserve - in case one ends up falling apart. It is not advisable to use chocolates if the wedding is in hot weather - the chocolate may leak.

You should not make peonies from single-color paper; it is better to take several rolls of pastel shades and white, and alternate the petals - this will turn out more naturally.


  • candies in sealed wrappers (Raffaello, for example) or large lollipops;
  • wooden skewers or wire;
  • glue gun and rod;
  • white mesh;
  • white tape;
  • satin ribbon;
  • corrugated paper in pastel shades and white.

Wrap each candy in a piece of white mesh.

Attach a wooden skewer or wire so that it looks like a lollipop. Wrap the attachment point with double-sided tape or tape. Cut the corrugated sheet into strips wide: 3 x 2 cm, 3 x 3 cm, 3 x 5 cm. Then cut each strip crosswise into 5 parts. On average, you should get 30-35 scraps from one roll.

On each rectangle, make notched cuts on one side, slightly stretching the edges, and cut the other side into a triangle 2-2.5 cm from the edge. Bend the petals with a question mark so that the sharp edge is at the bottom and remains smooth. Bend the notches inward with a pencil.

You need to attach the petals starting with the smallest ones. Place a drop of hot glue on the “leg” of the petal, secure it on a skewer, and so on in a circle, slightly overlapping.

One layer will require a different number of petals, depending on the size of the candy. But for each next circle you need to take 1 more petal than the previous one - this creates pomp. For the lower petals, cut a corrugated ribbon 5 cm wide, divide it into 3-4 flaps. Trim into a heart shape.

Stretch each edge of the heart slightly with your fingers and twist it with a knitting needle. Give the petal a hemispherical shape. Attach at the base of the bud so that the petal bends outward. Decorate the place where the petals are attached with the same green corrugated paper or tape.

Gather the flowers together and tie them with a satin ribbon bow to match the flowers.

Bouquets can be placed in small baskets and placed on tables for guests, or used to decorate a photo zone or arch for a ceremony. Made in one color scheme, such flowers will set the tone for the entire holiday, and the cost of materials and sweets is much lower than fresh flowers. Plus, DIY peonies are available all year round!

Article format: E. Chaikina

Useful video about candy bouquets

The story is about which sweets are best used when making a bouquet, and how to get sweets while maintaining the composition:

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Thinking about what to give your friends for the next holiday? Are you going to present flowers and chocolates again? Combine these two holiday attributes into one gift and try making a bouquet of sweets with your own hands.

Delightful compositions of sweets, paper flowers, lush bows, ribbons and other decorative elements will become unforgettable gifts for your loved ones. Making them is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. To convince you of this, we have selected several detailed master classes on creating candy bouquets.

Elegant bouquet of poppies

Beauty can and should be created with your own hands. With the help of simple manipulations, ordinary sweets can easily be transformed into a luxurious bouquet of poppies.

To work you will need:

  • 7 truffle-shaped candies;
  • corrugated paper;
  • wide and narrow polypropylene tapes;
  • decorative mesh;
  • scissors and nippers;
  • floral wire;
  • wooden skewer;
  • tape;
  • decorative greenery;
  • lush bow.
Divide each piece of wire into 4 equal parts. Cut the thin ribbon into strips 25 cm long.

Cut out 7 rectangles from corrugated paper with sides approximately 18*12cm.

From each rectangle, cut out a trapezoid as in the photo.

Place the trapezoid on the rectangle and place the candy in the middle. Roll the paper into a tight roll.

Insert the wire into the roll from the side of the base of the candy without piercing it. Wrap the paper around the wire and secure with tape.

Tie a ribbon around the roll near the top of the candy.

Flatten the edges of the paper to form poppy petals.

Prepare 6 more flowers in the same way.

Attach the resulting poppies to a wooden skewer with tape. Add greenery in random order between the flowers.

Wrap the flower blank in net and tie a lush bow.

Simple tulip from Raffaello

A bouquet of tulips is a traditional gift for March 8th. However, their beauty quickly fades. To avoid disappointment, try making these elegant flowers from delicious candies.

To work you will need:

  • candies;
  • corrugated paper;
  • floral wire;
  • scissors;
  • double sided tape;
  • threads;
  • tape.
Bend the end of the wire into a loop so as not to accidentally damage the candy.

Wrap it with tape and attach the candy.

Cut the paper into strips approximately 3 cm wide.

Cut each strip into 3 parts. Cut a thinner hole in the middle of each strip; this will make the petals more realistic.

Twist the strip in the middle. And then fold it in half, stretching it a little in the middle. Make 2 more petals this way.

Wrap the finished petals around the candy, placing them on top of each other. Secure them with thread and trim the ends. Wrap the base of the bud with tape for a more secure fixation.

For leaves you will need 2 rectangles 10*3cm. Cut out leaves of the desired shape from them; you can use a cardboard template.

Start wrapping the wire with tape.

Attach the leaves opposite each other and secure them with tape.

It turns out to be a beautiful tulip.

Using the same principle, make the remaining flowers in the quantity you need.

Sweet tulips can be collected into an elegant bouquet and decorated with ribbons, paper, bows - the perfect sweet gift is ready.

A tulip bud from which you can easily get a candy

If you are wondering how to get sweets from a flower without destroying the man-made beauty, be sure to watch this master class. Step-by-step pictures will tell you how to correctly assemble a tulip bud with the candy he gets.

You can also make beautiful flowers on wooden skewers. To collect them in a bouquet, it is better to use a convenient frame. You can easily make it yourself from thick cardboard and a cylinder of foil or cling film.

For instructions on how to create such a stand, see the photo.

Or you can make a cute bag, see photo instructions:

Fantasy flower with chocolate center

If you are afraid to start working on complex compositions, check out this tutorial. A detailed description and step-by-step photographs will help even a beginner in sweet design create their first unusual flowers.

To work you will need:

  • chocolates without wrapper;
  • colored tissue paper;
  • scissors;
  • wooden skewers;
  • tape;
  • scotch;
  • glue gun;
  • cardboard cylinder, for example, from foil or cling film;
  • transparent packaging film.
Cut the packaging film (it must be suitable for contact with food) into 15*15 cm squares. Pierce the chocolate candy with a skewer, wrap it in film and secure with tape.

Cut a large rectangle of tissue paper that spans its entire width. Roll it in several layers onto a cardboard cylinder. On both sides slide the paper to the center, forming folds.

Carefully remove the cylinder. Roll the resulting accordion into a donut and trim off the excess paper.

Insert a candy stick into the ring. Tape the paper to the skewer.

Cut out an oblong piece of green paper. Glue it to the skewer using a glue gun.

Wrap the flower stem with tape.

As you can see, collecting such original flowers at home is not at all difficult. You can use them to create a chic bouquet that will definitely win the heart of any sweet tooth.


The rose is deservedly called the queen of flowers. Her elegance and grace deserve to be embodied in a sweet masterpiece. From corrugated paper and round sweets you can assemble an elegant rosebud.

Such sophisticated flowers, collected in a beautiful candy bouquet, will be an excellent gift for an anniversary, wedding or for any occasion. The stages of making such a flower are presented in step-by-step photographs.

If you want to learn more about the technique of making roses and making a bouquet, watch a detailed video tutorial.

Candy bouquet with organza decoration

If you want to emphasize that you are giving a candy bouquet, and not a floral arrangement made of corrugated paper, choose the option with open candies. You can choose any sweets for it: toffees, lollipops, small chocolates. The main thing is that they are in beautiful wrappers, as this is part of the composition.

To work you will need:

  • Ferrero Rocher chocolates;
  • metallized and ordinary corrugated paper;
  • organza;
  • floral wire;
  • double sided tape;
  • thin golden ribbon.
From metallized paper, cut out small rectangles according to the number of candies. Wrap them around the candies, covering them halfway, and twist the excess paper at the bottom.

Make a loop at the tip of the wire, string the candy without piercing it, and secure with tape. Wrap the entire length of the wire with tape and then with paper tape.

Cut the organza into squares approximately 20*20 cm (depending on the size of the candies) and fold each in half. Wrap the resulting rectangles with the fold down and tie in the middle with a golden ribbon.

Now all that remains is to assemble the bouquet. Secure the stems with tape so that the composition holds its shape.

Wrap your masterpiece in corrugated paper, preferably chosen to match the organza.

You can show your imagination and add ribbons, a bow or beads to the bouquet. To do this, cut about 2 meters of organza, fold it 1/3 at the top and wrap the bouquet (as you would wrap a candy in small pieces of organza), tie it tightly. Organza is obtained in 2 turns. You can add beads by placing them on hot glue, making “clips”.

Pineapple from a bottle and Ferrero Rocher chocolates

A bottle of champagne and a box of chocolates are the perfect gift for any occasion. Do you think this is banal and boring? Do you want to surprise your friends or win someone's heart? Spend a little time, show your imagination - and the usual gift set will turn into a cute pineapple. Even an absolute beginner in decorating can handle such a culinary souvenir.

To work you will need:

  • drink bottle;
  • Ferrero Rocher or other round candies in a golden wrapper;
  • yellow sisal (palm fiber);
  • green aspidistra ribbon;
  • glue gun;
  • leg-split.

Glue a layer of sisal to the bottom of the bottle.

Glue the first row of candies to it tightly to each other.

Glue the second row of sisal and candy, positioning them offset from the first row.

Continue gluing the bottle according to this pattern up to the neck. The last one should be sisal.

Cut pineapple leaves from aspirin tape.

To do this, take 3 strips of length 10 cm and 15 cm.

Fold each strip in half twice.

Cut off the corners at the top to imitate a leaf.

These are the gear blanks you get.

Tear them into separate leaves.

Glue 3 rows of small leaves to the top of the bottle, then 3 rows of large ones.

Wrap the bottom of the leaves with a rope, going down to the sisal layer, and secure with glue.

If you are unable to find aspirid, make leaves made of crepe paper or felt.

Such a sweet handmade pineapple is not a shame to present for any holiday.


A round candy can magically turn into a delicious strawberry. This will require very little time and materials. It’s enough just to look at the photo of MK.

Still have questions? Watch the detailed video tutorial. In it you will definitely find not only the answers, but also a wonderful idea for a children's bouquet.

Bright sunflower

Do you want to surprise your loved ones with an original gift? Prepare an unusual sunflower for them from ordinary sweets. Such a sweet flower will be an excellent and memorable gift.

To work you will need:

  • round candies in dark candy wrappers;
  • orange and green corrugated paper;
  • green organza;
  • toothpicks;
  • glue gun;
  • double sided tape;
  • stationery and manicure scissors;
  • Styrofoam;
  • knife-cutter
From thick foam, cut out a circle the size of the desired sunflower. Cover the blank with green paper.

Cut a strip of orange paper long enough to cover three turns of the base. Stripe width is the desired length of the petals.

Glue the strip to the base.

On each turn of paper one by one (on each layer), make transverse cuts.

Using nail scissors, cut out the sunflower petals.

Use double-sided tape to secure the tails of the candies so that they do not stick out. Glue the prepared candies to the base.

Cut organza into small squares. Fold each of them in half and glue to half of the toothpick.

Insert the resulting pounds between the petals and the center of the sunflower.

It's the green paper's turn. Cut a strip of it one turn around the base.

Cut it crosswise into pieces about 1.5 cm wide.

Cut out the petals and shape them into a convex shape with your fingers. Glue the resulting part to the base.

Bend each yellow petal slightly with your fingers and twist it for greater realism.

A wonderful sunflower is ready. As you can see, you can make it even without practice and special skills.

Another idea for a similar bouquet on a stem:

Bouquet in a vase

We offer another option for a sweet bouquet that you can make together with your child. Such an interesting composition will delight your mother, grandmother or sister on March 8th or birthday.

To work you will need:

  • candies in bright candy wrappers;
  • colored cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • wooden skewers;
  • green gouache or acrylic paint;
  • double sided tape;
  • glue gun;
  • opaque vase.
Paint the skewers green and let them dry. On the cardboard, draw the outline of a flower with 6 petals. You can use a cookie cutter as a template.

Cut out the blanks. Glue each flower to a painted stick.

Glue the candies onto cardboard blanks, making the middle contrasting.

Cut petals from green cardstock and glue to skewers. All that remains is to put the flowers in the vase. For greater stability, you can first place a piece of foam or floral foam in it, and then stick the flower stems into it.

Sweet chamomile

A cute field daisy is another sweet present idea. She can please a woman of any age. A detailed photo master class will introduce you to the process of its assembly.

Christmas tree

A candy tree will be an excellent gift for the winter holidays. Bright and elegant, it will definitely cheer up its lucky owner. You can stock up on sweets in bright candy wrappers in advance and decorate such sweet gifts with your children in your free time.

Some ideas for inspiration

Now you know how to make a bouquet of sweets, and you can delight your loved ones with sweet creativity. Stock up on sweets, handy materials and a good mood - complex elegant compositions and very simple flowers will be wonderful gifts for people dear to you.
