What to carry newborns in. Features of safe transportation of newborns in a car

Already on that special day when the baby is taken from the maternity hospital, the baby makes his first trip in a vehicle. Then trips with parents will become familiar, and safe only on the condition that the transportation of a newborn in a car will be carried out according to the rules. Only then will there be no threat to the life of your heir: after all, 97 children out of 100 who died in a car accident would be alive if their parents took care of the safety of their child.

Why do you need devices for this?

All restrictions on transporting a baby are based, firstly, on his age characteristics. In a newborn, there is too great an imbalance between the weight of the head and the strength of the muscles that fix it. If an adult is able to hold his head at the moment of shaking, then the baby’s head falls back. Given the baby's weak muscles and fragile bones, this can lead to serious injuries during any sudden braking, high bump or turning of the car.

When carrying a baby in her arms, even the most caring mother will still get tired or distracted, and this can become that “fatal” moment that she will have to regret. All this forces reasonable parents to select special devices that ensure the safety of their child. These include infant carriers and seats.

How to transport a newborn in a car? Car seat

A cradle is sometimes included with a stroller for babies. This device is best adapted to the horizontal position of his body that is familiar to a newborn. In addition, nothing will prevent the baby from breathing properly in the cradle.

When placing the cradle in the back seat of the car perpendicular to the movement, do not forget to secure the baby in it with the built-in belts. Yes, she herself is also conveniently and firmly fastened to the seat with special retaining devices.

But before you carry your newborn in a car in a bassinet, consider some of its disadvantages. Firstly, the baby will grow out of it very quickly. And secondly, this device takes up quite a lot of space in the car. In addition, it is not durable enough, especially when taken out of the stroller.

How to transport a newborn in a car? Car seat

A special seat provides worthy competition to the infant carrier. Babies can be transported in it from the first days of life. True, the position of the baby will be somewhat unusual - reclining, but this does not pose any danger to him if the correct inclination is observed and the ride does not last longer than an hour and a half.

The child is installed on the seat, with its back to the direction of travel, and secured with special brackets or standard belts. The child should be comfortably and firmly secured in it.

Make sure that the tilt of the chair is within the range of 30-45°, since at a flatter angle (more than 45°), the safety of the chair is greatly reduced, and at a lower tilt (less than 30°), the baby’s head falls forward, which makes breathing very difficult. For additional fixation of the head, special rollers are also used, which are placed on both sides of the baby’s head. Please note that using homemade pillows or bolsters is not recommended!

To summarize, let us remind you once again: before transporting your newborn in a car, think about whether you have everything you need to make the trip only enjoyable for you and your child?

How to transport a baby correctly and safely

The arrival of a small child in a family is always associated with a lot of trouble, because you need to buy a crib, stroller, diapers and much more. The list is actually quite large. But no matter how strange it may sound, a car restraint device for transporting children is last on the list, or even not at all. In fact, this is quite a necessary and useful thing. which is needed almost from the first days of a child’s life.

Child seat in car

A newborn makes his first trip in a car already in the first days of his life, when his mother leaves the maternity hospital with him. And this is far from the last time the baby will travel by car. That is why the main task for new parents is to ensure complete safety for their child during the trip. If you have personal transport, all parents without exception have a question: “How to transport a newborn?” There have long been special restraint devices for transporting children.

Rules for transporting a newborn in a car

How to transport a newborn in a car without harming his health? Many young parents think that a newborn can be transported in their arms and nothing bad will happen, but this is just a misconception.

It is strictly forbidden to carry babies in your arms, and there is a very compelling argument for this. The head of small children takes up almost ¼ of their entire weight, and it is quite difficult for the neck muscles to cope with such mass. During movement, there are often some jerks, which can have a very detrimental effect on the baby if he is carried in his arms. During strong jerks, serious damage to the cervical spine can occur. If this happens, then it will be too late and that is why it is better to prepare for the trip in advance, following the rules and recommendations for transporting newborns.

  1. The baby in the restraint device should lie/sit with his back to the direction of movement. This positioning of the baby protects him from spinal injuries when the car suddenly brakes.
  2. Under no circumstances should you start driving until your child is wearing a seat belt.
  3. A child can only be transported in a vehicle using a special restraint device.
  4. You cannot carry a child in your arms. Your hands cannot always be tense, which is why, by slightly weakening your hands, you can drop the baby or change his position to an uncomfortable one.

The child must be restrained in the seat

What to choose for transportation – a chair or a cradle?

To transport children in a car, there are two types of restraints: a car seat and a cradle. So what can you transport a newborn in so that he is completely safe while driving? Undoubtedly, each device designed for transporting children has its pros and cons, which must be taken into account when purchasing.

The car seat is intended for children from infancy and older. The car seat should be installed in such a way that the newborn's back is turned towards the direction of travel, i.e. back forward. A car seat for infants is secured with ordinary belts and special brackets, which are located in the back seat of the car.

The car seat provides complete safety in case of an accident due to the fact that the child is reclining in it, at an angle of 45 0. Even if the car gets into a minor accident, the child will not be harmed, because The car seat clearly supports all parts of the baby's body. And with the help of special belts with which the child seat is equipped, you can secure the baby. If the car seat belts seem insufficient, you can cover the sides of the child with special bolsters or ordinary pillows.

The cradle is ideal for newborn babies, because only in it the baby feels quite comfortable, because... it provides the position that is most considered correct. In the cradle, the newborn is in a supine position.

The cradle is suitable for little ones

The car cradle is installed on the back seat of the car. It has special fasteners that allow you to fix this device well and firmly. There are also fastenings inside the cradle, which allows you to fasten your baby in order to ensure his complete safety.

How to choose the right car seat for your baby

Before purchasing a car seat. It is necessary to pay attention to some quite important points, for example, how to transport a newborn in a car seat. And this is not the only thing you need to know before buying a chair.

You should not buy universal chairs that grow with your child. Although this is considered very profitable, it is still not safe.

The car seat must fully match the weight of the newborn. If the child has a small weight - up to 3.5 kg, you need to purchase a chair that is small in size. If the child is larger, then it is recommended to buy a wide and deep car seat. It is best to buy a chair by “trying it on” on a child.

Another important characteristic when choosing a chair is the quality of the material from which it is made. Parts made of plastic and plastic should not have a strong unpleasant odor and should be strong and durable. Fasteners and fasteners must be made of metal. It is better to choose models that have a removable cover, so you can easily wash it when necessary.

Before purchasing a car seat. you need to try it on in your car. It often happens that the mounts on the chair and the car do not fit together and therefore the installation process increases several times.

Make sure the seat mounts fit the vehicle.

Precautionary measures are never superfluous, especially when it comes to a small child. After all, with small children you need to think through all actions several steps ahead. That is why, before you set off, you need to provide your baby with a comfortable and safe place.

: how to choose a car seat


You will need

  • - car seat;
  • - a car seat with the ability to transport infants;
  • - a stroller with the ability to transform into a car seat.


Take care of the safety of your child even before his birth by purchasing or in advance, so that you can travel from the maternity hospital in comfort. Try to purchase a device that can “grow” with your child, adapting to his height, weight and needs.

If it is important for you that your infant lies horizontally, purchase a car cradle or crib. Place it in the back seat, turning it perpendicular to the movement, so that the child's head is closer to the center, and not to the door.

Secure the crib using the rear standard straps, following the instructions. In such a cradle, the child will lie on his back, which promotes better breathing and a comfortable sleeping position, but, most often, the safety indicators of such devices are inferior to car seats. Also, keep in mind that after a few months you will have to buy another chair in which the child can sit.

If you often walk with a stroller and rarely drive a car, pay attention to strollers equipped with a removable and walking block, as well as folding chassis. Find out from the seller whether the removable elements can be used as a stroller, and if the answer is yes, buy just such a stroller. Despite the fact that they are more expensive, you will get many advantages, for example, you will be able to transport your child in a taxi: fold the chassis and place it in the trunk, and fasten the cradle with standard belts (you don’t even have to take the child out).

In order to be able to carry your child over short distances, purchase a car carrier seat. It is comfortable, but will only last the baby so long year. If you are more practical, buy a universal chair suitable for both adults and adults children.

Set the optimal tilt of the chair back, for this – 30-45⁰. If possible, turn the child's back in the direction of travel, and secure the seat with the car's standard seat belts or with special ISOFix brackets (depending on the design of the seat).

If the backrest angle seems too flat or steep for you, adjust the child’s position using foam rollers or rolled towels. A position that is too high will cause the head to fall on the chest and breathing will be difficult, and a position that is too low will not be safe enough. In addition, with the help of bolsters you can additionally secure the baby’s head (they should be placed on the sides, and not placed under the head).

When transporting a child under one year old in a car, fasten him or her with special seat belts provided by the design of the car seat. Please note that for the safety of the child, the trip should not exceed 1.5 hours.

After the birth of a baby, young parents have to face a number of new concerns, one of which is the correct transportation of babies in the car. After being discharged from the maternity hospital, the newborn will have to make his first journey, and from that moment on, the parents are fully responsible for his safety on the way.

Contrary to popular belief, small children cannot be carried in a car by hand, so you need to purchase a special infant carrier or child seat for them.

Children must be transported correctly!

Often on forums for young parents you can come across the opinion that the best place for a child in a car is on the mother’s lap. However, the sad experience of accidents shows that it is in this situation that the risk of injury arises significantly.

Any collision always occurs suddenly, and the mother may not be able to hold the child at all, after which he will receive serious injuries or die. In addition, in this position, the load on the cervical spine increases significantly due to the large weight of the newborn’s head, so any sudden braking or even a minor accident can lead to.

According to traffic regulations, all children under 12 years of age must be transported in special restraints. From the first day after birth, a car seat or infant carrier should be installed in the car; such devices were originally developed to provide the most effective protection.

You can start moving only after the baby is securely secured in the cradle or chair. The means of protection are selected according to age and personal preferences; each option has its own advantages.

Manufacturers offer two options for special holding devices: both the cradle and the chair can be used for children from the first day of life. Let's take a closer look at the advantages and disadvantages of each of these options.

Car seat for newborns: advantages and disadvantages

The safety of children is in the hands of their parents

A car seat is a type of special crib that is installed on the back seat perpendicular to the direction of movement and secured with seat belts.

The baby is placed in a lying position: for a child under 6 months of age this is the most natural position, so he will be quite comfortable in the cradle.

It is equipped with internal belts that securely secure the child, and is also attached to the car seat with the main seat belts. Such a device formally meets safety requirements, but it has a number of disadvantages:
It takes up a lot of space in the car. In fact, it is located on two rear seats at once, which creates inconvenience when transporting passengers.

This is a rather expensive option, especially since the cradle can only be used for babies under six months of age. Some parents purchase convertible strollers with a car cradle, but most of these models have too weak belts and do not meet safety requirements.

Practice shows that in terms of safety indicators, cradles are inferior to chairs in serious accidents.

Child car seat: features and benefits

Infants in a car must be transported in a car seat

The second common type of child restraint is a car seat with seat belts. There are universal chairs that can later be used for an older child, as well as carrier chairs that are also suitable for moving a child outside.

The second option applies only to infants under six months of age. In a car seat, the child is placed in a reclining position: in this case, the load is evenly distributed over the body, and the baby is not in danger even with a strong impact. The seat is positioned with its back to the steering wheel, that is, the baby sits facing the passengers in the back seat.

This is not only convenient for the accompanying adult, but also provides additional safety: in the event of a collision, there will be no excessive load on the child’s cervical vertebrae.
The optimal tilt of the seat back is 45 degrees: if it is less, it will significantly reduce the safety of the baby in the event of a possible frontal impact.

If you increase the tilt, the baby's head will fall forward as he moves, making it more difficult for him to breathe. A car seat as a type of restraint has several advantages compared to a car seat:

  • Comfort for the baby. Even a newborn child is provided with the most comfortable natural position, and his spine will not experience increased stress. Seat belts securely secure the body and can withstand even a very strong blow. It is permissible to place support bolsters made of towels or other fabric on the sides: they will help the newborn sleep comfortably with good support.
  • Reducing injuries in accidents. Numerous crash tests and practical experience show that the likelihood of injury when using restraints is reduced tenfold. If the baby is securely secured with seat belts, he will not suffer a spinal injury in either a frontal or rear impact.
  • A special chair can be selected according to age and weight. For the smallest children, whose weight does not exceed 4 kg, you can choose a chair of small depth; even a newborn will be comfortable in it.

Important! According to safety regulations, the use of any inserts is not allowed if they were not originally included with the car seat. They cause the baby's head to tilt, making it more difficult for him to breathe.

According to regulations, the duration of a child’s continuous stay in a car seat should not exceed an hour and a half. You can go on a long journey with a newborn only as a last resort: you will have to make regular stops to pick up the baby in your arms and give him a break from the same body position. And of course, under no circumstances should you leave your baby alone in the car, no matter how important the parents’ business may be.

Choosing a car seat for a child

The modern market offers a wide selection of car seats and infant carriers

Child restraints are selected according to the weight and age of the child. According to this parameter, they are all divided into several main groups:

  • Group 0. These are infant carriers designed for transporting infants up to six months. They are equipped with seat belts that pass over the child’s stomach; the cradle provides a strong fit. It can be used for children whose weight does not exceed 10 kg.
  • Group 0+ - car seats for infants from birth to one and a half years; these models are suitable for children weighing up to 13 kg. The cocoon chair provides reliable protection in case of collisions; its anatomical shape ensures a reclining position. secured with straps with multiple attachment points to evenly distribute the load. If necessary, such a seat can be installed in the front seat, but the front airbag must be turned off.
  • Group 1 for children under 4 years of age. Similar requirements apply to the installation of such seats; most often they are placed in the middle of the rear sofa or directly behind the driver’s seat. Seat belts have 5 attachment points, this allows you to evenly distribute the load during an impact or sudden braking.
  • Group 2 is designed for children under 7 years of age; such seats are already installed in the direction of travel. The restraint device is secured by the vehicle's seat belt.
    Group 3 – devices for children under 12 years of age. For older children, the back of the chair can be removed; all you need to do is install a booster seat. It allows the child's body to be raised so that the seat belt goes over the chest rather than the neck and provides reliable protection. The use of a booster is necessary until the teenager’s height reaches 150 cm.

Child car seats must be replaced in a timely manner in accordance with the instructions; only in this case will they provide guaranteed protection. In no case should you rely on chance: even during short-term transportation over short distances, the use of restraint devices is mandatory, since a collision or other accident can occur at any minute.

Parental carelessness is very costly for children: the consequences of injuries often cannot be completely eliminated even after many years.

Responsibility for transporting children without seats

Carrying a child without a car seat will result in a fine.

Must monitor compliance with safety standards when transporting children under 12 years of age. The absence of a child seat or violation of the rules for transporting infants is punishable by a fine of 3,000 rubles; especially often, special campaigns to identify violators are carried out at the beginning of the school year.

Parents must understand that they are responsible not only to the inspector, but also to their own child: saving often leads to tragic consequences. If there is no money or opportunity to install a special seat for other reasons, you can use a special restraint strap designed specifically for children.

It allows you to lower the seat belt so that it passes over the child's chest and thereby provides him with protection. However, not all traffic police inspectors even know about such devices, and the matter may end. It’s better not to take risks and ensure that all rules for transporting children in a car are followed.

Expert lawyer's opinion:

The article is so relevant that it is not even subject to discussion as to whether it is necessary to use a car seat for children at all. There can be only one answer - it’s necessary, it’s necessary! All discussions on this topic pursue some other goals than the safety of our children. Our drivers, who are also the parents of their children, regard many of the requirements of traffic rules as the whims of traffic cops.

As if monitoring their compliance is only a feeding trough for them. Maybe it really is like that sometimes. But not in this case. Finding excuses for a driver not using a child restraint is in itself immoral towards his own children. You must understand that in the event of a serious accident, you will never forgive yourself for it.

Interesting video - traffic police raid “Transporting children in a car”:

For young people who have recently become fathers and mothers, you need to know how to transport babies in the car. The requirements for breastfed children are specific and mandatory, because at their age any stress leads to subsequent diseases and physical disabilities. It must be said that infants include not only newborns, but also children under one year of age. Babies of this age have very fragile muscles and joints, and any, even the most minor injury can have negative consequences. Compared even to children who are a year or two older, the body of children under one year old is very vulnerable. Therefore, you should carefully consider devices that will help avoid possible consequences.

Transporting an infant in a car requires special care

How to transport a baby in a car

Firstly, the child in the car should be placed with his back in the direction opposite to the movement of the car. In other words, the seat should be positioned with its back to the driver. This is necessary because a child under one year old has anatomical features: the child’s head is larger than the body, so when braking there is less chance of damage to muscles, ligaments, and concussions.
Due to the fact that infants up to six months old cannot be seated, therefore, during transportation the child must be in a lying position. However, if you purchased a car seat that is intended for infancy, then you will not be able to transport the baby in any other position.

If the car seat is multifunctional, designed for a weight of up to 18 kg, then you should place the child in a lying position. For this purpose, chairs of this type use sleds.
It is a mistaken belief that it is better to hold a child in your arms. If we recall the initial level of physics, it will become clear why this reasoning is erroneous. When stopping spontaneously, the body continues to move forward. Therefore, under these circumstances, the adult's body may press on the child. In an emergency situation, the mother most likely will not be able to hold the baby in her arms, because the weight increases by an order of magnitude. The rules that determine how to transport an infant should be observed as much as possible.

Any baby must have its own specially designated seat and a designated seat, which must correspond to the age and weight of the baby. In our country, moving babies and preschool children in a car without a seat, especially in their arms, punishable by a fine of up to 3,000 rubles. Passengers in the vehicle must wear seat belts. By complying with these requirements, you will protect your baby’s health.

From May 1, 2016, Russia has tightened the rules for transporting children for bus drivers. A fine will be applied when transporting children on an unequipped bus, in the absence of accompanying or accompanying documents. If the rules for transporting children at night are violated, the driver may receive a fine of 5 thousand rubles or deprivation of his driver’s license for 4-6 months. In addition to the driver, both officials and legal entities will be fined. The law was published on the official legal information portal.

What to choose for transporting babies?

The cradle is installed perpendicular to the movement, and the child lies horizontally in it

Infants must be transported in specially designed cradles. In them, the baby is placed lying down and fastened with a special elastic belt. This device is attached to the back seat.
You can also put it in a car seat from the so-called group 0+. It is installed against the direction of travel, the child should have his back to the windshield. The child is placed either in a lying or semi-sitting position, protected by a special five-point belt. This type of chair usually has handles for carrying, and more expensive models can be converted into a stroller.

Child car seats

Child car seats are more versatile and provide good safety

Manufacturers of these products produce more car seats for infants than bassinets. These chairs are classified as category 0+ and allow a weight ranging from 3 to 13 kg, which corresponds to a child up to one year old.

In a chair of this type, the baby is placed in a semi-sitting position, but if it is necessary to move to a lying position, this can be done without much effort. The fixation belt is most often five-point, but three-point ones are also found.
Almost all chairs of this type have a shape closest to an

atomic, and also has a headrest. It is also very convenient when it has handles for carrying the child, as well as arches on which toys are placed so that the baby does not get bored on the go.

These chairs are made in a semicircular shape, so at home it can be adapted in the form of a rocking chair, which the child will be delighted with. Also, if you move the handle down and fasten it, you will get a high chair that can be used for feeding. Therefore, such a chair can be considered multifunctional. In expensive modifications, a chassis may be provided with which the chair can be turned into a stroller.

On July 12, 2017, Russian Government Decree No. 761 dated June 28, 2017 came into force. According to this resolution, amendments to the traffic rules were approved according to which children from 7 to 12 years old can be transported in the back seat of a car in a car seat or using seat belts. That is, from now on, children from 7 to 12 years old can be transported in the back seat without necessarily placing them in a child car seat. The same rules apply when transporting children from 7 to 12 years old in the cab of a truck. When transporting children under 12 years of age in the front seat of a car, a car seat is still necessary. It is also prohibited to transport children on the back seat of a motorcycle. For these violations, the new version of the traffic rules provides for a fine of 3 thousand rubles. The same decree prohibits leaving children under seven years of age alone in a car. Violators will be fined 2.5 thousand rubles in Moscow and St. Petersburg, and in other regions - 500 rubles or a verbal warning.

Something else useful for you:

Video: Crash test of child car seats

Car seats can be placed either in the front seat, next to the driver's seat, or in the back. This seat will provide invaluable assistance when only one adult is present in the car, because the child is reliably protected and it will be impossible for him to move around the cabin. But no matter where the chair is attached, it must be positioned with its back to the traffic, against the direction of the car. This is necessary in order to avoid injuries to the cervical vertebrae, which at this age are not yet completely strong.

Today, a car seat is the most reliable way to transport an infant in a car. There are many modifications of such products on the market, designed for ages up to 12 years and of varying weights and weights. To save money, you can purchase this chair for growth, almost up to school age. But you need to remember that all transformers are not particularly reliable compared to chairs that are designed for infants.

Transformable strollers

A transformable stroller is suitable for walking and sleeping

A good and reliable product is the cradles for transporting children, provided in transformable strollers. They can be attached to the seat. Therefore, you just need to remove the cradle from the stroller and move it into the car, and in this case you will not need to disturb the child by shifting and fastening belts. The only drawback of such products is insufficient fixation of the baby, and this device is not as reliable as a device that is specially designed for these purposes. The cradle is attached sideways to the direction of movement, which also cannot provide the maximum guarantee of health in an emergency.

Purpose and use of the booster

This is what the booster looks like

When transporting babies in a car, you can use not only car seats, but also other types of products. Products that are used instead of chairs are called boosters. Visually, they resemble the bottom of a car seat, but in reality they are a set of pillows. The direct purpose of the booster is to lift the child to such a height from the passenger seat that he can be fastened with a regular seat belt. The height should be as follows: the seat belt should rest at the child's chest level, not at shoulder level. This product can only be used after the child has reached 1 meter in height. This device is very convenient for those people who use someone else’s car, for example, if relatives (father, brother, sister) also use this car. The purchase of two seats will greatly affect the family budget, and a booster is much cheaper. It does not take up much space and is installed without any problems, so you can always take it with you.

The child must be in the car with his back to the direction of travel. It is not recommended to sit children under six months old, so the baby should be in a supine position. When driving in a car with a child, an adult who is nearby must use a seat belt. If the car seat is purchased for the baby’s age, and not for growth, this will be easy to do. When purchasing a transformable chair, you need to pay attention to the presence of a folding device.

If suddenly it is not possible for you to travel in a car with a special seat, try to choose the optimal position for the child, because being a newborn in a car requires vigilance and increased attention. It is recommended to sit in the back seat and hold the baby with your back - this will help reduce injuries in the event of an emergency.

But still try to use the recommended car seat for your child. In it, the child is placed in a lying position, and a special belt securely fastens the child. The baby will be in a position that will not harm the musculoskeletal system and the baby will not feel unnecessary stress while driving. The ideal option is to use a chair that is designed specifically for infants, but this can only be used up to a year.
