Restore internal energy. How to restore strength and overcome chronic fatigue

Loss of vitality can be caused by various reasons. If you know why you stopped enjoying the new day, it will be easier to solve the problem. What if there is less and less strength left, and why is this happening, you have no idea? There are 2 options here. You can determine the cause of the loss of strength and eliminate it, or strike on all fronts at once, carrying out preventive work in each area. The choice is yours. Start with something simple: pay attention to the subheadings of the article, perhaps you will find out the reason that led you to a state of apathy.


Nutrition is a way of eating behavior that we automatically adhere to. If you have managed to become a lover of healthy lifestyle, you eat according to the rules every day and do not feel discomfort. The same goes for fast food lovers - since you are used to chewing fried food, you do it all the time. But the body, although it supports your habits, remains dissatisfied. Determine if your diet is affecting your well-being.

There are several ways. The first is called “American”. American researchers recommend eating red meat no more than once a week, as it is difficult to digest. If you are a vegetarian, make up for the lack of protein by eating beans and lentils. In the USA, it is recommended to exclude fast food or eat French fries and hamburgers no more than once a month.

According to Japanese rules, you need to act differently. Japanese doctor and scientist Michio Kushi suggests restoring strength and love of life using the way Japanese monks eat. Their life lasts 90-97 years, and their health is strong. Monks give up meat, milk and sugar. They eat vegetables and grains, as well as fish and seafood (once or twice a week). How do you like this option?

Changing eating habits is difficult. Start gradually. Stop eating meat every day, reduce the amount of sugar and forget about some dairy products. Over time, you will accept the new way of life. Remember the movie "Kill Bill 2"? There, Uma Thurman climbed the steps, broke her fingers into blood and carried water to the monk. And it saved her life.

Personal life

What condition is she in? There can be many options here, the main thing is that none of them is drawn out or “zombie-like”. You may be in a romantic stage of communication, a long-term relationship with your other half, or a period of separation or conflict. All options are possible. But if you have been unsuccessfully searching for love on social networks for three years or continue to cling to relationships that are destroying you, you should think about it. It will help you to ask yourself: can I be in this situation all my life? If the answer is “no,” then you need to change at least something through an effort of will. Otherwise you will find yourself in an energy vacuum.

Physical activity

Sedentary work and lying down on weekends are the best way to lose energy. Psychologists know why you don’t move: when you remember the gym, physical education and running, you feel bad. But the choice of exercise is up to you. If you are not a fan of activities, choose the load option that you can handle. Do something nice for yourself: go to the pool, yoga, Pilates, tennis. Master the sport you've always dreamed of.

The only danger is that your optimistic mood will be replaced by disappointment when you don’t find time to exercise: an hour to train, an hour to travel, an hour to get ready. Keep this in mind right away: to gain energy, you need to sacrifice time.


How long has it been since you made something with your own hands? Are you creative in your free time? Is there something that distracts you from routine and bustle? Each of us should have a “strength exercise.” Don't take advice lightly. If you want the energy to return, return your individuality. Just don't limit yourself to stamps: cross stitch, applique, knitting. You can breed bugs, photograph cats, write ten-word stories, play the harmonica. As long as you like it. An additional bonus will be joint activities in interest groups. There you can share your successes, participate in competitions, and communicate.


We are used to thinking that work is a way to be left without strength and energy. Don't forget that apathy and fatigue are two different things. You may not have any strength left, you may be squeezed like a lemon, but at the same time you are satisfied with yourself and energetic. What situations at work lead to loss of energy?

  • Lack of encouragement and constructive criticism from management
  • Uninteresting matter
  • Responsibilities that are annoying
  • Unfriendly staff
  • Lack of prospects
  • Routine

If some points are about you, you need to change the situation. You can talk to management, set up a team, and see prospects. Much depends on you. Energy is not only the amount of your strength, but also your mood, desire, motivation. If you feel like you are stuck in your job and nothing can be changed, change it. It is important to make such decisions consciously. Start by writing a resume and searching for a vacant position. It is better not to take sudden steps. Assess your abilities objectively: what can you offer an employer? How relevant is your knowledge in this or that area? Once a new location is found, you can leave. The energy will return with new challenges and adequate leadership.


In communication, it is not quantity that matters, but quality. How often do we wait until the interlocutor completes his remark in order to speak out ourselves and demonstrate our knowledge of all issues! More like a way of self-affirmation. How do you communicate with loved ones, friends, strangers in line or service staff? All these people want sincere attention.

Do you think there are many people who completely understand you? To the smallest detail? Until slight changes in mood? Probably a little. But you understand everyone. You “know” “what he was thinking”, “what’s on her mind” and “why they do this”. This approach prevents people from truly getting close. Everyone puts a stamp and asks “how are you?” for show and imposes his vision of the world.

Try to change your personal attitude towards people. Find something interesting, unusual in them, something you haven’t noticed before. Only ask questions to which you do not know the answer. Then you will be interested in listening to your interlocutor and he will feel it.

Exercise: remember those situations that can be called the happiest and brightest in your life. They may be related to childhood or events that happened a week ago. Imagine them in detail. Surely during these states the energy was with you. And this energy was enough. Now answer the question: were these events connected with other people? Probably yes. After all, endorphins are produced at the moment when something unites you with other people. And endorphins are also energy.

Psychological condition

Energy is the desire to do something, motivation, desire, a feeling of life inside. If the energy is gone, it could be depression. Depression is a defense mechanism that limits your desires in order to protect you “from the outside world.” You are sitting at home sad, but safe and sound. This reaction may occur in response to stress or mental trauma. If all of the above tips do not help, contact a professional psychologist. But first you should try to change your habits - start right now.

Each of us wants to live life to the fullest. Often this means following your own path, fulfilling your mission, knowing what you want. It also means having enough strength to do what needs to be done. Have enough resources to achieve what you want. Have the ability to move forward.

Why does this very often become impossible and difficult to achieve? We will consider only one aspect - the systemic one.

In my work I very often come across the fact that lack of vitality and difficulties with self-determination are associated with “separation” from the ancestral flow of energy.

Each of us has an original flow of strength and energy. Paolo Coelho said that not a single dream is given to us without the strength to fulfill it. In each of us there is a living spring - for some it looks like a geyser, for others it looks like a waterfall. The important thing is that everyone has one.

And if we know about its existence and use it, then we have enough strength and resources, we know exactly our path and our desires. We can come to him and drink when necessary.

But if for one reason or another this source remains hidden to us, then there is nowhere to quench our thirst. Then we save the available moisture - that is, our strength. And this state can be called laziness.

It happens that we ourselves abandon our source. You can fill it with stones, cover it with sand. Or hide it under a bush. We can also look for our source elsewhere - perhaps in another forest. And then, instead of fullness, we have inner emptiness, loss of strength, unwillingness and inability to live. A desert that thirsts for rain - that is, for some kind of energy coming from outside. This state of affairs characterizes, for example, dependent relationships and energy vampirism.

Some systemic reasons for this condition:

Living someone else's life

Very often during constellations a person does not understand where his place is. He does not see his own life, his own place. And he tries to stand somewhere where he seems to have a “fishier place.” For example, if I feel that my mother is involved with someone and is looking back, then I will seek her attention. And then I can stand in the place where she is looking.

So the child begins - out of love - to replace the first love for his parents, their parents, their deceased brothers or sisters. And in a sense, this gives the child the attention he needs. But his own life remains on the sidelines and passes by.

Masha always felt responsible for her mother. It seemed to her that her mother could not cope on her own. And despite the presence of a father, she continued to look after her mother. At the same time, my mother behaved like a child. She was capricious, throwing tantrums, pouting her lips.

Is it strange that Masha did not have her own family - neither husband nor children? After all, energetically she already had one child - very capricious and requiring constant attention.

Of course, she did this out of love for her mother. After all, her grandmother died very early, and her mother always looked for her in people - in her husband, in her children.

And it was very difficult for Masha to find her place in the arrangement - she tried to stand both here and there, but everywhere it was uncomfortable - sometimes they kicked her out, sometimes it was too hard. Although her place existed in the system all these years, it took a lot of effort to find it. And from there it was already possible to see that life stood before her. Her own life. Forgotten by everyone. But so beautiful...

Being related to someone who died

It often happens that we find ourselves connected to someone who has left. For example, with an aborted older brother or an early deceased parent. And then we seem to die along with them. We may look alive on the outside, but our soul goes with it. Very often, those who are connected with the dead try to unknowingly follow them. This is how alcoholism, drug addiction, extreme sports, depression, and suicide appear.

Olesya devoted her whole life to a dangerous activity for a girl - motorcycle racing. In her early twenties, almost all her bones had already been broken at least once. Several times doctors literally brought her back from the other world. But she couldn't stop. Until she realized her connection with her early deceased father, who crashed on a motorcycle almost immediately after her birth.

Execute other people's programs

Sometimes, out of loyalty to our system, we continue to live by old attitudes. Which once saved one of our loved ones. But now they are rather problematic.

This often happens with the Strong Woman program. Which appeared as a result of wars. When so many men died and women were forced to save their children and themselves. They needed to survive, and they became strong.

It's a completely different time now. There are men, and many of them are ready to be strong. But women continue the programs of their grandmothers and great-grandmothers. And this prevents men from opening up. After all, in order for them to become strong, we must become a little weaker.

Men were also affected by these programs, as post-war generations were deprived of the opportunity to be raised by their fathers. And mothers who lost loved ones at the front became more protective of their sons.

Sons often replaced deceased spouses for their mothers. And this burden is too heavy for any child. It can break a boy's psyche - to be responsible for the happiness of the woman he loves. He will never be able to make her absolutely happy.

It was very difficult for me to live through the state of shame for having a husband. But my mother, grandmother and great-grandmother did not. Because they had to raise their children themselves, without relying on anyone.

They had to be strong to survive. And I tried to be strong out of loyalty. Out of loyalty to them. Although in my life today this is of no use. The innate skill of being weak and being able to listen to my husband would be much more useful to me. And so you have to develop it yourself :)

Interrupted flow of love

It happens that a child is born prematurely. And then mom will be able to take him in her arms only many, many days later. Or the child may be born with some kind of illness and will require urgent hospitalization. And it happens that the mother requires hospitalization, and the baby waits at home until she recovers. It used to happen that mothers died during childbirth. Postpartum depression of the mother also happens when the baby also does not receive mother’s Love.

These are just a few examples of how the flow of love can be interrupted. The flow that naturally flows from mother to baby. The flow is not always interrupted in our generation. After all, in order for the mother to be able to transmit the flow to the child, she must also receive it. What if she and her mother had already had this flow interrupted? Can we get something from a tap that has no water? Or do you first need to find the blockage in the pipe, clean it and only then open the tap?

Abandoning your roots

Sometimes our lack of strength is also our personal responsibility. When we dwell on our childhood grievances, constantly chewing on everything that we don’t like about mom or dad, we turn off the tap. And we do this ourselves. With my own hands.

Parents may want to give us love, but we proudly turn away and say: “I can manage without you.”

This is how we abandon our roots, and a tree without roots is not viable. Then we have nowhere to take the energy of Love and the energy of Life.

Until we can gratefully bow to our family that gave us life, we will not be able to receive our resources. Which belong to us by birthright.

We will do all this in the “Me and My Resources” group. We will look for everything that prevents us from living our lives, loving and getting what we want.

Each Clan has resources

Very often, in constellations and when compiling genograms, we also focus on the negative. We see only difficult fates - those killed in the war, shot, aborted, divorced.

And we absolutely do not notice all the power that exists in each family. We do not see happy and large families, parents with many children, continuity of generations. We don't see the true power of single women of our kind. We do not want to notice the strength and courage of the men in our family.

We see one divorce, without noticing a dozen strong families. We see one miscarriage and don’t look at dozens of successfully born children. We look at single mothers and ignore wives and mothers of families.

There is such a parable.

The teacher brought the students a white sheet with a blot on it. And he asked them: “What do you see?”

“A blot,” answered the students.

The teacher remained silent, and then they began to interpret the ink:

"This is a bear"

"No, it's the sun in the clouds"

"This is a flower in the morning meadow"….

For almost half an hour they bombarded the teacher with ideas. But he got up and left just as silently.

And one of the students decided to catch up with the teacher and asked:

“Teacher, are you unhappy with us? Did we give you the wrong answers? What's wrong?"

The teacher sighed heavily:

“I guess I'm a bad Teacher. Since you all saw the blot, but no one noticed the white sheet.”

It’s the same in our lives. We easily see the shortcomings of those around us, we see the weak points of our loved ones. We see negative events in life, bad omens, difficult planetary periods.

But we don’t see the main thing – the white sheet. We don't see our life. Life is like God's gift.

A life in which there is already enough of everything. Enough resources and energy to achieve your goals. Enough Love to pass it on.

When we realize that each Genus is a resource, when we learn to see and feel it…. Then so much energy and Love will flow to us from our ancestors that it will be possible to warm all the hungry and needy.

Each Rod always has enough resources for everyone. Each of us has this spring with which we can completely quench our thirst. But you can only find this spring in your own place, living your own life. And with respect for all those people thanks to whom I was born.

I wish you to find your spring - I am sure that you will be very surprised at how much water there is in it.


The fast pace of life leads to emotional and physical exhaustion. A person is in constant motion, tension and rarely relaxes. Feeling tired at the end of the workday is normal for most people. It is important to spend your leisure time correctly in order to feel cheerful and energized in the morning. If a person cannot get out of bed and feels tired in the morning, then it’s time to sound the alarm. The body requires urgent resuscitation. How to restore strength and regain energy?

Causes of loss of energy and strength

The first step to recovery begins with understanding the problem. To do this, it is enough to analyze the events that have occurred recently. Situations that cause unpleasant feelings are the source of decline.

The reasons for the loss of energy and strength arise from the main types of fatigue:

A person feels tired and weak after a long illness. This is a normal state; all accumulated energy is thrown into the fight against the disease. How to restore strength after illness? Give yourself time to rest, don’t rush to go to work. Increase your physical activity every day, start walking outside, and pay attention to healthy eating.

How to regain your strength and energy?

First of all, patch up the holes that are leaking vital energy. Without this step, further actions are useless. The recovery process is much longer than the process of losing strength. Recuperation begins with self-examination and awareness of the factors leading to nervous and physical exhaustion.

How to regain your strength and energy? Eliminate major absorbers. These include:

It is impossible to close the channels that steal strength and energy in one day. The main thing is to take a small step every day. Not only will you regain your strength, but you will also notice other changes. Resentment and irritation will go away, the number of quarrels and scandals will decrease. You will become positive and...

3 ways to restore human strength and energy

Let's move on to practical exercises. First of all, feed yourself with pleasant emotions. If you don't want to get up in the morning, start something new. Throw away old things, plan a vacation itinerary, take a walk in the park. Negative thoughts are quietly replaced by positive ones.

To maintain emotional health, use ways to restore a person’s strength and energy:

The restorative power of massage

Fight the feeling of fatigue immediately. In the morning, take a contrast shower, in the evening fill the bath with warm water and add essential oils, and do breathing exercises. If these methods do not restore your vigor, then get a massage. Feel the restorative power after performing simple movements:

After the massage and exercises, you will feel a pleasant pain and short-term dizziness. These sensations are considered normal. To restore strength and energy, combine the proposed solutions. Start with positive thinking, spend time with your family and children. On weekends, do not work, relax, walk and gain strength.

The modern rhythm of life leads to overwork - both physical and emotional. Stress and poor health, unfortunately, are often our constant companions. But there are several ways to restore energy and strength.

Restoring energy and strength after illness

Experts in the field of bioenergy are confident that any disease is a consequence of problems and excessive stress. The disease does not appear in a day, it “turns on” long ago and manifests itself after some time. Any illness is accompanied by a sharp decline in activity, which allows us to rethink our actions, actions, thoughts and habits that deprive us of vitality.

The following will help you quickly renew your energy after illness:

  • taking the nutrients and vitamins the body needs;
  • inclusion of fruits and vegetables, honey, medicinal preparations and tonic drinks in the diet;
  • walks in the open air;
  • moderate physical activity.

To restore mental balance, bioenergetics experts recommend:

  • enjoy the beautiful: visiting exhibitions, theaters, admiring nature and listening to music;
  • listen to pleasant sounds: prayers, meditations or nature motifs;
  • watch beautiful feature films;
  • contact animals more often.

How to restore energy after a hard day at work

Rehabilitation of the body after a busy day at work is a must, because if you are overworked at work, almost the entire supply of vitality is depleted. To be under such stress every day means to systematically increase not only physical, but also psychological fatigue. The body may simply stop fighting and give up. To prevent this from happening, use simple ways to restore strength after tiring work.

  • Cool shower. Water perfectly relieves lethargy and neutralizes negativity.
  • Hiking. It’s great if it’s walks through a pine forest. Such a pastime, albeit short-lived, will fill the body with oxygen and help get rid of negative thoughts and experiences.
  • Complete rest. The benefits of sleep can be felt not only physically, but also psychologically - in a dream, we can completely heal ourselves and even find the right solution to a difficult life situation. While a person sleeps, his brain is busy diagnosing every system of the body.
  • A complete diet and dinner no later than 21:00. It is important to eat three hours before bedtime so that the body has time to be full and process the food.
  • Massage and spa treatments.
  • Spiritual practices. Meditation, for example, is great for helping you calm down and relieve nervous tension.
  • 200 ml of cold clean water on an empty stomach. Water helps refresh your thoughts and relieve stress.

Restoring strength and energy during stress

Stress passes, but its consequences remain. Even though the effects of stress are not noticeable at first, they take away your strength. It is important to learn to control yourself and independently bring yourself out of a state of apathy. Positive attitudes and techniques aimed at managing emotions can help in this difficult task. If you have lost your joy and happiness, if you are overcome by depression and negative thoughts, and your problems are becoming more and more every day, you need to:

  • change the situation. You don’t have to spend money on an expensive trip; it’s enough to simply go to another city, visit friends or visit distant relatives;
  • take a walk alone in beautiful places or places of power. Such walks will help you restore inner harmony;
  • visit church;
  • book a few relaxing massage sessions;
  • buy yourself something you have long dreamed of. Of course, within reason. It could be new things, beautiful accessories or a new phone;
  • change your image and hairstyle.

If all of the above does not help you improve your state of mind, it is advisable to consult a specialist.

Stress and fatigue can ruin your life, but you shouldn't let it happen. Recover your strength after every working day, draw vital energy from the world around you, eat healthy food, get out in the sun more often, surround yourself with happy and successful people. After just a few days, you will feel a surge of strength and will be able to get stronger both physically and spiritually. We wish you a great mood, and don't forget to press the buttons and

Energy is the ability to manage attention. Male attention is sharp, precise and aggressive, like a laser beam. Female attention resembles an umbrella, a concave mirror. Therefore, a man is attracted to activities that require aggression, healthy (conquering new territories, searching for risky paths or strategies) or not. A woman, if she knows how to handle her attention correctly, understands that she is good at a job that requires ten eyes and five hands: working with clients, feedback and feedback, childbirth and children, preserving and arranging territories.

Signs of lack of energy

  1. Impaired physical health (headaches, high or low blood pressure, VSD, diseases of the endocrine system, decreased immunity).
  2. Psychological discomfort (obsessive thoughts, internal dialogues, feelings of guilt or resentment, experiencing one’s own shortcomings, lack of understanding of one’s place in life, apathy or vice versa, irritability, neurotic reactions, insomnia, desire for hypercontrol).
  3. Deterioration of hair and skin condition.
  4. Deterioration in the condition of flowers in the house, the health of pets and small children (under 7 years old).
  5. Bad dreams. Especially dreams about houses, apartments, offices. If you often see destroyed or simply cluttered, dirty rooms in your dreams, this is one of the signs that the amount of your energy has decreased.
  6. Menstrual irregularities, problems with conception.

Reasons for leaks

To better understand how to accumulate feminine energy, you need to understand how it circulates normally. The loss of energy is a normal process of exchange with the outside world. But a woman is like a dam - energy should come into her as a wide river, and leave in small, controlled streams. While releasing some of the energy, it is important to maintain a baseline level of strength.

Therefore, when we talk about how to restore energy to a woman, we are talking about repair and filling to the basic level you are accustomed to, about the absence of leaks. And when we talk about recharging with energy, we are talking about how to work with daily exercise and strengthen feminine energy. In addition, if your development requires it, you can increase the basic level of your energy and increase the power of the internal battery.

That is, normally energy leaves us daily. But there are things that create big holes that greatly devastate a woman:

  1. Sexual relations with a man who does not love. There is an energy exchange with the beloved husband, but if there is no mutual love, there is a loss of energy.
  2. The birth of each child. This is also an absolutely normal way of losing energy, but the fact that you won’t be able to replenish your energy balance right away is worth understanding and planning to learn new practices during maternity leave. And perhaps you will also need to restructure your usual ways of increasing strength.
  3. Karma of the clan, and if there are children of common blood, also the karma of the husband’s clan. If there are unresolved problems and tasks in parent families, this will affect your family too. The goal here is not to make everyone around you happy and wealthy, but to outline your zone of influence. Determine which problems are yours and solve only them, without expecting that they will do it for you. And identify which problems are not relevant to you and you cannot solve them.
  4. Lack of independent financial support. Although the energy of money is “yang”, this does not mean that you should ignore the financial side of life. Careless and frivolous spending of money is directly related to wasted energy. At the same time, you cannot give up on desires. Desires should motivate accomplishments, but not in the way of “I will wish, and let him fulfill them.” You should wish for things that will light a fire in a man to receive them to share with you.
  5. Smoking and alcohol. It’s not so bad that you are deliberately harming your body. Smoking and alcohol connect you with people who consider self-harm to be the norm, and most likely have more than just these negative beliefs.

Recovery methods

  1. Egregorial connections (national, religious, tribal)

— Observance of your national traditions or beliefs, studying the understanding of femininity through spiritual works. In Muslim communities, the Orthodox community, and other beliefs, there are ways of addressing the feminine principle, the Goddess. In Orthodoxy, you can pray to the Mother of God or one of the saints. If you do not know how to correctly turn to higher powers, ask your spiritual mentor or a person who is well acquainted with the canons of your faith. They have proven methods. Appealing to the Goddess, especially with a prayer of gratitude, is one of the fastest ways to regain lost strength.

— You can work through your beliefs through a scientific egregor by turning to a psychologist or coach, choose training for yourself and study hidden secrets.

— Compiling your pedigree gives you a great boost of energy. This also includes compiling family photo albums; it is doubly good to do this together with children, especially girls.

— Communication with senior family members close to you, as well as Teachers, mentors, older friends who are authoritative for you, married friends in a happy marriage.

  1. Places of power

— Any travel, especially to holy places, will allow you to accumulate energy. It is especially good to travel to places where there is a lot of air and water: to the sea, to the mountains, traveling in winter (to places where there is a lot of snow, for example, to ski resorts). It is also good to study the history, culture, and language of another country.

— Museums, theaters, ballet, opera, bookstores, libraries. These are batteries of human culture, the atmosphere there is special, rich in knowledge and special magic.

  1. Working off karma

- Expressing sincere forgiveness, gratitude, giving truly valuable, from the heart, gifts. Declarations of love, especially to children and parents, will make your life better.

  1. Interpret for yourself personally femininity (belonging to the feminine gender)

— Study what colors and styles suit you, learn how to combine things and create a well-chosen wardrobe. This is done once in a lifetime, and then the knowledge gained allows you to maintain and develop your wardrobe in a state where on any day you feel confident that your image is perfect.

— Find a hairdresser and get your hair done, hair color, choose methods of care and styling. It is impossible to become beautiful if your head is a mess.

— Choose your required minimum of cosmetics, learn makeup techniques.

— Choose your scent and surround yourself and your spaces with pleasant smells.

— Singing and oratory. To open the throat chakra, a good way is to listen to ethnic music, mantras, singing, and, if desired, chanting mantras. The word is less important than the tone, the voice in which it is spoken. Listening to kind words spoken in a gentle voice is one of the important male needs.

Charging methods

There are many ways to charge. Esotericists believe that feminine energy corresponds to the elements of Water and Earth. Earth and Water primarily have cleansing properties. To quickly remove fatigue, you need to take a shower or bath, or lie down on the ground (on the floor) and lie still. Water also stores information. In flowing water or in rain or fog, you need to meditate on current problems, send your request to the universe. The earth is the element of working with material things, the element of neutralizing the obsolete and growing the new. By working with the earth, you balance your energy field with the field of the planet, getting your place in life and time.

How you can increase feminine energy, taking into account the priorities you need:

  1. For good health:

— For healing and restoration of the body, the most important thing is proper nutrition and sleep. You need to eat and sleep at the same time every day, including weekends. You need to eat in small portions every 2-3 hours to maintain blood sugar levels and prevent hunger. You need to share food for health or eating sweets for pleasure. We create a nutrition plan throughout the day for health, and give pleasure its place.

- Movement for warm-up and massages. It is worth choosing a sport that you can practice for many years without getting tired of it. Women's strength is increased by sports where a leisurely rhythm is possible: yoga, dancing, Tensegrity, and other types of exercises.

— Cleansing procedures: sauna, spa, baths - performed with the appropriate intention turn into a magical rite.

  1. For love:

— Watching romantic films helps increase attractiveness and success in men. Love stories give rise to emotions that set the right mood.

— Feminine clothes. Learn to wear skirts, perhaps just by pairing them with ballet flats instead of stilettos, and you will find that dresses and skirts (with a blazer or cardigan on top) are very comfortable clothes. Choose fabrics that are pleasant to iron (velvet, wool, fur, suede, leather).

  1. Ways to increase your importance and gain trust:

— Volunteering and charity. There are many ways to give to the world, without demanding anything in return, some part of your experience, time and effort. At a minimum, you can give the beggar bread and other products, take extra household appliances or toys to the orphanage.

- Ask for help, help someone else. Asking for help means showing your trust to the world.

— Invite guests and go on visits, organize holidays, picnics, ceremonial feasts. In addition to the element of altruism, the very atmosphere of festive troubles very well raises feminine energy.

— Cooking and treating yourself to your masterpieces is a great way to improve relationships with colleagues and friends.

- Recognizing the strengths of other people, sincere praise and compliments. Many people know how to devalue other people's successes, but not everyone is able to praise their virtues. When starting to learn this, at first it’s even difficult to find words. You need to ensure that words of admiration fly out of your mouth easily. Once you feel the joy of learning how to give compliments, you will receive a real breakthrough in life.

- Affectionate touches. Master friendly kisses, stroking, hugs, all types of hugs, and this will give you a hundred plus points to your sociability.

— Cleaning the house, repairs and minor repairs, for which you need to set aside weekly time, will help expand your living space and make it cozy. Annoying little things should not be an eyesore for months and years; it’s precisely on such little things that energy leaks occur.

— Any hobbies that are related to home and increase comfort will charge you with energy: floriculture, embroidered and beaded paintings, patchwork, knitting and sewing, arranging bouquets.

  1. Personal growth

— Time management (when you begin to systematically work on increasing your energy levels, you will realize that there are only 24 hours in a day, and after establishing a sleep and nutrition schedule and linking all your activities into a weekly schedule, there will not be much free time left. Therefore, without planning you won’t get far for a month or a year).

- Meditation. Choose meditation practices that suit you. Keeping a journal is also a way to free your mind. Actively meditate by walking (alone). Good advice: a walk at sunrise or sunset gives the same boost of energy as going to a place of power, such as a church of your faith. A walk in fog, snowfall or rain (the elements of water and earth are balanced), as well as during a full moon, has the same effect.

— Conduct a photo shoot. This gives integration, the creation of a holistic image of the individual.

- Reading. Books are just as much your friends as dresses. Well, my favorite books are also wise Teachers. Sometimes you need to read (and write!) poetry, this is a special way of interacting with the universe.

- Purity and fullness. A vessel with the purest love - you should have such a sense of self, you should strive for it.

  1. Social life

— Communication with friends has the effect of mutually extinguishing accumulated negative energy and multiplying positive energy. It’s very good if you start some business together, make a secret plot, prepare a surprise.

— Communication with like-minded people, including virtual ones, gives both strength and motivation to continue your journey. Thematic forums and blogs are good.

  1. Motherhood. Although children are recipients of the mother and feed on her energy, motherhood, if it is perceived correctly, as a gift and not a burden, also opens up a wide flow of energy filling from the child, or rather, through him from higher powers. Communication with other mothers and other people's children also allows you to gain energy.
  2. Obedience, trust in the world and man. There is no need to defend yourself, allow yourself and the man to make mistakes and trust each other. You will ultimately pay more for your mistrust than for your man’s mistake. Most errors are easy to fix. If you cannot overcome mistrust, prepare yourself for the thought that separation is inevitable.
  3. Working with the energies of the Moon.

On the waning Moon, you need to get rid of everything unnecessary, and ask the growing Moon to fulfill your ideas and plans. The full moon is a time to bathe your face and body in the moonlight and thank the Goddess. Under the moonlight, you can lay out your cosmetics, jewelry (after cleaning it under cold water), perfume, and put water for washing.

It’s good to dance naked in the moonlight, letting the universe admire you, showing how well you take care of the body given to you and the ability to receive and give joy.

Correct energy transfer

Finally, I would like to warn against unreasonable waste of recovered energy. The following situation often occurs: After maternity leave, problems began with my husband, even to the point of separation. The wife turns on her head, takes care of herself, restores strength and balance in her life. Usually the husband returns after this. The wife still has enough energy to forgive him, to understand that this is her loved one and she is ready to take into account her mistakes and start investing in the family again. And here she makes a critical, most often already irreparable, mistake: she throws everything that has been restored bit by bit at her husband’s feet, completely opens the floodgates and gives him a waterfall of energy.

No. You can't do that. Giving energy in parts, closing your flow, doing it in the interests of a loved one - this is the most important feminine art. You need to create distance at the moment when the person is close to getting enough of you. To fill it again, you need to wait for it to become empty, bored, and look with a hungry eye.

And in order to see the difference in the moods of loved ones, you need to look not at them, but learn to feel yourself. You need to focus on your fullness, because if you are strong, then your life will be a full cup.
