Tasks for September 1 for first graders. An interesting knowledge lesson for first graders

Knowledge Day

Barzhenakova Alena Viktorovna

primary school teacher

The first time in first class

Purpose: to organize a festive start of educational activities for first graders.

Tasks: set the necessary emotional mood; arouse interest in the school; to acquaint with classmates, with the rules of conduct at school, school supplies; reveal the initial knowledge of students.

Equipment: music, first-grader certificates, first-grader medals; sun (toy) letters in an envelope, medals, ABC, memo to a first grader.

Event progress

The school melody sounds (Hello, school!)

There are various holidays throughout the year.
And today is our holiday.
First time my first graders
Go to first grade!
And parents are on the sidelines
And look at them with excitement.
It's like everyone saw it for the first time
Their grown-up children!...
And we meet our first graders! (applause!)

Today you are so beautiful and elegant. I sincerely congratulate everyone on this wonderful holiday, on the beginning of school life, on the very first Day of Knowledge! The very first bell rang for you at the very first lesson. For the first time, you sat down at your desks as students. The crucial moment has come: you are now not just children, you are now first-graders, students of our gymnasium.
Just yesterday you were called boys and girls. And from today they will talk about you: this is a student, this is a student. The gymnasium will become your second home, where you will learn to read and write, find many friends.
And today we will go to the land of Knowledge, where we will get to know each other and play.

Who knows what they teach in school? (Children give their answers.)

What is the name of the room you are in? (Class.)

Look around you. What a beautiful and cozy office awaits you,

I think that studying in such an office will be very pleasant for all of you. For 4 years we will come to this class and try to keep it as clean and comfortable

May all be well in your school life.

Well, now it's time for us to get to know each other. My name is Alena Viktorovna.

I am your first teacher. I will be with you for 4 whole years - 4 years of joy and sorrow, 4 years of recognition and discovery of something new. For 4 whole years we will be inseparable in studies and in games.

There are so many of you, and I want to get to know you all.

And what is your name, I will definitely remember!

Now let's meet our girls.

I invite all girls to come to the blackboard.

Elegant, ceremonial,

Such invisible

Combed, with bows

The girls are coming.

Now our girls, like real artists, will loudly say their first and last name, passing the sun to each other.

This is where we met the girls.

And now I will ask you to go to the boys board.

And the boys are great

So pretty

so meticulous,

They are expected at school.

Boys, let's get to know you.

Such wonderful guys gathered in our class and it doesn’t matter that we met for the first time and didn’t remember all the names, but we will definitely cope with this.

Now, guys, we will meet every day, spend a lot of time together, we will work and relax together. Therefore, we must become friends. Do you agree? (YES)

We will be friends? (YES)

Will we respect each other? (YES)

Will we help each other? (YES)

Will we trust each other? (YES)

Will we love each other? (YES)

Will we be one team? (YES)

Then give your hands (children get up from their seats and approach the teacher). We will join them in a common handshake, like musketeers.

Do you feel warm? strength? What did the Musketeers always say to each other?! ONE FOR ALL AND ALL FOR ONE! (children sit in their seats)

Now we are one team, and we will help each other in everything, including in our main business. What is our main school business? TO STUDY!

Only schoolchildren can travel around the country of Knowledge. And who are the students? (Children who are in school)

How else can they be called? (Students)

Yes, students learn in class. You and I have to find out what a lesson is, and what lessons there are.

But before you go to class, you need to collect a portfolio. Do any of you know what to take to school and what things are best left at home? Now let's check!

Game "Collect a portfolio"

So, children, if I name an item to take to school, you clap your hands. If this subject is not needed at school, you stomp your feet.

textbooks and books,

toy mouse,

clockwork steam locomotive,

Colored plasticine,

brushes and paints,

christmas masks,

Eraser and bookmarks,

stapler and notebooks,

Schedule, diary.

Collected to school student!

Well done! But to be a real first-grader, you need not only to be able to pack a portfolio and not be late for school, but also to cope with various tasks. I suggest checking if you are ready to be first graders

There is a knock on the door

Baba Yaga: (enters the classroom) Ha-ha-ha.

Do you want a holiday? Do you want to study?

Me, Granny Yagulechka forest beauty

why didn't you call? I also want to be literate

learn to. Now you can't live in the forest without a diploma. Everyone is engaged in business, and they strive to circle me around my finger, my conti's hut .... no, how is it? Kon ..., confiscate, now, I remembered.

Who is the most respected here?

I'm the most respected here!

Hey, you bastard guys!

Recognized me, huh? Cheerful old woman named Yaga? Why are you celebrating without me?

Teacher: Baba Yaga, we will definitely invite you to the next holiday, but today, please don’t disturb us and don’t make noise. Children really want to become real first-graders, and it's time for us to continue the lesson.

Baba Yaga: So don't interfere! Maybe the kids don't want to go to school? Yes, my berries? So right in the oven I would have planted such chubby, tasty ones. Okay, don't be afraid, I'm kind today. In honor of the first of September, I decided to become the kindest grandmother in the world and make only nasty things today, oh gifts!

But first, I want to see if the guys are ready to become first-graders, otherwise they may not have matured yet. But if you complete 3 tasks, then you are definitely ready.

Teacher: I have very smart and quick-witted guys.

Baba Yaga: We'll see, we'll see....

I've heard that in order to study well, you must be attentive in the classroom. Are you attentive?

Baba Yaga: And now we will check. I know an interesting game. I will ask you questions and you will answer them. If this is about you, say “I”, if not, be silent. Understandably? Then listen.

A game:

Who loves chocolate?

Who loves marmalade?

Who loves pears?

Who doesn't wash their ears?

Who loves books?

Who loves donuts?

Who doesn't wash?

Who doesn't smile?

Who wants to study?

Who loves to work?

Who loves to fight?

Who loves to laugh?

Baba Yaga: Well done! And now the second task. Can you guess the riddle about the elephant?

Teacher: Well, granny, what a riddle it is, if you immediately said. What is it about the elephant?

A riddle is when you don't know the answer.

Baba Yaga: Ah ... I have such a riddle.

There is a cheerful bright house,

There are a lot of nimble guys in it.

They write and count

Draw and read. (School).

Baba Yaga: Do you know how to behave at school?

Teacher: Yes, we have certain rules of conduct at school. Everyone must comply with them.

Now you guys, and you B-Z, try to silently follow my commands.

The teacher asks you to stand up.

When he allows you to sit down, sit down.

If you want to answer - do not make noise,

But just raise your hand.

Baba Yaga: And my great-great-grandmother said that every student should know the “magic words”.

This will be my third assignment. What magic words do you know?

(Children say magic words)

Teacher: I have a game for you.

That's what the game is called"Make no mistake, please!"

It is necessary to execute only those commands in which there are magic words.

Stand up please!

Raise your hands!

Please clap!

Please sink!

Bend over!

Sit quietly!

Sit quietly, please!

Baba Yaga: Yes, smart kids! Why study like this in school? I'd rather take them with me. Will you go, my berries?

Teacher: Baba Yaga, so dishonest, promised not to interfere, but she herself again for her own.

Baba Yaga: Well, my berries, study well, otherwise I'll take them to my school on chicken legs. And I’ll go, look in other classes, maybe I’ll find someone who doesn’t want to study, it will be more fun for me to live in my hut. (Goes to the door, stops) Here, old head, I completely forgot! I brought you (an envelope) there, I put it under the table.

Teacher: Thank you, Baba Yaga, be healthy. We will always be glad to see you, come visit us whenever you want.

Baba Yaga: Goodbye! Call, if anything ... (and leaves)

Let's see what Baba Yaga brought us.

Envelope #1

Letter from Dr. Aibolit

Hello guys! I am the Doctor and I know

to be healthy and study well in

school, you need to know the rules of conduct

student and fulfill them. Remember!
To become a student, you need to remember the following:
Wake up early in the morning, wash your face well,
In order not to yawn at school, do not peck at the desk with your nose.
Dress neatly so that it is pleasant to look at.
A desk is not a bed and you cannot lie on it.
You sit at your desk harmoniously and behave with dignity.
Don't talk like an overseas parrot in class.
If you want to answer - do not make noise, but just raise your hand.
The teacher will ask - you need to get up, when he allows you to sit down - sit down.
Stand up in unison whenever the teacher enters the classroom.

Don't giggle in class, don't move your chair back and forth.
Respect the teacher and don't disturb your neighbor.
Do not tease, do not be arrogant, try to help everyone at school.
Do not frown in vain, be bold and you will find friends for yourself.
That's all my advice.
They are wiser and easier.
You, my friend, do not forget them.
You are on your way to the land of knowledge!

Teacher: Guys, what rules do you remember? (children answer)

Envelope №2

And this letter is from Malvina.

Dear first graders! Congratulations

and solve problems. Try to solve my problems.

1. Four goslings and two
swim in the lake, shout loudly.
Well, count quickly -
How many babies are in the water? 6.

2. Seven funny pigs
they stand in a row at the trough.
Two - went to bed to go to bed.

How many pigs have a trough? five

3. Natasha has five flowers,
and Sasha gave her two more.
Who here can count
how much is two and five? 7

4. Grandson Shura good grandfather
gave seven pieces of candy yesterday.
Grandson ate one candy.
How many pieces are left? 6

5. Once to the hare for lunch
jumped friend-neighbor.
Bunnies sat on a stump
and ate five carrots.
Who's counting guys slick?
How many carrots have you eaten? 10

6. Four ripe pears
swayed on a branch.
Pavlusha took two pears.
How many pears are left? 2

7. One birch grew,

It has 8 branches.

Each one has an orange.

How many oranges were on the birch? (0)

Well done boys! You think it's good, it will come in handy in the classroom.

Knock on the door, Pinocchio comes in (phonogram from the movie "Pinocchio")

Pinocchio: Congratulations guys

with the First Bell Holiday. Every

the school year starts with this fun,

mischievous and native ringing, but for you it

played today for the first time!

I hope that your acquaintance with the gymnasium

will be interesting and exciting!

Do you like fairy tales? Tell me what fairy tales these lines are from?

1. There is neither a river nor a pond,
Where to drink water?
Very tasty water
In the hole from the hoof.
(“Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”)

2. And the road is far,
And the basket is not easy,
Sit on a stump
I would eat a pie.
("Masha and the Bear")
3. A girl appeared in a cup of a flower,
And there was that girl no more than a fingernail.
Who read this book
Knows a girl - a baby.
4. The red-maiden is sad,
She doesn't like spring
She's hard in the sun
Tears shed, poor thing!
("Snow Maiden")
5. He is kinder than everyone in the world,
He heals sick animals.
He is famous, famous.
Good Doctor...
6. Near the forest on the edge
Three of them live in a hut.
There are three chairs and three mugs,
Three beds, three pillows.
Guess without a clue
Who are the heroes of this tale?
("Three Bears")

And now I want to give you the most important book in the life of every person! ABC!

Teacher: The ABC is the beginning of all beginnings.

This is the first step on the way to the vast world of knowledge!

Guys, a new page is opening in front of you.

in life - many years of study. But even more

your parents, moms and dads, grandparents are worried. It is you who must justify all their hopes, all the dreams associated with you, and they will be your reliable and faithful assistants in your studies and in life.

Without you, our dads, without you, our moms

We will not study, but drama

The hardest learning process without you

For us will lose a lot of interest.

Dear adults! Be sure to help your children!

And I would like to congratulate all parents on this significant day, wish them health, patience and success at school.

It's hard to raise your children.

There is a lot to know for this.

I would like to wish my parents:

To help children always and in everything,

To collect the child to school in the morning,

Good parting words to give in time,

And on the weekend, do not forget to take a walk,

Meetings also all attend,

Help the school (as far as possible);

In order to avoid all diseases, it is necessary to temper the kids!

And if you have to cry from school, let my gift unfold that hour ...

This gift, look, with a secret - my phone is on a handkerchief on this one.

Dial my number as soon as possible, solve any questions with me!

(The teacher gives handkerchiefs to parents).

Here are the first tests. Now you can safely be called first graders and the important moment of presenting the first school documents is coming: the First Grader Medal.

Delivery of documents.

From today you are first graders! I congratulate you!

And now it's time to take the oath of the first grader and be true to this oath all 4 years of study. Repeat in chorus: "We swear!"

Always come to class for the first lesson

Even before the bell rings. (Children in chorus - We swear!)

Be active and relevant in class

Memorize and learn everything you need. (We swear!)

To become literate and smart,

Textbooks, books, pencil case and notebooks

Good friends, faithful to become,

To each other in everything and always help. (We swear!)

And laziness, untidiness, tips, lies

We will never take the class, for anything. (We swear!)

The road to knowledge is a difficult path,

Full of fun and adventure.

You, first-grader, do not forget

That you are not recognized, but a genius!

You are in control of everything around

A little bit of work, a little bit of patience -

And everything you can learn

Suddenly turn into achievements.

Summing up (reflection)

I am very glad to our first acquaintance. Tell me what did you like about school today? What interesting things did you find out? What will you tell your friends about?

And I liked my students, that is, you.

This is the end of our 1st lesson. I wish everyone to keep the received emotional mood for the entire academic year! I wish you to grow up strong and healthy, to be friends with each other, not to offend each other. And, of course, STUDY WELL! GOOD LUCK!!!

Hello , dear children. Today the very first bell rang for you for the very first lesson. For the first time you sat down at your desks, you are now not just children, you are now students. I congratulate you with this big event in your life and wish you success. So weLet's start our first lesson.

I am your first school teacher. My name is ……..

Look around - this is our class in which we will study. It is clean, bright and beautiful. We will try to keep it the same for a whole year.

Clap your handswho is in a good mood today. Let me try to guess why you are so happy today. If I guess right, you clap your hands. Deal?

  • You are happy because you have a beautiful portfolio;
  • It's your birthday today;
  • Because there are a lot of new school things in your portfolio;
  • Because you are very smart and beautiful today;
  • Because you came to school for the first time today;
  • Because you won a lot of money in the lottery;
  • Because today you have become schoolchildren;

But today not only your holidaybut also a holiday for the whole family. Today, grandparents, mothers and fathers are also worried.

Dear Parents!

Your child is in first grade today. I AM Congratulations you with this wonderful event. I believe that school years will be a wonderful time for both your child and you, bring you joy, happiness, good luck.

2. Getting the kids to know each other.

- Guys, we will be together for 4 autumns, 4 winters, 4 springs, 816 days, we will spend 32 thousand lessons. We are with you cool teamwhere 31 people will study. Everybodyyou are classmates. We must live together in our school family. What does it mean to live together?(Help each other, do not offend each other, come to the rescue, take care of each other).
- If we are friendly , then we can overcome all difficulties by helping each other, and it will be very interesting for us to learn.

Going on a long journey for many years in the country of knowledge, you need to know those who will go with you.Let's get acquainted. What does it mean? That's right, to get acquainted is to give your name and surname.

I will name names, be careful: if you hear your name, go to the blackboard, here to me and say your first and last name. Childrenrun out to the board and get a badge with a name.

Get up those
- who has earrings in their ears;
- who came to school today with a bouquet of flowers;
Who has red in their clothes?
- who went to school with joy today;
who loves ice cream
- who has buttons on clothes;
- who has a pet at home;
- who has the letter “A” in their first or last name;
- who will now study in 1 "A" class;
- who will now study in 1 "B" class!

We are all very different, each has his own character, his own habits, his own appearance, each of us is special.
- And all together
we are 1 "B" class.

Do you think that only each of us has a name?

– Name name of our city, our country.
Who can read the words on the blackboard? What do they stand for?


2. Acquaintance of children with school rules, textbooks.

a) To be an exemplary student, one must observestudent rules:

  1. Stand up in unison every time the teacher enters the classroom.
  2. If you want to answer - do not make noise, but just raise your hand.
  3. The teacher will ask - you need to stand up, and if you allow you to sit down - sit down.
  4. You sit at your desk harmoniously and behave with dignity.
  5. A desk is not a bed and you cannot lie on it.
  6. The school does not wait for those who are late.

Now I invite you to play game" What will you take to school?

I will name the items. If you hear an item to take to school, you should clap your hands.

Words: alphabet, doll, car, notebook, pillow, pencil case, spoon, pencil, chewing gum, briefcase, ruler, candy, album, plasticine, diary, tablet, pen, etc.

b) On your desks are textbooks , which you should also put in your briefcase and bring to class tomorrow

Guess what tutorial I'm talking about

In this book on parade

The numbers lined up:

One, two, three, four, five,

And solve all the problems. (show the textbook "Mathematics")

This is a book about nature

About the earth and about the weather,

About trees and flowers

About animals and beetles. (show the textbook on the subject "World around")

We need to know the letters.

dashes, drawings, dots,

The letters formed into lines.

And when you put the phrases

Then you read all the books at once! (Show primer)

Children examine and put away textbooks and notebooks in a portfolio. The teacher draws the attention of children and parents to the fact that library books and their need cherish treat them with care:

  • do not write on the pages and cover of the textbook
  • wrap tutorials
  • bookmark
  • do not wrinkle the corners of the pages
  • take with clean hands
  • sign textbooks

Every day your briefcase should contain a pencil case with sharpened pencils and pens, a ruler.

Information for parents:

Start and end of classes

Breakfast, payment

Application to the GPD

Notebooks, covers


Indoor shoes

4. Children promise to study well. Joke poem (it's me, it's me)

All homework
I will strictly follow.

To the lesson without delay
I will run in the morning.

I won't forget my pen at home
Both notebook and pencil.

And I forgot - I will roar
For the whole class, for the whole floor.

I promise in class
Don't make noise or talk.

If I don't know the answer
I will raise my hand.

And during the change
I promise not to make noise
Don't knock down people and walls
Don't push like a bear.

I'll be smart, I'll be brave
I will play football.

I will be smart and funny
Do good deeds
So that my native school
As a native, accepted.

5. freehand drawing

- And now, in memory of the first day of school, I will ask you to print your first and last name on a sheet and draw a picture that you want. You can draw your city, your school, etc.

(Children draw on their own.)

6. Conclusion.

Finally, I want to give all first-graders a little magic - we will try to find out what grades the children will study for. What grades are given to children who study well? (children's answers) That's right, four and five.

Game "Ratings".

In advance, make circles with a diameter of about 8 cm from cardboard. Grades are written on each circle - 2, 3, 4, 5. Make 2 and 3 for twos and threes, and fours and fives - at the rate of 2-3 good marks for each child. Mrs. Science demonstrates "scores", shows that there are twos and threes. Make a bag with a secret compartment in advance. To do this, take a regular paper bag for gifts. An additional layer of paper is glued to the bottom so that a secret pocket is obtained. All scores are defiantly placed in the bag, but the deuces and triples are carefully separated into an additional compartment. During the competition, we go through the rows, the children put their hand in the bag and pull out 2-3 circles with marks. It is clear that all children draw only good grades. The number of circles must be calculated so that all good marks are sorted out by the end of the competition.

Here are miracles! Look, you all only have 4 and 5! Where are the twos and threes? Well, let's see! (we put our hand in the bag and pull out all the deuces and triples from the secret pocket, show them to the children). Look, there are threes and twos left in the package! That's how miracles are! This means that in this class there will be no underachievers, no losers. Let's all be togetherclap your handsso that this magic comes true, and you study only for good grades.

At school, they learn to sing songs, because life is sad without music. They learn to draw, because without colors life will be dim. They learn to work, because without work you can’t even pull a fish out of a pond. And in physical education classes, they learn to run and jump to be dexterous and strong.

Each of you at school will learn not only to write, read, count, but also to make friends, to love. Your first day of school is coming to an end

May every day and every hour

You will get a new one.

May your mind be good

And the heart will be smart.

We sincerely wish you

All the best friends.

And all good friends

It's not cheap for us

And in memory of today - the day of Knowledge, the day of our acquaintance with you as a gift ....

On this today. festive the journey has come to an end.

I thank you for your work. See you in class tomorrow

Every year the call is cheerful
Brings us together.
Hello, autumn! Hello school!
Hello our favorite class.
Let us feel sorry for the summer a little -
We will not be sad in vain.
Hello, road to knowledge!
Hello September holiday!
(V. Stepanov)

2. First grader

First grader, first grader
Dressed up like a holiday!

Didn't even go into the puddle:
I looked and went.

Ears washed to a shine
Scarlet mushroom on the lid of the satchel,

Yes, he is like a fungus.
From under the cap looks sideways:

Does everyone see? Does everyone know?
Is everyone sighing with envy?
(M. Boroditskaya)

3. September

Leaves -
Time to fall
Birds -
Time to fly away
Mushroom pickers -
Wander in the fog
Wind -
Howl in the pipes.

The sun - get cold,
Clouds - pour,
We are with you -
Go study:
Write letters with numbers
Read the primer by syllables!
(I. Maznin)

4. Hello school!

Washed windows
The school smiles
sun bunnies
On the faces of the guys.
After a long summer
Friends are here
Gathering in flocks
They make happy noises.

To moms, dads huddle -
These are first graders.
They wait anxiously
Your first call.
Here he called
Gathering into classes
And the school went quiet
The lesson has begun.
(V. Rudenko)

5. First class guys

All the good things we have
They call it first class.

Passengers are safe
Taking flight
If the pilot is first class,
First class aircraft.

Here is a builder - first class!
He built the first class!
In first class homes
Winter will not settle.

First-class teacher
Strict with first graders:
"Put away your toys,
The lesson is about to begin!"

From Kamchatka to Arbat
On this day in our country
first class guys
Entering first grade!
(A. Stroylo)

6. Amazing bouquet

– Look! Look! -
The people are surprised,
On the path by myself
By itself, the bouquet goes.
Amazing bouquet
Dressed in a school uniform
New backpack on the back
White headband...
– Who is it?
- This is our
Six year old Natasha! -
Smiling people:
The girl is going to school!
(S. Wheat)

7. Tomorrow in the first class!

Summer left behind
From the calendar to us
September looks like a colored leaf,
Tomorrow is first grade!

Farewell, beloved kindergarten,
A briefcase is waiting in the hallway,
The boots are new
They look at the door with their noses.

Jacket hanging on a hanger
As an important gentleman
The student will put it on -
My grown son!

While he is still fast asleep
But from early morning
When the alarm rings
He will be picked up, swirled,
Study time!
(M. Kazarina)

8. School

The school sparkled for the academic year -
The windows gleamed, looking east.
New painting on the walls of the gym,
In the assembly hall, the curtain is a delight!

The school thought: "Oh, how I like
Live in silence, without worries and worries!
It is a pity that I will not be beautiful for long -
Soon hundreds of feet will trample me.

Again the calls will buzz like bees,
Again streams of speeches will flow ...
How tiring if you are a school
Or Gymnasium, or Lyceum.

Here is September. On a familiar road
The school is carrying a bouquet for a bouquet -
Any heart can not stand it, it will tremble.
The school nodded to the children: "Hi!

So many pleasant surprises at the door!
My bow to you, young minds.
How I miss the fun!
Well, did you grumble? I'm getting old, alas."
(G. Ilyina)

9. September

Summer is ending
Summer is ending
And the sun don't shine
And hiding somewhere.

And the rain is a first grader,
A little shy
In oblique line
Lining the window.
(I. Tokmakova)

10. Little schoolgirl

I'm walking in a new dress
I have a white apron.
Here is a kindergarten, and in that garden
And I recently sang.

Farewell, familiar kindergarten,
Now I have to go to school!
- Galinka! - babies scream
And they wave to me from the garden.

They call: - Come in now
Cheerful in our kindergarten!
- No, - I say, - I need to go to class,
I'll come back from school later.

And everyone congratulates me
Gathered early in the garden
Because from today I
I will study at school.
(E. Uspensky)

11. Sunny bunny

I go early in the morning
I'm going to school with my girlfriend.
In a cardboard box
Bored toys.

And only
sunny bunny cheerful
with me every day
Heads off to school.

I will enter my class
He will wait a little
- And jump up
Through the open window.

He jumps on the board
Will rush through the desks
He, too, probably
Wants to study.

Then he gets tired
Quiet on the wall
He, too, probably
Waiting for change.

We go from school
And jump like a ball
Cheerful and joyful
Sunny Bunny.
(L. Dymova)

12. School September

September. The bell rang
The baby is going to first grade.
And a ball of yellow leaves
The wind is blowing across the sky.
(A. Metzger)

13. From here the flight begins

September raised silver horns
And blew the end of the holidays,
And he opened the door
The classroom is spacious
Before a cheerful, sunny crowd.
He invited the guys to the new pages,
To the beginning of unknown, distant routes ...
But for a long time
Gagarin with Titov
Did he invite you to the same class?
And put them at the same desk,
Not yet known in that recent year,
What is the space launch run here,
That their flight begins here,
That they succeed schoolbags
Change to astronaut bags.
Whenever they were sitting at the desk,
The twelfth would not have been April,
And August would not be the sixth ...
And there would be no giants, new buildings,
And not one treasure would remain in the earth,
When would all today's heroes
native school
not given.
(N. Merezhnikov)

14. Hello school!

The cheerful bell will ring,
And the notebook will open.
Here comes the school Here comes the school
He calls us again.

Somewhere your favorite ball is sleeping
Everyone is a student again.
The problem solver smiles,
And the diary is waiting for five.

We don't go fishing.
The call is pouring.
Goodbye jump rope
Forest, clearing, stream.

Behind the back is a new satchel,
There are five lessons ahead.
Hello school, hello school!
No more time to play!
(N. Knushevitskaya)

15. First of September

I woke up early in the morning
He glanced at his briefcase.
It contains notebooks and books,
And a notebook with a square.
I went to sleep as a simple boy,
I woke up as a schoolboy.
(A. Deshin)

16. Fun call

As soon as autumn steps over the threshold,
The guys are called by the Jolly Bell.
He will see: the children are going to school,
And immediately - loudly, provocatively: "Hurrah!"

He is sincerely glad to every student,
But he loves more funny guys.
And does not like the Merry Call at all
Lazy, arrogant, sluts, couch potatoes.
(V. Suslov)

17. First time in first grade

Autumn red cat
Wandering outside the window
with yellow leaves
Jumps over bumps.

Clouds in the blue sky
tickled the sides,
Gathered them together
And blinded the cloud.

Wait a bit,
Don't wet the path!
Because today is the first time
I am going to first class.

Autumn nodded to me
Hiro winked.
Gushed like from a barrel
Downpour ... from the leaves.

Happy holiday!
Hello our school!
(Z. Serashova)

18. What awaits me at school

The party is waiting for me, firstly,
Waiting for lessons
Friends are waiting.
Will be at school not to laziness,
There I am in a new country
Affairs and knowledge and skills
I will start the journey.
Waiting for nature - forest and field!
After all, we will go hiking more than once ...
Fives are waiting for me at school
The whole first class is waiting for me!
(V. Moruga)

19. Hello school!

Summer flew by quickly
The school year has come
But we also have a lot of autumn
Will bring good days.

Hello golden autumn!
A school full of sunshine!
Our spacious, bright classroom,
You meet us again.
(V. Lebedev-Kumach)

20. Autumn signs

thin birch
Dressed in gold.
Here comes the sign of autumn.

The birds are flying away
To the land of warmth and light,
Here is another one for you
Autumn omen.

Sowing rain drops
All day since dawn.
This rain too
Autumn omen.

Proud boy, happy:
After all, he is wearing
school shirt,
Bought in the summer.

Girl with a briefcase.
Everyone knows that this is
Autumn coming
True omen.
(L. Preobrazhenskaya)

21. From September 1!

In a red fox coat
Autumn will knock.
Decorate the leaves
Page primer.
Joyfully flowers
The school will meet us.
And walk with us
Moms in first grade.
(B. Yasnogorodsky)

22. September 1

Good morning red cat!
Good morning birds!
The school year has begun
I'm going to study!

I lead my mother by the hand -
She's a little scared.
I remember on the go
About the affairs of yesterday.

How we went with a friend
Over the four seas
How to make a snowball
Rejoicing and arguing.

And in caps on one side,
Ride on the carousel
How we waited for this day -
First day of autumn!
(S. Oleksiak)

23. First of September

Grandma in the first aid kit
Looking for validol:
Grandson Andryusha to school
Went for the first time.

Mom sighs:
"How is he now?
Not an easy task
This first class...

Even dad, childhood
Remembering, sad.
Read in the newspaper
I forgot about football.

And the toys are burning
So dejected:
"Now we're probably
No longer needed..."

24. First grader

Bought a satchel, books,
Notebooks and diary.
I was just a boy
Now, a student!

Learning is interesting
All you want to know
In the galaxies of heaven
Count all the stars.

About the North, Antarctica,
Deserts and seas
About the mystery of Atlantis
I know a lot.

The teacher will help us
And explain the lesson
How to divide, multiply
And know everything by heart.

Will teach you to be friends with a book,
As with a friend, but now,
Girls and boys
The call is calling! - Everyone in class!
(L. Firsova-Sapronova)

25. September 1

Oh how long has it been
Post-Kindergarten Summer!
I was waiting for the beginning of September -
He tore off the pages of the calendar.

Got excited today...
After all, the long-awaited day has begun ...
I'm going to school for the first time!
But for some reason - in the first class ?!

Here is the elder brother, that is, the middle one,
Will go to study at once in the third!
And the elder brother, who is older than us,
She's already in tenth grade!

Everyone equipped me for a hike
To the land of knowledge unknown to me.
Wow! I'm an older older brother
Donate your camera!

And the middle senior gave me an eraser;
He said that he would bring happiness!
And my dad bought me a backpack!
Grandpa gave me a globe!

Mom bought textbooks
Notebooks, skis, two pencil cases...
From my grandmother to me - a form for the future;
I'm in shape - like a man! ..

On the Day of Knowledge, I already dressed up,
But depressed and upset -
After all, a globe with skis in any way
Doesn't fit in backpack!
(V. Syvan)


26. Cool time

The red summer has gone
Cheerful and free.
It's time for great
Yard and school.

A little rainy
Cold and chilly
But still happy
And very, very friendly.
(A. Usachev)

27. First of September

Walking down the road
Huge Bouquet:
Feet in shoes
Above - takes.

Glows with gloss
On the back of the bouquet
Brand new satchel
Brick color.

Walking to school
Bouquets of flowers -
Ready for the school year!
(B. Belova)

28. School bell

The bell rings louder and louder.
What a trill is spreading over the world!
Do you think the nightingale sang?
Not a nightingale. Lessons begin.

Oh, how it rings in all ends of the earth!
Let the sleeper wake up soon.
Do you think that guests have come to us?
And here it is not. Lessons begin.

Grab your bag and have fun
Some lazy people gather for a long time.
Do you think the tram is ringing with might and main?
What tram? Lessons begin.

Pillow covers the phone
My grandfather grumbles and gets upset:
"I'm getting old, there's some kind of ringing in my ears."
Of course, the call. Lessons are starting!

The bell rings, and is cheerful, and loud-mouthed,
And my heart is filled with joy,
And every day for each of us
Regular lessons begin.
(N. Gol)

29. First graders

Lace blouses,
white shirts,
Mischievous faces -
These are first graders!

To school in a row
Everyone carries bouquets:
We are going to study
Bye, summer!
(L. Levina)


30. First of September

What a day! It's like summer!
Here we are in September.
I love him for it
And especially now.

Next to dad, next to mom!
I am holding a bouquet in my hands.
We got up early today
Before the earliest birds.

Been waiting for this for a long time
He almost closed his eyes.
I walk proudly to school
In the most important first class!
(V. Gvozdev)

31. First of September

Wind like a pianist
He knocked on the window.
Like an envelope, yellow sheet
Threw it into my palm.
spills all around
The sound of the call is fun.
The birds fly south
First graders go to school.

I hope in the morning
White shirt.
It's time for me to go to school
I became a first grader.
We have a lot of things to do at school
And there are many lessons.
Will lead us all to knowledge
School road.
(N. Galishnikova)

32. To school

Why is Petya today
Woke up ten times?
Because he is today
Enters first grade.

He's not just a boy anymore
And now he's a rookie.
He's wearing a new jacket
Turndown collar.

He woke up in the dark night
It was only three o'clock.
He was terribly scared
That the lesson has already begun.

He got dressed in two minutes
He grabbed a pencil case from the table.
Papa ran after
I caught up with him at the door.

Behind the wall, the neighbors stood up,
The electricity was lit
Behind the wall, the neighbors stood up.
And then they lay down again.

He woke up the whole apartment,
I couldn't sleep until morning.
Even my grandmother dreamed
That she repeats the lesson.

Even grandpa dreamed
What is he standing at the blackboard
And he can not on the map
Find the Moscow River.

Why is Petya today
Woke up ten times?
Because he is today
Enters first grade.
(A. Barto)

33. I lead my mother by the hand

I take my mother by the hand
How big now!
I'm going to school
For the very first time!

"Don't worry," I say.
My mommy!
Everything is spelled out
I know letters!

We will cross the road
To the green light.
There walks friend Artyom,
He is carrying a bouquet.

Tanya leads her grandmother
And Maxim is a father.
After all, today we are all waiting for
School on the porch!
(N. Kapustyuk)

34. The school yard came to life today!

Oh, this rain is a prankster!
He wanted to ruin the holiday
But I thought well
Just poked and passed!

A rainbow hung in the sky
What a big rocker
And it still sparkles
Decorating the school yard!

From flowers, balloons, bouquets
It's summer in my heart,
Kids here and there
Like gnomes, they scurry!

Everyone laughs, everyone is happy -
The school yard came to life today!
Trill joyful call
Invite to class!
(N. Rodivilina)

35. Happy Knowledge Day!

The day has come. Calls, call!
Begin, school year,
Year of dreams and discoveries,
A sad year and a magical year!
How the familiar class shines!
Everything seems to be normal, just
Only every school month
Raises many questions.
We wish to leave with honor
From difficult trials
Lots of good news
May good luck be with you!
Fulfillment of dreams
And many good friends
And in the vast sea of ​​knowledge
Find your way!
(Irina Aseeva)

36. First of September

I'm taking you to school today
little sister -
White bow in the hair is new,
Blue eyes!

And a palm in my hand
Such a warm one!
And a big-big bouquet
Joy radiates!

The sun shines in the morning
The day is fun.
So my sister grew up
We're at school today!
(N. Kapustyuk)

37. Hello school!

Misha got up early today -
The long-awaited day has arrived.
Misha has a knapsack behind his back,
In the satchel is a book and a pencil case.
And in the pencil case - a pen, feathers,
Three colored pencils.
Misha thinks: “Now I
Doesn't look like a baby!"
Grandfather Artyom came out of the forge
Look at my granddaughter...
It's so nice Misha
What is he ready to sing aloud:
"Hello, golden autumn,
So I became a student! .. "
Zhulka, seeing off Misha,
Proudly holds the tail in a hook.
(G. Ladonshchikov)

38. First lesson

I'm in class for the first time
Now I am a student.
The teacher entered the classroom
Get up or sit down?

How to open a desk
I didn't know at first.
And I didn't know how to get up
So that the desk does not knock.

They tell me: "Go to the blackboard", -
I raise my hand.
And how to hold a pen in your hand,
I don't understand at all.

How many students we have!
We have four Asi,
Four Vasya, five Marus
And two Petrovs in the class.
(A. Barto)

39. Begins the academic year

School year starts
In September, the days are counting down,
On school holidays and weekdays
The life of the kids will flow.

Opens school doors
We are greeted with a call
This first day of autumn
Known to everyone since childhood.

First graders are a little shy
Start the school journey
Learning from year to year
All sciences have a great essence.

high school students today
Slightly with sadness stand -
Parting and goodbye
They are coming with the school.

And kind motherly
The faces of all the teachers
Because it's nice to see
After the summer of all children!
(A. Voight)

40. You are a second grader today!

You are a second grader today!
On this autumn day
Serene and wonderful
There will be a mood!

You already mastered the first -
The most important class
And parents, probably
Shocked with knowledge!

You are definitely a hero.
Bold and courageous!
The second begins
The year is important.

Second class! buddy, be
Patient and persistent!
And learn not somehow -
And study without deuces!

41. First of September

The street became a river
Voiced, festive, colorful.
They give dove ...
Primers and diaries
We took it on the road.
We step into the first class -
The whole country is looking at us!
(V. Stepanov)

42. Autumn miracle

The autumn miracle happens in childhood.
Everything that is with us in the neighborhood,
in autumn it seems a little less:
a little shorter way to school,
the straps of the satchel will cover tighter,
the desks are tighter and the classes are narrower,
in the sports hall - the shells are lower,
books on high shelves closer,
Summer is slipping away...
Only trees grow with us.
(G. Lyakhovitskaya)

43. First time in first grade

Here is autumn in the yard.
The birds flew south.
So it's time kids
Put books in briefcases.
First time going to class
Can't take their eyes off
From a spacious bright school.
All for desks. Here is the notebook.
Feel free to pick up the pens...
Stop running and playing
We'll take care of the adults!
Let us be asked at the blackboard -
We are proud to say to everyone:
We are students now
Not little kids!
(T. Bokova)

44. First grader

Masha is a first grader:
uniform dress,
starched apron,
You can sit at the desk.

On the apron - frills,
And the dress has pleats!
Where can I get fives
To be all right?
(A. Barto)


45. First grader

This little prankster
I went to kindergarten yesterday.
Today is a first grader
He goes to school in the morning.

The briefcase itself carries heavy.
It contains notebooks and a pencil case.
He goes to school with a bouquet.
He suddenly became serious.

His toys are waiting for him at home.
You cannot take them with you.
And so you want with a pillow
Lie down a little more.

But he walks proudly
Wants to know a lot.
And he learns firmly
Read without hesitation.

He goes, very worried,
After all, I don't know anyone there.
But, like everyone else, they also want
The best is to become a student.
(N. Filippova)

46. ​​Tomorrow morning

Tomorrow morning, like bird trills,
Bells will ring all over the country.
We rested and sunbathed,
Completely prepared for school.

Like astronauts before launch
We're a little worried right now.
We already miss the desks,
Yes, and they are not happy without us ...

The guys have enthusiastic faces,
Everyone around is screaming.
Time to share experiences
Me with you and you with me.

Who will tell about the sea tides,
Who will remember the mountain pass.
How many of us are cheerful and happy!
Everyone has been somewhere.

Our banner flutters in the wind,
We look up to him in the ranks.
We are moving forward on the path of knowledge,
We love our country dearly.
(Leonid Soroka)

47. First grader

In the hands of a briefcase, flowers; and bows in pigtails ...
I'm not walking, I'm flying! My soul is a titmouse.

Delight lives in the eyes, and all of me is wide open ...
Everyone is looking at me, because I'm a first-grader!

The sun sends me greetings! And I shine too
And the eyes of mom and passers-by shine.

And friends about school sing a song for me,
And the first bell rings for me cheerful.

At the desk for the first time ... and suddenly it became anxious,
But here the family is my class, and here you can live without a mother.

The teacher here is our second mother:
- To the world of knowledge - good luck! She told us with a smile...
(L. Firsova-Sapronova)

48. I grew up

Now I'm not up to toys -
I'm learning alphabet
I'll pick up my toys
And I will give Seryozhka.
wooden utensils
I won't donate just yet.
I need a hare myself -
It's okay that he's lame
And the bear is smeared too...
It's a pity to give away the doll:
He will give it to the boys
Or throw it under the bed.
Give the steam locomotive to Seryozha?
He's bad, no wheel.
And then I need too
Play at least half an hour!
Now I'm not up to toys -
I'm learning alphabet...
But I think Serezha
I won't donate anything.
(A. Barto)

49. August 31

Mom, and dad, and I are worried,
Our family is worried all evening.
Everything is ready for a long time - both the form and the bow.
And miracle flowers adorn the sideboard.
And mom is confused: “Is everything all right?” -
And again on the form ironed the folds.
And dad forgot completely from excitement -
To the cat, instead of porridge, he thumped jam.
I also worry, and even tremble,
I go for mom and dad all evening:
“Set an alarm so we don’t oversleep.
For six hours or better for five.
My mother told me: “Don’t be naive -
I think how to sleep tonight!
After all, tomorrow you will go to school for the first time.
Everything is changing tomorrow in our lives.”
(V. Kodryan)

50. First time in first grade: in the animal world

The crocodile is lucky:
Today he crawls to school.
Beloved child
Mommy screams after:
“Be obedient, don't bite.
Don't smile too wide!
Do not take an example from the ignorant
And you can’t eat the director!”

Disgruntled teacher

- Hush, children, speak! -
The teacher cracks up.
- I'm completely deaf with you,
Lion first graders!

- Louder, children, speak! -
The teacher cracks up.
"I can't hear you at all!"
Oh, this fish class!


The turtle is going to study.
polished shirt,
A cap is put on the head
The briefcase is tied tightly to the back.
Leaves the gate at midnight.
Do not be late - one concern.
Don't be late, be on time!
Today is the third lesson.

At school at the North Pole

Snow on the desk stirs
Paw student.
Babies in white coats
In white gloves.

Starts to call
White bear:
- You can't get up.
Ice in the classroom.
(Anna Ignatova)

51. School all in flowers once a year

The school is all in flowers once a year,
On this day she sings
Joyfully welcomes guests
And sparkling smiles.
On this day teachers
And students are friends
Poems sound all day long
Holiday bells ring.

The diaries are still empty
All pages are clean
Waiting for fives with impatience,
Everyone understands their excitement.

Let's not make them blush
You only have to wish
And try a little
To study well.

52. First of September

Autumn has a wonderful view -
September took over:
Maple burns with a red flame.
The robin blushed.

In the flower beds asters of all colors,
Like stars, they shine.
And on my students
Parents admire.

September painted the school yard
Flowers and smiles.
From the leaves spread a carpet -
It has golden highlights.

We go to school for the first time
Goodbye preschoolers!
We are in the school fraternity now
We want to join guys!

53. Conversation with a first grader

Here I am, a first-grader,
I go to my yard.
And neighbors smiling
Start a conversation:

Hello. What, school today?
I answer: - I was at school.
They joke further: - How many deuces?
- I did not receive anything.

Well, why did you get up so early,
Didn't bring any ratings?
- Without a briefcase... Very strange...
interrogation continues.

I, today, on the line,
School, festive stood.
About study and grades
The director told us.

About the guys that after school
The detachment went to the front.
About children, that in the winter cold,
In the workshop, they made a shell.

And, about what will be, soon,
We are entrusted with the country!
What study for five
Our country needs!

Well done! I got it right!
You didn't get up today for nothing!
So study, then, approximately!
Just so you don't get tired :)
(Anatoly Vlasov)

Children enter their classroom to the music and sit at their desks.


1. Greeting.

Hello guys!

Hello, friends!

On an autumn day

I see you!

Elegant, ceremonial, so beloved

The girls, combed with bows, are sitting.

And the boys are great, so cute,

Such neat people are looking at us now.

In the class, it is customary to respond to the greeting of the teacher with a tilt of the head, while standing at his desk. Let's try.

(They are training.)

Well done! Sit down please.

For 4 whole years we will be inseparable in studies and in games.

First, we need to get to know each other, learn and learn how to follow the school rules. That is, we will learn to be disciples.

2. Acquaintance

Let's all say our name together. (called). Did not work out.

Let's whisper names. (called). It didn't work again.

What to do?

Flower field.

Yesterday there was a beautiful flower meadow, on which flowers with your names grew. But some evil wizard ruined everything. All the flowers flew around. Only stems remain. Let's plant flowers again. Who can read and be able to find his flower, with his name?

Children find their names and stick a flower on the board.

One flower remained. Who is he for? Who else is in the class?


My name is Tatyana Vasilievna

3. Game-journey

The first grader is seven years old.

Behind the shoulders of a satchel

And in the hands of a large bouquet,

Blush on cheeks.

What is the holiday date?

Answer it guys!

(slide 1)

You came to school to gain knowledge. Today we will go on an imaginary journey through a wonderful country. And what is it called? (Land of knowledge.) (slide 2)

Where is this wonderful country located? Solve the riddle and you will know.

There is a cheerful bright house,

There are a lot of nimble guys in it.

They write and count

Draw and read. (School) (slide 2)

And what will we travel on? (Slide 3)

This bird has no wings

But you can't help but wonder:

Only the bird will dissolve the tail -

And rise to the stars. (Rocket)


Get ready for the rocket launch!

Got ready!

Enable contacts!

There are turn contacts!

Start the motors!

Got to start the engines!

Three, two, one, go…..

Planet "School Rules" (slides 4 - 6)

The Land of Knowledge is unusual, fabulous. But she has her own laws and rules that you will have to follow.

A desk is not a bed and you can’t lie on it.

You sit at your desk harmoniously and behave with dignity.

If you want to answer - do not make noise, but just raise your hand

The teacher will ask - you need to get up, when he allows you to sit down - sit down.

Stand up in unison whenever the teacher enters the classroom.

Don't talk like an overseas parrot in class.

Well, guys, chur - silence. The lesson starts.

To become a student, you need to remember the following:

In the lesson you sit quietly, quietly, like a mouse,

The back is right next to you. Do it like me.

If you want to say or leave, or stand up,
You have to hold your hand.

Planet "Gather-ka" (slides 7-8)

The student was going to class.

He took the chips in reserve,

I took textbooks, notebooks,

Two big chocolates

Put a pencil case in a briefcase,

I took a pen, a ball, a book.

I put my pencils...

And a sharpener too

He took a doll and a top

Shove carefully.

I put an album in my briefcase,

Brush, machines ...

Plasticine, puppy, cardboard,

Interchangeable boots.

Let's all go to school together. Remember what you need to take to school.

1. Behind a huge house,

And a pencil case, and books in it,

Both notebooks and an album.

This house goes to school. (Knapsack.)

2. I decided to draw a house,

I open my ... (album).

3. I will draw in the album,

And for a letter you need ... (notebook).

4. Ours can draw

Wooden ... (pencil).

5. I was drawing - and here is Marinka!

Erase an unnecessary stroke ... (rubber band).

6. Suddenly the snake will become straight,

If you have it in your hands ... (ruler).

7. Mushroom, bear, fox, basket -

I blind everything from ... (plasticine).

8. On yourself, guys, honestly,

I'm not used to relying.

To remember the task

I write it in ... (diary).

9. Wooden caftan,

Colored Ivan lives in it.

He loves an album, a notebook,

And I love to draw them. (Pencil.)

10. Likes to plunge into the water,

Likes to dress in colors

And then in my album - lope!

And painted the flower. (Tassel.)

11. Two knives fastened together.

They do not sit in place:

Cut and cut

They make with us. (Scissors.)

Riddles on the topic: Textbooks (slide 9)

There are many textbooks in my knapsack.

I'm ready to guess a riddle about them.

This problem, examples to solve. (Mathematics.)

This will teach nature to love. (The world.)

Planet "Grammar" (slide 10)

Guys, look who lives on this planet? Can you tell me the name of the planet? Yes, this is the Grammar planet. Letters, vowels and consonants live here. They can be read and written. Here we need to complete the task: solve riddles about letters.

  • There is no corner in this letter, it is so round,

Before that, she was round, she could roll away. (O)

  • Look at this letter, it's just like the number three. (Z)
  • This letter is wide and looks like a beetle. (AND)
  • Here are two pillars obliquely, and between them is a belt. (AND)
  • So that O does not roll away, I will nail it firmly to the post.

Look what happened. The letter turned out ... (Yu)

  • You look: who is blocking the road,

Standing with an outstretched hand, bending the steering wheel leg? (B)

  • Come chicken chick, repeat: chick, chick, chick.

If you learn your lesson, I'll give you a flower.

This heron on the porch explains the letter ... (C)

  • Answer, who is an expert: the letter is like a hammer. (T)

We will meet with letters in the lessons of literacy, reading and the Russian language. Here are the textbooks by which we will learn letters, read and learn all the secrets of the language.

And when you put the phrases
Then you read all the books at once

Planet "Guess" (slides 11 - 12)

Guess what fairy tale characters are we talking about?

With a primer, a wooden boy walks to school,

Instead of a school, he ends up in a wooden booth.

What is the name of this book? What is the boy's name?


He is the best in the world. He heals sick animals.

And one day he pulled a hippopotamus out of the swamp.

He is famous, famous. This is a doctor ... (Aibolit)

Unknown to many for a long time, he became everyone's friend.

According to the fairy tale, an interesting onion boy is familiar to everyone.

It is called very simply and not long ... (Cipollino)

He is cheerful and gentle, this cute eccentric.

With him is the owner, the boy Robin and a friend - Piglet.

For him, a walk is a holiday and a special scent for honey.

This is a teddy prankster - a bear cub ... (Winnie the Pooh)

Self-confident, though clumsy,

And by nature he is a big nerd,

Come on, guess him,

Known to everyone under the name ... (Dunno)

Planet "Play" (slide 13)

I will ask questions, and you, where necessary, say - I am. Just be very careful.

Teacher: Who likes chocolate?

Teacher: Who likes marmalade?

Teacher: Who likes pears?

Teacher: Who doesn't wash their ears?

Children: Dirty.

Teacher: Who likes an orange?

The article contains poems, sketches, congratulations for first graders that can be used in preparing the script for the Knowledge Day holiday.

A first grader on Knowledge Day finds himself in a completely unknown environment. The task of the organizers of the holiday on September 1 is to ensure that the adaptation of the children occurs faster, and the interest in school and study does not fade away after its first visit.

Knowledge Day for newly minted schoolchildren is an acquaintance with the first teacher, with each other. The teacher, during the first meeting with the children, reveals the abilities of first-graders. From this article you will learn how to arrange an interesting and memorable holiday on September 1 for first graders.

How do you want to go to school?

Scenario for first graders on September 1

Leading: Good afternoon, boys, girls, their parents, grandparents. You patiently and for a long time waited for the day to come - September 1, and here you are - smart and beautiful, standing on your first school line in a real school uniform, and your first book - A Primer - is waiting for you in the classroom.

Congratulations to you all on the start of the first academic year of your life! See how many guests came to your holiday. Did you find everything through the eyes of your relatives and friends? Wave to them and say "Hello, guests, teachers!" (in response to the greeting, the guests also wave their hands). I wish you all more knowledge and excellent grades!

The music is about school.

First host:
Quiet, gentle and kind

Leaves fall at your feet

This is the autumn charm

She asked to visit us.

Quiet maples rustle in the yard

This morning of smiles and light,

The bright sun plays in the window.

Play, say goodbye to summer!

The walls of the classrooms are bright,

Floors smell of paint

Golden autumn looks through the windows,

And in plain sight the leaves in the school garden

Quietly circling, smoothly flying.

Comes to school every fall

First-graders noisy round dance,

Joyful, thoughtful cheerful,

Your teacher will lead you to knowledge.

Second host:
There are different holidays throughout the year.
And today we have a holiday
First graders go for the first time
To your friendly school class!
First-graders are welcomed by students of the 11th grade.

1st graduate:
Good to see you guys
At our school for the first time,
Coming soon your leader
Your native will show you the class.
2nd graduate:
School will help you grow up
And open the way to knowledge
It is only worth it very boldly
You quickly step into it.
3rd graduate:
First class is the start for you,
We're at the end of the road
All we got here
We want you to get.
4th graduate:
So that parting words remain
With you until the end
We sent gifts
You have a cheerful messenger.

Senior students give gifts to beginners (school supplies, Primers). The presenter announces the solemn transfer of the Golden Key to the upcoming knowledge to the sounds of the song “They teach at school, they teach at school”

teacher: Today you are going on an amazing journey - to the land of knowledge. In this country, you can get to know each other better, play and learn a lot of interesting things. Which one of you guys will say what they teach in school?

After the children answer teacher continues:
-That's right, at school they teach you to write and read, count and draw, but you will also learn to be friends and help each other.
- And who will say where your lessons will take place? ( Children answer - in class)
- That's right, you will study in a beautiful, comfortable classroom. I hope you enjoy learning in it. Well, now, let's get acquainted. My name is (name of teacher). I am your first teacher. We will spend 4 whole years together and hopefully become inseparable friends! After the holiday, we will get to know each other better. And now let's show the guests how we prepared for September 1st.

Prepared first-graders perform:
1st student:
Just got out of kindergarten
Backpacks in hand
Let's learn now
We are no longer babies.
2nd student:
We will try at school
Letters are difficult to learn
So that good marks
Wear it in your diaries.
3rd student:
We asked mom, dad
Come here quickly
To sit at a new desk,
Read poetry in the primer.
4th student:
We make promises to you
Be successful in everything
And exemplary behavior
Let's not let anyone down.

The first lesson is an exciting moment for first-graders

First-graders who have just performed stand in a row with the students of their class. The line continues with a small concert prepared by high school students for guests and parents. Schoolchildren dance, perform several songs about school years. In the final part, head teacher.

Today is a very important day
For those who seek knowledge
For their parents, teachers,
Who is not afraid of responsibility.
Now hear the call
For you, it will sound for the first time,
And you go to class
Where the walls will become your family.

The senior student picks up the first-grader, passes the bell into her hands and puts it on his shoulder and walks in a circle along the students lined up in a line. After the first bell rings for newly-made schoolchildren, balloons filled with helium take off into the sky.

Speaker military training teacher with the words: "At the construction site, stand still, to the right." There is silence. The anthem of the Russian Federation sounds, after which the students give bouquets to teachers and the director of the school. Schoolchildren go to their native classes for the Peace Lesson, and first-graders are taken to their class by graduates.

Song about school on September 1

The closer the September 1 holiday is, the more often the organizers need to find a good song dedicated to the Day of Knowledge. We offer you the following songs.

Hello school!
The first day of September swirled foliage.
Autumn flies like a bird along native roads.
Summer ended yesterday
It's time for everyone to go to school
And the bell calls us back to the lesson.
Calls are pouring over the country.
In the morning the students go back to school.
We return to the cheerful class to friends.
Hello school! We cannot be separated.
You, teacher, taught us all to dream,
And your lessons will not be forgotten.
Let us be schoolchildren for now
We know for sure
All our bright dreams will come true.
We will sing, we will live, we will love life
And the Fatherland, blooming under the sun.
Let's never forget
Our school years
And bells calling for lessons!

Knowledge Day

In all cities and villages
Calling marches sound.
Full of enthusiasm and fun
Smiles on the faces of the guys.
Beautiful moms parade
With bouquets march in a row
A festive holiday comes to us
Always on the first day of September.
Magic door with wonders
And the secrets of school sciences
Will open on the most joyful day
The teacher is a mentor and friend.

Poems about school

In this section you will find poems about school, Knowledge Day, the first teacher. The poems presented here from modern authors will help diversify the scenario of the holiday.


I read in a book suddenly:
"School" meant "leisure".
In ancient Greece it was like this:
Only the time has come
Rest from all labors,
Every resident was ready
talk about the fate of the world,
Delighting your ears with a lyre.
Time slowed down.
"School" every person
Read like heaven...

I'm building my portfolio again.
The time would come
To love school.

Favorite school

How I love school, mom!
In the morning noisy crowd
We come to the class the most-most ...
This class is mine.

There is no better school in the world:
It's cozy and warm here.
And with our teacher
We, I confess, were lucky.

Doesn't swear angrily
Even if he puts "two",
And show businesslike
Where is the mistake, to us.

Let there be many lessons at school
We'll win, no problem!
Start at the threshold
Our school years...


When I go out for a walk on my day off,
I try to avoid it
But a sunbeam in a clean window
She will always wink at me!

Home school anthem

Everything will pass and maybe
Tired of everything in old age,
But while you're learning
Rejoice in this school.

Glory, glory to the school
And the teachers
Because they teach us
And very diligently.

Glory to our Motherland,
Wise and beautiful.
We multiply by labor
Its power and strength.

Glory to all who decide
The super task is difficult -
The transformation of the ignoramuses
To the opposite.

If you ever
Become one with the greats
Don't forget this anthem
Like your relic.

Getting started at school is, above all, a game!

Scenes for September 1

If you are looking for funny miniatures about school, then pay attention to the following scenes for September 1st. They will cheer up both students and their teachers. Let the “infusion” into the new school year be colored with humor and laughter. Small miniatures will be able to play schoolchildren of different classes.

1. Method of education.

Teacher: He will go to the board, he will go to the board ... Ivanov will go to the board!
Ivanov: And why immediately Ivanov?! Look, Aniskina doesn't go to the blackboard at all!
Teacher: Because Aniskina always does her homework. And you, Ivanov. You do not do it and therefore you are called to the board.
Ivanov goes to the blackboard.
Teacher: So, let's say you have four apples, divide them between you and Sergeyev.
Ivanov: I am four, Sergeyev is not a single one!
Teacher: Why?
Ivanov: I don’t like him from the first grade, he’s all so positive.
Teacher: Okay, then share the apples between you and your best friend.
Ivanov: I'm three, my friend is one.
Teacher: Why is that now?
Ivanov: I love apples more than a friend, so I'll take three for myself.
Teacher: Then strip four pears.
Ivanov: My friend is four, I have none.
Teacher: And now what?
Ivanov: I don’t like pears at all, let them take everything.
teacher b: Ivanov, this is not the correct answer!
Ivanov: What is the correct one then?
Teacher: And now you will have the correct answer in your diary, give it here.
Ivanov: I know the correct answer is a deuce!

2. Q&A

Teacher: Who wants to get an A in my subject?
Ivanov holds out his hand.
Teacher: Oh, Ivanov, commendable, commendable. Come on, get out.
Ivanov goes to the blackboard.
Teacher: Now we will have a mini test. I will ask questions, and you will quickly answer them. Understood?
Ivanov: Yes, I understand, but how quickly do you need to answer?
Teacher: So fast for it to be right
Ivanov: Okay, I'm ready.

— the greatest traveler?
- Frog traveler.
Can you name the parts of a flower?
- a flower, a pot.
- a dense forest, is it?
- a forest where you can take a nap.
How long does a mouse live on average?
- it all depends on what kind of cat lives in the house.
Why is time in Europe ahead of time in America?
- because America was discovered later, and time is lagging behind there.

Teacher: Yes Ivanov. I didn't expect this. He answered so quickly. Well, let's sum it up: for answers, a count, for resourcefulness, five. The result is three.
Ivanov: Thanks I was trying.


When the holidays are over and school time comes, it's so hard for the guys to stay in the classroom for a long time, bending over the next textbook.

Organize contests for children on Knowledge Day, and let the winner be the one who did not waste time in vain in the summer, exercising in speed, resourcefulness, and resourcefulness. Children will have fun, compete and laugh heartily, and teachers will check how prepared they are for school. You can arrange a simple tea party with fun contests, riddles and funny tasks.

Requisites: prepare vegetables and fruits cut into 1x1cm cubes. Toothpicks, disposable plates, napkins. Eye patches.
Place the same number of fruit and vegetable cubes on plates. It is better to hold this competition not for a while, but so that the participants in the game can taste each cube and determine it correctly. The player who guessed the most dice wins. Why does he receive an Apple prize?

Requisites: a sharpener, a ruler, a plastic pencil (because it produces the longest chips when turning). Those who wish participate in this competition. Task: for the appointed time, carve as long a curl as possible. The winner can be chosen for both the most curls and the longest curl. The winner will receive a pencil sharpener.

Requisites: cookies or sweets, in the same amount for each player. Both boys and girls participate in the game. On a signal, it is necessary to lay out the pyramid as high as possible in a certain time. The player whose pyramid turned out to be higher and turned out to be the most stable wins. The winner receives a sweet prize.

Requisites: bottles of soda water, balls. Bottles of soda are displayed in a row, not very close to each other. Two players are called to participate in the competition. Each is given a ball. Players stand behind the line so that there is no spade. The task is to bring down as many bottles as possible in the appointed time. The winner will receive a bottle of lemonade.


You can always find a worthy replacement for contests and quizzes - these are games. Schoolchildren will willingly take part in games, especially if they are interesting.

For this game, you will need a rope 1.5-2 m long. Several people can participate at the same time. All participants stand in a circle. The leader stands in the center of the circle. He takes a rope in his hand (you can take a rope or cord with a soft ball tied at the end) and with the words: “Catch, fish, big and small!” begins to rotate the rope so that its end falls under the feet of the participants. The task of the participants is to ensure that the rope does not touch their feet. To do this, when approaching the feet of the “fishing rod”, you need to jump so that the rope passes under your feet. If one of the participants steps on the "bait", then he is considered caught and at the same time changes places with the leader. The game can be limited in time or carried out until all participants are in the role of leader.
This fun game is designed for all participants who stand in a circle, holding hands tightly, choose a “sparrow” and a “cat”. "Sparrow" is placed in the center of the circle, and the "cat" is placed outside the circle. The task of the "cat" is to run into the circle and catch the "sparrow". The rest of the participants should not let the "cat" to the "sparrow". The game continues until the "cat" catches the "sparrow". In this case, the game ends and new "sparrow" and "cat" are selected.
In this game, all participants must be divided into pairs. Pairs line up on one line drawn by the host. At some distance (about 3 m) another line is drawn. Participants stand with their backs to each other and grab a partner with their arms bent at the elbows. At the signal of the host (ringing the bell, clapping, the words: “One, two, three - pull!”), Pairs rush to the indicated line. When they reach the mark, they return.
In this case, first one participant goes forward, and then vice versa. The winner is the pair that returns to its place faster than the others.


When preparing a quiz for students, you can use the questions below.

  • The highest school mark in Russia is ... What?
    (Five, five)
  • What is the verbal equivalent of an A in school grade called? ("Excellent")
  • What is the name of both a student who receives only fives, and an employee who performs his duties perfectly? (Excellent student. A student is also called a fiver)
  • What is the name of a coin or a sum of five kopecks? (Pyatak, Piglet)
  • What is the name of a small round area and, in general, a cramped, limited space? (Piglet)
  • What is the name of Winnie the Pooh's pink friend? (Piglet)
  • What are the five fingers of the hand called together with the palm? (five)
  • What is a working week with two days off called? (Five days)
  • What is a short production meeting called? (Five minutes)
  • What is the name of the five-year economic development plan?
  • (Five-Year Plan)
  • What digits must end in a number in order for it to be divisible by five? (Zero or five)
  • What does the number five look like in binary?(101)
  • What is the Latin letter for the Roman numeral five? (Letter "V")
  • What is the name of a musical ensemble of five people? (Quintet)

Waltz on September 1

The waltz at the festival on September 1 will be a real highlight. Therefore, be sure to include it in the script and learn it with schoolchildren.

Video: waltz on September 1

Lettering September 1

If, when preparing for the holiday of September 1, there is a need for a beautiful inscription, then you can choose the one you like in this section. A spectacular inscription sometimes immerses you in a festive school atmosphere better than any words.

Inscription Knowledge Day

Lettering First Grader

Postcards for September 1

How to make a postcard to your favorite teacher on September 1? Look in this section for a selection of photos of beautiful greeting cards, and your imagination will tell you from what and in what sequence the card you like is made.

Postcard School bell

Postcard First class

Drawings on the theme of September 1

What drawings are associated with Knowledge Day? Of course, a book, school supplies, autumn flowers and lots of yellow leaves. Open book with a bookmark Wishes to first graders on September 1

First-graders on Knowledge Day need special attention. A selection of poems for those who go to school for the first time is a must when preparing a holiday script.
First grader from parents.

You will remember this day forever
The school will accept you for the first time.
Will open wide its doors -
And the school week starts

And after it the second, quarter, year ...
Your school period will flow,
Walks, runs, rushes,
Just have time to study for "five"!

It's still in the future now
You will go to first grade for the first time.
Knowledge is still a little stock,
But over the years you will overtake us.

First grader

Bouquet of flowers in your hands
And a new satchel behind,
In the eyes of excitement and delight,
You squeeze your mother's hand tightly.

Today is your main holiday
You are walking to school for the first time
You are a first grader, you are big!
Now everything will be different.

Wishes for a first grader

On the first day of autumn
Joyful, cheerful,
With a cheerful mood
You run to school.

See you after summer
There are swirling friends,
And everyone in bouquets
Festive asters.

Will be until May
You now work hard.
We wish you
Study well!

Mom is very dear
Every step of yours
Bring on the fives
More for her, my friend!

Wishes for Knowledge Day

Summer is over, and gently calls
Kids at the desks of all the school.
And with books a new, magical flight
Knowledge Day will give you again.

And on the first day of autumn, the day of September,
School friendship meets you.
And childhood, a silver,
The light of good is radiated on you.

Video: First time in first grade
