Muslim conspiracy for food or water. Muslim prayer to attract money

Miraculous words: a Muslim conspiracy prayer spell in full description from all the sources we found.

Muslim magic is special, and for some reason it is rarely mentioned. Meanwhile, it is in Muslim magic that there are many effective conspiracies that can help solve a wide variety of problems. The main thing is to believe that Muslim conspiracies are shrouded in a special mysticism that can create real miracles. It is also equally important to learn how to read Muslim conspiracies correctly. After all, spells will be effective only if they are pronounced in the Muslim language.

Magic intertwined with religion

Relationship between religion and magic

The Muslim religion and magic are very closely related. It seems to the uninitiated that Islam is a very strict religion. Actually, it is. But bright magical actions today have become part of Islam. For example, when treating Muslims, they use not only herbs, water, but also verses of the Koran, Muslim conspiracies and prayers.

There are some magical actions that are allowed by Sharia - reading prayers on water, blowing. It is believed that even the Prophet Muhammad once performed these actions.

There is another feature of the Muslim religion: conspiracies are very similar to incantational prayers. Also, Muslim conspiracies have similarities with conspiracies used by Christians.

At the same time, no one cancels prayers, which Muslims call doga or doha, dua. True, with regard to prayers, knowledgeable people emphasize that in Islam there are two types of prayers. Some are canonical, that is, permitted by Sharia. Others are non-canonical, that is, folk, apocryphal.

Types of prayers and conspiracies

Types of conspiracies and prayers

Muslims share several types of prayers. In particular, Muslim conspiracies and prayer spells are:

To remove the evil eye, damage,

To get rid of the curse, fear,

To acquire wealth

To expel evil spirits (shaitans, genies, peri),

On the way to the authorities,

Moreover, Muslims, as a rule, are not limited only to reading prayers. They also perform rituals and rituals, make talismans that they use to get rid of a problem or protection.

How to read prayers and conspiracies

Rules for reading prayers

Muslims put forward many requirements for the use of dogs, that is, conspiracy prayers. So, to get the desired result, you should:

  1. Read the prayer the number of times indicated in the plot. If these data are not specified, then it is necessary to read the plot 3-5 times.
  2. When reading a conspiracy, you need to look in the direction of the qibla, that is, masjidul haram mecca.
  3. The utterance of any conspiracies is allowed only after ablution.
  4. When reading conspiracies and prayers for water, after each reading of the conspiracy, you should gently blow into the water.

Protective spell

You can perform a magical ritual that will form a kind of shield around the body, protecting the physical and etheric body from negative influences.

So, the ritual with the reading of the plot is carried out for three days - at dusk from Tuesday to Thursday. It is important to learn how to quickly and correctly pronounce the Ibnu Alvan spell. The difficulty lies in the fact that the conspiracy must be pronounced 100 times without interruption - no more, no less. To be effective, you need to say the cherished spell a thousand times on Thursday, and between midnight and six in the morning.

It is difficult, but the result will exceed expectations. It remains to be added that subsequently the conspiracy of Ibn Alvan will need to be repeated three times a day in order to maintain the magical effect of invisible protection.

So, the conspiracy of Ibnu Alvan sounds like this:

“Allahumma salliimnaa buumi valmundhiiri valkanuuni valbunduuki vassilaahi vanahvihaa muddata hayaaa tinaa, allahumayal kulla maa askhaabanaa minal-hadiido maaan saailan vamin-ghairihi habaa an mantsuuraa.”

Conspiracy from sadness, longing and anxiety

Increasing your happiness

“O Allah, indeed, I am Your servant, and the son of Your servant and the son of Your handmaid. I am subject to You, Your decisions are binding on me, and the judgment You have pronounced on me is just. I conjure You by each of Your names, which You called Yourself. or sent it down in Your Book, or revealed it to any of Your creatures, or left it hidden from everyone except You, make the Qur'an the spring of my heart, the light of my chest and the reason for the disappearance of my sadness and the cessation of my anxiety!

It is necessary to pronounce the conspiracy like this:

“Allahumma, inni 'abdu-kya, ibnu 'abduk-kya, ibnu amati-kya, nasyati bi-yadi-kya, madyn fiya hukmu-kya, 'adlun fiya kadau-kya, as'alu-kya bi-kulli ismin hua la-kya summitata bi-khi nafsa-kya, ay anzalta-hu fi kitabi-kya, ay 'allyamta-khu ahadan min halky-kya au ista'sarta bi-hi fi 'ilmi-l-gaibi 'inda-kya an taj 'ala-l-Kur'ana rabi'a kalbi, wa nura sadri, wa jala'a huzni wa zahaba hami!

Conspiracy to protect children

“U’izu-kuma bi-kyalmati-Llahi-t-tam-mati min bought shaitanin, wa hammatin, va min bought ‘aynin lammatin”!

Translated, this means:

“I resort to the perfect words of Allah so that they protect you from any shaitan, and insect, and from any evil eye!”

Muslims believe that the Messenger of Allah once said these words over al-Hussein and al-Hasan. Therefore, they always protect their children with such a conspiracy.

incognito 06/24/2013 08:41

Muslim conspiracies for all occasions

Muslim conspiracies are that hidden part of Islam, the existence of which many do not even know. True, unlike Orthodoxy and Slavic conspiracies, Muslim magic is closely related to religion. Islam does not forbid some magical rituals, such as conspiracies from corruption, since it is believed that the prophet himself Muhammad performed similar rituals.

Magic in Islam

The peculiarity of the magical component in this religion is that in most cases whole chapters of the Koran are used ( suras).

Sura (Arabic سورة‎‎‎) is the Arabic word for one of the 114 chapters of the Quran.

All existing in Islam rukiah(conspiracies) are divided into two types.

First allowed Shariah, do not contradict religion and are essentially suras Koran. They are read only in Arabic, as in the original. Such rukyas are pronounced over water, which the person applying for magical influence will then drink, or over the sick, if the rite takes place to get rid of any ailment.

There is also a second type of spell. This type of ruqya is prohibited. Shariah. And they are forbidden because the one who reads them refers to anyone except Allah: saints, prophets, angels, demons, and so on.

Meanwhile, in Islam, despite the mention in Koran of all the above beings, prayers are addressed only to Allah. Any other variants of spells are considered polytheistic. And if any rituals are used in the process, talismans - even more so.

Separately, it is worth mentioning talismans and amulets, which play a big role in the life of Muslims. The fact is that from the evil eye to small children, different versions of security amulets are necessarily hung on their clothes. Most often these are sayings from Koran and prayers. However, there are options for amulets that contain not canonical texts, but different types of jewelry. They are also prohibited by the official religion.

However, all these prohibitions do not interfere with the work of numerous sorcerers and witches. Muslim magic is rooted in Arabic magic., which, as you know, is considered one of the most ancient, and is also not divided into black and white.

True, the majority of Muslim rituals that have come down to us and practiced now " white" and are represented by spells and rituals for protection, attracting good luck, love and prosperity, for money, health. Of course, there are love spells, evil eye and damage.

Love magic stands apart. After all, women from other religions resort to it when they want to attract the attention of a Muslim man. At the same time, if a Muslim decided to bewitch a woman of another religion, he also needs to use Islamic rites for this.

However, the question arises, will a woman who is not involved in Islam be able to perform an effective rite to attract the desired man? After all, a prerequisite for any strong magical tradition is initiation. In this case, everything depends on the strength of love and sincerity of intention.

Rules for conducting Islamic magical rites

Some ancient sources speak of the rules that the magician had to follow in order to perform a successful ritual. Some of them were formed in the Arab world before the advent of Islam. Some are similar to the rules of Western magical traditions, while others are a reflection of religious requirements.

So, first of all, the magician must perform the rite, being in a state of ritual purity. We are talking about the purity of the body, thoughts, clothes and the room where the ritual is performed.

An important rule that is relevant for the Arab-Islamic tradition today: women, regardless of religion, should not perform rituals during menstruation.

Among other prohibitions during the period of Muslim magic rites: the rejection of alcohol, tobacco and other more “heavy” substances that can change consciousness.

The best time to perform rituals is Friday. Magical actions are repeated from three to seven times, while the one who performs them must turn his face to the east (towards Mecca). All spells, regardless of whether they are suras or just spells, are read aloud.

Muslim conspiracies for love

For the first conspiracy it is necessary at dawn, standing in a basin, pour yourself a glass of water. Then collect this water again in a glass. On the collected water you need to read the following conspiracy:

Allah said to be patient! I'm waiting! Allah commanded to love! I'm on fire! Allah turned to (name) and told him to wait and suffer! as he drinks water, so he will fulfill the command!

After that, a few drops of charmed water must be added to the food or drink of the victim, at the same time, for protection, you need to read first sura.

The next love spell It is read while standing on the road that goes as far as possible into the distance. Ideally, if the horizon is visible. It is necessary to come there and read the plot every day until the result appears. In the process of reading, it is important to imagine that the desired man is walking along this road from afar to the reader.

Bismillahir Rahmonir Rahim. Man Abdehi Allazi Lail Ila Rabbi Aljdamilu Wa Ante Arkhamar Rachemin.

Muslim conspiracies for money

Among the Muslim conspiracies for money translated into Russian, one of the simplest and most working is considered to be a spell in which money is not directly asked for, but it is said about happiness in the house:

In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Merciful!

Greetings, happiness!

Welcome to my home!

Appear like a song, oh happiness!

Be born like the day and the sun in the sky, oh happiness!

Make it rain, oh happiness!

Come like snow in winter, oh happiness!

Come, like the long-awaited winter after autumn, oh happiness!

Bring joy with you, oh happiness!

Open the gates of prosperity, oh happiness!

Let the rays of gratitude illuminate all around!

Come, happiness!

Muslim spells for good luck

Muslim conspiracies for good luck are very popular in Islam, like any rituals that bring success in any religions and esoteric movements.

All spells for good luck in Islam are aimed at protecting against the machinations of evil spirits (shaitans and genies), that prevent ordinary people from achieving what they want.

The following conspiracy exists in two forms: in Arabic and Russian.

Innaa lil-lyahi wa innaa ilaihi raaji’uun, allahumma ‘indakya ahtasibu musyybatii fa’dzhurnii fiihe, wa abdilnii bihee khairan minhe.

Translation into Russian:

Verily, we belong entirely to Allah and, verily, we all return to Him. O Lord, before You I will give an account for understanding and correctness in overcoming this misfortune. Reward me for the patience I have shown, and replace the trouble with something that is better than it.

In addition, the Quran itself has this advice: when a person yawns, he definitely needs to cover his mouth with his hand, otherwise a genie can fly in there, which will take all the luck from a devout Muslim.

Muslim conspiracies for trade

We all know what an oriental bazaar is and what significance the art of bargaining indulges in there. In the Middle Ages, Eastern merchants traveled all over the world. The trade of a merchant was considered dangerous wherever he was: at home, trading in the market or traveling to other countries.

It is not surprising that various Muslim conspiracies for trade are widely used in eastern countries.

All of them are surahs from the Koran, which must be read aloud before trading. Below we present a few of them.

“Allahumma, barik lahum fi Mikalikhim. Wa barik lahum fi sa'ihim wa muddihim."

Russian version:

“Oh Allah! Give prosperity (grace) to the scales and the things that were weighed on them.

Another conspiracy:

Allahumma, barik li fi Mikaliya. Wa barik li fi sa'i wa muddii

Another conspiracy that is read every morning by a merchant, before starting work:


“Allah is above everything. There is no deity but Allah, the One, who has no partner, the power belongs to Him. Praise be to Him alone. He resurrects and takes life. He is Alive and Immortal. Grace is in His hands. He is the Almighty."

Muslim magic, like any other, offers a number of effective rituals. In order to achieve a result, it is important to follow all the rules for conducting rituals, and most importantly, to keep purity of intention and love in the soul throughout the work.

    • divination
    • Conspiracies
    • rituals
    • Signs
    • Evil Eye and Corruption
    • amulets
    • love spells
    • Lapels
    • Numerology
    • Psychics
    • Astral
    • Mantras
    • Creatures and

    On this day there were extensive festivities, the people drank and walked. It was believed that it was not a sin to drink a lot if the bins were full. It was not for nothing that they said: “I got nicked!”. On winter Nicholas, it is customary to make conspiracies against alcoholism. You can order a prayer service for the health of a relative with alcohol addiction. On December 19, St. Nicholas brings gifts to children, and relatives read prayers for their health.

    Muslim conspiracies for good luck - the spell "Ibnu Alvan"

    Muslim magic differs to a large extent from Slavic, first of all, in that all the magical means offered to it are closely intertwined with religion. But at the same time, the unifying factor is that in order for the rituals to be effective, the conspiracies used in them must be pronounced with full faith in success.

    Features of the rites

    The faithful are allowed to use only the canonical, permitted by Sharia law, Muslim conspiracies for good luck. It is believed that such actions were performed by the Prophet Muhammad himself.

    The following requirements are put forward for Muslim conspiracies and prayers:

    • You need to read the conspiracy prayer in a magical rite as many times as indicated in the rules. If there is no clarifying information, then it is necessary to repeat the magic words 3-5 times.
    • It is important during the ceremony to turn your gaze towards Mecca.
    • Rituals are allowed only after bathing.
    • If water is used in the ritual, then after pronouncing the conspiracy, you need to lightly blow on its surface.

    Ibnu Alvan's spell

    The most popular Muslim conspiracy for good luck is the Ibnu Alvan spell. Its text can be taken in the original from a special Muslim collection of Salavats.

    The complexity of the ritual lies in the fact that the spell used in it must be recited without interruption 100 times on Thursday between midnight and six in the morning. And subsequently, the magic words will need to be read three times a day to maintain its effectiveness. Thanks to this, a protective shield is created around a person, protecting him from any negative external influences.

    Prayer for inner anxiety

    Another useful conspiracy in Islam is a prayer aimed at getting rid of internal anxiety. And, as you know, a balanced person is able to make reasonable timely decisions, and, therefore, contribute to attracting good luck in his own life.

    In translation, such a prayer sounds something like this:

    Reading Muslim conspiracies for good luck without sincere faith is a big sin. It should be remembered that such an offense will necessarily be punished. But with a righteous lifestyle and true faith, the results from reading Muslim prayers for good luck will exceed all expectations.

    Muslim conspiracies or what is the strength of the Islamic religion?

    Muslim conspiracies are the most special and rare phenomenon of magic. The rituals of this religion solve many complex problems. To extract the best result, you must sincerely believe in their strength and be able to accurately cast spells. To enhance the effectiveness of the conspiracy, it must be carried out in the Muslim language.

    Muslim conspiracies in religion

    The religion of the Muslim people and effective magic are very tightly intertwined. People who are not initiated into the mysteries of Islam believe that this is a rather harsh and cruel religion. In fact, this is true, but over time, white magic has become one of the parts of Islam. For example, during treatment, Muslims began to use not only medicinal herbs, but also special conspiracies.

    In recent times, other magical effects are allowed by Sharia, such as reading prayers for water and blowing. There is an opinion that the Prophet Muhammad himself used such methods. The most interesting feature of the Muslim religion is that conspiracies are similar to conjurational prayers. And yet, Muslim and Christian conspiracies have many similarities.

    Regardless of all this, prayers are also present in the religion of Muslims, they are called dua or doga. People who know this culture talk about two types of Muslim prayers. The first are canonical, prayers that are approved by Shariah. The second are non-canonical, purely folk prayers.

    What are the types of Muslim conspiracies?

    Depending on the purpose of the ritual, Muslims are divided into several types of conspiracy. These are:

    Muslims are not content with just reading prayers, they create protective talismans and protective rites. Often at the time of the treatment, they use lines from the Koran, which adds more strength to the performers of the ceremony.

    How to use prayers

    Muslim conspiracies have their own conditions that will help increase their effectiveness. To enhance the result, you should adhere to the following rules:

    1. You need to say a prayer exactly in the amount indicated in the ritual. If there are no clarifications about this, praying should be at least five times.
    2. During the pronunciation of the prayer, be sure to look in the direction of the qibla, that is, in the direction of the sacred Kaaba in the city of Mecca.
    3. You can start any kind of ritual only after washing.
    4. At the end of the ceremony, the performer blows on the water.

    For the most complex ritual, performers undergo weekly training. During the allotted time, they keep the strictest fast, in which only bread and cold water are allowed, Sura Yasin is read daily. At the end of the fast, it is required to donate any amount of money to needy people, and only after that you can start the ceremony. If everything is done correctly, then in a few weeks the first signs of a successful conspiracy will appear.

    Effective conspiracies

    Conspiracy to protect the child

    In order to make the strongest protection for the child, we go through a weekly preparation for the ritual. At the end of all the necessary procedures, you need to carefully redeem the child and dress him in clean white clothes. When you are alone with him, read these words into his ear five times:

    “I use the perfect words of Allah to protect my child from any shaitan, from all evil spirits and the evil eye.”

    Muslims believe that the helper of Allah spoke these words over al-Hussein, therefore they use such protection for their children.

    If you want to get married quickly, this ritual is perfect for you. To conduct the ceremony, prepare a couple of meters of light-colored fabric and several cuts for making a dress. And so, we begin to carry out the ritual, for this you need to lay a light fabric on the floor, fold the cuts intended for dresses in the middle, sit in the center of our slide and put a basin of water near your feet. Then, holding the old castle in our hands, we read Surah Ikhlyas twenty times, then we get up and, making a circle around the room, we read Surah Fatiha.

    After that, we tie the fabric, making a knot, and go to the shower. Going to bed on this day, you should wash yourself with the water that was present during the ritual, the fabric should be folded under the pillow, and the lock should be hung on the door in the room. To enhance success, try to visit any temple within a week after the ceremony.

    dua prayers

    In Islam, prayer is a general action, but there are also personal prayers to Allah, which are called Dua. They are used to protect against trouble or to attract wealth. At one time, the Prophet Muhammad argued that the prayer of the dua is a powerful weapon for Muslims. Often they use a dua from damage and the evil eye.

    At the very beginning of the prayer, one should sing the beauty of the Creator, and then repent of all one's sins. Then, measuredly and in a half-whisper, say the words of the prayer three times. This type of conspiracy can be addressed at any time of the day throughout life. During prayer, you need to bow to the ground. There is no need to disturb Allah over trifles, it is worth turning to Him really in a hopeless situation.

    Summing up all of the above, we can single out the following - no matter what religion you belong to, what God you pray to and what exactly you want to get, the main thing is to start the conspiracy with full confidence in success and with great faith in the best. Whatever problem you are in, just sincerely turn to a higher power and be sure that it will help you. Take care of yourself!

    Conspiracies and prayers for all occasions are a common method for correcting mistakes. When a person decides to resort to using.

    Spells for beginners are getting more and more attention. The main task for people who want to learn how to use magic,.

    Conspiracies from corruption are a necessary means of protection throughout life. After all, you can not only get a negative impact on health.

    Since ancient times, women who performed conspiracies on their hair managed to keep them strong and healthy until old age. existed in everyday life.

    New Year's conspiracies are becoming more and more popular every year. The rituals that are performed on the eve of a huge holiday are aimed at.

    The influence of the Moon on all spheres of human existence is recognized even by the most ardent skeptics, therefore, folk conspiracies invented in the old days c.

  • Muslim magic offers a number of very effective conspiracies that can be used in various areas of life. If you sincerely believe in Muslim conspiracies, then, in a word, you can create real miracles.

    Popular household rituals

    Very popular are simple Muslim conspiracies that help eliminate any domestic problems. The requirements for reading Muslim conspiracies are very strict. They are as follows:
      Muslim conspiracies are read the exact number of times indicated in the description of the rite, but not less than three times; When pronouncing magic words, the gaze should be turned towards Mecca; It is allowed to pronounce magic words only after washing.

    Rite of sadness and longing

    One of the most popular and popular is the rite against sadness and longing. Such a plot is read three times. In Russian it sounds something like this:

    “O Allah, I acknowledge that I am Your servant, and the son of Your servant and the son of Your handmaid. I am completely under your control. I do not dispute your decisions and orders, but accept them. Whatever your verdict against me is fair. I conjure you, Allah, with all your names that you call yourself, make the Holy Book, the Koran, the light of my soul and the joy of my heart. Let this be the reason for the disappearance of my inner sadness and longing. And along with this, life's anxieties will go away.

    To protect children

    Also often in Muslim magic, conspiracies are used to protect children. Magic words are pronounced over the child's head. The translation is as follows:

    “I turn to Allah for help so that his words in the Quran protect you from the most evil shaitan, insect or evil eye.”

    Of course, for the conspiracies of Muslim magic to be effective, they should be pronounced in Arabic. Texts can be taken from a special Koran adapted for foreigners.

    Attracting Wealth

    Muslims often use verses from the Koran as conspiracies, which are meaningfully suitable for solving specific life problems. For example, in order to attract wealth, one should first observe a strict fast for a week, and then read Sura Yasin every day for five consecutive days. Moreover, on the first day it must be read 20 times, and subsequently the number of readings should be increased by 10. It is believed that the conspiracies of Muslim magic cannot help the Gentiles. This is true, but this is due, first of all, to the fact that only a Muslim has a sincere faith, which guarantees a strong message of the necessary energy.

    Magic is an unknown force that has been trying to understand the greatest minds of mankind for hundreds of years. Muslim conspiracies belong to a special type of magical action. A person who has mastered such power can overcome any obstacles, solve everyday problems. Ancient magic to attract money, the strongest love spell for a man, for good luck, which the soul, tormented by torment, needs so much. Muslim conspiracies will help restore justice, find peace of mind. What is special about this kind of magic?

    Conspiracy for profit

    Since ancient times, man has been looking for forces that help him obtain the benefits he needs. From birth to death, the soul, suffering from a better life, rushes from one faith to another. Finding a way to achieve your goals is not easy, and new obstacles appear on the way every day. Adherents of the power of positive thought, atheists, deeply religious people - they all reach the goal, strive for enlightenment, are in search of their own destiny. The magical world and religion agree on one thing - action is necessary to achieve the desired power. Conspiracies work only for people who make efforts, fulfill all the necessary conditions for performing the ceremony, but most importantly, they believe that words filled with ancient power will work.

    Muslim strong conspiracies have spread beyond the eastern countries quite recently. Until today, ancient magical rituals and rites have been kept a closely guarded secret. For Muslims, faith comes first. Without it, a person is lost and cannot be accepted by society. Magical knowledge was passed down from generation to generation like a heavy burden. As a possibility, which was resorted to only in extreme cases. The hidden part of Muslim culture is connected with religion, no matter how paradoxical their combinations may seem.

    The Importance of Magic in Muslim Countries

    Muslim powerful conspiracies and damage directly by religion are not forbidden. Some types of predictions are even welcome. The strength of magic comes from the inner strength of a person, from desires, to some extent obsessive thoughts. To attract money, love, fame, the words of the conspiracy are taken from entire chapters of the Koran - the main book of a believing Muslim. The text, which should be memorized before performing a magical rite, uses suras (the word in Arabic for chapters of the Koran). Muslim effective conspiracies are divided into two types:

    1. The first type of conspiracies in no way runs counter to religion. During the performance of a magical rite, only Arabic words should be pronounced, translated conspiracies do not work. Attributes for rituals of this type: water, the body of another person (a patient in need of urgent treatment). Secret magical effects should be carried out only by people with strong morale, with irresistible willpower. Energetically depleted people can suffer from this kind of interference.
    2. Rukia-type spells are addressed not to God, but to saints, angels or even demons. Prayers are always addressed to God, and do not need to perform additional rituals. Prayers have nothing to do with spells, but can serve as the basis for them.

    It is difficult to convince Muslims of what their parents, their older relatives, do not believe. It is difficult to convince a nation that respects the experience of its ancestors. The force of attraction hidden in every person will help him to gain all kinds of benefits, it remains to make a little effort and open up to a new world full of mysteries and incredible knowledge.

    Who needs the help of magic?

    Charms or amulets that protect a person from all sorts of adversity are considered separate parts of magic. Such integral items in the house (sometimes worn on the arm or chest), irreplaceable wealth or love are attracted. Everyone needs money in the modern world, both those who want to live a life full of adventures and people with an irresistible desire to help others. A strong conspiracy is not always used for such purposes; instead, amulets are used that help achieve the goal every day.

    Muslim prayers - daily conversations with the Lord himself, work on a similar principle. They ask for the accumulation of goods that a person possesses or only strive to receive them. Children in Muslim families without amulets on their chests are not released even from their father's house. Magic has been developing in a pious country for centuries, and at the same time, modern man has something to take out of it for his own benefit.

    White magic does not run counter to religion. It helps to protect the house, relatives and loved ones from the tricks of enemies. Love magic will never lose its relevance. By nature, a person cannot live without love feelings, and he does not want to spend priceless days on everything in which there is no higher feeling. Money is a secondary matter, but the search for suitors for a Muslim woman is her status, pride for the family and reliability, which cannot be blamed on a resident of Eastern countries. How to find a good man or call for good luck using just one conspiracy?

    Conspiracies for love

    Prayers are directed strong energy. From early childhood, a little girl asks for a husband, a worthy and caring father for her children. One of the popular and effective conspiracies can become a significant help in the fulfillment of a secret desire. Love spells belong to another part of love magic, stronger in action and more significant in price (any strong magical effects will require a large reciprocal fee). Arabic suras will become an indispensable part of the ritual to find a loved one, the main spell. Additional attributes of love magic will be herbs that are used in folk medicine. It is best to collect the weed with your own hands, fold it carefully at home and dry it thoroughly. Suitable natural collection:

    • rosemary;
    • mistletoe berry;
    • basilisk;
    • lovage.

    The photograph of a lover will enhance the effect of the conspiracy. In the ritual for a quick marriage, there is an integral moment - reading words over the fire, so the girl prepares a metal dish or stand in advance, on which it will not be dangerous to burn herbs. Surahs for the beloved to return are also read over a living flame. Fire enhances the power of desires, a person draws energy from it and performs secret rites.

    After preparation, you can begin to perform the ceremony. Two photos should be placed on the table - a lover and a girl thirsting for the love of the victim. The pictures are neatly sewn together with a thin silk thread (preferably gold). Surahs for the fulfillment of desires are read five times. You can read prayers to achieve the desired effect only in the original language. It is easy to find audio recordings on the Internet, according to which you will have to learn not only words, but also the desired intonation.

    Conspiracy words:

    "Tamore kotashen intema!".

    The plot should be read thoughtfully, clearly and with a calm intonation. Then the dry collection is ignited. Having smoked the photos of the future couple, the prayer words are repeated two more times. The resulting ash is carefully collected and then mixed into the lover's food. There are cases in life when love spells of this type do not work the first time, then the magical action should be repeated in the same sequence.

    Muslim conspiracies for wealth

    A strong dua from the evil eye, envy, witchcraft, illness, damage, genies


    Conspiracy for money and wealth

    Most of the conspiracies of the east cannot be used. It is difficult for a Christian woman to read even one sentence in Arabic. Russian translation is more difficult to find than the original source. You can conspire water for profit using the following conspiracies:

    “In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Merciful! Greetings, happiness! Welcome to my home! Appear like a song, oh happiness! Be born like the day and the sun in the sky, oh happiness! Make it rain, oh happiness! Come like snow in winter, oh happiness! Come, like the long-awaited winter after autumn, oh happiness! Bring joy with you, oh happiness! Open the gates of prosperity, oh happiness! Let the rays of gratitude illuminate all around! Come, happiness!"

    You can read such a conspiracy for success at work or in personal affairs (business, own enterprise). Water for the ritual is chosen clean, preferably from an artesian source. After the ceremony, she is drunk at a time. What cases in life will be solved by a quick Arab conspiracy? Problems in the workplace, stagnation in business with partners, lower profits. From the professional evil eye, the rite will also come in handy. Protecting your budget is not a sin or a crime.

    Conspiracy for a quick recovery

    One of the most powerful and necessary conspiracies is committed to good health. Treatment of a sick person can take months or even years. A powerful Muslim conspiracy will help drive away death and oppose a serious illness. The patient should be placed on the chest, and next to him put a container (pour water). The liquid conserves energy, especially while reading prayer words. Energy flows must pass through the chest of the patient, so it will not be possible to carry out the action without the participation of the patient. The desired ritual will work on the very first day, and if no effect can be observed, the secret magical action will have to be repeated.

    Having prepared the patient, it is necessary to read the following spell:

    “Allahumma sallimnaa buumi valmunndhiiri valkanuuni valbunduuki vassilaahi vanahvihaa muddata hayaaa tinaa. Allahumayal kulla maa askhaabanaa minal-hadiido maaan saailan wamin-ghairihi habaa an mantsuuraa.”

    The chest of the patient is turned over so that the person lies on his back and the spell is read again. A good prayer can be repeated several times for a couple of consecutive days and the disease will soon recede. Water after the ritual is poured under any tree. What are the safe practices? The strength of each read conspiracy is given by a person, his hidden thoughts, a strong desire. If evil comes from the chest, heart, soul, then it harms precisely the one who called for magic.

    The most complete description in all details is a Muslim conspiracy strong for money with a fairly strong and safe magical effect.

    Muslim conspiracies for money are largely different from the rituals that are carried out in the Slavic world. But what unites magical rites is that absolute faith in success is necessary for their effectiveness.

    Rite options

    The main difference between Muslim practical magic is that it is closely connected with religion and does not allow appeal to any pagan deities. In this regard, magical rituals became part of the traditional religion. While Christianity does not recognize Slavic magic, in any of its manifestations.

    In Muslim conspiracies, verses of the Koran are often used, so they are very similar to prayers. Sometimes whole passages from the Qur'an are read during the rituals.

    In the Muslim world, there are two types of magical rituals:

    • Canonical, which are allowed for use by Shariah;
    • Non-canonical, close to the folk traditions of a particular area, which are also accepted by Islam.

    Demanded Ritual

    A Muslim conspiracy for money helps to attract material wealth and wealth to life, therefore it is very much in demand. The requirements for the ceremony are very strict and the slightest deviation from the rules will lead to its ineffectiveness.

    During the preparatory period:

    • It is necessary to observe a severe fast during the week, while eating only bread and cold water is allowed.
    • Sura Yasin with 83 verses should be read daily in full. Moreover, on the first day of fasting, this is done ten times, on the second, twenty times, and so on, that is, on the last day, it must be read 70 times.
    • Before reading, it is necessary to perform a sacred ritual bath.

    After the seventh day, you must go to the mosque and make donations. As an option, it is allowed to help any needy family. On this, the rite is considered completed, and if everything went as it should, then soon material well-being will come to the family of the person who performed the rite.

    Popular conspiracies

    In addition, Muslim magic offers folk conspiracies that must be read. It is better to do it in Arabic. But for those who do not know it, you can use the translation.

    One of the most effective Muslim conspiracies is read seven times at dawn.

    It sounds like this in Russian:

    Muslim rituals are very powerful. And in order for them to be for the good and not have any negative consequences, it is necessary to lead a righteous lifestyle and not wish harm to other people, under any circumstances.

    Muslim conspiracies for all occasions

    Muslim conspiracies are that hidden part of Islam, the existence of which many do not even know. True, unlike Orthodoxy and Slavic conspiracies, Muslim magic is closely related to religion. Islam does not forbid some magical rituals, such as conspiracies from corruption, since it is believed that the prophet himself Muhammad performed similar rituals.

    Magic in Islam

    The peculiarity of the magical component in this religion is that in most cases whole chapters of the Koran are used ( suras).

    Sura (Arabic سورة‎‎‎) is the Arabic word for one of the 114 chapters of the Quran.

    All existing in Islam rukiah(conspiracies) are divided into two types.

    First allowed Shariah, do not contradict religion and are essentially suras Koran. They are read only in Arabic, as in the original. Such rukyas are pronounced over water, which the person applying for magical influence will then drink, or over the sick, if the rite takes place to get rid of any ailment.

    There is also a second type of spell. This type of ruqya is prohibited. Shariah. And they are forbidden because the one who reads them refers to anyone except Allah: saints, prophets, angels, demons, and so on.

    Meanwhile, in Islam, despite the mention in Koran of all the above beings, prayers are addressed only to Allah. Any other variants of spells are considered polytheistic. And if any rituals are used in the process, talismans - even more so.

    Separately, it is worth mentioning talismans and amulets, which play a big role in the life of Muslims. The fact is that from the evil eye to small children, different versions of security amulets are necessarily hung on their clothes. Most often these are sayings from Koran and prayers. However, there are options for amulets that contain not canonical texts, but different types of jewelry. They are also prohibited by the official religion.

    However, all these prohibitions do not interfere with the work of numerous sorcerers and witches. Muslim magic is rooted in Arabic magic., which, as you know, is considered one of the most ancient, and is also not divided into black and white.

    True, the majority of Muslim rituals that have come down to us and practiced now " white" and are represented by spells and rituals for protection, attracting good luck, love and prosperity, for money, health. Of course, there are love spells, evil eye and damage.

    Love magic stands apart. After all, women from other religions resort to it when they want to attract the attention of a Muslim man. At the same time, if a Muslim decided to bewitch a woman of another religion, he also needs to use Islamic rites for this.

    However, the question arises, will a woman who is not involved in Islam be able to perform an effective rite to attract the desired man? After all, a prerequisite for any strong magical tradition is initiation. In this case, everything depends on the strength of love and sincerity of intention.

    Rules for conducting Islamic magical rites

    Some ancient sources speak of the rules that the magician had to follow in order to perform a successful ritual. Some of them were formed in the Arab world before the advent of Islam. Some are similar to the rules of Western magical traditions, while others are a reflection of religious requirements.

    So, first of all, the magician must perform the rite, being in a state of ritual purity. We are talking about the purity of the body, thoughts, clothes and the room where the ritual is performed.

    An important rule that is relevant for the Arab-Islamic tradition today: women, regardless of religion, should not perform rituals during menstruation.

    Among other prohibitions during the period of Muslim magic rites: the rejection of alcohol, tobacco and other more “heavy” substances that can change consciousness.

    The best time to perform rituals is Friday. Magical actions are repeated from three to seven times, while the one who performs them must turn his face to the east (towards Mecca). All spells, regardless of whether they are suras or just spells, are read aloud.

    Muslim conspiracies for love

    For the first conspiracy it is necessary at dawn, standing in a basin, pour yourself a glass of water. Then collect this water again in a glass. On the collected water you need to read the following conspiracy:

    Allah said to be patient! I'm waiting! Allah commanded to love! I'm on fire! Allah turned to (name) and told him to wait and suffer! as he drinks water, so he will fulfill the command!

    After that, a few drops of charmed water must be added to the food or drink of the victim, at the same time, for protection, you need to read first sura.

    The next love spell It is read while standing on the road that goes as far as possible into the distance. Ideally, if the horizon is visible. It is necessary to come there and read the plot every day until the result appears. In the process of reading, it is important to imagine that the desired man is walking along this road from afar to the reader.

    Bismillahir Rahmonir Rahim. Man Abdehi Allazi Lail Ila Rabbi Aljdamilu Wa Ante Arkhamar Rachemin.

    Muslim conspiracies for money

    Among the Muslim conspiracies for money translated into Russian, one of the simplest and most working is considered to be a spell in which money is not directly asked for, but it is said about happiness in the house:

    Greetings, happiness!

    Welcome to my home!

    Make it rain, oh happiness!

    Come, happiness!

    Muslim spells for good luck

    Muslim conspiracies for good luck are very popular in Islam, like any rituals that bring success in any religions and esoteric movements.

    All spells for good luck in Islam are aimed at protecting against the machinations of evil spirits (shaitans and genies), that prevent ordinary people from achieving what they want.

    The following conspiracy exists in two forms: in Arabic and Russian.

    Innaa lil-lyahi wa innaa ilaihi raaji’uun, allahumma ‘indakya ahtasibu musyybatii fa’dzhurnii fiihe, wa abdilnii bihee khairan minhe.

    Translation into Russian:

    Verily, we belong entirely to Allah and, verily, we all return to Him. O Lord, before You I will give an account for understanding and correctness in overcoming this misfortune. Reward me for the patience I have shown, and replace the trouble with something that is better than it.

    In addition, the Quran itself has this advice: when a person yawns, he definitely needs to cover his mouth with his hand, otherwise a genie can fly in there, which will take all the luck from a devout Muslim.

    Muslim conspiracies for trade

    We all know what an oriental bazaar is and what significance the art of bargaining indulges in there. In the Middle Ages, Eastern merchants traveled all over the world. The trade of a merchant was considered dangerous wherever he was: at home, trading in the market or traveling to other countries.

    It is not surprising that various Muslim conspiracies for trade are widely used in eastern countries.

    All of them are surahs from the Koran, which must be read aloud before trading. Below we present a few of them.

    “Allahumma, barik lahum fi Mikalikhim. Wa barik lahum fi sa'ihim wa muddihim."

    Russian version:

    “Oh Allah! Give prosperity (grace) to the scales and the things that were weighed on them.

    Another conspiracy:

    Allahumma, barik li fi Mikaliya. Wa barik li fi sa'i wa muddii

    Another conspiracy that is read every morning by a merchant, before starting work:


    “Allah is above everything. There is no deity but Allah, the One, who has no partner, the power belongs to Him. Praise be to Him alone. He resurrects and takes life. He is Alive and Immortal. Grace is in His hands. He is the Almighty."

    Muslim magic, like any other, offers a number of effective rituals. In order to achieve a result, it is important to follow all the rules for conducting rituals, and most importantly, to keep purity of intention and love in the soul throughout the work.

    money spell for muslims

    Any person wants to always have money and to have prosperity in his house, Muslims are no exception in this regard. And just like the Orthodox, and people who do not profess any religion, representatives of Islam have their own ways of attracting money to their home.

    Since ancient times, there have been special conspiracies for money for Muslims, they are passed down from generation to generation in Arabic, the language in which the Koran is written.

    The Muslim religion and magic are very closely related. It seems to the uninitiated that Islam is a very strict religion. Actually, it is.

    But bright magical actions today have become part of Islam. For example, when treating Muslims, they use not only herbs, water, but also verses of the Koran, Muslim conspiracies and prayers.

    There are some magical actions that are allowed by Sharia - reading prayers on water, blowing. It is believed that even the Prophet Muhammad once performed these actions.

    There is another feature of the Muslim religion: conspiracies are very similar to incantational prayers. Also, Muslim conspiracies have similarities with conspiracies used by Christians.

    At the same time, no one cancels prayers, which Muslims call doga or doha, dua. True, with regard to prayers, knowledgeable people emphasize that in Islam there are two types of prayers.

    Some are canonical, that is, permitted by Sharia. Others are non-canonical, that is, folk, apocryphal.

    Muslims put forward many requirements for the use of dogs, that is, conspiracy prayers. So, to get the desired result, you should:

    • read the prayer the number of times indicated in the plot. If these data are not specified, then it is necessary to read the plot 3-5 times.
    • when reading a conspiracy, it is necessary to look in the direction of the qibla, that is, masjidul haram mecca.
    • uttering any conspiracies is allowed only after ablution.

    Unfortunately, not every person who professes Islam can confidently use Arabic. Therefore, conspiracies are allowed to be read in translation into Russian.

    Muslim conspiracy to attract money

    Bismillah ir-rahman ir-rahim,

    Assәlamү galeykem, ya bakhet-dәүlәt!

    Әy vә hush kil, ya bakhet-daүlәt!

    Koylar belan kil,

    Kon vә koyash kebek tua kilgel,

    Yagmur kebek yava kilgel,

    Kar kebek java kilgel,

    Kysh kebek kyshlayu kilgel,

    Sagadat kabylyn ala kil,

    Nigmat kapugyn acha kil,

    Rakhmet nuryn chacha kil,

    In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Merciful!

    Greetings, happiness!

    Welcome to my home!

    Appear like a song, oh happiness!

    Be born like the day and the sun in the sky, oh happiness!

    Make it rain, oh happiness!

    Come like snow in winter, oh happiness!

    Come, like the long-awaited winter after autumn, oh happiness!

    Bring joy with you, oh happiness!

    Open the gates of prosperity, oh happiness!

    Let the rays of gratitude illuminate all around!

    Come, happiness!

    This conspiracy for money for Muslims is read 7 times, preferably at dawn.

    Muslim prayers for good luck and abundance

    Orthodox Muslims, like representatives of the Christian world, condemn witchcraft and other manifestations of communication with demons with condemnation. For this is a sin and, having stained himself and his soul with witchcraft, a Muslim loses all the blessings promised to him in the next unearthly life.

    But being in this world a creature of flesh and blood, people, of course, have their own desires. We need to raise children, provide our families with bread and clothing. According to Sharia law, a man is obliged to provide for his family in abundance, therefore, everyday Muslim prayer may include requests for the granting of wealth by Allah. It is better to ask for luck and money from God than to fall for the bait of Shaitan.

    In Islam, there is a certain type of prayer that has no less power than conspiracies. They are called ruqya - a Muslim prayer, a request for the fulfillment of a plan.

    The scope of their application is very extensive. Rukyas have the power to get rid of diseases of the body and spirit, they perfectly cope with various life troubles. From them you can draw strength in the fight against the enemy. You can also lure money, prosperity and good luck with the help of a certain ruqy.

    But the main quality of ruqyah is that it comes from Allah. By replacing magical conspiracies with ruqyahs written by the Prophet, we have the opportunity, by the grace of Allah, to receive the desired enrichment. Each word of ruqyah is taken from the Qur'an.

    Rukya to attract wealth to your home

    The order of prayer is determined by the will of Allah for every true Muslim. In the Holy Quran, an instruction is given for the obligatory performance of namaz - a daily Muslim prayer, the meaning of which is in pronouncing the formulas of monotheism and in glorifying, exalting Allah.

    There are no restrictions in the Quran for words addressed to Allah, glorifying his power and superiority over people, as the highest being, incomprehensible to the human mind. For Rukya, there are no clear formulas and clear canons that must be read. Prayer became a continuation of the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad and later righteous people. To obtain material well-being, in order to attract good luck and money, it is customary to add ruqya conspiracies with a certain text code to those prayers that glorify Allah.

    Rukya for good luck and money is read once. After reading it during prayer, you should give a few coins to the poor in order to return your kindness and mercy back, through the will of Allah.

    The words of this ruqy should be written above the entrance to your house. They will become a magnet to attract money and prosperity to your home. They will bring long-awaited well-being to your family. This ruqyah, like a conspiracy, carries a certain formula, an algorithm in itself, giving an inexplicable supreme action, which, nevertheless, is not considered sinful according to the teachings of Sharia.

    Rukya for a well-fed and rich life

    A Muslim woman is traditionally a good housewife, and her whole life is devoted to the house. She rarely has the opportunity to influence the prosperity in the family, except to provide a reliable rear for her husband. Therefore, there is a rule: being a devout Muslim woman, it is necessary to strictly follow all the prescriptions of Shariah, read prayers in order to bring grace, good luck and the mercy of Allah to the earner husband.

    Along with this, women are given wisdom and strength to use conspiracies to enhance the effect of prayers. These are the traditional ruqyas that can be recited for food and drink. They will illuminate the food with the light and blessings of Allah. These conspiracies work well when the dough is rolled out - it seems to absorb good wishes.

    “O Great and Mighty Allah, I admire your strength, I humbly bow my head in prayer. Grant us your mercy. Grant prosperity and wealth to our home. Grant health to all who live under our roof. Grant a good path to those who bring joy to our home. Grant an easy income to my husband and master. I rely on the will of Allah Almighty!

    But do not forget, in addition to this use of ruqi, pray fervently at the appointed time. Give praise to the Almighty. And be sure to read Surah Yasin with all the verses. Their great power makes it easier for every true believer to obtain wealth.

    A strong rite to receive wealth in a faithful Muslim home

    To beg for wealth from Allah, you can hold a certain prayer service that can fill your house with money and prosperity. But in return for the desired enrichment, it is necessary to show a degree of fidelity to Allah and show one's efforts and endurance.

    • The ritual begins with a strict fast. It is allowed to eat only bread and water for a whole week. By this you show the degree of your sacrifice and taming of the spirit.
    • Every morning begins with reading the suras of the Koran. Especially Sura Yasin with the verses. Every day, you should add ten readings of it, starting from the first day with ten readings.
    • Don't forget about ritual washing. The impure must not touch the sacred Book.
    • After you have fasted and prayed all seven days, go to the mosque and after the solemn prayer give alms to the poor.
    • It is favorably regarded by Allah if you bless a needy family with a donation. Then you will be rewarded back with a rain of gold.

    Be sure to end the daily prayer with the words of ruqi, the formula of which is to attract wealth. These words must also be read after you have performed the ceremony, devoting time daily to reading the ruqyah.

    Amulet to attract wealth and prosperity

    In order not to lose luck and always be in abundance, you need to make yourself an amulet that protects you from poverty. The basis of this amulet is to make a small piece of paper on which they write the words ruqyi that lure money. This is a transcription of Arabic words in the Russian alphabet.

    Write these words on a small piece of paper, fold it up, and hide it in your wife's hand-sewn leather pouch. Wear it around your neck or in your pocket. But try not to lose it and treat it with care.

    The words of this ruqyah can be written on sheets of paper and put in secluded places in your home. They will lure and provide grace in your home, protect you from poverty and begging. It will not be superfluous if you pronounce these words during the daily prayer.

    • Important! To use the rituals traditional for Islam, you must first of all be a Muslim. For people of a different religion, these recipes will not bring the desired result.

    Muslim conspiracies to attract money

    Muslims have their own effective conspiracies that help in difficult situations. After all, a Muslim cannot read Orthodox prayers or conspiracies based on an appeal to the Slavic gods.

    Since ancient times, there have been special Muslim conspiracies for money, they are passed down from generation to generation in Arabic, the language in which the Koran is written. Unfortunately, not every person who professes Islam can confidently use Arabic. Therefore, conspiracies are allowed to be read in translation into Russian. In principle, in many Muslim countries, magic has always been banned.

    Features of Muslim conspiracies

    For the use of conspiracies in some countries, you could pay with your life. But still, magical knowledge is alive in the Muslim world, it helps people improve their lives through an indirect appeal to Allah.

    All the conspiracies of the Islamic peoples are very religious in nature, the verses of the Koran themselves are an important magical tool, because they treat various diseases with their help. Muslim conspiracies may be accompanied by certain actions that the ritual provides for. Some of them involve the use of amulets, which take passages from the Koran.

    In Muslim countries, spells and conspiracies of 2 varieties are used. Firstly, these are canonical texts that are allowed by Sharia law. Secondly, non-canonical, these are prayers that live among the people, they are in many ways similar to the conspiracies of the Slavs.

    Popular Islamic money spell

    “In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Merciful! Greetings, happiness! Welcome to my home! Appear like a song, oh happiness! Be born like the day and the sun in the sky, oh happiness! Make it rain, oh happiness! Come like snow in winter, oh happiness! Come, like the long-awaited winter after autumn, oh happiness! Bring joy with you, oh happiness! Open the gates of prosperity, oh happiness! Let the rays of gratitude illuminate all around! Come, happiness!"

    Below is the Russian transcription of this conspiracy in Arabic. It can be used by those who do not know Arabic, but want to read the conspiracy only in this version, because they consider it a more reliable way to get money.

    “Bismillah ir-rahman ir-rahim, slam galeikem, ya bhet-dlt! ya v hush kil, ya bhet-dlt! Kylr beln kil, ya bhet-dlt! Kn to koyash kebek tua kilgel, ya bhet-dlt! Yagmur kebek yava kilgel, ya bhet-dlt! Kar kebek yava kilgel, ya bhet-dlt! Kysh kebek kyshlayu kilgel, ya bhet-dlt! Sgadt kabalyn ala kil, ya bhet-dlt! Senechlek berl kil, ya bhet-dlt! Nigmt kapugyn acha kil, ya bhet-dlt! Rkhmt nuryn chch kil, ya bhet-dlt!”

    To improve wealth

    This text can be written down on a piece of paper and always carried with you. With due faith, he will attract happiness to his owner, help to ensure that money flows to him like a river.

    To achieve the desired result, to attract happiness, prosperity and money, you can conduct a weekly ritual. It is believed that one must endure the strictest fast for a week, which implies the use of only bread and water, and the water should be cold.

    All days of fasting are accompanied by the reading of Sura Yasin. On the 1st day of fasting, it is read 10 times. On the 2nd day - 10 more, that is, 20. So you need to add 10 times daily, and by the end of the fast, read this Sura 70 times a day. It should not be forgotten that one can read the Sura only after a ritual bath. This Sura is a very powerful way of influencing fate. When 7 days expire, donate money either to the needy or to the mosque. If all actions are performed correctly, then in a couple of weeks the first signs of material well-being will appear.

    Turning to Muslim conspiracies for money, as a rule, gives a positive result. But here the faith of the person himself, his ability to lead a righteous lifestyle, the desire to do good and not wish evil to others still matters.

    dua prayers

    Muslims have special prayers that can be called the word "prayer". In Islam, prayer is a common act (prayer). But there are also personal prayers. Which can be understood as a variant of a witchcraft conspiracy. A Muslim can turn to Allah to protect a person from troubles and bestow all good things, including money. The Prophet Muhammad himself noted that prayer-supplication is a kind of weapon for a Muslim.

    Such a prayer should begin with the chanting of the Creator, followed by repentance for the sins committed. Then they calmly and restrainedly read the prayer words, repeating them 3 times. From the point of view of the official religion, such conspiracies can be turned to at any time in life. But there is also a better time. This is the gap between adhan and hikana.

    It is necessary to pronounce your prayers, making bows to the ground. It is believed that it is this posture that brings a Muslim closer to God. You can’t disturb Allah over trifles, so you can pray only when things really need the help of higher powers. For example, money is urgently needed for treatment, or a wanderer needed help on the way.

    To get wealth and money in sufficient quantities, you can use a special magic table. The table should be drawn exclusively from right to left. Working on it on Thursday. While working on the table, they read the Sura. The following words are put on the table:

    "Allahumma sali ala saidina".

    It is then rolled up and carried around as a talisman.
