Conspiracies, amulets and rituals for work and career. Rite of passage for career advancement, salaries

Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Issue 32 Natalya Ivanovna Stepanova

For career growth

For career growth

From a letter:

“I am writing to you in the hope that you will notice my letter and respond to my problem. I hope to find your answer in the next book. I love your publications very much, I find a lot of new and useful things in them. Here's why I worry you: after graduating from the university, I got a job, but from the very first day my boss began to brazenly pester me. At first I politely laughed it off, and when he grabbed me and began to paw, I hit him and escaped from his hands. He reacted unequivocally, said that it was better for me to write a statement of my own right now, otherwise he would do everything to get me fired under such an article, with which I would not be hired even in the village. I didn’t argue with him, realizing that I didn’t have the strength to fight him, and it was disgusting to see him every day. Some time later, I found a job again, but here I was again unlucky. Among the working staff, I was the youngest and most attractive, and my wife began to be jealous of my boss. The atmosphere was so unpleasant that I quit of my own free will. For three months I could not find a job, despite my red diploma. With the help of my mother's friends, I was hired, but no matter how hard I try, no one appreciates my work. Four years have passed, I'm still in the same position - give it, bring it, but I would really like career growth, have I studied so much in vain? From your books, I realized that the magic of words has unlimited power and with its help you can change fate for the better. My neighbor went through all the courts and lost everywhere, although I know, and everyone knows, that she was right and the truth is on her side. Taking pity on her, I gave her conspiracies from your books for the court, and she won the last court, although everyone around said that if the previous courts were not in her favor, then the last one leaves the same decision! Dear Natalya Ivanovna, I deeply respect you for your wise knowledge, and I really hope for your support.”

Long before our century, in ancient times, people were concerned about how to make it so that they could get out of the officer into the senior officer, from the assistant master to get the position of a tailor. People had in a secluded place a charmed paw of an eagle, a claw of a bear, a charmed grass-grass or a whispered scroll for the growth of rank. Even in Bursa, the Bursaks had a dream of becoming an archpriest, abbot of a monastery or a bishop, and what can we say about the common people, who also wanted their children to break out into the people. There were many prayers, incense and conspiracies, but no one ever confessed to it. It was much more flattering to say that their child itself, with its bright little head, reached such ranks. From my ancestors, records of such “porches” have been preserved, it was taught: “Take a birch bark from a young birch on a full moon, but not one, but three pieces at a time. Guess it so that it dries up exactly and straightens up until Spirit Day, and in order to be even, put the birch bark under heavy oppression, and it will be even. On Spirits Day, write on birch bark the name of the person who needs dignity or some other rank. Draw a holy cross above and below the name and say:

How this cross is exalted,

As he is glorified in the world,

So let there be (such and such) above,

And there would be no obstacle for him.

I proclaimed the day of the word in the Spirits,

And the Spirit let my hand through the water.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now, forever, forever and ever.


Use all three birch papers on the same day for their intended purpose. Let one float on the water, tie the other to a tree in the forest, and bury the third in the ground.

The above ritual for a modern person is not quite convenient to perform, so I offer a simpler option.

They stand on a high place (above the ground) and say to four sides:

In the city of Jerusalem, on the Jordan,

The cypress tree stands

And on that cypress tree an eagle-bird sits.

She pinches her claws, pulls her nails

Under the gills, under the cheeks of the Salumai.

And how to tear and eat, rises up,

It will fly high, far away, the vigilant eye cannot see.

Neither his hand, nor an arrow, nor a stone can catch up with him,

So I (name) would fly high,

And looked down on those below.

To my words the key and the holy castle,

So that no one will do me in the opposite direction.

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen.


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Not enough salary? To increase finances, a conspiracy to increase salaries, which you read on your own, will help you. These spells exclude consequences in the form of dirty tricks from dark forces, since the rituals presented are related to white magic. After pronouncing the conspiracy, financial flows are sent to you, and the boss raises the salary or writes out a bonus. Most often there is an increase in the career ladder.

Conspiracies to get the boss to raise the salary

You plow for wear and tear, and the salary does not increase, then you need to attract the eyes of your superiors to your zeal. To increase, you need to read the plot at work in two places:

  1. Workplace;
  2. Chief's office.

You will need some salt, 3 church candles, water. We collect water in a half-liter jar and put it together with salt under the bed for three nights. In the morning after the third night, combine salt and water, stir until completely dissolved. Spray your feet with liquid and say a plot:

“Wherever I pass, they notice me, they pay attention to my work.”

Arriving at the workplace, we light a candle and spray furniture, a working tool, saying a spell:

“Wherever I went, I will go there, I did the work and I will do it. The owner will notice, appreciate everything, endow him with money, put himself in help.

The second candle is lit near the boss's office and lightly sprayed on the door. The third candle should burn at home.

The road will be mastered by the walking one!

Conspiracy for promotion

Probably, many have heard how in a year a young guy grows up to an assistant chief or director. If you got a new job and want to speed up your promotion, then a spell for the first salary will help. When you get your first paycheck, don't spend a dime to bring it home.

Exactly at midnight, you need to lay out the bills separately from each other around you, light 6 candles, and hold the seventh in your hands, we read the plot:

“You are the first, but not the last, neither small nor big, but the golden servant of God (name) for me. I respect you, but I want to increase it a hundred times. Grow in my pocket do not fit. To live prosperously for me, honor to you, and respect to me.

We wait until all the candles burn out, collect all the money in one pile. Put under the pillow and sleep on them, in the morning you can pay for any purchases.

Conspiracy for a big salary

Many are wondering how to increase the amount received many times over.

If you use a conspiracy for a big salary, then everything can turn out quite simply. But the performance of such a rite must be approached with all seriousness and responsibility.

During the ritual, you will need to speak a coin, and give it the time of receiving a salary. This is quite feasible, for example, to give a coin to round the amount. Often the cashier needs a belt trifle. If the salary goes to the card, then you should not be upset. The charmed money can be given at work at the time of fundraising.

We light a candle, glowing a coin over it, we read the magic words:

“Coins, money do not burn, but they conceal a fire in themselves. I’ll heat you up a dozen, I want to bewitch money to myself. I need to increase my pay. Multiply it so that it grows, every day a little, so that more and more amount gets into my wallet.

The charmed coin can be with the owner for three days, after the expiration of the period, the ceremony will need to be performed again.

Conspiracy to increase salary

On Thursday, 3 spools of thread are bought (green, blue and white), of which 7 braids must be knitted. Braiding will be required for three days in a row: on Thursday they braided, on Friday they untwisted, on Saturday they braided. During weaving, they say a conspiracy:

“I spin, I braid, I attract money to myself. As the spit is smooth, so is the cash flow. As there are three beginnings in a braid, so money came running to me along three streams. They run, they don’t stop, they don’t go anywhere.”

On Monday we lay out the pigtails:

  • Put in your shoes;
  • At work;
  • In accounting 2 pieces;
  • To the chief's office.

The sixth pigtail is burned anywhere in the enterprise, the seventh must lie for 7 days on the windowsill under the sun.

Conspiracy to pay wages without delay

Unscrupulous management does not pay in full or delays your salary, then use a conspiracy. The return ritual is carried out on any day and does not require financial costs; a magic spell should be read on the eve of pay (3 days in advance). Take any candle and light it with matches, read the plot:

“I light a candle to the authorities, I awaken the conscience. My blood earnings, you will give me mine, right into my little hands. Gild my hands and go healthy.”

Almost every employee wants a promotion, no matter where he works. This not only satisfies ambitions, but also promises an increase in income. To get a more prestigious and monetary place is a natural and quite normal desire of any person. I am often approached by people who are dissatisfied with the stagnation in official and professional affairs and who want to change the existing situation. I try to help everyone, but I want to say that many of you are quite capable of helping yourself using some of the practices of shua - shamanism.

Features and nuances of rituals for a career

Rites for improving one's official position will help not only careerists and those who want to become bosses. Conspiracies and rituals for promotion will be needed by everyone who feels unused opportunities and professional potential. When a person "sits" in one place for many years, not seeing prospects for career growth, he suffers psychologically. Such people often dream of running in circles or being in a locked room with no way out.

Gradually, a worker who does not move anywhere gets used to hopelessness, and his life becomes boring and dull. A person can fall into a prolonged depression. It's hard to do the same things for years and see how the more successful and energetic colleagues easily get high places.

You need to break the vicious circle on a subtle spiritual and energetic level - this is exactly what the rituals that I have collected in this article will help to do. Remember - you deserve the best! Every person is talented from birth, and our task is to discover and awaken this talent. The essence of the ongoing rituals is to give you new impulses and additional strength so that you can realize your full potential.

Features of the rituals of Shua shamanism for the improvement of official position:

  • Some rituals should be performed in the phase of the waning moon.
  • On the eve of the ceremony, I recommend to clean up the workplace (no matter who and where you work, energy flows more freely when every thing is in its place).
  • Delve into the process, feel the power you attract: awareness and confidence in success is half of all magic.

The rituals below will return your luck, save you from troubles in the service, and help you get the position you want.

Magic tricks that will help career growth

Let's move on to practice.

Rite number 1

The ritual will win over your superiors and help you move up the corporate ladder. It is advisable to perform the ceremony on a day of the week that is lucky for you, for example, your favorite number or your favorite day of the week. On this day, you should put on some kind of new thing and wear it for 3 days. In the mornings, when you put it on, during these 3 days you need to repeat the words of the conspiracy 3 times in a row: “I’m putting on a new thing, I’m breaking through my career! There will be prosperity and understanding from the authorities! Amen".

On the 4th day, rinse the item in cool water and sprinkle the workplace with this water.

Rite number 2

To perform this magical technique, you will need an ordinary fountain pen, which you usually use at work. Say the words of the conspiracy to her: “The pen will serve properly, bring good luck-success!” Repeat three times and for the next few weeks use only a charmed fountain pen.

It may surprise you, but this simple ritual begins to work in a few days.

Rite number 3 "To the delight of the boss"

A common reason for stagnation in official affairs is the biased attitude of the boss towards you. Sometimes a manager who is busy with other things simply does not notice your talents. In the meantime, you do your job well, never let down your colleagues or management, and stay to work overtime when required.

To make the leadership notice you and appreciate you, they conduct a ritual "to the delight of the authorities." Ordinary sweets act as conductors of magical influence in this ritual.

The algorithm for performing the ceremony is as follows:

  1. Choose the first lunar day according to the lunar calendar, go to the store and buy 300 grams of sweets. Immediately prepare the required amount, since it is absolutely impossible to take change from the seller!
  2. At home, honor any prayer you know over sweets, or just say kind words.
  3. Put them in a dark place at night.
  4. Arrive early to work, preferably before the rest of the staff arrives. Your task is to go around the working room counterclockwise without attracting too much attention and put a few candies in each corner. It would be great if no one notices them for a while.
  5. While laying out the sweets, say the words of the conspiracy: "Forces of heaven help, hurry up my career."

Expect results in the next month. But remember that even the most effective rituals do not work if they are performed without the proper attitude. If your energy level is low, if you do not believe in success, you will hardly be able to use the so-called Higher powers. And without their help, any ritual will turn into a meaningless shaking of the air.

I have given you some of the simplest and most effective rituals for achieving professional success. If you need more specific assistance tailored to your individual circumstances, you can contact me for assistance.

I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will tell you in this article how to apply magical rituals for good work in order to change and improve your social status. Many effective conspiracies to help work, and in particular, those I proposed in this material, are simple and easy to do, many can be read on your own at home. Everyone seems to understand how important a good well-paid job is - the key to success, security, and well-being of a person. A good job today gives advantages in life's vicissitudes.

To have good luck at work - independent magical rituals

You can read various reviews about magical rites and conspiracies, depending on the personal experience of those who did their own rituals for good luck at work. Each magician, of course, has a personal practice and his own strong conspiracies so that everything works out at work, which they often use and show. One thing is certain: money magic, rituals for getting a job and for career growth - this is a serious support in professional and financial matters.

Any situation is individual. You know your circumstances better than anyone else. Magical rituals should contribute to your promotion at work and financial success. The main thing here is to correctly form the intention, and fearlessly, but with full dedication to work with the Forces.

How to make the strongest conspiracy for successful work - so that there is good luck in business

How much this conspiracy is for everything to go well at work, a strong one will decide for himself. To understand how this or that effective ritual works for success in work, you need to practice. It should be read on the growing moon on odd numbers. Specifically, this witchcraft conspiracy to help at work, which I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, am going to offer you, is neutral, works on the personal strength of the performer. However, it can be made more intense by calling before the ritual actions of the Force. In this case, after work, you need to take the payoff to the crossroads, with the words: "Brothers to work". Or with a different verbal formula in this vein, depending on your practical experience.

Moreover, since a powerful conspiracy to make everything work out at work is initially neutral, you can turn to the Forces of the Christian egregore if you work with him. To turn to an egregor, you need to read “Our Father” 3 times before the conspiracy.

For the ritual you need a cup of running water. Stand at the window in the evening, call on the Forces, or work on personal strength - the choice is yours.

Read the words of the conspiracy for a highly paid job 3 times:

“Luck came, it covered all the melancholy with sand, brought joy to me (name) with it. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Leave the charmed water on the windowsill until morning. When you wake up, wash yourself with this water. Any charmed liquid should be used for its intended purpose without residue.

What could be the consequences of a conspiracy for money work?

The question of consequences always excites beginners. If your magic does not harm anyone, you do not attack or harm others, then you should not expect negative consequences. There are, of course, in money magic and dangerous rites, such as, for example, good luck thieves - pulling on someone else's happiness and prosperity. I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, are not talking about damage to poverty and the ruin of the enemy.

This is where a mistake can be costly. But, for that there is experience and intelligence, and, of course, black book protections (or protections within the framework of the tradition in which you practice). But, if we talk about independent strong conspiracies so that everything goes well at work, then it makes no sense to be afraid of a rollback or return, or other negative manifestations.

Try reading a conspiracy to work - simple magic at home

If for a long time you are unlucky in finding a job, help yourself with the help of a money magic conspiracy, read the conspiracy for a good job:

“I go as a catcher, I go out as a merchant, I am a wolf, I am a lion, I am a fox, everywhere I have a ladder. Who is lower than others, and I am always higher than others. Everyone would love and respect me. We were invited. All my words be sculpting, strong and tenacious. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen".

There are reviews of the effectiveness of a home plot in finding a good job.

From experience: to quickly find a good job, use the help of the dead, do money rituals, for example

  • For honey on Kupala,
  • On water from three rivers.

Do not forget about the mighty, influential power of the Runes. Rune staves for good luck are great for finding a job. As for the rite “To the water from three rivers”, this is really one of the most powerful conspiracies for good luck in work, as well as a strong money rite, well, plus everything else, an excellent cleaning of the money channel. Since this rite is universal and self-sufficient, I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will present it in this material.

To do a magical rite, good luck at work was on the growing moon, so that you have money, but things have improved. Some practicing magicians perform a rite on the waning moon, because they consider it precisely as a cleansing from monetary negativity. The essence of the question is how exactly to perceive the witchcraft ritual. If in your mind this is magic ritual for a good job, and about that you will ask the Graveyard Power, giving a purchase, then, of course, do it on lunar growth.

Strong rite for money work, cemetery. I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend that you make a purchase for the Hosts in advance, get a work permit, ask for a sign, find out if you should do this witchcraft ritual on cemetery land. Outwardly, it is very simple. In fact, not everything is so obvious. A magical rite for promotion at work is energy-intensive, and this. This technique is universal, you can use it if you have any financial problems, for example, to get you back to work - this effective conspiracy copes with various problems.

Witchcraft plot for promotion at work is effective, fast.

I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend this ritual for filling the money channel, naturally after a series of good cleansings. But, the home ritual itself works like a serious cleaning of negativity for money. In general, this witching conspiracy on bosses at work self-sufficient, if the diagnostics show that it suits you, you will do everything right, and the impact will fall normally, then it can even not be supported by anything. Here, in fact, is a way to independently make a conspiracy to work at home.

The most powerful conspiracy for good luck, money and success in work - On water from three rivers

In the last 7 days of the month, water must be drawn in 3 different rivers. Pour into different containers. Scooping water in the river, they read the words of the conspiracy to work:

“I ran under the sky, but then my hasty, efficient, but efficient, well-to-do businessmen, then river water helped me, but blessed. Amen".

When water is collected in the third river, the path is kept at the cemetery. The second part of the ceremony takes place on the cemetery grounds. Upon entering, they take off their clothes and wash themselves with river water. When finished, read the text of the conspiracy for success at work:

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful amulet attracts good luck and wealth. MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately correctly adjust it to yourself in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally well suited for people of any religion

“From a third party, yes, she ran with a click, and from three remote ones she caught up with me (name), that she nailed it, and washed the bad, and set the gold, and the river scattering, but it was condescended by the stars, but now it’s laid on my fate. Even with a firm word, and the last path, then a livelier, and a golden man, a master's man, like that, then I, like water along a river, run away, and live in a money bandage, firmly done, and with three rivers on me (name) with a rublinushka, yes royal coins, and a pochetinka, and people's respect. Even the hostesses here lie down to create, so I’ll go through the trashy water, walk in the gentlemen, correct it with good luck, but my fate is created for a new reality, and let it be flooded with water. Amen".

Leave without looking back. You can change your destiny through this. When you read a strong conspiracy, visualize what you want:

  • for promotion at work
  • to fill the money channel,
  • for success in trading,
  • or simply for positive changes in fate.

An independent plot that is read on the way to work

If you found a worthy offer while looking for a job, then in order to definitely get this job and not be refused, going to an interview with an employer, read the words of the conspiracy three times on the way to work:

“I go to the bar, not young and not old, I go to contract, to take a look at the owner. My face is sweet, my soul is not ashamed. Everyone would be surprised at me, the owners smiled, they were touched by my words. My word is strong. It will be in my opinion, but not otherwise. Truly said."

Self-conspiracy to respect your colleagues at work

If you are not accepted in the team, there are difficulties in communicating with colleagues at work, or if the authorities treat you differently than you deserve, do it yourself conspiracy to respect employees. Throw a gold or silver ring into a glass of water, and read the words of the conspiracy for respect and love in the team. Visualize the success of your magic by saying the incantation:

“As all gold, silver is loved, respected, so everyone will love and respect me (name). Amen".

An effective conspiracy is to save the job and return to work

If your problem is with maintaining a job, on the waxing moon, you can try a home ritual for good luck at work, the action of which is aimed at protecting and retaining your source of income. For the ceremony you need:

  • piece of cloth

It is clear that the magic salt must be prepared. At home, heat salt in a pan, and read an effective conspiracy to return to work, or not to be fired:

“I (name), have an iron tyn, I will hide behind him securely. I will lock myself into twelve locks, I will lock myself up with twelve keys. Never get me, do not cut with knives, do not chop with axes. To my faithful words - power, and a key, and a lock. Amen".

You need to read the conspiracy to help at work 9 times, then let the salt cool, wrap it in a clean piece of natural linen. Bring this charmed salt to where you work and scatter it unnoticed by others near your workplace. Home charms like this one do work well, but require frequent repetition.

A very effective conspiracy to make a profit at work

Where you work, take a coin. Her dignity does not play any role, it can be either 10 kopecks or 10 rubles. Bring the coin to your lips, and read the plot for a highly paid job three times:

“Just like fish in the sea, don’t get lost, like in the sky of stars shine, don’t overexpose, like ears in a field of grasses, don’t cross, so do I (name), money grow, don’t outgrow. My words are true, as hard as the Alatyr stone, the iron key in the damp earth. Forever and ever. Amen".

The money, spoken to ensure that there is good luck at work and good profit, should lie in your workplace on your right hand. Periodically, an independent plot for success in work needs to be updated.

How to read conspiracies for bosses at work - simple effective rituals

An effective conspiracy so that luck at work is in everything - both in money and in a career, works well at the mercy of the authorities. The director is just a person, and he can be influenced in the same way as anyone else. The rite is based on the personal strength of the performer, so good visualization is needed.

So, so that the employer does not rage, does not belittle your merits as an employee, but notices and promotes you in every possible way, read the plot to be respected at work to be treated well by management. And you need to do this at home on the waning moon of an odd number, observing men's and women's days.

Get up at dawn, pour water into a glass and, holding it in your left hand, 3 times, looking at the water, read the words of the conspiracy so that everything goes well at work:

“The lamb is afraid of the wolf, the wolf is afraid of the lynx, and you, slave (name), be afraid of me (name). Amen. Amen. Amen".

Wash yourself with witch water and splash yourself from head to toe.

Here's another way to magically influence how your boss treats you. Standing in front of the door of his office, read the text of the conspiracy for kindness and benevolence, respect, superiors, and so that luck at work is:

“I’m on this side, you’re on the other side, you shouldn’t scream, be silent in front of me, your mouth is closed, your thoughts are silenced by the retinue, stand like a dumb one, you’re silent in front of me, you don’t shout in front of me. Exactly".

The impact of such a plan is permissible and even desirable to reinforce with the suggestion of thoughts. You can also make the boss think in the way that is necessary and beneficial for you, when using rune staves to solve social, career and financial issues, as well as using staves from the field of instilling thoughts and calling certain feelings and emotions in a person.

Each person is adapted to work. This is the meaning of life, because everyone needs money, and for this you need to get a job. A good job has never come easy. In order to get a high-paying job, you should first get a diploma of higher education. Next, you need to develop certain professional skills on your own so that the employer considers you a true professional in your field. But not always these factors can guarantee that you will get a prestigious job with a high level of earnings. If you want to be successful in finding a job, then you should use a conspiracy for career growth. It will help not only to quickly determine the place of employment, but also to significantly move up the career ladder.

What to do if you want to get a prestigious place

A career spell will allow you to break a string of unsuccessful searches and point you in the right direction. A good position is not just a human desire. It's kind of a necessity. It is this factor that will help determine the future plans for life. Every person wants to receive such money that would allow him to support his family so that they do not have to need anything. Moreover, a good position will allow a person to be more confident in himself and enjoy his life.

A person can perform such rituals, both independently at home, and ask for help from a magical specialist. It all depends on self-confidence and magical practice.

All folk rituals and conspiracies began to emerge many centuries ago. Despite the fact that a lot of time has passed, people still use magic to achieve success in life, because traditional methods of moving up the career ladder are quite difficult and cannot always boast of quick results. Many women use magic to make their husband more successful. If you want your husband to get a good job, then several preparatory stages should be carried out.

  1. Seek help from the media, where a large number of different magical methods are presented.
  2. If it is easier for you to use the Internet, then you should enter http:\ in the search box and then the name of a specific query.
  3. Decide on a ritual that is easy to perform and does not require an impossible task from you. Pay attention to those methods of magical influence that you can carry out on your own at home. A large number of such methods are presented by Natalia Stepanova.
  4. Decide on the desired position to say it in the words of the prayer.

Preparing for a Career Rite

In order to attract the "attention" of fate, many read a conspiracy to their work and career. Preparation is a very important stage in the performance of magical actions. True, ritual does not always involve preparation. Some of them are based on the fact that a person can immediately start reading a magical prayer and not worry about the preparatory stage. That's just not the case. Since you are carrying out activities aimed at increasing wealth and running up the career ladder, do not be lazy to prepare for it.

First of all, you must energetically tune yourself in a good way. Believe not only that you can find a good job. It is very important to have faith in a higher power that helps you in carrying out all actions.

The next step is to look for special attributes. You will need a coin, a handkerchief and a suitable place for the ritual. It is very important that it be a secluded place where no one can disturb you. Send all residents out of the house in advance so that they do not see what you will be doing. Never tell anyone that you will turn to otherworldly forces for help.

The defining moment of the whole ritual

If you do not spare a few hours of your time, you will soon be able to get a new job. If you do not want to incur unpleasant consequences, then you should strictly follow all the instructions indicated in the description. Even the smallest change in the plot can play an unpleasant joke on you, for which you will pay for a long time to come. As soon as night falls on the street, you should pick up the prepared coins and start reading the plot.

“I, the servant of God (name), really want to get a good job so that I never need money again. My family counts on me very much and hopes that I will bring wealth to the family. The stars and the moon are always together and never apart. May success accompany me and never leave me. I was told that if I want to do my favorite job, then I can use a conspiracy for career growth. I hope that he will help me achieve my desired goal and I can become a successful person. For a long time I was forced to undergo professional training, so I became a good specialist in my field. For a long time I went to interviews, but they all ended in failure. So, after the words of this prayer, let the employers wither me with offers, and I will already choose the option that suits me best. I want to get promoted. Let it be the way I want and not otherwise. Amen".

Put the charmed coins in the prepared scarf and keep it with you at all times. They will symbolize the wealth you need and the necessary career growth process. Only in the morning you can start contacting enterprises about work.

How to attract good luck

“May luck always walk next to me, help me achieve my desired goal and allow me to get a promotion. I wish to attract good luck. I have only one dream, to find a job where my family will never need anything. I promised my parents that I would support them. But for most of my adult life, I had to break a promise. I hope that after I read the words of the prayer, my life will change for the better. I don't want to disappoint my family anymore. I understand that they believe in me and are confident in achieving my goal. Over the past few years, I've become disillusioned with myself. May good luck come into my life and begin to help me in search of a good position. Colleagues must respect me, and I must conquer them with my appearance and workflow. They should look up to me, and the employer will give me a promotion. No one can do bad things to me, but they will only respect and love me. I will read the prayer until I get a good result. Amen".
