The law of karma, or the wheel of human destiny. Methods for improving your karma: general concepts and recommendations

Many people very prosaically explain their failures on the love front: karma, they say, is all. If it doesn’t work out, then, probably, it should be so, it’s supposed to be. And quietly live on, taking the emerging life for granted. This is their choice, let's not criticize these people for it.

However, life cannot be fully calculated with the help of calculation formulas, every movement, event, fact, including in love, always has more than one basis. Love, its karma, whatever one may say, is determined by ongoing events. The system of the universe has the property of inertia, therefore, it is difficult to prevent some events, others are very difficult, and some are almost impossible, how to stop an avalanche. But it is possible to redirect the same avalanche ...

Other people agree with the first group that it's all about karma, but nevertheless they quite openly ask themselves the question: "how to change karma in love?" the law of karma Love for these people will definitely come, but in some other way.

Man has always been interested in how to change karma in love. We are not able to actually change what happened in the past, however, we still have the opportunity to free ourselves from the influence of the energies of past events. There is an opportunity for you to do this by repairing the damage to the energies that the events of the past caused you. You can also accelerate the development and growth of your energy through certain energy techniques and practices. Thus, you can manage the events of today.

Change of karma

Of course, according to the theory of karma, if you believe in it, you can change your destiny program, but only after you pay off all karmic debts. How can you pay off your karmic debt? You need to realize it, due to this awareness in a certain situation, see new nuances and behave differently than you usually do. As you become aware of karmic debts, karma will "fizzle out" and stop influencing your life. When you learn this law of karma, love will stretch out its hands to you.

Awareness of debts means not only their documentation, ascertaining. Awareness of them implies a change in one's internal structure in terms of attitude towards them and in terms of one's further actions and reactions on the path of life. In the future, you will act regardless of the standard forms of responding to events, this will increase your freedom of choice in life circumstances, and you will understand how to change karma in love.

Another answer to the question "how to change karma in love?" lies in the fact that the situations in which you pay off karmic debts are some abstract energies that you are not at all obliged to manifest and work out precisely in the field of love and relationships with the opposite sex. If you become aware of these specific energies and learn to manifest them in a different way, then you will change your karma not only in love, but in all possible issues at once. In this way, you will change your individual law of karma; love will be untied from karmic energies.

In the matter of love and relationships, the factor of some kind of dependence, subordination to what was once done will cease to operate, and some changes have been made to your energy texture that have firmly taken root in you. Free handling of energies, based on an understanding of their homogeneous essence, will give freedom to use them, including in the question “how to change karma in love?”.

Karma and personal energy

Of course, you will have to spend time discovering, revealing all the listed energies, finding a way to interact with them, figure out how to direct them to manifestation in other areas of your life. For all this, of course, you need a high level of personal energy. Otherwise, karmic energies will manifest in the same place as always, including in the area of ​​love.

The level of personal strength and energy-information saturation should reach a level that exceeds the karmic debt. In this case, the structure of the interaction of energies and information in your internal structure, in your weaving will change, the individual law of karma will change. Love will be determined in your life by your own decisions, and not by karma and fate.

The third answer to the question "how to change karma in love?" is simply not to regard karma as an existing phenomenon. Indeed, how do we know whether it exists or not? Or maybe even if she is, then everything is in order with her, and some failures were caused by other reasons, for example, your carelessness. The third approach says that you should act in each situation according to the circumstances, and most importantly - sincerely and in accordance with your feelings. Correspond to feelings, including your words and actions. Such a strategy of behavior is never a losing one, in spite of any Karma. In this case, we completely ignore the law of karma; love in our life begins to depend only on ourselves.

If we consider karma as a non-existent phenomenon and do not limit our progress within its framework, including in the question “how to change karma in love?”, Then you should understand that in fact, awareness is the tool that cancels, burns karma extremely effectively , frees from it, and everything else, in practice, is only a means of achieving this very awareness. Therefore, the constant practice of mindfulness, the introduction of awareness into your internal metabolism, into your way of living, turns out to be the most important and fundamental skill among all. Be aware and change your karma! Even though the old law of karma did not attract love, you can form the new law the way you need it!

Strengthening personal energy

Of course, this third method is also very difficult. It is not so easy to be sincere in a situation when all circumstances are stacked against you. There are many temptations to stop moving towards your goal, to retreat, to refer to Karma, to the stars, to Santa Claus, etc. etc. But remember, the priority is always what your heart tells you, your sense of inner comfort. It is better to go against the circumstances now than to catch a heart attack ten years later, as an option. This is exactly the best answer to the question “how to change the karma of love?”.

By and large, the development, creation and presence of karma informs and testifies to unconsciousness, that a person does not have freedom of choice, and indeed the freedom of oneself in full. A person who has done something that he greatly regrets, subsequently is not able to free himself from this strong emotional and energy cycle for a long time, and he, from within the person himself, very narrowly configures his forthcoming life reactions and forms of action. Even if the person himself declares that he does not regret at all, does not repent, does not remember and does not get upset, and it does not interfere with him in any way, veiled and rather harsh processes take place in his subconscious. And the higher the degree of unconsciousness of this person, the more weighty he gets stuck in the swamp of more and more cruel karma.

Note that both in the second and in the third method, in fact, there is work with personal energy. In one case we change karma, in the other we ignore it, but in both cases we change our energetic relationship with karma in order to make our life more comfortable. Thus, answering the question "How to change karma in love?" one should influence the current law of karma with the help of changing one's personal configuration. Love, health, money and other life blessings will be a clear consequence of this change.

If you have high energy, you combine 2 positions and pull on yourself an unbearable load of various responsibilities that other people cannot handle. The question "how to change karma in love?" for you it is simply absent - everything is built as it should. If not everything is achievable, then getting out of the swamp is quite simple, the energy will pull you out. The same is true in everything that concerns love relationships. Therefore, your internal orders that affect deep processes are triggered. And in regard to love, you just need to internally correspond to what you want. And in general, most often it is in love relationships that people have the most all kinds of karmic holes and karmic leaks, it is the law of karma that most affects relationships. Love slips away, flows through your fingers, seemingly out of the blue.

Man of Strength Course

A fairly quick way to change your energy configuration so that it is no longer subject to the influence of karma is to take the Man of Strength Course - a unique set of energy-informational practices that allow you to make your energy configuration so flexible that it will be independent of any circumstances.

This independence, with the growth of your personal energy, will spread deeper and further. You will become independent not only in matters of karmic connections, but also in managing your destiny, and even in astrological configurations you will be able to gain independence from planetary, cosmic energy-informational flows. makes it possible to change the law of karma Love, luck, money and health in your life will not depend on anything but yourself.

If you do not consider it necessary to understand what karma is and how to change karma in love - although in the Course of a Man of Power - this issue is dealt with in Topic 24 - contact the specialists in changing karma, and your question related to luck in love, resolve quickly. The specialist will be able to redistribute your karmic connections and flows, and build them into a configuration that is favorable for you.

Human karma is a unique mechanism of the universe, a system according to which the world is in balance and compliance with the laws of the universe. Not a single human action can pass by this mechanism, escape the influence of this system, everything done for good or for harm, everything absolutely returns to a person with the same potential, the form can only change, but the meaning remains the same.

The proverb “Do to others what you want others to do to you” reflects very well the law of human karma. Everything is simple if you live consciously, and not indulge in oblivion and follow the circumstances when you want to take revenge, do harm, satisfy egoism. All this indicates an unconscious life and a person forgets about the laws of human karma. The concept of human karma is closely intertwined with the phenomenon of reincarnation, thus all thoughts and deeds of the past and present have a response in the future.


Karma in a person's life is of decisive importance, since we do not remember anything from past lives, however, karmic lessons, one and all, will have to be passed in the coming life. This determines most of the circumstances of our life, events, acquaintances, our family and our environment. As many philosophers believe, the fate of a person is built according to the laws of karma.
When they say that the pier is haunted by karma in a person’s life, then negative karma, bad luck, blows of fate one after another are often meant.

There is also a positive kind of karma, but this is not so typical to notice, and is often simply taken for granted, so a person’s karma is more often perceived in a negative way, namely as retribution for one’s past mistakes and harm caused. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that not only the harm caused to another person is taken into account, but also the harm caused to animals, nature and all living things.


The karma of a person by date of birth is determined by many horoscopes. After all, many predictions about a favorable path in a particular area are karmic and determined by the tasks and goals of this incarnation. And there are forecasts that warn of what it is better not to do and which path it is better not to take. After all, the date of birth serves as a certain code with which a person comes into each incarnation.

The most difficult karmic lessons can be seen in your own life, especially if you listen to your surroundings. You can write out on a piece of paper complaints of a large-scale nature that you hear from others more than once, or something for which you have regular remorse. Maybe you have come to learn to forgive, accept, go towards troubles, change, but you never know what lesson has been prepared for you. But after analyzing what has been written, you will understand a lot of things that need to be worked on.

A person's karma by date of birth can be calculated not only according to the horoscope, but also according to the numerological system. After all, what science, no matter how numerology is able to decipher any codes, even the code of life.

Many people who begin to distinguish between causal relationships and karma, which drags its tail all his life, light up with the desire to change something in this chain and at the same time are ready to change themselves. Purification of a person's karma is possible only through a conscious look at one's life and by recognizing one's mistakes in the past and present and repentance. Repentance means realizing all the harm that was caused by actions in the past, the desire to correct and make amends for this guilt. A person who has repented begins not only to think differently, but also to do other things.

There is simply no other way to cleanse karma. Only by changing yourself and your lifestyle can you change your destiny. Well, besides, you can prevent the living of someone else's experience and someone else's karma. Namely, things, furniture and other items can transmit information, so this should be carefully considered.

The fate and karma of a person are inextricably linked and one determines the other. Very often, for the mistakes made, a person immediately pays with health, if this lesson is not learned, so to speak, the meaning of the disease does not reach the person, then other lessons, more fatal, are used. These are all sorts of events that confront us with some kind of lesson, but more often, after such events, a person generally reconsiders his whole life.

Fate and karma have been of interest to mankind since ancient times, regardless of religion. After all, it can be called in other words, but the law of cause and effect has always worked, and therefore served as a subject of discussion for people in different historical eras, and now attention to this factor is especially acute, because so many people want to change their karma, their destiny, to go on a new life path. way.

A person who has realized the whole system of patterns of cause and effect naturally begins to think about how to change a person's karma. As mentioned above, this is repentance and a change in lifestyle. It is not so easy to change the usual way of life, but after that many health problems can go away and life can take a completely different course. In addition, you need to take responsibility for all your illnesses in life, not shift the blame on someone or something.

If you are wondering how to change a person's karma, you must also learn to control your emotions and keep your mind cold in any situation. Because in any conflict situation, emotions try to involve us in new karma and go on about the ego. If the mind remains cold, then you will accept everything calmly, without being too dramatic.

The karma of a person and the path of liberation is not an easy and unambiguous issue, this issue is especially acute and relevant in Buddhism. After all, a person by his actions can influence not only his own karma, but also the karma of his children and grandchildren. The Vedas know that if a child is more than 7 years old, then this is just the working out of the karma of the parents, and only then his own manifests itself after this age. Therefore, human karma and the paths of liberation are global, and humanity is on the threshold of great discoveries and changes in this direction.

Man has always thought about whether he has his own freedom of choice or is a toy in the hands of blind fate. Maybe the Almighty God decides what will happen to each of us?

Many believe that everything that should happen will definitely happen, as it is written in the Book of Fates. But still, I would like to think that we are not just puppets, who are pulled by invisible puppeteers by the strings.

On New Year's Eve, December 30, 1984, the Moscow-Toronto flight broke apart and crashed into the cold waters of the Atlantic Ocean for no apparent reason. All passengers and crew on board the ship were killed. Only one passenger survived.

She was late for registration - Canadian citizen Jennifer Merose, who miraculously escaped from a terrible disaster. The newspapers called her lucky, but less than a week later, Jennifer died in a car accident. Journalists vied with each other to express various theories, calling the death of a twenty-eight-year-old woman "evil fate" and "a foregone death." And this story itself became the plot for the cult film about the fatal inevitability - "Destination".

In August 2004, the city of Rostov was shaken by a terrible tragedy. Overnight, the Veresov family lost two daughters who died in a car accident. The girls, aged sixteen and seventeen, rode in the fifth car of their close relatives' wedding procession. No one knows what caused this, but for some reason the car skidded. Out of control, he flew into the oncoming lane, right under the wheels of a passing KAMAZ.

Moreover, the third daughter of the Veresovs, having felt something, got into the next car. This whole terrible accident happened right in front of her eyes. Then they began to say that the ax of karma was brought over the Veresovs. As if someone envied the happiness and peace in this family, turning on some kind of terrible mechanism of destruction. And there was something to envy. In the modern "troubled" time, when every third marriage breaks up, this family was amazing.

Having lived together for twenty years and produced three beautiful daughters, the couple never even had a serious quarrel with each other, not to mention adultery. Remembering the events of their lives, the unfortunate parents cannot understand what they have done so terribly wrong before God, why they deserved such a cruel punishment.

There is a theory that all diseases, poverty and troubles, are payback for the karmic debts of the past. They are not at all random, as it might seem at first glance. These may be the sins of our ancestors, or perhaps we ourselves, in our past lives, have done something terrible. And then they could not or did not consider it necessary to correct the mistakes in time. And now, when we have incarnated again, we pay our bills.

So, are those who believe in Fatum right? What has been written must come true, whether we like it or not? Not so simple. As can be seen from practice, fate always gives those who stumbled another chance so that they can correct their mistakes. The law of karma gave such a chance to Elena Veresova. At the age of forty-seven, she gave birth to triplets, despite the unfavorable prognosis of doctors. All three boys are perfectly healthy, and Elena is sure that the souls of her dead daughters were embodied in them. The universal balance returned to the woman the joy of motherhood.

There are a great many examples in history that testify that a person can not only drastically change his life, but also postpone death. Skeptics will call such cases luck, and followers of Vedic beliefs and astrologers talk about "lucky" people as owners of happy karma.

They believe that every person has a program with which he enters this world. Knowing this, one can form a more or less correct idea of ​​the subsequent life and the dangers that lie in wait for everyone. And “forewarned means forearmed”, knowing where you fall, you will undoubtedly lay straws. Observing certain rules and norms, it will be possible to bypass all the "pitfalls" of fate, or at least soften the blows.

A person's karma is like a thread that runs through all his past and future lives. This is a matrix on which everything that has already happened is recorded. For someone it is even and smooth, and someone will have to untie the knots for a long time, which astrologers call karmic. The more such nodules on the line of your karma, the more obstacles you will find on your life path. And you tie these knots yourself, or your ancestors tightened them.

Physicians do not like to use terms such as karma, soul or sin, but still they agree that the vast majority of diseases develop on a nervous basis. This can be caused by remorse or prolonged exposure to stress. Doctor of Medical Sciences I. Knyazkin, says:

“It became clear that the action of nervous disorders causes the occurrence of certain somatic diseases. For example, gastritis, gastric ulcer or various catarrhs. Recent studies have shown that a person’s bad deeds that torment his conscience can even result in tumor diseases.”

The most interesting thing is that such nervous diseases are able to make changes even in the structure of the DNA cell, which records all the information about our health. She saves it, and then successfully passes it on to the next generations. The flawed DNA carries it to all your descendants.

In Christianity, this phenomenon is called a birth curse. There is a place in the Bible where it is directly stated that descendants up to the seventh generation will receive the blessing, and you can’t get rid of the curse so easily! It will haunt the sinner for forty generations! Does this not mean that even a predisposition to sin or virtue is inherited? In this matter, religion and science have reached an agreement.

When representatives of the same clan commit terrible crimes, or indulge in the same vices, without feeling remorse, it turns on, as it were, a program of self-destruction of the clan. An example is Semyon Ivanchenko, a "hereditary" alcoholic in the third generation. His grandfather, having drunk bitter, drowned in the river in the post-war years.

Semyon's father "turned on" to a similar rhythm of life from the age of fourteen, stole and was repeatedly imprisoned. At the age of fifty-two, he was killed by a drinking buddy in a drunken brawl. Semyon himself, a thirty-year-old young man, currently unemployed, lives in Samara and has a wife and a son.

Everything seems to be fine, except for the fact that the guy is sick with cerebral palsy and he will never have his own family. That is, there will be no children. Karma removed the "unnecessary" gene pool from the cycle of incarnations, sending it to correct mistakes in lower forms.

But such curses are actually rare. A series of failures, poverty or pathological bad luck, mistakenly accepted by a person as karmic or hereditary, turns out to be a simple unwillingness to change anything in one's life, elementary laziness. A person is ready to believe in incredible miracles, but not in his own strength!

There are many examples when hopeless patients miraculously recovered, "prayed" by relatives or friends. But what happens afterwards? A person, thanks to his relatives and his own desire to survive, gets a second chance in order to correct mistakes and pay all karmic debts.

And maybe pay back someone's debts to yourself. As a result, we can say that the main cause of our troubles is ourselves. By not committing bad deeds, not succumbing to bad habits and acting according to our conscience, we can change not only karma or fate, but also the future of our descendants. Live in peace with the universe around you and it will surely respond in kind.

Karma - action, activity, work, deed. The law of cause and effect. The consequences of all the deeds of a person in past and present life. Karma exists in the form of words, thoughts and actions.

Everything we get in this life is the result of our thoughts, words and actions in the past. Not one of our thoughts, not one of our words, not one action goes unnoticed, does not go anywhere. And this "baggage" that we accumulate over many lifetimes is called in Sanskrit karma.

Karma can be negative, but it can also be positive. Everything bad that happens to us comes according to our past "merits". But all the good things we receive are also earned by our past thoughts, words, and actions. Karma returns to us like a boomerang - what we allowed ourselves in relation to other people then returns to us; thoughts that have been cherished for many years come to us again and again; all the good things that came from us will surely come back to us.

Our current situations are related to what we thought, said and did before. Our future will be determined not only by our past, but also by our present, our thoughts, words and actions today. How we manifest ourselves today is how we will create our future life. In order to have fewer problems in the future, we must now try to create good karma. But is it possible to change what is already destined, to correct the already drawn picture of our present or future?

The law of karma is the law by which the universe lives, but not an absolute inevitability. Just as it is true that we will definitely, sooner or later, experience the result of our actions (mental or physical), it is also true that we can reduce the impact of our negative karma or even cancel it.

What do you need to do to improve your karma, change your destiny?

There are means that have been known to the sages since ancient times and which are available to us now. These are spiritual practices. Of these, the most effective and suitable for our time are jap (repetition of mantras) and meditation. These two simple tools, with regular practice, allow a person to reduce the influence of negative karma, awaken and strengthen the positive that is in his destiny.

What are the benefits of meditation?

Meditation It is deep concentration that calms the mind. The mind is the main source of our problems, because karma is first created in thoughts, then passes into words and results in actions. It is the mind that creates our destiny, up to 70% of our karma is created in thoughts. How pure and positive the mind is, how auspicious our life is. Meditation develops the ability to control thoughts. Regular deep meditation cleanses karmic accumulations and thereby improves fate.

These days the pace of life is very high, and as a result, the mind of many people is so active that not everyone can truly meditate. Therefore, there is another practice of purification - jap, repeating a mantra.

What does the repetition of a mantra (jap) give?

All our thoughts, words and actions are stored on the subtle plane in the form of vibrations. These accumulations can be cleared with jap- regular practice of repeating mentally or aloud the mantra. A mantra is a syllable or several words in the ancient Sanskrit language. The repetition of the mantra helps to purify and change the vibrations that we have accumulated in our karmic baggage.

Mantras have great power of influence, but it is important to use exactly the mantra that suits you specifically and will not bring negative side effects. For this reason, it is undesirable to take mantras for repetition from books. The book knows nothing about your past, your present, or your future. The knowledge of what mantras can be given to whom is possessed by Spiritual Teachers, who can see both the past and the future of a person who has come to them, and understand which mantra will benefit this particular person.

The mantra received from the Spiritual Master has a special power. Spiritual Teachers are holy souls who have reached the highest state of enlightenment - union with God. Every word they say has great power. By uttering the mantra during the initiation, such a High Soul shares a part of its power, giving an impulse to awaken that divine spark that is inherent in every person.

We truly create our own destiny. And our fate is in our hands. It depends on us how we will create our future. It is in our will to use or not to use the opportunities that life gives us. Spirituality is not blindly following some dogmas or religions. Spiritual work is a conscious work to change one's destiny, which is based on eternal universal laws and which will surely bring its positive result to those who do it.

There is an opinion that everything on our planet is subject to one law. Each person lives with his own karma, that is, from birth he is subject to his fate and cannot change anything. According to karmic astrology, karma indicates what a person was born with. The very law of karma was first formulated by Moses and sounded like this: "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth."

How is karma formed and can it be changed? Karma is our embodiment in the present. Someone is born healthy and rich, while someone suffers from poverty and disease all his life. Surely, each of us asked this question: why am I like this? If you believe the astrologers, then karma, whatever it is, is given to us according to our merits. That is, in our last incarnation, we tried hard to achieve success in this life. Or vice versa, we committed many sins, and now we suffer because of it.

You can change karma with a few little tricks. You have to do good things for people. You can start small. For example, to transfer an old woman across the road or help a kitten get off a tree. Whatever good deed you do, remember that the desire to help must be sincere and disinterested. When helping others, you should put the maximum amount of positive energy into your business.

Read your daily horoscope. This is an opportunity to avoid dangers and unpleasant situations. After all, knowing from the horoscope about any incident, you will not climb on the rampage, will you?

Change your lifestyle. Do you do the same things every morning? Get up, get dressed, go to work? Try to change your habitual existence. After all, if you do not feel happy, maybe you just need to part with the familiar environment? Start small: change the route from home to work or go to dinner at another cafe.

Use feng shui techniques. It can cleanse the house of negative energy. As you know, good karma depends on the amount of positive energy. Applying Feng Shui, not only the house will be filled with positive energy, but also your life. Start exploring your inner world. Meditation will help you find peace of mind and inner peace.

Learn to forgive. When a person forgives and does not hold evil, he is cleansed of negativity. Do not envy, do not think about the bad and do not use swear words. All thoughts and phrases carry their energy, so try to make it favorable.

Study the influence of the planets on human life. Each of our days is subordinated to a certain planet. In this regard, you should change your diet, colors in clothes and much more daily. Check the lunar calendar often and stick to the rules based on the phases of the moon.

Everyone can change their destiny if they understand in which direction they need to move. It is necessary to control all your thoughts and words, because everything that we do every day carries the energy that goes to the Universe. We wish you success in clearing your karma and do not forget to click on and

21.06.2013 17:04

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