Women's weakness. What are the biggest weaknesses in men? Male psychology

From time immemorial, powerful men liked ladies with weaknesses. When a woman needs attention or needs protection, then this is of interest to the strong half of society. They immediately feel what is needed and try their best to support and help.

It's true, sometimes women need a strong shoulder.

The weakness of a woman leads her to happiness

There is a great phrase, uttered in one Hollywood movie, which says: “That only by losing a woman wins in her favor.” One cannot but agree with these words, because by nature a man should be stronger.

Therefore, every gentleman likes to be close to the lady and protect her. Thus, most women were able to get themselves a good and faithful spouse. As a result, an educated family will be strong and friendly.

It is femininity and fragility that will always attract the strong half of humanity, which extols the beauty of strength. Such representatives of the stronger sex are good family men, as well as true romantics.

Otherwise, you can become your spouse not a loving soulmate, but, on the contrary, an enemy and rival. Few people like this model of relationships.

A man, having by nature the instinct of a male, reacts very sharply to competition and games. Many begin to have doubts about whether it is worth protecting a lady who can take care of herself and her partner.

The most charming ladies' weaknesses

All people are unique, but men have common character traits that are common to almost everyone. In the love front, to the weaknesses of the female representatives, this also works well.

According to statistics, men are most attracted to:

  1. Weakness for luxury and elegance. Almost every woman loves beauty, so all gentlemen like to give exquisite and expensive gifts to their beloved, who, receiving them, begin to genuinely rejoice. Such moments delight them and thereby increase their self-esteem.
  2. Desire to accept any help from them. Some fragile sophisticated ladies are not even able to open the heavy door on their own. This is considered an additional reason for the gentleman to show his care and culture.

Very often we hear from women that men expect weakness from them.

Like Robert Rozhdestvensky:

"Please be
And then I will give you

Many women come to psychologists with a request to teach them to be weak, otherwise, they say, their personal lives do not add up. Devaluing women's experience in this case is dangerous: women have observations of more successful women in personal terms: they almost always look weak and this seems to attract men. And such "strong women" have observations of themselves: when men like them, when they don't. And hence the conclusion: men love the weak.

There are different explanations for this, but most often one thing: men are afraid of strong women, because only against the background of a weak woman can a man look strong and like himself. If a woman is strong herself, a man quickly loses interest in her, because she does not give him food to fuel narcissism, in the sense of narcissism. And without self-admiration for his masculinity, a man is not very interested in sexual relations, this is the main fuel for such relationships.

There is also a similar opinion: they say that a woman and herself are interested in sexual relations only when she can admire the superiority of a man, otherwise she loses her erotic feeling. They say that all female fetishes are built on "surrendering" to a man, and this is directly related to his dominance, which completely destroys equality, and therefore deprives sex of its very essence. Far from all women agree with this, however, even those who disagree sometimes admit that there is something in this thought, although it looks repulsive. It is unpleasant to see a hierarchy where, on the contrary, it is important to open up as much as possible and trust another person as your second self. Many women get the feeling that sex is closely connected with violence, while love is something hostile to violence, its antipode. But why then are there so many symbols of veiled violence in the field of sexuality? And not only in BDSM, but also in simple pornography and even in the lightest erotica: here and there either words hinting at outright cannibalism, where a woman is presented as appetizing food, or images associated with her conquest and "sweet captivity".

Against the background of all this, the admonition that men love strong women is somehow not very convincing. Intuition, based on an unconscious analysis of cultural baggage, tells women that men do love the weak, and hence it turns out that a woman needs to choose: either to be strong and successful in society, providing herself with independent support, or to have love and a successful personal life. Men in this paradigm turn out to be in a much more advantageous position: they can develop supports, increase independence, and for the same receive female attention and female love. Not only is it not necessary to choose, but one encourages the other. Do you want women to love? Become more successful in society. While for a woman the situation looks different: choose either success or love. Not very fair, right?

No wonder that from the analysis of such reality, many women come to the unpleasant conclusion that men are enemies. Isn't the enemy the one who benefits from your weakness?

There are, however, other women. They believe that only weak men are looking for female weakness, who want to look strong without doing anything, but relying only on the consent of women to play along with them. Instead of choosing a strong woman and becoming her stronger, naturally striking her imagination, they walk and whine, reproaching women for being unfeminine, and looking for one who will make any slut look like a strong man next to her.

Both conclusions, frankly, contradict reality. If men enjoyed the weakness of women, they would not look dreamily at the stars (and did not love great ballerinas, for example), would not lose interest in their dependent housewives, would not leave sick wives, and, in general, grace would reign in the personal lives of most women , because let's be honest: most women are still rather weak: they don't have enough resources, they have less money than men, their hands are frail, their brains are also not very powerful, and their spirit cannot be called powerful. Unless the heroines of women's series, who went through all the circles of hell and came out as winners, received, in addition to all the prizes, a man who loves and is loved - the crown of everything. That is, even in the series, by no means weak women receive the love of men, but in life it is not at all clear on what basis they receive, but those who do not receive say that this is because of strength.

How to understand this confusing topic?

First of all, let's carefully read that part of the already mentioned poem by Robert Rozhdestvensky, in which he, in fact, explains why he needs a woman's weakness:

"And then I will wave -
grow up
I will become special.
I'll take it out of the burning house
I'll venture into all the unknown
to everything reckless -
I'll throw myself into the sea
and save you!
This will be commanded by my heart,
But you are
stronger than me
and more confident!

Imagine that you need to save someone. Let it be a friend, a relative or, God forbid, a child. If you have ever tried to save anyone, you know that this case has an effect only in one case, when the rescued recognizes you as a rescuer and submits to you. If he looks at you like a goat at a new gate and sends you through the forest, it is impossible to save him. You can stun with a heavy object, of course, and save, but it is difficult to deal with his resistance. Therefore, most rescuers are well aware of the main condition of salvation - the victim must transfer the leadership to you, voluntarily or because of their complete helplessness. If the victim does not recognize your power, it is impossible to save her. You can try to manipulate for the sake of her salvation, but this is almost the same as stunning with a heavy object, that is, violence, just not over the will, but bypassing it.

That is, the very role of a brave knight and a noble protector suggests that the one who is protected and saved is weaker than the one who saves her. In general, this is reasonable. If she is stronger, then there is no need to save her, she herself will save anyone. Is not it? In this case, it is better to save someone who is in need. And if no one needs, then thank God.

What happens when one person is not weaker than another, but wants to be saved and protected? It turns out a fairy tale about a cunning Fox and a stupid Wolf. Remember how the Fox was afraid that the Wolf would demand compensation from her for the fish she ate and his torn off tail, so she smeared her head with dough and pretended to be a victim? And when the Wolf dragged her on him, she slowly sang "beaten unbeaten lucky." This is what a bitch looks like in the popular mind, which is much stronger than a man, but wants to ride. It is to such that Rozhdestvensky addresses his speech, although he makes a chivalrous gesture, pretending that it is only his desire - to look strong, and she is so good. In fact, everyone is well aware that women often demand guardianship from men and are waiting for protection. But it is impossible to protect someone stronger than you. Not only is it not necessary, but it is also impossible, even if you want to. It is also impossible to defend what is in fact weaker, but considers itself much stronger and looks down, and this is precisely the main clue to the paradox that is described above.

Very often a woman is not strong, she expects protection and help from a man, but at the same time she does not want to admit that she is weaker. And this is contrary to the very principle of protection and assistance. You can not look down on the one whose help you accept. Either you admit your weakness (not in everything, but in what you ask for help), or you do not receive help. This is necessary not in order to flatter the vanity of the rescuer, but in order to make the rescue process itself possible. To save by overcoming resistance is to rape. You can only save someone who gives control into your hands and therefore obeys you. With any other one can only cooperate on an equal footing, recognizing his will to do as he wants.

That is, when a woman makes it clear to a man that she does not consider him stronger than herself, but at the same time expects that he will protect her and become a knight, she either invites him to become her servant, recognizing her mistress and following her orders, or calls him to violence, to ensure that he proves his strength to her, breaking her resistance and skepticism. Neither the first role (servant) nor the second (rapist) usually suits men, although they often find themselves against their will in both the first role and the second, and most often alternately, because from the role of a servant it is very tempting to jump into the role of a rapist (recall slave uprisings and proletarian revolutions), and from the role of a rapist to the role of a servant (out of guilt), and this is a vicious circle.

To get out of the vicious circle, people in a couple must quite clearly determine for themselves where they are equal partners, and where are the weak lady and her knight, and follow the rules. The rule is that in the space of equality and cooperation there are no weak and strong ones, and in the space of knightly games, the lady does not look at her knight as another, even stronger knight, otherwise he will not be able to knight, but will be able to treat her as a rival , but not as a weak lady. And you can’t mix these spaces: one is for business, the other is for pampering.

Is it possible to throw away the game of ladies and knights at all, while keeping the sexual space alive and saturated? So far, for many it is quite difficult. Yes, there are agenders and homosexuals who manage in the sexual and romantic spaces without a clear division into M and F, but they also often have sex associated with a hierarchy, although more complex and sometimes more subtle. There are people who experience non-hierarchical sex, and those experiences are almost always related to transgender roles or gender role mixing. Since everything is very complicated in sex and projections work, a person can enjoy identifying with a partner and simply dissociating from himself, as well as going beyond his social personifications, that is, imagining himself as someone else and experiencing an impersonal experience. That is, sex is such a complex and diverse system that persons may not participate in it, which means that no gender roles can often be tracked, even if people are heterosexual.

Nevertheless, while playing strong knights and weak ladies is necessary for many, and for many it is they that are associated with sexuality. Those who are imbued with fear and disgust towards the hierarchy very often block the sexual channel. Blocking the sexual channel is not at all the same as the sublimation of sexual energy. Sublimation is good. This means that sexual energy is freely accumulated, but it is transformed into creative energy and spent on more significant things than simple physical satisfaction. At the same time, a person looks sensual, filled with strength, and, as a rule, feels sympathy for the sexual side of life, in any case, does not feel disgust and contempt. When the channel is blocked, this sphere seems repulsive to a person, which often makes him look despondent, and disgust on his face. Energy is not accumulated, the resource is frustrated, which most often adversely affects the general state, although not always.

That is, it is not worth giving up games in strong and weak, if it is these games that charge you with sexual energy. Do not think that these games themselves can make you weak. Many believe that women's sympathy for sexual submission can cause them to agree to a subordinate role in society, the rejection of resources and their own supports. Actually, it is not. It's like thinking that concern for beauty can interfere with work, when this work is already there, and concern for health - creativity, and cite as an example beauty addicts who have no business thought in their heads, and their whole head is occupied with trifles. , or refer to dull, rosy-cheeked athletes, contrasting them with stunted artists with ardent eyes. Yes, addiction interferes with the development of other resources, since it absorbs all attention and energy, but the harmonious pumping of the resource excludes addiction.

Just like "you can be a smart person and think about the beauty of your nails," so you can be a strong personality and combine it with female sexuality. Difficulties arise with the very separation of sexual and personal space. And the main difficulty is for women.

Studies of many people who are seriously into BDSM practices show that men and women have, on average, one obvious difference. Women are almost not interested in the gaming space, and women agree to the game, basically, only for money or, hoping to translate gaming relationships into real ones. That is, if a woman obeys in practices, and if a woman dominates, she wants it to be a reality. She does not need a "session slave", but she needs a man who is really in love and ready to do anything for her, otherwise she will not be able to enjoy her role as a mistress, she does not need a "playing dominant", but needs a man in whom she could really see someone who wants to obey, otherwise she will not be able to enjoy the role of a concubine or a sex slave. There are exceptions to this rule, but there are very few exceptions among women. But for men, the situation is reversed.

Most male practitioners separate the thematic space from life and dive in to shed their identity, not to assert it. This is especially true for men who practice the lower role. Almost none of them wants to be a "real slave", except for sexaholics, for whom sexual space is the main thing in life. The rest do not consider themselves slaves, achieve success in their careers, and simply play sex slaves. As for the men who practice the upper role, among them there are quite a lot of those who want "real submission" from a woman, but still less than among women. That is, many "upper" men, like women, use the Theme not as a parallel space into which you can dive, be not yourself, and emerge back into life, but as something that complements and even replaces this life. In life, such men, most often - almost no one, but in the Topic - Real Dominants.

The above analysis allows us to judge that the impossibility of dividing the space of fetishes associated with the hierarchy in sex (albeit not as obvious as in BDSM, where the hierarchy is specially hypertrophied, brought to a maximum according to the archetype principle), is related to the lack of resources. And the correlation of this is close to 100%. That is, the more successful a person is in society, the better he shares the sexual role and his persona, the less successful he is, the more he seeks compensation in sex. In the lower role, such a person may seek relief from anxiety and responsibility; in the upper role, such a person seeks nourishment for his sense of importance and self-affirmation. Realized people seek in sexual practices to go beyond the boundaries of the personality, and not to solve personal problems. When sex is used as a way to solve some kind of personality problems, it often turns into evil or is blocked. Sex cannot be used for such needs, it is pure energy.

It is for this reason that women's talk about being too strong to be truly sexy is untenable. On the contrary, they lack the strength not to be afraid of losing it from the transition to the sexual space. It is clear that not all women have fetishes associated with submission, just as not all men like to dominate in sex (many, very many, will be happy to be submissive if they are not afraid that this will alienate a woman, almost everyone knows these "male secrets" sexologists). But if a woman has other fetishes, she usually does not complain that she is too strong to feel like a woman, she feels great strong and sexy at the same time. But women who have fetishes associated with helplessness and male dominance may indeed fear that the strength of the personality will interfere with the realization of sexuality. But this is true only when the strength of the personality is insufficient, and any game of submission poses a threat to identity.

This is clearly seen when analyzing successful men who consciously choose submissiveness in their sexual life (this applies to both bisexual and heterosexual men). They are completely devoid of all the side effects of such practices, unlike unrealized men who practice this. The latter are often overwhelmed, their complexes become aggravated, they lose self-control and self-confidence, go beyond the boundaries, experience hard kickbacks, even real injuries, they tend to self-loathing after sessions, hatred of partners, vindictiveness, shame, suicide attempts. They evaluate their masochistic inclinations as a kind of vice or even fate that drags them into the abyss, dismembers their personality, and this fate is often projected onto a woman, due to which women are declared witches (most of the active misogyny is from here). Such men struggle with themselves and their sexuality, often attack women, and almost always use substances. Their weak ego, in unsuccessful attempts to acquire at least some external and internal resources, perceives sexual addiction (and such masochism is, of course, addiction, an obsessive attraction) as an enemy, and this is really an enemy.

Successful men with many resources look completely different. Sexual practices are never an addiction for them, they never get the better of them, but are a way to relieve tension and get a charge from sexual trance. Such men very easily separate the game and reality, and the game has no effect on reality, except for a positive one. They are well in control. They enjoy playing boys, pages, slaves, dogs, pigs, and God knows who else, depending on what daring roles this person enjoys. It never looks like a mania, the significance of this is always small, although a very significant pleasure can be extracted, but the pleasure is sensual, reflected, not affecting the upper personal layers. That is, the secret of the separation of the game and reality (Shadows, persona and self, according to Jung), only in the amount of resources. It is they who make these transitions real, safe and free. Especially when it is not about such cardinal transitions, as in the case of the lower role in BDSM, but in very small differences between strength in social life and "weakness" in sex. Such a transition is no longer a problem.

Therefore, women's complaints that it is difficult for them to feel like women, being strong, are doubtful. Their reason is most often that the sexual space itself is not of interest to women, they are trying to use it to extract additional benefits, which are more difficult to extract, claiming equality (as it would be difficult for a Fox to deceive a Wolf without pretending to be a victim). But this situation changes as soon as a woman really has enough resources. In this case, the woman manages to separate sexual and social space, without prejudice to both. And I also know a lot of such female examples, although much less than male ones.

(C) Marina Komissarova

Women have long been trying to understand the representatives of the stronger sex and learn how to manage them. This is necessary in order to win sympathy or even start a family. Men, in turn, carefully hide their weaknesses and try to show only their strengths.

Knowledge of male psychology will help anyone woman achieve the location of a particular person who is attractive to her. If you have long wanted to learn about male weaknesses and how to use them to influence a particular representative of the stronger sex, then this article is for you. Let's take a closer look at the main weaknesses that are characteristic of most men.

1. Desire to feel superior. This quality is inherent in almost everyone, regardless of their social status or age. This is the peculiarity of male psychology. He just needs to know that the woman he loves respects him, puts him above himself and is ready to follow him to the ends of the earth. Smart women successfully use it.

In fact, in it birth it is laid down that he is an absolute winner and leader in relations with the opposite sex, so he will try his best to prove this to himself and to others. You should not try to remake him, because this will only make you worse, try to use his weakness to achieve your goal. If he really wants to dominate so badly, then give him such a pleasant opportunity. You don’t need to spend a lot of nerves and time for this, just help him feel his importance.

Talk to him about how he is for you important that he is always right and that you are happy to be with him, because he is so strong and smart. In no case do not prove your superiority and praise him more often. Nobody says that you should listen to him in everything and agree to all his proposals, but you can say one thing and act as always in your own way. Women are prone to tricks for the good of good relationships, so learn to use men's weaknesses.

2. Aesthetic enjoyment. Many women use this, because, as you know, men love with their eyes. That is why there is such a huge amount of decorative cosmetics, underwear and clothes with erotic overtones. Men cannot resist a beauty who knows her virtues and skillfully emphasizes them. This feature is typical for all men, the only difference is that everyone has their own understanding of beauty.

But admire partner he can forever, of course, if she takes care of herself and really provides him with an interesting sight. Therefore, you can safely use various tricks to conquer the man of your dreams. Choose outfits that are perfect for you and make you even more feminine, apply makeup to make your features even more expressive and show him what he loves. Such male weakness allows women to conquer with one appearance, so take care of yourself and approach the issue with a sense of taste.

3. Soft tender skin. It is so arranged by nature that people are looking for in the opposite field what they lack so much. they want to see physically strong and successful men next to them who can tame. Men want to see a fragile feminine beauty next to them, who would be submissive and tender. That is why he loves not only to look at a beautiful well-groomed representative of the fair sex, but also to touch her with his hands.

Be sure to pay Attention on the condition of your skin. If a man touches a rough elbow or chapped lips, it is unlikely that he will want to continue contact. But velvety delicate skin will never leave him indifferent, so consider this feature.

4. Attention from women. Units of men do not need this, which is difficult to explain. Any person wants to be aware of their exclusivity and attractiveness, and especially men. He will not apply makeup and stand by the closet for several hours, sorting through the images in his head, but he will always melt from the attention of the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. This weakness is common among men all over the world, regardless of age and success in life.

Of course you can't provide him Attention from a large number of women, but show attention yourself, and you will soon notice that he is passionate about you. A man really needs to be aware of himself attractive among women. Listen carefully, ask questions and seek advice. This way he will understand how much he means to you and that you are really interested in him.

5. Favorite hobby. Sometimes a serious successful man can spend a lot of free time building a castle from small parts or looking for another collectible car. It may sound funny, but it really matters to him. Every woman should understand this and, in a successful situation, use it. His hobby is his weakness, because he does not always find like-minded people, but there are those who laugh at him. Try to share his interest, so you will get extra points to your account.

If he loves fishing, offer your company, if he goes to the pool, sign up there and casually cross with him. If it's about collecting, find what he's been looking for and say something positive about his hobby. A man's favorite pastime is indeed his weakness, so use it to your advantage. So you can conquer the representative of the stronger sex you like and, perhaps, discover a new interesting type of leisure.

6. Women's tears. In this case, even the most successful and self-confident man can get confused. That is why women have been successfully achieving their own goals with the help of this lever of influence for many years. Men simply do not know how to act in this situation and simply fall into a stupor. But do not overdo it, maybe a few times he will be at a loss, and then he will simply understand that you are feigning and want to break off the relationship. Use this method only as a last resort. Women's tears sometimes help to achieve the goal, but sometimes destroy relationships forever.

Like everything in this world, women's weaknesses have a bad and a good side. The bad news is that a woman cannot live without them and they have to be reckoned with. The good thing is that a woman cannot live without them and they have to be reckoned with. Women's weaknesses are both a plus and a minus at the same time, depending on how deep they are and how to treat it. They often annoy men (and not only them), but it is women's weaknesses that ultimately provide a woman withabout more psychological flexibility and an extra ten years of life.

Long chat on the phone.

Seemingly pointless exercise. However, a woman needs it like air: she doesn’t give a damn that chatter on the phone is inherently destructive, and the problem that was discussed most often remains unresolved. But the woman poured out her grief, irritation or joy, was devastated and at the same time filled with new emotions and was practically ripe for the most important thing. Not for solving a problem (what do you think!), but for your attitude to this problem. Having spoken out and poured out her soul, a woman understands how she should relate to this or that event in her life, as they say, “ripe while talking.” So "nonsense" chatter on the phone is actually often therapeutic.

Slightly that - immediately in tears.

This is the greatest, ancient and most powerful weapon of a woman. It has faithfully served it for many centuries of civilization and I am sure it will serve it for many more. God forbid you think that I consider these tears insincere. On the contrary, although they say that women's tears are cheap, here every tear is worth its weight in gold, because it comes from the heart. Men are afraid of women's tears, like fire, and cowardly run away at the sight of them.

They cannot stand the treacherous feeling of pity that a crying woman evokes, they feel that they are weakening and demand that this outrage be stopped. I do not mean tears of grief and sorrow at the loss of a loved one. Here, I would be glad to cry, but you can’t. I mean those bright streams that immediately begin to flow from the eyes of a woman if she sees that the previous arguments have been exhausted and do not help. This living water can work wonders. How many new fur coats have been bought, how many rings are flaunting on lovely fingers that know how to cry in time! Why are there rings, tears can effectively solve more serious issues; It's not for me to teach you, you know. However, here you need to know the measure: you overdo it a little - and the man stops paying attention to women's tears, even if you fill them up.

In addition, tears are not always mercantile - many women like to cry to their heart's content in front of the TV, after which, washed and refreshed, they go to fry cutlets with a light soul. By and large, female tears are a cleansing catharsis that most women need. It is precisely due to its lightness, accessibility and readiness to serve right now that women's tears provide the main and serious service - they relieve stress in a non-drug way and even out the balance of emotions. It is the ability to cry easily that ultimately prolongs a woman's life.


I cannot agree that gossip is a purely female prerogative. Men gossip in the same way as women, but they are less talkative, gossip in a narrow circle, and information comes out less often. I understand that discussing and condemning the life of one's neighbor is sacred for many women. Through gossip, they assert themselves and try to raise their low level in the eyes of others. However, I consider gossip not as a touching female weakness, but as the deepest vice that spoils the lives of weak and vulnerable people. Therefore, gossip, even harmless, is better to stop at the very beginning.

It spins itself.

That is - that is, many women suffer from this. It happens that a woman starts for health, and ends for peace - she wound herself up like that. Women of the hysteroid type wind themselves up always and for any reason. I knew a woman who drove herself to such an extent that she had to call an ambulance. No, it was not the evil household that mocked her, it was she who hysterically fell to the floor, in the expectation that she would be caught in time. She made the whole family run around in fear for her, bring water, medicines, take her to bed, like a seizure or seriously ill. A simulator, such people are called an "artist", but cunning and prudent - she arranged demonstration performances for any reason, if they did not agree with her in some way. Such a woman can give a master class on the topic “How to get your way through hysteria”, but is not able to build normal, healthy human relationships in the family, since tantrums have the property of drugs - they enter the bloodstream and are addictive.

Obsessed with cleanliness.

Those who are interested can read the article “Clean Wife”, where I examined this topic in detail. I can only say that I don’t see anything wrong with cleanliness, although it takes a lot of time and effort, it gives a sense of order and satisfaction in return. In extreme manifestations, the tendency to cleanliness takes on the character of mania and makes unhappy not only the woman herself, but also her family.

Compliment love.

How not to love compliments: you know that he's lying, you bastard, but it's still nice! Well, praise me, I'm so good, smart and beautiful! And how I cook - you will lick your fingers! I’ll wash the floor, set the table and be a beauty - how can you not like this ?! Silly women immediately blur with happiness, and smart women try not to show it, but everyone loves compliments, regardless of age, nationality and social status. There are few men who know how to make a good compliment, and it is getting smaller. Therefore, such men need to be appreciated and their precious talent should be spent, like expensive perfumes - only for themselves and always with pleasure.

Long going.

There is nothing you can do about it, you need to come to terms with this: a woman is not a soldier, she will not dress quickly. Either the scarf is not the same, then the beads do not fit, then the lipstick rolled somewhere, the skirt is small, the dress is tired. And at the last moment it turns out that, perhaps, it is better to replay everything and completely change clothes. A wallet and a mobile phone play hide and seek, tables and chairs get in the way on purpose so that you stumble on them, tights are torn, and nails break. Men who are able not to fall into a rage and patiently wait for their girlfriend should be given an extra day off and a cash bonus. This will not undermine the country's economy, because there are only a few such men.


This is a passion that increases in proportion to the amount of money: more money - more shopping. By and large, shopping is not even a weakness, but rather a vital need that brings satisfaction and enables a woman to feel happier and more confident. An unforgettable feeling when you transfer all things into a new bag, knowing that it is impossible to repeat it - tomorrow the bag will no longer be so new. In order to experience it again, the next bag is needed.

Acquaintance with a new thing, choosing and accepting it into your home is like love: novelty, joy and pleasure in one bottle. When shopping, a woman becomes pleasantly excited, she can laugh, worry, be surprised, instantly concentrate and, finally, get deep satisfaction - in a word, she lives a full life those few hours that she goes shopping. Men do not understand what these magical sensations can be compared with: the victory of their favorite team in the final is nothing compared to a successful blouse and new shoes. The rating of a man who gives his wife money for shopping compared to one who does not is the same as the Ostankino TV tower compared to a match.

As I said, women's weaknesses often interfere with life, but with the right approach, they also help. If you treat them sensibly and reasonably, not allowing them to go to extremes, they bring pleasure and make a woman more sweet and attractive. A smart man perceives women's weaknesses not as a point of conflict, but as a way to influence and build relationships, making life easier for himself and finding a common language faster.

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Among women, from year to year, the proportion of ladies who cannot be called the “weaker sex” as such is growing. Women occupy positions that were previously purely "male" and have the same rights and opportunities as members of the opposite sex.

At the same time, "women's weakness", as before, has not lost its relevance. This trick is used by many ladies. What goals do they pursue? What can the abuse of female weakness lead to? How to display it correctly? You will receive answers to these questions below.

Reasons for showing female weakness

According to experts, the manifestation of weakness is an important element in the relationship of couples, a game that is beneficial for a man and a woman, bringing "benefit" to both parties. Women who show their weakness will be able to pursue the following goals.

  • Increasing your man's self-esteem.

A man who sees a fragile woman next to him will seek to provide her with his protection, try to help in some household chores. And finally, consider yourself a real "man". Naturally, this has a beneficial effect on relationships. The main thing is not to overdo it, so as not to "overload" your man.

  • Improving your own state of mind.

The partner of a woman who shows her weakness is likely to take over important matters and solve complex life issues and, accordingly, save her soul mate from stress factors that adversely affect mental state and physical health.

There are more reasons for showing female weakness, we have considered only those that favor family relationships.

Consequences of abuse of female weakness

A very weak woman can become emotionally dependent on her partner. There is a high probability that she will forget about self-development. As a result, it will become monotonous, boring, as it will devote all of itself to its beloved. In the worst case, she will become uninteresting to her partner, which promises a divorce.

One of the consequences of the manifestation of excessive female weakness is the loading of a partner with both one's own and other people's affairs. It must be understood that men are not terminators. The moment will come when the husband's patience will burst, and he will leave the helpless woman.

There are men who fundamentally do not want to link their fate with weak women. Such a potential partner should not immediately show his weaknesses. It is necessary to somehow find out from him how he sees his woman, wife, how independent, independent should she be?

Rules for the use of female cunning

Keep in mind that men represent weakness differently than women. They compare it with physical capabilities, which allows them to feel stronger and more courageous against the background of fragile companions. Women more often put a psychological meaning into this concept and usually deliberately demonstrate their lack of such qualities as independence, determination, purposefulness and confidence. Such behavior can safely be called erroneous. So what is the right way to show weakness? You can use the advice of psychologists, which are given below.

Try to understand what weakness is natural. There is no need to be ashamed of the fact that sometimes not everything is subject to you. A woman who is too self-sufficient and independent can repel men just as much as a woman who is too helpless. Therefore, be guided by the so-called "golden mean".

Feel free to ask for help. Unfortunately, succumbing to modern ideas about gender equality, many women strive to become completely independent and self-reliant. In most cases, they are completely successful. Many probably have a divorced girlfriend who perfectly manages to raise a child, build a career, and travel. This once again proves that in reality women are not such a weaker sex. But a man does not need to demonstrate this. He may feel unnecessary next to such a self-sufficient woman. Therefore, let him carry bags with groceries, change light bulbs, sharpen knives. Believe me, he will be very pleased to help you in this matter.

Don't forget all the time take care of yourself. Even a woman with the most luxurious external data needs attention. Try to take care of yourself as much as possible besides household chores. A well-groomed and neat woman always creates the impression of fragility, tenderness and vulnerability - weakness in this manifestation is very attractive and pleasant to men.

Wear skirts and dresses as often as possible. They make a woman more graceful and sophisticated. In addition, as you know, clothing has a very strong effect on the internal state of a person, setting him a certain “mood”. So, a woman dressed in jeans or trousers, most likely, will behave more courageously. At the same time, skirts and dresses are still conducive to more feminine manners. This is another way to subtly emphasize your fragility.

Learn to pause. Here we are talking about situations where, due to female haste, a man simply does not have the opportunity to show his participation and gallantry. So, for example, after a theatrical performance, you should not run headlong into the wardrobe and pull on your coat. It is better to stop for a while and wait until your man offers you his help in this matter. The same applies to the situation when you get out of the car: do not rush to jump out of it immediately after stopping. Better give your companion the opportunity to go out first, open the door for you and give a hand. And he will be very pleased to show a sign of attention, and it will be easier for you to get out of the transport. By the way, it is precisely such behavior that the elementary rules of etiquette require from a woman.

In no case do not confuse weakness and sacrifice. A woman who shows weakness from time to time, under any circumstances, knows her own worth and will not allow a disrespectful attitude towards herself. In addition, she will not allow anyone to take advantage of her helplessness, because for her this is just a way to exert some influence on her partner. Sacrifice, on the other hand, involves the complete loss of one's "I" in favor of a man. The consequences of such behavior were discussed in the first part of the article. After all, sacrifice is weakness without limits.

Give yourself a little indulgence limit self-criticism. Very often, excessive demands on oneself do not allow a woman to relax, feel carefree and easy. Self-criticism, as a rule, deprives it of "zest", drives it into the framework and does not give the opportunity to act spontaneously. In addition, by taking on a heavy burden of demands and obligations, women do not give themselves any chance to be weak even a little.

Women's weakness is sometimes possible and even necessary to show. The main thing is that it be timely and within reasonable limits. After all, it also happens that sometimes men themselves need support and help.
