Wen on the face: causes of appearance and treatment methods. Wen on the face: how to make them disappear? Remove small fatty spots on the face

Every woman dreams of perfect skin. But it is not always possible to cope with problematic tumors. In addition to periodically appearing rashes in the form of acne, white wen on the face and body can create discomfort.

Lipomas (the medical name for formations) are benign tumors that do not harm a person. But when they appear in the facial area, women feel increased discomfort. Therefore, it is important to know how to get rid of unpleasant formations and restore beauty to the skin.

Why do formations appear?

Lipomas are subcutaneous compacted tubercles. They can be localized in various areas. However, most often you can find white wen on the face.

The unpleasantness of their appearance is not only increased discomfort due to an unaesthetic appearance. A feature of wen is the ability to increase in size.

The appearance of any formations on the skin is always associated with various disorders in the body. Doctors are trying to find out the causes of wen. Currently, there are several factors that can influence the formation of negative changes.

  • Wen is the main marker of metabolic disorders in the body and increased cholesterol levels. The latter changes the consistency of subcutaneous fat, thickening it. Due to the increase in the amount, fat begins to be released on the skin and contributes to clogging of the sebaceous ducts.
  • One of the common causes of the appearance of wen is endocrine disorders, a hormonal imbalance of active substances produced by the thyroid gland.
  • Impairments may occur due to chronic kidney and liver diseases. Organs cannot fully remove excess fluid and toxins, which leads to the accumulation of fat.
  • People suffering from diabetes and thrombosis are at risk for the development of wen.
  • The tendency to form lipomas can be hereditary. Genetically, a person can acquire the ability of the body to accumulate subcutaneous fat in an enhanced manner. In this case, wen forms from early childhood.
  • Changes on the surface of the skin are observed when metabolism and protein formation in cells are disrupted.

Lipoma formation

In addition to diseases present in the body, the following may act as provoking factors:

  • improper skin care (cosmetics, if chosen incorrectly, can clog pores and contribute to the secretion of excess sebum);
  • violation of nutritional principles (introduction of sweets and fatty foods in increased quantities into the diet);
  • maintaining an unhealthy lifestyle (drinking alcohol, smoking);
  • avitaminosis.

Types of wen and their symptoms

Lipomas can be of several types. Two of them most often appear in the facial area.

The white wen is called milium. It is formed in places of increased accumulation of sebum and clogged glands. Its appearance may be spontaneous, then it will be considered primary. If the wen is considered the result of a mechanical effect on the epidermis or inflammation, then the formation of clinical milia is observed.


Localization of lipoma can be observed in the area:

  • cheekbone;
  • ears.

Another type of wen is considered to be xanthoma. They are formed on:

  • eyes, above and below them;
  • eyebrows;
  • lips.

In some cases, small formations appear, which, when merging, can occupy a large surface. Independent formation in most cases does not exceed a size of 15 mm.

Xanthomas are characterized by yellow or brown-yellow tints. Education can come in any form. At the same time, the boundaries are blurry.

Xanthomas on the body

There is no pain when xanthoma appears. They are soft to the touch and also have a flexible nature. Often such fatty deposits appear on the body, nipples, and arms of women who have entered menopause.

In some cases, the signs of a wen are similar to other skin disorders. We are talking about a cyst of the sebaceous glands - atheroma. It can also grow, but requires only surgical removal.

Wen often appears on the face of a newborn baby. This situation occurs if the baby has a hereditary predisposition to them. Their localization is noted in the area:

  • chin;
  • nose

In most cases, wen disappears on its own after reaching two years of age.


There are several ways to get rid of wen. Therapy is prescribed by a doctor after examining the patient’s skin condition. If there are small lipomas in small quantities, drug treatment may be prescribed. For larger lesions, your doctor will recommend cosmetic or surgical removal.

Drug therapy

Despite the fact that small wen can be treated, there may be no visible result. But it’s worth trying to use medications and procedures to eliminate the tumor.

  • The doctor may prescribe a procedure that promotes the resorption of the wen. It consists of puncturing the lipoma and introducing Diprospan into its cavity, which eliminates fat accumulations. The process of resorption of the wen is long. It can last for two months. The patient may also need to re-administer the drug. Cosmetologists and doctors claim that applications with Diprospan are not effective.
  • If there are large areas of accumulation of wen, it may be difficult to remove. Therefore, in such a situation, it is recommended to apply Videstim ointment to the affected area. It acts on the surface of the wen due to retinol. The substance breaks down tissue, reducing formations in size.
  • For daily use, you can use Vitaon. It is necessary to wipe the areas where wen accumulates with lotion.
  • Gistan cream will help eliminate inflammation and prevent the formation of new lipomas.

Beauty treatments

You can get rid of wen through cosmetic procedures. Facial cleansing mechanically or using an ultrasonic device is considered effective. It is carried out in specialized medical institutions and beauty salons.

A person may also be offered skin cleansing using peeling. It could be:

  • glycolic;
  • retinoic;
  • microdermabrasion.

The skin surface can be resurfaced and phototherapy used. Physical therapy will also be helpful.

Formations are removed using mechanical cleaning

Surgical removal

If the wen is large in size, the doctor may prescribe removal. It is carried out in several ways.

  • The longest used option is surgical removal. It requires local anesthesia. The doctor makes an incision in the skin through which the wen is removed. Along with the discharge, the lipoma capsule is also removed. The incision area is sutured using a cosmetic suture. The method has a significant drawback: a scar remains on the surface of the skin.
  • Considered less traumatic endoscopic removal, as the doctor makes a small incision. During the procedure, the tissue of the wen is destroyed and removed. But the capsule remains under the skin. The result is assessed using a mini-endoscope. The disadvantage of the procedure is the possibility of reappearance of the formation.
  • Cosmetologists can use liposuction method. Using a special aspirator, the internal contents of the lipoma are removed through a small puncture on the surface of the skin. But wen can form again after some time.
  • Modern methods are considered laser removal and electrocoagulation. But they also do not remove the wen capsule.

In children, removal of formations is carried out only after five years. Before this age, wen may disappear on its own.

Using a laser, wen on the face is removed quickly and painlessly

Traditional therapy

Most patients have access to various traditional methods of getting rid of wen. Recipes are based on the use of available ingredients.

Removal of the formation can be done using celandine juice. A drop of the product is applied to the surface of the lipoma and rubbed. The juice should not be washed off for half an hour. After a few days, with daily use, a hole forms in the wen. To release the contents, you can apply a bandage soaked in Vishnevsky ointment.

It is allowed to make a compress based on aloe juice. It will also be useful to apply the plant pulp to the affected area.

Baked onions, ground into a paste and mixed with shavings of laundry soap, can cope with formations. The ointment is applied to the lipoma twice a day.

Chestnut ointment has a beneficial effect on the skin. Fruits twisted in a meat grinder (5 pieces) are mixed with honey (1 tablespoon). The product should be applied three times a day to the area where wen appears.

How to prevent formations from appearing?

To eliminate the possibility of wen occurrence, it is worth remembering simple but effective rules.

  • It is important to lead a correct lifestyle. It is worth following the proper preparation of the diet and the inclusion of vitamins in it. It is necessary to give up unhealthy, fatty and sweet foods, as well as alcohol and cigarettes.
  • Rest should be complete. This will make it easier for the body to cope with formations.
  • It is necessary to monitor the condition of the skin of the face and body. You need to cleanse, nourish and moisturize. This way you can normalize metabolic processes and eliminate dead cells.
  • It is important to monitor your own health. A person must promptly treat diseases that can negatively affect the condition of the skin.

In modern conditions, unpleasant defects on the surface of the skin are easy to eliminate. But it will be easier to prevent their occurrence by following preventive recommendations.

Small acne with white solid contents or benign mobile and growing tumors are popularly called wen, although in fact they can be a variety of skin diseases. The causes of lipomas on the face are very different, so it is necessary to remove them only after visiting a specialist.


What is a wen

Wen is the common popular name for lipoma, a benign tumor formed from fatty tissue deep under the skin. Outwardly it looks like an elastic, mobile and painless ball under the skin. Unlike whiteheads, wen do not have an outlet duct. Why is it impossible to squeeze it out? Wen are located on any part of the face and can be single or multiple. It happens that multiple formations merge into one lobular one, and begin to resemble a bunch of grapes, but can cover large areas of the face and body.

Most often, wen occurs in middle-aged and older women. Men and children also suffer from this problem, but such cases are much less common. Adipose tissue fills the lipoma, if the depth of its location is not great, then its color is white or yellowish; if the fat is located deeper under the skin, the color cannot be seen.

Types of wen on the face

There are quite a few types of wen, but two types are most often observed on the face:

Milia (millet) are clearly visible small white nodules that protrude above the skin. Such formations consist of subcutaneous fat and horny particles. They appear even on the skin of infants (up to 2 years of age everything goes away), as well as men, women and adolescents. They usually occur under the outer stratum corneum of the skin on the cheeks, wings of the nose, chin (rarely on the forehead and eyelids) and reach a size of 3-5 mm. They can be single or form multiple rashes, which is caused by external influences. Milia do not tend to grow, do not cause discomfort or pain when touched, and are a cosmetic defect.

Xanthelasmas are soft yellowish formations, the basis of which is also sebum. They have an arbitrary shape, loose consistency, and vary in size. Their favorite location is the area of ​​the upper and lower eyelids. Most often women over 50 are concerned. Xanthelasmas can grow, merging with neighboring single formations.

Lipomas do not pose a threat to life and health, do not provoke the appearance of cancer cells, are not their harbingers, they simply look unattractive from an aesthetic point of view. Getting rid of a wen on the face is not just squeezing out an ordinary pimple; with such a formation, this problem will not go away, because it does not have an excretory duct. Removing fatty tissue is a complex procedure that is performed exclusively by a cosmetologist or dermatologist with a certain skill. Self-squeezing is fraught with infection and negative consequences.

Why do wen appear on the face, reasons

The true causes of the appearance of benign formations from adipose tissue on the skin of the face are not known to medicine today. They affect people of all genders and all ages, regardless of diet and lifestyle.

It is assumed that lipomas arise due to the influence of a number of factors on fat metabolism. According to dermatologists, these factors are:

1. Heredity and genetic predisposition. From birth, a certain number of uncharacteristic fat cells are formed in our body, which over time contribute to the appearance of lipomas. The gene responsible for the development of the disease is transmitted in an autosomal dominant manner and manifests itself among family members.

2. Lipid metabolism disorders or elevated blood cholesterol levels. This is due to the fact that excess cholesterol increases the viscosity of subcutaneous fat, causing blockage of the sebaceous ducts and the accumulation of adipose tissue in the surface layer of the skin.

3. Liver and kidney diseases. Malfunctions of the organs responsible for hematopoiesis and the removal of excess fluid and toxins can provoke the appearance of wen.

4. Disruption of the endocrine system. Hormonal imbalance, as many experts believe, further leads to the formation of subcutaneous fatty tissue in various areas of the body.

5. Diabetes mellitus provokes the appearance of wen.

6. Menopausal condition.

7. Improper care and non-compliance with personal hygiene rules. To prevent the compaction of sebum under the skin, it is important to select skin care products based on skin type (especially in adolescence and people with problematic oily or dry skin).

8. Disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract.

9. Bad habits (alcohol, fatty and sweet foods).

10. Risk factors include combination and oily skin types.

In a small percentage of people, the cause of wen on the skin of the face remains unidentified, but they do not experience problems with the health of the skin and the body as a whole. In such “unidentified” cases, the influence of lifestyle, ecology, and diet is studied.

Video: Why wen appear on the face, how to get rid of it.

Treatment of wen

Wen must be removed in specialized clinics by experienced specialists who will select the optimal treatment. There are now a lot of effective methods for this (superficial chemical peeling, laser therapy), which do not involve sutures and are characterized by a short healing period. Independent attempts to eliminate the wen significantly increase the risk of abnormal growth of the formation, since the remaining tissue will provoke further development of the lipoma. In addition, self-medication increases the risk of tissue infection.

Ointments, compresses, lotions and other remedies recommended by traditional medicine can help “open up” the wen, but this again increases the risk of infection entering the wound.

Prevention of wen on the face

Since the causes of the development of this disease are not fully understood, it is difficult to recommend preventive measures. But you can reduce the risk of lipomas by following some recommendations:

  1. Healthy and balanced diet.
  2. Careful personal hygiene.
  3. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
  4. Refusal of bad habits (in particular, sweet, fatty foods, alcohol-containing drinks).
  5. The right choice of cosmetics, taking into account your skin type and age.
  6. Get a full medical examination at least once a year.
  7. Thorough cleansing of the skin at home and in the salon.

When wen appears, it is important to promptly consult a specialist and undergo treatment, otherwise the formations may begin to grow throughout the face and body.

Wen on the face is one of the most common cosmetic defects, causing its owner aesthetic discomfort and a constant desire to correct it. Why do wen appear on the face?

Types of wen

Wen (lipomas) are fatty tumors located in a capsule under the skin and characterized by mobility. These benign neoplasms on the face are usually small in size and do not cause inflammatory processes.

The most common types of lipomas found on the face are:

  • milia- fixed whiteheads, formed as a result of blockage of the sebaceous glands. Can be placed on any part of the body singly or in groups; protrude slightly above the surface of the skin;
  • xanthomas (xanthelasmas), which are raised yellow plaques on the eyelids. They tend to grow and merge with each other. They are more common in older people suffering from liver disease and fat metabolism disorders.

reading information

Reasons for appearance

How to get rid of wen on the face? To successfully solve a cosmetic problem, the main thing is not to harm yourself by experimenting with various methods of self-medication. Therefore, it is important to understand why wen forms on the face.

You should know: wen on the face must be treated. Otherwise, there is a risk of their inflammation and possible development into malignant formations.

Provoking factors against which the development of skin tumors occurs are:

  • improper facial skin care;
  • impaired metabolism;
  • high cholesterol;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • hormonal imbalance during puberty in adolescents;
  • the presence of diabetes mellitus, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, endocrine system;
  • abuse of sweet and fatty foods.

Professional help

How to remove wen on the face? With the problem of removing a skin defect, many turn to beauty salons, which offer several effective methods, one of which is mechanical facial cleansing. This method is characterized by some pain and involves opening the lipoma and squeezing out its contents. Subsequently, wen does not appear on the treated area of ​​skin.

The aspiration method is characterized by painlessness, is used for insufficiently developed wen and consists of sucking out subcutaneous fat with a very thin needle; the shell remains undamaged. Therefore, there is a high probability of neoplasms appearing in the future.

Removal of fatty deposits on the face using electrocoagulation shows good results.(cauterization with high-frequency current).

Just a note. Contraindications to electrocoagulation are diseases of the circulatory system, herpes, and oncology.

Laser method

A widely popular method for removing fatty deposits on the face is laser therapy, characterized by:

  • painlessness,
  • minimal likelihood of relapse,
  • absence of swelling and scars,
  • efficiency of implementation (15-25 minutes),
  • short recovery period.

The cosmetic procedure ends with the treatment of the facial area with an antiseptic and drugs that help the skin recover as quickly as possible.

Getting rid of wen with ointments

White wen on the face can be removed with pharmaceutical preparations. In particular, Vishnevsky's ointment, the active components of which are birch tar and xeroform, helps well.

Application must be carried out for 10-12 hours, after which the bandage with ointment should be renewed. The procedure should be carried out for 3 days, then you should take a break of 1-2 days, after which you should return to the 3-day treatment. During this period, Vishnevsky's ointment will pull the wen out.

This is interesting. An ointment unique in its healing properties was invented in 1927 by surgeon A.V. Vishnevsky, who was trying to come up with a wound-healing agent from simple and accessible components. The medicinal substance obtained as a result of a successful experiment has become an integral part of the first aid kit in almost every family.

Wen on the face, the causes of which often lie in the disruption of certain body systems, can be successfully treated with ichthyol ointment. The pharmaceutical product has absorbable and healing properties. The ointment is applied pointwise, 2 times a day.

Red clay against wen

Red clay has similar properties that allow you to remove small wen on the face. It is used in the form of a mask, for the preparation of which a small amount of the product must be diluted with water until a homogeneous mass is obtained, and then applied to problem areas.

You can knead a cake from red clay and water - an equally effective remedy that helps remove wen on the face. Apply the resulting composition to the problem area and secure with a band-aid. A more convenient time for this manipulation is before bed.

Home methods to help

You can try to cope with small lipomas using home methods, be sure to obtain a preliminary consultation with a dermatologist, who will tell you how to remove wen on the face correctly and without a threat to health.

Just a note. A large number of wen on the face may indicate a significant level of sugar in the blood or the presence of diabetes mellitus.

Where do wen on the face come from? This question arises every time you look at yourself in the mirror and is logically accompanied by the following question: “how to get rid of wen on your face?” Laundry soap in combination with baked onions cleanses the skin well from formations of this type.. The products need to be grated, combined in equal proportions and boiled over low heat for several minutes. Cool the finished composition and apply to the problem area for 30-45 minutes. Then rinse with warm water. To obtain the expected result, several procedures are sufficient.

If white wen appears on the face, how to get rid of them quickly and effectively? One of the effective recipes of traditional medicine is considered to be a composition of lard and garlic. Products taken in a ratio of 2 to 1 should be ground in a blender. Apply the prepared composition to lipomas 2 times a day.

Plants will help

How to remove white wen on the face? Aloe or Kalanchoe leaves can help in cleansing the skin of unattractive formations, the pulp of which must be applied to the lipoma, fixed with a band-aid and left overnight. The antimicrobial and cleansing properties of these plants will help reduce the formations to a minimum size, allowing you to safely pierce them with a sterile needle and gently squeeze out the contents. Then you need to continue using compresses until the wen disappears completely.

Just a note. Many “owners” of wen still prefer to get rid of them themselves by squeezing. In this case, all manipulations should be carried out with well-sterilized instruments. It is also necessary to treat your hands and the area where the removal will be performed with alcohol.

The golden mustache has proven itself well in reducing fatty tissue and getting rid of them. A plant with a unique healing composition can help in the treatment of various diseases; a small part of it needs to be kneaded well and applied to the wen.

Preventive measures

Getting rid of lipomas should not be limited solely to local treatment. Understanding why wen appears on the face, you should pay special attention to your diet, giving up fast food, carbonated drinks, fatty and salty foods. Among the juices, it is recommended to prefer apple, birch and grapefruit, which promote the active elimination of toxins.

Facial care is an essential factor in quality prevention.. For oily skin types, it is recommended to use clay and scrubs, periodically do peeling based on fruit acids, and wash your face using special gels and foams. For dry and sensitive skin, the use of cleansing gels and moisturizing masks is beneficial.

A fatty tumor or lipoma is a benign tumor that forms under the skin and looks like small tubercles. It can form at any age and in different areas of the body. Lipoma does not pose a threat to human health, but it does not look aesthetically pleasing, especially if it occurs on the face.

Causes of wen on the face

There are many reasons for the formation of lipomas, the most common are:

  • the presence of diseases associated with metabolic disorders in the human body;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • low activity of digestive enzymes;
  • the presence of diseases of the endocrine system;
  • protein metabolism disorders;
  • unbalanced diet, in which there is an excess of carbohydrates in the food consumed;
  • excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • poor facial skin care, especially during puberty.

Lipomas often occur in people who suffer from diabetes and abuse fatty foods.

Types of wen

Two types of wen can form on the skin of the face:

  1. Milia They are small white lipomas. They are often confused with eels. They form on the skin of the cheekbones, eyelids, nose and forehead. Milia consist of accumulated fat and do not have a duct, for this reason it is impossible to squeeze them out.
  2. Xanthelasmas occur in the eyelid area. In most cases, single plaques merge and form numerous aesthetically unsightly clusters.

Folk remedies: 7 best recipes

Most modern people know that wen can be removed surgically. But they refuse this method because they are simply afraid of operations. And some develop a small lipoma.

In such situations, it is advisable to use proven folk recipes and remedies for getting rid of wen. Regular use of one of the methods gives the desired effect.

The best recipes for getting rid of wen on the face are:

  1. With Kalanchoe. The leaf of the plant is cut and the pulp is applied to problem areas. Fix the Kalanchoe on the skin with a patch and leave it overnight.
  2. With onions and laundry soap. The onion is baked in the oven, then passed through a meat grinder. The soap is grated and mixed with onion pulp. The resulting composition is spread on gauze and applied to the lipoma. The dressing must be changed twice a day, and the mixture itself should be stored in the refrigerator.
  3. A simple recipe with Vishnevsky ointment. A reliable and effective remedy that helps get rid of a cosmetic defect is the use of Vishnevsky ointment. A compress from the drug, which can be purchased at any pharmacy, is changed every 9-12 hours. The wen soon opens on its own and disappears. Vishnevsky ointment can be replaced with ichthyol ointment.
  4. With sour cream and honey. Take one tablespoon of liquid honey, salt and fat sour cream, then mix the components. The composition is applied to problem areas of the face.
  5. With aloe. The cut leaf of the plant is applied to the lipoma with the pulp, fixed with a regular plaster and left overnight.
  6. With lamb fat. The animal's fat is melted in a water bath, allowed to cool slightly and applied to the wen.
  7. Honey cake. The onions are chopped and mixed with one tablespoon of liquid honey and a teaspoon of flour. The composition is thoroughly mixed and a cake is formed, which is applied to the lipoma and left overnight.

If wen has formed in the eyelid area or it is not possible to get rid of them using folk remedies at home, then the problem must be solved in drastic ways.

Removal methods: professional and modern approach

The most effective ways to eliminate lipomas on the face are therapeutic and preventive measures, which help not only quickly eliminate the visual manifestation of the disease, but also help eliminate the cause of its occurrence.

It is advisable to treat a cosmetic defect of any size and type by a competent specialist - a cosmetologist or dermatologist. A professional cosmetology office or salon offers fat removal in safe and innovative ways:

  • chemical peeling helps to thoroughly clean the sebaceous ducts;
  • processing laser ideal for removing lipomas in the eyelid area;
  • electrocoagulation is a procedure whose action is based on the cauterization of human soft tissues with an electric current. The method perfectly removes various tumors on the skin.
  • mechanical cleaning implies a puncture or incision of the wen.

An experienced cosmetologist or dermatologist will advise the optimal procedure for a particular case.

The effectiveness of methods for removing wen

The smaller the size of the lipoma, the sooner a person begins its treatment or removal, the better the effect will be. People who want to get rid of tumors are advised to know several aspects:

  • procedures in salons will help get rid of cosmetic defects efficiently, quickly and guaranteed;
  • after regular use of home treatments, the wen significantly decreases in size or disappears completely;
  • the scars that remain after the elimination of the lipoma disappear over time, thanks to the natural process of regeneration of skin cells.
  • In order for the effect to be maximum, it is necessary to strictly follow the recipe for preparing products at home, strictly adhere to the recommendations of cosmetologists and observe hygienic requirements.

Prevention of wen

Not a single person is immune from the appearance of wen on the skin of the face, so cosmetologists recommend paying attention to preventive measures. They help not only prevent the formation of lipomas, but also have a beneficial effect on the human body.

Wen occurs in most cases due to the high content slag in the body and improper care skin care, so prevention includes:

  1. proper and balanced diet;
  2. avoiding canned food, fatty, smoked and salty foods or reducing their consumption to a minimum;
  3. It is imperative to include fresh fruits, herbs and vegetables in your diet;
  4. physical activity and sports;
  5. absence of bad habits: it is recommended to quit smoking and stop drinking alcohol;
  6. treatment of existing diseases of the endocrine and digestive system, kidneys, liver;
  7. compliance with hygiene rules and careful competent care of the skin of the face;
  8. periodic procedures aimed at cleansing the body.

The best prevention of all diseases is maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

If new growths are detected on the skin of the face, it is recommended to consult a cosmetologist or dermatologist. Specialists will prescribe the optimal treatment or procedure to remove fatty tissue. If you wish, you can use folk remedies that have proven themselves to be good.

All kinds of facial skin imperfections spoil your mood. Various rashes, swelling, and inflammation look untidy, so you want to get rid of them immediately. One of the common skin problems is white wen on the face, similar to pimples, so people often try to squeeze them out. But treating this problem requires a special approach.

White subcutaneous neoplasms can be of two types.

  1. Milia, or in common parlance, are dense small tubercles located on various areas of the skin. They can appear on the forehead, cheeks, neck, and around the eyes. In some cases, milia may be single, but more often they cover the face in scattering. This happens when the pores are clogged. The secretions of the sebaceous glands cannot come out and subcutaneous tubercles appear.
  2. Lipomas are fatty tissues that tend to grow. At the very beginning, a lipoma looks like a small lump. Then the wen may increase in size, and if the problem is not dealt with, it continues to grow. It occurs when metabolic processes in a certain area of ​​the skin are disrupted, in which fat ceases to be released to the surface. It begins to accumulate, forming a dense large bump on the face, which cannot be hidden with cosmetics. This can be caused by problems with the pancreas or liver, disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract, high cholesterol and other diseases.

How to eliminate white wen on the face?

If you try to squeeze out such a blackhead, the skin will be injured and inflammation will occur. Lipomas and milia do not go away on their own. Therefore treatment is required. It is quite difficult to get rid of them at home. But if you want to solve the problem yourself, then you need to act carefully and not neglect disinfection.

Removing a wen at home

To perform the procedure, you need a thin needle (can be taken from a sterile syringe), a bandage or cotton wool, an alcohol solution (iodine, alcohol-containing tonic).

After treating the skin, hands and all necessary items, carefully pierce the skin covering the top of the wen. This is done because such a seal, unlike a regular pimple, cannot break out on its own, since the pores on the skin remain closed. Through the puncture, you can carefully remove the fatty seal; most often it looks like a small white ball. To prevent re-formation, you should make sure that there is no fatty tissue left in the cavity. To prevent inflammation, the wound is treated with alcohol and over the next few days, lubricated with antibacterial ointment, for example, Levomekol.

It’s great if you have the opportunity to get treatment from specialists. Cosmetologists can effectively and reliably quickly eliminate this defect. In the salon, white wen on the face is treated using the following methods:

  1. Mechanical method. Today it is the most common, since its effectiveness is confirmed by almost one hundred percent positive results. It consists of piercing the head of the wen, removing the contents, and scraping out the cavity. If necessary (if the wen being removed is very large), a cosmetic suture can be performed. This procedure is often performed under local anesthesia. The skin is restored and takes on a healthy appearance within a few days. But sometimes mechanical cleaning is contraindicated. For example, with very thin skin or a wen located close to the edge of the eyelid.
  2. Laser coagulation. A method of therapeutic action on wen or areas of skin with whiteheads. Adipose tissue is destroyed and scars heal quickly.
  3. Electrocoagulation. The procedure is carried out using an electrocoagulator needle. The targeted effect on the problem area is carried out using alternating current. A microscopic incision is made at the top of the wen, allowing its contents to be safely removed.
  4. Injections. Large lumps are removed without surgical intervention by introducing medications into the cavity of the tumor, the action of which is aimed at breaking down fats. This leads to their rapid resorption.

Unconventional methods of combating wen

For those who are accustomed to trusting traditional medicine more, there are several proven ways to get rid of fatty deposits.

  1. Compress with aloe. This plant has the ability to draw out inflammation and destroy many microbes on the skin. A freshly cut leaf should be applied to the problem area and secured with a band-aid. To achieve a positive effect faster, you can pierce the skin covering the wen with a sterile needle.
  2. Celandine or wolfberry. The juice of these plants seems to corrode inflamed areas of the skin. Therefore, it should be applied exactly to the wen.
  3. Ointment with propolis. A popular product that effectively eliminates many skin diseases is also effective in treating wen. As in the first method, it is better to apply to the affected area after first puncturing it.
  4. Leech. It will help with very large and old wen, which can be hard and difficult to remove. The leech should be placed near the problem area of ​​the skin. After about a day, the wen swells, bursts, and the liquefied contents flow out on their own. After this, it is necessary to disinfect the wound and lubricate it with Levomekol or other ointment that has an antibacterial effect until complete healing.

Removing white wen on the face and maintaining healthy skin is not at all difficult. At home or in a beauty salon, this problem can be eliminated in a couple of days. Therefore, you just need to choose the appropriate method and, without delay, take care of your beauty.
