“Are Azerbaijanis no longer people of Caucasian nationality?” Azerbaijan and Chechnya have long-term and permanent fraternal and partnership relations

The main formidable weapon of an Azeratürk is his Animal Mind and his dirty language. And an Azeratürk can be understood, having been repeatedly humiliated on the battlefields, all he can do is “defeat” his offenders in verbal battles, in which the average Azer turns from a ram into a Lion. and the dead man is a ram.

    Lucky Man 2 months ago

    Darwin Da Vinci The main formidable weapon of an Azeratürk is his Animal Mind and his dirty language. And an Azeratürk can be understood, having been repeatedly humiliated on the battlefields, all he can do is “defeat” his offenders in verbal battles, in which the average Azer turns into a lap lion , and in this occupation the Azeri Turk really has no equal, for the virtual Azeri Turk is powerful and invincible, he “cuts the heads” of his offenders, tears off their ears, fights against all the armies at once and with the exclamation “those were not Armenians, duh! Instead of the Armenians, the Russians fought, taa kilyaus chesny sloff" having calmed his powerlessness, he goes to bed so that early in the morning he can bravely drag wheelbarrows with vegetables and, flashing his gold teeth, announce inattentive buyers.
    It is in the powerlessness and cowardice of the Azeri Turk that the reason for his pathological deceit lies. And the powerlessness and cowardice of the average Azer goes back to the era of Turkization of his ancestors, which he accepted with humility, cowardly turning away from the roots of his ancestors, and becoming a newly-made “Transcaucasian Turk” (Caucasian Tatar, Chushka, etc.). But the Chushkoazer who betrayed himself, who became Turkified and betrayed his ancestors, will continue to betray him. 1936 and.. one Stalinist decree and already the children of Chushkas are repeating their parents, erasing their name with the designated “ethnic Azerbaijani”. Changing its name again. And this is natural for chushka, because the chushkoazer is cowardly and hates himself on a subconscious level.
    If the Chushkoazer had not despised himself, had not lied to himself and others every minute of his existence, had not fawned over those in power, then he would no longer have been an Azeri Turk, would not have been an amorist, and would have called himself as his former ancestors called themselves. But this is an Azeri Turk, which means a rabble of chumps with an indeterminate ethnic (and sexual) orientation, Sumerian-Turkic-Fucking-Medians, and when the “Muslim Brothers” with advanced gay movements press the mythical “ethnic Azerbaijani”, he would know his Ancestral
    That is why the average Chushkoazer hates and fears all those peoples who were able to defend their Self, preserve their history and Self-Identification despite numerous historical trials. Armenians, Lezgins, Avars, Talysh, Udins, Persians - all the indigenous peoples of the region remind the Chushkoazer of who he is - a rootless assimilated rabble, vainly trying to fit into the masquerade costume of the “great Turk” and the “autochthon” at the same time.
    The Chushkoazer subconsciously understands all this, and quietly hates the peoples who preserve their howling Ancestral history (while not forgetting to smile sweetly and call himself “brother”). He understands that he cannot lie to himself and there are Lezgins to others, as long as there are Armenians, as long as there are Avars, as long as there are peoples - the heirs of historical Caucasian Albania, Talysh and Artsakh. As long as the Ancestral history of the indigenous peoples of the Caucasus exists, the Azeri Turks will continue to remain a despicable pig, only secretly making attempts from around corners to assimilate, appropriate or erase someone else's historical heritage

    Lucky Man 2 months ago

    Darwin Da Vinci Considering that rams are honorary members of Azerbaijani society and the special attitude of Azeris towards rams, they can be understood. And to enlighten you on this matter, since your teachers had no time to do this. So now sit and listen to the filthy brat.

    Lucky Man 2 months ago

    Darwin Da Vinci Sewer worm. You Turkic nomads came to the places where ancient civilizations lived, following your nomadic rule - where my sheep graze, there is my land, so do not attribute your spiritual misery to others.

    Lucky Man 2 months ago

    Darwin Da Vinci Let's compare our peoples and see who best suits the image and mentality of the gypsies. And so that your pig grunt and rooster crows can be heard clearly, wipe your eyes from the shit and look carefully, unless, of course, your mental abilities allow you to delve into the essence of the content of the text and understand the meaning of what you listened to and watched.
    If we are to compare Armenians and Gypsies, then let’s compare what the Transcaucasian Turks and Gypsies have in common.
    1. Let's start with the fact that Transcaucasian Turks and Gypsies are nomadic peoples.
    2.Both Gypsies and Transcaucasian Turks have had the attributes of a Yurt and a Bonfire or (bonfire, tent) as you wish.
    3. the gypsies, as a separate people, like the Transcaucasian Turks, never had their own written language and used someone else’s writing. Gypsies and Transcaucasian Turks in the post-Soviet space have changed their script four times over the past 100 years.
    4 . The earliest example of writing in the Azerbaijani language that has survived to this day is from the 14th century in the form of two ghazals by Izzeddin Hasanoglu. The modern literary Azerbaijani language was formed in the middle of the 19th century, and the modern Gypsy language of the Russian Empire was also formed in the middle of the 19th century.
    5.Newspapers and books in the Azerbaijani language have been published since 1820-1830.
    among the gypsies, at the beginning of the 19th century, the first books by gypsy authors began to be published in the gypsy language. Here the Transcaucasian Turks were a full 100 years ahead of the gypsies.
    6. And the Transcaucasian Turks do not have their own national medieval historiographers who would leave the world a legacy of the history of their own and neighboring peoples.
    7.Transcaucasian Turks have a very popular surname Kuliev (from the Persian Kuli) SLAVE - RODENT - BLACK WORKER.
    The Iranian peoples called KULI all nomads, including Turks and Gypsies, and to this day in Khuzestan Khorasan Sistan, the Persians call the Turks, Avshars, Qashqais and local Gypsies one common common noun KULI.

So, my name is Gunay. I am originally from Ganja. My mother is Russian, my father is Azerbaijani. I am a Muslim. This happened when I was 14 years old. My family and I went to Moscow, to visit my father’s relatives for the New Year. It was very beautiful there. ..But, besides relatives from Moscow, the house was full of their friends, there I saw him... A tall brunette of about 18 with black eyes. I want to say that I have a typical Caucasian appearance: brown eyes, dark brown hair, slightly dark hair skin, oriental quadruple face, average height, curvaceous (chest and butt), well, we met, his name was Rasul and he was Chechen... We were just chatting))

On New Year's Eve, I made a wish to meet my destiny. To be honest, I didn’t really believe in it all, but I had to make something)) a ​​week passed, we left for Azerbaijan. I studied to be a pediatrician in Moscow, but I worked in the hospital as a nurse. You won’t believe it, but there was also a doctor working there, whose name was Rasul. He was very similar to that Chechen...

Rasul had his own car, apartment, and I lived with relatives and was under strict control. Well, he was very kind to me, he always helped, but I perceived him as a boss, not as a man. And so, he came to me restaurant, no, not on a date, but just to discuss problems. We were sitting, and then he told me that he didn’t want to be just my employee, that he really liked me, that he remembered me from that New Year, and that he wanted to be together with me. I asked why he did this, because a Chechen needs a Chechen, and he replied that he knew a lot of Russian girls, a lot of Chechens, Ingush, but he only needs me.

From then on it all started. He drove me home, stopped by in the morning, gave me gifts, flowers, looked after me very nicely, took me to restaurants, said very beautiful words... I understood that I needed to stop, but I couldn’t. I fell in love with him. He fell in love with me first. We dated for two years, he was friends with my family, and asked my father for his hand in marriage, went to Azerbaijan. But one more thing - my father promised me to my cousin... My father arranged this... He promised to come if he once he sees him on the porch at home. (Dad is a master of speaking))))

Then, Rasul and I went back to Moscow. He asked me if I even wanted to be his wife. I agreed, but our relatives were against it... At night, Rasul knocked on my window. I opened it, he took me in his arms, then he put him in the car and said that now I was only him. Then, we signed secretly from everyone, and stupidly confronted them with the fact that Rasul married Gunay))) Rasul invites everyone to the wedding. Everyone was shocked, but they arrived.

I was the happiest bride in the world))) my first wedding night happened a week after the wedding, I was terribly afraid... And after 9 months I had a small copy of me, only in a man’s face. Khovut Alkhuzur. And two years later, I I already gave birth to a copy of Rasul, but in a female form. We named her Leila. We have been living together for 7 years now, and are happy. Of course, we quarreled, once Rasul even hit me on the cheek, but then begged me to forgive him. The children know three languages: Azerbaijani, Chechen, and Russian))

I want to tell you that dreams come true for the New Year))))

Congratulations to you, girls!

A delegation led by the head of the Azerbaijani Presidential Administration Ramiz Mehdiyev arrived in Grozny. The Minister of Health of the Chechen Republic, Elkhan Suleymanov, disseminated information about this on his page on the social network Instagram.

This visit is not accidental. Azerbaijan and Chechnya have long-term and permanent fraternal and partnership relations.

The complex vicissitudes of the last 25 years: the collapse of the USSR, the formation of independent states in the South Caucasus, two Chechen wars, ethnic conflicts in the North Caucasus, the Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, the occupation of 20% of the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan by Armenian aggressors - did not prevent the preservation and strengthening of friendly relations. , good neighborly relations between the peoples of Azerbaijan and the North Caucasus. Currently, the leadership of the Republic of Azerbaijan maintains balance and develops the most positive relations with the republics and regions of the North Caucasus region.

Azerbaijani-Chechen relations are of particular importance. Azerbaijanis and Chechens, who experienced the same difficulties: the struggle for independence, war on their own territory, refugees, devastation, pressure from external political forces, the oil map, always treated each other sympathetically and understandingly. The religious factor also played an important role in this; Azerbaijanis and Chechens profess Islam, the role of which increased significantly after the proclamation of “perestroika” and “glasnost”, acquiring political significance and returning to the main position in the identification of these peoples. During the war in Chechnya, a stream of refugees poured into Azerbaijan. They felt safe in Azerbaijan. At the same time, refugees sought to arrange their lives in Baku, find work, get an education, and achieve local registration. A Chechen school was specially opened, various committees created to work with them, a representative office of Chechnya and other organizations operated. In 1995, the Cultural Center of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria was opened in the city of Baku (January 1995 - October 2002). Azerbaijani President Heydar Aliyev viewed the political problem of Chechnya as an internal affair of Russia, and the Chechen question as a humanitarian problem.

A new round in bilateral relations began after Ramzan Kadyrov came to power in Chechnya. The head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov arrived for the first time on an official visit to the capital of the Azerbaijan Republic on January 5, 2009. During the trip, he was accompanied by Chairman of the Government of the Chechen Republic Abubakar Edelgeriev, Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Adam Delimkhanov, Head of the Administration of the Head and Government of the Chechen Republic Magomed Daudov, First Deputy Prime Minister of the Chechen Republic Isa Tumkhadzhiev, Minister of Industry and Energy of the Chechen Republic Galas Taimakhanov, Minister of Transport and Communications of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Cherkhigov and others .

While in Baku, the Head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov admitted that relations between Chechnya and Azerbaijan come down to shuttle trips to Azerbaijan by Chechens and the presence of the Azerbaijani diaspora in Grozny. (Meanwhile, according to current information from the All-Russian Azerbaijani Congress, despite the fact that many Azerbaijanis live in Chechnya, unfortunately, there is no Azerbaijani community there. This important structure is missing. Azerbaijani communities are registered in all regions of Russia, except the Chechen Republic). In his speech, Ramzan Kadyrov emphasized the existence of a permanent friendly nature of relations between the Chechen and Azerbaijani peoples: “We are interested in the further development of these relations. We are interested in Azerbaijan’s experience in construction, education, cultural development and other areas. And we intend to sign an agreement on these issues. I am confident that this visit will further strengthen friendly ties between our peoples. We have many projects that may be of interest to Azerbaijani investors. This is also in Russia's interests. I am confident that attracting investors from Azerbaijan, a friendly country for Russia, will have a beneficial effect on improving the overall economic climate in the Caucasus,” said the Head of the Chechen Republic. He especially noted the need to develop Azerbaijani-Chechen relations and move them to a qualitatively new level of mutually beneficial cooperation.

In accordance with previously reached agreements, a cooperation agreement between the Chechen Republic and the Azerbaijan Republic and an intergovernmental agreement were signed.

During the visit, meetings took place between the Head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov and the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, the Prime Minister of Azerbaijan Arthur Rasizade, the Chairman of the Milli Majlis Oktay Asadov, as well as the head of the Caucasus Muslims Office Sheikh-ul-Islam Allahshukur Pashazade.

During the meeting, President Ilham Aliyev expressed satisfaction with the participation of the Head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov in the events held in Baku; the head of state said that his visit to Azerbaijan provided a good opportunity to discuss further prospects for bilateral relations. Highly appreciating the centuries-long friendly relations between the Azerbaijani and Chechen peoples, President Ilham Aliyev noted that Azerbaijan is observing the restoration work, reconstruction and development in Chechnya. The head of state emphasized the need to identify new ways of interaction and development of economic ties between Azerbaijan and Chechnya. President Ilham Aliyev expressed confidence that under the leadership of Ramzan Kadyrov, Chechnya will continue to develop successfully.

Ramzan Kadyrov recalled that in the most difficult times for the Chechens, Azerbaijan provided his compatriots with refuge and showed great concern for them. On his own behalf and on behalf of the Chechen people, he expressed gratitude to the head of the Azerbaijani state, noting that the Chechen people will never forget this. According to R. Kadyrov, in 2002-2003 there were approximately 10 to 13 thousand Chechen refugees in Azerbaijan. In connection with the normalization of the situation in Chechnya, conditions were created for the safe residence of citizens and their return to their homeland. According to R. Kadyrov, many Chechens returned to Chechnya or moved to third countries.

After the official visit of the Head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov, preparations began for the conclusion of an Agreement on Azerbaijani investment in the Chechen economy.

On April 4, 2012, the Azerbaijan Export and Investment Promotion Foundation (AZPROMO) organized a presentation of investment projects of the Chechen Republic in Baku. The Chechen delegation, headed by the Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Chechen Republic, Minister of Finance of the Chechen Republic Eli Isaev, also included the Minister of Industry and Trade of the Chechen Republic Galas Taimakhanov, the Minister of Culture of the Chechen Republic Dikalu Muzakaev and others. Representatives of Chechnya met with members of the Government of Azerbaijan and the business community of the Azerbaijan Republic. In order to establish mutually beneficial economic cooperation with Azerbaijan, projects were presented for the construction of enterprises for the production of energy-saving LED lamps, a forestry enterprise of the State Unitary Enterprise ChLP "Fagus", a plant for the production of cars and automotive components in the Czech Republic, a Children's Tourism Center and other social facilities. All this aroused the interest of the Azerbaijani side.

A representative delegation led by the Minister of Economic Development of Azerbaijan Shahin Mustafayev visited Grozny. He was accompanied on the trip by representatives of large Azerbaijani businesses who became interested in investment projects in Chechnya. They showed interest in investment projects in the fields of oil refining, energy, mechanical engineering, agriculture, infrastructure, construction, social sphere and tourism. The head of the Chechen Republic said that the future development of the region largely depends on the influx of investments. “Increasing the investment attractiveness of the republic is one of the main tasks of executive authorities,” he emphasized.

In a letter from Ramzan Kadyrov to President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev dated December 26, 2011, it was noted: “The friendly people of Azerbaijan have a centuries-old tradition of state building, the development of science, culture, art, and literature. The creations of Azerbaijani poets, writers, composers, and artists have become the property of the entire Caucasus. The modern history of the republic is characterized by high rates of economic development, strengthening of international authority, and progress along the path of democratic reforms. It is especially pleasant to observe the strengthening of political and economic relations between our country - Russia and Azerbaijan. I firmly believe that within the framework of this process there is a great future for mutually beneficial cooperation between the business circles of Azerbaijan and the Chechen Republic. We are ready, in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation, to create a favorable climate for investment by Azerbaijani companies in promising projects in our republic.”

An intergovernmental agreement on trade, economic, scientific, technical and cultural cooperation between the Chechen Republic and the Azerbaijan Republic was signed during the next official visit of the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, to Azerbaijan on November 15, 2012. During his second visit, Ramzan Kadyrov emphasized that “Azerbaijan is a fraternal country for the Chechen Republic.” He expressed hope for further expansion of relations between Azerbaijan and the Chechen Republic.

The delegation led by the head of the Chechen Republic was received by the President of the Azerbaijan Republic Ilham Aliyev. He expressed confidence that strengthening cooperation between Azerbaijan and individual constituent entities of the Russian Federation will contribute to the further strengthening of Azerbaijani-Russian relations. President Ilham Aliyev assessed the second visit of the head of the Chechen Republic of the Russian Federation Ramzan Kadyrov to Azerbaijan as a good indicator of the friendly and fraternal relations existing between the two peoples. The President of Azerbaijan noted the importance of further expanding cooperation in economic, investment, humanitarian and other areas. In turn, Ramzan Kadyrov again recalled with respect the care that the national leader of the Azerbaijani people, Heydar Aliyev, showed about the Chechen people in the most difficult times for them.

On the same day, after the one-on-one meeting between the Prime Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan Artur Rasizade and the Chairman of the Government of the Chechen Republic Abubakar Edelgeriyev, an expanded meeting was held with the participation of delegations from both sides. A. Rasizade noted areas of the economy in which close ties can be established and mutually beneficial projects can be implemented in the Chechen Republic. Chairman of the Government of the Chechen Republic Abubakar Edelgeriev, in turn, noted that the Chechen Republic and the Azerbaijan Republic are in the same region, and there is a favorable environment for cooperation in many areas. “Azerbaijan is developing rapidly, and the Chechen Republic would like to benefit from the experience accumulated by Azerbaijan in the field of socio-economic development. There is great potential for developing relations in the field of culture, science, as well as in the fight against terrorism and extremism,” emphasized Abubakar Edelgeriev. Then at the meeting the signing of the “Agreement between the government of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the government of the Chechen Republic of the Russian Federation on trade, economic, scientific and technical cooperation” took place. The agreement was signed by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan Artur Rasizade and the Chairman of the Government of the Chechen Republic of the Russian Federation Abubakar Edelgeriyev.

On the second day of the visit of the official delegation of the Chechen Republic to Azerbaijan, a presentation of the investment climate, projects and proposals of the Chechen Republic took place. The presentation of the investment climate of the Chechen Republic took place in the conference hall of the Hyatt Regency hotel. Representatives of government bodies of Azerbaijan, as well as leading entrepreneurs and businessmen came to get acquainted with the investment potential of the republic.

Speaking to the participants of the business meeting, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Chechen Republic, Minister of Finance Eli Isaev thanked those present for their interest in investment projects and proposals of the Chechen Republic: “We are grateful to the leadership of Azerbaijan for their attention to the issues of revival and development of the Chechen Republic. I am confident that with the current level of relations we will be able to implement much of our plans and our cooperation will be translated into real projects, the implementation of which will strengthen economic ties between our fraternal peoples. In the future, in this area we have high hopes for investments... We are looking for investors and partners to launch there are modern production enterprises on the territory of the republic and we offer maximum support from our side.” Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Republic of Azerbaijan N. Safarov expressed confidence that the high rates of socio-economic development of the Chechen Republic make it a very attractive region for investors.

The Minister of Economic Development and Trade of the Chechen Republic Abdul Magomadov spoke in more detail about the restoration of the republic and the steps being taken to actively develop all sectors of the republic’s economy. He noted that “the economy of the Chechen Republic is entering the investment stage of its development, since it is impossible to ensure the economic growth necessary to solve pressing social, economic and environmental problems without an influx of investment. As part of the intensification of investment activity in the republic, a portfolio of 75 investment projects has been formed. All of them provide for the reconstruction of existing or construction of new, modern high-tech production facilities. All projects have business plans and design and estimate documentation developed by a consulting company.” The Minister of Industry and Energy of the Chechen Republic, Galas Taimakhanov, spoke about the results and prospects for the development of industry and energy in the republic. At the end of the speakers’ speeches, a presentation was held for representatives of business structures in Azerbaijan on individual projects, including the automotive industry and production of automotive components, the construction of the Fagus woodworking plant, the production of LED lighting devices, etc. Before the presentation began, participants in the business meeting were shown a video about the revival and development of the republic so that they could more clearly imagine the modern Chechen Republic and the emerging business opportunities.

At the end of the presentation, the participants informally discussed the details of individual projects and proposals, exchanged contacts and outlined a plan for further cooperation.

Earlier on the same day, a meeting was held between representatives of the Chechen Republic with the Minister of Culture and Tourism of Azerbaijan A. Karayev and the Deputy Minister of Energy and Industry of Azerbaijan N. Abbasov. During bilateral meetings, the parties discussed in more detail the prospects for cooperation in each industry.

In the evening of the same day, members of the delegation of the Chechen Republic visited the AAC aerated concrete production plant. This modern plant was put into operation about 4 months ago and, in terms of its characteristics, has no analogues in Transcaucasia. According to the general director of the plant, Teymur Abduraimov, the production capacity of the plant is 600 cubic meters. m. of finished products per day. The company employs about 150 workers in 4 shifts, including administration employees. The plant was built with private investment and equipped with modern automated equipment.

The Chechen Republic of the Russian Federation is ready to cooperate with Azerbaijan in the field of oil production, Deputy Prime Minister of Chechnya and Minister of Finance Eli Isaev told reporters in Baku on Wednesday. “Today the Rosneft oil company has a license to produce oil in Chechnya. The license was issued in 2002 for 20 years. Nevertheless, this industry continues to be studied here. There are a number of oil fields in Chechnya where geological exploration work needs to be carried out. Cooperation with Azerbaijan is possible in this direction,” Isaev said. According to him, the Chechen delegation arrived in Azerbaijan with a number of investment projects in sectors such as transport, energy, construction, agriculture and others. “The market of the Chechen Republic has not yet been developed, but has great potential. According to all indicators of recent economic growth, Chechnya is ahead of other constituent entities of the Russian Federation. This makes Chechnya attractive for investment, and we hope to cooperate with Azerbaijan in this area,” Isaev emphasized.

Kadyrov's visit to Azerbaijan will contribute to the long-standing friendly ties between the two countries, Speaker of the Azerbaijani Milli Majlis Oktay Asadov told the meeting. He also expressed hope for the further development of economic ties.

During the trip, R. Kadyrov also had a meeting with the Chairman of the Caucasus Muslims Office, Sheikh-ul-Islam Allahshukur Pashazade, during which the need was emphasized to continue to maintain close contacts between scholars-ulamas of Chechnya and Azerbaijan, to jointly and actively fight terrorism and extremism in Caucasus, through the concerted efforts of spiritual departments, resolve interfaith and interethnic problems, carry out deliberate and purposeful work among young people, women and the entire population to explain the foundations of Islam and the content of Sharia. The head of Chechnya thanked Sheikh-ul-Islam Allahshukur Pashazade for his activities in the Consultative Council of the CIS countries.

It should be noted that the Spiritual Board of Muslims of the Caucasus, chaired by Sheikh-ul-Islam Allahshukur Pashazade, and the Spiritual Board of Muslims of the Chechen Republic, chaired by the head of the Spiritual Board of Muslims of the Chechen Republic, Mufti Salah Mezhiev, hold regular meetings and consultations. The Chairman of the Caucasus Muslims Office, Sheikh ul-Islam Allahshukur Pashazade, was, in particular, among the 800 guests who arrived in Grozny from regions of Russia and foreign countries to participate in the ceremony dedicated to the inauguration of Ramzan Kadyrov on April 3, 2011. At the end of August 2012, Sheikh-ul-Islam Allahshukur Pashazade, while on a visit to Chechnya, at a ceremonial meeting dedicated to the tenth anniversary of the Hajj Council and the Hajj Mission in Russia, called Chechnya one of the moral centers of the Caucasus. For outstanding services in religious activities to strengthen the Islamic heritage and preserve the spiritual unity of Muslims, Sheikh-ul-Islam Allahshukur Pashazade was awarded a commemorative medal on the 60th anniversary of the first President of the Chechen Republic, Akhmat-Hadji Kadyrov. At the end of May 2014, Sheikh ul-Islam Allahshukur Pashazadeh participated in the VI International Peacekeeping Forum “Islam - the Religion of Peace and Creation”, held in the city of Grozny and visited the Hafiz School named after Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan in Gudermes.

From year to year, the Chechen Republic is gaining strength and prospering, as anyone passing through the republic can confirm. It is gratifying to note that the head of the Chechen Republic, Ramzan Kadyrov, continuing the course of the First President of the Chechen Republic, Hero of Russia Akhmat-Khadzhi Kadyrov, is doing a lot for the benefit of not only his republic, but also the entire North Caucasus. His desire to establish full control over the Chechenneftekhimprom enterprise is connected with the interests of the Chechen Republic, and in this regard, when establishing full control over oil production, it is important to attract foreign investment.

As in the 19th century, economic cooperation with Azerbaijan in the oil sector could be of great importance. The history of the oil business and the oil industry in Azerbaijan and Chechnya has been closely intertwined since the second half of the 19th – early 20th centuries. . At the beginning of the twentieth century, after the collapse of the Russian Empire, and then after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, Azerbaijan’s desire to regain control over oil resources was dictated by the desire for independent governance for the benefit and prosperity of its country and people.

Currently, Azerbaijanis and Chechens are connected by religious and cultural ties. Close contact between athletes of two subjects. Azerbaijanis are making private small investments in the economy of Chechnya. 80% of the restaurant business and market of Chechnya is in the hands of Azerbaijanis. Azerbaijani and Chechen entrepreneurs cooperate in the supply of grain, condensed milk and butter, metal trade, and in various areas of private business.

Azerbaijanis took part in construction work in Chechnya, including the construction of a complex of high-rise buildings in the center of the capital of Chechnya, Grozny, on the banks of the Sunzha River, along A-Kh Avenue. Kadyrov "Grozny-City". The construction was carried out by construction companies, incl. "Penta". Penta company (director, Azerbaijani citizen Siyavush Javanshir Mamedzade, was awarded the title “Honorary Builder of the Chechen Republic”) for the construction of the largest and most expensive facilities in Chechnya: a residential complex in the city of Argun, a rehabilitation zone on the banks of the Argun River 1 km long, a madrasah in Gudermes, the Argun city hospital , - attracted over 4 thousand citizens from Azerbaijan and the countries of Asia Minor and Central Asia.

It is impossible not to note the constant nature of scientific ties between Azerbaijani and Chechen scientists. Thus, the Institute of History named after. A.A. Bakikhanov of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan under the leadership of corresponding member. ANAS Y.M. Mahmudova regularly holds international conferences with the participation of Russian scientists, incl. from the Chechen Republic. And specialists from Azerbaijan participate in scientific conferences in Grozny. The Institute of History of ANAS developed the topic “Mutual relations between the peoples of Azerbaijan and the peoples of the North Caucasus”, within the framework of which Azerbaijani-Chechen ties were explored. The opening of the department “History of Azerbaijani-Russian relations” created prospects for a more in-depth study of the relationship between Azerbaijan and Russia, mainly with its regions, with which Azerbaijan has historically developed certain relationships. This is important for the development of bilateral relations and determining future opportunities for cooperation, maintaining good neighborly relations, preventing risks and threats, in the name of peace and stability throughout the region.

It is worth noting that according to the Chechens themselves in Baku, 3-5 thousand Chechens live in the capital of Azerbaijan. Almost all of them are citizens of the Russian Federation. At the same time, they live, study, work and feel great in Baku. They have no problems with the tolerant and culturally similar Azerbaijani people.

The strengthening of Azerbaijani-Chechen ties and the establishment of mutual understanding could be facilitated by the formation of an Azerbaijani community in Chechnya (the opening of the North Caucasus branch of the Supreme Attestation Commission could play an important role for this) and the Chechen community in Azerbaijan.

On April 29, 2016, the head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov appointed Azerbaijani Elkhan Suleymanov, chief physician of the Republican Oncology Center, as the new Minister of Health of Chechnya. The new minister has been instructed to carry out a radical reorganization in the Ministry of Health, medical institutions of Grozny, districts and settlements.

Elkhan Suleymanov received his education at the Azerbaijan Medical University, after studying he worked at the Baku Oncology Scientific Center of Azerbaijan. E. Suleymanov graduated with honors from the Azerbaijan Medical University, after studying he worked at the Baku Cancer Research Center of Azerbaijan. In Moscow, he completed his postgraduate studies at the Russian Oncology Center named after. N.N. Blokhin, is a candidate of medical sciences. He completed internships in the USA and Germany. At the invitation of Ramzan Kadyrov, he moved from Moscow to Grozny in April 2014, headed the republican cancer clinic and at the same time served as an adviser to the Head of the Republic on health issues.

Azerbaijani-Chechen relations have a large margin of strength and all prospects for active cooperation in the economic, social, scientific and cultural spheres both at the highest state and private levels.


  1. Sevinj Aliyeva. Old and new outlines of Azerbaijani-Chechen relations // http://www.turkishnews.com/ru/content/2012/11/19
  2. Ramzan Kadyrov: relations between the Chechen Republic and Azerbaijan have always been friendly //
  3. Ramzan Kadyrov: “Unfortunately, so far all our relations come down to shuttle trips to your country by our fellow countrymen and the presence of the Azerbaijani diaspora in Grozny” //
  4. President Ilham Aliyev received the Head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov // Website of the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev. Activity. Techniques//
  5. Chechnya will sign an investment agreement with Azerbaijan at the beginning of 2012 //
  6. From the head of the Chechen Republic of the Russian Federation Ramzan Kadyrov // Website of the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev. Documentation//
  7. Ilham Aliyev received a delegation led by the head of the Chechen Republic of the Russian Federation Ramzan Kadyrov // Website of the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev. News//
  8. Ramzan Kadyrov arrived in Baku // “Echo” newspaper, Socio-political newspaper, May 6, 2016, No. 81 (3720)
  9. Side-Emi Khasiev. Azerbaijani-Chechen business meeting // “News of the Republic”. Social and political newspaper of the Chechen Republic. http://vesti95.ru/61553/
  10. Chechnya is ready to cooperate with Azerbaijan in the oil sector //
  11. Mufti of the Chechen Republic S-Kh. Mirzaev - about the results of the trip of the Chechen delegation to Azerbaijan //
  12. The inauguration of the Head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov took place in Grozny // http://www.chechnya.gov.ru/page.php?r=126&id=9105
  13. Sheikhulislam Allahshukur Pashazadeh is on a visit to Chechnya//
  14. VI International Peacekeeping Forum “Islam – the Religion of Peace and Creation”//
  15. Sevinj Aliyeva. Azerbaijan in the economic life of the peoples of the North Caucasus (oil industry: origin, development and transformation) // Modern scientific thought. Scientific journal of the Research Institute of History, Economics and Law. Moscow: NII IEP, 2013. No. 2.
  16. Sevinj Aliyeva. Relations between Azerbaijan and the peoples of the North Caucasus (XIX - early XX centuries). Baku, 2015.

Sevinj Israfil gizi Aliyeva,

Doctor of Historical Sciences,

head Department of the Institute of History

National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan
