Asthenic physique in women and men: characteristics. Asthenic personalities Body type asthenic

Experts distinguish 3 types of physique: asthenic, normosthenic and hypersthenic. To understand what kind of person a person belongs to, the Pignet index, which takes into account height, weight and chest circumference, will help. From the figure denoting growth in centimeters, subtract the sum of the volume of the chest and body weight in kilograms. A number above 30 means that the person belongs to the asthenic type.

Asthenics or ectomorphs are thin, thin-boned people. This feature is manifested even in infancy, the ectomorph child has a very small weight, grows slowly, and does not eat well. In adolescence, representatives of this type are sharply drawn out, most adults are taller than average. However, there are also miniature asthenics, more often among women. Among men there are real giants with extremely long limbs.

Compared to representatives of the normosthenic type, asthenics have everything long and narrow: arms, legs, feet, fingers, face, chest. People with a similar physique are characterized by:

  • disproportionately long limbs;
  • small amount of muscles;
  • narrow shoulders;
  • sunken chest;
  • Long neck;
  • pale skin, visible shadows under the eyes.
Asthenics love nature and tolerate loneliness well.

Asthenic type men do not gain muscle mass well, they may look clumsy and haggard. Girls are distinguished by a slightly boyish figure without feminine curves. They are characterized by a small chest, flat buttocks, a hollow abdomen and a relatively wide waist. Often there is an underdevelopment of the body associated with a reduced production of female sex hormones. Representatives of both sexes rarely suffer from obesity, they gain weight poorly, but they lose weight very quickly. Bright representatives of the asthenic type are residents of some Asian countries, especially the Japanese and Vietnamese.

Asthenics are often cold, they almost always have cold hands and feet and low blood pressure. Representatives of this type do not tolerate cold and temperature changes, they catch cold easily. Susceptible to respiratory infections, prone to depression. People with asthenic physique speak softly, rarely raise their voices. To rest and recuperate, they need more time than normosthenics and athletes. At the same time, asthenics are distinguished by superficial sleep and often suffer from insomnia. Representatives of this type often get sick and recover for a long time.

To improve health, ectomorphs need frequent preventive measures: contrasting douches, sleeping in the fresh air, taking vitamins.

Representatives of the asthenic type may experience breathing problems, among them there are many asthmatics. Another common problem is stoop. It is especially typical for teenagers. At the same time, ectomorphs can look very graceful, girls and women are characterized by a light gait, smooth movements, and innate musicality.

A characteristic sign of ectomorphs is a narrow, thin face with pale skin without a blush.

Basic Preferences

Asthenics prefer to lead a measured lifestyle, they do not cope well with stressful situations. According to psychologists, representatives of this type love nature, long walks, avoid noisy companies, preferring the company of close friends.

Ectomorphs experience nutritional problems, among them there are many people suffering from bulimia or anorexia. Eating disorders are especially common among young girls.

People of the asthenic type need constant stimulation of taste buds. They like spicy, salty and sour tastes, a variety of spices and seasonings. Women and children cannot imagine their lives without sweets, many asthenic men are also partial to desserts. To keep fit and not experience health problems, it is useful for ectomorphs to eat small portions, avoiding overeating and rigid diets.

Character features

Ectomorphs are characterized as calm, a little closed, self-absorbed people. Phlegmatic and melancholic are more common among them. Asthenics are characterized by the following character traits:

  • lack of self-esteem;
  • tendency to overestimate one's own strengths;
  • high pride;
  • intolerance to criticism;
  • touchiness;
  • vulnerability;
  • suspicion;
  • tendency to hypochondria;
  • inability to make contacts with new people;

Representatives of the asthenic type are characterized by accuracy, pedantry and attention to detail.

Asthenics are very sensitive, any failure can unsettle them for a long time. They often misjudge the situation, jump to conclusions, and tend to be negative. Very distrustful, feel uncomfortable in the company of strangers. They do not tolerate rudeness, they are distinguished by vindictiveness and suspiciousness. Many representatives of this type need the support of a psychologist who corrects bouts of depression and bad mood. In old age, negative character traits intensify, people become very suspicious and distrustful, they demand accountability from loved ones in any deeds and actions. It is difficult to get along with representatives of their type; more balanced and vital normosthenics are suitable for them as permanent partners and friends.

Despite the complex and controversial nature, ectomorphs have many positive features. Among the main ones:

  • diligence;
  • obligation;
  • accuracy;
  • attention to details;
  • attention to loved ones;
  • emotional restraint;
  • decency.

Representatives of the asthenic type are very fond of animals, often keeping several cats or dogs in a crowbar at once. They are very attentive to their pets, but the illness or death of a pet can lead to real depression. Ectomorphs are prone to introspection, they can think about the actions of people and their own reaction to them for a long time. In case of sudden danger, they turn to stone, fall into a stupor and lose the ability to defend themselves. Often people of this type try to hide their vulnerability and vulnerability behind ostentatious bravado and coolness, this behavior is especially typical for teenagers and young people. To feel comfortable, an asthenic needs a narrow circle of close people who accept him as he is.

And why, in fact, do we need to know our body type? The answer to this question cannot be monosyllabic. Firstly, it is easier for people who know the features of their figure to choose their wardrobe. In addition, every self-respecting athlete or coach knows that the principles of a healthy diet for each person and the characteristics of training depend on the type of physique. Just as people with different body shapes don't fit the same clothes, people with different physiques don't fit the same training programs, even if they have the same goal. Let's learn more about body types!

Body Types

The physique of both men and women depends on a number of parameters, among which are the following:

  • body dimensions;
  • proportions of body parts;
  • characteristics and composition of tissues;
  • muscle shapes;
  • features of the development of tissues, organs, body parts.

For the most part, nutritionists and fitness trainers proceed from the classification of physiques proposed by Professor Chernorutsky V.M. There are only three of them: asthenic, normosthenic and hypersthenic.

Determine body type

Asthenic type:

  • the chest and neck are extended;
  • the diaphragm is low;
  • narrow shoulders;
  • long limbs;
  • growth is average or above average;
  • muscles are poorly developed;
  • little adipose tissue.
  • Accumulation of adipose tissue is slow or absent

Normosthenic type:

  • muscles are better developed than in a person of a hyposthenic type;
  • strong bone skeleton;
  • broad shoulders;
  • proportional length of arms and legs;
  • reserves of adipose tissue at an average level.
  • The accumulation of fat is adequate to the loss of adipose tissue.

Hypersthenic type:

  • short neck;
  • the diaphragm is high;
  • the amount of fat in the body is above average;
  • short stature.
  • The accumulation of adipose tissue occurs rapidly.

In general, the description is rather vague, but in general, you can get an idea about your type of addition.

Another way to determine the type of physique is by the circumference of the wrist. If you have already been pregnant, then you probably remember how the doctor, when registering, measures the so-called Solovyov index. You can determine the body type of a woman using a flexible centimeter tape. Measure the circumference of your wrist, and now look at the results. The circumference with a height of 160-175 is:

  • 15-17 cm - in normosthenic;
  • from 17 cm - in hypersthenic;
  • up to 15 cm - in asthenic.

Asthenic body type

Women of this constitution are characterized by general thinness, a long and thin neck, narrow shoulders, a flat and narrow chest, elongated thin limbs, a long face and a thin nose. Growth is often above average. The muscles of such women are poorly developed, so they lack strength and endurance. But the representatives of this group are energetic, light and elegant, have a small weight.

Of the obvious advantages of an asthenic physique, it is worth mentioning the minimum tendency to be overweight. Of the minuses - a frequent feeling of weakness and a drop in blood pressure.

When choosing sports disciplines, it is better to give preference to those that are aimed at developing the missing skills: strength and endurance. These include swimming, aerobics, dancing. Typical representatives of the asthenic physique are Keira Knightley, Nicole Kidman and Kate Moss in her best years.

Normosthenic body type

In women of this constitution, the main body sizes are proportional. Such ladies often have slender legs, a thin waist and, in general, a harmonious figure. Growth is usually average. Such people are naturally well-coordinated, sharp and fast. Of the sports disciplines, game types (volleyball, basketball, etc.), as well as tennis, water aerobics, are best suited. Happy owners of this type of physique are Cindy Crawford and Monica Bellucci.

Hypersthenic body type

Women of this constitution have heavy and wide bones, voluminous shoulders, a wide and short chest, and slightly shortened limbs (as a rule). Growth is often below average. By nature, such ladies have strength and endurance, but are deprived of flexibility and grace. Therefore, the recommended sports disciplines are as follows: yoga, Pilates, martial arts, etc.

The disadvantages of the hypersthenic body type include a low metabolic rate, which implies an increased tendency to be overweight.

Ladies representing such a physique are the singer Beyoncé and the most famous plus-size model Jenny Rank.

There are many classifications that help the fair sex decide what type of figure nature has awarded each and which style will be the most advantageous. But they are all combined into a more global one, which considers, or vitals (vitals). There are three of them: asthenic, normosthenic, hypersthenic.

The classification of body types is based on the ratio of height, length and width of the body. The physique is inherited by us, and no physical exercises can significantly change it. A small effect on the constitution of the body can only be made in early childhood, and it can also be changed as a result of a serious illness, especially if it was transferred before the onset of sexual development.

Asthenic physique

Other names: hyposthenic, ectomorph, Vata dosha.

Graceful thin-boned persons, which we mainly see on the catwalks and in advertising, are a classic portrait of an asthenic type. As a rule, asthenic women are taller than average, but they are also miniature.

They hardly gain weight, even if they eat a lot, and retain grace and lightness into old age. Their body type is .

The physique of a hyposthenic is characterized by the following external features:

  • fragile figure;
  • flexible body;
  • narrow shoulders;
  • long thin neck;
  • relatively short body;
  • narrow chest;
  • shoulders and hips of equal width;
  • small chest;
  • thin elongated limbs, long palms and fingers;
  • elongated face with a thin nose and high forehead;
  • pale, thin and not very elastic skin;
  • low level of subcutaneous fat;
  • underdeveloped muscles.

Of the other signs of asthenic physique, associated not so much with appearance as with health characteristics, stand out:

  • lack of strength and endurance;
  • fatigue;
  • hypotension;
  • low hemoglobin level;
  • tendency to frequent colds;
  • diseases of the spine;
  • vegetovascular dystonia;
  • stomach problems;
  • high ;
  • thermophilicity.

Of the features of the character of ectomorphs, one can distinguish:

  • a tendency to seclusion;
  • thoughtfulness;
  • artistry;
  • secrecy and restraint.

Of the sports disciplines, dancing, swimming, aerobics will be useful, they will contribute to the development of endurance, or power loads for the development of muscle mass. Limit cardio.

Normosthenic physique

Other names: mesomorph, Pitta dosha.

Athletic sports constitution of the body gives proportionality and harmonious addition.

The mesomorph woman has:

  • relief sports proportional body with outlines "";
  • well-developed muscles with a small fat layer;
  • proportional body and limbs;
  • shoulders slightly wider than hips;
  • chest of medium size;
  • pronounced waist;
  • normal metabolism;
  • skeleton of medium width;
  • elastic stomach;
  • well developed shoulders;
  • dexterous, fast and sharp movements, excellent coordination;
  • dense elastic skin;
  • hard hair.

Such women can easily gain and lose extra pounds, but in general they cannot be classified as either thin or full, since this addition is considered the classic standard of the female figure.

By the nature of a mesomorph woman:

  • active;
  • ambitious;
  • prone to leadership and adventurism;
  • self-confident;
  • love sports and active walks.

There are few health deficiencies in normosthenics, however, in general they tend to:

  • hypertension;
  • rheumatism;
  • diseases of the respiratory and digestive systems.

Nutrition for normosthenic women should consist of 40% protein, 40% carbohydrates and 20% fat.

In sports, it is better to give preference to tennis, basketball, volleyball and other game types.

Hypersthenic physique

Other names: endomorph, brachymorph, Kapha dosha.

Hypersthenic women have the following figure characteristics:

  • lush;
  • barrel chest;
  • voluminous shoulders and short arms;
  • wide hips;
  • heavy wide bone;
  • short and wide chest;
  • growth is average or below average;
  • soft loose skin;
  • big chest;
  • strong short legs;
  • short hands, feet and fingers;
  • soft facial features;
  • fine soft hair.

The type of figure of an endomorph woman is "" or ""; it refers to complete.

Of the features of the character of hypersthenics, they note:

  • tolerance;
  • lack of aggression;
  • love for comfort
  • slowness;
  • increased appetite.

Endomorph women are prone to diseases such as:

  • hypertension;
  • diabetes;
  • atherosclerosis and high blood cholesterol;
  • obesity;
  • respiratory problems;
  • liver disease.

The nutrition of female endomorphs should consist of 50% protein, 40% complex carbohydrates and 10% fat, as a slow volume of substances leads to the accumulation of subcutaneous fat, which is difficult to remove.

Of the sports, it is better for them to prefer yoga, callanetics, swimming, martial arts and intense cardio training to increase flexibility and get rid of excess fat.

How to determine what type you are?

The easiest way- measure the circumference of the woman's wrist below the protruding bone.

  • Up to 16 cm - asthenic addition;
  • 16-18 cm - normosthenic;
  • More than 18 cm - hypersthenic.

You can do without a centimeter. The thumb and middle finger of one hand clasp the wrist of the other hand below the bone.

  • Fingers cover one another - ectomorph.
  • Fingers touching each other - mesomorph.
  • Fingers do not touch - endomorph.

It is possible through regular observations of your own body: for example, how quickly weight is gained and lost.

In fitness centers, you can undergo special testing, which includes the measurement of certain physical data. This method is considered one of the most reliable.

Also, any coach will be able to determine the type of human figure in two simple ways:

  • in the first - by measuring the width of the elbow joint bent at a right angle and comparing it with the indicators;
  • in the second - along the intercostal angle: the thumb and forefinger are applied to the lower ribs in the lateral area, the resulting angle between the fingers indicates what kind of physique a person has:
    • less than 90 o - hyposthenic;
    • 90 o - normosthenic;
    • more than 90 o - hypersthenic.

Asthenic physique characterizes not only the appearance of a person, but also his temperament, metabolism, and the reaction of the immune system. The phenotypic constitution is inherited from parents to children. It determines their inclinations and predispositions. Knowing the characteristics of your physique, it is easier to choose an effective diet for weight loss or ways to treat a disease.

Type difference

Physique refers to the structural features of the body. At the same time, the sizes of parts of individual bodies and their proportions relative to each other are taken into account. The physique is the external and most visible manifestation of the constitution. This broader concept includes a set of external and functional properties of a person, including mental ones.

In addition to heredity, the environment affects the constitution of a person. The physique can be partially changed in early childhood, using certain types of training. The type of constitution is preserved until old age. It is almost impossible to change the physique of an adult.

The classification of body types is based on the ratio of a person's height to the length and width of his torso. The narrow-broad coordinate is the main criterion for the type of constitution. It is determined by comparing the height and maximum width of the human body.

The easiest way to find out what body type a person belongs to is using the index method. It consists in determining the relative length of the legs and the relative width of the shoulders to the height of a person.

Depending on the results obtained, the physique is divided into three main types. A person who belongs to the dolichomorphic type has narrow shoulders and a pelvis, as well as long legs. Its opposite is a person with a brachymorphic body type. He has a powerful chest, wide hips and short full legs. The mesomorphic type has average body width and lower limb length.

In order to determine the type of human constitution in medical practice, the method of M.V. Chernorutsky is used.

Chernorutsky's technique

To assign a person to a particular species, the Pinier index (PI) is used. To calculate it, you need to know the height of a person (L, cm), weight (P, kg) and chest circumference (T, cm). The Pinier index is determined by the formula: IP \u003d L - (P + T).

If the IP turned out to be above 30, then the person has an asthenic physique (hyposthenic or asthenic). When the IP is in the range from 10 to 30, the person has a normal physique (normosthenic). With IP below 10, a picnic body type (hypersthenic) is observed.

Determining the type of human constitution allows you to calculate its optimal weight and assess the need for body shaping.

External signs of asthenic

The asthenic body type can be visually identified by small shoulders and elongated legs. Longitudinal lines clearly prevail over transverse ones.

These are thin people with a thin bone skeleton. They are hard to gain weight, so fat reserves are minimal. The abdomen looks sunken due to the almost complete absence of fat on it. Asthenics have an accelerated metabolism. Even constantly eating sweet and starchy foods, they do not get better.

Women of this type have a narrow thin face, an elongated flat (often sunken) chest with protruding ribs and unnaturally elongated limbs. As a result, the figure looks disproportionate and elongated. Many asthenics are tall. Due to the instinctive desire to become a little lower, they stoop and often suffer from diseases of the spine.

There is another extreme, when petite girls remain very low. Some women have a pronounced underdevelopment of individual parts of the body or the whole organism.

The hyposthenics have thin elongated aristocratic fingers, narrow and long feet, a thin and elongated neck.

High growth does not prevent asthenics from looking elegant. Their movements are graceful and feminine. Until old age, they manage to maintain the ease of gait. It is asthenic girls that prevail on the catwalks.

They rarely have large breasts. Against the background of a small bust, the waist does not look very thin. In young women of the asthenic type, the chest circumference is in the range from 84 to 87 cm, and the waist circumference is 60-65 cm. The chest volume exceeds the chest circumference by 4-6 cm. The hip circumference is 30 cm larger than the waist circumference.

It is difficult for representatives of the asthenic type to gain muscle mass. They look weak and fragile. Asthenics often suffer from respiratory diseases, suffer from vegetovascular dystonia, peptic ulcer and gastritis. They have dry and pale skin, bruises under the eyes are often observed. The skin gives the asthenic a painful and melancholic appearance. Hyposthenics are often cold and do not tolerate cold well.

You can determine the type of physique in women by the wrist. If the circumference of the wrist does not exceed 16 cm, the girl belongs to the asthenic type of constitution.

According to the Quetelet index, the normal weight of a thin-boned woman is 315-335 g per centimeter of height. Her legs are 2-4 cm longer than half the height.

Normosthenic addition

The normosthenic body type is characterized by well-developed muscles. The trunk is strong and flexible with a small amount of body fat. The muscles are voluminous, the skin is elastic and shiny. The chest is strong and convex. The shoulders are broad, the bone skeleton is large and strong. Such people have a relief athletic body by nature. Accent of the figure on the shoulder girdle.

To keep the body in shape, normosthenics do not need to exhaust themselves with endless workouts. Athletic physique in women allows them to look great in any outfit. They have an average height and a proportional figure with slender strong legs and a wasp waist.

Normostenics are dexterous with excellent reaction speed and coordination. They make good athletes. The most suitable sports disciplines are game types (volleyball or basketball) and tennis. The normosthenic physique can be determined by the wrist, the circumference of which is in the range of 16-18.5 cm.

In women, the volume of the chest is 2-5 cm more than half the length of growth. The volume of the chest is 8-10 cm larger than the girth of the chest. The waist is 105 cm less than the length of the height. The circumference of the hips is 30 cm greater than the circumference of the waist. The legs of normosthenics are 4-6 cm longer than half of their height.

Among normosthenics, overweight people are more common than among asthenics. In order not to gain weight, normosthenics do not need diets. It is enough for them to adhere to a balanced nutrition system. As soon as the amount of incoming food (especially easily digestible carbohydrates) exceeds the amount of energy expended, the woman will gradually gain weight. In this case, fat deposits are distributed evenly throughout the body.

According to the Quetelet index, the normal weight for a normosthenic is 325-360 g for each centimeter of growth. The younger the woman, the less she should weigh.

Manifestations of hypersthenia

Hypersthenic body type is the opposite of asthenic. People belonging to this type have a short or medium height, a soft and rounded body with pronounced fat deposits. They have a spreading body with a large belly. A round large head with a flat contour of the crown is located on a short massive neck. The chest is powerful, wide, convex and short.

The internal cavities are large. The figure is stocky, dense, the skeleton is strong and broad-boned. The emphasis of the body is shifted to the central region of the body. The barrel-shaped chest gradually expands downward, turning into a rounded abdomen. Hypersthenics more than other types tend to be overweight. Fat reserves are deposited mainly on the trunk in the abdomen. The face is broad, red, with soft features and a slightly curved profile. The limbs are short, rounded and soft. The hands and feet are short and wide, the fingers are small and thick. Such people have a slow reaction, they are calm and unhurried.

The skin of hypersthenics is soft, but not flabby, like that of asthenics, and not elastic, like that of normosthenics.

The girth of the chest in women of the hypersthenic type is 8-10 cm more than half the length of their height. They have small breasts. The volume of the chest is 8-10 cm larger than the girth of the chest. The waist circumference is 70-76 cm. The circumference of the hips is 28 cm larger than the waist circumference. The legs are 6-9 cm longer than half the length of the height. Wrist circumference greater than 18.5 cm.

The body weight of hypersthenics is affected by heavy dense bone. For a young broad-boned woman, a weight of 355-380 g per centimeter of height is the norm.

Hypersthenics often have an increased blood cholesterol content and a high absorption rate of the digestive system. To keep themselves in perfect shape, women with a hypersthenic body type need to constantly limit themselves in nutrition, making up a daily menu mainly from low-calorie foods. Even a slight excess of daily calories leads to the accumulation of fat reserves.

Hypersthenics are predisposed to the development of diabetes. They suffer from metabolic disorders, atherosclerosis and obesity. They are often diagnosed with liver and kidney diseases, they are prone to respiratory diseases.

mixed options

Body types in women are classified according to the shape of the figure:

Optimal parameters

According to the method of John McCallum, the circumference of the chest should correspond to 6.5 wrist circumferences. The circumference of the hips is 85% of the circumference of the chest. Waist circumference is equal to 70% of chest circumference, neck circumference - 37%, calf circumference - 34%, and forearm circumference - 29%.

The optimal weight for a woman whose height is below 160 cm is slightly reduced. Their body weight should be 10% - 15% below normal for her body type. To feel good, they need to have a weight of 3-5 kilograms less than calculated according to the Quetelet index.

The norm of weight can be determined by the fat fold on the abdomen above the navel 3 cm from the center line. Its thickness should not exceed 2 - 3.5 cm. In a sitting position, folds on the abdomen should not form. If there is a large fold from the chest to the hips, the presence of excess weight is visible without measurements.

To determine the length of the leg, the end of the measuring tape is applied to the protruding part of the thigh (greater trochanter of the femur). It is located in the center of the side of the thigh. If it is not possible to clearly determine the location of the bone, it is necessary to focus on the middle of the lateral part of the pelvis. To stretch the tape, you should tie a weight to its end. Measurements must be taken with bare feet.

When measuring the circumference of the chest, you need to be in a calm, relaxed state. It is not necessary to hold your breath and draw additional air into the lungs. You need to breathe normally. Measurement is done under the bust.

The circumference of the chest is determined by the most protruding points of the chest. You need to breathe in the usual calm mode.

When measuring your waist, do not straighten your back, pull in your stomach and hold your breath. No need to tighten the measuring tape. It should fit snugly against the body. The waist is measured with the body in the vertical position in the usual state. It is located in the narrowest part of the body.

The circumference of the hips is determined at the widest point of the pelvis. If there are fat deposits of the "riding breeches" type, the tape must be applied to the most protruding parts.

Asthenic is a type of body structure and mental system of a person, implying rapid exhaustion, a certain soreness, both in somatic and characterological terms. This type belongs to the triad of separating people, as well as their types of character and ways of responding based on physique. The asthenic body type is characterized by thinness, elongated limbs and facial features. It is believed that people of the asthenic type are quite tall, but this feature may be subjective due to a violation of the proportions of the width and length of the body. So the narrowness of the bones and leanness can visually lengthen the silhouette, while excess weight, on the contrary, makes a person visually less tall.

Who is that

It is possible to determine an asthenic not only by external signs, but also by behavioral features, including features and ways of building contact with other people. The first manifestations of the asthenic type appear from childhood - these are weak, sickly children who find it difficult to gain not only fat weight, but also muscle. With these apparent shortcomings, asthenics are characterized by a large amount of tenderness and sensitivity - they do not accept rough treatment, and any use of force can become quite critical, but it is this level of sensitivity that allows them to subtly respond to touch, distinguish temperature and so on.

Physical sensitivity is justified by a high degree of development of the nervous system, its mobility and sensitivity. This is what increases the level of emotional vulnerability and a tendency to introspection. A subtle nervous organization makes such people perceive everything closely and react sharply, which can eventually lead to nervous overload and a gradual withdrawal from social interaction. It is difficult for such people to adapt to a huge number of different temperaments, and therefore they choose a narrow circle of close communication, where they feel secure, while with the rest they can behave quite restrained and even coldly.

At school age, a high level of development of the sensitivity of the nervous system is manifested by rapid fatigue. This is due to the fact that asthenics simultaneously read several streams of information, and while other children notice only the words of the teacher, they evaluate the situation in the classroom and beyond, the passage of time, changes in the appearance and mood of others. Due to the lack of an individual adaptive approach in the educational system, the child's tension increases and, as a result, manifests itself in irritability and outbursts of aggression. Over time, disturbing experiences and various suspicious ideas can join.

Asthenic character

The character of asthenics is comparable to schizoid accentuation and melancholic temperament. These people have hypersensitivity, but at the same time they often go into their inner world - in order to take a break from overloads of external influences. Despite the high degree (no one, like an asthenic, can understand and feel the inner state of another), they often show tactlessness or clumsiness in communication. This happens not so much from a desire to offend or a lack of education, but because a person does not attach importance to forced smiles and enforced standards of decency.

Asthenics are reluctant to correct and generally do not like changes; such moments are given to them with great stress. The mood may seem unstable (from coldness to maximum sympathy), but if you look closely, a pattern of these manifestations will appear (for example, alienation when strangers appear or increased talkativeness among friends). Such people are characterized by low self-esteem and insecurity, which are combined with vanity and quick-tempered behavior. Underestimation of one's own importance can accumulate in a person for a long time. Undermining the resources of the psyche and, as a result, pouring out into a stream of rage towards others for an insignificant reason.

As for life manifestations, the asthenic is characterized by the desire to enjoy and delve into the process of work, attaching less importance to the results. The need for creativity and the absence of any framework is the main one not only in professional activity, but throughout life. Due to rapid exhaustion, asthenics need periodic rest, and attempts to maintain the established schedule can cost the company big losses (due to mistakes or irritability), and the person himself health.

The speed of the course of mental processes affects the type of response and activity activity. So asthenics flare up very quickly and in order to catch fire with a new idea or unwind on an affective emotional reaction, they need several times less time than all other types. In the case of positive emotions, this can be a plus, as well as activities, but negative experiences and ideas of revenge capture them with the same speed. But the assessment situation changes dramatically after a couple of moments - they quickly run out of steam and get tired. In minutes, joy disappears, enthusiasm disappears and the person sits without making any attempts and is emotionally disconnected.

With each nervous breakdown, experiences more and more affect the somatic state of the asthenic, which is why they become frequent visitors to hospitals. The high probability of developing hypochondriacal symptoms is due to both physical weakness and mental instability. Timely prevention and independent work with your own characteristics will help to avoid the effects of hospitalism and psychosomatics.

Development and work on oneself asthenic

Many consider the main problem of asthenics exclusively with thinness, although only a doctor for medical reasons can advise an asthenic to gain weight. More significant is the correction of the emotional palette and features of building one's own life.

An important point that combines the care of the mental and physical condition at once is sports. Moreover, it is better for asthenics to choose active, paired, competitive sports or various styles of wrestling.
Individual yoga sessions with an instructor can help you relax and calm your nervous system, but the most important thing is to learn how to control your aggressive outbursts and work with repressed emotions. Wrestling, running, athletics are places where you can safely release the accumulated tension, and therefore protect yourself and your loved ones from accidental outbursts of anger due to the accumulation of tension.

The more tension an asthenic can relieve in a safe way, the more internal resources appear, since the psyche spends more energy on restraint than on reacting. Everything that could not be realized through active actions should continue to be removed by relaxation. Alcoholic and narcotic substances are contraindicated here, as they relax the muscles, but activate the nervous system, causing it to wind up even more. So after a good load, a massage or swimming is recommended.

You can improve social interaction by setting yourself the goal of meeting a couple of new people every day (or at least every Saturday). The main thing here is not collecting ticks, but trying to find a way of communication in which you feel the maximum comfort and naturalness of the situation and your being in it.

The longest will be the process of working on your inner feeling and perception of yourself - self-esteem, self-criticism, expectations and requirements from others, and so on. You can deal with such categories within a few months, and in order to make the process more efficient and faster, it is better to use the advisory help of a psychotherapist. Stabilization of the emotional background is one of the primary tasks that an asthenic should work on. The ability to control one's emotions and expectations, to stop excessive reflection and self-abasement.

The ability to find sources of energy and fullness will help you deplete at a slower pace. For some, it will be their own creativity, and for some, the opportunity to communicate with people in a dosed manner. Saving mental resources and their timely replenishment is an algorithm necessary for every asthenic.
