Author's Khokhloma cccp collection meeting. Khokhloma as a sign of high fashion

“It is impossible to be innovative all the time. I want to create classics!” Coco Chanel once said.

The artists of JSC Khokhloma Painting went the opposite way. The company, which has been producing traditional products with Khokhloma painting for more than a century, today amazes its connoisseurs with ultra-modern new products.

Khokhloma wins the heart of Couturier

“2015 was a turning point for us. It was then that the factory began to develop a collection of women’s silk scarves and accessories with an eye on the world catwalk,” says Elena Galkina.

Elena Galkina

Chief Artist of the Order of the Badge of Honor of Khokhloma Painting CJSC

The shawl pattern, developed by the craftswomen of JSC Khokhloma Painting under the guidance of the chief artist of the enterprise, Elena Galkina, inspired Nizhny Novgorod designers Lyudmila Kirikova and Maxim Zasypkin to create a collection of 15 women's dresses and accessories for them - bracelets, pendants, necklaces and earrings.

Silk dresses, decorated with inset beads and classic Khokhloma patterns - Tsar's Kudrina and "triumph" painting - gave traditional Russian craft a new life and opened the door to the unknown world of fashion.

“Our first collection of women’s clothing and accessories, “The Tale of Golden Khokhloma,” was released in the fall of 2015. The impeccable cut, quality of tailoring of the models and handmade Khokhloma decor created a sensation and received a lot of positive feedback not only from ordinary Nizhny Novgorod residents, but also fashion experts,” recalls Elena Galkina.

Last summer, a collection of “fairy-tale dresses” was demonstrated at the XII Russian fashion festival “Ples on the Volga. Linen palette”. The festival contestants were faced with the task of reflecting the national idea and cultural heritage of the country in their costumes. The chairman of the jury, Couturier Vyacheslav Zaitsev, awarded dresses with Khokhloma the highest award of the festival - the “Golden Phoenix”.

“The titled collection “The Tale of Golden Khokhloma” has not yet been put into mass production, but the company is ready to make any of its items to order,” says the chief artist of JSC “Khokhloma Painting”.

National idea in a handbag

The first timid step onto the podium was followed by a confident second. In the winter of 2016, JSC “Khokhloma Painting” presented to Nizhny Novgorod residents the “Winter Tale of Khokhloma” - a new collection of women’s accessories.

There was enough “innovation” in the collection: this was a unique composition (in the Khokhloma tradition, the floral design should “come” from the corners), and color solutions that were non-standard for the craft.

It took the enterprise’s creative laboratory, which consists of 16 honored women artists of the Russian Federation, 3 months to develop the ornaments for the “Winter Tale of Khokhloma” collection. It must be said that before choosing the main prints for the future collection, artists draw dozens of sketches of patterns. Each pattern receives its own individual number and is transferred to the archive of the creative laboratory - the intellectual fund of Khokhloma Painting, which has been operating since 1964.

“The all-season collection was made in 5 colors: white, untraditional for Khokhloma, green, red, New Year’s blue and pearl black,” says Elena Galkina. “Unusual patterns appeared in the prints of our craftswomen: a winter bird, a spruce wreath, a Christmas star.”

For the first time, JSC Khokhloma Painting prepared a limited collection of silk and woolen scarves for Nizhny Novgorod. Never before seen wooden handbags decorated with Khokhloma patterns became a sensation.

Ultra-fashionable color in the Russian tradition

And now Khokhloma is a sign of high fashion. JSC “Khokhloma Painting” is strengthening its position in the hearts of fashionistas and in the spring of 2017 it is demonstrating a spring-summer collection of nesting dolls and accessories for women with “Lizonka”, “Mimosa” and “Violets” ornaments.

“To welcome the summer of 2017, we used trendy colors this season: rich yellow, fuchsia and purple. For each scarf pattern, we have developed 5 sets of jewelry and 5 handbags. In the spring-summer collection, the products turned out to be voluminous due to multi-layered decorative elements,” explains the chief artist of Khokhloma Painting JSC.

And again a revolution. In addition to the usual collectible scarves made of natural silk, wooden handbags and jewelry, the factory is developing a collection of furniture for girls with the “Lizonka” pattern: a dressing table, a chest of drawers, a high chair, a floor mirror and a rocking horse. Elegant furniture for little princesses has received great consumer demand.

But don’t worry, connoisseurs of tradition, “Khokhloma Painting” has never stopped producing children’s furniture that we all love. Moreover, the artists of JSC “Khokhloma Painting” modernized the classic chairs and tables, so familiar in the interiors of, for example, kindergartens and centers, with new color solutions.

Matryoshka, owl and tit

Already at the end of September, the factory will present to Nizhny Novgorod a collection of women's accessories “Golden Autumn of Golden Khokhloma”. This time the collection is decorated with three Khokhloma ornaments: “Golden leaf fall”, “Vine of abundance” and “Autumn Dahlia”.

“The most powerful artists of the enterprise worked on the collection for five months - masters with a capital M, the heart and brainstorm of our enterprise,” notes Elena Galkina.

The shawl pattern with leaf fall and the owl handbag were designed by the Honored Artist of Russia Nelya Viktorovna Ushakova.

A scarf with a royal dahlia and a radiant handbag appeared in the collection with the light hand of the Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Irina Aleksandrovna Frolova.

The way the artists of JSC “Khokhloma Painting” carefully, thoughtfully and carefully create new ornaments for future products evokes delight and a desire to walk around the creative laboratory on tiptoe, without breathing, just so that the movement of the brush is not interrupted. For example, painting the elements of the “Bird” handbag takes the artist 4 days.

Ultra-fashionable wooden clutches are the discovery of this season. Covered inside with flock and decorated with Italian fittings, the highly artistic handbags turn out to be functional: “The bag holds a phone, lipstick, powder compact and still has room,” notes the factory’s chief artist.

This fall, the creative team complemented jewelry with painted wooden elements with beads made of colored stones: aventurine, turquoise, cat's eye, agate, carnelian, and coral. The beauty that is born within the walls of JSC Khokhloma Painting seems to be endless.

“Who wears accessories with Khokhloma? Ultra-fashionable, modern woman. Her age is completely unimportant,” says Elena Galkina.

Classics must be modern. And JSC “Khokhloma Painting” successfully copes with the task. You can see this on September 28 at the Firebird shopping center at the presentation of the collection of women’s accessories “Golden Autumn - 2017”

24.04.2017 The artists specially created the drawing "Lizonka" Vera Novikova

Yesterday the first show of the new collection of Khokhloma Painting JSC, owned by one of the richest women in Nizhny Novgorod, Elada Nagornaya, took place. The name of the new collection of accessories and children's furniture is “Lizonka”. This is also the name of the daughter of businesswoman and former mayor of the city Oleg Sorokin. By the way, to Elizaveta Nagornaya, April 21

It’s no longer a secret that the new collection of Khokhloma accessories and furniture is named after my daughter, who was born exactly a year ago. For her christening, together with the masters of Khokhloma painting, we created a new drawing, which we called “Lizonka”. A year later, for my daughter’s birthday, we decided to create a whole collection with a new ornament - not only for Lizonka, but also for all the wonderful girls, for all the princesses, because any daughter is a princess for her mother, - quotes Elada Nagornaya from the Capital magazine Lower".

The collection includes scarves made of natural silk, handbags and wooden jewelry, as well as furniture and nesting dolls. All this is painted with a new author’s ornament.

Today was the first show of the new Khokhloma collection “Lizonka”. New colors, spring, flowers, butterflies, childhood and joy! – Andrey Zhuravlev shared his emotions and photographs of the collection on his Facebook page.

The collection's motifs are inspired by nature awakening from its winter hibernation and elements of folk art. According to the company’s website, modern trends and technologies have made it possible to create jewelry that is attractive and affordable. Each item is made in a single copy and is copyrighted. And each product has an individual mark of the master, which confirms its authenticity and individuality.

It is filled with the sun, the shimmer of meadow flowers, the smell of herbs and a colorful palette of magical butterflies,” Elada Nagornaya, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Khokhloma Painting JSC, describes the new Khokhloma series. “I want to examine and touch every intricate flower, feel the silk flowing in summer abundance, stroke the mirrored lacquer forms.

The themes for the “Lizonka” collection were developed by Honored Artists of Russia Valentina Shvetsova (drawing “Mimosa”), Nelya Ushakova (drawing “Lizonka”) and Honored Master of Folk Arts of the Nizhny Novgorod Region, member of the Union of Artists of the Russian Federation Marina Ivanova (drawing “Violets”). When creating the series, they used traditional techniques of Khokhloma writing and fashionable color trends of the season, therefore, the creators assure, the result was an amazing combination of centuries-old craft and modern fashion.

Apparently, such combinations are not to everyone’s taste.

Some kind of strange Khokhloma has gone... - Valentina Buzmakova commented on the collection from Nizhny Novgorod.

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