Pregnant 23 weeks. What does a woman feel when she is pregnant at this stage?

There is less and less time left before the expected birth. You are already 23 weeks pregnant. According to the obstetric "pregnancy calculus", you are 5.5 months pregnant. Congratulations!

Fetus at 23 weeks of gestation: movements, development, weight and size

The baby has grown to almost 29 cm and already weighs half a kilo! The brain of the little smart guy is also getting heavier. If in the second month of pregnancy its weight was 2 g, then by the end of the sixth it reaches 100 g. This means that the mother should be in the fresh air as much as possible to ensure the supply of a sufficient amount of oxygen to the baby’s brain.

Walking in the fresh air is also necessary to fully provide the baby with oxygen: the baby will indicate a possible lack of oxygen by increased frequent movements. Yes, yes, the mask is now already announcing its existence in a very tangible way: if a few weeks ago you listened carefully to hear the baby, now he himself is not averse to communicating with his mother through pushes.

For now, the baby’s movements are unobtrusive and do not cause discomfort to the mother, which often happens in the last stages of pregnancy, when the baby, for example, rests its legs on the ribs. But even now, movements may not always occur “on time,” for example, at night, when a woman is trying to rest from a busy day. Is your baby awake and playing in his tummy at night? Try to calm him down by rubbing his belly, humming a lullaby, or telling him a good story.

And during the day, listen to the movements: in half a day, pregnant women usually feel about 10 movements by this time. Remember that the baby has already developed its own sleep and wakefulness pattern: at some moments it may kick, then it calms down for a couple of hours. The complete absence of the child’s movements during the day should cause alarm: in such a situation, it is better to immediately consult a doctor.

All organs and systems gradually take over their assigned functions. The baby’s digestive system is fully formed: the stomach, esophagus, large and small intestines, liver, pancreas are ready for work. From the amniotic fluid swallowed by the fetus, water and sugar are separated, which later form the baby's original feces - meconium.

The pancreas is actively working and developing: it synthesizes insulin and other hormones. The genitals of a boy or girl are fully formed. The fetus continues to develop the chest and prepares the respiratory system for work. Although he will take his first breath only after birth, the baby is already making up to 60 breathing movements per minute.

All endocrine glands are actively working, and the spleen is also involved. It not only produces blood cells, but also strictly controls their quality: all “defective” lymphocytes are destroyed.

Subcutaneous fat continues to accumulate, but the translucent skin of the fruit is still wrinkled. And everything is covered with vernix. The hair on the baby's body begins to darken.

You already quite clearly feel the tremors from within and can even feel when the child hiccups: your stomach shakes rhythmically.

Future mom

Of course, during this period you may well experience a lot of “side effects” of pregnancy that bring little joy to the expectant mother: heartburn, bloating, varicose veins, swelling, ... Read the recommendations for each individual case.

Don’t be embarrassed by the appearance of age spots and excess hair on your body. If this happens, there is no doubt that it is very unpleasant for the woman, but after childbirth everything will pass. As well as the noticeably improved condition of the hair on the head: due to increased blood flow, the skin and hair follicles began to be better nourished and strengthened. The hair that was supposed to fall out during this time will leave your head in bulk in the first months after childbirth.

And while you may be enjoying your beautiful hair, you are likely to experience problems with your teeth or skin. Pregnancy progresses, the baby takes on a significant portion of calcium and other substances. Don’t let dental problems get worse and contact your dentist on time. Practice daily hygiene; increased sweating may cause you to shower more often. Don't forget about.

Of course, eat right, move a lot, get enough rest and enjoy this blessed time: it is slowly coming to an end.


By the 22nd week of pregnancy, when the center of gravity shifts due to an increasingly growing belly, a common problem is pain in the back and lower back, in the abdominal area, or more precisely, in the hip area. Again, due to a shift in the center of gravity and in the process of preparing the body for the upcoming birth, pain in the pelvic area is also possible - the hip joints begin to soften so that in the future the fetus can pass through the birth canal. To relieve back pain and reduce abdominal pain, wear shoes, do not walk in heels, do not sleep on your stomach, do not stand on your feet for a long time, learn to lie and sit correctly.

In the second half of pregnancy, if this has not been observed before, cramps of the calf muscles may occur from time to time. More often, leg cramps occur at the end of the day that a woman has spent on her feet. This is a symptom of tired legs and calcium deficiency. To reduce the risk of cramps, it is advisable to massage your legs every night, regularly rest your legs during the day, and enrich your diet with calcium-containing foods.

But headaches at 23 weeks of pregnancy may already disappear into oblivion. Headache is a very common companion during the first trimester of pregnancy. And, if this symptom did not bypass you in your first weeks of bearing a baby, now that the riot of hormones has subsided somewhat, the headaches should go away.

Belly at 23 weeks of pregnancy: tugs, hurts

But from time to time they can cause painful sensations in the abdominal area. Often the expectant mother at this stage complains of pain in the abdomen, in particular on the sides, especially when she gets up, sneezes, or coughs. This is due to overstretching of the muscles that support the uterus.

Also from this period you may feel false training contractions. Braxton-Hicks contractions are a completely normal phenomenon for the second half of pregnancy: in this way, the uterus seems to be warming up before the upcoming, and already real, birth. Training contractions are episodic uterine spasms that should not cause the woman any pain. If contractions become regular, painful, and are also accompanied by rupture of amniotic fluid, call an ambulance immediately: you are experiencing premature labor.

Abdominal pain can be caused by constipation and the inability to have bowel movements normally. In this case, it is rational to review the diet and include in the menu foods that are rich in fiber and have a laxative effect.

And keep in mind: if abdominal pain is accompanied by additional symptoms (such as fever, bloody vaginal discharge, etc.), then you should immediately consult a doctor.

Discharge at 23 weeks of pregnancy

Now it is generally better to pay special attention to the discharge: the nature of the discharge can tell a lot about the course of pregnancy and the absence of some individual dangers.

Transparent or light milky, liquid discharge without any pronounced odor, not accompanied by any unpleasant sensations, is considered normal for this period. The appearance of yellow, greenish, gray, purulent, bubbling or curdled discharge with an associated unpleasant odor indicates a possible genital tract infection. Often, infectious diseases of this kind are also accompanied by discomfort in the perineal area: itching, burning, swelling and irritation of the genitals. With such symptoms, it is necessary to go to the doctor as soon as possible and, on his recommendation, begin treatment of the disease, otherwise there is a high risk of infection reaching the fetus and intrauterine infection.

Please note that the discharge is now quite liquid, one might say watery. And it is very important not to confuse the discharge with leaking amniotic fluid, if such a phenomenon occurs. After all, amniotic fluid can leak almost imperceptibly, in small portions, “masquerading” as vaginal discharge. Therefore, if you are still afraid of complications in the form of leakage of amniotic fluid, purchase a special test at the pharmacy that will make it possible to exclude such a complication.

At 23 weeks of pregnancy, the risk of miscarriage is significantly reduced. But this does not mean that some women who have come face to face with such a phenomenon as increased uterine tone are now immune from its manifestations. Hypertonicity of the uterus, as before, is manifested by nagging, cramping pain in the abdomen, possibly by the appearance of brown or bloody discharge. If you have the above symptoms, immediately go to see a doctor: at first, a slight bleeding may “progress”: heavy bleeding that replaces the “spot” against the background of regular contractions signals the onset of premature labor.

In addition to increased uterine tone, the appearance of spotting may be a sign of placenta previa or abruption. As a rule, such conditions are also accompanied by abdominal pain.

If brown or bloody spotting does not cause pain to a woman, and only appears after a gynecological examination or sexual intercourse, it is most likely associated with cervical erosion. This condition can be determined after a special medical examination, therefore, if a spot “appears” on your panties, it is rational to seek advice from a specialist.


At 23 weeks of pregnancy, parents will probably be able to determine with an ultrasound whether they should choose a girl’s or a boy’s name for their unborn child. The sexual characteristics of the fetus are now clearly differentiated, and ultrasound examination can tell about them, if, of course, the baby turns successfully.

However, the main task of ultrasound at the 23rd week of pregnancy remains to exclude pathologies of fetal development and diagnose the child’s condition. During an ultrasound, the doctor will assess the size of the baby, the correspondence of these same sizes to the gestational age, listen to the heartbeat and assess the baby’s physical activity.

There is also an examination of the internal organs of the fetus, assessment of the development of individual parts of the body and their relationship to each other. Corresponding indicators are necessary to exclude possible malformations of the baby and to ensure the absence of any chromosomal abnormalities.

In addition, the doctor will assess the size and condition of the uterus and look at the location of the placenta. Just don’t be upset right away if, during an ultrasound examination, it turns out that the placenta is located too low. Very often, during the next weeks of pregnancy, due to further enlargement of the uterus, the placenta rises and takes on its “proper”, non-threatening position.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

By the end of the second trimester, the expectant mother becomes so accustomed to her condition that her growing belly does not cause her any discomfort. What happens to the baby at 23 weeks of pregnancy, how does he develop, and what should the mother know about the features of this week?

Fetus at 23 weeks of gestation

Intensive growth of the fetus and an increase in its body weight are what characterizes the development of the baby now.

Size and weight

The little man already weighs about 450 grams, and is approximately 27-29 centimeters in length from head to toe. Of course, the baby still seems very thin, but gradually he will gain weight and become more proportionate in appearance.

What organs develop in the twenty-third week?

All the baby’s organs are already formed by twenty-three weeks, and they are being improved. Now the baby’s body works for itself: the heart pumps blood, the kidneys produce urine, and even the hormonal and immune systems are running. The child receives food and oxygen from the mother.

The fat layer under the skin grows, but the skin itself is still translucent due to its thinness. Now layers are being formed in it: the upper one is the epidermis, the deep one is the dermis. It is the epidermis that is responsible for determining the genetic patterns on the tips of the fingers, palms and feet. The skin is covered with a special lubricant that protects the body from the effects of amniotic fluid.

The baby releases urine directly into the water, but this is not scary, because the amniotic fluid is regularly renewed. The baby swallows water, most of which is processed into urine, and what is not excreted by the kidneys (solid particles - skin flakes, hairs, bile) is deposited in the intestines and will be released after birth. Original feces are called “meconium”, which is released into the amniotic fluid, which is dangerous for the baby. Fortunately, such cases are quite rare, and occur with post-term babies almost before birth. But sometimes meconium enters the water during hypoxia. Vascular spasm due to lack of oxygen causes increased intestinal peristalsis, and the contents of the intestine are released. Hypoxia forces the baby to make more active breathing movements. Meconium swallowed with liquid can clog the baby's lungs. Such babies are born with a yellow-green skin tone or, on the contrary, pale, with a high risk of central nervous system disorders, and at birth they require emergency care from an experienced neonatologist.

At 23 weeks, the baby's bones become denser, and the brain and sensory organs continue to develop.

What does the baby look like?

There is still plenty of time before the birth, but the baby already looks like mom and dad. The nose takes on its own unique shape, threads of eyebrows are visible on the face, and eyelashes are visible on the eyelids. Now the baby looks almost like a real baby, only very small and thin, which is why the head still seems disproportionately larger than the body.

Baby's movements

By 23 weeks, every mother should feel the baby’s movements; if this does not happen, it is necessary to inform the doctor about it.

The baby is already very active, he is such a fidget! On average, per day at 23 weeks, a child should make a total of 10-12 movements in a series of movements, and the baby is especially active at night. There may also be days of calm when it seems to the mother that the baby is not giving any signals at all - this is normal, but should not last more than a couple of days. However, excessive activity of a child should also be a concern: children experiencing hypoxia move very much!

Fetal fetometry. Norm

Fetometry is a diagnostic method using ultrasound, which allows you to determine the duration of pregnancy by assessing the growth and development of the fetus. If the doctor has prescribed fetometry, most likely he needs to track the baby’s growth dynamics or rule out pathologies, and perhaps clarify the gestational age.

The norm at 23 weeks of pregnancy is the following fetometric indicators reflected in the table.

Position. Breech presentation of the fetus

If at 23 weeks the baby is in a breech presentation, should you sound the alarm? No and no again! The 23rd obstetric week of pregnancy is not a critical period for the fetus to occupy the correct position. The baby can turn over; moreover, it is anatomically more convenient for him to be positioned with his head up, and not down, as required by the position during childbirth.


Every week brings new sensations to the expectant mother, among them pleasant, long-awaited ones, such as kicks from the baby, and unpleasant ones (heartburn, for example), and even painful ones (pain in the lower back, legs, stomach). What is characteristic of the 23rd week of pregnancy in this regard?

Physiological changes in women

Most mothers believe that the second trimester of pregnancy is the calmest; they feel a surge of energy and enthusiasm. The woman’s weight has increased significantly (an increase of 5-7 kilograms is normal), but this is not an error in nutrition, but the result of the baby’s growth. Weight gain consists of the weight of the baby itself, the uterus, placenta and amniotic fluid, as well as the volume of fluid circulating in the mother’s body.

The most common complaints during this period are an increase in vaginal discharge, itching of the abdominal skin, and swelling at the end of the day. All this is a variant of the norm.

Belly at 23 weeks of pregnancy and the mother’s condition

Mom's belly has grown significantly. Its circumference is measured by the doctor at every visit to the antenatal clinic. This indicator is individual and depends on many factors, including:

  • mother's constitution before pregnancy;
  • the number of children being carried (with multiple pregnancies, the belly grows faster);
  • mother’s nutrition and intensity of weight gain, and so on.

Externally, the tummy does not always look attractive: the skin may become tense, veins may appear, and the dark stripe from the navel to the pubis may become even more noticeable. Due to stretching of the skin, the expectant mother may feel her stomach itching. In addition, sometimes the baby himself causes discomfort in the stomach at the 23rd week of pregnancy, behaving overly actively, pushing the mother into the internal organs.

Breasts at 23 weeks of pregnancy

Pregnancy makes a woman's breasts more attractive. And that's a fact. The bust becomes more luxurious, it increases in volume, becomes elastic. All this happens due to the preparation of the body for the true purpose of the breast, to feed the unborn baby. Under the influence of progesterone and estrogen (pregnancy hormones), changes occur in the breasts: adipose tissue is replaced by milk ducts and alveoli. The alveoli contain special secretory tissue cells - lactocytes, which are responsible for milk production. At 23 weeks of pregnancy, lactocytes are already functioning, producing colostrum, the precursor to milk. It is impossible to specifically stimulate the release of colostrum - this activates oxytocin, the hormone responsible for lactation, which can cause uterine contractions, which is completely undesirable for such a period.

The expectant mother's breasts need care and attention. To avoid stretch marks and sagging, it is important to take care of good underwear: the bra should be comfortable, made of natural cotton. It must be kept clean. It’s time to prepare the breasts for feeding the baby - “temper” them with water at room temperature and rub the nipples with a waffle towel. This will make them less sensitive once the baby is born.

Discharge at 23 weeks of pregnancy

Are there more allocations? This is normal, because fluid in the mother’s body has also increased. What is the nature of the discharge? If they are light and have a slimy consistency, without an unusual pungent odor, and are not accompanied by itching, then everything is fine.

But this does not happen to all pregnant women. In the middle of the period, the vaginal microflora becomes vulnerable, and any slightest negative factor, even a change in diet or a change in climatic conditions, can provoke the growth of “harmful” microflora, which makes up approximately 10% of the total vaginal flora of a healthy woman. Conditionally pathogenic microorganisms suppress the normal part of the microflora, represented by lactobacilli.

Depending on which type of bacteria begins to gain the upper hand, the following diseases may develop:

  • thrush (caused by Candida fungi);
  • trichomoniasis (caused by Trichomonas vaginalis);
  • chlamydia (this disease is caused by chlamydia);
  • bacterial vaginosis (most often caused by gardnerella).

All these diseases are manifested by nonspecific discharge:

  • white curds for thrush;
  • yellow - for trichomoniasis;
  • mucopurulent yellowish with chlamydia;
  • gray - with vaginosis.

In addition, these diseases often reveal themselves by smell (rotten fish), itching, burning, pain during or after vaginal intercourse.

Complications for the fetus due to the disease in this period of pregnancy rarely occur, but the danger is posed by premature rupture of the membranes, and then the risk of infection of the child increases. In addition, chlamydia and trichomoniasis can cause premature birth.

Treatment in the second trimester of pregnancy usually does not cause problems, but the sooner it is started, the better. Therefore, if there are any changes in the nature of vaginal discharge, you should inform your doctor.

Features of IVF pregnancy

At 23 weeks, pregnancy as a result of IVF develops in the same way as a normal one. From the moment the embryo attaches to the uterus, everything follows a natural scenario. In some cases, pregnancy is maintained using hormone therapy. A mother carrying an IVF baby should be prepared for closer attention from medical staff, visit antenatal clinics more often, and beware of premature birth.

Features of multiple pregnancy

When carrying twins (or more children), it may not be easy for the expectant mother at this stage. This is the 23rd week of pregnancy, 20-21 weeks have passed since conception, but the belly may look like it has been for all 9 months, it is growing so rapidly. It is very useful to support him now with a bandage - this will relieve some of the strain on his back.

The mother's ailments may manifest themselves more acutely than during a singleton pregnancy. Heartburn, constipation, swelling, pressure surges - most mothers of twins/triplets experience all this.

What complications for the fetus and mother can a period of 23 weeks bring? The most common:

  • developmental anomalies of one or both babies at once;
  • feto-fetal syndrome, in which one baby receives much less nutrition and oxygen than the second, which is more often typical for monochorionic twins;
  • gestosis;
  • threat of premature birth, etc.

If the pregnancy proceeds favorably and without pathologies, the weight and height of the babies may differ only slightly from the indicators normal for a singleton pregnancy, often to a lesser extent.

Uterus size at 23 weeks of pregnancy

The height of the uterine fundus reaches 23-25 ​​centimeters. These indicators are important for the doctor: this is how he determines the dynamics of fetal development and its correspondence to the timing of pregnancy.

Problems in the twenty-third week of pregnancy

Despite the established opinion about the stability of the expectant mother’s well-being in the second trimester, unpleasant “surprises” may well lie in wait for her.

Nausea at 23 weeks of pregnancy

Nausea during pregnancy is most often characteristic of the first trimester, but if it bothers you up to 23 weeks, this may indicate pathologies. In addition, sometimes nausea is not due to the fact that the woman is pregnant, but due to the presence of gastrointestinal diseases.

Short-term, intermittent nausea can be caused by:

  • food poisoning;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • long exposure to the sun.

If the causes of nausea are unclear, you should consult a doctor.


Often toxicosis of the first trimester is replaced by late toxicosis - gestosis. It is more typical for the third trimester, but it is also quite capable of appearing at the end of the second. What is it?

In the international classification of diseases ICD 10, gestosis is designated as a complication of a normal pregnancy and is classified as follows:

  • Hypertension complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the period after it.
  • Hypertension with proteinuria (detection of protein in the urine).
  • Edema and proteinuria without increased blood pressure.
  • Eclampsia is a significant increase in blood pressure that threatens the life of the mother and fetus.

All these symptoms can manifest themselves to varying degrees, and this is the basis for the classification of gestosis according to the severity of its manifestation. The severity is calculated based on the table data. To do this, points are calculated based on the clinical picture, and the patient’s condition is assessed based on the results of their total number.

Symptoms Points
0 1 2 3
Edema none in the shin area shins, stomach all over the body
Protein in urine absent or slightly exceeded 0,03-0,13 0,12-1,0 above 0.1
Systolic blood pressure (millimeters of mercury) up to 130 130-150 150-170 from 170
Diastolic blood pressure (millimeters of mercury) up to 85 85-95 90-110 from 110
Time of onset of symptoms no symptoms after 36 weeks after 30 to 35 weeks after 20 weeks
Intrauterine growth restriction absent absent for 1-2 weeks more than 3 weeks
Accompanying illnesses none were before pregnancy appeared during pregnancy were before pregnancy and are during it


  • 0-7 points - mild degree of gestosis;
  • from 8 to 11 - average degree of gestosis;
  • 12-21 points - severe gestosis.

In any case, regardless of the number of points, for any manifestations of gestosis, you must consult a doctor.

Diarrhea and constipation

Any changes in stool during pregnancy are a reason to reconsider your diet. Diarrhea occurs due to the consumption of low-quality, expired food, as well as a large number of “laxative” foods (prunes, fermented milk products, fresh vegetables, and so on). Diarrhea can signal both food poisoning and an intestinal infection. In this case, you will be worried about: abdominal pain, dizziness, vomiting, nausea.

Constipation is most often caused by physiological reasons specific to pregnancy: the effects of hormones, compression of the intestines by the uterus. Constipation can cause the development of hemorrhoids, which is why it should not be allowed to become chronic. Prevention of constipation is a proper diet rich in dietary fiber and sufficient fluid intake. If prevention does not help, you can use approved medications: rectal suppositories (glycerin and others), microenemas (such as Microlax), a remedy (for example, Duphalac).


During pregnancy, the enlargement of the uterus inevitably leads to the fact that the position of the stomach changes somewhat: it rises slightly and flattens. The esophagus also undergoes similar metamorphoses: the lower esophageal sphincter is stretched, and its valve, which acts as a barrier against eaten food and gastric juice, begins to work intermittently. This is how heartburn occurs: stomach acid and food from the stomach are thrown back into the esophagus.

The situation can also be aggravated by the extra pounds that many expectant mothers gain, following their grandmother’s saying: “You need to eat for two.” And also food that is conventionally classified as “harmful” provokes heartburn: smoked meats, marinades, spicy and salty foods.

Flatulence, which many pregnant women experience from time to time, also contributes to heartburn. Gases from the intestines and stomach push gastric juice into the esophagus, hence the feeling of burning and bitterness. Malfunctions also occur in the autonomic nervous system, which is responsible for coordinating the work of the digestive organs, and disturbances occur in the process of moving food through the esophagus.

Heartburn also serves as a marker of certain diseases:

  • gastritis;
  • stomach ulcers;
  • diaphragmatic hernia;
  • diabetes mellitus

Normalizing nutrition and eating food often, but in small portions, significantly improves the condition of the pregnant woman. If your health does not change for the better, the doctor may prescribe prokinetic drugs (Duspatalin, Trimedat - only for strict indications) or antacids (Rennie, Gastal, Maalox and the like), as well as drugs that activate the gastrointestinal tract (Motilium, Motilak and some analogues) .

Stomach hurts and pulls

When your stomach hurts at 23 weeks of pregnancy, it is important to identify the cause of the pain. It could be:

  • eating disorder;
  • constipation;
  • physiological pain caused by changes in the body (pressure of the uterus, sprained ligaments, movements of the baby, and so on);
  • abdominal trauma;
  • threat of premature birth.

If the first two reasons can be corrected by dietary adjustments, and the third can be tolerated, then the last two require immediate consultation with a doctor.

Bleeding at 23 weeks of pregnancy

Vaginal bleeding during pregnancy is not normal, but it is not always dangerous. It is worth distinguishing spotting from bleeding. “Smearing” may well be due to erosion or polyps. The doctor should warn you about this if such problems are identified. But heavy bleeding is a dangerous symptom; it is a direct threat to the life of the baby and mother. Bleeding may be the onset of premature labor or a manifestation of diseases of the internal genital organs.

Premature birth

If labor begins this week, it will be considered premature without using the term “miscarriage.” Premature birth begins at 22 weeks, and the baby is considered viable, but it only has a chance to survive with medical help. Doctors are obliged to make efforts to save the baby if its weight exceeds half a kilogram and the newborn shows signs of life.

Premature birth is divided into:

  • threatening;
  • beginning;
  • started.

In the first two cases, if timely measures are taken, labor can be stopped and pregnancy can continue.

Why does premature birth occur? There are many factors, these are:

1. maternal:

  • previous abortions or premature births;
  • surgical intervention on the uterus and its cervix;

2. caused by real pregnancy:

  • low socio-economic standard of living of the mother (poor nutrition, living conditions, etc.);
  • bad habits;
  • maternal age up to 18 and after 35 years;
  • infections;
  • placenta previa;
  • premature opening (rupture) of the amniotic sac;
  • other pathologies.

Predicting premature birth is almost impossible, since the mechanism of its occurrence has not yet been studied. There is a special test that determines the content of fibronectin, a special substance found in vaginal discharge. Normally, fibronectin is released only before birth. But such a test is not available in our country.

In addition, there is also an ultrasound method (transvaginal) to measure the length of the cervix. So far this is the only available method for diagnosing preterm birth.

Frozen pregnancy at 23 weeks

A frozen pregnancy can occur at any stage, including at 23 weeks of pregnancy. The main reasons for the cessation of development are genetic pathologies or infection of the fetus. With such a diagnosis, urgent removal of the dead fetus from the uterine cavity is necessary; delay can cost the mother her life.

In most cases, the prognosis for further pregnancies is favorable. However, the woman and her partner should undergo a detailed examination and begin the next attempt to conceive no earlier than six months later.

Colds. ARVI, fever, flu. Can I take antibiotics?

Getting a cold at 23 weeks is less dangerous than in the first trimester. The formation of the embryo is complete, and antibiotics are not so scary for the baby. However, their use is justified only under strict indications, and the choice of antibiotic should be made by the doctor. Not all antibiotic drugs are allowed during pregnancy.

If the temperature rises, it is allowed to take paracetamol or ibuprofen without consulting a doctor. Inhalations and saline solutions will help relieve nasal congestion. The doctor can select vasoconstrictor drops, which can be taken only when absolutely necessary.

Under no circumstances should you be vaccinated against influenza during pregnancy!

Food poisoning - what to do?

Food poisoning is caused by poison that enters the body through food. Poison may contain bacteria, toxins in poor-quality food, and the food itself (for example, mushrooms or vegetables with pesticides). The symptoms of food poisoning are obvious: vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea. If poisoning is caused by food, symptoms may not appear immediately, but within 48 hours.

You should immediately seek medical help, as such intoxication threatens the life of the mother and child. Before the ambulance arrives, it is necessary to rinse the stomach and, if possible, provide bed rest for the victim.

Toxoplasmosis at 23 weeks of pregnancy

Many expectant mothers are afraid of toxoplasmosis, and with the onset of pregnancy they try to get rid of pets and cats, since these animals are considered the main carriers of toxoplasmosis. However, infection can also occur through meat products, soil, and water.

Most people do not suspect that Toxoplasma has already been in their body. If a person’s immunity is fine, the disease proceeds, masquerading as an acute respiratory viral infection. Therefore, during pregnancy, not all mothers become infected, since they already have antibodies to toxoplasmosis.

To determine whether a pregnant woman is at risk, a blood test is prescribed for toxoplasmosis. And only if antibodies are not detected, should you worry. But there is reason for concern. If in the 1st trimester toxoplasmosis can lead to miscarriage, in the second the infection is milder, because intrauterine infection occurs in 1/3 of cases of mothers. There are also drugs against toxoplasmosis that are approved during pregnancy from the second trimester. But negative consequences for the fetus are still possible. They manifest themselves in malformations of the brain and nervous system, visual and digestive organs.

Low placentation (low placenta)

One of the reasons for pregnancy complications may be low placentation. This diagnosis is made when the distance from the lower edge of the placenta to the internal os of the uterus is less than 5 centimeters. Normally, the higher the placenta is attached to the fundus of the uterus, the better.

The danger of a low-lying placenta is that the baby receives less nutrition and oxygen. This can cause IUGR or hypoxia.

In practice, more than 90% of women with low placentation give birth to healthy children at term, but increased attention from doctors in this case will not hurt.

Short cervix

A short cervix is ​​a potentially dangerous condition during pregnancy. If its length is less than 2 centimeters, as the fetus grows, it is difficult for the cervix to withstand the pressure from the uterus, it begins to open, which leads to premature birth.

Shortening of the cervix can be caused by external interventions (surgeries, abortions), hormonal changes or the anatomical characteristics of the woman herself.

With a short cervix, installation of a pessary or suturing is often practiced to maintain pregnancy. At the same time, a woman should avoid physical overload, give up sports and sex.

Thickening of the placenta

The baby grows, and the placenta grows accordingly. To withstand the fetus and the pressure of amniotic fluid, the placenta also thickens, and from about 34 weeks the thickening stops and begins to prepare for childbirth, or “age”, in the language of doctors.

However, it happens that thickening occurs more intensely, and at 23 weeks the thickness exceeds the norm (more than 32-33 millimeters). And this is very dangerous, because such a placenta will begin to age earlier, which means that childbirth will occur faster.

With a thick placenta, the baby receives less oxygen and nutrients. Therefore, it is necessary to promote uteroplacental blood flow, and the drugs “Actovegin” and “Curantil” have been developed for these purposes.

Analyzes and examinations

What examinations can a pregnant woman expect at 23 weeks? As a rule, only a urine test. However, according to indications, others may be prescribed.

Ultrasound at 23 weeks of pregnancy

The expectant mother should have undergone a planned ultrasound scan of the second trimester when the second screening was carried out (from the 19th week). However, if for some reason the study was missed, it must be done. This is necessary for the timely detection of pathologies in the baby’s development.

If the screening was carried out in a timely manner, there is no need for an ultrasound scan at this time.

Progesterone norm

Typically, a progesterone test is not taken at 23 weeks, but it may be required if:

  • carrying an IVF baby;
  • threat of premature birth;
  • fetal pathologies;
  • the need to measure the hormonal levels of the expectant mother.

Normally, this figure is from 59 to 78 nanograms per liter.

Beauty and health of mother: care for skin, hair, nails

If a mother eats well, consumes a lot of fruits and vegetables, and dairy products, her hair, nails and teeth are strong. If there are not enough minerals and vitamins, then both beauty and health suffer, because the baby takes its share from the mother’s resources. Therefore, an important rule: good nutrition is the key to the beauty and health of a pregnant woman.

Nutrition alone is not enough to look great, and many women who are expecting a baby actively apply makeup. Are decorative cosmetics harmful to the fetus? No, provided that it is of high quality and the mother is not allergic to it. But you should be careful with the procedures provided by beauty salons: mesotherapy, Botox and other “beauty injections” are prohibited! The same list includes deep peeling and skin resurfacing, hardware procedures. It is better to wait with nail extensions, but there will be no harm from a regular manicure.

What about going to the hairdresser? It is not prohibited if the expectant mother wants to get a haircut or styling, but perm will have to be postponed at least until the baby is born. What about coloring? To paint or not to paint is an individual matter, but experts advise avoiding aggressive dyes and, if necessary, replacing them with soft paints, preferably with natural plant ingredients.

Sex at 23 weeks pregnant

Intimacy should be postponed if:

  • there is a threat of premature birth;
  • ICI of the cervix was diagnosed;
  • partners are undergoing treatment for STDs, or the woman is being treated for vaginosis, candidiasis and other diseases of the vaginal flora;
  • there are serious pathologies.

In the case when the pregnancy is going normally, sex is not prohibited, and the parents’ love games, in principle, cannot affect the baby’s condition (unless they are carried away by acrobatics).

Sports at 23 weeks of pregnancy

Exercise in the twenty-third week of pregnancy should be treated with caution. No strength or injury-prone sports are welcome.

It is worth giving preference to calm sports adapted for pregnant women:

  • Pilates;
  • fitness for expectant mothers;
  • water aerobics;
  • swimming and the like.

Every day at home you can perform a set of exercises to strengthen the muscles and spine - this will significantly facilitate childbirth and shorten the recovery period after it.

Travel: transfers and flights

Going on a trip at 23 weeks is a good way to relax and get positive emotions. However, you need to consult your doctor to see if there are any contraindications. The condition of the expectant mother can be negatively affected by pressure changes during flights or changes in climatic conditions.

When setting out on a journey, it is worth taking with you the entire set of documents for a pregnant woman: an exchange card and a medical policy, as well as a first aid kit (put in it activated charcoal, heartburn medicine, paracetamol, vitamins and other medications, if prescribed by a doctor).

Diet at the twenty-third week of pregnancy

During pregnancy, it is necessary to eat nutritiously and correctly, as both doctors and authors of books for expectant mothers say. But what does this mean - fully and correctly? How to eat at 23 weeks pregnant?

What you can't eat

A number of foods that are undesirable to eat: fast food, semi-finished products, all kinds of crackers and chips stuffed with harmful additives. They will be of no benefit to either mother or baby.

While waiting for the baby, you should give up foods and drinks that may be your mother’s favorite:

  • coffee and strong tea, as they destabilize blood pressure;
  • sushi and uncooked meat products are potential causative agents of intestinal infections and toxoplasmosis;
  • blue cheeses - they affect the microflora of the intestines and vagina;
  • citrus fruits are potential allergens;
  • whole milk - it can cause constipation.

Do not overindulge in baked goods and sweets, carbonated drinks, salty and spicy foods.

What you can eat

What does the approximate daily diet of an expectant mother look like at 23 weeks of pregnancy?

The calorie content of the daily diet should be about 3000 kilocalories, and when carrying twins or triplets - another 200-500 kilocalories more. The basis of nutrition at 23 weeks is complex carbohydrates (cereals, cereals, pasta), preferably vegetable fats, proteins (lean meat, legumes, nuts), as well as dairy products, sources of protein and calcium. Don’t forget about water: you need to drink about 1.5-2 liters per day, it’s not worth it anymore, it’s dangerous due to swelling.

Supplements, vitamins

A doctor can advise whether the expectant mother should take pharmaceutical vitamins. If a woman’s nutrition is complete, it is quite possible that her body does not experience a deficiency in vitamins and minerals. However, often, most pregnant women experience a lack of:

  • gland;
  • iodine;
  • calcium.

The problem can be solved by taking vitamin and mineral complexes for pregnant women. Every pharmacy is ready to offer such supplements for every taste and budget.

Can I have alcohol?

If suddenly at 23 weeks the expectant mother drank a glass of wine, it will not cause much harm to the baby. However, this is true when alcohol is not a systemic phenomenon. With regular consumption of alcohol-containing drinks, a woman runs the risk of giving birth to a child with serious pathologies of internal organs, external deformities, disruption of the central nervous system and brain (even mental retardation).

When drinking even a small dose of alcohol, it is worth remembering: the single blood flow of mother and fetus will deliver “degrees” to the baby too!

In general, the 23rd week of pregnancy does not bring much concern to a woman. The baby is growing, actively reminding herself of herself with pushes, and the mother herself is still full of strength and energy. Good nutrition, adequate sleep, moderate physical activity and an abundance of positive emotions - all this will help make the period of waiting for the baby unforgettable and joyful.

Video on the topic

The 23rd week of pregnancy is the height of the second trimester and a wonderful time when the expectant mother can already think about choosing a maternity hospital. The mother’s health so far allows her to lead an active lifestyle, so she can visit different maternity hospitals and make her choice.

23 weeks gestation fetal size

The baby is already quite well developed and very soon may be ready for independent life. The formation of the digestive system has already completed. The genitals have already been divided into male and female. Therefore, if you were previously unable to find out the sex of your child, now with an ultrasound you can definitely find out if you are a boy or a girl. The baby's weight is already almost 500 grams, and his height is almost 22 centimeters.

Pregnancy 23 weeks - movements

At the 23rd week of pregnancy, the expectant mother feels not only the movements of the fetus, she can even discern what the baby is doing - tumbling, kicking or hiccupping. It is important to monitor the baby’s activity and if you notice something unusual in his behavior, for example, the baby has calmed down for several hours or, on the contrary, is too active, then you should inform your obstetrician-gynecologist about this.

23 week of pregnancy - what happens to the mother

At this stage, a pregnant woman is already gaining a fair amount of weight; it seems that her stomach is growing literally by the hour. The pants you wore yesterday may be too tight in a couple of days. Due to the fact that the uterus puts pressure on the lungs, shortness of breath may occur and it becomes difficult to inhale air. To cope with this problem, the expectant mother needs to try to walk in the fresh air more often and not overwork. Breathing practices also help tremendously, which, by the way, will be very useful during childbirth.

If edema occurs, a woman should pay attention to her blood pressure. The amount of water should not be minimized, because water is essential for both mother and baby. It is also worth monitoring the amount of salt you consume.

At the 23rd week of pregnancy, the mammary glands are already beginning to prepare in full for childbirth and the lactation period, so a woman may notice the release of colostrum. This is a completely normal phenomenon, do not be alarmed. The only thing you should do is wipe your breasts with a clean, soft cloth.

23 weeks pregnant - sensations

With a lack of calcium, the expectant mother may feel cramps in her legs. To get rid of this unpleasant condition, you need to try to compensate for the lack of calcium, for example, eat more foods rich in calcium - dairy products or take vitamins. But before taking action, be sure to consult with an obstetrician-gynecologist.

At the 23rd week of pregnancy, the expectant mother may experience lower back pain. A prenatal bandage can help cope with this. It perfectly relieves stress from your back.

The tummy has already grown a lot, so to prevent the appearance of stretch marks, use special creams or oils. Remember that you need to wear comfortable and comfortable clothes and shoes, you cannot sit cross-legged and sleep, preferably only on your left side.

Ultrasound at 23 weeks of pregnancy

Ultrasound at the 23rd week of pregnancy is carried out as planned. During this study, the size of the fetus is determined, the degree of its development, motor activity, and heart function are assessed. The doctor also evaluates the size of the uterus, the condition of the placenta and the umbilical cord. If necessary, you can find out the sex of the baby; at this stage the genitals are already fully formed.

23rd week of pregnancy - weight gain

The expectant mother needs to monitor her weight gain; it is clear that weight gain is inevitable, but only your obstetrician-gynecologist can correctly assess it. Every pregnancy is different, so don't panic if you gain 500 grams more than normal. The main thing is to watch your diet, eat healthy foods and exclude all foods that can negatively affect your weight, for example, sweets, flour, smoked, salty, canned and so on. Normally, weight gain at week 23 should be no more than 7 kilograms from the start of pregnancy.

The beginning of the twenty-third week of pregnancy is exactly the equator of the fifth month. At this time, many expectant mothers, with a favorable course of pregnancy, feel great: basically, there is no toxicosis and heartburn, the stomach does not yet restrict movement too much, the baby’s movements and activity do not cause discomfort. You should not limit yourself in movement, unless, of course, your doctor allows it: go to the park, breathe fresh air, do exercises, refuse the elevator. Monitor your weight gain and embrace each new day of your pregnancy with joy.


What happens to a woman

During this week of pregnancy, women already have a fairly large belly. The figure looks rounded, since the average weight gain is about seven kilograms. A pregnant woman's belly rises a little higher - about four centimeters higher than the navel. Doctors determine the height of the uterus through regular examinations.

Sometimes a woman may start. They begin with rather unexpected sensations - like mild uterine spasms, which are accompanied by pain. If a woman places her hand on her stomach, you can feel muscle contractions that are still unfamiliar to the body. This is absolutely normal, since these sensations are a preparatory stage that almost every woman goes through before giving birth. Simply, the muscles of the uterus “test” their strength, so to speak, train before the most important process - childbirth. It is possible that in the future such contractions will appear more and more often, moreover, gradually intensifying. However, you should not be afraid of new sensations and, of course, you should not think that these are real prenatal contractions.

If the expectant mother suffered from frequent headaches in the first trimester, now she will forget about this illness.

The thickness of the placenta at 23 weeks is approximately 24.52 mm.

Sometimes during this period a woman experiences edema, as the chemical components of the blood change, causing the body to retain fluid much longer. During the intense heat in the summer, women notice swollen arms and legs at the end of the day. Don’t be upset - visit a doctor who will tell you what you need to do specifically to alleviate your condition. Sometimes pillows help - they should be placed under swollen limbs, lie longer without moving in this position. Avoid salty foods for a while and drink less liquid.

Some expectant mothers suffer from cramps - this is a “normal” frequent occurrence in the evening and night hours. True, sometimes they are so strong that a woman cannot even sleep. Massage will help relieve pain - it must be done, moving from the hips to the ankles, and then to the feet. Don't forget about the contrast shower - it also helps a lot. Swimming in the pool is also a wonderful pastime and helps relieve cramps. Food is also very important. For seizures, doctors advise including foods that contain vitamin E, calcium and magnesium in your diet. But most often, experts advise using vitamin and mineral supplements or complexes designed specifically for pregnant women. You should not treat yourself or resort to traditional medicine - this can negatively affect the baby’s health.

You have been pregnant for 5.5 months already! Remember that we are talking about obstetric months, which, unlike calendar months, consist not of 30-31 days, but of 4 weeks. 5 such whole months have already passed and two more weeks. The next week begins - the 23rd week of pregnancy. How is our baby doing?

Fetus at 23 weeks of gestation

Your baby is “getting smarter” at an enviable speed: from the second to the fifth month of pregnancy, the weight of his brain has increased by more than 10 times! Now he weighs an average of 20-24g and within two weeks he will weigh five times more! For the normal course of these important processes, a sufficient supply of oxygen to the small brain is necessary. Therefore, be sure to take daily walks, especially since now is the most favorable period for this. And eliminate any stress - it can also lead to oxygen starvation of the baby.

The fetus at the 23rd week of pregnancy is already quite developed and formed, although, of course, its preparation for extrauterine life will continue until the very last day. But now the child’s digestive system is fully formed: the stomach, esophagus, liver, pancreas, large and small intestines - everything works. So, the baby swallows amniotic fluid, making up to 60 breathing movements per minute and at the same time training his lungs (by the way, this can cause hiccups in the fetus, so that the mother sometimes feels rhythmic shuddering inside). The liquid enters the esophagus, sugar and water are synthesized from it, the original feces begins to form here (which will also consist of bile), the pancreas produces insulin and does not stop improving.

Brown adipose tissue continues to accumulate under the delicate skin, which is now still quite wrinkled. At the 23rd week of pregnancy, the spleen comes into operation: it not only produces blood cells, but also controls their quality, destroying everything that has not passed the test.

If you recently had an ultrasound, you could already see the sex of the baby if he successfully turned towards the sensor. By this time, the baby’s genitals have already differentiated, the boy has a scrotum, and the girl has ovaries, which store a million-strong supply of eggs for future offspring.

At the 23rd week of pregnancy, your baby weighs about 500 g and has an average height of 29 cm. His nails have already formed, and the lanugo (fluff on the body) is beginning to darken.

Some scientists believe that from this time the baby begins to dream: they detected the appearance of the REM sleep phase in the fetus. The little one spends a lot of time sleeping, but often wakes up - almost every hour, however, not for long.


Fetal movements become more and more pronounced. If earlier you could still doubt whether it was the baby moving or the intestines working, now you can unmistakably recognize signals from the outside and sometimes you can even determine what exactly the baby is doing: he is playing, rolling over, or perhaps hiccupping. The baby’s movements give the mother a lot of joy until he kicks her in the ribs, but what is of little joy is that the peak of his activity occurs in the evening and at night, when the woman is trying to sleep. If the baby is very excited, try to lull him to sleep: sing a lullaby, stroke his tummy.

A growing belly will cause more and more discomfort every week: it is very likely that heartburn will appear. If the problem has already manifested itself, then start looking for your own “cure” for the internal fire. Some people save themselves with seeds, some with milk, and for others, a cube of chocolate helps. Just remember that you can’t extinguish heartburn with soda, and you shouldn’t: it will only intensify the burning sensation and make attacks more frequent.

The older the baby grows, the harder it will be for the mother to breathe. The uterus props up the sternum and puts pressure on the lungs, preventing them from functioning normally. This is not scary, but it is important to learn how to get oxygen for yourself and your little one. Start learning different breathing techniques that will help you in the future during childbirth.

The bladder is also under increasing pressure, so trips to the toilet will become more frequent. To prevent them from interfering with your night's rest, try to limit your fluid intake after 6 pm. But drink enough throughout the day: if you experience swelling, it is not due to drinking. A slight swelling is physiological at such a time, since additional fluid is necessary to nourish the placenta. But if the swelling is too severe, then it is necessary to significantly limit the consumption of salt and salty foods. In any case, pay attention to this and try to avoid excess salt in your food.
Among the new pregnancy companions, you may be surprised by the redness of your hands, but this is also a temporary phenomenon, which is to blame for hormonal fluctuations.

While time still allows, devote it to yourself, your beloved. Moreover, often in the second half of pregnancy, a woman’s skin needs special care: it dries out, can peel off, and overstretch, so do not forget about preventing stretch marks and daily moisturizing the skin.

Maintain hygiene in everything. This is also especially true for the breasts (you may notice colostrum leaking from the nipples) and the mouth (dental health often worsens during this period due to high calcium consumption).


A lack of calcium can cause cramps in the calf muscles, so be sure to take extra calcium or increase the amount of calcium in your diet. Pain associated with weight gain increases. Under the weight of the uterus and fetus, the back, lower back, and tailbone hurt. In addition, as labor approaches, the pelvic bones will soften and move apart more and more, preparing to make way for the baby.

Consider your position and learn to do familiar things in a new way: bending, squatting, sitting, getting out of bed. It was high time to give up heels and also learn new comfortable sleeping positions: sleeping on your back and stomach is now uncomfortable and unsafe.

Abdominal pain is no longer as bad as before: in this trimester it is rarely caused by something dangerous. Most often, the stomach hurts now due to muscle tension, which is especially noticeable with sudden movements and spasms: sneezing, coughing, laughing.

To prevent your tummy from burdening you with its weight, start wearing a prenatal bandage after consulting your doctor about this. Remember to control your posture, distributing the load evenly.

Belly at 23 weeks pregnant

In addition to the characteristic abdominal pain (including cramping, as read below), you can observe some changes in it. In particular, this concerns the darkening of the strip running from the navel to the bottom. The brown line in the middle of the abdomen appears due to increased melanin production. For the same reason, nipple halos on the chest darken, and age spots may appear on the face and body. Don't worry: like many other temporary phenomena, these will disappear soon after childbirth.

The abdomen gradually increases in size, which entails stretching of the skin. This often causes itching and even a rash on the skin - maintain its elasticity with cosmetics. Olive oil works well as a moisturizer.

You should be alerted to pain in the abdominal area only if it intensifies and becomes more pronounced or if it is accompanied by other alarming signs (fever, chills, spotting, fainting, vomiting). Such pain is a reason to immediately consult a doctor. But if you were tormented by a headache, now it will most likely disappear.


At the 23rd week of pregnancy, the uterus rises already at a level of 4 cm above the navel. From this period, she begins to train before childbirth, which you feel with mild cramping pain. They can be isolated or continue over a period of time. But normally such pain is not accompanied by other symptoms. These are Braxton Hicks contractions that may get worse after intercourse. In moments of false contractions, you can lie on your left side so that the uterus calms down.

If they grow and become more frequent (you experience 5 contractions per hour or more), then you need to urgently call a doctor.


In order not to miss any threats and complications of pregnancy, do not neglect routine examinations with a gynecologist and his referrals for an ultrasound scan, one of which can be prescribed at the 23rd week of pregnancy.

An ultrasound examination will show how the baby is developing, determine its size, which should correspond to the gestational age, and evaluate its motor activity, heartbeat and other vital signs. The specialist will also examine the uterus (its size and condition) and the placenta (mainly its location). Do not rush to be upset if, according to the results of an ultrasound, it turns out that the placenta is located too low: up to the 8th month of pregnancy, it can still rise due to the growth and expansion of the uterus.

At this stage, the external genitalia of the fetus are already clearly visible, and if during the ultrasound it unfolds successfully, then it will be possible to determine the sex of the child. However, one should not take the “verdict” as final, because an error always reserves the right to be.


Ultrasound is not the only examination that a pregnant woman is sent for. Throughout the entire period, she has to undergo many different biochemical tests, in particular a general blood and urine test, a test for sugar, blood clotting, hCG and determination of progesterone levels, and others.

Indicators of various markers can warn the gynecologist in advance about the development of undesirable processes in the body of his ward (in particular, exacerbation of genitourinary infections), as well as about possible complications in the development of the fetus. Causes for concern are the presence of protein and salts in the urine of a pregnant woman, elevated sugar levels, low or high levels of hCG, and a lack of progesterone in the woman’s blood.

Glucose testing is of particular importance now because it can indicate an increased risk of excess weight gain in the fetus. If the glucose level is too high, the expectant mother will be put on a diet and, possibly, will be prescribed specific treatment.

The hemoglobin level does not lose its relevance throughout pregnancy. Regular testing allows you to prevent and treat anemia, which is very often observed in pregnant women and is an unfavorable sign.

Remember that a single test cannot be the basis for making any diagnosis. Usually, pathology is indicated by poor results of both urine and blood tests at the same time. But in any case, it is necessary to take a second laboratory test to verify the results. Therefore, never make premature conclusions.

Discharge at 23 weeks of pregnancy

You may need to take a vaginal smear to check for infections. You should ask your doctor about this yourself if you notice suspicious discharge: yellow, greenish, earthy, bloody, white, mucous, lumps, curdled, bubbling, flaky, with a pungent odor. Often during pregnancy, women experience thrush or colpitis, but other infectious diseases are also possible. Some pathogens are capable of infecting the fetus during its passage through the birth canal, others - while still in utero, so treatment must be carried out as early as possible.

Transparent watery discharge at 23 weeks of pregnancy does not require any intervention, but only hygiene, if it does not smell of anything and is not accompanied by symptoms such as itching, burning, swelling and irritation of the genitals, painful urination, and increased body temperature.

Meanwhile, it is important not to confuse normal physiological discharge for this period with leakage of water, which should be a reason to immediately consult a doctor. The easiest way to distinguish one from the other is to use a special pharmacy test for water leakage.

Bloody discharge, which caused fear and fear in the first trimester, is now no longer so scary: in the second trimester, the risk of miscarriage is significantly reduced. And yet, even in the absence of a threat of miscarriage, “spotting” may occur at 23 weeks of pregnancy. This happens, for example, with cervical erosion. Spotting in this case appears after a gynecological examination or sexual intercourse and is not accompanied by signs characteristic of increased uterine tone.


And, nevertheless, you should not refuse sex at 23 weeks of pregnancy if there are no direct contraindications to this. For many women during this period, all senses become more acute, sensitivity and the number of erogenous zones increase, libido increases and sexual desire increases. Therefore, sex during pregnancy can open up new, previously unknown facets of each other for both spouses. Moreover, often the expectation of a common child brings the expectant mother and father much closer together, forcing them to look at each other and the family in a new way, to experience different feelings.

It is very undesirable (or rather, completely prohibited) to change your sexual partner during this period. Life situations, of course, are different, but the vaginal microflora is very sensitive to foreign microorganisms, which can provoke the development of various dangerous infections in a woman.

Doctors have different opinions regarding oral and anal sex. It should be said that many couples practice different types of sex during pregnancy and are very happy about it. The main thing, they say, is to maintain hygiene and caution. Tenderness and accuracy now will not harm, but positions with deep penetration are better left for later.

Doctors recommend abstaining from sexual intercourse if you have had miscarriages in the past or if you are carrying twins. A low location of the placenta may be a contraindication to sexual activity during pregnancy. And, of course, you will have to completely abandon intimacy if pregnancy is in jeopardy.


Recommendations regarding nutrition at 23 weeks of pregnancy remain the same. It is important to ensure that the diet contains fats, carbohydrates and proteins with a predominance of the latter. Fresh vegetables and fruits in season are mandatory guests on the daily table; special preference should be given to the green gifts of nature.

Monitor the intake of calcium in the body, eat foods that increase hemoglobin, minimize salt intake and completely give up food chemicals and harmful delicacies: spicy, smoked, pickled, fried, and so on.

Be sure to drink enough liquid, for which purified living water is best suited. Fruit drinks, fresh juices and unsweetened compotes are also useful during pregnancy. Be extremely careful with herbs.

Speaking of sweets. If you really want to, treat yourself to dried fruits and simple nuts (no salt, sugar, unroasted), and even then carefully. You don't need extra calories now - weight gain should be controlled very strictly. For the same reason, try to minimize your consumption of flour.

Weight at 23 weeks of pregnancy

At week 23, most women already feel increasing weight. Because of this, they may experience some inconvenience: sleep disturbances, headaches, pain in the spine and legs, shortness of breath. Weight gain is inevitable during a normal pregnancy, but there are certain limits beyond which you cannot go, so as not to provoke additional problems now, during the labor period and after childbirth.

Extra pounds promise trouble not only for the mother, but also for the unborn child. Therefore, be sure to carry out regular weigh-ins and try not to go beyond what is permitted. By 23 weeks of pregnancy, you could normally have gained 5-7 extra pounds. If your gain exceeds this figure, consult your doctor about weight correction.
