Pregnant singer Alsu showed a family photo. Pregnant singer Alsou showed a family photo Alsou is pregnant with her third child

Published on 24.04.16 13:13

Alsou is pregnant for the third time: according to the artist, she is in her fourth month.

Alsou is pregnant with her third child in 2016: the singer told NTV reporters about this

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The famous singer Alsu said that she was expecting a third child. According to her, she is now in her fourth month of pregnancy, which means that the birth of the baby is likely to occur in September.

“I didn’t think anything through, everything turned out as usual,” she admitted in an interview with the program “You Won’t Believe It” on NTV.

Gender of baby so far intkbbee unknown, but the artist hopes that it will be a son.

"You won't believe" NTV channel: Alsu confirmed that she is in an interesting position VIDEO

Despite the short period, Alsou has already begun preparing for childbirth:

“This year I just started playing sports. I do Pilates, fitness. I try to eat harmless food whenever possible,” she said.

Where exactly the baby will be born, the singer has not yet decided. It is known that her eldest daughter was born in the United States, and the youngest - in Israel. On the air of the program, it was not ruled out that Alsou could give birth to a third baby in London, where she has an apartment.

Alsou is married to businessman Yan Abramov.

Alsou finally confirmed the rumors about her third pregnancy. Fans' suspicions were justified.

For a couple of weeks now, all the media have been discussing a possible change in the position of the 32-year-old brunette, Russian-Tatar singer Alsou. Moreover, if at first the news was presented with a question mark at the end of the sentence, then last week journalists and fans were almost sure of.

The reason was a sudden change in the singer's clothing style - the owner of a beautiful figure, Alsou always preferred tight-fitting outfits, but for some time now her dresses have become looser, voluminous sweaters and colorful prints on blouses have appeared. And during the last social event, where Alsou appeared with her husband and children, a growing tummy was already visible with might and main under a black dress with a sheath cut. All this time, journalists unsuccessfully tried to get confirmation from the singer herself or from her manager, but they kept a staunch silence, neither confirming nor denying the rumors.

However, the other day, Alsu put an end to the rumors, confessing the obvious fact to the journalists of the NTV channel program “You Won't Believe It”. The singer said that she and her husband did not plan this pregnancy - it just happened, but both are immensely happy. The baby should be born in mid-September, if the doctors' calculations are correct, that is, Aslu is now about the fourth month. Already, a responsible mother, actively preparing for a healthy pregnancy, has changed her diet, now she eats only healthy food, almost stopped wearing high-heeled shoes and took up Pilates, and earlier, according to the singer, she did not go in for sports. At the same time, Alsu still preferred to keep some intrigue - she did not say the gender of the unborn child, but she probably already knows and where she plans to give birth to a baby.

Recall that the 23-year-old beauty Alsu Safina, already a famous singer, married a very successful businessman Yan Abramov in March 2006. Their wedding was long remembered for its scope - the marriage certificate was presented to the young by the then mayor of Moscow Luzhkov, among the gifts were country dachas, an apartment in Moscow, a brand new Bentley, etc. As it turned out, by that time Alsou was already expecting a baby, and on September 27, 2006, in an American private clinic, she gave birth to her first child, a girl named Safina. In the spring of 2008, Alsu gave birth to her second daughter, Mikella, in a clinic in Tel Aviv.

In the comments on Instagram photos, omniscient followers claim that this time there will be a boy. At least that's what they wish for their favorite artist.

On July 8, Russia celebrated the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. In honor of the holiday, the singer Alsu posted on Instagram a photo with her husband Yan Abramov and daughters Mikella and Safina, and also congratulated her fans and wished them family happiness.

“I congratulate everyone, everyone, everyone on a very bright holiday - the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. #Family is the most important and most precious thing we have in life. It is the source of our strength, warmth of the soul, respect. A wonderful feeling is born in it, without which it is impossible to imagine your life - #love. In it, we learn the importance and significance of the word #fidelity. From the bottom of my heart I wish your families peace, kindness, prosperity and carry my love through all the hardships, difficulties and trials. For couples - to live in harmony and take care of each other, for lovers - to come to an important decision and start a family, and for those who have not yet found their soul mate - be sure to meet a person to whom you can open your heart and with whom you will be ready to go hand in hand through life, ”the star addressed the subscribers (Spelling and punctuation more. — Note. ed.).


On June 27, Alsou celebrated her 33rd birthday. Fans still cannot believe that the singer is already in her fourth decade: the star does not change at all over the years and looks like a young girl.

The star will receive her most important and long-awaited gift with a little delay - very soon Alsou will become a mother for the third time. The celebrity hid her position for a long time, but in one of the programs on the NTV channel, the performer confirmed that she was expecting a baby.

Alsou and Yan Abramov

Today, congratulations on the birth of a child are accepted not only, but also: the 33-year-old singer gave birth to a long-awaited son and became a mother three times! The good news was announced by a friend of the star Andrei Tsvetkov, who posted the following message on his Instagram page:

Congratulations on the birth of your third child and first son!!! I am very happy for you and your husband, to whom I also convey my congratulations !! May you be happy and healthy. And so that he absorbed all the best qualities of his parents !! Hurray (author's spelling and punctuation preserved - ed.),

Tsvetkov wrote.

Alsou gave birth in the prestigious Ichilov clinic, located in the center of Tel Aviv. In the same medical center, eight years ago, the singer gave birth to her youngest daughter. By the way, daughters, 9-year-old Safina and 8-year-old Mikella, and husband Yan Abramov, along with Alsou to support her.

Recall that the actress became known in the spring, when journalists noticed the rounded forms of the singer. Alsou carefully concealed her interesting position for a long time and practically ceased to go out.

SPLETNIK.RU joins the congratulations and wish health to mom and baby!

I don't believe in a child.
Here on all psychological sites they write: the main thing is faith in the child, support from parents.
Excellent, gentlemen psychologists.
And if there is no faith in the child? Well, you don't believe in him.
Always stupid children, children with SR, unteachable - they are somewhere out there, far away, in other families.
And you're talking about faith like that.

What if you have? If you yourself have an unteachable degrading child?
Whereas? Chanting "We believe in ourselves!" like in the finale of the movie "Requiem for a Dream"?
Spit and not do at all?
So the public is pushing.
- Ah, he will go to a school for fools (and he belongs there anyway,
because he is a fool)!
- Oh, you yourself are ruining your child.
- But with Tanya-Kolya-Petya they are engaged, and they have progress, but you do not study, and Vasya loses his skills.

And how to deal with it? How to force yourself? How to force it, Egyptian power?
So he sat down to study - and the province went for a walk:
You give him a finger in a book, and he plays cars with his other hand.
You remove the cars - it just spins.
You try to read a book - at every word he interrupts and carries some kind of heresy.
And yelling, yelling, yelling, spitting (sorry) on your clothes, poking a finger in your eyes, throwing things...

Sometimes I want to talk about my problem.
But who will you talk to?
With husband? He himself is horrified.
With parents? They won't listen, they'll say, "It's my own fault," or, "I don't have the nerve for all these things."
It's good when you can just say "I don't have enough nerves" and go home (hang up the phone, log out of Skype...).
And you can't afford that luxury. You have to spend the rest of your life with this child.
Every day, day after day. Is always. You're on life, darling.

And you're always to blame, no matter what you do.
Do you give pills? - poorly. Don't you? - worse.
Doing - breaking down - yelling? It’s bad, you can’t yell, it loosens the already pampered system of the child,
that jumps on your head while you lie half dead.
Are you not busy? It’s bad - the child doesn’t shine even now, but it will grow even more trenchant.
I went for a walk with him on the street, does he beat passers-by there? Too bad, take him home.
Are you at home with him? Too bad, the kid needs to move.
In short, from all sides bad, whatever one may say. For others, it is bad, but for oneself it is the embodiment of evil on earth.

You can go to the forum - there you will grab so much abuse that it lasts an average of six months.

Phew, I spoke up.
Let's chat, shall we?
Tell us about your difficulties with children and how you overcame them. Or not overcome.
If you really want to run with slippers - well, run, now what to do with you ...


Marquise no angels

Remember how, as children, we clung to the TV screen when our favorite film, The Three Musketeers, was on there. As we admired the fearless trio of musketeers, we sang along with the young d. Artagnan "It's time, time, we will rejoice in our lifetime." And how unpleasant we were the cunning Cardinal Richelieu, Rochefort and the most negative hero of the novel - Milady. She - the Countess de La Fère, Lady Winter - constantly pursued our heroes, created intrigues and brought death with her. But at the same time, some force attracted to this woman branded with a lily flower, her strength and cunning also deserved admiration ....

Terekhova - Milady



Hello girls. Today I lost my wedding ring while I was eating meat, I decided to take it off and put it on a hundred, and forgot to put it on. After that, the table was wiped many times and still there is no ring of mine! Already searched everything, every corner. Now what to do with the husband's ring? Should I keep it the same or put it off for now? We are not painted, just started wearing since 2017. We were going to sign next summer.


Marianna Tarasova

Girls, please support.

I live with my husband and 4 year old child. Relatively recently I went to work, I'm just getting used to it and life is getting better. But it got worse with her husband. He stopped funding me completely. He doesn't even give me food or travel. He looks for something in my things, looks at the contents of my bag, pockets, reads the messenger on the phone, reads the browser history. She put on the wrong thing, put the plate in the wrong place, etc. She reproaches me with new clothes. It became very hard. No hello, no answer. He goes to his parents, communicates with relatives, and I'm all at work or alone with the child on weekends.

The topic of divorce has been around for a long time. But I was not ready to move out to rented accommodation with a child. Once he changed the locks in my apartment in my absence. The child was 6 months old. I stood for 5 hours with a child in my arms at the entrance (((then my parents did not support me, there was simply nowhere to go, there was no one to leave the child ... Then, apparently, he took pity, let him in. Live. There were a lot of things. But I didn’t dare to leave. It sucked like a swamp It seems that I will not arrange my life, I will not earn money for housing.

Support with a positive experience. I am depressed and desperate.

