Big dog in a small apartment. Review of the best dog breeds for apartments

A small dog is a faithful friend and companion for children and adults, and in a city apartment it is easier for a small pet to arrange a home and provide decent care and maintenance.

City apartments rarely boast of an excess of free space, so the inhabitants of such dwellings prefer to have small breed dogs.

Among small domestic dog breeds, there are 3 main groups:

  1. Small dogs. The height at the withers of the animal is less than 45 cm, weight – up to 10-11 kg.
  2. Dwarf breeds. Their height is up to 35 cm, weight 2-5 kg.
  3. Toi. These are miniature dogs, their height at the withers is no more than 28 cm, and their weight is up to 3 kg.

Features of temperament

Small dogs are distinguished by their cute appearance, they are extremely attached to their family members, as a rule, they love children and require attention. But it is necessary to train domestic dogs of any size.

Most small dogs are mischievous, have a cheerful disposition and like to play around a little, so they need some behavior correction.

And we certainly shouldn’t forget that even miniature dogs can exhibit aggressive character traits. The closest relatives of “toy” toys are terriers.

This breed is highly self-sufficient and cannot boast of being overly flexible. So the body of a small dog often contains the iron character of its older and larger brothers.

Features of care and maintenance

On the one hand, the small size of a dog is its advantage in a small apartment, but on the other hand, there is a danger of accidental injury. Small dogs have this peculiarity: due to their excessive attachment to their owners, they strive to keep up with them everywhere and often get under their feet.

If a person is not agile enough, he may accidentally step on his pet, crushing its paw. Cases of more severe traumatic brain injuries in small dogs are also common.

Therefore, owners of decorative breeds should be more careful in everyday life and raise their children correctly so as not to injure their pet.

Particular attention should be paid to feeding the dog. Small breeds require energy-intensive food rich in microelements, vitamins and amino acids. An adult dog needs to be fed 2-3 times a day, being careful not to overload its diet or overfeed the animal. Dog food should not only be healthy, but also easy to digest.

Owners of small dogs strive to accustom their pet to the tray; it is both convenient and hygienic. However, you also need to walk with her, preferably at least 2-3 times a day. In the city, walking dogs is often problematic - not everywhere there are parks, squares or specially designated places, but a small dog can frolic to its heart's content even in a small yard.

Any dog ​​needs vaccinations, and a small domestic dog is no exception.

It is necessary to visit a veterinarian regularly and carefully monitor your pet's health. After all, domestic dogs are more susceptible to infections and various ailments.

Most popular breeds

Yorkshire Terrier

Despite her miniature size, this funny baby has the courage and tirelessness of a giant. On the street you can provoke a scandal if you meet a large breed dog. Perfectly suited for a small apartment: an adult reaches 22 cm at the withers and weighs 2-3 kg.

Little Yorkies are distinguished by their affection for their owners. They follow them everywhere, love outdoor games, very sensitively feel the mood of the owner and try to adapt to him.

  • They love children, although sometimes kids can squeeze the dog too tightly, which in its dimensions is more reminiscent of a cat.

Cheerful and intelligent, these dogs become a loyal friend, but if left at home for a long time on their own, Yorkies become sad and suffer. This is a long-haired dog breed that people prone to allergies can afford. Its coat does not have an undercoat, so it does not fall out, but needs regular brushing.


This is the smallest breed in the world, originally from distant Mexico. The dog's height does not exceed 23 cm, weight ranges from 1 to 3 kg, simply ideal parameters for a small apartment.

This is an energetic and cheerful dog, very attached to its owner and remaining faithful to him until the end of its days, but it is extremely difficult to get used to a new environment. easily senses a person’s mood and strives to help him. There is a version that ancient monks used these cute dogs as a heating pad.

They need early training; it is almost impossible to retrain an adult dog of 2-3 years old. It is better to get dogs of this breed if there are no children under 6-7 years old. A Chihuahua cannot sit at home alone for a long time - it begins to get bored and mischievous.

The dog is extremely sensitive to cold, so in winter it needs to be well dressed for a walk, or postpone the event until warm days: in summer it enjoys frolicking and running around in nature.

Shih Tzu

Another small dog comes from the East. Dogs of this breed are distinguished by endurance and tirelessness. This is a faithful friend who loves children and adults equally, and a cheerful mischief-maker who loves to play outside or lie on the sofa at home.

Dogs of this breed can sit on a person’s lap for hours, and endure long absences from their owner with great difficulty.

The Shih Tzu breed is a luxurious dog with long, beautiful hair that requires careful and daily care. An adult dog weighs 4.5-8 kg, its height at the withers is 25-27 cm. He likes to walk a lot and run outside. He easily finds contact with other animals and has a proud and at the same time sociable character.


The pug is an oriental breed, the homeland of these dogs is China. Distinguished by its balanced disposition and exceptional devotion to its owner, aggressive and cowardly dogs are practically never found among pugs. Adult dogs reach 30-36 cm at the withers, weight – 10-11 kg.

This little dog with a funny face and wise eyes was brought to Europe by Dutch sailors. In the Middle Ages, pugs were kept only in noble houses, and after a faithful dog saved the life of his owner - King William the Quiet of Holland - the life of pugs, pugs became the official breed of the House of Orange.

In our country, this breed appeared relatively recently - in the 80s of the last century. Small dogs love children very much - playing with them and walking outside, they are easy to train, but they tend to be overweight and have a rather sensitive digestive tract.

This unpretentious dog, which looks like a soft toy, is a true hunter at heart. The breed was originally bred to exterminate small rodent pests, and even a domestic dog can surprise its owner by bringing him a bird or mouse caught on the street. An adult dog weighs up to 3 kg, its height at the withers reaches 19-28 cm.

The Russian Toy Terrier has a cheerful disposition and loves communication and active games. A very smart and intelligent dog, he adores his family members and is ready to rush to defense at any moment, striking the enemy with a loud bark and expression. To prevent him from growing up aggressive, he needs to be trained.

He may not get along with very young children, but he easily finds a common language with school-age children.


A proud, intelligent and strong dog is a true Chinese fighter and brave man. This is a little friend and guard, well suited for an apartment and gets along easily with older people.

Does not require long walks on the street, does not impose his communication at home if he feels that the owner is not in the mood for him right now. But this is an owner, he can become jealous of the owner even of a small child.

They do not attract excessive attention to themselves, but they are very sensitive to their own person in terms of respect - they even demand it from children. They will not allow themselves to be squeezed like a soft toy. Adult dogs weigh from 3.2 to 5.4 kg, their height is 15-23 cm.

The sharp, slightly fox-like muzzle and fluffy coat of these dogs are reminiscent of forest animals. This German breed is perfectly suited for an apartment, its dimensions are 18-22 cm, weight 1.4-3.5 kg.

The dog's character is wary and a little suspicious, but it is a true protector and friend. He loves children - he can play happily and be mischievous with them at home or on the street, but with adults he prefers to behave with restraint and with great dignity.

These are amazingly smart dogs and real home psychologists. A breed that loves children and is easy to train. They highly value praise, but if the meaning of the command they receive is not clear to them, they may refuse to carry it out. They are practically devoid of aggression, but at the same time they are able to rush to defense in case of danger.

The breed is endowed with a striking appearance, they have a beautiful coat that requires care. An adult weighs up to 8 kg, its height is 28-38 cm. Sometimes among the dogs of this breed there are “daffodils” who get used to everyone’s admiration and adoration.


Whatever small dog a person chooses to keep in his apartment, it should be understood that now a family member has appeared in his house who needs love, attention and affection.

Anyone who says you can't buy happiness has never bought a puppy.
Wilfred Lampton

Every child has said this phrase at least once in his life: “Mom, let’s get a dog.” At that wonderful time, we did not think about such things as, for example, whether we could provide the necessary conditions for the pet or whether we were able to properly care for it. We just wanted to get a dog and that's it.

Now choosing a four-legged friend for us is a very important step that needs to be thought through. It’s not for nothing that they say that “a dog is like a child.” When choosing a pet, you must know for sure that you will be able to make his life happy and joyful. Let's determine which dogs will be comfortable living in an apartment.

Pug and Pekingese

The advantage of these breeds is their compactness: the maximum height of pugs and Pekingese is only 30 centimeters. The space of a two-room apartment is more than enough for these pets.

Pugs They often captivate us with their touching appearance: even when they are puppies, they look so cute that it is simply impossible to pass them by.

  • Pugs have a very hard time withstanding heat and can cause breathing problems. It is not advisable to give your pug long walks in hot weather, and ideally, during the warm season, take your dog to the vet as often as possible.
  • Most pugs (although, of course, there are exceptions) are sedentary. These pets prefer sleeping in a warm place to active recreation and love to sit on their arms. So, if you have a child, it is unlikely that he will be delighted with the “sleeping beauty”.

Pekingese. Although Pekingese are ideal for apartment living, not all people will be able to coexist with a Pekingese in the same space.

First of all, Pekingese snore - very loudly and very humanly. And secondly, Pekingese are very proud dogs (their pride can be compared to a cat’s) and they come to you only when they want to be petted. At any other time, all your attempts to understand them will be met by Pekingese (especially males) without much enthusiasm.

Pekingese get along quite easily with other dog breeds, and some individuals even get along well with cats.

They are very big beggars: no matter what you eat, their cute faces will always beg for something to eat. In this case you need to be very careful. Remember that they are not allowed sweets (only special treats for Pekingese).


Friendly and affectionate small dogs, they get along well with children.

Beagles are very smart and easy to train, curious and active - they will be good companions for you on hikes and travels, you can safely take them with you to the dacha.

The Beagle, as I already mentioned, is a very active dog, the ideal place for it is a private home, where it can walk on its own. But if you are sure that you can provide her with enough walks and freedom in the apartment, feel free to get yourself this four-legged friend.


Maltese dogs are decorative dogs, quite small (from 20 to 25 centimeters). Ideal for “apartment life”. Maltese dogs require constant care: their long fur must be constantly combed to avoid tangles.


This miniature pet is very attached to its owner. But you shouldn’t equate a Chihuahua with a kitten and hope that these dogs will go to the litter box - you need to walk a Chihuahua three to four times a day, just like with any dog.

Miniature Pinscher

Cheerful, active, eternal puppies (their height is from 25 to 30 centimeters) - this is how you can describe miniature pinschers. They are very smart pets, easy to train and do not like to sit idle.


The dachshund is primarily a hunting dog. Like its ancestors, the hound dogs, it is smart, fast, has a sensitive sense of smell and immediate reactions. Dachshunds are quite willful and independent, you should not forget about this if you want to have a dachshund as a pet.

We are accustomed to short-haired dachshunds, but besides them there are also long-haired and wire-haired dachshunds.

Miniature Poodle

A miniature representative of the familiar poodle. The owners note their incredible intelligence. Miniature poodles often perform at circus shows; they are real artists. Friendly and easy to train.


Anna Bogush/

Mongrels are the most unpretentious dogs in food, the most adapted to life. They have stronger health compared to purebred dogs. Perhaps, due to its large size, it is not very easy to keep a mongrel in an apartment, but think, maybe it is your caring hands that the mongrel puppy who now lives in your yard needs.

Getting a dog is a very responsible decision, and you need to think not only about having fun with your pet. Weigh everything rationally and think about whether you can really provide conditions suitable for your pet? Remember that when you get a dog, you become responsible for your whole life.

When planning to get a dog, most future owners hope to find a loyal, cheerful pet, and not a reliable guard. When choosing a puppy, it is important to pay attention to the character, and only then – to its characteristics.

Before you go looking for a new pet, you should determine what you want it to be like: affectionate, tame, bursting with energy, or a phlegmatic sleepyhead.

Those who love an active lifestyle, long walks, and frequent trips out of town will find an ideal companion in a pet of an active breed. These are pinschers, schnauzers of all sizes, beagles, retrievers, border collies, setters, fox terriers, any terriers without the admixture of pickling breeds.

If you need an active pet, then you must understand: he will need regular, long walks. Left without proper care and attention, he will be forced to look for something to do on his own, so he may chew furniture or ruin things.

Corgis, English, French bulldogs, Mastino, Pugs, Chow Chows, Chinese Crested, Pekingese have emotional stability and a stable psyche. For a comfortable existence, they do not require a lot of space; they can be kept even in a one-room apartment. They will be happy to go with their owner on leisurely walks, and when they come home, they will sleep for half a day.

Hunting breeds of medium or small size are for those who want a pet with which they can spend some of their time actively, but cannot constantly be in the company of an animal gushing with energy. Such dogs need about 2-3 hours of daily walks, where they can spend the energy accumulated during the day in order to behave calmer the rest of the time.

These are terriers (Airedale, Fox, Toy, Jack Russell, York), spaniels, dachshunds. If it is possible to take your pet to a place where it can receive the necessary exercise (for example, special areas), then you can opt for a poodle or a Labrador. It is easier for a person without experience to cope with them, since they do not try to dominate, are easy to train, do not spoil things, behave calmly in the apartment (provided that they are raised properly and are given enough walks), and get along well with children.

If you want a pet that will appear only when you want to play with it, and the rest of the time it will behave unnoticed and will not require walks or attention, then you should abandon the idea of ​​getting a dog.

It would not be very reasonable to give a dog to a small child, expecting that most of the care for her will be on the baby. Children will not be able to cope with regular walks, washing, and feeding the animal, even if they confidently promise that they will try. Basically, you will have to do this work.

Peculiarities of behavior of females and males

It is really difficult to notice the difference in the behavior of babies; by the age of 6 months, their character is formed, and the differences between females and males are noticeable.

Male or female - there is not much difference, since it depends on the preferences of the future owners.

One can only note that the male is easier to educate and quickly learns norms of behavior. However, a male dog can instantly forget all this if he notices a female dog in heat - even the most obedient dog can begin to behave aggressively, fight for the female, succumb to instinct, not paying attention to the owner’s commands.

In bitches, a riot of hormones occurs only at certain times, about twice a year, but they are by nature more cunning and prefer to act gradually, gradually trying to expand the boundaries of what is permitted.

The owner of both a large and a small breed can encounter problems with the behavior of their pet on the street: a large one can break off the leash and run away, and a small one can gather other dogs around itself and its owner with loud barking and cocky behavior.

To avoid problems with the behavior of an adult, you can castrate your pet before puberty. Aggression will disappear, he will be more amenable to training, will not get into fights with other dogs, and will be less likely to try to escape.

Other arguments in favor of this procedure are that a neutered dog gets sick less often and does not mark the apartment. A sterilized female has a lower risk of developing diseases caused by unsatisfied sexual instinct.

If you are not ready to sterilize your animal, then be prepared for these problems.

Pet for a child

If there is a child in the family, you need to choose a breed that gets along well with children.

The ideal solution would be an active, friendly and sociable dog with no tendency towards aggression. She must have a stable psyche and not strive to suppress the owner.

Experienced dog breeders usually recommend terriers, Dalmatians, Labradors, poodles, medium and small schnauzers, shelties, beagles and lapdogs. This list only indicates the direction of the search - in any case, you should take a puppy into a home with a child only from a good nursery, making sure that its parents have a stable psyche. It is important to pay attention to the puppy, raise it based on the advice of the breeder or dog handler.

If all these requirements are met, a dog of any breed will be able to get along with a child and not cause him harm. An animal with a calm temperament - Pekingese, pug, chow-chow, chin - is unlikely to please the child, since it will not be able to actively participate in games with him.

The dog may develop parental feelings towards very young children. Moreover, she will manifest them the way she knows how. The bitch may begin to lick the child, but the male will protect him from strangers, and this is fraught with aggression on his part.

A dog may try to train a child in the same way as it teaches its children - by biting the baby’s hand or neck if he is naughty. And although they most often do this easily and carefully, the risk of injury still remains, and parents are unlikely to react calmly in such a situation. If you don’t know how to cope with it at such moments, it is better to postpone purchasing a pet until the baby is 3–5 years old.

Dog breeds for an apartment with other animals

Owners of small animals (hamsters, rats, mice) and birds should not take a hunting breed into their apartment - it will show its instincts and try to catch prey.

All schnauzers, bull terriers, bulldogs, and shepherd dogs do not get along well with cats and can show aggression towards them.

In general, regardless of the chosen breed, an animal taken into a house where cats live must be raised correctly. The calmest dog in relation to cats - chin, lapdog, Pekingese - can become aggressive if mistakes are made when raising it.


Dogs that don't damage furniture

There is no breed that will behave perfectly, not chew furniture and not dirty things. However, with proper upbringing, an animal of any breed will become like this.

The main thing to know is that the more active a dog is, the more often it will feel the need to throw out its energy. If you walk her regularly, so that she has time to play and run around outside the house, then she will behave well at home.

And if you ignore these needs, then the dog (the most well-mannered) will solve problems in a way that is accessible to her - games in the apartment, which can result in damage to the environment, noise and disorder.

This is one of the reasons why families with children are advised to adopt a dog with average activity. Of course, a child will be more pleased with a puppy that is tireless and ready to play. However, an overly energetic dog constantly needs attention; it will distract the baby from studying and require frequent walks, during which it does not always behave obediently. Therefore, when choosing a dog, follow the advice of the breeder - he knows how active each specific puppy is and will recommend the right one.

Dog hair in the apartment

In order for your dog to leave as little hair as possible around the apartment, you need to properly care for it: provide it with a balanced diet and brush it regularly.

Dealing with the seemingly invisible, thin hairs of a pug, beagle or dachshund is more difficult than removing the undercoat from the sofa. When choosing a dog with coarse hair, you need to know that they require special care - trimming. During this procedure, the hair is not combed out, but plucked. Learn not to hurt or hurt your dog.

If you do not want to constantly clean, huskies, Central Asian or Caucasian shepherd dogs and huskies are not suitable for you, since they shed almost constantly, and the hair itself is very noticeable and there is a lot of it.

Caring for small dogs is much easier. It is easier and faster to wash them and comb their fur, but for this you need to accustom them to such procedures from an early age.

Yorkies, Chinese Powder Cresteds, Bichons and Poodles hardly shed if they are healthy and receive proper nutrition.

For an apartment where there is a child who is susceptible to frequent respiratory diseases, it is worth choosing a short-haired, hairless or smooth-haired breed.

There are breeds that can conditionally be kept in an apartment, but in fact they suffer in conditions of limited space. They require long walks, outdoor games, and coursing. Such dogs can have a wonderful character if they live in a private home. In the apartment they behave poorly - they are deprived of the opportunity to satisfy their needs.

Greyhounds, service dogs and dogs with a mixture of pickling breeds require the owner to have experience in handling these species or serious training.

Keeping service breed dogs also has its own nuances. Shepherd dogs, black terriers and Dobermans need regular exercise; only under such conditions can they be kept in an apartment. Otherwise, instincts may take precedence over education, and behavior cannot be called acceptable: the dog will constantly bark, behave aggressively with strangers, and try to seize power.

Fighting breeds (pit bull puppies, Rottweiler, Staffordshire Terrier and others) will cause the most problems for the owner. The complex psyche and special character of these dogs must be corrected by strict education.

Checking yourself for readiness for a dog

Try to answer these questions honestly:

  1. Will you react calmly if you see that the puppy has ruined something: chewed off a shoe or a chair leg, went to the toilet in the wrong place, torn wallpaper or carpet?
  2. Are you ready to give up your usual way of life, change something in your daily routine or in your home environment so that your dog does not suffer?
  3. You can always cope with laziness; neither bad weather, nor an interesting movie, nor an invitation to visit will prevent you from walking your dog on time?
  4. Will you be able to find money if your pet suddenly gets sick and needs to be taken to the vet?
  5. If you need to leave, will you be able to find someone reliable to look after your dog?
  6. Are you ready to defend yourself and your pet if you are surrounded by a pack of stray dogs on the street?
  7. Do you have money to provide food for your pet?
  8. Do you know how to react and act correctly if a dog suddenly gets out of control and bites someone?
  9. Are you ready to spend money on a consultation with a dog handler and classes if the puppy’s character turns out to be complex and problems arise with his behavior?
  10. Under no circumstances, problems or changes in life will you leave your dog on the street?

If you are sure that everything will work out, then you should visit a good nursery, where an experienced breeder will advise you in more detail, tell you about all the intricacies of keeping a dog and select a puppy.

Pug for owners

This small animal is suitable for keeping in a metropolis. We can recommend taking a closer look at the puppies for those who have not yet decided what kind of dog to have in their apartment.

Advice from a professional trainer will help you raise a very intelligent dog from a cute baby. Pugs do not need active long walks, but they need to be given feasible physical activity. In general, these dogs do not have any particular health problems. But most representatives of this breed are prone to obesity. It is important not to overfeed them.

Chinese Shar Pei

These sociable animals quickly adapt to their living conditions. In general, Chinese Shar-Peis are very intelligent animals with an independent disposition.

These dogs are very loyal to their owner and distrustful of strangers. They need early socialization and serious training. Otherwise, Chinese Shar-Peis may become aggressive towards other dogs.

Miniature Schnauzer in the apartment

Representatives of this small breed have a fairly energetic and playful disposition. They can be recommended to active people who are thinking about what kind of dog to get in a city apartment.

Smart Schnauzers are easy to train and do not cause much trouble for their owner. But, despite all their natural intelligence and desire to please the owner, they can show independence and stubbornness. These animals need regular training and sufficient physical activity.

Miniature Schnauzers are distrustful of strangers and sometimes show aggression towards other dogs. Therefore, it is advisable to start socializing them as early as possible. Thanks to proper and consistent training, these beautiful compact dogs can become not only excellent companions, but also reliable protectors.

5 (100%) 8 votes

You can’t imagine life without our little brothers and would like to have a four-legged friend? One thing confuses me: do you live in a city apartment? The question arises: what dogs can be kept in limited square meters? Some dogs are suitable for an apartment, others will not be comfortable. We bring to your attention the TOP 10 “Dogs for an apartment - the best breeds” to make it easier for you to decide on the choice of a pet.

How to create comfortable conditions for a pet in urban housing?

So, you intend to lead to, and your decision cannot be appealed. Well, it’s quite possible to get along with dogs in an apartment, but it’s better to choose a breed that will optimally fit into your living conditions. Living in an urban environment involves certain nuances that dog owners face. Firstly, this is a limited space: an active dog will be cramped within four walls. Some breeds need to exercise a lot, and the downside of an apartment is that you can’t really roam around there.

Second point: audibility in apartment buildings is very good. Sometimes pets cause inconvenience to neighbors, especially if the owners are away from home all day. Imagine what it’s like to listen to loud barking or whining sounds for days on end? And an animal, being constantly in a confined space, may feel uncomfortable. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the character of the dog.

And thirdly, think about whether you can keep the house clean and take care of the dog? Smooth-haired breeds cause little trouble, but dogs with fluffy and long coats leave a lot of hair everywhere. If you are not ready to give up snow-white carpets, it is better to opt for clean dogs with short hair. For many, the specific smell of animals becomes an obstacle. There is only one piece of advice: no matter what the breed, proper care and basic hygiene will get rid of the unpleasant odor.

A special place is occupied by families with small children. It is important that the child and the pet can become friends. In general, keeping a dog in an apartment has not only disadvantages, but also advantages. The animal gets a wonderful socialization experience. By constantly being in contact not only with family members, but also with numerous neighbors, the dog learns to communicate and make friends.

The main advice: focus on how the dog’s character and needs will fit into your habits and rhythm of life. How often you are at home and how much time you can walk outside will determine what kind of dog you should have in your apartment. And we will help you choose the perfect pet!

Ten best breeds for apartments

Animal lovers constantly argue about which dog is best to have in an apartment. We will not challenge anyone's tastes. But the experience of owners and breeders shows that there are certain breeds dogs for apartment, which are best suited for urban living. We have compiled a list of 10 breeds that can be kept in an apartment without any problems.

Large breeds

Some people think that large dog breeds are not suitable for apartments. We will open our TOP 10 list with representatives of the heavy weight category. You will see that both are excellent companions, and you can successfully get them for keeping in an apartment. What are the pros and cons of living with a large pet - find out further!


Our 10 noble Labradors open. Despite their impressive size, dogs of this breed are wonderful companions. Labradors are ideal for families with small children. The photo shows a wonderful example of friendship between a Labrador and a child. These are calm and good-natured pets, however, if the household is in danger, the Labrador is ready to immediately defend itself.

If you love large dogs, but are not ready to take long walks every day, then choose a Labrador. It will be enough to walk with him a couple of times a day for half an hour. In addition, this dog knows its place in the house, is incredibly obedient and loves to be in big company. In short, there are only advantages to living in the same apartment with a Labrador.


Keeping a boxer in the house is like having a small, restless child. Dogs of this breed are very active, playful and inquisitive. However, it is quite possible to get along with them on a small amount of square meters. These unpretentious animals easily adapt to apartment conditions.

But don’t forget that a boxer is a dog, you need to walk with her a lot. But representatives of this breed are wonderful companions for jogging or active games in the fresh air.


At first glance, these dogs look intimidating. Indeed, Dobermans are the best guards for the home and owner. But once you get to know them better, you will understand that these dogs are very intelligent and smart. They will not attack people without reason, so a Doberman can be chosen for a city apartment. About the secrets of education (author ONT TV channel).

What’s also interesting is that a Doberman can be a guide for its owner, so it can navigate well even in a metropolis. The disadvantages of this breed are that they are not suitable for those who have young children at home. However, they get along well with older children. These dogs are unpretentious to keep, do not take up much space and do not cause problems with shedding hair.

Medium breeds

Medium-sized four-legged animals are most popular among urban residents. Our TOP 10 list includes those breeds that are best adapted to the big city.


The poodle is one of those dogs that can and even should be kept in an apartment. This breed is quite thermophilic and is afraid of drafts and damp weather. However, the apartment resident needs to be walked frequently so that the dog can run actively and sharpen its claws.

Poodles make excellent companions for older adults. They love sedate walks, are not noisy, and are intelligent. The disadvantages of keeping a poodle in an apartment are its long, curly hair. This problem can be partially solved by a neat haircut (as in the photo) and anti-shedding vitamins.

English cocker spaniel

Spaniels are an ideal company for active recreation. Previously, this breed accompanied its owners on hunts, but now spaniels often live in city apartments. The small size of the dog and its unpretentiousness in conditions are a strong argument for choosing a cocker spaniel as your companion.

Representatives of this breed are distinguished by an extremely cheerful and perky character; they are very devoted to their owner and do not hesitate to express their love. Spaniels often exhibit their hunting habits on walks, so be prepared to run a lot. Walks with such a pet should be quite active so that the dog gets good physical activity.

English bulldog

If the advantages of an active lifestyle do not appeal to you, then meet another member of our top 10,. These dogs are real homebodies. However, the disadvantages of an inactive life are reflected in the health of the pet: bulldogs are often obese. So special attention should be paid to creating the right diet.

Small breeds

It cannot be said that these breeds are very small, but they are far from medium size: the weight of an adult dog can reach 5-7 kg, and the height at the withers can be up to 30 cm. Those who value miniature in animals often choose these breeds .


These dogs are very cute and funny. Incredibly loyal to their owner, they quickly adopt your habits and lifestyle. Do you like to walk in the morning? Bring your pug with you. If you prefer quiet family evenings, your pet will keep you company here too.

Pomeranian Spitz

Little fluffy Spitz dogs that look like bear cubs and foxes look simply adorable! This breed has a calm and friendly character. What’s remarkable is that even if you stay at home all day, your Spitz will behave diligently. This is simply an example of good parenting.

Toy Terrier

If caring for your pet's fur seems like a difficult task, pay attention to smooth-haired babies. Look at the photo: it really looks like a toy. But keep in mind: these pets require a lot of fiddling and a lot of attention. Toy terriers do not tolerate loneliness well, and they quickly get tired from long walks.

If you do not like capricious and wayward animals, then this breed is not for you. But you definitely won’t get bored with such a pet: it retains its playful character even as an adult. This dog is suitable for those who are ready to devote maximum time to their pet.

Photo 3. Toy terrier hiding behind the curtain

Video “Is it worth having a dog in an apartment”

This video will help those who still have doubts about purchasing a dog (author - Interesting to know).

If you decide to buy a shaggy friend, be sure to consult with experts which breeds of dogs are suitable for apartments and children, and which ones are better not to have. After all, they, like people, have their own character, habits, and instincts.

It has long been proven that having a dog in the house makes a child healthier, more responsible and sociable. In families with children and pets, it is always noisy and fun. Agree that a dog in the house is a full-fledged member of the family who will always keep your child company in games and tricks. And the four-legged friends themselves don’t mind playing pranks. You just need to choose the right pet.

Before taking a puppy into your home, think about whether you are ready to consider him a member of the family and care for him? Love you as freely as he loves you? Can't sleep at night if he's sick? Walk in any weather? Be patient with his pranks? Don't swear or hit if you're in a bad mood and your dog doesn't please you? Are you ready to consider him a friend and not a burden? Think and think again!

Weigh all the pros and cons, because a dog is not a toy, not temporary fun, it is a living creature that will trust you immediately and forever.

Many parents make the mistake of ridding their child of the fear of animals, trying to cure them using the “wedge with wedge” principle. If your child was once attacked by a dog or was very frightened, and now he is afraid not only to play, but also to approach the animal, then you should not take the puppy into the house - this is a living creature that requires care and love, and not a “cure for fear.”

At what age can you get a dog for a child?

Does your little one passionately dream of a dog and asks to buy him a puppy? On the one hand, are you not against it, but on the other are you afraid? Then answer yourself the question - why do you personally need a dog? As an adult who is aware of himself, you must understand that all worries about the pet and its maintenance will fall on your shoulders. Yes, the child will gain a friend, feel responsibility and develop a love for animals, but he will not be able to cope without your help.

If you are ready to take another child into your family, and a puppy is a little bundle that needs to be fed and raised, just like your kids, then you should definitely get a dog.

Parents often ask at what age can a child buy a dog? Yes from anyone! It will be your decision and your dog's, and everything else will follow. If the baby has just been born, and the dog is already a member of the family, then she will protect and care for him. If the child is a preschooler, then the puppy and the child are equally helpless and you will have to redouble your efforts in education and care. A preschool child may accidentally harm a puppy, but by definition will not be able to take care of it.

If a schoolchild has grown up in the family, the puppy will acquire a nanny and a friend. Psychologists and dog breeders advise getting a pet when the child can take care of it independently: walk, feed, play. This is at least junior school age. Of course, you can’t do it without the help of your parents, but you should immediately agree on the distribution of responsibilities so that caring for the dog does not fall entirely on the shoulders of mom or dad.

A teenager and a dog are a complex relationship, because teenagers develop interests outside the home, groups of friends, first relationships with the opposite sex, and their four-legged friend involuntarily fades into the background.

In general, you shouldn’t delve into psychological problems. Do you like dogs? This means that you are destined to be together, and it will happen when you are ready for it.

  1. When choosing a puppy, consider your child's temperament and character, his health and lifestyle. Consult with experts how the dog breed you have chosen is suitable for your baby, because an active fidget will not be interested in a calm, phlegmatic friend.
  2. The weight of a dog as an adult should not differ greatly from the weight of a child so that he can cope with it and keep it on a leash if the dog sees a cat or decides to run after a ball.
  3. If you still want a large dog, then be sure to conduct a training course; the pet must unquestioningly listen to your commands and your family members.

The best dog breeds for a child and an apartment

The issue of purchasing a dog has been resolved finally and irrevocably. Now it’s worth thinking about the breed. You can’t go to the market and buy the first puppy you come across because “he’s so cute.” All babies are cute, but not all of them grow into good-natured, sociable dogs.

Your pet will live in a family with children, which means it must have a good disposition, a stable psyche and goodwill towards the child. If you have a boy, then a retriever or Dalmatian will accompany him on walks, play tag and run after the bicycle. And if it’s a girl, then you can pay attention to the glamorous Chihuahuas or the Chinese Crested, which can be dressed up in clothes and decorated with bows and hairpins.

Let's delve into a short excursion of breeds, consider habits and descriptions, so that you have the ideal dog for an apartment and a child, and the dog has an ideal loving family.


The Golden Retriever is one of the most intelligent and trainable dogs. He is very friendly, not only with people, but also with other animals. Its distinctive feature is increased activity. Running, swimming, noisy games, catching up - it's all about him, the energy is just in full swing!

A reliable friend, he loves children, he is very patient - even if the young miscreants pull his fur or tail, he will not be offended.

But, despite its many advantages, there is also a fly in the ointment. His long coat requires special care - combs, combs and brushes must be ready, as the retriever sheds a lot.


Dalmatians have a lot of contradictions. On the one hand, he is an aristocrat, self-confident, sophisticated and polite. On the other hand, he is cunning, impudent, playful and naive. Sometimes he is cowardly and aggressive. He has a complex character and may not suit everyone. This is not a cartoon character, he is a hunter - a hound on a blood trail.

A friendly, sociable dog, gets along well with children, but is vindictive and remembers grievances. Requires a delicate and respectful attitude and does not tolerate familiarity.

Caring for him is easy, his coat does not require haircuts or trimming, only regular combing. He is very clean and will not get into the dirt on the street.

When choosing a puppy, be sure to check its hearing; at birth, 10% are born deaf.


Hunter of hare and other small animals. That's why having other pets in the house can result in a good beating for them.

Kind and loyal, sociable and cheerful, smart and energetic. He loves big companies and is so friendly that he will follow a stranger. He could never be a security guard. He loves to play with children.

Requires a lot of physical activity, is hardy, you need to walk and run a lot with him, otherwise there will be health problems, beagles are prone to obesity.

There are no problems in grooming, the beagle is neat and clean.

Welsh Corgi

Professional shepherds and detectives. Small size, friendliness, excellent character, complete lack of aggression - these are ideal pets for urban conditions.

The most smiling dog, not without a sense of humor. She is easily trained and loves to show off her acquired abilities in public.

The peculiarity of corgis is that they do not bark for no reason or for company, which is especially important in an apartment. The coat is short, brushing once every two weeks will be enough.


A real treasure for the family. Pugs are not suitable for running and active games due to the structure of their muzzle, so he will be a good friend to a calm and balanced child.

This is a companion dog, loves to constantly be at the owner’s side and expose one or another part of the body to scratching. Smart, understands commands well. Doesn't howl, doesn't whine and doesn't bark just like that. He grunts or even purrs with pleasure, like cats.

It only takes him 15-20 minutes to walk outside; he is a completely indoor dog.


Who hasn't seen a poodle at the circus? Curly, smart, loves to play and bring joy. Sociable, feels emotions very well, can be sad and worried with the owner. This is a sociable dog that should not be left alone for a long time, otherwise it may suffer psychological trauma.

The poodle is a guard and watchman. When attacked by strangers, he will boldly rush to defend his owner.

Children are treated patiently and condescendingly, and are not offended by the pranks of a “human child.” For a schoolchild - a good friend and companion.

Bichon Frize

Outwardly similar to a poodle. He is also easy to train and loves to show off his progress. Affectionate and playful, responsive and very sensitive. She is sensitive to how she is treated and is incredibly happy when she is petted and praised.

Gets along with everyone - children, adults, strangers, other animals.

A haircut every two months and daily combing is the price for excellent character and friendliness.


The energetic dog loves small children and can play with them for hours. This is not a sofa decoration, but a vigorous and hardy animal that requires constant movement.

Despite its small size, it is brave, devoted to its owner, and has a highly developed guard instinct. Prefers to dominate everywhere and in everything, but this does not apply to children. Not jealous, but selfish.

A Spitz is a small fluffy ball that you just want to cuddle, which is what children try to do, not paying attention to its fragility.


An energetic animal for active owners. Sociable hunting dog, loves children, friendly and friendly.

Good defender. A smart and quick-witted dachshund prefers to make decisions on its own, it is disobedient in training - it understands everything, but does it in its own way. Stubborn and cunning, if not trained, it will sit on the neck and cause a lot of trouble to the owner.

A curious creature, always and everywhere sticks its long nose. An excellent companion and interlocutor - he will listen and sympathize.


She is very attached to her owner and tries not to leave a single step. She gets along with children, but you shouldn’t leave her alone with kids - she might bite.

Smart, loves to learn. Charming and devoted. She has a loud, ringing voice and is not afraid to say everything she thinks about you.

She loves to play, but is very fragile and can get injured. A perfect companion for glamorous ladies, older ladies and teenage girls.

Which breeds are not suitable for a child and an apartment?

What dogs are not suitable for an apartment and children? Experienced dog handlers and dog breeders will unanimously tell you that you should not have fighting, service, or some hunting dogs to communicate with children. They do not tend to become attached to children, and they may also show aggression or fail to control their instincts.

Rare breeds that require careful care will also be difficult for a child. And if you are not a hunter or you do not have enough time for active and energetic walks, then you should not torture a hunting dog by locking it in the apartment.

Very small breeds of dogs for apartments and children deserve special attention. They are very selfish and jealous. They demand all the attention. In addition, their fragility can lead to injuries if children start active games.


Whatever dog you choose, remember that love and affection, care and care will make your pet a true friend and devoted companion.

Mother of two children. I have been running a house for more than 7 years - this is my main job. I like to experiment, I constantly try different means, methods, techniques that can make our life easier, more modern, more fulfilling. I love my family.
