Will be if not washed. What will happen if you do not wash your hair for a long time: hair with icicles or lush hair? What happens if you don't wash your hair for a month? How to properly wash your hair

Aida Gadzhigoroeva

Dermatologist, PhD, Chairman of the Trichology Society of the National Alliance of Dermatologists and Cosmetologists, Head&Shoulders brand expert

1. Hair falls out more from daily washing.
It's a delusion. Wash your hair as often as they require. It should be remembered that every day a person loses 80-100 hairs, and this is an absolutely normal situation. Therefore, if you do not wash your hair for a long time, then during washing, the amount of hair that has fallen out increases accordingly, which becomes a cause for concern.

2. The only reason for hair loss is hormonal imbalance.
This is just one of the possible causes of alopecia (temporary or permanent hair loss). There are other factors as well:
genetic predisposition
scalp diseases
taking certain medications
unbalanced diet
sudden weight loss
lack of vitamins
history of acute or chronic infections
increased psycho-emotional stress, stress
postpartum period
stopping the use of oral contraceptives

3. It is best to comb your hair with brushes with natural bristles.
Natural bristles, in fact, are not suitable for all hair, but only for healthy hair - not dry, not split and not dyed. Therefore, I recommend combing problematic hair with plastic combs with large teeth. Before styling, the hair must be dried with a towel and dried quite a bit with a hairdryer. A shovel brush with plastic rounded teeth and an ebonite base also has a good effect. But a round brush is ideal for twisting the tips.

4. Vegetarianism has a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair.
If the diet does not provide the body with a sufficient amount of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, amino acids and trace elements, then this can lead to a protein deficiency and a decrease in metabolic activity at the level of hair follicle cells. This condition reduces the duration of hair growth, leads to a deterioration in the quality of keratin and causes a change in the composition of sebum. The result is dandruff, dull and lifeless hair, increased hair loss and thinning on the head.
The following products are most valuable for hair:
Cereals (various cereals)
Sea fish and seafood
meat (not chicken)
lactic acid products
products containing gelatin.

5. For hair care, one type of shampoo and conditioner are sufficient.
Not at all. One shampoo for all occasions is not enough. In addition, the shampoo must be chosen, taking into account the type of skin. On the shelf in the bathroom can be up to 3 shampoos:
shampoo for daily use (for frequent/daily use)
seasonal shampoo (in summer and winter, hair loses more moisture)
shampoo for shine and volume
And if dandruff bothers you from time to time, then there must be a fourth (or first?) - therapeutic and prophylactic dandruff shampoo. After the shampoo, be sure to use a balm-conditioner, and for those who have thin hair - conditioner. I advise you to use the mask no more than 1 time in 7-10 days, it makes the hair heavier and is recommended to a greater extent for those whose hair is badly damaged - by dyeing, bleaching, ultraviolet radiation, etc.

6. Dandruff is a cosmetic problem.
Not only cosmetic, but also medical. Dandruff is a mild form of seborrheic dermatitis that is accompanied by inflammation and excessive flaking of the scalp. One of the culprits of dandruff is the yeast-like fungus Malassezia globosa. Their important role in the formation of dandruff has been proven in scientific studies sponsored by Procter & Gamble. The increased production of sebum leads to the active reproduction of the fungi Malassezia globosa, which feed on fats secreted from the cells of the host organism. Increased individual sensitivity of the skin to certain components of sebum and the waste products of these microorganisms causes irritation and inflammation of the skin, which leads to an acceleration of the exfoliation process and the appearance of dandruff.
In order to eliminate dandruff, it is necessary to take into account the reasons that may contribute to its manifestation. Chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, dysbacteriosis, metabolic features, lack of enzymes in the gastrointestinal tract, disorders in the endocrine system - all this can affect the individual composition of sebum and cause chronic dandruff.

7. To treat dandruff, you need a special medicated shampoo.
No, unless you suffer from a severe form of its manifestation. Ordinary cosmetic dandruff shampoo may well be a wonderful preventive measure if used regularly. Most often, I recommend a shampoo that contains zinc pyrithione. The anti-dandruff effect of this ingredient appears immediately after shampooing. Moreover, scientific studies have proven that even after several years of regular use of the shampoo, the fungus Malassezia globosa does not develop resistance to its ingredient.

More severe forms of dandruff, which are accompanied by severe inflammation of the scalp and profuse peeling, should not be treated on their own. You need to see a doctor who will prescribe a comprehensive treatment. Including a shampoo with a more aggressive antimicrobial agent, which will not only reduce the population of the fungus, but also reduce skin inflammation, provide easy exfoliation of dead cells. As active antimicrobial ingredients in shampoos, ketoconazole, climbazole, selenium disulfide, ciclopirox, tar, sulfur, salicylic acid can be used.

Text: Julia Verbi

Have you ever thought about the question: what will happen if you stop washing your hair? Do not rush to wrinkle your nose: saying goodbye to Moidodyr for an indefinite period is now fashionable. And, most importantly, it is good for health. The blogosphere is reporting brilliant results.

Some beauty bloggers and their followers believe in the usefulness of not washing your hair. The main argument is simple: there are too many harmful and dangerous substances in shampoos, balms and masks.

Baking soda and vinegar instead of shampoo

“You wouldn't eat or drink that. Then why are you putting this on your body?” - a typical argument for those who choose organic cosmetics for themselves and do not recognize any other. But there are girls who go even further.

“Hello, my name is Opheli, and I don’t wash my hair,” is the title of the blog of one of the fans of the popular No Poo idea. The name came, as you might guess, from No Shampoo (no shampoo, - approx. site).

Modern shampoos still contain unhealthy parabens, sulfates, ethyl alcohol and silicones. Of course, there are organic cosmetics. But fans of the No Poo idea are sure: shampoos are not needed at all, you just need to make a little effort and give them up.

Blogger Opheli, for example, hasn't shampooed her hair for 5 years. This, however, does not mean that she does not clean them in any way. The girl invites everyone to try washing their hair with plain water without shampoo. Well, once every 4 weeks you can pamper your hair with a special potion: baking soda is used as a detergent, and rinse aid replaces apple cider vinegar. Ylang-ylang oil is used for a pleasant aroma and regulation of the oiliness of the scalp. If you need to urgently refresh the hair roots, green clay is used, which, by the way, is part of all dry shampoos. Surprised? But this is not the most radical version of No Poo.

What if you don't wash at all?

Blogger Jacqueline Byers, another fan of life without shampoo, has not washed her hair with anything for 4 years. The girl became concerned about the safety of the cosmetics used when she became pregnant. At first, she used baking soda and vinegar to wash her hair, but then she realized that she could do without them.

Ophel and Jacqueline have many associates around the world. Girls post photos of their hairstyles on blogs: their hair looks really good - it’s impossible to guess that they haven’t been washed for years.

Over the years of blogging about “living-unwashing”, fans of the No Poo idea, as is usual on the Internet, have already received a lot of insults, accusations of sloppiness and even mental abnormality. But the young ladies stand their ground and invite everyone to remember: what happens to the hair if you start washing it more often? Of course, everyone knows: they start to get dirty even faster! To break the vicious circle, in their opinion, there is only one way: to abandon the products imposed by the beauty industry.

Expert opinion

Meanwhile, experts are not thrilled with No Poo. Their arguments are as simple as two and two: if you live in a metropolis and are daily exposed to polluted air and not the best water, then your hair needs a thorough cleansing using modern products designed for urban residents. Dermatologist Pierre Buanna thinks that a mixture of baking soda and vinegar cannot be used for washing hair, although he agrees that the mix has a right to exist as a rinse for shine. One of the creators of hair products of the famous luxury brand Opalis is even more categorical: “Soda and vinegar are an explosive mixture that irritates the scalp. If you want to give up shampoo, try co-washing - replace the shampoo with silicone-free conditioner, and the mask with natural oil.

Low Poo

The truth, as usual, is somewhere in between. Low Poo fans think that not washing your hair is too much, and in general, why do we need to go back to the Middle Ages. But hair washing products, of course, must be chosen more meticulously: look for paraben-free, sulfate-free, silicone-free, alcohol-free, but labeled organic and bio. And in what sequence and how you will use them - it's up to you. If you want, wash it the old fashioned way with shampoo, but if you want, clean it with balm.

And which approach is closer to you? How long are you willing to go without washing your hair?

Can you imagine not washing your hair with shampoo for 30 days? At first glance, this is impossible. However, Margaret Bador decided to conduct an experiment: "31 days without shampoo." She clearly showed what would be with her hair in a month.

You will be surprised when you see her results. The only thing she drastically changed was replacing the shampoo with regular baking soda. Now she doesn't think about using shampoo again.

Too hot: wash the right temperature when washing your hair

Warm temperatures may feel comfortable on your skin, but your hair will soon get too hot. Washing hair with hot water damages the stratum corneum and scalp, dries it out and, in the worst case, even leads to itching. Warm rinses are more efficient and effective. For an additional spark discharge, you must even cool down. If you dare, grandma's old secret tip and finish your hair wash with cast chilled chamomile. The coldness of the skin is used to close the stratum corneum that swells with washing, and the hair is silky, while the soothing extracts of chamomile, like a care film, dress the hair and scalp, leaving a silky feeling.

The girl proved by her own example that baking soda is the best alternative for texture, cleanliness, shine and health. Stopping the use of chemical shampoos restores the natural strength of the hair, as well as the ability of the hair to stay clean without the need for washing. This experiment shows that our body has its own mechanism to help each part of it.

The word "shampoo" comes from the Indian word "shampoo", which literally means "massage". Use hair lotion to thoroughly knead the scalp. Massage not only stimulates the production of happiness hormones, but a healthy scalp responds to the kneading pressure with increased circulation, improved oxygen supply to the hair roots, and even increased hair growth. But even irritated heads are waiting for blows. However, if the scalp irritates or turns red, be careful to keep the pressure on.

Wash your hair with greasy hair

Especially in connection with special scalp care products, stroking the units is especially good, since the increase in blood flow also leads to faster regeneration of irritated areas. The scalp has a reason for overproduction of fat. This reaction of the body is due to excessive hair washing, natural disposition or hormonal changes. In order not to irritate the scalp and thus the production of sebum, it is necessary to wash - even if it is difficult - oily hair too often.

Margaret admitted that she used to have to wash her hair every day, but now she only uses baking soda every 4 days.

Another American woman named Jacqueline Byers hasn't shampooed her hair in over five years. Strange, but over the years her hair has become healthy and strong. When Jacqueline Byers became pregnant, she decided to give up cosmetic shampoos, which contain a huge amount of various chemicals that can harm the unborn child.

Wash your hair with dry hair

They are especially sensitive to the scalp. When shampooing, shampoos should be long, the scalp should be cleansed only briefly but thoroughly. Fragile and brittle hair can only tolerate a washing program. In particular, dry hair needs to be fed during the wash more than it is culled. For very dry hair, hairdressers therefore often advise using shampoo only every second wash and then applying a mask. For the rest of your soapy hair, skip shampooing all the way and apply moisturizer to damp hair, which is washed out after a short soak time.

Alternatives were folk remedies in the form of egg yolks, nettles, baking soda and apple cider vinegar, but they had a negative effect on the hair. As a result, the woman stopped washing her hair altogether, using only clean water. After some time, the process of regulating the release of fat from the scalp completely changed, this gave tremendous changes. Jacqueline's hair does not look dirty at all, but on the contrary, as if she had just left the salon with a chic styling. The husband of the hair-washing opponent also refused shampoo in support of his wife. To date, Byers has been organizing the no-shampoo movement, and it is gaining immense popularity.

Wash your hair with dyed hair

Under no circumstances should dry hair be too hot. In contrast, a cold cast at the end of the wash closes the already porous horn layer and gives more dry sheen to dry hair. In any case, colored hair is already emphasized by coloring. With the help of hair washing, the color intensity from laundry to underwear is significantly after. To make the hair look more saturated and glossy, no matter what color, the pigments that have lost it during washing must be returned from the outside. This is how special colored hampurs work.

There is nothing complicated in this procedure, but some nuances will help make washing your hair without shampoo more effective.

1. The worst thing is to endure and wait out the detox period, which lasts about two weeks after shampooing was started. At the same time, the hair gets dirty even more often, begins to hang with lifeless whips, and it seems that the glands produce fat twice as much as before. This releases toxins and other harmful substances that have accumulated in the scalp and hair roots. I really want to drop everything and grab my favorite shampoo from the shelf. Take your time: wait out these weeks, rinse your curls daily with water dipped in lemon juice, and after two weeks, breathe a sigh of relief. Some people don't detox and can enjoy the results after the first treatment.

Also once a week now there is no error. Here you can find the best hair treatments. Also effective: Mix the drop shade under your regular shampoo. Due to the short exposure time, the color does not change, but only the own hair color refreshes. Your hair lights up again - and so does your smile.

Drying: after washing

Gentle hair washing is useless if the hair is irritated and irritated by insensitive drying. The most important rule when you dry your hair is to dry your hair thoroughly with a towel so as not to expose your hair and scalp to overly intense hair irritation. With a towel, you should not rub your hair, but only press gently. Also, make sure the hair dryer is on a low to medium heat setting. Blow in the direction of hair growth and never set the hair dryer on the scalp. Especially soft are, by the way, runes with a diffuser and ionic technologies, which also cause more volume.

2. Rinse your hair with water and vinegar (100 ml per liter) or lemon juice (250 ml per liter). In this case, it is better to use not running water, but filtered or mineral (naturally, non-carbonated).

3. Try not to wash your hair often: only as it gets dirty. During the detox period, when a lot of sebaceous deposits form on the strands, rinse the curls with water and lemon juice. Washing your hair with only water with some natural product is a pleasure: no problems, no side effects, but excellent results.

The powder absorbs the moisture, talcum and styling residue that builds up on the hair extensions, causing them to complain and thus leaving the whole hairstyle straight. The powder leaves no coloration, but it is also very durable. Tailored braids and ponytails are perfect for long hair to leave Bad Hair Day behind you. To make the approach not look greasy but shiny, comb the lipstick from the beginning to the ends. Thus, the braid is drawn out more strictly.

And the oiliness of the hair falls in all its brilliance. Wet, no wash: Water for hair, free of fats and artificial perfumes - it's in the second minute of freshness for oily scalp. However, it is by no means worth considering some important tips. Avoiding shampoo can even do your hair well. We've covered the No Poo principle - read here why self-identification can be worth it. Finally, some shampoos have been shown to cause rashes or allergic reactions in sensitive individuals. With daily shampooing, the scalp is also often dry and irritated.

Text: Julia Verbi

Have you ever thought about the question: what will happen if you stop washing your hair? Do not rush to wrinkle your nose: saying goodbye to Moidodyr for an indefinite period is now fashionable. And, most importantly, it is good for health. The blogosphere is reporting brilliant results.

Some beauty bloggers and their followers believe in the usefulness of not washing your hair. The main argument is simple: there are too many harmful and dangerous substances in shampoos, balms and masks.

Shampooing your hair frequently also stimulates the sebaceous glands to over-produce - this is the result of quick oily, neglected hair. If oily hair or a particularly sensitive scalp bothers you, washing your hair without shampoo may be worth a try. It is important to rely on the self-cleansing powers of your head and bring enough patience. For about six weeks, you usually have to wait until your scalp has turned around and your hair is no longer greasy.

Healthy hair and more volume by washing without shampoo

So it is said: join your teeth and tie your greasy hair in a ponytail or put on a cap. However, after this time a significant improvement will be achieved in most cases. The excessive production of sebaceous glands is regulated and your patience is rewarded with more hair volume and freshness. It often irritates the scalp and soothes, and the hair treated with the “No Poo” method feels healthy and strong.

Baking soda and vinegar instead of shampoo

“You wouldn't eat or drink that. Then why are you putting this on your body?” - a typical argument for those who choose organic cosmetics for themselves and do not recognize any other. But there are girls who go even further.

“Hello, my name is Opheli, and I don’t wash my hair,” is the title of the blog of one of the fans of the popular No Poo idea. The name came, as you might guess, from No Shampoo (no shampoo, - approx. site).

It may increase dandruff

And also many plastic shampoo bottles want to get rid of - usually also remain in these shampoo residues. Therefore, reducing waste and minimizing environmental impact is not an additional argument in favor of abandoning conventional shampoo.

Clean Hair Naturally: Shampoo Alternatives

If you want to go without shampoo in the future, of course, you will need alternatives. The simplest and most natural option is to wash your hair with clean water only. Any possible harmful ingredients that may cause allergies are eliminated. Experts advise, however, to maintain sufficiently high temperatures if you apply water only with water. The warmer the water, the better the sebum and fat. Here you have to be careful not to scratch yourself.

Modern shampoos still contain unhealthy parabens, sulfates, ethyl alcohol and silicones. Of course, there are organic cosmetics. But fans of the No Poo idea are sure: shampoos are not needed at all, you just need to make a little effort and give them up.

Blogger Opheli, for example, hasn't shampooed her hair for 5 years. This, however, does not mean that she does not clean them in any way. The girl invites everyone to try washing their hair with plain water without shampoo. Well, once every 4 weeks you can pamper your hair with a special potion: baking soda is used as a detergent, and rinse aid replaces apple cider vinegar. Ylang-ylang oil is used for a pleasant aroma and regulation of the oiliness of the scalp. If you need to urgently refresh the hair roots, green clay is used, which, by the way, is part of all dry shampoos. Surprised? But this is not the most radical version of No Poo.

Instead of pure water, you can also use alternative shampoos made from natural products. One of these alternatives is, for example, a lava land. Since ancient times, the clay mineral has been known as a cleansing agent. To wash your hair, mix two tablespoons of lava earth with twice the amount of warm water, depending on the length of your hair. The resulting paste is allowed to swell and then massage them thoroughly into the hair.

Wash your hair with baking soda and apple cider

Then let it be applied briefly and then rinse it in the shower. Water mixed with baking soda promises a particularly thorough cleaning of the hair. He decides, for example, to lubricate very securely. Dissolve one tablespoon of baking soda powder in water - depending on hair length and hair color, 100 to 250 ml is recommended. Then fill the mixture into a spray bottle or an old shampoo bottle. Then distribute the contents evenly on damp hair, let it react briefly and rinse.

What if you don't wash at all?

Blogger Jacqueline Byers, another fan of life without shampoo, has not washed her hair with anything for 4 years. The girl became concerned about the safety of the cosmetics used when she became pregnant. At first, she used baking soda and vinegar to wash her hair, but then she realized that she could do without them.

To prevent the hair from becoming straws, after that you rinse the so-called acid peel: for this you mix, for example, two tablespoons of apple cider with one liter of water and give the mixture after the soda tar on the hair. The acidic peel ensures that the dandruff layer closes and your hair is smooth and shiny.

Beautiful hair: wash rarely, brush often

Especially with shampoo alternatives, you should only brush your hair every few days. For dry, fragile attachments, hair oil is also suitable. Especially with very oily hair, it is worth it at first to beat a little, the hair is no longer daily or at least on the second day of washing. You can also help naturally cleanse your hair by brushing it regularly. In this way, you evenly distribute the fat and salts of the scalp along the length of the hair. Hair is protected and maintained at the same time. Brushing also provides a gentle massage that stimulates scalp circulation.

Ophel and Jacqueline have many associates around the world. Girls post photos of their hairstyles on blogs: their hair looks really good - it’s impossible to guess that they haven’t been washed for years.

Over the years of blogging about “living-unwashing”, fans of the No Poo idea, as is usual on the Internet, have already received a lot of insults, accusations of sloppiness and even mental abnormality. But the young ladies stand their ground and invite everyone to remember: what happens to the hair if you start washing it more often? Of course, everyone knows: they start to get dirty even faster! To break the vicious circle, in their opinion, there is only one way: to abandon the products imposed by the beauty industry.

Is "No Poo" really safe?

Basically, washing your hair without shampooing doesn't come with a lot of risks - a few things you should note though. Excess sebum on the scalp must be removed regularly, otherwise block the pores and dandruff, which form a breeding ground for fungi and bacteria. So make sure your hair is clean enough with shampoo alternatives. If this is not the case, you should occasionally resort to a mild shampoo.

For many allergy sufferers, finding the right hair care products is a real challenge. Perfumes, parabens and other chemicals cause unpleasant reactions. Core soaps can be an alternative to shampoos. It does not contain any perfume or chemical additives. Not everyone is equally well suited for washing their hair with nuclear soap.

Expert opinion

Meanwhile, experts are not thrilled with No Poo. Their arguments are as simple as two and two: if you live in a metropolis and are daily exposed to polluted air and not the best water, then your hair needs a thorough cleansing using modern products designed for urban residents. Dermatologist Pierre Buanna thinks that a mixture of baking soda and vinegar cannot be used for washing hair, although he agrees that the mix has a right to exist as a rinse for shine. One of the creators of hair products of the famous luxury brand Opalis is even more categorical: “Soda and vinegar are an explosive mixture that irritates the scalp. If you want to give up shampoo, try co-washing - replace the shampoo with silicone-free conditioner, and the mask with natural oil.

Prior to the introduction of shower gels and shampoos, basic soaps were almost exclusively used for washing the body and hair. Soap has been forgotten as a result of the sale of disposable personal care products. Meanwhile, more and more people are returning to the original products.

Not only allergy sufferers whose chemicals cause allergic reactions, but people who consciously want to get rid of body chemicals are increasingly using nuclear soap to clean their body and hair along with it. For very oily hair, soap can be a solution to many problems. However, if you are already suffering from very dry hair, you must be careful and keep your hair in rinses or oils.

Low Poo

The truth, as usual, is somewhere in between. Low Poo fans think that not washing your hair is too much, and in general, why do we need to go back to the Middle Ages. But hair washing products, of course, must be chosen more meticulously: look for paraben-free, sulfate-free, silicone-free, alcohol-free, but labeled organic and bio. And in what sequence and how you will use them - it's up to you. If you want, wash it the old fashioned way with shampoo, but if you want, clean it with balm.

And which approach is closer to you? How long are you willing to go without washing your hair?

They make girls increasingly wonder: how often should you wash your hair? This issue is especially relevant for owners of hair prone to oiliness - in winter, under headdresses, they look stale on the second day. Experts immediately remove the question "To wash or not to wash?" , insisting that both our hair and scalp benefit from frequent cleansing.

1. Sebum, the secretion of the sebaceous glands that our skin secretes daily, will accumulate if not cleansed frequently enough, which, coupled with styling and care products, can lead to dandruff, slow growth and, even worse, hair loss. Not to mention modern ecology, which does not have the best effect on the condition of the hair. You should not be afraid of modern daily shampoos: they have a non-aggressive composition, so they will not dry out the scalp, but will clean it delicately. For those who wash their hair every 2-3 days, trichologists advise applying shampoo twice, and the first time - on well-moistened hair. Washing is recommended to be carried out with massaging movements with the help of fingertips: this not only accelerates the blood flow, but also allows you to more thoroughly clean the root zone from the remnants of contaminants.

2. Hair should be washed as often as required. Owners of fine hair and dry scalp neglect this rule, fearing brittle hair and tightness of the skin. This is a big misconception. The only limitation for this type of hair is the temperature of the water, which should not be too hot. The best solution is a contrast shower: due to temperature changes, blood flow in the upper layers of the epidermis increases, which harmonizes all the processes of growth and regeneration of the scalp. It is also recommended to rinse your hair with cold water - this helps to seal the flakes of split ends, strengthen the roots if they are weakened, and add a healthy shine to the hair.

3. Washing your hair with the right shampoo is the foundation of any styling. Fine hair is wise to wash with a volumizing shampoo, while thick and coarse hair needs extra moisture to become more silky and manageable before styling. If you limit yourself to dry shampoo, the hairstyle will not last even an hour, not to mention that it will look unkempt.

4. Hair health depends on the roots. First, they get their main food from them, this is obvious. Secondly, hair washing has been shown to reduce the stress hormone, cortisol, in the hair follicles, which affects

Experimenting with abstinence from water procedures is not a good idea. A person runs the risk of contracting infections, acne and acne will cover his skin, and he will definitely not smell like roses. I propose to find out what happens if you do not wash for a whole year.

Not surprisingly, after 365 days without a shower, a person will smell bad. Cameron Rokhsar, professor of dermatology at Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York, says the smell is the result of bacteria and dead skin. In a year, your skin will be covered with a thick layer of dead cells and bacteria, which, when mixed with sweat, exude an unpleasant odor.

brown spots
Initially, according to dermatologist Lauren Ploh, the skin will become oily or dry, fungus will appear on it, and then bacteria. And dirt on the skin can cause warts.
Dirt and dust will accumulate on the body, most often in those places where the sebaceous glands are actively working: armpits, the area behind the ears, on the neck, under the breasts in women.
Dead skin should be removed during water treatments, says Dr. Jacob, a fellow at the American Academy of Dermatology. Without this, dead cells mix with sebum, absorb dust and dirt, turning into brown spots.

High risk of infection
We all know that the first step is to rinse the cut with water.
And if you haven't bathed for 365 days and cut yourself, bacteria from your skin is more likely to get into soft tissue, leading to an infection.
"While an infection may not go away at first, a buildup of bacteria on the skin will become a problem if the skin barrier is compromised in any way, such as a cut or abrasion," said Ploh, a member of the American Academy of Dermatology.

Dead cells will accumulate on the head, and they are called dandruff. It causes itching, and in a year there will be so much dandruff that your head will become "extremely itchy."
If you don't take care of your hair, Jacob says, your hair becomes heavy from the oil secreted by the sebaceous glands and dirt sticks to it. And, of course, they get tangled up.

The bacteria build up on the skin and cause the follicles to become inflamed, which leads to acne, Jacob says. Rokhsar adds that excess sebum causes acne.

The groin area becomes a big problem
Jacob warns people to keep an eye on the groin area. She assures that due to poor hygiene, a rash, diaper rash, itching, redness and even pain are likely to appear.

Dirt between fingers
Dead skin will accumulate between the toes and harden, it can hide the fungus, which then easily enters the groin area. For example, when you put on pants or underwear.

It will take weeks to get back to normal
It will take time to return to its original appearance. Rokhsar suggests that it will take a week to return to his former life. However, Ploch believes that rehabilitation may take longer. It will take several weeks for the skin to return to normal, she said.
P.S. Not everyone needs a daily shower
Dr. Elaine Larson, an infectious disease expert at Columbia University, says daily showers and baths are more for "aesthetics."
She assures that it is not necessary to bathe every day. Treatments every two, three, or even four days are perfectly acceptable, as long as you don't start to smell bad, of course. Otherwise, all the organisms that protect our skin from bacteria are washed away.
The exception, in her opinion, are people with weak immune systems (newborns, the elderly and people suffering from cancer).
