Church magic of money. Piggy bank - the path to a stable financial situation

Very effective and efficient are those methods and means for improving one’s financial situation in which a person sincerely believes. There are a lot of ways to attract and preserve wealth: these can be simple words spoken in a good hour, or there can be magical rituals with long texts and the use of additional objects. However, it is important to take into account that the person reading the prayer or performing the ritual must have bright thoughts.

Necessary conditions for the ceremony

Every person must remember the great responsibility before the Lord for the well-being provided in life. It is important to read prayers of gratitude and help not only yourself, but also everyone around you.

Conditions that a person needs to think about when reading a prayer or performing a ritual to gain wealth:

  • Good intentions. To get help in finding wealth at home, you need to have an open heart. Under no circumstances should you disturb higher powers with the aim of taking revenge on someone, getting someone else’s property, or spending money on illegal acquisitions. To get what you want, it is recommended to mentally formulate your request taking into account the specific goals for further spending of funds. An example would be investing money in housing, treatment, education, etc.
  • Spiritual cleansing. Before starting the ritual, you should spiritually cleanse yourself. Three days before it, it is advisable to get rid of negative thoughts and actions, make peace with everyone, fast for three days, go to church and repent of your sins. In this life you have to pay for everything, so it is recommended to pay voluntarily, by correcting and realizing your actions. If you don't do this, when you gain wealth, you can lose something more valuable.
  • Pure thoughts. To obtain funds, it is recommended to turn only to ancient powerful spells of white magic. Her magical power does not bring harm to other people, it is aimed only at bright, pure deeds that can improve people's lives. This distinguishes white magic from black magic, which can quickly help in achieving one dream, but at the same time make the life of a person and his close relatives and friends almost unbearable. For example, if you resort to black magic to quickly receive a large sum, the payback will be health, happiness in your personal life, or possible subsequent poverty and complete bankruptcy.
  • Consistent adherence to ritual conditions. To attract good luck and gain wealth, you need to choose the most effective method that will have the most trust. To determine it, you should listen to your intuition. It is recommended to perform the ritual accurately, strictly adhering to the given text, acquiring the necessary attributes and carrying out all the necessary manipulations with them. It is worth paying attention to a certain phase of the moon, day of the week, time of day and execution system (if such points are explained in the ritual manual).
  • Strict secret. In order to correctly carry out the ritual to attract money and do everything possible to make your desire come true, you must keep all your actions completely secret. It should not be revealed even to the closest people. Magical manifestations operate according to the principle: the told secret is no longer a secret. That is why all actions and even incredible efforts will be useless if someone else finds out about them.
  • Execution speed. The most important aspect in trying to quickly change your financial situation is the desire to do it instantly. It is worth constantly remembering that this ritual is only a request from the Lord for help in achieving a goal and in no case a guarantee of unquestioning fulfillment of desires. Therefore, you should not complain every day that everything was done correctly, but nothing has changed. Even the fastest-acting plot may come true later or not come true at all. In this case, there are no definite guarantees, but it is recommended not to lose hope and, if desired, try the actions of other rituals.

Black magic can lead to unpredictable consequences for a person and his loved ones. To avoid using a black spell by mistake, you should pay attention to the text of the prayer or spell. In the white version, the appeal will be directed to the Lord, the Saints, as well as to nature, but with a positive connotation. It is strictly not recommended to appeal to dark forces, or to use blood, dead creatures, or soil from graves when performing the ritual. Cemeteries should also be avoided.

Effective ways to attract money

Ancient conspiracies, prayers, effective rituals and ceremonies will help improve your financial situation. The most effective ones will be those that make the strongest impression.

Money can be attracted by simple words spoken from the heart and with a cherished desire to receive it. For example, following a flock of migratory birds, you can say “How many feathers are born on them, so much money is not transferred to my wallet.” The words spoken when looking at heavy rain will be effective: “As you sow richly, so I will be rich.” You can say similar words that come from the heart, looking at a large number of leaves on a tree, needles on a pine tree, sand in the sea, etc. - that is, at objects that allow you to associate them with the amount of money.

Orthodox prayers addressed to Jesus Christ, the Most Holy Theotokos, and John of Sochava with all the soul, with mandatory preparation for 3 days, have enormous power in attracting wealth and good luck. If there is absolutely not enough time for a three-day fast, repentance and truce, and money is needed urgently, you can begin the ritual without this preparation. Such an action will be perceived by higher powers as a loan. To pay for it, you need to read the prayers “Our Father”, “Virgin Mary, Hail” and other favorite prayers to choose from. Then fast not for 3 days, but more, be sure to visit church, give alms and ask for forgiveness from all those offended.

The texts of conspiracies can be aimed at attracting material wealth with the help of amulets and amulets. Objects are charmed with certain words, after which they are constantly worn by the owner or stored in certain places. An amulet or talisman can be a coin, a pebble, a small souvenir or another small object. There may also be a ceremony with bay leaves. Amulets are worn in a bag, purse, placed at the workplace and serve to attract money. The amulets can be located in the same places, but their functions include not so much attracting money as protection from external attacks. They protect existing income from envy, the evil eye and damage.

Rituals for substantial enrichment

There are situations that require the availability of a certain amount almost immediately. These include sudden illness, debt resolution and other emergency situations when wasting time can have negative consequences. For this situation, you will need a ritual that works within a day; after the words spoken, actions immediately follow that entail money. It is necessary to make every effort to achieve what you want.

This ritual is one of the least complicated, but at the same time it allows you to get a fairly decent amount of money. To carry it out you will need three green candles and an icon of Jesus Christ or the Holy Trinity. At noon of any day you need to cover the table with a tablecloth, put candles and an icon. Light the candles, read the prayer three times in front of the icon and wait until the candles burn out to small cinders. The wax from them can be carried in a wallet, bag, money storage place, on your desk, etc.

Text of the prayer:

To become the happy owner of a large sum of money, it is recommended to use an ancient, proven Romanian magic ritual. This ritual has helped several generations and has proven itself to be the best.

To perform this ritual you will need a small clay pot and three coins of any denomination. During the new moon, you need to put coins in a pot placed in a place of honor and say a simple prayer three times:

For nine days, the pot should be replenished daily with three coins, while reading the same words. Then it is enough to replenish it once a week until the desire is completely fulfilled.

Bulgarian money ritual from Vanga

In the case when money is not needed urgently, but for the implementation of global plans (for example, for the purchase of real estate in the future, for education, travel, the acquisition of cherished vehicles, clothes, jewelry, furniture, etc.), it is recommended to conduct a Bulgarian money transfer ritual

The famous Bulgarian healer Vanga is known for her predictions throughout the world. Her plot to gain money is very popular and has miraculous powers. To carry it out, you need to take a piece of sheep fur or wool, read a prayer over it three times and hide it in a secluded place. The money will be available for a year, then it is recommended to repeat the plot.

The text of the conspiracy is as follows:

Powerful conspiracies

In case of general material unsettlement, it is worth paying attention to periodic rituals that should be carried out constantly throughout life. These include prayers on the new moon, on the waxing moon, and on the full moon.

This magical ritual is performed on odd days of the waxing moon from midnight to 3 am. A banknote or gold coin is prayed three times and hidden in the south-eastern corner of the house for 12 days. At the end of this period, the money must be spent.

Text of the prayer:

A full moon spell is also effective. Magical actions should be performed on a moonlit night, when the sky is not covered with clouds and the moon illuminates the earth like a huge lantern. It is precisely this kind of moonlight that must be shown twelve coins, a prayer must be said seven times and the enchanted objects must be placed in the wallet. After the ritual, the coins can be spent along with the rest of the money.

The text of the prayer that must be said seven times:

Another way to attract wealth into life is to perform a ritual for the new moon. In the first days of the new month, you need to take spring water (if you don’t have it, you can use poured water from the tap), say a prayer over it three times and sprinkle your wallet, piggy bank or other place for storing money with this water. This is a very powerful Slavic spell that is many years old.

Money conspiracies and magical rituals will certainly help people who really need money or are pursuing good goals for which the required amount is not enough. For actions to be effective, you must sincerely believe in your dream, try to mentally imagine its complete fulfillment and make every effort to concentrate your attention when performing the ritual. Then the angels will pick up the request, convey it to higher powers, and material well-being will come much faster than expected.

Subject: I have more money and opportunities thanks to the advice from your site!

From: Svetlana(sv****** [email protected])

To whom: Responsible for the site

Hello! My name is Svetlana and I want to tell the readers of the site my story of how I was lucky enough to get rid of constant lack of money!

I lived like many of us: home, work, children, worries... and a constant lack of money. You won’t be able to buy your children extra toys or new clothes, nor will you please yourself with a beautiful dress. My husband also has a job that does not pay money.

In general, every month you just think and plan how to stretch the budget so that there is enough money for current needs.

Of course, in our family we have learned to live with our finances. But in my soul there was always a constant feeling of resentment and self-pity. Why is this so, I asked myself. Look, others have money, they bought a new car, built a dacha, it’s clear that they have wealth.

I had already begun to lose hope for a good life. But one day I came across it on the Internet.

You will simply be amazed at how many positive changes have happened to me! I had no idea that this article would change my life so much!

I got money! And not just change, pocket coins, but truly normal income!

Over the past year, we have done excellent renovations in our apartment, bought a new car, and sent the children to the sea!

But all this would not have happened if I had not come to this site.

Don't scroll past. Take a couple of minutes to this information.

“St. Thomas helped the poor and let them come to their doorsteps. He brought me into the Temple and endowed me with happiness. Foma, give me the money in full, so that there’s enough for everything, and there’s quite a bit left over. For candy for the kids, buns for the old people, and trinkets for the wife! Do not refuse, order the coins to be poured out! Amen!"

On Mondays, before leaving the house, leave a banknote of any denomination near the door. So say:

“To the brownie for jam and other treats. You, father, guard the good, help me on my roads and labors! I will bring you gifts, gingerbread and bagels. Don't give up, put the money in your pockets! Amen!"

For money and luck

There are special rituals that are performed before risky events. For example, when you want to get funding for a project or play gambling.

  1. Then you should buy a pair of new gloves.
  2. Throw one into the river and hide the second.
  3. So say:

“A pair of arms embraced the entire planet. There are no longer enough of them. One plays with the sun, the other invites the moon. Between the hands of money, a stream flows into my chest! Amen!"

You can also say these words just before the test:

“David is a wise king, put good luck on my altar. Gild with gold, illuminate love. Cut with a sword, shine with a beam. Fingers are full, lips are silent. As soon as I throw the ball, I get a profit. I will turn away from trouble and smile at gold. Amen!"

New moon spell

Many people know that a coin should be shown to the new month and a special formula should be pronounced. There are other rituals as well.

For example, you need to take a photo against the backdrop of the emerging moon. On the back of the photo write these words:

“To growth - growth, to money - money, to words - fame. Good luck to the Lord's servant (name)! Amen!"

Hide the photo in a secret place. It should lie there until the next one.

Before the month appears, burn the old photo and take a new one.

Although some people don't necessarily need to re-shoot every time. It all depends on your overall luck and energy state.

With poppy seeds

Take it to the Church and consecrate it there. This is done, of course, only on a big holiday. So we'll have to wait.

However, the enchanted poppy can then be used for a whole year.

At night, pour the poppy seeds into a wool bag. Tell:

“So much grain, so much goodness. As much grass as there is in the field, so many stones, gold and riches are in the chests. Nobody will give it anymore. As long as the grains sprout, my home prospers. One poppy is for good luck, the other is for the Angel for change. I scatter it on the ground and scoop up the money. Amen!"

A little grain from the bag should be poured into the shoes. Left shoe or shoe. It is important that they are constantly under the heel.

On a piece of amulet

For magic to really work, you need to get rid of greed, forget about the blessings of the world. This, of course, is not so easy to do.

However, every person has moments when he is not interested in material things at all. Something completely different is spinning in my head. These moments should be used for your benefit.

If you remember to cast a spell.

It is like this:

“To the Tsar - the Tsar's, to the boyars - the Boyar's, to the beggar - a penny, and to me - a sack. Amen!"

Write these words on a piece of paper and carry them with you.

Just read them in a state where income fades into the background. For example, admiring an amazing landscape, listening to music, or in other moments of sublime experiences.

Then luck will certainly fall on your head!

Everyone wants to have good health, love and material well-being. And often people resort to magical rituals in the hope of getting what they want. have been known since ancient times and are considered an effective method of attracting material success. The effectiveness of such methods can be explained from an esoteric point of view. As you know, when spoken out loud, it is doubly material. The energy that is invested in a conspiracy or spell feeds an egregor (a certain energy substance that returns converted energy in the form of fulfilled desires), in this case monetary. Therefore, the power of money conspiracies is very real. But before moving on to specific rituals, you must learn several rules, following which you can prevent the outflow of money.

  • You should always pick up change; for example, you should not refuse change at a store.
  • On Sunday, all the small coins accumulated in the wallet should be distributed to the poor.
  • You cannot lend money on Monday and in the evening.
  • Floors should only be swept from the threshold.
  • You can’t give animals as gifts just like that, you need to take at least a symbolic fee.
  • You cannot store empty bottles in the house.
  • The broom should always be positioned with the sweeping side down.
  • In the wallet, bills should be kept facing the owner and arranged in ascending order.
  • To attract money, the wallet should be black or red, preferably square.
  • You cannot transfer money from hand to hand; you must place it on some surface.
  • Money loves neatness. Do not store crumpled bills in your pocket.
  • It is impossible for the wallet to be empty - there must always be at least one bill in it.

In order for money to come, you need to want it. You can't complain about material disadvantage. The phrase: “If you want to be rich, live like a rich one” has a right to exist. You need to constantly and daily inspire yourself: “I am rich,” “money loves me and comes to me in a continuous stream.” Self-hypnosis is a very powerful thing and has been tested on many people.

Now let's look at the most popular and effective money conspiracies.

  1. It is believed that the most powerful money conspiracy is the new moon conspiracy. On the first or second day of the lunar cycle, you need to go outside at midnight, pick up banknotes (preferably large ones), “show” them to the month and repeat 10 times: “As the moon grows, so does my income grow.”
  2. The most popular are church conspiracies for money. They buy 5 church candles, put them on banknotes and hide them in a secluded place for 5 days. Before hiding they say: “The money is coming, the money is flowing, as soon as the candles burn out, I will become rich.” After 5 days, the candles are taken out and burned one at a time (in the evening), and the charmed bills are not spent.
  3. Conspiracy for quick money. You need to take a bill, roll it into a tube, and tie it with a red woolen thread. While tying, say: “How many fish are in the sea, how many leaves are on the tree, how much sand is in the river, so much money will come to me.” You should always carry a banknote with you to attract monetary luck.
  4. Conspiracy with grain. To do this, you need to strip naked and sprinkle yourself with grain, saying: “money for bread, bread for money.” Another conspiracy: grain or cereal should be placed in all corners of the house, saying to each one: “just as the field is rich in spikelets, so am I rich in money.”

Money conspiracies will only work if a person believes in them. Therefore, when making a conspiracy, you need to make an effort, to desire wealth with all your heart. It is worth noting that you cannot use several spells at the same time, at least you cannot do more than one ritual during the lunar month. You should not attract money on Monday; the best days to attract wealth are Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

Subject: I have more money and opportunities thanks to the advice from your site!

From: Svetlana(sv****** [email protected])

To whom: Responsible for the site

Hello! My name is Svetlana and I want to tell the readers of the site my story of how I was lucky enough to get rid of constant lack of money!

I lived like many of us: home, work, children, worries... and a constant lack of money. You won’t be able to buy your children extra toys or new clothes, nor will you please yourself with a beautiful dress. My husband also has a job that does not pay money.

In general, every month you just think and plan how to stretch the budget so that there is enough money for current needs.

Of course, in our family we have learned to live with our finances. But in my soul there was always a constant feeling of resentment and self-pity. Why is this so, I asked myself. Look, others have money, they bought a new car, built a dacha, it’s clear that they have wealth.

I had already begun to lose hope for a good life. But one day I came across it on the Internet.

You will simply be amazed at how many positive changes have happened to me! I had no idea that this article would change my life so much!

I got money! And not just change, pocket coins, but truly normal income!

Over the past year, we have done excellent renovations in our apartment, bought a new car, and sent the children to the sea!

But all this would not have happened if I had not come to this site.

Don't scroll past. Take a couple of minutes to this information.

  1. Light the candles and place them at the edges of the mirror. There should be exactly six of them.
  2. Make a corridor out of candles, as long as the room allows. That is, place them in two rows on both sides of the mirror, perpendicular to its plane.
  3. Stand in front of the mirror, gather yourself internally.
  4. Put fears about lack of funds out of your head. It is necessary to come close to the feeling of complete prosperity.

Some people find it more convenient to imagine themselves as very rich, others as happy treasure hunters. Choose your thought form yourself. The main thing is that it is convincing.

  1. Having set yourself up for complete success, enter the corridor. Don't forget that clothes should be red.
  2. Go to your reflection.
  3. Speak the formula loudly and clearly.
  4. You should move slowly so that you have time to cast the spell before you approach the mirror.
  5. Read the plot with these words:

“Amidos mene degotos determines doto gromó delatus Veseles krego pitenus Lal!”

This spell will have to be learned. Place emphasis on each syllable. Yes, you can't go wrong.

  1. When you approach the mirror with the last word, look into the eyes of your reflection and clearly say the expected amount.
  2. Turn your back and go back out. Don't linger in front of the mirror.
  3. Extinguish the candles along the way.
  4. Immediately go into the yard and throw a coin on the road (you can do it from the balcony). It is important not to look where it will fall.
  5. Then go to bed.

Another ritual at dawn

It uses a different principle of expanding the boundaries of material perception. It is performed at dawn.

  1. You need to stand in an open space facing east.
    • Have some tape with you.
  2. As the rays of the sun touch your face, tie the thread you have stored around your waist (under your clothes).
  3. Say it like this:

“I put on a chastity belt, I call upon wealth. I break the shackles of poverty, I melt them in the sunshine! Just as rays travel freely across the earth, so money will come to me! Amen!"

Only the thread cannot be removed for a week. During this time the situation should improve. More often than not, this happens faster.

But you will have to endure such “shackles” around your waist. Do not remove this belt for seven days. This is a kind of protection from the troubles mentioned above.

However, it should be noted that the first rite works much more effectively.

  1. You should go to the churchyard on Friday evening.
  2. Take pomin (sweets) with you.
  3. Find an old grave.
  4. Bow to the spirit of the deceased.
  5. Leave a mention.
  6. Dig a small hole near the cross.
  7. You should put a small coin in it.
  8. So say:

“To a dead man in a coffin, like a slave in slavery. Do not walk on earth, do not receive money. You, spirit, take my poverty to yourself. May her soul go to Paradise. Riches came to me on earth, so that all my money would come at once! Amen!"

Turn around and leave without stopping.

Typically, there will be something scary behind you. You will hear voices, rustling noises, or something worse.

Walk firmly on your path, not paying attention to these sounds. If you’re really scared, read a prayer.

Nothing bad will happen.

This is a test. If you go through it, the next morning you will get what you want, even if you have no idea how it can actually happen.

But remember: using the described rituals is extremely harmful. You can conjure fate.

How can an ordinary person learn to attract various flows of money, as well as complete prosperity and wealth for himself? If a person believes that he has no luck with money due to karma, that money passes around him, but does not come to him, then he can try to use the magic of money.

The point is that various conspiracies and rituals for money will help you gain wealth. By opening a special money channel with the help of a conspiracy, it immediately becomes easier for many people in the material sphere. There are a huge number of rituals for attracting wealth, they also have an incredibly large number of names, however, the task is the same - to improve income.

When performing the sacrament of the ceremony, you should remember two main rules:

  1. all rituals regarding money must be performed for the growing month
  2. The ritual for money should be done with lit candles, without using lighters, but only matches.

An excellent and very easy plot, but quite strong.

  1. In the church you should purchase two large candles, and at the same time order a magpie for yourself about health.
  2. After this, one candle should be given to the altar, and the other should be taken to your home.
  3. Over the next forty days, every morning you need to light a candle that was brought from the church and at the same time recite the conspiracy.
  4. After this, the candle must be extinguished. The candle must go out completely, it cannot be rushed; if it burns out, then you need to purchase a new one from the church.
  5. If after 40 days there is a cinder left, on the last day of reading the plot you should let the candle burn out completely.

Text of the ritual plot:

On the eastern side there is Mount Athos, and on it stands the Church of the Lord,
In that church is the throne of Christ.
Like the Lord's throne is located in the middle of this altar, it does not sway or move, it is always rich and holy,
So the house of the slave (name) would be located in the middle of the whole world, without shaking, becoming sacred and rich. Let wealth come to the house, and let trouble leave the house. Amen.

Ritual for income growth

  • To carry out this ritual, you should light a candle at dawn, crossing it three times with a knife, and then you need to stick the knife nearby and say the words of the spell, while you cannot take your eyes off the candle flame.
  • The wax that will drain during the burning process of the candle should be collected while still warm and sculpted into balls.
  • Next, you need to take a piece of red fabric and put these balls there, carefully folding them, collecting them in a bag and tying it with a red rope.
  • Such a bag should be hidden somewhere in a secret place, where a person would like growth and income (home, work or business).


On the Okiyane Sea there is an iron mountain, and under it there is an iron oak,
A beautiful girl sits under him.
There is a fire burning in her hands, whoever goes to him will gain wealth,
He will bring wealth to the house, feed the children, and give drink to the old people,
And he will not forget himself, he will live forever. My words are an iron tine, I throw the Key and Lock into the water, I drive Satan away. Amen.

Ritual for the arrival of a large sum of money

Buy five white candles in church, light them at home, then immediately cross them three times and recite the secret text. When all the candles have burned, roll the warm wax into one ball, and when it becomes cold, put it in your wallet.


Jesus Christ, support and support, Ever-Virgin Mary,
They were walking across the sky, carrying bags filled with coins, those bags opened and the money fell out.
I am God’s servant (name), I went downstairs, collected money, brought it home,
I lit candles and distributed them to my loved ones. Candles, burn, money, come!
Forever and ever! Amen.

Ritual for the foundation of financial success

You need to take a green candle, pour plain clean water into a shallow bowl, and throw a copper-colored coin into it. You need to light a candle, and when it is already burning well, drop wax from this candle into the water, however, so that the wax falls straight onto the coin. In this case, you need to say the words below. Afterwards, the water should be poured into the ground, and the coin should be kept in the form of a kind of talisman in the wallet so that no one can see it.

As the hard turns into soft, so my wealth will increase and strengthen.
From day to day, from every week, from every year, from this minute until the end of all ages.

Prayer for profit

You should wait until the month begins to grow, and on the even date of this month you need to take a bill, say a certain spell on it, and then put it in the room in the corner for a week, and then spend it. The procedure must be repeated three times.

The words are as follows:
Just as there is a lot of mud in a swamp and fish in the waters, so a lot of money will come to me.
The moon is growing - grow up, and give me money, servant of God (name).
Amen. (3 times)

Ritual of prosperity

You need to remove the wick from the candle, light it on both sides, and then very quickly say the words:

The fire is endless, and my spirit is marked with gold, silver and other good things. Amen.

Ritual for income to grow quickly

The ceremony is performed during the full moon (a clear sky is needed). To do this you will need: a couple of coins and bills of different denominations.

  • Place coins and banknotes on the windowsill so that the moon's light falls on them.
  • After this, you must immediately pronounce the words of the conspiracy.
  • Then you should go to another place, and let the money remain in that place for another couple of hours. You can't look at them at this time.
  • The money is placed in the wallet and spent after a month. The ritual can be repeated.

These funds will attract profits into a person's wallet on an ongoing basis.

Money spell words:
Queen Moon, you are silver, golden, you grow and continue to grow.
So fill my money with light so that it grows just like you.
Money drinks the moonlight, grows hour by hour, gains strength and returns home.

Watch another ritual for money in the video:
