What is the measure of oz. Accurate calculations - ounce of gold in grams

Many of you have certainly heard the word "ounce". But does everyone know what it means? It is outdated and not only. By the way, this concept has a rich history. And in some sectors of the economy, this measure is indispensable. So how many grams does 1 ounce weigh?


Without a doubt, this is a term of Latin origin. In ancient Rome, this was the name given to one twelfth of the libra - the main measure of weight. However, not only the mass was measured with it. In general, it may seem that the Romans liked this word very much.

They often said: "I walked four ounces of the way to ..." or "I read three ounces of a book." What did it mean? Is it really possible to measure distance with a scale? Of course not. An ounce is another twelfth of something. Well, or one tenth or thirteenth - depending on the country and time. So what else was measured? And How? Also, an ounce in ancient Rome was called a coin. One dot was put on it when minted. The coin, of course, was of a small denomination. It was made from an alloy of tin, copper and lead. Some Spanish (doubloons) and Chinese gold coins were also called that.


So, an ounce is, of course, not only. It is also two units and one - strength. In general, to find out the mass, there are several ounces. The Romans, as mentioned above, also used it to measure the length, area, capacity, and even the size of the inheritance. So, 1 ounce of length in ancient Rome was equal to 0.0246 meters. And the surface (area) there was measured by yugers. Accordingly, one twelfth of it - 1 ounce - is equal to 209.91 meters.


The ancient Roman measure of weight - 1 ounce (one twelfth of a libra) was equal to 28.34 g. It seems quite a bit. But it was also divided into shares: semuncia, sicilicus, scrupules and siliquas. The latter were already 144 in an ounce.

Before the metric system of measures, the ounce was common throughout Europe. It is still in use today. However, not even all weights with this name are the same. Let's take a closer look at the most famous ones.

Troy ounce

There is probably more to say about this unit of measurement. It is currently used for weighing precious metals. It is also a unit when trading the latter on special exchanges.

There, prices for gold and other precious metals are determined precisely on the basis of one troy ounce. Its weight in terms of the metric system is approximately 31.103 grams. As you can see, it is different from an ordinary ounce. It is also used in jewelry and banking. It also measures the weight of valuable ingredients in cosmetology. But how did she appear?

The emergence of this term can be attributed to the thirteenth century AD. It will seem surprising to some, but this measure has nothing to do with the legendary city of Troy. And she appeared in the French Troyes. There at that time (12-13 centuries, and according to some sources - from the 5th century) three-month fairs became very popular, which attracted people from many European countries. The abundance of different currencies (in France then almost every city had its own money) and weights (each product had its own) created confusion in trade, and therefore after a while it was decided to take the French livre as a standard, which contained a pound of silver.

1 troy ounce, respectively, is one twelfth of this measure of weight. There is an opinion that this was not without the participation of the French crown. In any case, the unit seemed very convenient. After all, this coin weighed exactly a pound. And at that time, money was valued precisely for its weight. It was later that the precious metal in them began to be replaced with nickel or copper. However, kings have come and gone. And control over the chasers, of which there were quite a lot, was not always at a sufficient level. So silver became less and less. Very often, precious coins were cut off altogether in order to extract silver or gold. Therefore, it was necessary to introduce a standard coinage with a clear border. Over time, gold and silver, of course, significantly outgrew the value of the face value of all world coins. And they almost stopped adding them there.


Currently, banks in many countries around the world continue to issue gold coins. Moreover, they are acquired not only for private collections. Thus, people can invest and store money in gold. In this sense, it is the equivalent of gold bars. Most of these coins contain just a troy ounce of gold:

1. Australian gold bar (coin).

2. Austrian Philharmonic.

3. American golden buffalo.

5. Canadian Gold Maple Leaf.

6. Chinese panda.

7. South African Krugerrand.

All of them have the corresponding inscription. And, of course, not all of them weigh exactly a troy ounce. They may also contain other metals. But a troy ounce of gold, silver or platinum must be in them. By the way, when buying precious metals via the Internet, be careful: in what units of measurement the weight is indicated there. After all, an ounce of avoirdupois (it is now most often used in trade) is lighter than a troy. As you can see, this seemingly outdated measure of weight does not even think of losing its position in this area to grams and kilograms. Perhaps this is because such a significant commodity as gold, for example, must also be measured in significant quantities. Yes, and it is easier to produce ingots weighing 31 g than than one-gram ones. In general, using the example of a coin, you can perfectly and easily answer the question: "An ounce is how many grams of gold?"

American system of measures

In the United States, pounds are still used to measure weight. And with them, therefore, ounces. But again, not the same as everywhere else.

Averdupoix or the so-called trade ounce. It was used when selling goods by weight. In the metric system, its value is 28.349 g.

The US fluid ounce is used to measure volumes. It is equal to approximately 29.537 ml. When indicating the volume on food packages, for convenience, it is equated to 30 milliliters. The British, by the way, have their own fluid ounce. Its volume is 28.413 ml.

European weights

Like many other things, the ounce was borrowed from the Roman Empire by almost all the peoples of Europe. And it was used everywhere until the introduction of the metric system in the eighteenth century. So, for example, in Germany it was considered one sixteenth of a trading pound. It was also used in medicine, where it was equal to 1/12 of a small pharmaceutical weight. She measured the weight in the preparation of medicines. The so-called apothecary ounce has survived to this day. Russia also adopted this system from the Germans. It weighed from 25 to 35 g - depending on the country where it was used. It is sometimes used even today. Therefore, when buying some foreign medicine in a pharmacy, it is important to know how many grams are in 1 ounce. An overdose is not necessary for you or your doctor.

In the Netherlands, they also used an ounce. And even when they switched to a new system in 1820, they retained their Dutch ounce to denote its weight of one hundred grams.

Other European countries did not lag behind. In Italy, there were 12 Roman ounces in a pound, and in Spain and Portugal, 16 each in Castilian libre and artel, respectively.

In England, there already existed the above-mentioned troy ounce, pharmaceutical and commercial. They were shares of the pounds of the same name. But if a troy and apothecaries are 1/12, then a trading ounce was equal to one sixteenth.

And once again about coins. In Sicily, until 1860, the ounce was in use. It was equal to two and a half scuds, three ducats. And it was equivalent to one hundred and twenty-three Italian lira of the new time.

On other continents

In addition to America, where the ounce took root in the United States, it also found its use in Africa. In the north of this continent it was called ukkiya. So, in Algeria, it corresponded to 34.13 grams, in Tunisia - 31.68, in Egypt - 37.068, and in Tripoli 1 ounce weighed 30.02 g.


So we learned what 1 ounce is equal to. And that it appeared in Ancient Rome. There it was used to measure not only weight, it was more of a mathematical symbol. From there she went to conquer the world. In many ways, the ounce anticipated the metric system in Europe. Only instead of one tenth, 1/12 appeared in Ancient Rome. This probably happened due to mythology. In the life of people then, the number twelve was quite symbolic.

Further, the ounce boldly marched across Europe, changing slightly, depending on the country. Then it was replaced by already more convenient kilograms and grams. But in the form of troy and avoirdupois, the ounce has reached our days. Probably because good things are hard to forget. After all, it became the first standard measure of weight in developing Europe. And largely thanks to her, the economies of the countries were able to develop correctly. It facilitated trade and became a measure of the most valuable commodity at that time - gold.

One of the very first problems with language adaptation for the fisherman was for me to start thinking in ounces, and not in the usual grams. After all, here almost all sinkers and jig heads, as well as tests of rods by weight of the lures used, are marked in ounces. The line is marked in pounds.

The main measures of weight that you need to know are ounce ( English ounce; fr. once; reduction - O.Z.) And POUND ( English pounds,; fr. livre; reduction - LB).

Ounce(lat. uncia) - the name of several units of weight, as well as measures of the volume of liquid, one unit of force, and even several monetary units. The word originally meant one twelfth something whole.

The term originates from ancient Rome, but was also widely used as one of the main units of weight in medieval Europe. Today, it is used in the trading of precious metals, as well as in several countries where weight is traditionally measured in pounds (for example, the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom).

It is worth noting that at different times and in different places, some pounds and ounces differed from others, i.e. They weighed differently. But I will focus only on those that we now directly use.

And for this you need to get acquainted with the system of weights, which is called avoirdupois or avoirdupois, which is based on lb.(lat. pondus - weight, weight)consisting of sixteen ounces.

Word avoirdupois comes from a French and Middle English expression avoir de pois , literally meaning "loose goods" or "goods sold by weight". Initially, this term was used to refer to goods that, when sold, were weighed on large steelyards or scales, and only then did they begin to call the system of units of weight used in the sale of such goods.

Here are the main numbers to remember

1 pound avoirdupois (LB or lb) = 0.45359237 kg, i.e. 0.454 kg or 454 grams.

1 ounce avoirdupois (oz or oz at) = 28.3495231 grams or just 28.35 grams.

For simple mathematical operations in the mind, it is enough to remember that:

1 pound equals 450 grams, A 1 ounce is 28 grams.

What labels can be found in local stores

Rod test- the maximum load weight that is recommended to use with this rod. It is usually measured in ounces, i.e. is marking in oz. For example, 1/2 - 1oz, means that the rod is ideal for fishing with lures from 14 to 28 grams.

The fishing line is marked by its breaking strength in pounds, i.e. V LB. For example, a line marked 10LB means that its tensile strength is 4.54 kg.

Reels are usually equipped with two markings - the length of the fishing line in accordance with its diameter or the diameter of the fishing line with its breaking strength. For example, 100 meters of fishing line with a diameter of 0.1 mm can be wound on a reel, or 100 meters of fishing line. 10LB.

Also, when communicating with local fishermen, you will hear that they show off their catches in pounds (pauds) as well. For example, "I caught a sturgeon for 60 pounds", i.e. The fish weighed 27 kg. But you must admit, 60 is more than 27 ...

A small table of commonly used designations

1/8 oz = 3.5 grams

3/16 oz = 5.3 grams

1/4 oz = 7 grams

3/8 oz = 10.6 grams

1/2 oz = 14 grams

1 oz = 28.35 grams

1 1/4 oz = 35.35 grams

1 1/2 oz = 42.35 grams

2 oz = 56.7 grams

3 oz = 85 grams

4 oz = 113.4 grams

5 oz = 141.75 grams

I used these ounce to gram conversions when I bought jig heads, small shackled olives or center hole olives (thru rig leads), and large bottom fishing leads.

Often, labeling on packages is used double - both in ounces / pounds, and in grams / kilograms. If this is not the case, then you can easily convert ounces to grams, and pounds to kilograms. In a year, using the local weight system, you will already understand it normally and, when buying tackle, you will think not in grams, but in ounces.

The word ounce from the Latin "uncia" originated in ancient Rome. The inhabitants used huge bronze coins as money, having previously cut them into pieces. Thus, one twelfth of this coin became known as an ounce and had a weight of 27.288 grams.

Collectible one ounce coin

Naturally, this is different from the weight value of the modern ounce. After a short time, it became very common as a weight unit throughout Europe. Subsequently, many countries of the world began to use the metric system in measuring weight. But the ounce is the oldest unit still in use in jewelry and banking.

History of occurrence

Since the 13th century, 1 ounce has been equal to 1/16 of a pound. As a rule, when it comes to the concept of an ounce of gold, as a rule, they mean a troy. The history of its origin is interesting. In the French city of Troyes, which is located in the province of Champagne, in the 12-13th century, world-famous fairs were held, where, due to the need to exchange money (there were a lot of types, since merchants from all over the world came there), it began to be developed single standard measurement system.

It was based on the French livre, which was equal to a troy pound of silver. When exchanging precious metals, gold was measured in troy ounces. Since then, it has become a measure that determines the weight of precious metals in many modern states. A weight equal to a twelfth of a troy pound is the weight of an ounce. The troy pound, or otherwise the gold coin pound, existed as the main unit of weight in England from 1824 to 1858 and was equal to 373.2417 grams. Thus, one troy ounce of gold in grams has a weight of 31.1035 grams.

Troyes city in France.


Many are interested in the gold rate, or?

Worldwide, the yellow metal has a value expressed in United States dollars per ounce. Despite the fact that the metric system is more common in our time, an ounce of gold is a symbol of centuries of tradition, and its price is determined by the standard of quality and purity.

The London fixing, which is held by the main players in the precious metals market (they are representatives of the five largest world-class banks), sets how much 1 ounce of gold will cost.

The fixed price is set twice a day: 10:30 and 15:00 London time or 13:30 and 18:00 Moscow time. Thus, the value of the precious metal in troy ounces is constantly changing.

In recent years, the price of the yellow metal has risen from $520 to $1,250. According to many financial analysts, we should expect a constant but smooth increase in value. And this gives a good reason to invest in its purchase in order to protect them from inflation. Today, for 1 ounce of the precious metal, you can buy the same benefits as two centuries ago. For example, in the 18th century, one ounce of gold allowed you to buy an excellent men's suit and now its price is at the same level.

London fixing online

Units of measurement in different countries

Shekel. It is of Hebrew origin. It is not used often and is equal to 11.4 grams. One fourth of a shekel is 2.85 grams.

Some countries use their own units of measurement.

For example, the unit of tola, equal to 11.6638 grams, is in circulation in Luxembourg. She is measured when buying or selling scrap gold and its other types.

One bass in Taiwan is 15.244 grams. In Thailand, the tael is equal to 37.5 grams, and in China and Hong Kong, one tael weighs a little less - 37.429 grams.


Usually, when making a transaction for the purchase or sale of an item, a person asks not only what an ounce of gold is and what its price in grams is, but is also interested in the breakdown and weight of the item. You also need to know that in addition to the Troy, several more varieties are in circulation:

  • The pharmacy, in which 1 ounce is 29.860 grams, was distributed in Russia until the end of 1930;
  • Maria Theresa, containing 31.1025 grams;
  • Ancient Roman, the most common in the history of the ancient world, and when asked how much 1 ounce is a gram, at that time they said that 27.3.

Historically, many coins weigh exactly one ounce.

Thus, how much a troy ounce of gold weighs, you need to know before you buy or sell an ingot or coins, scrap.

When buying or selling precious metals, one often comes across an unfamiliar unit of measurement - an ounce. It is much easier and clearer for us, who are used to using the metric system in everyday life, to measure weight in grams. However, in international practice, this is the standard for determining the value of precious metals. The answer to the question: 1 ounce, how many grams, is not as simple as it might seem at first glance.

Translation problems

Translation problems arise due to the presence of different names depending on the scope of use and the country where it is used. Adding to the confusion is the fact that some states, such as the United States, still do not use the metric system, preferring the traditional one.

  • Averdupois (oz or oz at) - 28.35 g, used by the United States as a measure of weight.
  • Fluid ounce (fl oz) - 29.573531 ml, used to determine the volume of liquid.
  • Troy ounce (toz or ozt) - 31.1034768 g, all over the world this value is used to measure the weight of precious metals.

Troy ounce

The troy ounce is a common measure for precious metals.

Simplified meaning for translation: 1 ozt - 31.1035 grams.

It should be noted that in international trade this unit is used only to determine the mass of pure metals of the highest standard.

In the world currency markets, the XAU index is used to indicate the rate of 999.9 gold. Mints in different countries mint coins weighing 31.1 g. Many, both old and modern money made of gold and silver, have this denomination.

origin of name

Uncia- Latin term means 1/12 part. This concept came to us from Ancient Rome, but the troy ounce appeared as a measure of weight much later. This name has nothing to do with ancient Troy and comes from the name of the French city Troyes(Troyes), province of Champagne.

In the Middle Ages, famous champagne fairs were held here, which brought together merchants from different countries. The presence of various measures has led to the need to apply some unifying value.

This unit was the troy pound and its 1/12 part - the troy ounce. In the 19th century, Great Britain became the center of world trade. Which inherited and finally fixed the application of this measure as the main one in the international trade in precious metals.

Using recalculation in practice

The need to convert ounce-gram arises, in most cases, when trying to calculate, or silver per gram in national currency, for example, in rubles, today. The calculation algorithm is quite complex and requires knowledge of not only the cost of the metal in dollars per ounce, but also the currency quotes of the ruble/dollar. It looks like this:

the price of gold (dollars/ozt) divided by 31.1035 and multiplied by the dollar/ruble rate, we get the price of gold in rubles/g.

There is a calculator for calculating the cost of gold, which makes calculations according to the data of the Central Bank, which greatly simplifies and speeds up obtaining the desired result.

On the Internet you can find a large number of converters of units of measurements, when using such programs to convert the weight of precious metals, it is important to remember that you need a troy ounce, and not any other value.

How to convert ounces to grams? In order to learn how to translate these quantities, first of all, it is necessary to say what this very ounce is.

The word ounce, or "uncia", takes its name from ancient Rome. In turn, an ounce, in the concept of the ancient Romans, was 1/12 of a large bronze coin weighing 27.288 grams, or one tenth, depending on the time.

Since the 13th century, 1 ounce has been equal to 1/16 of a pound. Needless to say, the modern ounce differs significantly in weight from the ancient Roman.

Years later, this measure of weight was used throughout Europe, and in the modern world it is widely used in banking, pharmaceutical and jewelry. Therefore, the need to convert ounces to grams arose even there.

As a rule, when people talk about gold, they most often mean a troy ounce.

Convert oz to grams

It is worth noting that the ounce has the international designation oz (oz). 1 ounce, at the moment, is 28.349523 grams. The value of this value changes twice a day and depends on the London fixing rate.

Of course, in the modern world there are a huge number of currency converters that can easily help you convert one value to another. We are pursuing another goal - to learn how to independently translate these values. So we can find out an ounce is how many grams.

The formula for the calculation will look like this: (? oz) * (1 lb / 16 oz) * (1 kg / 2.2046 lb) * (1000 g / 1 kg) =

To calculate how many grams are in an ounce, you need to substitute the value you are interested in. So, 1 ounce in grams will be:

1oz * (1lb/16oz) * (1kg/2.2046lb) * (1000g/1kg) = 28.349814g

Four ounces:

4oz * (1lb/16oz) * (1kg/2.2046lb) * (1000g/ 1kg) =113.396041g

5 oz:

5oz * (1lb/16oz) * (1kg/2.2046lb) * (1000g/ 1kg) =141.749070g

9 oz:

9oz * (1lb/16oz) * (1kg/2.2046lb) * (1000g/ 1kg) =255.148326g

This method is one of the most accurate, it will easily help you find out how many grams are contained in a particular number of oz, thereby showing the weight of an ounce.

In addition to this method, the table will help you find out how much one tenth or more of an ounce contains:

1/2 14.18 2/3 18.99 3/4 21.26 4/5 22.68 5/6 23.53 6/7 24.38 7/8 24.95 8/9 25.3 9/10 25.52
1/3 9.44 2/5 11.34 3/5 17.01 4/7 16.16 5/7 20.13 6/11 15.46 7/9 22.11 8/11 20.62 9/11 23.2
1/4 7.09 2/7 8.22 3/7 12.19 4/9 12.47 5/8 17.86 6/13 13.08 7/10 19.85 8/13 17.45 9/13 19.63
1/5 5.67 2/9 6.24 3/8 10.77 4/11 10.31 5/9 15.88 6/16 10.63 7/11 18.04 8/15 15.12 9/14 18.23
1/6 4.82 2/11 5.15 3/10 8.51 4/13 8.72 5/11 12.89 6/17 10 7/12 16.54 8/17 13.34 9/17 15.95
1/7 3.97 2/13 4.36 3/11 7.73 4/14 8.1 5/12 11.81 6/19 8.95 7/13 15.27 8/19 11.94 9/20 15.01
1/8 3.69 2/15 3.78 3/13 6.54 4/15 7.56 5/13 10.9 6/25 6.8 7/15 13.23 8/21 10.8 9/25 12.76
1/9 3.12 2/17 3.34 3/14 6.08 4/17 6.67 5/14 10.12 6/35 4.86 7/16 12.4 8/25 9.07 9/35 10.21
1/10 2.83 2/19 2.98 3/16 5.32 4/18 6.3 5/21 6.75 6/45 3.78 7/17 11.67 8/31 7.32 9/40 7.29
1/11 2.58 2/21 2.7 3/17 5 4/19 5.97 5/31 4.57 6/55 3.09 7/18 11.03 8/41 5.53 9/50 6.38
1/12 2.36 2/25 2.27 3/19 4.48 4/21 5.4 5/41 3.46 6/65 2.61 7/19 10.45 8/51 4.45 9/60 5.1
1/13 2.18 2/31 1.83 3/20 4.25 4/25 4.54 5/51 2.78 6/75 2.27 7/20 9.92 8/61 3.72 9/70 4.25
1/14 2.03 2/41 1.38 3/25 3.4 4/35 3.24 5/61 2.32 6/85 2 7/25 7.94 8/71 3.19 9/80 3.65
1/15 1.89 2/51 1.11 3/35 2.43 4/45 2.52 5/71 2 6/95 1.79 7/30 6.62 8/81 2.8 9/90 3.19
1/16 1.77 2/61 0.93 3/40 2.13 4/55 2.06 5/81 1.75 7/40 4.96 8/91 2.49 9/100 2.55
1/17 1.67 2/71 0.8 3/50 1.7 4/65 1.75 5/91 1.56 7/50 3.97
1/18 1.58 2/81 0.7 3/70 1.22 4/75 1.51 7/60 3.31
1/19 1.49 2/91 0.62 3/80 1.06 4/85 1.33 7/80 2.48
1/20 1.42 2/99 0.57 3/100 0.85 4/95 1.19 7/90 2.21
1/25 1.13 7/100 1.98
1/30 0.95
1/40 0.71
1/50 0.57
1/60 0.47
1/70 0.41
1/80 0.35
1/90 0.32
1/100 0.28
  • Few people know that in addition to a measure of weight, 1 ounce can be represented as a measure of the volume of liquid, or 1 fl oz, so 1 ounce in grams will be equivalent to 30 ml of liquid.
  • Freely convertible currencies currently account for 15% of the entire financial market;
  • 1 pharmacy ounce is 29.860 grams. This value was distributed until 1930, then lost its force;
  • Not every person knows about an ounce of Maria Theresa, which was 31.1025 grams. This coin was forged many times, and finally, for the tenth time, it came out the way the queen wanted.
