What is best for bathing newborns? Using Soap and Shampoo

Having a child brings new responsibilities for parents. Returning from the maternity hospital marks a new stage in the life of the family, and young parents are faced with many questions. One of them is how to properly wash a newborn. It is not clear what the water in the bath should be like, whether something needs to be added to it, or whether soap can be used. The answers to these questions are not so much difficult as they are important.

Is it possible to wash a newborn baby with soap?

A baby's skin is very delicate, so you need to be extremely careful with soap. Even if a bar of soap is labeled “baby”, pediatricians do not recommend using it in the first weeks of life.

Is it possible to wash a newborn with soap? It is possible, but not often. During the first week after returning from the maternity hospital, you do not need to use soap at all when bathing. In the future, you can soap the baby’s body no more than once or twice a week.

But by and large, until the child begins to crawl, there is simply nowhere for him to get dirty, which means that it is the parents who feel the need to use soap rather than the baby himself. Sweat glands on a baby's body work differently than on the body of an adult or grown-up child. Therefore, a simple wash with water is enough for the baby.

As for washing, then after stool you can and even need to use baby soap. After washing, the butt and legs should be thoroughly blotted with a thick terry towel, and the skin should be lubricated with fragrance-free baby cream.

Is it possible to wash a newborn with liquid soap, not bar soap, or, for example, cream soap? The answer is the same. It is possible, but only if the baby is really dirty. During daily “ritual” bathing there is no point in using soap. Moreover, frequent washing with soap can harm not only the baby’s skin, but also his health.

Why you shouldn't overuse soap

Any soap, even one specially created for the delicate skin of infants, contains drying agents. It dissolves a special fatty film on infant skin, that is, it deprives it of its natural protection. Therefore, parents should not get carried away with excessive cleanliness. But you definitely need to know what kind of soap is best to wash a newborn.

What are the risks of using soap too much when bathing a baby?

Deprived of a protective film, the epidermis (outer layer of skin) is subject to increased attack by bacteria and viruses. It takes approximately two days to restore protection, and this time is potentially dangerous;

After washing with soap, the skin begins to actively absorb substances, including those that are removed from the body as toxins. On the other hand, soap disrupts excretory functions. Accordingly, through the skin the body seems to poison itself;

Drying agents contained in soap negatively affect the condition of the skin and can cause itching and irritation. That is why after using soap you need to treat your skin with baby cream;

If the soap contains synthetic substances, it will clearly not bring health to children’s skin and in general can seriously affect their health;

Flavorings work in the same way. If a bar of soap has a strong smell or is brightly colored, it is clearly not suitable for babies, no matter how the manufacturer labels their product.

Frequent use of soap is undesirable and even harmful. One or maximum two washes a week will not cause harm. You cannot bathe with soap every day.

What soap is best to wash a newborn?

You can't do without soap at all. If only because the baby soils diapers 5 to 8 times a day. What soap is best to wash a newborn so as not to harm his body? Here are the basic rules that will help parents choose the best for their baby:

You should immediately stop buying “no name” soap. Large, reliable manufacturers have introduced a strict quality system and use natural and safe ingredients;

When purchasing a product, pay attention to the “neutral PH” and “clinical tested” labels. This means that the soap has been tested and will not harm the baby’s skin;

A good baby soap should not contain any fragrances, dyes, or synthetic components;

If the soap contains herbs, this is not always good. The fact is that they can cause allergies, irritation, and dryness.

It is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the child. It is impossible to say unequivocally which soap is best to wash a newborn. In some children, the skin reacts well to herbal extracts (chamomile, celandine, chamomile), while in others the plants cause allergies.

Therefore, before you soap your beloved child, check whether the soap will cause a negative reaction. The test is very simple: apply soap to the crook of your elbow or wrist, rinse and observe the skin. If after two or three days nothing bad has happened to the skin, it remains clean, without redness, you can use this soap.

After each bowel movement, the child needs to be washed. The procedure is slightly different for boys and girls. This is due to the structure of the genital organs.

The newborn girl is washed under running water with hand movements towards the anus to prevent dirt and inflammation from entering.

Soap is used as a last resort. The fact is that the skin of the mucous membranes on the girl’s genitals is very delicate, and soap injures it and causes inflammation. This, in turn, is fraught with fusion of the labia minora (synechia). When washing, it is more correct to hold the girl on her back, laying her on her elbow and holding her by the handle.

It is more convenient to wash a newborn boy the other way around: laying him on his elbow with his tummy. You need to wash the baby under running warm water, first the bottom, then the genitals. Caring for baby boys is easier.

How to prepare a bath

Bathing a baby every day is a ritual that should be enjoyable for both baby and mother. Therefore, details are important: the temperature of the water and air, a “hill” for convenience, a soft diaper spread on the bottom of the bath.

The meaning of the procedure is not so much to wash away the dirt, but to ensure that the child relaxes, feels the pleasant warmth of the water, the touch of the mother’s hands and a fluffy towel. In addition, daily bathing is a hardening procedure. The combination of water and air, temperature changes make the immune system work and strengthen it.

You can bathe your newborn one day after the first BCG vaccination. However, there is no need for this, so nothing bad will happen if the mother postpones the procedure for a few days. The duration of the first bath is 2-3 minutes. After a week, the baby can be left in the water for five minutes, gradually increasing the procedure to 10-15 minutes.

How to properly wash a newborn in the bath? First of all, prepare the water. During the first month of life, some pediatricians recommend boiling it to avoid inflammation of the umbilical wound. For disinfection (especially if unboiled water is used), manganese can be added, achieving a slight pinkish color.

The water temperature should not be higher than 37 degrees, and the air temperature should not be lower than 22 degrees. It is important that the child does not freeze, but swimming in hot water will not bring him joy. If there is no special water thermometer, mother can easily check the temperature by immersing her elbow in the prepared bath. The skin should not feel either cold or heat.

Whether to add decoctions of medicinal herbs to the water depends on the wishes of the parents. There is no particular need for them if the child’s skin is healthy. Moreover, the newborn may develop allergies. If this happens, then the experiments must be stopped immediately. It’s another matter if the doctor prescribes a decoction of this or that herb for medicinal purposes (for example, for prickly heat, dermatitis, etc.). In this case, you need to follow the pediatrician's recommendations.

How to properly wash a newborn

A special slide for a baby bath is convenient because you don’t have to hold the baby. The slope of the slide needs to be covered with a diaper so that the body does not slip. If there is no slide, then the child should be placed with his back on his left elbow and held by the handle. Carefully lower into the water and hold so that your head and shoulders are above the water.

You need to wash the baby with your right hand using smooth movements: first the arms and armpits, then the legs, inguinal folds, butt and tummy. Now you can turn the baby over on his tummy, lift him above the water and wash his back.

If soap is used, then the mother soaps her palms and washes the baby with them. Regular shower gel cannot be used to bathe a newborn. Baby shampoo is possible, but only after the baby reaches four months of age. You should wash your hair with shampoo no more than once a month.

If the mother used soap, then after bathing the baby’s body should be doused with clean water from a previously prepared jug. Now all that remains is to pat the baby dry with a towel, lubricate the skin with baby cream and put the baby to bed.

This includes feeding, skin care and, of course, bath/sauna procedures. The first bath is especially important - this is a new experience in the baby’s life, so water should not scare him, but on the contrary, it should prepare the child for a fun adventure with ducks and rattles.

Bathing a newborn – this is also a kind of work. Holding your baby correctly and acting coherently is something that comes with experience. What to add to the water when bathing a newborn baby? It depends on the specific problem you need to solve. Maybe you want to calm a restless baby or heal a diaper rash? Maybe, ? In any case, water alone will not be enough to bathe a newborn.

Preparing water for bathing

Umbilical wound- This is a vulnerable place for infection. It is important to bathe a newborn in the first weeks of his life only in boiled water. This will allow the wound to heal faster. After bathing, the wound is treated with hydrogen peroxide - the crusts are removed and brilliant green is carefully applied on top. However, pediatricians recommend bathing in the first days after discharge so that water does not get on the newborn’s navel. Why do you need extra risk?

For the bath procedure, it is better to use special children's plastic baths. They heat up quickly and use less water. These bathtubs also have recesses for soap or baby wash.

Mom bathes her newborn in a special bath

Some models are sold with a baby stand included. Herbs and remedies that have a beneficial effect on the body and disinfect. When the umbilical wound heals, you don’t need to boil the water. After a month from the birth of your baby, you can move with him to an adult bathtub - this is where the stand can come in handy. Add ducks and rattles - your baby will definitely love this kind of water play. .

The water temperature should not be more than 37 degrees

What to add to the water when bathing a newborn baby?

Disinfectant herbs for bathing

It is not necessary to use herbs at all. However, when bathing a newborn, they can have an even more healing effect than plain water. Herbs have a beneficial effect on the skin - they treat diaper rash, rashes, prickly heat, hives and, in addition, calm the baby’s nerves, which means they prepare for bed. If the umbilical cord is slow to heal, try bathing your newborn in antiseptic herbs. For this, chamomile, string, calendula flowers, bay leaf and others are most often used.

The water is heated to the required level (a water thermometer will help make the task easier), then you need to add a strong herbal decoction to the water, which will have a very good healing effect when bathing a newborn. 1. Bay leaf.

It would seem, what is the use of it? But it contains not only aromatic essential oil, but also various trace elements. Bay leaves treat fungal diseases and allergic rashes. Brew a handful of leaves in a teapot and let steep for 10 hours. Add the finished infusion to the water. 2. Concentrated pine needle extract.

It is sold in pharmacies in the form of sachets and has a strong calming effect. Some mothers add essential oils to the bath - this is not recommended, since the oil does not completely dissolve in water and can even cause a burn on the baby’s skin. It is recommended to add only after such baths have been prescribed by a pediatrician. This plant is good for treating skin diseases.

4. Calendula or chamomile, as well as their combination. These herbs have been known since ancient times as a powerful anti-inflammatory agent. They are especially useful for preventing gynecological diseases in girls. If you add calendula to chamomile, you will additionally moisturize the baby’s skin and relieve cramps in the tummy.

5. Series. Best suited for bathing a newborn. Treats almost all skin ailments of infants: dermatitis, diaper rash, allergies, prickly heat, relieves inflammation. The only drawback is that it dries out the skin. However, this is a good property for healing wounds.

Soothing Herbs for Bathing

To calm your nervous system before bed, add lavender or pine extract to your bath. Extracts of valerian, motherwort, juniper or hop cones also help relieve hyperactivity. You can add an herbal infusion prepared at home or buy herbs in bags at the pharmacy. It is enough to add one sachet to the water when bathing a newborn to ensure a full and good sleep.

To test your tolerance to herbs, alternate them, but do not mix them. If you notice that there are no undesirable reactions when bathing your newborn, you can proceed to the preparations.

Herbs for colic

You can try to eliminate stomach pain with the help of herbs. Calendula works best here. It relieves spasms, and warm water has a warming and calming effect. If you use calendula for bathing a newborn, you can reduce the occurrence by 50% and instantly alleviate the baby’s condition. You can also add a couple of hop cones, pre-brewed with boiling water, to the water when bathing a newborn.

Salt water for bathing

Sea salt, which can be purchased anywhere, is good for strengthening and soothing the skin. However, it is not recommended to bathe a newborn in salt water if there are wounds. All the most valuable microelements contained in sea water penetrate into the baby’s body through the skin. Thus, rickets, anemia and even bronchitis are treated. To bathe your newborn in salt water, pour a couple of tablespoons into the water and dissolve the salt with your hand. You can do this in a bowl and then strain through cheesecloth.

What concentration is needed to bathe a newborn? It depends on your goal. If such bathing is preventive, a low concentration is sufficient. For skin diseases, the concentration is increased. After bathing your newborn in this way, do not forget to rinse your baby with fresh water so that the salt does not irritate the skin.

When herbs are contraindicated

You should not use poisonous herbs to bathe a newborn, no matter how much your grandmothers advise you. Prohibited plants for bathing babies include thuja, calamus, tansy, wormwood and adonis. Celandine is added only on the recommendation of a doctor.

Potassium permanganate for bathing

In the absence of herbs, you can use potassium permanganate to bathe a newborn. Manganese perfectly disinfects water and is used in the first days or weeks of a baby’s life. However, it is not at all easy to add manganese to the water when bathing a baby. It is quite difficult to accurately calibrate the concentration. A bright solution of potassium permanganate can be very dangerous and cause burns, while a weak solution is ineffective. Also, undiluted crystals can burn your skin and even more so the baby’s skin. Therefore, when bathing a newborn, opt for other means.

Cosmetics for bathing

There are many cosmetics available in stores for bathing a newborn. When purchasing, be sure to read the label and ingredients. On the back it should be written that the gel or foam is intended for use from the first days of life. Bathing a newborn in such products is quite pleasant - they are easy to apply and wash off, and also contain extracts of beneficial herbs. Many products use them as shampoo - they do not irritate the eyes. And if you add gel or foam to the water when bathing a newborn baby, you will feel an incredibly soothing aroma. Try products from the brands Eared Nannies, Bubchen, My Sun or BabyLine.

Treating wrinkles after bathing

Once you have bathed your newborn, wipe him dry, put on a cap, and gently blot the folds. Then apply cream or powder to the folds and rub so that there are no lumps. Treat the umbilical wound and swaddle the baby.

1. Herbs, sea salt or potassium permanganate are needed to heal wounds or treat skin diseases. If the baby no longer has these problems, you should not dry out the skin. Water and cosmetics are enough (but not more than once a week).
2. For weeping diseases (for example, diathesis), you should not bathe the newborn in water, but apply compresses soaked in a decoction of the string.
3. You can prepare the decoction in advance and store it in the refrigerator - this will reduce the time for bath procedures.
4. If the baby tolerates herbs well, try adding violet flowers, lovage, licorice, birch and even green tea infusion.
5. After bathing, apply vegetable oil to dry areas to moisturize.

Never leave your baby alone in the bathroom while bathing. Also make sure that all the funds are at hand, and you don’t have to turn away from him.

Dr. Komarovsky about bathing a newborn:

Daily water procedures will become not only a pleasant, but also a useful ritual if you know which herbs to use for bathing a newborn. If a few years ago parents preferred to add potassium permanganate and other antiseptics to their baby’s bathing water, today they are gradually abandoning this.

Properly selected and prepared taking into account the specifics of the situation, herbal decoctions can disinfect the baby’s skin, speed up the healing of the umbilical wound, eliminate colic, irritability and even problems with the development of muscle fibers. Unlike conventional antiseptics, this approach does not dry out the skin and does not produce side effects. The main thing is to know which products will give a pronounced positive effect, and which components are best avoided.

What are the benefits of herbal baths and how to use them correctly?

Even with high-quality and regular care for your baby, his skin is exposed to a number of negative factors. In the summer it can be a heat rash; if diapers are not changed on time or skin folds are too pronounced, diaper rash often appears. Even a mother’s favorite product from her diet can cause rashes. With the help of herbal baths, your baby can be relieved of these manifestations, and at the same time achieve a therapeutic effect on the child’s body.

Regardless of the purpose for which the product is used, you must adhere to the rules for its use. Absolutely natural ingredients are used for the baths, which can cause allergies if the dosage is violated:

  • You should not experiment with multi-component compositions. The more components, the higher the risk of side effects. It is better to select the compositions purposefully and, if necessary, alternate them.
  • It is imperative to check the baby’s reaction to the prepared composition. To do this, soak a cotton swab in the broth and rub it over the baby’s skin. If after a quarter of an hour no changes appear on the treated area, the product can be used for its intended purpose.

Tip: Herbs for preparing decoctions should only be purchased at a pharmacy or collected independently in an ecologically clean area. Products purchased secondhand may consist of several components, some of which are often allergenic or contaminated.

  • When buying a packaged product, you need to take into account that for 1.5 liters of decoction you will need at least 5 standard sachets. Dried collections produce a more concentrated product. Just one handful of herbs is enough to prepare 5 liters of decoction. Before use, it is recommended to leave the finished product for at least an hour and no more than five hours. For infusion, a earthenware or enamel container is used.
  • When bathing a baby, it is allowed to use only a pre-strained mixture; particles of the broth should not end up in the water.
  • For bathing newborn children, only fresh decoctions are used.

The amount of product used should be minimal. In some cases, a few tablespoons are enough. It is better to consult a doctor about the amount of active liquid or use the recommendations on the product packaging.

Herbal formulations for healthy skin of babies

If you know what products to use to prepare a baby’s bath, you can speed up the healing of wounds on his skin, prevent them from becoming infected, and relieve itching, irritation and inflammation.

  • Chamomile. It has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, eliminates any skin manifestations of an allergic nature. Additionally, it allows you to improve sleep, get rid of insomnia, and neutralize signs of nervousness after suffering stress.
  • A series. It has long been used to treat skin diseases. If you regularly add the decoction to the water, all traces of the problem will quickly disappear in a child with seborrheic crusts on the scalp. It is worth considering that the composition slightly dries out the skin; it is not recommended to use it more than twice a week.
  • Nettle. Softens and tones the skin, eliminates signs of inflammatory processes, heals wounds and ulcers. This product can also be used for bathing healthy children, because... it has general strengthening properties.
  • Oak bark. Indispensable for diaper rash, allergic manifestations and heat rash. Thanks to the tannin content, after such baths a protective barrier is established on the skin, famous for its antioxidant and antimicrobial properties.

In addition, baths with St. John's wort can be used from time to time. They not only improve the condition of the skin, but also treat diathesis, dermatitis, and pyoderma.

Herbal baths with calming effects

Soothing preparations should occupy a special place in a young mother’s first aid kit. They will help quickly relieve anxiety in a restless baby and strengthen his sleep.

  • Lavender. It not only calms, but also relieves spasms, which are often the cause of overexcitement in a child. Additionally, one can highlight the antiseptic properties of the product, which manifest themselves in the presence of skin rashes.
  • Valerian. Reduces the excitability of the nervous system literally before our eyes. In addition, valerian relieves spasms, normalizes the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, and improves the functioning of the baby’s heart and blood vessels.
  • Peppermint. Not only its calming properties have been proven, but also its ability to relieve pain, improve the baby’s appetite, and eliminate signs of the inflammatory process.

Oregano is not often used in home baths. But this is what many neurologists recommend for disorders of the psychoemotional state of infants. Oregano also has a good effect on rickets and gastrointestinal disorders.

Effective herbal remedies for colic

To eliminate colic, it is not enough to normalize the nutrition of a nursing mother or baby; you need to take care of additional effects on the body:

  • Bearberry. Contains tannins that help reduce tension in the smooth muscles of the intestine and have a general strengthening effect. This plant also actively fights bacteria, viruses, and inflammation.
  • Hop. Its cones are traditionally used for intestinal disorders. These are excellent antispasmodics, giving a relaxing and analgesic result.
  • Motherwort. Not only soothes, but also regulates intestinal function by eliminating spasms.

Herbal infusions can be used in courses or on an ongoing basis. The main thing is to take breaks sometimes so that the effect does not become too pronounced or provoke the development of addiction.

Bathing for a newborn child and his parents is a whole event (especially if it is the first time after the maternity hospital). Like any very responsible business, this process raises many questions: how and when to bathe, boil water or not, whether it is possible to add herbal decoctions and how often to do this, is it dangerous to get water into the ears, and so on. The famous pediatrician Evgeny Komarovsky, in his books and articles, has repeatedly talked about the basic rules and principles of organizing water procedures for a baby.

It is worth considering the most important points that you should know so that bathing brings pleasure and benefit to both the child and his parents.


Water procedures are beneficial for absolutely all babies from the very first days of life. In the womb, babies are in an aquatic environment, and therefore it is familiar and native to them. The little one feels at home in the water. Bathing is not only a hygienic procedure aimed at keeping the child’s skin and hair clean. Taking baths promotes physical development, contains an element of play, and therefore has a positive effect on the mental and emotional development of the baby.

A few decades ago, pediatricians categorically forbade bathing a child with an unhealed umbilical wound, opposed raw, unboiled water, and set many more fairly strict requirements and restrictions for parents.

Modern doctors look at bathing more democratically.

Parents with experience, as a rule, have significantly fewer difficulties during the first bath of a newborn at home than new mothers and fathers who received their first child just a few hours ago. Komarovsky advises maintaining Spartan calm. It is this that guarantees success in the difficult task of bathing the baby.


Should I bathe with an unhealed umbilical wound?

This question comes up quite often. Some pediatricians allow bathing even with a clothespin on the navel, while others recommend refraining from taking water procedures until the umbilical cord dries. Evgeny Komarovsky says that the choice is, of course, up to the parents. However, if the child is kept in acceptable living conditions, does not sweat, does not overheat, and does not get dirty, then nothing bad will happen to him if the baby does not bathe for a week or two. It doesn't bother him at all. If anyone is worried, it’s only mom and dad, but in this case there are wet baby sanitary wipes that can be used to wipe problem areas and folds at any time.

However, if you still decide to bathe, then until the umbilical wound heals, the doctor advises doing this exclusively with boiled water.

For a long time, doctors advised bathing in water with a solution of potassium permanganate. However, you need to be extremely careful here; undissolved grains of potassium permanganate can cause serious burns on the delicate skin and mucous membranes of the baby. The solution should be pale pink and should be added to the water immediately before bathing. Komarovsky does not recommend potassium permanganate at all, since in small doses it is useless, and in large doses it is dangerous. It is better to replace it with infusion of succession.


A massage before an evening swim is a very useful and important procedure, says Evgeniy Komarovsky. During stroking and patting, the blood supply to the muscles and skin improves, and the benefits will be even more noticeable if you bathe the baby immediately after the manipulations. All parents, without exception, can master a simple massage. To do this, you do not need to enroll in special courses.

Komarovsky recommends doing a light and soothing massage before a bath. First, with baby cream, the mother can easily massage the hands (stroking and circular movements, this should be done with the thumbs). Then the legs are massaged in the same way. The tummy is stroked clockwise with the palm or fingertips. Then the baby is laid on the tummy and the back is gently massaged - first in circular and arched movements, and then with light pats.

The mother's movements should not cause pain to the baby, he should not go to the bath too excited and screaming from the heart.

Water temperature

Doctors recommend keeping the temperature at 37 degrees. It should be followed for at least the first 10-14 days. Then you can experiment - slightly increasing or decreasing the temperature (maximum - 1 degree).

Some parents try to warm up the bathroom in advance by bringing heaters into it (especially in cases where the first bath at home occurs in winter). Komarovsky does not recommend doing this. The temperature in the bathroom should be approximately the same as in the rest of the apartment (optimal values ​​are 18-20 degrees), and overheating the air in the bathing room is harmful.

For a good night's sleep, Komarovsky advises to practice swimming in cool water, the temperature of which is no higher than 32 degrees.

Such procedures will not cause any harm, but the general strengthening effect will be obvious, and in a cool bath it is more difficult for a child to fall asleep while bathing. However, you should not immediately rush to implement this recommendation. This should start gradually. The initial water temperature for a newborn is 34 degrees. A child can reduce it by 2 degrees per month - up to 32 degrees, and bathing time can be increased from 15 minutes to half an hour. At two months, the temperature of cool water can be lowered to 28-30 degrees, bathing time is half an hour.

Komarovsky advises to take these figures rather conditionally. If a 1-month-old child calmly accepts swimming in water whose temperature is 24 degrees, there is nothing wrong with that. He sleeps soundly, rests well, worries less himself and allows his parents to sleep.


The first bath should not be very long. It is better to start with 3 minutes, the next day extend the procedure to 5 minutes, then add a little more time. Komarovsky considers the best duration of bathing to be 15-20 minutes. If a quarter of an hour has passed, and the baby is calm and determined to continue the procedure, nothing bad will happen if the bathing is extended.

A newborn does not have time to get so dirty that he needs to be bathed every day.

Although Komarovsky strongly advises washing the baby every day. When the baby begins to crawl, get dirty, and actively explore the world, water procedures before bed should become regular and mandatory - you will have to bathe the baby every day.

It seems to Komarovsky that evening swimming is not a dogma. Parents themselves have the right to choose the most convenient bathing time for the family. Some evening hygiene procedures are postponed until lunchtime. However, Komarovsky warns that evening swimming has its benefits - for example, it promotes relaxation for a strong and healthy night's sleep.

Herbs and decoctions

No matter what traditional healers say, it is best to coordinate any use of phytotherapeutic agents during bathing with the treating pediatrician. Grandmothers, of course, will advise bathing their granddaughter in a series more often or be sure to brew him nine strength, but the common sense of parents should be above all. If a child suffers from atopic dermatitis, has diaper rash, or has a (genetic) tendency to allergies, be sure to consult a doctor.

For healthy children, bathing with the addition of decoctions of medicinal herbs is a rather useful procedure, says Evgeniy Komarovsky. However, moderation is good in everything; you shouldn’t prepare herbal baths every day, and you should be more careful with the dosage of decoctions and infusions.

Naturally, it will not work to treat something with herbal infusions added to water, since this is impossible, says Dr. Komarovsky. But there won’t be much harm with moderate dosing.

What to do if a child does not like to wash and screams?

Such situations do occur, says Komarovsky. But the point here is not at all about the child and not even about the fact that he is afraid of something. Most likely, according to a famous pediatrician, bathing conditions should be adjusted. Maybe the water temperature does not suit the baby - it is too high or too low for him. After experimenting for several days, parents will be able to understand which water is most comfortable for their child. Bathing should begin with it - and only then adjust the temperature in favor of cooling (adding cold water in a thin stream) or heating (adding hot water in the same way).

Another reason for a child’s screaming in the bathroom, according to Komarovsky, lies in the baby’s rejection of the bathing process, since it goes against his internal biological clock.

For example, a mother tries to bathe her baby only at night, and it is at this time that the child wants to sleep and not bathe. Therefore, Komarovsky gives some advice that will help parents whose children have trouble in the water:

Change the time of day.

Change your eating and bathing routine. If your baby screams when bathing half an hour after eating, then try bathing him half an hour before eating (or vice versa).

Practice sharing baths with your baby.

Large bath

This can be done as early as 2-3 months, says Evgeniy Komarovsky. At first, a child can get comfortable in a large expanse of water with a circle around his neck. This is a special inflatable device with a recess for the chin and Velcro on the back of the neck. The baby is fixed in such a circle, his head is always above the water, and he can practice swimming on his back, stomach, and turning over on his own in the water. Usually this picture brings the baby’s parents into indescribable delight.

You can swim without a circle. For this, Evgeny Komarovsky recommends three poses:

The baby is immersed in water entirely, leaving only his face on the surface. At the same time, it is supported by the index fingers under the neck. There is nothing dangerous about getting water into your ears and eyes, says the doctor. The main thing is that water does not get into your nose and mouth. Even if the baby takes a sip of it, nothing bad will happen.

How can you make your children’s daily bathing experience enjoyable and safe? We will answer the most frequently asked questions from parents.

1. What to do to prevent a newborn baby from crying while bathing?

The main thing is to create the most comfortable conditions for the child. That is, he should not experience hunger, discomfort from contact with hot or cold water, dry skin or too long nails of his mother’s hands holding him. The baby should be lowered into the water very slowly, starting from the feet, while gently saying kind words. Getting used to the bathing procedure will go faster if the time spent in the water is increased gradually, starting from 3-5 minutes. It is important to exclude noises that frighten the baby: the sound of water pouring into the bath, loud speech, and especially screams.

Often, no tricks can help avoid the desperate cry of a child. Then it’s better to quickly wash it under the tap and do this for another couple of days, then try putting it in the bath again. Remember: patience and perseverance will definitely bear fruit.

2. In what position should a child under one year be bathed?

A baby who cannot sit is held in the bathtub in a supine position. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the chest in the area of ​​​​the heart is completely immersed in water only for short intervals of time. You can use a special plastic mattress with a raised head end and an inflatable ring around the neck for additional safety net.

When the child learns to sit steadily, you can bathe him in this position, but be sure to hold him by one shoulder. The baby is still so small that there is enough water in the bath to push him out of the bottom like a float. Having lost support, the baby can very quickly roll over on its side or face down and choke.

If your child enjoys bathing, he can be taught to swim by performing special exercises in different positions.

3. If water gets into the ears, will the baby get sick?

No. The ear canals in newborns are wide, short and located so that their inner end, closed by the eardrum, is at the highest point. Therefore, it is enough to give the child an upright position so that the water that gets into the ear flows out.

For those who still doubt, I suggest answering the question: “How did the baby “save” his ears from amniotic fluid by swimming in his mother’s tummy?”

What can cause otitis after swimming? First of all, drafts. Then - poorly dried hair and scalp, if the baby is taken outside after a very short time. It is also important that the child overheats in the bath or is wrapped excessively after it, which causes profuse perspiration and sweat soaking the pillow and hat.

4. Is it possible to feed a child before bathing?

After eating, at least an hour should pass. Otherwise, the child may vomit during the procedure, and after it, experience an attack.

5. What time of day is best to bathe?

There are no strict requirements in this regard. When it is convenient for the mother, then it is better. But we must not forget about the child: if after bathing he quickly falls asleep and sleeps for a long time “the sleep of the righteous” - of course in the evening! If water procedures, on the contrary, excite him, bathe him in the first half of the day immediately after sleep.

6. Why wrap a baby in a diaper and lower it into the water?

This is a useful recommendation in cases where a solution of potassium permanganate is added to bathing water. The fabric of the diaper can become an insurmountable obstacle to the contact of a crystal of the strongest oxidizing agent potassium permanganate, which has not completely dissolved, on the skin, causing a deep, dry burn of the skin. Moreover, it is not necessary to wrap the baby tightly: it is enough, after pouring the marantovka solution into the water, to lower the diaper into it.

Practical advice: allocate one diaper for bathing, as brown spots will immediately appear on it, which cannot be removed.

7. How to bathe a child if the umbilical wound has not yet healed?

It heals on average three weeks. If the baby is not bathed all this time, diaper rash, prickly heat and even a pustular rash cannot be avoided. Let's reveal a little secret: most children are bathed already in the first day of life. Only this procedure takes place not in a bath, but under a tap. At the same time, short-term contact of the umbilical cord with unboiled water does not cause any concern to the pediatrician.

After the umbilical cord falls off and the baby is discharged from the hospital, the baby must be bathed daily. The baby bath should not be used for any other household needs. It must be washed with a rag and doused with boiling water before each use. Until the umbilical wound is completely healed, the water for bathing must be boiled. And in order to reliably insure the baby from harmful microbes and fungi, add a few drops of potassium permanganate solution so that the water eventually turns a faint pink color.

After bathing, the area of ​​the umbilical wound is treated with 3% hydrogen peroxide (if there are crusts), then with medical alcohol or a 5% solution of potassium permanganate (store in a dark place).

From the 4th week of a baby’s life, you don’t need to boil water for bathing.

8. What is useful to add to bathing water?

Until the umbilical wound heals - nothing but potassium permanganate. If you want to treat diaper rash with herbal decoctions, it is better to pour them on the butt and other folds from a jug.

Neurologists recommend swimming once a week in water with the addition of pine concentrate or sea salt. This advice is especially useful for easily excitable children, with muscular dystonia, difficulties falling asleep and restless sleep. In some cases of severe agitation syndrome, on the recommendation of a doctor, you can add a decoction of valerian root, motherwort herb, and lavender oil.

Folk remedies in the form of decoctions help to cope with prickly heat, diaper rash, dry skin and peeling: string grass, sage, chamomile flowers, currant leaves and stems, birch leaves and buds. Plants (dry or freshly cut) are steamed in high concentration and stored for up to 3 days in a separate saucepan in a cool place. The strained broth is added to the bath immediately before bathing.

9. Basic rules for safe swimming.

  • Any product that is added to water may cause allergic reaction at the baby's. Therefore, the first time it is necessary to carefully monitor the child’s well-being and skin. At the slightest suspicion of an allergy, bathing is immediately stopped and the baby is washed with tap water.
  • When using folk recipes for bathing, it is necessary to clarify Are the plants poisonous or conditionally poisonous?. A child's skin has a high absorption capacity, so the baby can get poisoned. For this reason, celandine, lily of the valley, lilac, belladonna, bird cherry, spurge, soapwort, foxglove, adonis, and spring adonis are prohibited for use.
  • Let's repeat the importance constant monitoring of a bathing child. Remember: in the presence of parents, the baby behaves calmer and more predictably. You should not rely on an inflatable ring or a special bathing chair. If you turn away, much less leave the bathroom even for a few seconds, you can find the little one choking!
  • Due to the immaturity of the centers regulating vascular tone, children react differently to hot water. One may not be killed in a steam room, but another may need to raise the temperature a little or allow him to swim longer in the bath to cause overheating. Parents need monitor the baby's well-being. If bright redness of the skin appears, especially in combination with perspiration and paleness of the nasolabial triangle, with unmotivated anxiety or signs of fatigue, bathing should be stopped immediately.
  • The older the child gets, the greater the distance from the bathtub to household chemicals, shaving accessories, open sockets, light bulbs and electrical appliances (hair dryer, electric razor) stored in the bathroom. Childhood curiosity and the desire to taste or experience everything in action can end in tragedy.

Swimming in open water and in inflatable pools is a great pleasure, but is not a hygienic procedure. On the contrary, after them it is recommended to at least rinse the baby with clean water, and before going to bed at night - to bathe him with soap.
