What can be made from natural materials? Crafts made from natural materials. Ideas for autumn crafts made from natural materials

Perhaps someone will say that modern children, spoiled by technical innovations, will prefer a virtual game to creating any kind of game, and that the times when children had fun cutting something out of wood are a thing of the distant past. But this opinion cannot be called one hundred percent correct. Yes, modern children spend a lot of time in front of computer monitors, but there are also many who enthusiastically make something in their free time.

This is confirmed by children's works presented at numerous exhibitions of children's creativity held in cities. Many works of preschool and school-age children can be seen online. Today we will talk about children's crafts made from natural materials .

The ability to treat the environment with care should be instilled in a child from an early age. And in order for him to fall in love with nature, it is necessary to visit the children in the forest more often, allow them to collect twigs, leaves, pine cones, and create animal figures from these objects, etc. You should not prohibit your child from bringing natural materials from the street, saying that this is garbage that has no place in the apartment. You can create wonderful crafts from such items - in the process of this work, you will immediately achieve several goals: you will develop creative skills in your child - the ability to see new images in ordinary things; cultivate a love for nature and all living things. What kind of crafts from natural materials can you make with children?

First of all, this leaf appliques . Such crafts can be created even with the youngest children. When collecting leaves and berries for the future with your child, you can discuss in advance, looking at the leaves, what can be made from this particular material - what does the leaf remind the baby of - a forest hedgehog, or maybe a cat's face is seen in the leaf pattern?

Applications made from leaves (in this case, voluminous details - berries, twigs - will also look appropriate in the picture) can be framed and hung on the wall. In this case, you will get a wonderful decorative element for.

You can also make it into an album or notebook in which the child makes drawings. For example, you can use such simple applications to create an illustration for a Sunday walk to the zoo - let the child make pictures that he saw in an album from leaves.

Most popular crafts made from natural materials, are crafts made from cones, nut shells and acorns. Usually, animal figurines are created from such items. To achieve maximum similarity, additional materials are used - felt, beads, fabric, threads. They make ears, arms and legs, eyes, nose and mouth of animals. You can use glue or plasticine to connect the parts. The latter can also be used to create individual parts of figures.

The beauty of such toys is that they are not decorative - you can play with them completely calmly. For example, boats made from nut shells will be able to ply the waters without any problems - in a bathtub or a cup of water. In addition, entire compositions can be created from such objects - for example, a clearing with a hut and a goblin, a nest with chickens, etc. This would also look very appropriate in a children's room.

And animal figurines made from natural materials can serve as decoration for. Thus, you will instill in your child good taste and aesthetic skills - after all, even the best gift needs good design.

Natural materials also include shells, which children love to collect while relaxing at the sea. To prevent these items from lying around idle in the apartment, do this with your child mosaic of shells. You can use it to decorate a pencil cup or make some beautiful figurine, for example, to decorate an aquarium. This work will be a little more complicated than creating appliqués or animal figures, so it should be done with older children.

Vegetables and fruits can also be classified as natural objects- and this is a wonderful material for creativity. From these gifts of nature, you can create crafts for specific holidays (for example, a pumpkin is an inexhaustible source of imagination) or simply to please your child. For example, if children do not eat certain fruits or vegetables well, you can make them funny cartoon characters or just animals. Typically, children eat such “treats” with pleasure. In addition, this kind of decor looks perfect on tables set for children's parties.

In this case, to work on crafts, you can use both fruits and vegetables that are immediately ready to eat, and those that simply serve as decoration, since they require certain culinary processing when used in food. To connect the elements of the figures, toothpicks are usually used.

The most unusual shapes from fruits and vegetables can be made using the carving technique. However, not everyone knows it, and children will not be able to master these working techniques, because... they are unsafe - however, here the child may be interested simply in the process of handling fruits and vegetables performed by adults.

Working on crafts made from natural materials consists of several stages - collecting material, formulating an idea and bringing it to life. It will be a little difficult for a child to go through all of them alone - and the task of parents is to help their child with this. And as a reward, you will receive good taste, creative skills, perseverance and accuracy in your child.

If you want to involve your child in some kind of creativity, then start creating animal crafts with your own hands. This develops perseverance, accuracy and attention. Fine and observation skills are also involved. Such activities bring parents and children closer together, as adults are directly involved in the creation of an extraordinary product.

Craft material

Products can be made with your own hands for any holiday of the four seasons of the year. These can be decorations for a dacha, garden area, home, or vegetable garden. Crafts can be involved in landscape design, as well as in the design of a kindergarten.Of course, if in making a craft it is necessary to use working tools, such as saws, drills, pruners, then such work is not for a child. It is better to involve him in making crafts from small parts.

You can create your personal zoo using any technology. This can be origami, quilling, modeling, embroidery, beading. The animal you decide to make can be a symbol of the coming year or the years in which family members were born. When you make animal crafts with your own hands, you can combine several techniques. For example, a pet's muzzle and hooves can be made of baked clay, and the fur can be made of fleece of the required color.

Crafts from bottles

Mostly such products are placed in the garden or vegetable garden. Since the bottle is not afraid of weather changes, it is durable and does not require maintenance. There can be both wild animals and domestic animals in the garden. Our example will be the original pig.

For this craft, containers of any size and diameter are suitable, at your discretion. Naturally, it needs to be painted with waterproof paint in a pink color that imitates the skin of a pig. On the side of the screw cap, draw large, surprised eyes with eyelashes. At the top of the head, cut the bottle on both sides to insert ears, which you cut from a spare container. Paint the ears with the same paint as the body. On the lid, draw a patch in the form of two black dots. The pig can be used as a flower bed. To do this, cut a rectangular hole on the back, add soil and sow flower seeds. A whole family will look more original, rather than just one craft. A pet created with your own hands will delight the eye not only during the flowering of plants, but also during the rest period.

Felt sheep

When you make animal crafts with your own hands, you can safely use felt of different colors. Let's create, for example, sheep. Pink felt will serve as fur, lilac will serve as a muzzle, white will be used for the eyes, and black felt will be used to make hooves. You can find templates, or you can make the pattern yourself. The body of the sheep looks like a cloud that needs to be cut out of the appropriate piece of material. Cut a slightly elongated head with ears, three times smaller than the body, from lilac felt. On a white background, draw an infinity sign, depicting future eyes.

We place this sign on the head of the animal and sew on the eyes - beads, piercing both materials. Embroider the mouth and nose with black thread. Glue the head to the body. Next, cut out rectangles from lilac felt and squares from black felt. Glue the legs with the hooves, and then glue the parts to the body. Here is an original DIY craft made!

Gifts of nature

Using natural materials, you can create unique masterpieces. All gifts of nature are not only environmentally friendly and safe, but also free. Working with them is an educational and exciting process.

Animal crafts made from natural materials, created with their own hands, take part in various school and even city exhibitions and competitions.To create a masterpiece, various leaves, acorns, chestnuts and cones, branches, pumpkins and zucchini, shells, stones and much more are used.

Summer and autumn are the best times of the year when you can show your creativity. After all, in summer and autumn there is a lot of natural material from which you can make a lot of interesting crafts with your own hands.

To keep yourself and your children busy with something interesting, you can make original and beautiful crafts from natural materials. Fruits, vegetables, cones, pebbles, leaves, acorns and shells and much more that nature itself gives us are suitable for this.

Use your imagination, stock up on additional tools and feel free to create! Below are 12 wonderful DIY crafts made from natural materials.

1. DIY crafts from pine cones. Basket

1. For a basket of cones, you need to prepare the cones and fasten them together with rigid wire.

2. Connect the cones and tie them into a circle. In this example, 2 circles were made to make the basket deeper.

3. If you have made 2 or more circles, then fasten them together, this can be done with the same wire.

4. If you want to make a handle for a basket, you can try making a semicircle out of pine cones, connecting them with wire or using liquid nails.

5. To make the bottom of the basket, you can use thick cardboard or plywood.

2. DIY crafts. Autumn candles

Required material:

  • leaves (real or artificial)
  • PVA glue (decoupage glue)
  • brush or sponge
  • jar
  • alcohol

1. To get rid of fats, you need to wipe the jar with alcohol.

2. Then apply glue to the jar.

3. Use straight leaves to decorate the jar.

4. Glue for decoupage, you can grease the glued leaves.

5. Add some thread and a candle for beauty.

3. Crafts for the home. New Year's toys made from natural materials

4. Children's crafts made from natural materials. Seahorse made from branches

Everything is quite simple here.

Prepare some cardboard and draw a seahorse (or other animal or object) on it.

Saw off or carefully break the twigs and use PVA glue or superglue to attach them to the cardboard.

5. Crafts from vegetables and fruits. Apple swan

You can make a very beautiful table decoration from an ordinary apple, and it’s not at all difficult. Children will especially like this surprise.

You will need:

  • apple (preferably large and of the same color - for example, red - so that the contrast is better visible)
  • small, very sharp knife

6. Cup of coffee beans on burlap

This DIY coffee craft will make your kitchen look beautiful. And to create such a mini-masterpiece you need to prepare:

  • sheet of cardboard (size 33 cm by 24 cm);
  • a piece of burlap;
  • glue;
  • star anise and coffee beans.

1. First, you should cut out a rectangle from burlap, which will be a couple of centimeters larger than a cardboard sheet. The burlap is folded and glued to the back of the cardboard. To make the craft look neat, the burlap is ironed with an iron before work.

2. When you have glued the base for the burlap, you should wait for it to dry.

3. Now it’s time to draw a picture frame out of coffee. In order to get a frame, you need to measure 2 cm from the edge of the picture on all sides. First, we use a simple pencil and draw lines with it.

4. If you have drawn lines, then draw a cup and saucer in the center of the burlap. Moreover, the cup size can be at your discretion.

5. If the sketch is ready, now we gradually cover the picture with coffee beans. The first thing you should do is cover the cup and saucer.

6. When the cup is pasted over, proceed to pasting the frame.

7. If the craft is ready, then decorate it with star anise. Hang it in the corner of your craft.

7. DIY fruit crafts. Hedgehogs


  • pear
  • grape
  • (black and green)
  • strawberries (optional)
  • raisins (for eyes)
  • toothpicks

1. Make a cut starting from the middle of the pear (see picture).

2. Peel the peel.

3. Prepare toothpicks and place one green grape on each, which should be located closer to one edge of the toothpick.

4. Insert each toothpick with a grape into a pear in an uncleaned area.

5. To make a nose, put a black grape on a pear pod.

6. To insert the raisins (which act as eyes), you must first make small indentations with a knife.

7. If you wish, you can add a load to the hedgehog that he is carrying; for this you can use a couple of strawberries.

8. Crafts made from natural materials. Seashell photo frame

You will need:

  • simple wooden photo frame
  • white acrylic paint
  • tassel
  • glue “Moment” (superglue or glue gun)
  • shells

1. Paint the photo frame in any color (if necessary) and leave to dry, then apply another coat of paint.

2. Before you start gluing the shells, arrange them around the frame so you have an idea of ​​what looks best where.

3. Start gluing the shells to the frame. When finished gluing, leave to dry.

4. Add your favorite photo.

9. Crafts made from natural materials in autumn: monsters made from pine cones (photo instructions)

10. Crafts for kindergarten. Insects from natural materials

11. Crafts made from stones. Strawberry

12. Easy crafts from leaves

Required material:

  • leaves (flowers and/or other natural materials)
  • paper or canvas
  • paints (acrylic or spray)

Creative activities with children are diversified by working with natural materials. They are used to create three-dimensional toys, animal figurines, appliqués and other crafts. An important stage of the lesson is not only the creation of crafts, but also the collection and processing of materials, preparing them for use.

Joint trips to the park or nature will help children become more aware of the world around them. Parents can show different types of plants, their berries, fruits and seeds, and also instill in children a love of nature. For example, collecting bark should not harm the tree; it should only be done on trees that have already been damaged or cut down. Natural material is safe, accessible and provides ample opportunities to show imagination.

What can be made from natural materials?

You can create toys, images of animals and people from various natural materials. Diverse in shape, color and texture, they combine perfectly with each other and complement each other. From all the toys made, you can assemble a whole composition or exhibition of characters.

Furniture, vehicles, houses and other items for toys can also be created from natural materials, sawn branches, and tree bark. The main joining methods are PVA glue or other glue, as well as wire, threads, ropes, sharpened matches or toothpicks. When working with natural materials, you may need the following tools: scissors, brush, needle and thread, awl, saw, file, knife and others.

When and what should be prepared?

All natural materials can be divided into those that need to be harvested in the summer, and those that are available when the fruits ripen in the fall. In summer and spring, natural materials such as flowers, leaves, grass, cattails, corn, birch bark, and others are available. In autumn, nuts, chestnuts, acorns, seeds of many plants, straw, decorative pumpkins, and other materials are collected. Some materials, such as moss, pine cones, pine needles and shells, are available at any time of the year.

Flowers and leaves of plants are aligned between sheets of paper and dried; they can be used to make an applique or a bouquet of dried flowers. Dense leaves make wings for butterflies and dragonflies or fins for fish. Autumn leaves have warm colors and are considered especially beautiful. Green summer leaves lose their rich green color as they dry out. The variety of leaf shapes and colors makes them an interesting material for creativity. The collected leaves are ironed through paper and dried under pressure. They are also stored between cardboard or paper sheets.

In the summer, you can make crafts from tufts of grass or use it to tie together parts of a craft. Green ears, grass stems or tufts of grass quickly wither and become brittle after drying. Crafts made from such short-lived materials quickly deteriorate, but they can also be used to develop a child.

Natural materials for crafts

1. Rogoz

Rogoz- a summer plant growing in water in shallow waters of rivers, lakes, ponds and other bodies of water. Its elongated brown inflorescences consist of soft fluff, easy to model. You can use these inflorescences, which are popularly called “reeds,” to create animal figures. Cattail leaves and stems can be dried, cut, rolled, and used for a variety of craft parts.

2. Corn

Corn- a special summer crop in which peeled fresh or dry cobs, long leaves and hardened grains can be used for crafts. The older and harder the corn cobs, the more difficult it is for a child to work with them, because they need to be cut or pierced. Classes with children are carried out when the corn is not fully ripe and is easily affected. Long and soft leaves of corn allow you to diversify crafts; they can be folded, rolled, tied into a knot, and so on. Before work, the dried leaves are soaked for a couple of hours in a wet cloth.

3. Birch bark

A material for folk art known since ancient times - birch bark, or birch bark. It is unusual, beautiful, durable. Birch bark collected in spring and autumn is the most beautiful and flexible, it is easier to remove from the trunk. To properly remove bark from wood, it is cut along the circumference, separating a piece up to 25 cm wide. The bark is cleaned, the inside is wiped with a damp cloth, and the outside is cleaned with sandpaper. To keep the bark smooth, it is dried by pressing it down with a weighted board. If a rolled birch bark sheet is needed, then it is soaked and dried in the sun or in a warm place.

4. Berries and fruits

From fresh summer berries and fruits you can create figures and other crafts, such as beads. As the berries dry out, they harden and shrivel or spoil. Rose hips and rowan berries make bright decorations and characters.

5. Straw

At the end of summer after the harvest of cereals, among natural materials appears straw. You can use it to knit voluminous toys, weave flat surfaces, and stick on a smooth pattern. Children like the golden color of ironed straw and enjoy working with this flexible material. Collect straw, keeping the stems straight. The junctions of the stems are cut out, straight straws are sorted by length and stored in boxes. To make the straw elastic, it is soaked for a day in a closed container, pouring boiling water over it. For appliques, smooth straw is needed, and it is ironed.

6. Dried water lily fruits

Used as a natural material dried water lily fruits, resembling a small vessel with a narrowed neck. Their interesting shape is suitable for creating toy body parts and for toy dishes.

7. Fruits of decorative pumpkin

Dried bright fruits are also considered an interesting natural material. decorative pumpkin fruits. Its varied shapes and color shades provide freedom for children's imagination.

8. Nuts, acorns and chestnuts

Ripen in autumn walnuts, hazelnuts, pine and other nuts, and acorns and chestnuts. Their shape, brown color, surface texture, hardness and other qualities make it possible to create various body parts of three-dimensional toys, animals and characters. A hat or pile of hazelnuts can also be used in crafts. Walnuts can be used whole or split into halves. Pine nuts and groundnuts are easy to pierce and stick together. All types of nuts should be stored in different boxes in a dry place. Hard nuts should be cut and pierced by the teacher himself. A child may get hurt trying to pierce a hard, round object.

Acorns, the fruits of the oak tree, are harvested in the fall when they are ripe and begin to fall. They can be selected in different sizes for different crafts. Acorns can come in different shapes, more rounded or elongated, they can grow in double or stacked shapes. The calyxes of these fruits, or pluses, are also hardened, separated from the acorns and used in the manufacture of toys. If the acorns themselves can be part of the body of animals or people, then their cups can be used as dishes or headdresses for toys. Acorns should be selected whole, strong, without damage, rot or rotten spots. They can be stored for a long time in a cool, damp place.

Fruits of the tree chestnut brown, round and smooth. By connecting them with wires or matches, you get simple toys: bears, bunnies, mice and other animals. Their prickly skin can be used to create hedgehogs. Chestnuts can be collected in different sizes; they can be round, semicircular, or half-shaped. They keep for a long time in a cool place.

9. Plant and tree seeds

Seeds of many plants and trees widely used in the manufacture of crafts from natural materials. As a rule, the seeds ripen in the fall. In crafts you can use the seeds of ash, acacia, pumpkin, watermelon, sunflower, and many others. They can be glued with glue, stitched or pierced with a needle, toothpick or wire. These are used to make animal body parts, eyes and noses.

10. Tree cones and needles

Common materials are bumps coniferous trees: cedars, pines, spruces, cypresses and fir. Cones can be used either opened or unopened. If the cones are collected from damp soil, they dry out more slowly and retain their shape. If they dry quickly in heat, they can open up and become deformed. Cones can be pierced, tied and glued. They can be part of bulk toys. You can sort them by shape and size, like other materials, and store them in separate boxes.

Among the natural materials that can be obtained in spring, summer, autumn, and sometimes even winter, one can name the needles of the trees themselves. Long needles can be used as butterfly antennae, hedgehog spines, insect legs, and in other ways. They can be tied into a bundle or injected individually. You can store pine needles in matchboxes.

11. Moss

In the warm season you can collect moss, which is used to create a background and imitate grass in toy compositions. Moss can be stored for a long time and can be easily glued to a flat base.

12. Dried tree mushroom

An interesting natural material can be cut and dried hard tree mushroom. You can use it to make a stand or a roof for a house.

13. Tree bark

A similar solid material that serves as a “building material” in the creation of entire doll compositions can be solid tree bark. It can be coated with transparent varnish, which will extend the “life” of the composition. The bark of different trees differs in color and shape. In addition to the indicated birch bark, which is a thin and flexible white material, you can use the bark of pine, oak and other trees. It can be hard and dense, or it can be soft and flexible, embossed, dark brown or gray.

14. Tree branches

Branches are a durable natural material. From thin branches you can create arms, legs or necks of dolls, benches for toys, overlapping houses, gazebos and so on. When cut, thicker branches can imitate a stump for fairy-tale characters. From branched branches you can create a toy garden or forest. It is better to use branches for crafts that are not overdried and undamaged. The branches of plants such as pine, lilac and dogwood do not break when dry, they are elastic, and are convenient to use when creating figures. When collecting branches for crafts with a group of children, the teacher should teach not to damage trees and collect fallen material.

15. Roots of trees and shrubs

Very interesting material are roots of trees or shrubs, however, obtaining them is quite difficult. The roots can be found along river banks, where they are washed away by water. It is important to remind children that the roots of living trees should not be damaged or cut off. The roots have a curly, unique shape. Often in their form you can see a character, a fantastic creature or an insect. Peeled and varnished roots can be decorated with other materials. The collected roots must be washed, dried and stored under normal conditions, in a dry room, protected from excessive moisture. Activities with this natural material develop the child’s imagination, creative thinking and observation skills.

16. Bird feathers

A diverse, pliable and bright material can be called bird feathers. You can use feathers from poultry: ducks, chickens, geese and others. Feathers of wild birds can be found simply on the street and on a hike. If children have pet parrots, then their bright multi-colored feathers will decorate the craft. Collected feathers must be washed and dried. To return them to their original natural shape, just comb them with a brush or smooth them with your fingers. Bird feathers can be cut, stitched, glued, or inserted into holes in harder natural materials. When working with feathers, you can teach children about the different types of birds, how they fly with the help of feathers, and so on.

17. Shells and stones

One of the most common and favorite materials among children is shells. They can be found on river banks, and especially on the seashore. They can be of various shapes, from flat oval, heart-shaped or scallop-shaped, to a three-dimensional shape in the form of a twisted horn. The sizes of shells can also be completely different. Shells can be pierced, drilled, filed and glued. From them you can collect figures of characters, create flat drawings and images of flowers, or you can paste them over entire surfaces of boxes or paintings.

The collected shells must be thoroughly washed with a brush and dried. When collecting shells, you can choose another natural material - ground with water natural stones. They can be glued with rubber and construction glue, used to create parts of furniture, lay out paths or build houses for toys.

Working with natural materials significantly develops children's creative imagination and also introduces them to the world of living nature.
