What does it mean if a person writes in different handwriting. Determining the personality characteristics of a person using handwriting analysis

Your note in a few lines. Determining the character of a person by handwriting is the science of graphology.

Have you ever paid attention to the existence of a certain connection between a person's handwriting and his character? The point is not only that neat people write, as a rule, without blots, but economical ones write such small letters, as if they really feel sorry for the ink ... You won’t surprise anyone with such everyday observations, but there is a whole science that studies handwriting. It's called graphology.
There was a time when they spoke of graphology with contempt, considered it an invention and charlatanism. However, facts are a stubborn thing, and gradually the conclusions of graphology began to be used in medicine and forensics. It turned out that by studying handwriting, you can tell a lot about the psychological state of a person, his attitude towards himself and others.
Of course, on the pages of the newspaper it is impossible to reveal all the methods used by professional graphologists. And is it worth it? It seems to me that it would be more expedient to acquaint readers with a few simple tricks, so that everyone, having received a message or a note from a stranger, could figure out at a glance who he is dealing with.

So, imagine that you are holding a research text in your hands.

Where to start the analysis? First of all, pay attention to the fields. Unfortunately, they have long ceased to be mentioned even at school. However, the rules of etiquette require that the margins be located to the left of the written text and have a width of about 3 cm. This is the general situation, but in practice everything is often different.
Small, no more than 1 cm wide. the fields are left by people inclined to a measured family life. Wide - found in active or boastful natures, as well as those whom we jokingly call "bars". Often, a seemingly normal field begins to gradually narrow towards the end of the sheet. If the text of such a letter promises mountains of gold, do not believe the promises. The person who wrote this is thrifty to the point of avarice. In addition, he is selfish, but has such a strong self-control that he is able to hide the negative traits of his character for the time being.

In my opinion, one should also beware of the other extreme: people who tend to gradually expand the margins when writing. Even despite the fact that such natures are usually generous and benevolent, a significant flaw is hidden in their disposition - wastefulness. Following this passion of theirs, they easily “set up” themselves and others, and therefore, when communicating with them, you must always be on your guard.
“But, you say, you often have to deal with handwriting in which the lines look like runners: some are ahead, others are behind ...” Indeed, you are right. This is the so-called "disheveled" or "dancing" handwriting. It is typical for people who are careless, spending the whole day in business and troubles, which, alas, do not give any result. On a country trip or at a festive table, the owner of the "dancing" handwriting will be the most indispensable member of the company. But you should not rely on him in business: most likely this person will let you down, unwittingly.

Well, if you rely on anyone, it is on people who write evenly and directly even on unlined paper. As a last resort, pay attention to those whose lines involuntarily rise to the top. These people are resolute, confident in their own abilities, capable of calmly and reasonably defending their point of view under any circumstances. They have a highly developed sense of duty. But remember: the more obvious the rise of the line, the more vanity and ambition control a person. They are the main engine of all his actions.
Just don't think that when faced with downward-facing lines, you can already do without the help of a graphologist. Such lines are typical for dreamy, soft and sensitive people. They are not inclined to pay attention to constant failures, they will not break life for themselves and others for the sake of a career. These are flowers that retain their beauty under the onslaught of worldly storms. And if someone would ask me for advice when entering into marriage, he could hear in response: “The owner of even handwriting! Marry the girl whose note has lines running down. A quiet family life awaits you, full of beautiful dreams and delightful joys of mutual love.

For seven seals?

If your family boat is already sailing on the waves of life and you have schoolchildren, then you probably know how much effort you need to spend to teach them to write clearly and evenly, as required by the recipe. Of course, I would not like to disappoint you, but ... the time “swallowed” by the calligraphy lessons can be considered wasted. The beauty of handwriting is made up of the slope, pressure, size and width of the letters. And these factors are determined, first of all, by the psychological characteristics of the individual, and no prescriptions are able to change it.
The handwriting of a child directly depends on the state of his inner world., and therefore graphology, in my opinion, may be useful in solving some pedagogical problems. Do the following experiment. Take your child's notebooks and see if he finishes the lines to the end. Having found gaps left as if from fear of transferring a word, try to find out what worries, and maybe even scares your child. Fear is the only reason for "holes" at the ends of lines! On the other hand, filling the lines "to the eyeballs" is also an unfavorable sign. It appears in those cases when a person has an urgent need to speak out, but is silent for fear of being misunderstood.

Inner restlessness can also manifest itself in the slope of the letters. If it is constantly changing, if the letters stand like a forest after a hurricane, then there is no doubt that you are dealing with an unbalanced person. Sometimes, however, people themselves do not realize what a serious condition they are in. In this case, a change in handwriting can be considered the same symptom of a nervous breakdown, as a violation of sleep or coordination of movements.

But back to handwriting.

Almost all people can be divided into two large groups.

To the first include those who write small, to the second, respectively, those who tend to write large letters. Owners of small handwriting, as a rule, are observant and cold-blooded. And if the letters at the ends of words break off vertically, then caution and a critical attitude towards one's actions should also be added to all the listed signs. Are you not happy with the portrait I painted? Do you think that the owner of small handwriting looks like a human-machine? Do not rush to conclusions. It is difficult to find a more calm spouse or caring son than the one whom you almost dubbed the "machine" in the heat of the moment.

Another characteristic feature inherent in the handwriting of almost every person is the width of the letters. If it slightly exceeds the usual one, then you have a smart, energetic and active person in front of you. But the wider the letters and words scatter in writing, the more carefree and careless the character of the writer becomes. Sociability turns into attachment, generosity into wastefulness, ease turns into a superficial view of things. And now in front of you is not a happy and reliable companion, but a carefree merry fellow, sweepingly deducing words on paper, the meaning of which he hardly thinks about.

And finally, I would like to draw your attention to such a funny feature as the existence reverse slope. That is, there are people who put letters at an angle not from left to right, like most, but vice versa. Such handwriting immediately attracts attention. He speaks of the stiffness and cunning of his owner. As a rule, these people turn out to be secretive and have little trust in others. They live in their own world, as if inside some kind of shell, and it is not surprising that over time despotic traits and habits develop in their characters. However, even these strong natures have a weak point: they are afraid of their own feelings. It is naive to expect a love explanation from a young man with such a handwriting; in adulthood, it will be easier for him to walk the dog or go to the store than to play with the children; and in old age, he will probably prefer to spend his days in dreary loneliness ... And this is all because of the fear of showing how much his relatives and loved ones really are dear to him.

Just one letter...

As you know, the famous detective Sherlock Holmes did not have any supernatural powers. He simply knew how to observe and analyze small, at first glance, completely unremarkable facts. Today you have a unique opportunity to feel yourself in the role of Holmes, because observation is the main thing that is required from a graphologist when he moves from text analysis to the study of individual letters.

Let's start with the upper crossbar, the one that crowns such capital letters as P, T, B, and G. If it is free, its right edge is strongly bent upwards or forms a loop, you are dealing with a proud, but very enterprising person. Rare, you see, a combination. Much more familiar to the eye is the bending, as if ready to soar up the crossbar. It means... derision. Moreover, a person with such a writing skill could even be called spineless in the sense that the well-known proverb implies: "For the sake of a red word, he will not spare his father." These people are also stubborn, and when entering into business or personal relationships with them, do not try to bet on their pride. As a rule, such a step leads only to the opposite result.

Now pay attention to the left edge of the crossbar. Here, according to the rules of calligraphy, there should be a loop, a kind of ornate or strict stroke. In addition to the letters listed above, it is also available in the spelling of B, K, H, Yu and others. For bold and resolute people, the stroke begins with a thick point, for active people the tip of the loop seems to be hidden in the crossbar, and poseurs and lovers of external gloss make so many turns that they even touch the main, vertical strokes of the letter.

By the way, the ratio of vertical and horizontal strokes - the most important indicator for handwriting analysis. It is he who discovers the ability of a person to rule himself. In all cases when the crossbar crowns a letter without touching its other elements, it can almost certainly be asserted that a strong and even despotic person wrote, not only in relation to others, but, first of all, to himself. People of a mobile, cheerful nature, as a rule, bring vertical strokes close to horizontal ones, as if putting the walls of the house under a flat roof. And the indecisive, on the contrary, compensate for the lack of willpower with a beautiful and energetic stroke, which, as it were, cuts the letter.

Probably, some of the readers will be surprised to learn that even, pleasant handwriting in graphology is by no means considered an indicator of an equally even, happy character. Why? It's not hard to explain. By trying to write “like in the picture”, people train the hand, and with it the character. They have to suppress their individuality both in their hearts and in writing, constantly control themselves, asking: “Am I doing the right thing? Am I doing the same as everyone else? I assure you: a person who has achieved clear calligraphic handwriting has taught himself to think and act “like everyone else”. Do not expect bright, extraordinary decisions from him, do not hope that one day he will come to you with constructive proposals - this will never happen. And yet, despite the fact that the owners of a beautiful handwriting completely lack initiative, you should not put an end to their career. These people are indispensable in the performance of work that requires patience, accuracy and pedantic diligence.

However, back to writing letters. I hope you have noticed that some people, when starting to write, put a little preliminary stroke at the beginning of a word. This feature is characteristic of disputants and those who are literally haunted by the spirit of contradiction. If I had to create a board of directors, then among the others there would definitely be a person who starts writing with a preliminary stroke. And all because, in addition to negative qualities (which, by the way, it is quite possible to put up with), these people are characterized by entrepreneurial spirit and truly amazing resourcefulness.
There would certainly be someone on my board of directors who makes full, round hooks for such lowercase letters as T, Sh, I, P, M, and the like. Only strong and energetic people are capable of this. Of course, their imperturbable calm can sometimes interfere with business, but, no doubt, they will be able to appreciate the positive qualities of their colleagues. For example, the ingenuity of those who tend to cut off each letter in writing as if it is not part of the word, but exists independently.
These are the general conclusions of graphology. However, one does not have to be Sherlock Holmes to understand a simple truth: one should not judge the character of a person by having one single letter in front of his eyes. Analyze the text as a whole, identify the most typical features for this handwriting, and then you will not have to regret the haste and one-sidedness of your conclusions.

It happens that the same person has two or even several variants of his handwriting. What does this mysterious fact mean about the personality of this person? Maybe he's two-faced? Or maybe it doesn't have a face at all? Or does it mean versatility, or maybe a talent for reincarnation, psychological flexibility? Perhaps he lives several lives at once or has several destinies?

These are assumptions and even statements that one has to hear about several types of handwriting from one author. The answer to this question is much simpler than it seems.

I must say right away that truth has nothing to do with some special, rare, valuable or positive human qualities. First of all, such a phenomenon has to do with problems. How - depends on these very "various variants" of handwriting. I did not accidentally take "handwriting options" in quotation marks. The fact is that these are not variants of personality - these are variants of an artificial image, a mask of a person, because in none of the variants (pay attention - the very fact that a person constantly changes handwriting) he is not himself.

The fact is that each person, since each is an individual personality, has his own core of personality, that is, a kind of “concentrate” that has always been and is present in a person, from his earliest childhood. What is undergoing change is not the core, but more "surface layers" of personality and character. Superficial, temporal factors in handwriting can be separated, and it will remain - all the same unchanging core. There is nothing wrong with this - we have already touched on the topic of the dynamics of the human personality, its variability at different stages of life.

However, here we are not dealing with another change in handwriting (and personality) at this stage, but with certain changes that occur haphazardly and, most importantly, simultaneously, even during the same day!

In general, if this happens in a very young (young) person, a teenager, such an internal “tear” is reversible and is inherent in adolescence and the period of growing up.

If this happens in the handwriting of an adult, this is extreme instability, psychological instability, vulnerability, trauma. More precisely, we can say what is happening, again, looking at a specific case, but in general it is not easy for such a person. At a minimum, he is highly influenced, unspontaneous, constantly trying to evaluate and criticize himself; a self-sufficient, mature or internally free person never bothers with the form of handwriting. As a maximum, a person has a conflict of self-perception and self-esteem, he cannot find peace and he needs psychological rehabilitation.

And now that we have taken all the precautions, I will mention another option, when someone has “different” handwriting all the time.

There is an option when it may not be “actually” different handwriting! More precisely, it is different at first or inexperienced glance.

It happens that we are talking about not such special changes.

For many people, they occur, the handwriting "changes", and this happens sometimes, indeed, with a change in activity, moreover, often even simply with a change in circumstances or mood.

This is why graphic analysis is interesting because handwriting is able to convey even the slightest “movements of the soul”, changes and nuances in the human psyche, nervous system, feelings, sensations, tone, etc. However, such temporary changes in no way mean changes in personality, and it is important for a professional graphologist, of course, to understand the difference.

There is a very good chance that, as happens in most cases, all the changes in handwriting described are in fact direct and indirect derivatives of the change in slope alone.

A direct, mechanical dependence can be expressed in the fact that only because of the change in the angle of inclination in the handwriting, the letters can look narrower or wider, smoother or clumsier, even larger or smaller!

The indirect, mental and subconscious dependence of such changes lies in the fact that the inclination is clearly connected primarily with the internal psycho-emotional and cognitive background: when the inclination changes, the level of restraining factors, criticality, internal control, the level of volitional effort at the same time, general dynamism, change emphasis on more tension or more relaxation, more discretion, attention, concentration or more spontaneity, a feeling of more inner freedom.

Not so long ago, letters from loved ones, friends, greeting cards for significant dates were commonplace. Even documents at work, service, were first prepared by hand in draft form, only then they got into the typewriting bureau. Everyone - from a schoolboy to a professor, a factory director - was recording something. It is clear that against this background, the belief has long been formed that handwriting says a lot about a person, making it possible to assess not only the level of literacy, erudition, but also character traits inherent only to him. Therefore, it is interesting what experts say today, when the epistolary genre has practically died, and all correspondence, both personal and work, has moved to the screens of computer communications.

What can handwriting say about a person?

To answer this question, people did not begin to guess on coffee grounds, but long ago created a scientific discipline in psychology - graphology, which studies the relationship between individual character traits, habits, inclinations of a person and his unique handwriting.

For a thoughtful analysis of handwriting, a specialist usually needs several sheets of handwritten text. From them he can determine:

  • occupation;
  • appearance;
  • personal qualities;
  • temperament.

In more detail it is worth considering the examples:

  • If a small, carelessly torn paper sheet with traces of numerous, various contaminations was submitted for handwriting examination, then with a high degree of probability it can be said that the author of the text is sloppy, not collected, perhaps prone to stinginess.
  • On the contrary, a large, clean, carefully filled sheet speaks of accuracy, generosity, but at the same time indicates extravagance.

An important characteristic is the size of the letters:

  • Letters of medium size, as a rule, which appear most often, can say little about the personal qualities of the author of the handwritten text.
  • Large letters can indicate both fatigue or old age, as well as leadership qualities, increased emotionality, and ease of communication.
  • Small symbols indicate that a person is purposeful, restrained, accurate, but at the same time he can be secretive, withdrawn, difficult to make contact.

Narrow margins, letters added to the edge, speak of both thrift and stinginess, wide margins - of generosity or extravagance.

It is also important to write the lines in the submitted text:

  • Direct, clear, horizontally written - a person is reasonable, restrained, has adequate self-esteem.
  • The lines, tending upwards as they are written, are about optimism, the author's good mood.
  • The lines going down are about possible pessimism, low self-esteem.
  • Uneven, wavy lines - a tendency to mood swings, adventurism, possibly resourcefulness, deceit.

Also important are the shape, inclination, hyphenation of letters, the general connectedness of the elements of the handwritten text, the depth of pressure of the pen on the individual elements of the characters when they are written.

A separate section is devoted to the study of the signature - a kind of quintessence of information about the character, psychology of a person:

  • A capital symbol of a small size may indicate a lack of confidence in one's abilities, a tightness of the author of the signature.
  • Intricately decorated capital letter - the need for recognition, the attention of people around.
  • The presence of an underline is about entrepreneurship; crossing out all or part of the signature - impulsiveness, activity; circling the signature - weakness, cowardice.

Just the absence of any additional elements, the usual nature of the signature characterize the author as a bold, self-confident person without any special psychological problems.

Recently, graphology has come to be considered a rather controversial scientific discipline and often even a pseudoscience on a par with astrology. Today, many serious scientists believe that it is mainly based on intuitive conjectures, unsubstantiated assumptions of specialists in the field of psychology who call themselves graphologists, than on clear, concrete facts.

It is indicated that most of the conclusions are easy to make for an educated person who has an analytical mindset, education, erudition, sufficient life experience, while having nothing to do with graphology. In general, it is difficult to argue with this, based on the rather vague, far-fetched postulates of graphology.


There is a whole branch of forensic science, criminology - handwriting, dating back to the time of the Byzantine Empire, which should not be confused with graphology. Because unlike the latter, it faces clear, specific tasks:

  • Determining the authorship of the text under study, written by hand.
  • Authorship of texts, handwriting in various documents submitted for handwriting examination.
  • Determining the authenticity of a signature.

To accomplish such tasks, all the smallest features, various signs of handwriting, and the formation of writing skills are scrupulously studied. In addition, a thorough study of written speech allows experienced experts to solve both purely identification questions posed to them, and to assess the physical, mental state of the person who wrote the letter, note or document fragment. In investigative and judicial practice, successful results of establishing the age, gender, height, and education of the author of a handwritten document have been repeatedly recorded.

What can computer text say, because what handwriting says about a person completely loses its relevance when most people mainly write using the keyboard, printing out texts on a printer if necessary. It turns out that with the help of specially designed programs it is easy to determine the main emotions, the state of the person who typed the text, which is already used by psychologists who conduct online consultations, as well as teachers of educational institutions with distance learning. Perhaps this is only the beginning, and in the future the printed text will be able to tell about a person no less than his handwriting.

Neat, illegible, neat, small, large, ornate, beautiful, careless ... Whatever handwriting does not happen. Each of us has his own. It begins to form around the age of 8–10 years, finally develops only by 20, but can change throughout life. And it can tell a lot about us. Scientists have long established that there is a certain connection between a person's handwriting and his character: when writing, hand movements are controlled by the brain, and therefore bear the imprint of mental processes occurring in it. So, do you want to draw a psychological portrait of a person? Check out his handwriting!

General information

Graphology- This is a scientific field of knowledge that studies the laws of the relationship between handwriting and personality, the character of a person. Graphological analysis is carried out on the basis of a number of parameters: the direction of the line is also important (with a shift to the left, right, up and down), and the features of writing letters, and the slope, and the degree of handwriting compression, location on the sheet ... From the combination of these and many other parameters, a individual characteristic. A good graphological analysis gives a complete characterization - from the prospects for personal growth, the definition of abilities to sexual preferences and drug addiction.

Recently, the services of handwriting experts have been used by many companies to compile the characteristics of specialists hired, as well as to evaluate some of the features of competitors. So do not be afraid if, when applying for a job, you are offered a blank sheet of paper, a slate pencil and asked to write a couple of sentences on a free topic. It is unlikely that you will be able to deceive a graphologist, but by artificially distorting handwriting, you can do yourself a disservice by getting a description of a person who is not suitable for this position.

The psychologist shares the basic principles of graphological analysis, graphologist Mikhail Petukhov.

What do you need?

For graphological analysis, a text written by hand on a blank sheet of paper is required. At least four sentences with a signature. The larger the amount of text, the better (for example, an A4 sheet).

It is better to write with a slate pencil or a fountain pen - it is easier to evaluate the pressure.

Not every handwritten text is suitable for analysis. For example, a greeting in a postcard is not the best option, since when signing, a person, as a rule, makes some efforts to make it as beautiful as possible. The analyzed document should be written in such circumstances when a person is calm and not in a hurry. It is best to have several copies written at different times.

Main stages of analysis

1. Pressure

Strong pressure is characteristic of self-confident and energetic people with high performance. Such people, as a rule, are very sociable and attract with their purposefulness and optimism.

Light pressure is most often found in extremely sensitive and romantic natures. These are dreamers, focused primarily on their inner world. Responsible, but unhurried, do everything carefully, trying not to make mistakes. Often such pressure is a sign of weakness.

2. Tilt

A slight tilt to the left is most often found among individualists: they always put their own interests above group interests. Such people have a critical mindset.

Strong tilt to the left. The owners of this handwriting are self-sufficient and independent, they always have their own point of view on any problem.

A slight tilt to the right is the most common handwriting slope, inherent in people who are calm and balanced. Always open to communication, but not averse to being alone for some time. Prone to mood swings.

A strong tilt to the right indicates purposefulness and perseverance. Such people, as a rule, are maximalists and strive to be the first in everything, so if they decide on something, then on the condition that they get either everything or nothing. Loving and very jealous.

If the handwriting is vertical, then this speaks of inner harmony, the balance of rationality and emotionality at the same time. People with this handwriting carefully analyze the situation and only then make decisions. The most important character trait is stubbornness.

3. The size of the handwriting indicates the sociability of a person.

For example, owners of large handwriting (more than 3 mm) are open, emotional and easily find a common language with people. By nature, they are leaders and the soul of any company. They can convince anyone that they are right.

Small handwriting (less than 3 mm) indicates that its owner is a restrained, prudent, secretive and reserved person. He can be trusted with responsible work, as he knows how to fully concentrate on business.

Broad handwriting - broad soul! This is how creative and talented people write. Narrow letters are a sign of rationality and thrift.

4. Outlines

Rounded letters indicate kindness and responsiveness, as well as the ability to compromise. If you meet a person with such a handwriting, know that you can rely on him, he will always support you in difficult times.

Angular handwriting is a sign of selfishness. A person with such a handwriting strives for independence, does not like being told how and what to do.

5. Arrangement of lines

For optimistic natures, the line rises towards the end, for pessimists, on the contrary, it falls. Straight lines are typical for people who are calm and reasonable, balanced. Uneven lines indicate a frequent change in mood or imbalance of a person.

Graphologist Mikhail Petukhov agreed to analyze for us a series of texts with different types of handwriting. A small caveat: these remarks cannot be considered a full-fledged characteristic of a person. Real graphological analysis is a rigorous study of how, at what angle, with what pressure a person writes. In this case, it is desirable that there be an example of writing all the letters. Only in this case, the specialist will give a full and detailed description of the person.

However, these brief descriptions will give you an idea of ​​how a graphologist works and what conclusions based on what significant elements he draws. Look closely, maybe you will find a handwriting similar to yours?


Graphologists claim that handwriting helps to identify distinctive character traits. To understand the character, you need to know the signs of writing letters. It is noticed that people have different handwriting, as well as character.

What is graphology and who are graphologists

Graphology- this is a science that studies handwriting, as an example - a graphological analysis of a person's character according to his handwriting. Graphologists, as follows from the definition, are people capable of performing such an analysis. Although until the middle of the last century the methods of this science were considered in the form of those that help to explore the characters of people in psychology, in our time this doctrine of the inseparable connection between character and handwriting is considered pseudoscientific, it is referred to as protoscientific thinking. In medicine, this term occurs in the form of the possibility of studying handwriting as an auxiliary element for monitoring diseases of the brain and central nervous system.

Modern scientists are skeptical about graphology, despite the past merits of science.

The scientific community questions the validity of graphology. A large number of researchers graphology is a pseudoscience. The British Society of Psychologists put graphology on a par with astrology. Despite the fact that the science of studying handwriting and analyzing character was initially supported by the scientific community, and that individual studies support the validity of such a theory, most scientists are sure that graphology has no predictive ability.

But still there are many who believe in the ability of graphology to determine the main character traits. Of course, no one guarantees 100% probability and accuracy in judgments, but approximate description of a person indicated by handwriting.

Why do we need a psychological analysis of personality by handwriting?

It should be noted right away that the description of the handwriting makes it possible to probable conclusions, but not exact statements. In addition, the analysis of human handwriting in psychology with examples is common and is considered to provide a general characterization of human psychology, but not an exact one. In addition, graphologists need at least a page of text that is written by hand, and even better a couple that are written in dissimilar situations.

Why is analysis needed? Often, personnel workers need to identify the main personality traits, signs of character and the mental state of the applicant. This will make it possible to more accurately determine its compliance with the work. In addition, knowledge of graphology will help the individual to decide on the choice or when changing the field of activity. Remember that each sign should not be considered as an absolute dogma. It needs to be compared with other features.

Handwriting analysis will reveal the main character traits. Sometimes this is important when applying for a job.

An interesting discovery was made by Western scientists. It turned out that people who have lost their arms, legs and mouth are trying to display the same letters as they wrote earlier. It turns out that we write like this, as our brain tells us, and the hands only carry out orders.

For this reason handwriting is a mirror of a person. This fact is also proven by the biologist Preyer. He did an experiment using hypnosis. It was suggested to a person that he was evil or boastful, at the same time they dictated a text to him. As a result, the handwriting turned out to be different, with characteristic features.

What does handwriting depend on?

Many are interested in the question what does our handwriting depend on? According to the observations of scientists, our handwriting depends not only on age, but also on profession and position. Moreover, each of us has several handwritings. One is for personal notes, another is for important announcements, and the third is for congratulations and letters to friends.

But for graphologists, they are all the same, even the analysis of crooked handwriting (for example, as a result of illness or stress) is not difficult. In all the handwritings of one person, only the size of the letters and quality are changed, the internal structure does not change. It would seem, what is the dependence of character and these scrawl? Scientists have developed feature system, explaining the features of a person's handwriting and his character.

Some of them are immediately visible, others - if you look closely, but still others - have nothing to do with experience. There are many dark spots in this science, or, as scientists are sure, pseudoscience, but this does not prevent people from using graphology in practice.

Determination of character by a person's handwriting with examples

So let's consider signs for graphological analysis and find out what the handwriting of a person says with examples:


20-30 degrees to the right. This is the most popular slope. Such people can be called open, but it cannot be said that they are impulsive. A person is characterized by the ability to keep emotions in tense, emergency situations.
If the slope is stronger 50-60 degrees to the right- an indicator of the desire for communication and love of love. These people are more likely to try to show their feelings. A person with a similar handwriting is receptive to everything new. At the same time, possessive instincts are developed among the owners of such a slope.
Slight tilt to the left speaks of the predominance of reason over emotions. Such people are secretive, rational.
Big tilt to the left more common in lefties. Here there is a great control of emotions, secrecy, combined with sensuality.
If no slope– balance of emotions and rationality.


In our time, when there are many varieties of pens, it is sometimes difficult to determine the pressure. But if you can disassemble it, it will help a lot.

Strong pressure- evidence of perseverance, energy, ability to work. These are sociable individuals who love their work and people.
If pressure is superficial and light, then such personalities are distinguished by sensitivity, subtlety of nature. These are more often introverts, whose self-control helps to cope with important tasks.
If pressing force average, then such a person is more predictable, she likes to explore the outside world.

Combination of pressure and other characteristics

Smooth letters and light pressure - rationality of thoughts, high morality, discipline. Large round letters and light pressure - weak will, non-conflict, altruism. Strong pressure on capital letters - energy, leadership and creativity.

Line spacing

If the lines to the end of the sheet remain horizontal - balance in everything. Such people carefully think over all actions.
If the handwriting goes up - an optimistic nature. In a career, purposefulness.
The lines go down - a skeptic, realistically evaluates events.
Uneven line - changeability of mood, poor adaptability.

Roundness of letters

The decoding of round letters in a person's handwriting indicates the willingness of the individual to cooperate. Such a person is not persistent, he is open to others. But worse performs things that require perseverance.

Remember that all these qualities must be analyzed in a complex. Separately, it is impossible to make even an approximate portrait. Everything should be cross-checked against the rest of the features.

Space between lines and words

Often the density of words is an indicator of thrift. The farther the distance, the more wasteful the person.

Margin size

This is an indicator that helps to identify the level of wastefulness. Extensive fields everywhere - excellent taste, craving for art. If they are rational - an indicator of prudence. Narrow even on the sides - a tendency to frugality. If the text occupies the entire sheet, and the margins are very small - the desire to get the maximum.

Letter size

How to understand the character of a person by small handwriting or large?

small letters indicate the ability to concentrate in one direction. These are non-aggressive individuals. If capital letters are also too large - courage and pride. If they are too small - lack of courage. Small handwriting with small distances - the secrecy of nature, a person who loves loneliness.
Large letters found in expansive natures, somewhat aggressive. If the capital letters are graceful - the ability to attract people to oneself, the romance of nature.
Middle letters occur in many people, therefore they cannot be taken as a separate indicator for analysis.

Printed letters

What does handwriting mean? The nature of such a letter is to write printed letters where they should be written - which means that a person seeks to replace his outdated views on life with modern ones.


How does curly handwriting characterize a person? The presence of various decorations in the letter (a curly "cap" near the letter "y", curlicues, vignettes, etc.) indicates a person's desire to attract attention and the superficiality of his thinking.


If no lower loops, then the person is distinguished by independence of thinking, prefers the search for simple explanations. They are resourceful and adaptable.
Loops at the bottom are narrow- an indicator of caution, spirituality, love for the family. Wide extended lower loops - the desire to satisfy material needs. Too big loops from below - the person does not like to be tied to something.
Loops too small at top and bottom- indecision to step on the path of independence.

Word breaks

If the gaps are located in each word, then the person tends to believe in intuition. Such a sign is correlated with another. If there are no gaps in the words - a sign of logic.

Letter sizes

If the words begin with capital letters and then decrease, the person is in a position where strict secrecy is very important. Words begin with small letters, and then increase - a person does not know how to keep secrets.

Graphology and signature

A special place in this science is given signature analysis. We have been inventing and modeling an autograph for a long time. For this reason, it is believed that the writing of the text determines the personality of a person, what he is, and by the signature - what he wants to be. This is the key to predicting changes in personality and character, in fate.

The signature we choose ourselves, it contains important information about our goals and aspirations.

Signatures, like handwritten text, are examined in terms of parameters, which include the length and sharpness of letters, interesting characters and the unity of letters, the distance between them and the pressure force, dots, hooks, etc. Consider some of the characteristics:

direction. Here, take a look at where the tip of the signature is pointing. If up - optimism of nature, energy, striving for goals. Direct - balance in personality. Down - pessimistic moods;
length. Long signatures speak of thoroughness, slowness, perseverance. Short - a person is constantly in a hurry, takes matters lightly;
letter size. If the first letter is noticeably different from the rest, then the person is capricious, too demanding of others. With a slight difference with other letters - modesty. Small letter sizes - rationality, frugality, concentration. Capital letters - a dreamy nature, trusting, impractical;
breaks and connection. If all the letters are connected - evidence of logic and consistency, conservative views. If a small number of gaps is noticed - adaptability and flexibility of thinking. A large number of breaks - daydreaming;

decorations. If a person likes to show off and embellish himself, then this is immediately noticeable in the signature, because it is also decorated with ribbons, curls, etc. The number of curls shows the level of insincerity of the person, secrecy. But decorations are found in creative personalities: actors, musicians. Then evidence of the richness of the imagination. Mathematicians often have bare signatures. The letters seem to lose some parts;
letter spacing. This sign determines the level of generosity: with a large distance - a high level. If the letters are almost on top of each other - stinginess and frugality;
ponytails, underlines. If the signature is underlined from below, then the person is characterized by pride, resentment, he is interested in the opinions of others. If the line is on top - pride, vanity, desire for a new one. But the length of the host at the end of the signature indicates the reaction of people to interference in their affairs. The longer the tail, the less a person tolerates comments and decrees. If the signature is crossed out - evidence of dissatisfaction with oneself, self-criticism, hesitation;
dot. This is a positive sign. If there is a dot in the signature, this is evidence of discipline, the desire to finish what you started. If it stands at the end, the person finishes what he started under any circumstances. At the beginning of the signature - the desire to receive complete data before starting work;
repetition of elements. The same signs speak of obsession in actions and thoughts, of established habits. Along with this, this sign is an indicator of perseverance, the ability to easily cope with monotonous work.


This article discusses the most important criteria, the so-called key points for working with handwriting and analyzing its elements that can shed light on the personal characteristics of its owner. But there are still many nuances that help determine the nature of the signature. If desired, it is possible to master such skills on your own, but for this you will have to analyze many handwritten texts of closely familiar people, whose character is known to one degree or another.

January 19, 2014, 18:45
