What does the name Polina mean in ancient Greek? Polina: what does this name mean, and how does it affect a person’s character and destiny

According to Mendelev

Women wearing it do not have a strong will and often go with the flow, although they tend to analyze the situation and draw the right conclusions. They are simply unable to impose their desires on others.

Polina's type of thinking is masculine; she can achieve noticeable success in various matters; sometimes, however, the fruits of these labors go to other people. Polina lights up easily, but also goes out easily. This is not to say that she has deep intuition; unusual situations can knock her out of the saddle. She is receptive to other people's views, but does not take anything for granted. She is prone to self-examination and “self-criticism”, she is very critical of her actions. She sets quite strict rules for herself and honestly tries to follow them, but, as a rule, she lacks the determination necessary for this.

She is very sweet and loved in the family, but she never leads this family. Sociable, sometimes overly frank even with unfamiliar people. Despite all the ordinary behavior, she has unusual hobbies, “hobbies” that are considered to be purely male - some branch of technology, collecting, or, for example, Polina becomes an ardent fan. She is attached to home, to place, to familiar streets, to familiar people, to favorite places in the surrounding area; She is affectionate with pets: dogs, cats, horses love and obey her. In old age she becomes a beloved and authoritative grandmother. Almost never conflicts with neighbors.

Polya is very similar to the adult Polina. Probably, the character of a girl is determined early, cast into a certain form, and then does not change.

The colors of the name are golden, blue and a little red.

By D. and N. Winter

Meaning and origin of the name: Short form of the Greek name Apollinaria, "Belonging to Apollo." In Greek mythology, Apollo is the Olympian celestial, the god of art, inspiration, harmony, beauty

Energy of the name and character: In the energy of the name Polina, what is most striking is its balance and evenness. Perhaps this is why, despite the fact that this name is rarely seen today, it does not seem unusual and old-fashioned, at the same time, its relative rarity makes it quite noticeable.

It is interesting that, first of all, Polina’s balance fluctuates from some seriousness and even severity to cheerful cheerfulness. The same applies to the association associated with the name - a field that can be both a battlefield and a field of play - it all depends on the circumstances, and in relation to Polina’s character - on her upbringing. In other words, due to the balance of energy, the name Polina represents the very field on which anything can grow, both good and bad. Most often, throughout her life, Polya retains her inherent balance, combining seriousness and good-natured fun.

The energy of the name does not imply in Polina the ability to accumulate and hide tension for a long time, and therefore her pride is unlikely to become painful, although there is no doubt that some pride will not be alien to her, and God forbid that this quality does not receive excessive development in the process of upbringing. Otherwise, combined with her calmness, it can give the impression of arrogance and arrogance. It is possible that in her youth Polina will strive, although not to chase fashion, but still to look modern both in clothes and in behavior. Nevertheless, here, too, her sense of moderation will most likely affect her. She will not shy away from large, noisy companies, although their fun will not captivate her too much. Much more often she is attracted by the warmth and sincerity of truly friendly communication.

All this makes Polina’s character quite favorable for both her personal life and her career. There is little chance that she will rush into household chores as if she were an enemy pillbox, but she will calmly and slowly put her soul into this matter. At the same time, her non-conflict nature can turn family relationships into an oasis; it’s a pity that in this oasis the husband may have the illusion of complete permissiveness. The same applies to a career where hard work and patience can bear fruit, although sometimes it doesn’t hurt to express yourself loudly or simply remind your superiors of your needs.

Secrets of communication: Polina is often too direct in communication and says what she thinks, albeit calmly, but still forgetting to soften her words in any way. However, this does not hide evil intent or a bad attitude towards a person; rather, it is simply a statement of fact. Moreover, in a sincere conversation, she is usually always ready to help you not only with words, but also with deeds.

The name's trace in history:

Pauline Bonaparte

Napoleon Bonaparte's sister Polina was not distinguished by excessive modesty of behavior, and even her dearly loving brother was forced to admit this sad fact. Indeed, possessing bright beauty, a cheerful disposition and wit capable of charming any interlocutor, Polina enjoyed all the delights of social pleasures under the motto: “Life is given to a person only once.”

Napoleon turned a blind eye to many things, until he finally ordered his sister - for her own good - to marry General Leclerc. However, Polina's first marriage ended very tragically: having left with her husband for the island of Saint-Domingue, she soon witnessed his slow and painful death from fever. And although Polina always considered her husband rather a burden interfering with her entertainment, his death - and after that the death of their child - was a significant shock for her.

Polina's second marriage ended in divorce (few men are able to tolerate the reputation of an inveterate cuckold), and persistent rumors began to circulate among the people about an incestuous relationship between brother and sister. Perhaps there was some truth in this, in any case, Polina so openly showed her jealousy towards Napoleon’s wife that she was removed from the court for some time. Until Napoleon's death, Polina was faithful to her lifestyle as a carefree butterfly, fluttering from flower to flower, and only after the death of her brother did she return to her ex-husband, miraculously begging his forgiveness.

The bright image of Polina, her beauty and overflowing energy inspired many artists and sculptors of that time, but her most famous image, which truly conveyed the state of mind of this woman, is the statue by the Italian sculptor Canova, to which the author gave a laconic name in honor of the goddess of love : "Venus the Victorious."

According to Higir

Colloquial form of the name Apollinaria. Comes from the word Apollo - in ancient Greek mythology, the god of the sun, patron of the arts, god of predictions.

Porlyushka, Polina - today it’s rare for anyone to call their daughter that. Is this why there are so few people today who are as selfless and sacrificial as she? Among children, Polina is like an expensive bead: responsive, flexible, friendly. Where there is grief, there is Polenka. She will always console, reassure, sympathize. In joy - he will never envy, he will rejoice with you.

Sometimes it seems that Polina is filled with love for people, for animals, for all living things that surround us. At school she is the first assistant teacher, tactful in relations with classmates, and will never offend anyone. Unusually clean.

Adult Polina loves to dress beautifully, has excellent taste, but is thrifty, not a spendthrift, she would rather sew an outfit for herself rather than spend money on a store-bought item. She is thorough and reliable in business, and this is sometimes taken advantage of by dumping all worries on her.

Polina is selfless and can, like a child, rejoice at a trifle. She is extremely harmless, and even seeing that her husband is flirting with her best friend, she will try to find an excuse for him. But, of course, not indefinitely, and it’s still not worth exploiting Polina’s all-forgiving character. Polina always puts the interests of her family above her own. Career, professional success, business ambition - all this hardly interests Polina; she strives to find a job that would give her the opportunity to be at home more. Extramarital affairs, lovers and infidelity are alien to her.

Polina are good mothers. They love to attend parent meetings and take an active part in the work of parent committees.

In marriage, especially the first, Polina is not always lucky.

A marriage with Efim, Alexander, Yuri, Vitaly, Konstantin, Denis will be reliable. With Vadim, Anatoly or Igor, he will most likely turn out to be fragile.

Polina is a gentle and very beautiful female name, which becomes more popular every year. What does the name Polina mean, and what character does a woman with this name have?

1 )Polina - origin name

At first glance, the euphonious name Polina has Slavic roots, but in fact the name has several versions of its origin. Historians have still not come to a clear opinion which version is considered correct.

  • According to the first version, the name came to us from France, it came from the male name Paulin (a short form of the name Paul). Translated from Latin, Polina means “baby” or “small”.
  • The second version of the origin of the name - Polina - comes from the Greek male name Apollinaris, translated from Greek as “solar”.
  • Polina's name day is January 18th. The name Polina is not in the Orthodox calendar, so at baptism the girl is given the name Apollinaria or Pelageya.
  • The patroness of the name is the holy virgin Appolinaria, who is revered in the church for bringing good to people and healing the suffering with her prayers. Girls named Polina in difficult life situations can ask her for protection, wisdom and advice.

2) Polina – childhood years

Little Polya is a charming, sociable and affectionate girl who easily manages to establish contact with both adults and peers. She is flexible, rarely enters into conflicts, is obedient, and has a cheerful character.

  • Smiling and sweet Polinka resembles an angel and radiates goodness and light; the meaning of her name – “sunny” – suits her perfectly.
  • Polina cannot be called shy and timid.
  • As a child, Polina is active and curious, loves adventures.
  • Polina is a creative and talented child, she enjoys going to various clubs and loves to sing and dance.
  • Studying comes easy to her. For a girl named Polina, it is important to be appreciated, approved and praised, even for small achievements.
  • It is in childhood that character is formed, so the support of her parents, especially from her mother, will instill confidence in her.

3) Polina's character

Polina retains all the best traits of her character that she possessed in childhood. Growing up, Polya remains just as good-natured, sympathetic and friendly. She has many friends and good acquaintances who value her for her ability to find words of support in difficult times. Despite her flexible nature, Polina can stand up for herself and fight back against any offender.

The inconsistency of character is the secret of the name Polina. In certain situations, a sweet girl becomes uncompromising, decisive and persistent.

Possessing excellent taste, Polya always follows fashion trends and looks great. However, a girl named Polina is prone to self-criticism and self-criticism, reproaching herself even for small mistakes. But, basically, she is a confident and self-sufficient woman who knows her worth.

4) Work and career

Polina is an excellent employee, to whom management entrusts the most complex projects. Polina takes every task responsibly, completes it efficiently and on time. Its distinctive feature is the ability to make the right decision with lightning speed. Colleagues appreciate the girl for her reliability and willingness to help.

As a rule, Polina realizes herself in such professions as:

  • economist
  • translator
  • accountant
  • teacher

The talented Polina can make a brilliant career as a singer, actress, stylist, and artist.

5)Love and family

Polina's beauty and attractiveness does not create difficulties for the girl in communicating with men. She always has many fans, whom she attracts with her emotionality, ease of communication, and self-confidence.

  • From an early age, Polina dreams of a harmonious family and is looking for an extraordinary, reliable and devoted man who can provide and protect her.
  • Having found her man, Polina becomes a devoted and caring wife, devoting all her strength to creating comfort and arranging the family nest.
  • She is a homebody, a good housewife and a kind, understanding mother.
  • Polina idolizes her children, devotes a lot of time to their development, and is always interested in their successes and achievements.

The name Polina gives a woman strong energy and feminine charm. Thanks to her spiritual qualities, Polina is always loved and in demand, she simply must be happy!

Polina is a shortened form of the Greek name Apollinaria, which in turn is derived from the male name Apollinaris. The name means belonging to the Greek sun god Apollo - “solar”, or “dedicated to Apollo”.

The name Polina became more widespread in Rus' than Apollinaria, and this happened due to its beautiful and full sound, as well as easier pronunciation.

There is another version of the origin of the name Polina - French. At the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries, it was fashionable to pronounce Russian words in the French manner, and the French name Paulina over time began to be pronounced as the Russian Polina, since it is much more harmonious for the Russian language. The name Polina stuck and became an independent form.

Today Polina is one of the most popular names for girls. And this is not surprising, because so many prominent women wear it. Among them are singers Polina Gagarina and Polina Viardot, writer Polina Dashkova, poetess Polina Barskova, actresses Polina Kutepova and Polina Lunegova, Soviet gymnast Polina Astakhova and many others.

Name days and patron saints

Those with the name Polina are patronized by the venerable virgin Apollinaria. She was the daughter of a high-ranking Roman official, but she was distinguished by her piety and piety. In her early youth, she went on a pilgrimage to holy places, and, having reached Alexandria, she strayed from her companions and remained alone in the forest for many years.

Then she arrived at the monastery, posing as the eunuch Dorotheus. She was assigned a cell where she spent a lot of time in prayer. Meanwhile, a tragedy occurred in her family - Apollinaria's younger sister became possessed by a demon. The girl’s father brought her to the monastery to Dorotheus so that he could heal her with prayers. The child was healed, but upon returning to her parents' home, her father noticed that the girl was pregnant.

He blamed the monk Dorotheus for what happened. The father called the monk to him, and when he took off his monastic clothes, he was surprised to recognize in the monk his youngest daughter, whom the parents had already despaired of finding. Apollinaria again left her parents' house, taking her father's word that he would keep her secret. The fathers of the monastery were surprised to learn the truth only after the death of Apollinaria.

There is no name Polina in the calendar, so girls are baptized under the name Pelageya or Apollinaria. Polina celebrates her name day on January 18, April 4, July 13, August 7, September 19, October 26 or November 27.

Characteristics of the name

Polina is a charming, sociable and pleasant woman to talk to. She behaves well in any society and can carry on a conversation on various topics. When communicating with Polina, the first thing that strikes you is her balance and evenness; sometimes she even seems indifferent. In fact, she is a vulnerable and completely non-offensive person who never extols her “I”. There is selflessness in her character, and she, like a child, can rejoice at any trinket. After all, the main thing for Polina is attention.

Polina knows how to sincerely sympathize and empathize with the grief of others; she will always try to find an excuse for even the most impartial act of another person. Her only drawback, which greatly complicates her life, is her straightforwardness. She often speaks the truth, without even trying to soften her words. Polina prefers to communicate with intelligent people, and considers herself the same. He looks down on ill-mannered and uneducated people.

Polina has an explosive temperament; she does not know how to accumulate grievances. She is a bad debater, because she tries to impose her opinion, but does not know how to argue it. She is critical of herself, although sometimes she likes to put on a mask of arrogance and indifference. A woman is susceptible to bouts of melancholy and may be haunted by causeless fears and anxieties.

Polina is completely devoid of sentimentality and looks at life quite realistically. When choosing between wealth and love, she will most likely choose wealth. She is characterized by a subjective view of life, she tries to try everything on herself. Sometimes she gets very carried away with soul-searching, which leads her to a depressive state.

Polina has poorly developed intuition, she does not know how to trust it. Her character always fluctuates from unbridled cheerfulness to excessive seriousness, but she always believes in her abilities and is in no hurry to trust people.

Polina loves comfort, appreciates coziness, and always looks great. Periods of activity and communication are replaced by her desire to relax and be alone. She can isolate herself from the whole world for a long time in order to restore peace of mind. In general, Polina has a rather difficult character, but lives an interesting and eventful life.


Little Polya is distinguished by her charm and amazing complaisance; she rarely conflicts with her parents and peers. She is very active, loves noisy games and enjoys helping her mother.

At school, Polya becomes a diligent student and class activist. She always has a lot of friends, and her teachers love her for her willingness to always help and take the initiative.

A distinctive feature of the girl is her kindness and responsiveness, and parents should try to ensure that Polina does not lose these qualities while growing up. Mom’s influence has a very strong effect on the child, and will accompany Polina all her life.

Polina definitely has some kind of talent, and it is very important to notice it in time and let it develop.


Polya often suffers from colds in childhood, so it is advisable to enroll the girl in some sports section.

As an adult, Pauline quickly gets tired and tired; she requires a lot of time to sleep and rest. Full, healthy sleep is very important for Polina, otherwise she will feel unwell.

In general, Polina’s health is not very good, so she needs to take care of it from childhood. Her weakest point is her nervous system. Bouts of melancholy and self-criticism can lead to prolonged depression.


She tends to idealize a man who impresses Polina, which often ends in disappointment for the woman. For Polina, the respectful and trusting respect of her partner is extremely important, and therefore she will never have fleeting romances.

Polina is endowed with the best qualities for a woman, and she does not feel any shortage of admirers. But her feelings are smoothed out, she never openly expresses her sympathy, and sometimes seems cold and unapproachable.

In bed, Polina takes a position of submissiveness, preferring to give the initiative to her partner. She cannot be called an ideal sexual partner, since it is almost impossible to provoke her into passion. This pushes men away from her a little, or pushes them to cheat. But she can be sure that there will never be a place for a lover in Polina’s life.

Marriage and family, compatibility with male names

Polina is the wife one can only dream of. Family is always the most important thing in life for her; for the sake of the family, he will easily give up his career. She will not strive to dominate her husband; on the contrary, she will be obedient and faithful to him in everything.

Despite her obedience, Polina will be the heart and support of the whole family; they will obey and love her. She will treat her husband condescendingly, forgiving all his weaknesses. Polina is a zealous housewife, knows how to cook deliciously and welcome guests with pleasure.

Marriage for Polina is unthinkable without children; without them she will never find happiness. She will devote the lion's share of her time to the children, often forgetting about her own needs. Polina will even look for a job closer to home, so that she can rush to the children at any moment.

A successful marriage awaits Polina with men named Arkady, Boris, Nikolai, Robert, Rodion, Egor, Dmitry, Gleb and Anatoly. An alliance with Alexander, Anton, Andrey, Fedor, Stanislav, Oleg, Georgy and Nikita should be avoided.

Business and career

Polina is an active person, but she is more interested in her family rather than career success. She lacks business ambition, but has diligence and diligence. It often happens that she is mercilessly exploited without appreciating her abilities.

Polina needs active work - painstaking and monotonous work will not suit her. She can become a good advertiser, manager, salesman, lawyer, teacher or journalist. Ideal for creative professions - such as an actress, artist, stylist or fashion designer.

Polina can take on any job, the main thing is that it brings material wealth. Polina knows how to save money and do business honestly, so she will make a good business partner who can be trusted.

Talismans for Polina

  • Patron planet - Saturn.
  • Patronizing zodiac sign is Capricorn. It is recommended to call girls born under this sign Polina - in this case, nature will bestow them with talents and health.
  • A good time of year is winter, a good day of the week is Saturday.
  • The color that brings good luck is blue.
  • Totem animal - swan and whale. The swan symbolizes dignity and majesty, as well as the gift of prophecy. The whale is a symbol of strength, rebirth and the beginning of a new life.
  • Totem plant - poppy and lotus. Poppy means peace and tranquility, it protects against witchcraft and the evil eye. The lotus symbolizes spiritual development and rebirth; it is capable of awakening the best qualities in a person. The flower brings peace and tranquility to the house, as well as material well-being.
  • Talisman stone - ruby ​​and topaz. The ruby ​​will help Polina recover from her illnesses and give her power. Topaz is able to strengthen the immune system, as well as protect its owner from witchcraft.

Horoscope for Polina

Aries- a sociable and friendly nature, going through life with her head held high. She is responsible and efficient, and enjoys the respect of colleagues and relatives. Polina-Aries loves praise and hates criticism. Family happiness is difficult for her, since she is a very self-sufficient person. The ideal partner for Polina-Aries would be a Leo man - they both strive for perfection and hate boredom. Leo is the only zodiac sign to which Polina-Aries is ready to yield the palm and submit.

Taurus- a prudent, cautious and stubborn woman who is guaranteed career success. She avoids conflicts and does not weave intrigues, but fiercely protects her interests. Polina-Taurus does everything slowly, carefully and carefully; under no circumstances should she be pushed or rushed. People are drawn to her for calm communication and practical advice. She is very delicate and will never offend or offend intentionally. The best partner for life together for Polina the Taurus will be a Cancer man - they have similar aspirations, so they will be comfortable together. This will be a strong union created for many years.

Twins- kind and sympathetic, she is completely devoid of ambition. She is fussy and restless, and really does not like painstaking work. She is in constant search and easily changes a boring job to a new one. She also leaves her past without regret. Polina-Gemini has a very romantic nature, capable of strong passion. Frequent mood changes can repel others from her. An Aquarius man could be an ideal life partner for Polina-Gemini - their union will be based on complete trust and affection, although this relationship will never be smooth.

Cancer- a hot-tempered, selfish and capricious woman, prone to extraordinary actions. She has difficulty finding a common language with others, and is often rude and biased. But commercialism and envy are absolutely alien to her, and for men she has an inexplicable attractiveness. In fact, Polina the Cancer is very sensitive, she is capable of crying over any trifle. Polina-Cancer really needs a strong and self-confident partner, and a Scorpio man can become that for her - he will be a reliable protection for her. This couple will complement each other in all areas of life.

a lion- active and enterprising nature, with excellent business acumen. She knows how to quickly make the right decisions, and in her life there is absolutely no place for empty dreams and daydreams. Her intuition helps Polina-Leo to understand people well and accurately use their weaknesses for her own benefit. She can become a reliable and faithful business partner, as well as a loving and devoted wife. She can create a strong marriage with an Aries man - their passion will only increase over time, forcing them to cherish and protect each other.

Virgo- active and cheerful nature, always on the move. She has excellent intuition, allowing her to be successful in all areas of life. Polina-Virgo does not succumb to the influence of others and trusts only herself. You should not expect outbursts of tenderness and romantic flirting from her; she does not like to demonstrate her feelings. A Taurus man will be able to understand the complex nature of Polina-Virgo - both are prudent and practical, they will complement each other perfectly.

Scales- a charming, feminine and cunning person who knows how to achieve success in any of her endeavors. She manages to deftly turn even negative circumstances to her advantage, and her cheerful and optimistic character makes others treat her kindly. Polina-Libra will do everything for her beloved man, she will idolize and adore him, but at the same time she is an intelligent and insightful manipulator, so the head of the family will be the woman. The ideal partner for Polina-Libra would be a Capricorn man. This will be a strong union between thoughtful Libra and stubborn Capricorn - just a perfect combination.

Scorpion- a powerful and principled woman, but at the same time very faithful and sentimental. She is always confident. Proud and independent, however, the woman is in great need of love and care. A man who can understand the mysterious soul of Polina-Scorpio has not yet been born, but Aries can become such a man. She will become an infinitely devoted wife to the Aries man, and he will be the very strong shoulder on which Polina-Scorpio will be able to lean.

Sagittarius- a strong and self-confident woman, with pronounced leadership qualities. She can handle any task, she can make an excellent leader or simply a responsible employee. Polina-Sagittarius is a real fighter for truth and justice, she knows how to put other people's interests above her own. She has her own opinion on everything, and it is almost impossible to convince her. Polina-Sagittarius will never turn into a submissive housewife, since communication and appreciation of others are very important to her. She can’t stand weak and weak-willed men, so a man born under the same zodiac sign as her would be the best match for her - they have simply perfect astrological compatibility.

Capricorn- taciturn and gloomy on the outside, at heart she is a very kind and vulnerable person. She has a heightened sense of justice, which often leads to conflicts. She is a maximalist by nature and gives the impression of a woman carrying an overwhelming load on her shoulders. And only very close people can know that in fact Polina-Capricorn can be cheerful, sentimental and romantic. Outwardly, she is always reserved and proud, but an Aries man will be able to find an approach to her - this couple has everything that fits the definition of an “ideal marriage.”

Aquarius- a cheerful, impressive and independent woman whom everyone loves and respects. She cannot stand loneliness either at home or at work, and is always the center of attention in any company. She is very sensitive and is the first to rush to help someone who needs it. Polina-Aquarius is very socially oriented; it is extremely important for her to feel needed and useful. She always stands guard over goodness and justice, easily rebelling against lies and hypocrisy. Polina-Aquarius will be able to get the most out of life with a Libra man - they will never be bored together, and they are ready to share each other’s interests.

Fish- an extremely talented and apathetic nature, prone to prolonged depression. She is very insecure, so she rarely manages to fully realize her talents. By nature she is a philosopher, prone to contemplation and daydreaming rather than to practical activity. In the life of Polina-Pisces there are a lot of cataclysms and disappointments, since any trouble, even the smallest one, is perceived by her as a disaster. She is very responsive and strives to give more than to take. Any struggle is not for her. A Virgo man can become a loving and understanding husband for Polina-Pisces. A woman will be able to find her ideal in this hardworking and responsible person.

A girl named Polina is always affectionate, kind and sympathetic. She will always come to the aid of the weak. Often, Polina is very attractive, primarily due to her spiritual qualities.

Translated from ancient Greek, the name Polina means “sunny”, and translated from Latin it means “small”.

Origin of the name Polina:

There are two versions of the origin of the name Polina.

The first version of the origin of the name Polina claims that it comes from the French male name - Paul, which, in turn, comes from the Latin word “Paulus”, meaning baby, small.

The second version says that the name Polina is derived from the name Appolinaria, which has Greek roots and comes from the name of the ancient sun god Apollo.

Character and interpretation of the name Polina:

Polina is always very friendly and kind to everyone. Her main features are openness and responsiveness. She is ready to selflessly take care of defenseless animals, babies, and old neighbors. She is not familiar with the feeling of envy - she will sincerely rejoice in the successes of her comrades along with them. This girl has a love for all living things.

Polina is not a very good student at school, although she tries. More inclined towards natural sciences. She always fulfills all the instructions of the teachers and is always ready to help them. Classmates respect and love Polina for her responsiveness and willingness to help at any time. She will always stand up for her younger comrades and will not offend a stray kitten or puppy.

Having matured, Polina continues to protect the weak, seek justice and help loved ones. She can handle any job. Management, without any doubt, entrusts her with complex tasks, because Polina will always finish what she starts and produce high-quality results. Colleagues appreciate her for her thoroughness and reliability in all situations. She doesn’t really strive to climb the career ladder, it doesn’t matter to her how prestigious the specialty she received. He usually chooses professions that require great care and thoughtfulness. She will be an excellent accountant, economist, document specialist, librarian, translator, turner or seamstress.

Polina loves to take care of herself, knows how to sew and knit, dresses beautifully and with charm, and knows how to choose jewelry and accessories well for her outfits. He always communicates openly and does not know how to flatter or deceive.

Family for Polina is the most important thing in life. She will never limit her husband’s desires; she will always let him go out with friends. She herself is a homebody, and if she works, she will try to find a job that will be as close as possible to her home. She often does not believe in her husband’s infidelity and tries in every possible way to justify her husband. She herself is not attracted to romances, infidelities and lovers on the side. For her, peace and tranquility in her family is above all. Coming home from work, he immediately begins to do household chores. Order and comfort always reign in her house. She cooks wonderfully and loves to receive guests.

Having become a mother, Polina tries to devote most of her time to her children; she is always interested in their lives and successes, and will always suggest the right way out of a difficult situation. In her family, it is customary to go to parent-teacher meetings, consult and communicate closely with the children’s teachers, and keep abreast of all the events happening with relatives. When Polina's children grow up, she continues to help them and take care of them.

Several centuries ago, a large number of both peasant and noble children received this name. Recently, the name Polina has lost its former popularity and is becoming less and less common.

Before deciding on a name for their unborn child, parents should familiarize themselves with its meaning. What does the name Polina mean? What fate awaits the girl?

The meaning of the name Polina

Polina is a baby. This way you can decipher the name. It would seem that there is nothing complicated or unusual. But the child’s behavior and his main character traits depend on the meaning of the name. The name Polina also means “sunny”.

What does the name Polina mean?- this is the child who constantly pleases those around him and is happy for them himself. This girl is always ready to brighten up the gray days of those around her and help them accept reality. But it’s worth remembering that the name Polina is a multiple of the male name Paul. Therefore, the child’s fate will not be easy and predictable.

Origin and history of the name Polina

Polina is a name with French roots. This is what modern scientists think. Although, there is a second version of the origin of the name. It indicates that Polina is a Latin name. “Like Apollo” is another way to interpret it.

In the Christian tradition, it is not customary to honor Saint Pauline, so girls are baptized with the name Apollinaria. Apollinaria's name day is once a year - on the eighteenth of January. Polina is a very pious and sincere woman. They invest a lot of effort in the well-being of the family and do not think that this is something to be proud of.

The origin and history of the name Polina indicate that the zodiac sign that protects the girl is Capricorn. That is why she can be so stubborn, but straightforward. It is difficult to find a compromise with her if you are wrong. Polina always defends her own point of view.

The planet that governs her life events is Saturn. She determines that in a woman’s life there will always be a place for some kind of struggle. Either the fight against enemies, or the fight with herself. This is not important for Polina. She's just always ready for something new.

The color that suits her more than others is blue. And indeed, the girl loves to often look at the sky and peer into its beauty. The tree that will become a talisman for the girl is poplar. The plant that will become treasured for her is the lotus. The stone from which you can make a talisman that protects Polina from adversity is selenite.

The character and fate of Polina

Polina's character is quite tolerable and pleasant.

The girl is endowed with a huge number of positive traits:






In her life, Polina is guided by common sense and from an early age she got used to relying on herself. Polina often laughs and enjoys those around her. The meaning of the name Polina determines her fragile forms.

She's really quite petite. It seems to many that Polina will remain a little child at heart forever. At the same time, she is quite reasonable. From early childhood she gets used to taking care of others and giving them her love.

Polina is open to communication and had a huge number of friends as a child. Unfortunately, not everyone understands this girl’s openness, and not everyone accepts it. Sometimes Polina is sad, but she doesn’t show it. He hides his emotions more.

Polina also has negative character traits:

Excessive thoughtfulness;

Contrived difficulties;

Craving for loneliness.

If relations in Polina's family are rather strained, the parents often quarrel and argue - the girl grows up nervous, secretive, and withdrawn. Any little thing can scare her and make her angry. She often cries for no reason.

Therefore, it is so important for parents to create the best living conditions for Polina. So that she would not be drawn into their family problems. The girl’s mother may consider her too independent and entrust her with more and more complex tasks that require increased responsibility.

You shouldn’t do this, let Polina have a joyful and carefree childhood - then she will grow up to be a truly kind and loving daughter who is able to give her family love, affection, and care. Polina remembers with trepidation her grandmother, who loved to sing songs and bake pies with her. This is exactly what Polina lacks in her adult life - home comfort and peace.

She will strive to create comfort and coziness for her family. She will really want to please her loved ones with her presence and her attention. Polina has a rather flexible character, but sometimes she can seem unapproachable and tough. Relatives will not be able to understand why the girl behaves this way, why she shows with all her manifestations that she does not need anyone?

She doesn't like to argue and doesn't know how to do it. Therefore, Polina has to hide her sincere and vulnerable nature behind indifference. It seems to her that in this way she will protect herself from interference in the lives of other people.

Polina is a very loyal friend and quickly wins people over. But she is more comfortable making friends with men than with women. Men seem to her more sincere and fair.

She can’t stand gossip, that’s why she doesn’t tell anything about anyone and honestly keeps secrets. But there is a lot of gossip about Polina. At first she treats them with some caution, then she gets used to them and simply does not react, believing that only those who simply have nothing better to do gossip gossip.

Polina has many shortcomings, as she herself believes, therefore, she can also be critical of others. She may demand conformity to herself, but if you calmly explain to her that the demands are incommensurate with reality, Polina quickly calms down and stops pestering her.

It’s difficult for Polina to understand why people around her are constantly trying to encroach on her territory. In reality, they are not trying to do anything. They are only determined to advise her to get to know her better. But Polina doesn’t let her get too close. She prefers a narrow circle of friends and does not allow outsiders into it.

Polina has many ill-wishers only because she is quite honest with others, therefore, it is difficult for her to play games with others, it is difficult for her to betray. She says what she feels and feels in her soul.

The meaning of the name Polina and her profession

Polina has a rather pleasant appearance and refined manners. She gets along with people easily, so working in a large team would be ideal for her. She studies diligently and diligently, can have several higher educations and connect her life with several professions at once.

Polina is a creative person and may not find the strength within herself for a very long time to make creativity her life’s work. But, in the end, she comes to the conclusion that she will have to connect her life with educational activities.

She can become a wonderful teacher and educator. It won’t be difficult for her to attend an art school and a theater studio at the same time. And it is not necessary that Polina will take up creativity in childhood; most likely, she will create throughout her life.

But if she has a conflict situation at work, she will no longer be able to work in this team. She will have to look for another place to earn money, another place where she will find mutual understanding and returns.

The meaning of the name Polina and her personal life

Polina is quite pretty, therefore, she attracts men like a magnet. She is very important to them and is almost always in the field of view of several men at the same time. She loves with her heart and soul, but also places great importance on sexual comfort in a relationship.

Polina simply will not build a relationship with a partner who is not suitable for her sexually. She does not have excessive demands on her partner. She just clearly knows what she wants and what she deserves.

Sometimes Polina can be too cold, which genuinely frightens her partner. He begins to pursue her in confusion, but the girl at this moment sincerely does not understand what is wrong. She gave no reason to doubt herself; perhaps her partner came up with something for himself and is now living in illusions.

Sometimes Polina prefers friendship with men to friendship with girls, but real deep relationships will never grow out of it. Polina has a very difficult time if she is denied attention, she secludes herself, goes deep into herself. Friends try to support the girl, but they only make things worse.

She begins to consciously want seven closer to the age of thirty. Then she not only dreams of an ideal relationship with an ideal man, she begins to understand that everything in this world has to be worked on and there is a time for everything in it.

Sometimes Polina cries out of hopelessness, but her crying is not enough for long. She very quickly forgets about all the troubles and begins a new harmonious life. Polina may not be faithful to her husband if he does not pay enough attention to her inner world, if he does not listen to her words and does not do as she asks.

It’s better not to leave Polina alone for a long time. If you don’t want her to suffer, and you to suffer later, don’t leave her alone, let her constantly feel that you are nearby. Polina's children grow up in prosperity, but often experience some discomfort due to their mother's closed nature. They cannot understand whether the problem is with them, why mom was offended or upset.

In fact, Polina may simply be busy with her own affairs and not communicate with her household for some time. They perceive this as some kind of insult to their feelings. Polina wants her home to always be cozy and joyful, so she often invites guests. But she doesn’t throw noisy parties. A quiet, cozy evening in pleasant company is what truly pleases her. At an older age, Polina has an even relationship with her parents only when they do not interfere in the course of events in her life and do not give advice without asking.
