Where to queue for kindergarten. How to put a child on the waiting list for kindergarten

Since 2010, a new type of enrollment in a kindergarten has been established in Moscow, which consists of electronic registration. If young parents do not have access to the Internet, they can still use the live recording. When exactly to register in a kindergarten does not really matter. But in some regions of our country, the queues are very long, so it is better to get in line as early as possible, immediately after the birth of the child, having completed the necessary documents. In the article, we will consider how to queue for a kindergarten in Moscow.

When in Moscow to stand in line for kindergarten

Young parents living in Moscow, as a rule, begin to worry in advance about such an issue as enrolling in kindergarten. And they are doing it right, since the chance to get into kindergarten otherwise will be minimal. Thus, it is better to queue up for kindergarten in advance, immediately after the birth of the child and after all the necessary documents have been received. Moreover, the method of queuing will not matter, whether it is an electronic queue or a live one, this should be done as early as possible.

Electronic queue for kindergarten in Moscow

Only families that have permanent registration in the capital can get a place in a Moscow kindergarten. After the child has entered the queue and indicated the desired preschool, parents can make changes if, for example, they move to another area.

The advantages of an electronic queue include:

  • A child can be sent to a kindergarten right at home, sitting at a computer, which is a huge advantage for young modern parents;
  • Faking a queue is impossible;
  • The movement of the queue can be independently tracked via the Internet;
  • Save time for both the child's parents and service staff.

Along with the advantages, you can also highlight the disadvantages of such a record:

  • If there is no Internet access, then parents cannot track the movement of the queue;
  • In order to make changes to your application, you will need to contact the information center, this cannot be done via the Internet;
  • You can only sign up online. In order to submit the necessary documents, you will have to visit the district information support service;

The disadvantages also include the excitement of parents who cannot personally verify the placement in the queue for kindergarten.

Important! If the applicant does not have benefits, then it will not be possible to accelerate the progress in the queue.

How to queue for a kindergarten in Moscow via the Internet

In order to register in the queue for a municipal kindergarten, you must independently fill out a questionnaire on one of the sites:

  • Portal of State Services in Moscow http://pgu.mos.ru;
  • Moscow Department of Education http://www.educom.ru/;
  • Multifunctional center of Moscow http://www.mos.ru/.

First of all, a parent who decides to join the queue for kindergarten needs to register on one of the sites. An email notification will be sent to the parent's email address to confirm that the registration process has been completed. After that, on the site you will need to fill out an application and provide information about your child. You will need to specify:

  • Passport details of the applicant (one of the parents of the child);
  • Information about the mother of the child (passport number and series);
  • Date of birth of the child;
  • Desired year of admission to kindergarten;
  • Address of residence, the presence of registration at the place of residence;
  • Contact details;
  • Wishes for the method of child development;
  • Information about benefits (if any).

After that, the system will offer to choose three preschool educational institutions, one of which is a priority for parents, and two are additional. If the application is filled out correctly, a notification with an individual code and the status of the application will be sent to the parent's mail and to the Personal Account on the website.

Important! After the number in the queue is assigned, the parent should contact the OSIP (District Information Support Service) or the MFC within 30 days and submit documents on the applicant, child and available benefits.

How to queue for kindergarten through the State Services in Moscow

Confirmation that the application has been accepted or refusal to accept the application will be received within 10 days. They can refuse only if errors were made when filling out the data, or if at the time of admission to the kindergarten the child is already 7 years old.

Important! If enrollment is refused and the reason for this is the input of incorrect data, parents can visit the OSIP in person and provide the originals of the necessary documents. This must be done within 20 days from the receipt of the refusal. Or you can reapply online.

What do the "main" and "additional" lists of enrollment in kindergarten mean?

When placing on the waiting list, the parent chooses the main kindergarten. If it refers to the place of residence of the child, then the applicant will be included in the "main list" of this garden. In this case, the place will be obtained faster. If the desired garden does not match the registration address, then the applicant will be included in the “additional list”. In this case, enrollment in the selected kindergarten will be possible only after the children included in the “main list” of this kindergarten are accepted.

How to check your turn

Important! When placing in an electronic queue, it will be possible to check its progress independently through the portal. Information can be obtained after the following information about the child is provided: his full name, date of birth, birth certificate number (certificate series is not indicated).

The status in the queue can be checked after entering the individual code that was assigned when registering in the electronic queue.

A separate queue has been established for beneficiaries. These include children:

  • Orphans;
  • Whose parents are victims of the Chernobyl accident;
  • From large families;
  • single mothers;
  • Disabled persons or those brought up in a disabled family;
  • Military personnel, civil servants and police officers;
  • Investigators, prosecutors;
  • Whose sisters or brothers want to go to the selected preschool.

What problems may arise when enrolling in a kindergarten in Moscow

Sometimes, when queuing, parents can observe progress not forward, but backward. That is, for example, the queue was in 150th place, but turned out to be in 160th place. This may be due to the fact that two preschool educational institutions have merged into one, which means that their queues have also merged. However, one should not think that the movement in the queue will be slow; when two kindergartens are merged, there will also be twice as many places.

How to queue for a kindergarten in Moscow through OSIP

In addition to the electronic queue for registration in kindergarten, there is also a live queue - through OSIP. OSIP is the District Information Support Service. In order to register through OSIP, you will need to provide an appropriate application and the following documents:

  • Passport of the applicant (the applicant may be one of the parents of the child or his legal guardian).
  • Documents that confirm that the child or his family are beneficiaries. Provided only if the child belongs to beneficiaries.
  • A power of attorney, if instead of the legal representative of the child (parent, guardian) an authorized representative applies to the OSIP.
  • Certificate of registration at the place of residence or stay in Moscow (respectively, form 8 or form 3);
  • Child's birth certificate.


Thus, we can conclude that queuing for kindergarten will not cause much difficulty. The only thing the parents of the child should take care of is to get in line as early as possible. You will also need to choose a priority preschool institution, and if the kindergarten is chosen in accordance with the address of residence, the child will be admitted to the kindergarten quickly enough. If parents choose a kindergarten to which they do not belong at the place of registration, it will take a long time to wait in line.

In order for a child to be enrolled in a kindergarten, you first need to get on the waiting list. This can be done from the birth of a child up to 7 years. At the same time, he must have a temporary or permanent registration in the Moscow region. For registration, parents or legal representatives of a child registered in the Moscow region can apply through the portal of state and municipal services (RPGU) of the Moscow region.

The procedure and terms for the provision of services

Source: Main Department of State Construction Supervision of the Moscow Region The service for accepting applications, registering and enrolling children in preschool educational institutions is provided to the parents (legal representatives) of the child. The maximum service delivery time is 7 business days. Registration of the application and a set of documents is carried out within 1 working day.

After receiving a referral for enrolling a child in a kindergarten, you need to go to the proposed kindergarten with the original documents to draw up an agreement. Enrollment is carried out within three days after its signing.

Preferential enrollment

Source: Ministry of Construction Complex of the Moscow Region The queue in kindergartens is formed by the date of setting from the list of children on preferential and general grounds. If the family has a preferential status that gives the right to extraordinary or priority enrollment in a kindergarten, the parent or legal representative of the child must, in the year of admission to kindergarten, before starting recruitment for the new academic year, apply with a set of documents confirming the benefit to the municipal government education.

There are certain benefits for extraordinary or priority enrollment in kindergarten, the following categories of citizens are entitled to them:

  • children of investigators and prosecutors;
  • children whose parents suffered in the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;
  • military children;
  • children of police officers;
  • children from large families;
  • children with disabilities (there are special kindergartens for them: general health and for certain diseases);
  • children in whose families one of the parents has a disability.

The right of priority enrollment is also enjoyed by children living in the territory assigned to the kindergarten.

Required documents

Source: Photobank of the Moscow Region, Boris Chubatyuk To receive the service, you will need to collect the following documents:

  • an application for registration in a kindergarten (it must indicate the name of the head of the municipal education authority, the name of the applicant, the address of the place of residence (registration), the name of the child, the series and number of the child's identity document, the SNILS of the applicant and the child (if any) , the date of the desired enrollment, as well as contact details.In addition, a note is made about the need to provide a place in a specialized kindergarten);
  • identity document of one of the parents (legal representatives);
  • birth certificate of the child;
  • identity document of the applicant's representative;
  • documents confirming the right to preferential enrollment of a child in a kindergarten;
  • a document confirming the registration of the child at the place of residence or at the place of stay (the absence of this document is not a reason for refusing to provide the service).

How to check your place in the queue

Surely every parent, immediately after the birth of their first child, thinks about how and when to become.

What options exist today? Is it possible to record via the Internet, and most importantly - how? What documents may be needed?

Let's consider all these questions in more detail.

Recording Options

In 2018, you can get on the waiting list for kindergarten in several ways:

  • with the help of the Multifunctional Center;
  • with the help of the district administration for the acquisition of preschool institutions;
  • via the Internet (using the State Services portal).

If we talk about MFC, then everything is quite simple here - the registration algorithm is as follows:

It is worth noting that every parent must keep this ticket until the enrollment of their child in a preschool institution (kindergarten).

Speaking of queuing through the district office, then the algorithm of actions is the same as when contacting the MFC.

But how can parents get on the waiting list through the State Services portal? Let's talk about this in more detail.

Rules for queuing through the State Services portal

Like any other site on the Internet, the Gosuslug portal can fail. In order to minimize the likelihood of getting into such an awkward situation, the developers of the portal recommend:

Often parents for some reason refuse the application, and then submit it again. In order to avoid a system error, it is recommended to check whether the previous application has been deleted or is being executed.

Such rules for using the portal, including putting a child on the waiting list for enrollment in a preschool institution, help prevent possible misunderstandings of parents why the system does not allow them to submit a request.

Step-by-step instruction

Many parents do not have time due to employment to go to the MFC and other organizations to register their child in a preschool institution.

In such a situation, there is a way out - to register through the State Services portal.

Setting algorithm for registration with the help of the State Services is as follows:

In the event that the parents do not have a personal account, it is enough just to go short registration process. It is as follows:

  1. Click on "Registration of a personal account".
  2. Provide information about who is registering.
  3. Confirm email.
  4. Wait for data verification.
  5. Log in to your personal account on the State Services Portal.

The registration procedure itself takes no more than 5 minutes, but it can take up to 7 calendar days to verify the data.

Step-by-step staging instructions Registered in kindergarten looks like this:

  1. We go to the personal account of the portal.
  2. Next, you need to select "Enroll in kindergarten."
  3. Then you must specify the personal information of one of the parents.
    It must be remembered that personal information includes indication:
    • full initials (abbreviations are not allowed);
    • dates of birth;
    • passport data;
    • contact phone number;
    • relationship information.
  4. After that, you must specify information about the child himself, namely:
    • initials (full, without any abbreviations are indicated);
    • date of birth;
    • series and number of the birth certificate;
    • gender of the child (in the format “husband” or “wives”).
  5. It is necessary to fill in information about the place of residence (it is necessary to indicate the address where the child himself is registered directly).
  6. From the map embedded on the State Services portal, you should select a preschool institution to which parents wish to send their child. In the event that all the places there are already occupied, you can choose another kindergarten.
  7. At the end, you must indicate the year when the child plans to start attending kindergarten. In the event that parents have any state benefits, this must also be indicated.

It can be noted that this process of filling in information is considered the application itself, or, as many say, a questionnaire.

After specifying all the necessary documentation, you must upload the required list of documents.

The advantages of this method

It is safe to say that there many benefits this system:

  • it is possible to send several applications via the Internet to different preschool institutions;
  • lack of influence of state bodies on the promotion of the queue (everything is transparent and honest);
  • there is an online option;
  • minimal influence of bureaucratic subtleties.

It must also be remembered that with this method of registration, you do not need to stand in long queues.


Each registration method has its drawbacks.

If we talk about the portal of public services, then minuses are as follows:

  • there is a possibility that the portal will malfunction, which may lead to the fact that it will be necessary to wait for its repair by specialists;
  • the portal works exclusively according to the law, and therefore the queue can be pushed back for the reason that beneficiaries are always allowed to go ahead;
  • if you incorrectly enter information about yourself, the profile may be blocked.

Despite this, the popularity of recording through the State Services portal is high and every year the number of its users is only increasing.

List of documentation

After completing the questionnaire, you must upload scanned copies of all necessary documentation.

Documents must be uploaded in JPEG format.

Myself list of documents includes:

After all the documents have been uploaded to the portal, the parents should double-check all the information provided and, if necessary, correct the errors. To increase the chances, experts recommend registering with several preschool institutions.

After sending the request and queuing, each parent can further track the progress of the queue.

Possibility to check the queue

Verification algorithm advancing the queue is quite simple and is as follows:

  1. Log in to your portal account.
  2. Go to the Kindergarten Enrollment section.
  3. After that, you need to click on “Check Application”.

After that, it will be possible to find out how the queue has progressed since the application was submitted. It should be noted that this request is duplicated in the email that the owner of the personal account receives.

It is worth noting important information: citizens who live in Sevastopol or in can register instead of the State Services portal on the sevastopol.gov.ru and pgu.mos.ru portals, respectively. The State Services Portal is not available for them in this direction.

How to use the State Services portal to enroll a child in kindergarten is described in the following video:

You will need

  • - Child's birth certificate
  • - Passport of one of the parents
  • - Document confirming the benefit (optional)


As soon as you get your hands on a certificate of, immediately go to the queue for a place in kindergarten. As a rule, in all cities, registration takes place in the departments of preschool education at the place of residence, in the created departments for the acquisition of places. If you still remember the times, went to the head of the kindergarten and signed up with her - in 2006, according to the new recording procedure, the rule is no longer valid.

To join the queue, you need to have two or three documents with you. This is the child's birth certificate and your passport (or your spouse's passport). Another document is needed only for those who are going to get on the preferential line. Then you will need documentary evidence of this benefit. For example, evidence that you are a single mother, or you have a large family, or the father of your child died in the line of civic duty. The exact list of benefits must be clarified directly with the specialist of the department where you will be on the waiting list.

At your appointment at the Placement Department, you will be asked to hand-write an application using a standard template. In it, you can indicate the desired area for you, or at least the area in which it is located. Remember that when allocating places, the staff of the recruitment department first of all look at the place of registration in the passport that you presented to them. Therefore, if your place of registration and residence differ, be sure to indicate this in the application so as not to get a place in a kindergarten on the other side of the city.

In some regions of the country, for example, in Moscow and Moscow, you can put the child on. To do this, the parents of the child need to register on the website ec.mosedu.ru and fill out an electronic application there. It must contain the data of the passport of one of the children and the birth certificate of the child. You can also specify your preferred kindergarten or district there. In addition, on the site, in the electronic register, you can track the status of your application. When the turn comes up, parents will be sent a letter to the email address specified during registration.


The list of documents required for placing a child on the waiting list for placement in a kindergarten: 1. A copy of the child's birth certificate with a note of citizenship of the Russian Federation; 2. A copy of the passport of one of the parents (including pages with registration information); 3. A document confirming the priority right to be placed on a preferential queue (if there is a privilege - in the section "List of preferential categories for obtaining a place in a kindergarten").
