The ideal daily routine for a teenager of 15 years. Adolescent daily routine and personal hygiene

Your child has been waiting for the holidays like manna from heaven, but you do not let him enjoy his freedom to the fullest. Every day you make your child read 200 pages of "War and Peace", go to a math tutor and do not let him near the computer. Stop torturing the child. It is enough to spend 20 minutes behind a book, classes should alternate with walks, and shooting games will not only not harm the child prodigy, but will even bring benefits.

Usually, teachers do not give children assignments during the summer. Well, except that they offer a list of recommended reading literature. However, the prospect of spending the summer on boring books for schoolchildren, as a rule, is not encouraging. They are easy to understand. All year the child has been poring over textbooks and rightly wants to relax and “humanly” relax during the holidays. But it’s not worth going on about a lazy child. Studies have long proven that after a rest that is not saturated with intellectual loads, there is a significant decrease in mental activity. A child who does not look at books for three whole months runs the risk of facing serious problems on the first of September.

Reading - 20 minutes

Psychologists have such a thing as "stress at the beginning of the school year." Unfortunately, during the longest holidays of the year, children often lose not only the acquired knowledge, but also such a useful skill as the ability to learn. To regain it, some need a few days, others two or three weeks, and still others a whole month. Therefore, it is very important that your student devote at least 20 minutes a day to studying during the holidays. Let him read, and not only the works of the classics, but also fascinating stories to his taste. The process itself is important. In addition, during the holidays you can improve your knowledge in subjects with low academic performance. If the second-grader categorically does not want to sit down for lessons and constantly finds some excuses, try to turn the learning process into an exciting activity. Does this seem like too much of a challenge to you? It looks like you haven't read The Adventures of Tom Sawyer for a long time. Remember how an enterprising boy presented the process of painting the fence in such a way that all the surrounding children began to vying to beg him to let him participate in such an exciting business. Try to do something similar and get the child interested in the lessons. With high school students to arrange such shows, of course, is not worth it. It is better to think about motivation. If you know that next year your heir will have to read Tolstoy's War and Peace, Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment, Goncharov's Oblomov, and a host of other voluminous and complex works, advise him to master some of them over the summer. Then in the school year the teenager will have more free time, because he will only have to scroll through and remember what he is already familiar with. Try to accustom your child to the idea that relaxing with a sense of accomplishment is much more pleasant than sour on the outskirts of a task that you still can’t turn away from.

Computer games - 1 hour

Do not forget that in the daily routine of the child there must certainly be time that he can spend at his own discretion. If your child wants to mess around, loitering from corner to corner, let him loiter. Wants to sit at the computer - do not mind. Moreover, recent scientific studies prove that the virtual world is not only not harmful, but in many respects even useful to children. For example, computer shooters allow a child to blow off steam and get rid of accumulated negative emotions, but they do not make him cruel. And walking walkers, in which you have to solve difficult logical problems and, willy-nilly, strain your convolutions, contribute to the development of creative thinking, memory and quick wits. If you're afraid that a computer might hurt your child's eyesight, put aside all fears.

Experts have proven that with a good monitor and with the right lighting, visual acuity not only does not decrease, but even increases. According to some neuroscientists, this is due to the fact that during the game part of the nerve cells change their shape and begin to interact better with each other. If this hypothesis finds further confirmation, it is likely that computer shooters and walkers will soon begin to be used as a therapeutic tool for the treatment of certain eye diseases.

However, do not forget that, as Aristotle said, "everything is poison, and everything is medicine." The question is dose. Make sure that your child spends at the monitor no more than an hour a day, otherwise the child may earn a computer addiction. It is desirable to break the session into parts. Six-year-olds and seven-year-olds are allowed to spend no more than ten minutes continuously at the computer. Children from eight to eleven years old can play fifteen minutes, from twelve to thirteen - twenty minutes, from fourteen to fifteen - twenty-five, and high school students - as much as half an hour. Then a ten-minute break is needed so that the child can do gymnastics for the eyes.

Watching movies - 1.5 hours

From the TV, too, you should not run away like from the bubonic plague. According to British psychologists, even infants have every right to watch specially prepared programs that broaden their horizons and shape the child's personality. The whole question is as a spectacle and time spent at the screen. It's one thing when a child watches programs about animals and intellectual shows, and another thing is bloody action movies. In elementary school, it is permissible to spend about one and a half hours a day watching TV, in high school - 3-4 hours. At the same time, it is desirable to arrange watching TV shows, cartoons and movies on DVD in the morning. A few hours before bedtime, the TV can do a disservice. If adults simply get tired from prolonged contact with the blue screen, then children usually get overexcited. First of all, this applies to younger students. In this state, it will be difficult for the baby to fall asleep, and in the morning he can meet completely broken.

Walks - 3 hours

Make sure that during the holidays the child spends at least three hours a day outside. Walking in the fresh air, and in any weather, are of tremendous benefit. They strengthen the immune system, increase appetite and improve blood circulation in all tissues and organs. Besides Sun rays contribute to the active synthesis of vitamin D, which is necessary for the formation of strong bones. By the way, it has been noticed that children who spent a lot of time on the street adapt to school much faster than those who spent most of the holidays within four walls.

Expert opinion

Galina Moreva, pediatrician of the highest category:

- During the summer holidays, the daily routine of the child should not be as strict as during the school year. However, if for all three months he went to bed late and got up when he wanted, at the end of August you should make changes to your sleep and rest schedule. At least five days before school, send your child to bed between 9pm and 10pm. Then, by the first of September, he will learn to fall asleep on time and wake up at the crack of dawn cheerful and full of energy.

Minimum program

Take me to the museum. Taking care that over the summer the “pot” of a son or daughter does not stop “cooking”, the main thing is not to overdo it. You can keep your mind sharp not only by poring over textbooks, but also by other, more exciting activities for the child. Recently, the concept of the so-called "useful rest" has become widespread. Its essence is to instill in the child interests that provide exciting leisure, and at the same time enrich the student with new knowledge and skills. Therefore, be sure to visit museums, theaters, a planetarium, etc. on weekends.

Organize a trip. Camping is another great way to keep the student's brain relaxed, and at the same time accustom the child to work. The main thing is that forays into nature are not limited to eating barbecue. Collect herbariums, take pictures, learn how to make a fire, set up a tent, use a compass, provide first aid, cook food on the go. Believe me, these new skills will develop observation, ingenuity and quick wit in your child.

Sign up for boxing. It will not be superfluous if you enroll a child in a section for classes in which there was a catastrophic lack of time during study. Older students can make their own choice, while younger children will need help. But don't try to make the decision for the child. Otherwise, you run the risk of forcing your child to do what he does not like at all. Perhaps boxing will really bring your treasure more benefit than classes in a physics and mathematics circle. Children need physical activity no less than "exercises for the brain." Ideally, of course, both are harmoniously combined, so it would be great if your child wants to attend two sections at once.

The daily routine contributes to the normal development of the child, strengthening health, educating the will, accustoms to discipline. Make up the daily regimen, taking into account the state of health, age-related anatomical, physiological and individual characteristics of the child. The daily regimen provides for a certain duration of various activities, sleep, rest, regular meals, and the implementation of personal hygiene rules.

It is necessary to teach a child to observe the regime from the first of his life: a certain time of sleep and wakefulness, feeding, walking. This not only facilitates the care of the child, but also gradually accustoms him to order and neatness with age; 1.5 - 2 years old children switch to a one-time daytime sleep, depending on the weather, outdoor walks take 3 - 4 hours. It is recommended to engage in physical education of the child every day 1-1.5 hours after breakfast.

Studies of physiologists and hygienists have established that the child's body has the highest capacity for work in the morning. Therefore, at this time, the most time-consuming activities should be carried out with preschool children - drawing, modeling, working with scissors.

In the afternoon, study time should be reduced, and rest time should be increased. Stay in the air is given 4 hours. The daily routine of preschoolers must include morning exercises, outdoor games, physical exercises aimed at developing basic movements - walking, running, climbing.

The nutrition of children from 3 years old is not much different from the nutrition of adults. You need a sufficient amount of vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates. Food should be taken no earlier than 30 minutes after a game or a walk, and dinner should be 1 to 1.5 hours before bedtime.

It is necessary to instill in the child hygiene skills; teach them to wash themselves, brush their teeth, etc. Until the age of 6, the child sleeps once during the day. Parents should gradually prepare the child for sleep, calm him down after the game, follow the evening dress.

Going to school is a turning point in a child's life. Exceeding the allowable level of academic load, the lack of a study regimen, proper rest, physical labor, and sufficient physical activity lead to the exhaustion of the student's nervous system, to overwork and weakening of the body, to a decrease in its resistance to various infections. It is important to teach the child to properly regulate the time of study at home: alternate types of classes in various subjects, take a break between classes of 10-15 minutes, during which stress decreases, eyes rest.

Begin the preparation of lessons with written work, and then move on to oral. It is necessary to properly organize the rest of schoolchildren in the air. Walks, games should last at least 3 hours a day, and half of this time falls on a break between classes at school and at home.

Normal sleep is very important for restoring strength and working capacity of the body. Children 7 - 10 years old need to sleep at least 10 - 10.5 hours, teenagers - at least 8 - 9 hours, otherwise their performance drops by 30%. Chronic lack of sleep, like mental fatigue, is the cause of irritability, rudeness, absent-mindedness. Excessive stress should be avoided, which can disrupt normal sleep and adversely affect the child's condition.

Much attention in the daily routine of the student should be given to nutrition. Properly organized diet (4 - 5 times a meal) is of great importance for its normal physical and neuropsychic development. The child should have dinner 1 - 1.5 hours before bedtime.

Every morning the child should do exercises, it should become a habit for him. Serious attention is required from parents to organize a day off and school holidays. The main elements of the daily routine (sleep, food, etc.) should remain the same as on ordinary days, but at the same time, maximum time should be devoted to staying in the air, participating in hikes and excursions, visiting museums, theaters. On weekends, you need to let the child sleep.

More on the topic The daily routine of children and adolescents:

  1. Hygienic requirements for the daily routine, educational activities, personal hygiene of younger students and adolescents.

I would like to note right away that the daily routine of a teenager is such an individual concept that it makes no sense to rely on some generally accepted standard scheme. There is an ancient wisdom that says that with a child under six years old one should behave as if he is a master, with a teenager - as with a subordinate, and with an adult - as with a friend. Of course, it is not worth taking it literally, but there is a rational grain here. Children aged 10-15 years are developing intensively. Along with this, a rebel grows in a teenager. His body is undergoing drastic changes, and his mental state is also changing. The child is formed as a person and at the same time as a part of a huge society. At this time, it is very important to establish a teenager's daily routine and try to follow it.

The concept of “day routine” includes not only daylight hours, but also night, because at this time teenagers can do something other than sleep. Therefore, the correct daily routine of a teenager should consist of 24 hours of useful activities for him, so that the time for stupidity is zero. This is not about total round-the-clock control, but rather about avoiding unnecessary situations. For example, on a Saturday morning, when there is no need to go to school, the child wakes up without problems at seven o'clock in the morning, but at the same time on Monday you will not get him. Of course, after all, such an interesting film was on TV late at night!

Doing lessons

Every mother knows how much time it takes a teenager to do homework. An hour is enough for one child, two for another. But if the lessons take more than three hours a day, then it is worth finding out the reason. It is possible that the matter is lack of assembly and inability to organize one's own time. Parents should correct such features of the teenagers' day regimen, motivating them, for example, with a walk. Knowing that you can walk until seven o'clock in the evening, the child will try to do the lessons faster. But the quality will be checked by the mother, who will decide whether it is possible to allocate time for a walk with such homework.

Personal time

It is unacceptable to create a day regimen for children and adolescents without taking into account a certain amount of personal time. Each person has their own hobbies, and they need to devote time. It's good if the hobby is connected with spending time on the street. Football, hockey, inline skating or hopscotch can help relieve school stress, distract you from daily duties and benefit your health. But remember that when introducing elements of democracy into the work and leisure schedule of a teenager, you must be sure that he has his own opinion, life position and beliefs. Adolescence is the time when the first cigarettes, alcohol and sexual relations appear in a person's life. Prohibitions, punishments and continuous restrictions will not be able to solve this problem. The main thing is mutual trust. Having told his parents about his problems, experiences, the child must be sure that he will receive help, advice, and will not be punished.


At this “tender” age, the teenager’s study and rest regimen should include at least nine hours of sleep at night. Only in this case the child will receive a good rest.

A teenager is not a baby, you will not be able to make him sleep, so you need to create certain conditions conducive to a normal night's rest. Offer dinner no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime. At night, do not allow your teenager to sit up at the computer or TV. If you notice that something is bothering the child, do not ignore it, talk heart to heart with him. It is only in appearance that 15-year-old "hedgehogs" seem to be adults, but in reality everyone is waiting for their mother to come into his room, kiss him and wish him good night.

There is less than a month left before the summer, and at this time of the year you want to look irresistible. The season of short shorts, T-shirts, mini dresses and bikinis will begin. On the beach, you want to feel confident, and for this you need to prepare your body. We will not write about complex exercises and diets, since this is a big responsibility - for this you need to have a special education and, accordingly, an individual approach to each person. Below we will only list what daily routine should be followed in order to feel great and enjoy your reflection in the mirror.

1. Awakening

You need to wake up in a great mood, and for this you need to be well-rested. Women are recommended to sleep for 7-8 hours, since we, unlike men, are more prone to stress. The earlier we go to bed, the more our body recovers, which means that when you wake up, you will see a happy and, at the same time, a beautiful girl in the reflection of the mirror.

Tips: It is recommended to go to bed at 10-11 pm in order to feel good at 6-7 am. If you have trouble sleeping, read a book before bed or drink a glass of warm milk with honey and cinnamon. We also suggest purchasing lavender oil, as it has a calming effect. It can be applied to the pillow or added to the bath, which, by the way, is also great for relaxing before bedtime.

2. Charging

Every girl should get into the habit of doing exercises in the morning. If you live in a country house or if there is a park nearby, then it would be great to go for a run before shower and breakfast. It is not even necessary to run, just take a walk in the fresh air for 10-15 minutes, then your body will be saturated with oxygen, which will give you energy throughout the day. In addition, thanks to such walks, you can even lose weight, but on the condition that you follow proper nutrition.

Tips: If there is absolutely no desire to go outside, then you can go to the balcony or open the window to ventilate the room. Spend 10-15 minutes doing simple exercises such as squats, push-ups (from a table or on your knees), leg raises, abs, and pelvis raises from the floor. It is enough to do 20 repetitions of 2 sets (if necessary, increase the number of repetitions).

3. Bath procedures

The shower is best in the morning. Here already follow the rules that you like, because taking a shower is one of the most pleasant moments.

Tips: For skin elasticity, it is recommended to take a contrast shower. Also, do not forget to wash your face and then moisturize it, even in summer. The body also needs to be moisturized, in the area of ​​​​the legs and thighs the cream should be applied from the bottom up. 30 minutes before going outside, you need to apply sunscreen to your skin, which will protect it from premature aging.

4. Breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. In no case should it be skipped, because what we eat at breakfast gives us energy for the whole day. If you skip it, then the chances of developing obesity and diabetes increase. Be sure, at 8-9 in the morning, prepare yourself a full, tasty, sweet breakfast, because it is at this meal that we are allowed to eat everything that we love - buns, chocolate, tea / coffee with sugar, sweets, etc.

Tips: However, do not forget that breakfast should not consist of just a bun; first, nevertheless, it is worth eating, for example, porridge or muesli with fruits. We also recommend eating an omelet with vegetables for breakfast, and only after the main, healthy dish, we can start eating an airy croissant or chocolate left for breakfast. We also recommend drinking a glass of warm water 30 minutes before a meal, immediately after waking up.

5. First Snack

After doing important things, do not forget about the first snack or the so-called second breakfast. You need to have a snack with something light and healthy, at 11-12 o'clock.

Tips: If there is no appetite, drink a package of low-fat kefir or fermented baked milk. I really like the company "Miracle" a package of natural yoghurt with flakes - it turns out a healthy and tasty snack. You can also eat some fruit or toast, for example, with avocados, at this meal. There are a lot of interesting recipes on the Internet, look and choose what suits you best. And of course, don't forget the water!

6. Walk

What could be more beautiful than walking in the fresh air with friends or alone. You need to walk a lot, walking is very useful pastime.

Tips: If you haven’t found a company for yourself, don’t be upset, you can have a wonderful walk in the park, listening to your favorite music on headphones, riding a bicycle or rollerblading. With friends, you can have a picnic, play volleyball, badminton or other active games together.

7. Lunch

By 13-14 in the afternoon, you must definitely have lunch. You can eat complex carbohydrates at this meal, these include cereals, legumes and vegetables.

Tips: It is recommended to eat chicken or vegetable soup, stewed vegetables with lean meat in this meal. Do you want pasta? Prepare yourself pasta (from durum wheat) with chicken breast or shrimp, cherry tomatoes, season it with olive oil and Italian herbs (salt, pepper to taste) - here is an approximate recipe for a non-calorie and hearty pasta. Also, don't forget about water.

8. Second snack

The second snack takes place in the afternoon, at about 16-17 hours. It should be very light and should not contain any carbohydrates.

Tips: At this meal, drink a glass of low-fat kefir or fermented baked milk. It is also allowed to eat a little low-fat cottage cheese or natural yogurt, without additives and water.

9. Dinner

Your dinner should consist of proteins and a minimum of complex carbohydrates. If you've been full all day and haven't moved much, you can skip this meal or skip the second snack. You need to have dinner 3-4 hours before bedtime. Therefore, if you go to bed early, around 9-10 pm, it is best to skip the second snack and have dinner.

Tips: For dinner, prepare yourself lean meat (stewed, baked, boiled or grilled), or fish, with a light salad of tomato, cucumber and lettuce, which can be seasoned with olive oil or lemon juice (salt and pepper to taste). Water should also be drunk 3-4 hours before bedtime to avoid swelling.

10. Evening walk

After dinner, you need to take a little walk to feel good and get rid of the feeling of heaviness in the stomach. 15-20 minutes will be enough.

If you follow this daily routine, then by the summer you will be able to lose weight and improve the quality of your skin. The main thing is not to overeat, eat in small portions, 4-5 times a day. Be sure to move, walk, have fun - lead an active lifestyle. You will not lose dozens of kilograms, but you will feel much better, because health is the key to beauty.

Good luck, I hope everything works out for you!

Gum for hands "Cookie"

Children who love different experiences and experiments will love the creative kits. If your child has long dreamed of making a handgam, it's time to make this dream come true! The kid will independently make a toy from the components that come in the kit. - an excellent anti-stress simulator, it can be wrinkled, tossed, stretched. Handgam soothes, relieves tension, strengthens the wrist muscles, trains fine motor skills. And the chewing gum for hands has a pleasant aroma of cookies, mint, exotic fruits, etc.

The following novelties will be of interest not only to children, but also to some adults. In urban apartments, we are increasingly moving away from nature. Children sometimes do not know where vegetables and fruits come from, thinking that sweets appear in the refrigerator by themselves. Now every child can grow a small vegetable garden on the windowsill.


Are there board games for the little ones? We say yes! designed for preschoolers. The set includes 12 cards, on which colored circles are drawn in different combinations. And also 9 balls: red, yellow, blue. The player needs to arrange the balls in such a way that their colors match the colors of the cells-circles. Several young participants can also play. "PervoLogika" contributes to the development of analytical thinking, memory, and the ability to compare. In a group game, in addition, children learn effective communication, replenish their vocabulary.
