How to be happy every day. Secrets of a happy family life

As the classic said - all HAPPY families are EQUALLY happy. All UNHAPPY people are unhappy in DIFFERENT WAYS...

To understand HOW to build HAPPINESS in your home, let's figure it out: how are all happy and unhappy families similar and different?

What are the general PRINCIPLES for building all happy families? And what MISTAKES do the unfortunate people make?

1.Principles of a happy family

1. The first principle of all happy families can be formulated as follows:

In HAPPY families, partners are the best FRIENDS. And this is the foundation of any strong, harmonious relationship. The basis of the foundations, without which no building can be built or glued together...

In UNHAPPY families, the situation is exactly the opposite. Spouses rather become RIVALS and COMPETITORS for each other in everything.

They RARELY SUPPORT each other. Everyone fights FOR THEMSELVES, pulls the blanket over themselves...

After some time, human WARMTH and ACCEPTANCE LEAVE in such relationships. And after it, the sexual desire and the desire to COMMUNICATE and spend time together go away...

2. In happy families, they decide everything together, consult with each other about everything, give in, meet people halfway.

In unhappy families, they fight for power, authority, and defend their opinions.

3. In happy families, partners know how to agree on everything. They don't hide anything from each other. They talk through all the emotions, everything that worries and doesn’t suit them, everything is resolved.

In the unfortunate, grievances are hushed up. They pile up complaints against each other. Then everything accumulates like a snowball and falls apart.

2.Opening cash flow

- What is “cash flow” from a scientific point of view? What sets rich and successful people apart from the rest?

“Cash flow” is when a person gets into the flow. Minds his own business. He is given a lot of energy for this task. There are no external or internal barriers. Correctly understands the laws of money.

- What is blocking your cash flow?

If money is tight in your home, then there is likely something blocking your cash flow. What could this actually be? What are the cash flow blocks?

A very common block is when a person minds his own business. What's going on here? Usually energy is given to a person for what he really wants to do inside.

If he simply wants to copy someone’s success, but internally feels that this type of activity does not suit him, most likely he has chosen the wrong area of ​​activity that does not suit him.

The next type of blocks are your own internal blocks that prevent a person from becoming successful.

Also, conflicts and quarrels with others, claims and grievances in material terms can become a serious problem on the path to material well-being.

All these blocks are discussed in detail in my Cash Flow Unlocking Seminar.

This seminar will cover in detail the answers to the following questions:

  • What is cash flow?
  • How to open it?
  • What are the common mistakes people make regarding cash flow?
  • How to fix them?
  • What do you need to know about the principles of life, money, relationships in order to always live in cash flow?

3. How to save your family and make it happy? How to become a happy person yourself?

- How to help yourself and your loved ones in difficult life situations?

Everyone wants their family life to be happy and cloudless. At the same time, real life always makes its own adjustments...

What to do if there is some serious quarrel in the family? Misunderstanding? Problems at work? With kids? etc.

If you let everything take its course, then most likely there will be big problems and over time the family may fall apart.

In ancient times, it was believed that every person should have his own mentor, adviser, sorcerer or sorceress who has lived his life and can suggest a way out of any difficult situation.

Nowadays, everything is the same. If you find yourself in a difficult life situation, you should definitely talk to some wise person who will give the right advice.

If there is no such person, contact a specialist.

You can also take advantage of my workshop "Self-counseling" and consult yourself ().

- How to become a happy person? And make your family happy?

Usually happy people are those who live for the happiness of others and make everyone around them happy. There is a Law of Unity, according to which happiness can only be achieved by everyone together.

A family is a single biological organism connected by inextricable energy ties. In a family, either everyone or no one can be happy. Because if at least one person is unhappy in the family, he will ruin the life of everyone around him...

At the same time, you need to remember that you are the same equal person as all family members. And you also need to take care of yourself, look after yourself and pay attention to yourself, like everyone else. Otherwise, the interest of those close to you will begin to decline...

As a gift to readers - the opportunity for free training. In order to study on the course, enter the code word when you first log in: shslm

I wish you happiness in love and family life!

Sincerely yours, Natalia Lyubimova

Understanding is one of the important factors in a happy family life. If people do not try to understand each other, this inevitably leads to contradictions and disagreements. Spend as much time together as possible and you will get to know each other better. In many families, people never get to know each other well because they are too busy. Plan how much time you will spend with your family. You can, for example, go to the cinema, organize some kind of joint game, or even just get together for a family dinner.

Respect your family. You, your children and your life partner are now one family, but remember that all people are individuals. Each member of your family has the right to personal desires and their own opinion. Sometimes his point of view may differ from yours. Never get angry if someone in your family disagrees with you, even if you think they are wrong. We are all human and no one is perfect.

To pay attention. No one likes to feel that their job or career is more important to their loved one than their family. Find time for each and everyone, then you will understand each member of your family better, and this will help avoid misunderstandings in the future.

Treat everyone equally. If there is an adopted child in your family or a child of your spouse from a previous marriage, they also deserve your love and attention, the same as you receive from your spouse and natural children. Treat everyone the way you would like to be treated and you will be able to get along with everyone easily.

Never yell at your family. This may cause hatred towards you in their hearts. Just try to understand people, it will help you a lot. Why waste energy on a meaningless scream if any issue can be resolved calmly?

  • Never conflict with your brothers and sisters. Conflicts will ruin your relationships and you will greatly regret it when you become an adult. Cherish every minute you spend with your brothers and sisters, this time will never be repeated.
  • Be impartial.

    Learn to find a compromise. If you and someone in your family have opposing opinions about an issue, try to find a solution that suits both of you.

    Help each other. If you see that your parents, brother or sister need help, help them. Even a little help, like holding the door or helping with homework, goes a long way.

    Throwing a birthday party or a party to celebrate someone's achievement will have a great impact on your family's atmosphere.

    Avoid using hurtful or insulting language towards family members.

    Sometimes teenagers can be sad and feel lonely. Ask them about it, but if they refuse to share their feelings, don't insist. Sometimes it's just hormones. If you think something is wrong with your child, you can ask their close friends about what help might be helpful.

    The main purpose of a person is to be happy. Happiness is something worth fighting for, striving for and living with. After all, you can dissolve in happiness. Great deeds were accomplished with an inner feeling of happiness.

    Family life – this is work that lies largely on women’s shoulders. Women's intuition and wisdom can make a marriage long and happy.

    Secrets of family happiness

    1. A charming smile transforms a person. And how nice it is for a man to see his wife smiling and happy. Give your man your smile more often.
    2. Be a support for your husband, let him not doubt your devotion and fidelity to him. Let you be his support in difficult situations, because now you are one - you are a family.
    3. A woman should be weaker than her husband; there is no need to fight for power in the house. Give in, be wiser and let your spouse feel like a real man and master of the house. Believe me, you will only benefit from this.
    4. “Don’t wash dirty linen in public.” Learn to solve your family problems and troubles within your family circle. And God forbid you, at the first quarrel, run with your suitcases to your parents. Save your parents' nerves! And decide for yourself once and for all that if your suitcases are packed, then this is truly a final and irrevocable decision. Don’t raise your voice at your husband, especially in the presence of children, and don’t let your husband yell at you either. If a quarrel occurs, cool down, think it over and talk. This will be the best solution for your family. After all, often the advice of your neighbor Klavdia Vasilyevna or your unmarried friend Natasha can do you a “disservice”. Keep your family secrets and values.
    5. Don't try to change a man. Find only positive aspects in him, and try to come to terms with the negative aspects of his personality or learn to ignore them.
    6. Don’t find fault with your husband, try not to incite quarrels, even if you are right. Sometimes it is better to give in and step aside, and then calmly discuss the current situation. You are unlikely to achieve your goal by shouting and reproaching. But if you surround a man with tenderness and affection, believe me, he will pull a star from the sky for you.
    7. Never compare your man with others, do not set anyone as an example for him. He and only he - your man - is the best, ideal and wonderful. Let both he and you know this.
    8. Trust is the key to your family happiness. Where there is trust, there is no place for pathological jealousy. You can sometimes show a little jealousy so that the man feels that you are not indifferent to who he communicates with and where the communication takes place. But you shouldn’t throw a tantrum just when you see the escorting gaze of the slender beauty’s husband.
    9. Keep him on his toes. In order for you to succeed, you must first of all remember that you are a woman and you must ! Let your husband always see you fit, beautiful, well dressed, neat and fragrant. We have already mentioned a smile and a good mood.
    10. Praise and thank your man. Then he will want to do even more for you. Believe me, gratitude sometimes works wonders. And praise has an invigorating effect on a man and raises his morale.

    11. It is very important to look in life not at each other, but in the same direction. When getting married, you must carefully weigh whether you are worthy of one? You should have common interests and topics of conversation. Be interested in what your man likes and likes. One woman got married and seemed absolutely happy, but she and her husband had completely different views on life. He wanted to travel and go to the movies, she loved to stay at home and play computer games. Now he travels a lot and can often be seen at the cinema, only he is accompanied by a completely different woman. And there are a lot of such stories.

    12. If your husband is not in the mood or has offended you with a word, try to understand him. Perhaps now he has problems at work, with health, or he is just tired. A man is extremely negatively affected by the poor financial situation in the family. And if this is exactly the situation you have now, understand and support your husband in every possible way. And then your patience will pay off in spades.
    13. Always greet your husband joyfully from work, let him know that you missed him and were waiting for him. Especially if his line of work requires him to go on business trips or stay late at work.
    14. Keep your home tidy and comfortable. Periodically rearrange and decorate the house with decorations and flowers. Avoid dullness and monotony.
    15. A woman is, first of all, a person. In addition to family and everyday life, find your favorite activity or hobby, achieve success. And your husband will support you and be happy for you.
    16. It is in your power to make sure that over the years your love only increases and blossoms! Take care of your relationships, saturate them with positive emotions and tenderness. Let the romance of first meetings not leave your home even after 20 years of marriage. Arrange romantic surprises, take walks together more often, go to the cinema, go out into nature. Such moments relieve stress, everyday hustle and bustle and provide a lot of positive energy for great achievements.

    These are so uncomplicatedsecrets of family happiness . Try them, maybe they will help you establish peace and harmony in your family.House of Soviets wishes that your family always has plenty of respect, mutual understanding and love.

    2 996 0 Good afternoon Today we will touch on the topic of family happiness and talk about recipes for a happy family. You will learn how to create, and most importantly, maintain a friendly and positive atmosphere in your home. Awareness of the problem is the first and very confident step towards solving it.

    Qualities and signs of a happy family

    • Correctly set priorities. If your career comes first, then problems in the family simply cannot be avoided. The children are neglected, the husband is “unloved”, everyone is stressed.
    • Don't be afraid of responsibility. Take responsibility for the atmosphere in your family. Blaming your partner will only make your relationship worse. Only you make your own life, no one is guiding you from above. Therefore, the mood in the family and other areas of life will depend only on you. You may have heard the phrase from others: “if our mother is in a bad mood, then the whole family is in a bad mood.”
    • Private touches. Sometimes a person spends the whole day like a prickly hedgehog; no matter what you say to him, he snorts and frowns. And just one hug, one touch or one kiss melts an icy heart and the mood lifts by itself.
    • Pleasant surprises. Do something you don’t usually do to spice up your life: a passionate SMS, a small gift, a boat trip together, etc.
    • Maintaining personal boundaries. Don't monitor your partner or children every second. The first one needs to get bored and rest so that feelings can start playing again, while the second one needs to learn independence and socialization without your support.
    • Accepting your partner as he is. A common cause of quarrels in couples is attempts to change the partner, his habits, principles, etc.

    Any person wants care, understanding and warmth. The home in which he finds all these qualities becomes familiar and irreplaceable. It is a pleasure to return to such a place. Besides, you want to pay for good with good.

    In a happy family, they try to control their primary emotions, because screaming and angry words will not achieve anything. They remain in the memory forever and gradually spoil the relationship. Thinking and understanding people help deal with problems, and do not just scold them for them. This attitude is much nicer than condemnation and anger.

    In addition, a happy couple is not irritated by each other’s minor flaws and idiosyncrasies. They understand that fighting over socks or the toilet lid not being lowered is stupid. If you love each other, then accept all the little things and don’t fight over trifles. It is precisely such nuances that spoil the mood, but they spoil it for those who are looking for it themselves.

    • One of the brightest signs of a successful union is attention . This applies to a haircut, a new tie, a change in habit and many similar things. But besides this, there is another kind of attention, which is expressed in the ability to listen, give practical advice, not interrupt the interlocutor and be sincerely interested in his life.

    Everyone noticed that sometimes they buzzed their soul mate with all their ears about the importance of the upcoming event, and when it passed, the loved one did not even ask about it. Everyone's memory is different, but when you truly love and respect a person, then you also worry about his affairs.

    As for attention, this is a very broad topic, which is one of the most important criteria for a happy family. Attention is the ability to hear the desires, dreams and tastes of another. Give long-awaited gifts, buy favorite flowers, and don’t even forget that he likes to dilute his tea with cream, not milk.

    • An equally striking sign of a happy relationship is considered self-sacrifice . This does not mean that you need to throw yourself out of a window or in front of a train if someone else has done so. You can sacrifice time, your favorite things and comfort. You need to be able to lovingly share a delicious cake, blanket, jacket. Caring people, first of all, are interested in the opinion and desire of others, and only then express their own.
    • In a happy family no hard feelings , and all objections are delivered in a calm tone and without complaints. Kind words and compliments are not flattery, but love that you want to express. Perhaps respect is the most correct synonym for a happy family. Without him, the relationship will quickly die.

    Relationships between parents and children

    If the family already has children, then the situation changes little. You make the choice to be happy or not, and the child absorbs it all. It is on the example of his parents that he builds his worldview and marriage system. Of course, he should also have his own opinion and mood, but it is much more pleasant to get along with your child rather than fight.

    Children in a happy family also become happy, because everything is interconnected. When you are constantly given warmth and care, you yourself want to give it all in return. You won’t want to run away from such a house or come too late. You will want to return there, because they will help you cope with any difficulties and problems.

    For a child, a healthy and happy family means sincerity, calmness and devotion. It is important for him that actions are proven not only by words, but also by actions, because this is building trust. They want to hear advice that will help them solve their problems, not just comments and complaints. And children also need compliments, because each of us loves with our ears.

    Kids most of all need approval and support, because mom and dad are the authority for them. If they find time for him, help and listen, then various complexes are automatically eliminated. It has already been proven that most problems with the psyche and self-esteem come from childhood. Typically, such children grow up in families where people bullied him, abused him with bad habits, were constantly busy, or often scolded him.

    In order to understand how to become a happy family, it is important to understand that a lot depends not only on you, but also on the other person. If you have already thought about how to make your family happy, then this is great progress. You must understand what doesn't suit you and what things spoil your relationship. It is best to make a list on a piece of paper for clarity.

    Spend more time writing down the causes of conflicts. Write down absolutely all the little things that you remember. Keep in mind that you need to indicate not only the faults and mistakes of your loved one, but also your own. It is honesty that will show that you are also not an ideal person and others are also having a hard time.

    Then look through your list and try to come out of each situation with dignity. Act out the scene and come up with other words and expressions that will lead to peace rather than war. You can do this in private, or you can offer this game to your spouse or boyfriend in advance.

    Tell your partner that you dream of creating a happy family and ask his opinion. We assure you that you will be fully reciprocated. Making decisions and discussing problems together will help you get each other's opinions. If you were constantly arguing and fighting, then after this conversation everything will not change in one day. At first you will control yourself, break down somewhere and apologize, but then you will be genuinely happy - automatically.

    Creating peace in the home is work that will sooner or later be rewarded. There are several secrets And recipes for a happy family:

    1. Think before you voice your emotions . Very often, all conflicts occur because of little things that affect accumulated anger. It’s not true that you need to take your anger out on people, because you can get rid of it with the help of sports, a good movie or going to an attraction. And what doesn’t suit you needs to be discussed at moments when you feel good.
    2. It is not difficult to give unexpected gifts and arrange surprises . A note with a declaration of love, secretly hidden in your spouse’s pocket, requires absolutely no investment. If you don’t have money for flowers, then sometimes you can pick the same dandelions to show your care. And if you buy a bouquet, then buy your favorite one, and not the one that is conveniently sold near the house. It is important to listen and take note of desires that are randomly spoken out loud and try to fulfill them whenever possible.
    3. There is no need to be afraid to give compliments, because beautiful words make a person blossom . Just don’t confuse compliments with flattery, because they feel it right away. The point is that we often notice some details about our loved one that we like, but decide not to talk about them.
    4. Praise your loved ones for what they do for you . When there is feedback, then there is a desire to repeat good deeds. Try to be grateful for the food prepared, for the things put away, for the fact that they simply hold the door for you. Don’t think that everyone owes you, even though people do it selflessly.
    5. Maintain passion with your loved one . Have romantic evenings, buy beautiful lingerie, send SMS with intimate words or even photos if you have done this before. Warm up your feelings and don’t think that there can’t be something new in your life.
    6. Keep track of your home wardrobe . If you are already a family, this does not mean that you can relax as much as possible. At the end of the day, there are comfortable yet beautiful loungewear. Why do we so often buy things for going out or for work, but wear T-shirts and tights on the sofa to the holes?
    7. Take care of yourself . Nobody talks about round-the-clock hair styling and luxurious makeup. You can look simple, but well-groomed. It is important to constantly maintain body hygiene, walk with clean hair, etc. Girls can make masks when their loved one is at work, so as not to scare him.
    8. If you have a quarrel, be the first to make up . Such a gesture means that you do not want to continue your conflict, but love the person so much that you forget about pride. Believe me, such a step will definitely be appreciated.
    9. Be interested in activities and the past day . Sometimes a person expects you to ask him about it and does not tell him himself. Unjustified expectations accumulate grievances, but it is easier not to create them. Attention to the life of another is the basis of a happy family.
    10. Ask each other council. This applies to both important purchases and life situations. Keep in mind that if you are interested, then be kind enough to follow this instruction, because otherwise it will have the opposite effect.
    11. Show care in small things . You can always close the door and not talk loudly on the phone when your loved one is sleeping. It’s also easy to just clean his shoes at the same time as yours. There are a lot of similar moments and you are mistaken in the fact that others do not notice them.
    12. Support your loved one when they feel bad . All people make mistakes and at these moments they feel especially depressed. Even if you disagree with the action of another, the person himself has realized his mistake, so you should not finish him off. By the way, it can also be bad physically. Even with a regular flu, you want to feel a little support. It's very easy to make tea or bring a blanket when you really care about someone.
    13. You also need to share your thoughts and secrets . What kind of happy family can we talk about if people don’t know anything about each other?
    14. You should eradicate selfishness in yourself . This is an incredibly bad quality that quickly ruins relationships. You need to understand that your loved one also has certain interests. Sometimes you can go see a genre of film that he likes or have lunch at a cafe that has your spouse's favorite dessert. It is best to agree that each of you does not mind sometimes sacrificing something familiar.
    15. Respect your loved one's friends, acquaintances and relatives . These are his family and only he has the right to condemn them for something.

    Myths about family happiness

    Even in a happy family there may be some shortcomings, but usually they are related to personal attitudes. Many people mistake other values ​​for peace and quiet in the home. Let's look at the most popular myths:

    • Some people believe that happy family relationships fall from the sky. People think that two people are just lucky and are just compatible based on horoscope, temperament, or other stupid details. But there are no absolutely ideal people and everyone has their own shortcomings and problems. You build your own happiness.
    • People think they are simply not cut out for a family. . For example, they do not have relationships or they cannot conceive a child. One of the couple decides that this is fate and loneliness is their lot. However, everyone can have difficulties, and well-being must be earned through one’s own efforts.
    • The opinion about an incomplete family that cannot be happy is also erroneous. . Single parents raise their children well and love them for both. Even a lack of funds or the absence of a loved one cannot spoil relationships where they are strong and sincere. Marriage without children is another matter, but it may also have its reasons. There are people who live their whole lives for themselves and are happy about it, because they initially discussed their desire. There are also those who cannot have a child, but love always helps them find a way out. Very often, with a sincere desire, miracles happen, and sometimes a couple decides to adopt.
    • The myth about wealth, without which a happy marriage is impossible, is especially ridiculous. . Very often, quarrels and conflicts occur in families where there is a lot of money. There, people could initially choose a partner not out of love, but out of self-interest. Yes, finances matter nowadays, but they are not the basis of everything. In a family where both partners love, everyone tries, and everyone sees the other’s aspirations.
    • People also believe that in a happy family there are no difficulties and disagreements . Similar things arise for everyone, but the right attitude exists only in a prosperous union. A quarrel is not only about insulting and humiliating each other, but also about expressing your thoughts and desires. Even a conflict can take place quite peacefully.

    In fact, there are a lot of such myths and misconceptions. Sometimes people don’t want to try and simply change people, in the hope that they got the wrong person, and that the ideal half is already somewhere nearby. Many should understand that we ourselves are the architects of our own happiness, because it is not for nothing that this expression has existed for so many centuries.

    Practical advice from 37 years of experience in a happy family life. How to save family and marriage?

    One of the conditions for a long life is spiritual happiness. Spiritual happiness comes with spiritual self-knowledge. But spiritual happiness is inseparable from ordinary human happiness. And the conclusion immediately arises - happiness in the family? Perhaps, but the concept of “family happiness” can be understood in different ways, and it also happens differently for everyone. Here one can challenge the famous aphorism of L.N. Tolstoy that “all happy families are equally happy, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” Where two people meet, love or affection for each other arises, relationship psychology comes into force, and where people live with each other, family psychology begins. Each unique family has its own unique psychology of relationships.

    Family is not a prerequisite for the “seven selves”; relationships between two people are also possible. It depends only on you which circle you limit to the concept of family. Maybe by your family you will understand your entire mega-family - not only your husband (wife) and children, but also your parents and spouse, grandparents, aunts and uncles... or by family you will mean only yourself and your life partner.

    Family happiness is happiness between two or more people connected by blood or love.

    How to build family relationships in order to maintain family happiness? There has never been and never will be a single and accurate “recipe”. In history and in any religion there are only examples, instructions, commandments and wishes.
    Here are some of them:
    ; If the husband and wife are of the same equal and good nature, then the marriage will be prosperous and wonderful, for they will always have like-mindedness, harmony and peace, which is what great prosperity consists of... But since Satan, the enemy of human souls, even in good-willed people the union of love and harmony tries break, then the husband and wife should be lenient towards each other in the event of infirmities, and endure each other with love, and then harmony and peace will remain.
    Tikhon of Zadonsk, saint

    ; During a wedding, they drink from a common cup: wine mixed with water and drunk to the bottom. Wine - the joys of living together, water (and more of it) - common sorrows, troubles and pains. There will be roses only at the beginning of the journey, and thorns (no family can avoid them) will appear later. But their number and severity will depend on your wisdom, and most importantly, love. If your feelings include the apostolic definition of love, then you will not be far from happiness.
    John (Peasant)

    ; The main misconception regarding family life today is that everyone is looking for and expecting happiness from family life as something ready-made that they must certainly find without work or effort. But there is no such ready-made happiness of any kind or anywhere on our earth: here everything is obtained through labor.
    Ambrose (Klyucharyov)

    ; In marriage, one must sacrifice everything and endure everything in order to preserve mutual love; if it is lost, everything is lost. True wealth and the greatest happiness is when a husband and wife do not disagree with each other, they are united with each other as one flesh. Such spouses, even if they lived poorly and were ignorant, can be the happiest of all, because they enjoy true happiness and live in constant peace. Value unanimity in the family above all else and do everything in this way and strive to ensure that peace and silence are constantly preserved in the marriage. Then the children will imitate the virtues of their parents, and virtue will flourish throughout the house, and there will be prosperity in all matters.
    John Chrysostom

    ; For home life you need to have a gentle character, not be a formalist and make constant mutual concessions. There is no need to be very persistent in your views and dispositions, especially in small things, because small things fill up most of our lives. You must always be prepared to make small sacrifices for your spouse. A good mood is the clean, clear, smokeless air of family life. It’s hard for everyone to breathe when they are in a bad mood and have a grumpy, picky, intolerant, demanding and boring character.
    G. Shimansky

    ; Every critical remark addressed to a partner must be compensated with five compliments.
    H. Werner Bierhoff

    Secrets of family happiness or with your loved one

    1. Respect for each other. There is no true love without respect, and even more so there is no happy family! Recognize not only yourself and your needs, but also honor your neighbor’s right to their feelings, needs, personal positive and negative.
    2. Recognition of the personality of your neighbor. In any case, you can find positive qualities in every person, and most importantly, understand that he is also a human being.
    3. Trust. It can be earned over years and lost in an instant.
    4. Ability to understand. Naturally, men and women have different types of logic and thinking. It’s just that when you stop thinking only about yourself or yourself first in a relationship, understanding is achieved quite simply. The only subtlety is that both should strive for this. This applies to both your loved one and your immediate family.
    5. The ability to forgive and ask for forgiveness. You can forgive a lot, except for gross (and not accidental) betrayal and betrayal. Learn to distinguish between the true and the momentary and superficial, an internal decision and a temporary hobby or impulse. Know how to forgive the weaknesses of your neighbors and ask for forgiveness if you are guilty. This can be done in any form. Think about which one?
    6. Listening skills. Read advice from psychologists on how to learn this if it’s really difficult. Sometimes this is no less important moment in a relationship than satisfaction in sex! It wouldn’t be a bad idea to simultaneously learn to hear your neighbor.
    7. Learn to be friends. Not only with your partner, husband or wife, but also with their relatives or close friends. If you are married (in the legal or human sense), then do not forget that the mother-in-law is often much kinder than in jokes, but you need to be more careful with the mother-in-law.
    8. The ability to endure. You chose each other yourself. Adults should be able to answer for their choices, even if there are suspicions that they were not made entirely correctly.
    9. Monotony kills the feeling of falling in love. Give each other little holidays (or big ones, if you want!) Don’t let yourself and your partner forget how you felt when you first met. With the beginning of family life, many household worries appear that can turn love into a habit. Pamper each other at every opportunity; you can even turn cooking a dish together into a holiday. Don't forget that fantasy can save a relationship even when everything seems hopeless. Don’t think that after living with your neighbor for at least 30 or 40 years, he doesn’t want something pleasant, surprisingly kind and charming, confirming that your feelings have not cooled down at all for such a long time.
    10. Don't forget about attention. Both men and women need it equally. You are drawn to the home, to the family hearth, when you feel that you are needed, that you are always expected and greeted warmly. And even when everyone is doing their own thing, loving people always find an opportunity and a way to show attention to each other.
    11. Don't suppress your neighbor's self-esteem. Don't push. If you expect something from your spouse, then pressure is not a help. The chances of achieving results in this way are very small, but it is quite possible to get hostility from your partner and another quarrel. A person must be led to want to do this something.
    12. Don't humiliate or humiliate yourself. In love this is generally unacceptable! And if, when you humiliate yourself, it seems to you that it is for the sake of love, this is a big misconception. When loving, you can sacrifice something, give up something, but you should not do this by humiliating your loved one or humiliating yourself.
    13. Help your loved one. You are a support for each other, not a “cross”. If you have such thoughts towards your partner, try replacing bad words with words like “support” or “shoulder.” Agree, such a phrase will awaken in your soul a feeling of necessity and need for your neighbor.
    14. Intimate relationships are a joy, not a duty. Enjoy the intimacy! Fatigue has never deprived a single person of the desire to have fun. And in this intimate moment you can sometimes understand and forgive. Show at least a little imagination - it will have an amazing effect on both!
    15. Be jealous the right way. When we are not jealous, it seems that we are not loved and are not afraid of losing. But the blind, insane jealousy of a partner does not lead to good things either. You have to be jealous! This feeling adds spice to the relationship, but everything is good in moderation.
