How to get rid of big scars. How to get rid of scars at home? Is it possible to remove a deep scar on the face

Women treat men's scars with respect, but they perceive skin defects on their face or body not so optimistically and carefully hide them under make-up and clothes.

The question - how to get rid of acne charms, after surgery, burns, cuts and other injuries, is relevant for 80% of the fairer sex. There are many ways - from simple and affordable, which can be used at home, to high-tech procedures performed in cosmetologists' offices and surgical cliques.

Simple and proven traditional medicine recipes

The smoothness of the skin has been attractive at all times, so there are many proven means and methods in the treasury of traditional medicine. However, all of them are most effective for eliminating minor skin defects in size and depth, resulting from household cuts and burns, after chickenpox and acne.

The safest home remedies

Getting rid of scars at home is safest with the help of products that are in every kitchen:

  • Grind dry peas in a blender or buy ready-made pea flour. Pour it with warm milk in equal proportions and knead the dough. Apply a pea compress to the damage on the skin, leave for an hour. Repeat every day until the scar disappears.
  • Grind white cabbage into gruel, add honey (three tablespoons of honey per three leaves of cabbage). Do compresses twice a day, keeping for two hours. Good for fresh acne marks, scratches, small cuts.

  • Finely chop melon seeds and egg shells taken in equal proportions and dilute with olive or linseed oil to make the mass mushy. Apply to affected areas for at least an hour daily.
  • To get rid of charms after acne, wipe your face with cucumber and make cucumber masks, the complexion will gradually even out.
  • Cover minor defects from household burns on your hands with banana pulp while relaxing or watching TV several times a day.
  • Regularly wipe the area with an old darkened scar with a piece of lemon, gradually it will become invisible.
  • To remove acne and pimple scars, rub them with a slice of raw potato.

Vegetable oils in the fight against the consequences of injuries and burns

Plant-derived oil is ideal for removing scars and scars at home, as it has a similar texture to human skin.

Prepare an ointment from two glasses of unrefined vegetable oil (it is better to take olive oil) and 100 g of beeswax. To do this, put the oil in a water bath, heat it up, then add the wax and continue to heat, stirring, so that the wax dissolves. Apply the cooled mass twice a day. Suitable for removing scars after surgery, cuts, deep scratches.

Flaxseed oil is rich in vitamin A and alpha-tocopherol, making it an effective remedy for quickly getting rid of burn scars, especially fresh ones. It can be applied in its pure form directly to the skin, simply lubricating the scars or using compresses. The effect of healing of fresh scars is enhanced by the addition of sea buckthorn oil (for 100 ml of linseed 50 ml of sea buckthorn).

Coconut oil can be used not only for hair, but also as an effective and safe weapon against scarring at home. If the scar is old, then before the procedure it is recommended to rub it a little with a washcloth or make a scrub. Then just rub the remedy in the right place until completely absorbed. It is advisable to do this at least twice a day. Suitable for the face after chickenpox and acne.

Traditional methods and new possibilities of surgery

If scars and scars appeared as a result of serious injuries, accidents or burns and are extensive skin lesions, folk methods and gels will not help here. Modern medicine offers several types of cardinal scars, even old ones that formed many years ago.

Surgical removal scars is based on the excision of scar tissue, followed by the imposition of a cosmetic suture. As a result, a thin strip remains, which, with proper care, can become almost invisible. With extensive lesions, for example, on the face, body, hands, healthy tissue is transplanted from inconspicuous areas.

Laser scar removal carried out in several ways, depending on the nature of the origin, size and condition of the scar. The laser destroys the collagen fibers that form the scar. Several procedures are required to obtain the result.

radioknife- a tool with which, under local anesthesia, scar tissue is removed. The result depends on the initial state of the scar; with shallow damage, the scars disappear without a trace.

Some types of scars are removed by the introduction of absorbable preparations. Often, clinics offer Fermenkol, a Russian drug from the hepatopancreas of the Kamchatka crab, for administration by electrophoresis or microcurrents.

Injection therapy is suitable for the elimination of scars (including retracted ones) after injuries, burns, removal of appendicitis and other operations. For injections, Longidaza, Lidaza, hormonal preparations are most often used. Injections prevent the formation of connective tissue and reduce its volume.

Folk remedies can be used at your discretion, but it is better to decide how to get rid of a scar in a clinic right away with a good specialist in a trusted center.

The fact that scars adorn a man has long been known, but no one has ever said that scars suit a woman. Nevertheless, the weaker sex is sometimes much more than men, so women often ask themselves: how to get rid of scars at home?

What kind of scars do ladies have? These are scars after plastic surgery, and marks after chickenpox and acne. And, of course, any woman wants to get rid of the hated scars.

Modern cosmetology has developed many ways. Plastic surgery centers offer several procedures to help remove the scar:

  • dermabrasion;
  • microdermabrasion;
  • laser operation;
  • subsidy;
  • augmentation;
  • cryodestruction;
  • peeling with acids.

Removing scars in the salon or in the operating room takes little time, but not every lady has the courage to go under the surgeon's knife. Traditional medicine offers its own set of funds just for indecisive young ladies, as well as for those who do not intend to spend big money on getting rid of scars.

1 way. Scar resurfacing

Scar resurfacing involves mechanical action on the skin with a massage brush, washcloth or sponge. The harder the brush, the better, but it is important not to overdo it so as not to aggravate the situation.

Rub the scarred area with intense circular motions. You can apply a little purchased or homemade scrub to the body - this will enhance the effect of the massage. After the procedure, the treated area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin must be lubricated with a soothing cream. Any will do: children's, "Bepanten", panthenol.

The skin on the face needs to be treated more carefully and accurately. It is better to use a special face brush or a regular soft nail file. After the massage, the skin must be disinfected and soothed.

2 way. home cosmetics

On the face, most often there are scars left by pimples and pustules. This happens because many girls accidentally or deliberately pop pimples. This should not be done in any case, but if the scar already exists, it must be removed. You can do it at home with simple recipes and remedies.

Aloe mask

Tear off the bottom leaf of aloe and rub it. Peel the flesh from the skin and open it into a homogeneous mass. Apply the resulting slurry to the scar and leave for 30 minutes. You can squeeze the juice from the plant and use it as a lotion. Such a tool will remove the scar on the face quickly and efficiently.

Vitamin mask

Buy vitamin E oil at the pharmacy and apply it daily to the damaged area. You can mix vitamin E and any carrier oil, such as jojoba or peach kernels. The mask can be applied to the entire face, but in this case, after 15-20 minutes, it must be blotted with a napkin to remove excess oil.

clay mask

Repeat the same procedure every day - apply clay diluted with water to the scar. Green is best, but you can use any other. Over time, the scar will smooth out and cease to be evident. Removing a scar in this way is the most harmless, but rather long in time.

lemon rub

Everyone knows the bleaching properties of citric acid. That is why it is useful to wipe pimples and traces of them with fresh lemon juice. It brightens the skin, softens the shade of age spots.

How to get rid of scars on the body?

The scar on the face looks rough and catches the eye, but the scars on the body are not a gift, which is very difficult to remove. Unsuccessful fall, operations, improperly performed cosmetic procedures - are there any reasons leading to ugly and unaesthetic consequences in the form of scars? You can completely get rid of scars only with the help of salon procedures, but folk remedies will help smooth out the marks and make them less noticeable.


Shilajit has long been considered a powerful medicinal and cosmetic product. It is taken orally and also applied to the body, face and hair. It will help even out the skin and remove imperfections.

Take a body cream and add 1 gram of mummy to it. Apply the mixture on the scar and leave for half an hour. This tool is equally effective for scars on the body, and for imperfections on the face.

It is better to choose a cream with a natural composition, although an ordinary children's one will do.

Butter and egg

A simple recipe helps to get rid of the scar very well.

You will need:

  • sea ​​buckthorn oil - 4 tablespoons;
  • beeswax - 0.5 tablespoons;
  • egg (yolk) - 1-2 pieces;
  • streptocide - 1-2 tablespoons.

Dissolve oil and wax on fire and bring to a boil. In a slightly cooled but warm mixture, add the yolk and streptocid powder. Stir. Spot apply on scars and scars. This mask is also useful for burns.


Fruit acids are strong peeling, perfectly polish and grind the skin, help get rid of scars. can be carried out both in the salon and at home.

For home treatment, you will need a 6% apple cider vinegar solution. Dilute it with water in a ratio of 1 to 3 and moisten a soft cloth in the resulting solution. Apply it as a compress to the damaged area and leave for 15 minutes. To prevent the fabric from falling, it can be fixed with a bandage or elastic band.

Regular repetition of this procedure will lead to the fact that after a few sessions the surface of the scar will begin to smooth out, and then it will be quickly removed.

Also, to remove the scar at home, you can prepare an ointment. There are many recipes for homemade ointment.
The active components in it, as a rule, are:

  • vegetable oil;
  • beeswax;
  • sap;
  • animal fats;
  • plant extracts (lily is especially often used);
  • essential oils;

3 way. Ointments and creams for scars

If there is not enough time for natural masks and lotions, but you want to get rid of scars, pharmacy products will help you - ointments and creams designed to regenerate the skin and eliminate skin irregularities at home.

Before using this or that medication (ointment, gel), consult your doctor. It is likely that he will recommend a better, more efficient solution to the problem.

The following remedies are most popular for removing scars.

  1. "Zeraderm Ultra"- a silicone-based vitamin complex that promotes rapid skin rejuvenation and accelerates the removal of marks on the face and body.
  2. "Rescuer" is a natural, but effective drug for skin regeneration.
  3. "Klirvin" is an Ayurvedic ointment made on the basis of Indian herbs. Despite the natural composition, the ointment is very effective - the Internet is replete with rave reviews about its action.
  4. Dermatix is ​​a transparent gel based on a compound of polysiloxanes. It can be used if the patient has various diseases, as it does not penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin and does not have a negative effect on the body.
  5. Contractubex- the active substances of the product are onion extract, heparin, allantoin. The gel is recommended for use in any skin lesions, as well as to eliminate their consequences. It effectively relieves swelling, reduces inflammation, evens out the skin and promotes rapid tissue healing.
  6. Mirralgin is a vegetable ointment based on herbal extracts and essential oils. The drug is used for any damage (burns, cuts, frostbite).
  7. "Fermenkol" - anti-scar gel. Promotes rapid tissue regeneration and healing. Easy to use at home.
  8. "Mederma" is an ointment based on sorbic acid, the composition also includes allantoin, xanthan and other substances. The drug is recommended to eliminate scars and stretch marks after pregnancy and childbirth. It improves skin elasticity and smoothes its color, helps to remove scars.
  9. Scarguard is an effective cream with vitamins in its composition. Has a silicone texture. Helps to get rid of the scar, but the treatment time is quite long.

These and other creams, gels and balms can be purchased at pharmacies without a prescription. Many of them are of plant origin, so they are absolutely harmless.

When working with hazardous materials and high temperatures, be sure to follow safety precautions to avoid the appearance of scars and scars!

Prevention of the appearance of scars and scars

The appearance of wounds and injuries of the skin is inevitable. However, cuts or abrasions do not always turn into a scar. How to reduce the probability of this transformation to a minimum? It is important to follow a few rules.

  1. Remember the security measures! When working with hot, sharp or potentially dangerous objects, observe safety precautions. Wear a helmet, goggles, gloves - everything that this or that type of activity requires from you.
  2. Improve skin elasticity During pregnancy, use special creams to prevent stretch marks. Drink and eat foods that help increase the elasticity of the skin - vegetable oils, fats, carrots and carrot juice.
  3. Maintain Hygiene If the wound has already been received, then try to keep it clean. Disinfect the damaged area, change the bandage more often, apply an antimicrobial ointment, prevent suppuration, and do not peel off the crust. If these rules are not followed, the healing time will increase, and the introduced infection will contribute to the formation of a deep scar, the removal of which will become a serious problem.
  4. Eat right For fast and high-quality healing of abrasions and wounds, it is very important to consume enough protein, vitamins, zinc. Therefore, include in your diet more vegetables (pumpkin is especially useful), meat, nuts.
  5. Avoid the sun Try to prevent direct sunlight from hitting the scar. Less pigment in the scar will make it more visible than the rest of the skin and prevent it from being removed.


It is very important to start treatment of the wound in time to prevent the appearance of a scar. To do this, it is recommended to visit a doctor immediately after receiving an injury - he will prescribe effective remedies for rapid healing and skin regeneration.

If there is already a scar on the face, then it is also necessary to consult a doctor about its elimination. There are two ways to get rid of scars: salon (procedures) and home (masks, scrubs, ointment). Both of them are effective, although removing the scar at home will require more time and patience, but it will save the family budget.

By secret

A younger face in just 11 days!

Even at 40, you can look 21 if you smear your face at night ...

Scars are traces of damage to the skin. They can appear as a result of a burn, a wound, severe acne, operations, an incorrectly performed cosmetic procedure, a cut, a wound, an injury from an accident. Scars give their owners psychological and physical discomfort. Today, many methods and folk ways have been developed to get rid of scars at home.

The cicatricial trace is formed at the final stage of healing of the skin. The appearance depends on the size of the damage, its depth. There are several varieties:

  • atrophic - in-depth, loose, formed due to multiple wounds and post-acne;
  • keloid - rise above healthy tissue and has the ability to grow;
  • post-burn - wrinkled, tightened with blurred contracture;
  • hypertrophic - convex, but lighter and smoother than keloid, do not grow.
  • striae - immersed inward and may eventually disappear forever.

Complete removal of scars at home is impossible, but they can be lightened, smoothed and made as invisible as possible. Most prescriptions and pharmacy products work only on fresh and small scar formations. Large traces of accidents, operations and other injuries can only be masked or removed using professional correction techniques.

Pharmacy funds

Medications will help to remove a defect on the skin or reduce it in size, the action of which is aimed at accelerating the regenerative process in the damaged tissue and improving its structure and appearance. These funds are presented in the form of creams and ointments.

Popular medicines:

  • Dermatix. Colorless gel consisting of polysiloxane compounds. Indicated for the treatment of various diseases and scars. Does not have a harmful effect on the body, works in the surface layers of the skin.
  • Scarguard. The effectiveness of the cream is determined by the content of useful vitamins in the composition and silicone texture. Under the action of the remedy, the scar may disappear completely, but therapy must be long and regular.
  • Mirralgin. Formulated with essential oils & herbs. This herbal ointment eliminates the marks that leave a cut, burn, frostbite.
  • Zeraderm Ultra. Silicone-based cream with vitamin complexes. The composition accelerates regenerative processes and contributes to the rapid removal of scars on the body and face.
  • Mederma. An effective preparation consisting of xanthan, allantoin, sorbic acid and other active substances. Designed to fight stretch marks after pregnancy and scars. It smooths out bulging formations, evens out sunken gaps, increases the elasticity of the skin, restores color.
  • Clearwin. Indian herbs are used for making. Natural remedy relieves many dermatological problems.
  • Fermenkol. Gel against scars. Differs in simplicity of application. It helps to quickly get a positive result, eliminates stretch marks and scars of various types.
  • Rescuer. Inexpensive cured ointment to accelerate regeneration.
  • Contractubex. Powered by onion extract. Recommended for use in various injuries of the skin and to eliminate complications and consequences. Reduces the inflammatory process, relieves puffiness, evens out scar tissue, quickly heals, brightens.
  • Skinoren. The main ingredient is azelaic acid, which removes excess melanin and makes the scar lighter. It can be applied to the forehead or the entire face. Eliminates traces of acne, insect bites, post-acne rash, and dimples left by chickenpox and other dermatological diseases. Helps purify the skin by targeting each pimple. Completely solves the problem of acne.

All drugs are sold in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. They are safe for independent use, they contain natural ingredients.

Cosmetic procedures

Elimination of scar formation is a complex and lengthy process. Before starting a fight against him, it is necessary to determine what type he belongs to.

Treatment of normotrophic and atrophic defects can be carried out using cosmetic techniques and folk remedies. Chemical peeling and filling with hyaluronic filler are considered effective to compensate for the lack of tissues.

Hypertrophic scars can be removed in two ways: surgery and laser. If the mark is large, old and deep, then it is better to entrust the surgeon. If the wound was received recently and has a small depth, laser resurfacing of scars is used. The laser vaporizes the top layer and causes the atrophied skin to be replaced by a new, healthy one.

Keloid scars are more difficult to treat. To stop the growth, it is necessary to make injections with hormonal preparations, electrophoresis. Radiation therapy and cryotherapy are indicated.

For postoperative traces, a mechanical method of correction is effective - microdermabrasion. It helps to polish any convex scar, seam, to level it with the surrounding tissues.

The choice of technique is carried out by a cosmetologist or dermatologist after assessing the condition of the defect.

Folk remedies

Burns and whitening dark scars can be done independently with the help of products of natural origin. Home care can also be used in combination with professional correction methods.

№1 Apply apple cider vinegar to a cotton pad or gauze and apply to the scar for 10-15 minutes. Folk peeling recipe apply three times a week. After the procedure, apply a moisturizer.

№2 Lubricate the affected area with cocoa butter every morning and evening. The tool regenerates, fills with moisture and levels.

№3 Whiten dark spots and remove the scar at home will help a mixture of 1 tbsp. olive oil and 5 cap. lavender oils. Rub into the scar 2 times a day.

№4 Remove imperfections will help 1 tab. mummy, dissolved in water and combined with a small amount of baby cream. Effectively apply twice a day after a shower.

No. 5 You can grind damage at home. Use a stiff brush and ground coffee for this. Rub the area vigorously for 10 minutes. After the massage, apply a cream with panthenol.

Before using traditional medicine formulations, apply the prepared mixture to an inconspicuous place (arm or leg in the fold, wrist, knee) to check for a reaction. If active redness is observed, decrease the concentration or change the prescription.

Rules for the treatment of scars at home

Treatment or whitening of scars at home should include a complex. The use of medicinal preparations is recommended. The following rules must also be observed:

  • Massage the damaged area daily for 5 minutes in order to prevent the formation of fibrous tissue. For massage, use oils and gels with silicone.
  • Avoid exposure to sunlight. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, the injury heals longer and may darken, protect with sunscreen.
  • Exfoliate regularly to exfoliate dead cells and improve scar elasticity.


After an injury, a prerequisite for successful healing is proper care.

  1. Be sure to keep the wound clean so that the infection does not deepen the scar. If dirt gets in, you can clean it with antiseptics and clean dressings.
  2. Avoid sunlight, scalding and cooling liquids and objects.
  3. Treat with anti-scar agents.
  4. Increase the amount of protein, zinc and vitamins in the diet.

To lighten the scar or smooth it out, it is necessary to take a set of measures, starting from the moment of injury. It is easier to get rid of the trace when the wound was small and healed quickly than from a deep lesion. When choosing methods, consider the review of the attending physician and positive or negative experience, photos of the results of people who have tried different recipes on themselves. Treatment is long, takes up to several months. To achieve the maximum possible effect, it is necessary to devote time to the procedures every day.

A scar is a piece of connective tissue that replaces a defect after an injury. In the modern world, scars on the body are no longer evidence of courage and valor; smooth and clean skin is in fashion. At the current stage of development of plastic surgery and cosmetology, it is possible to smooth out or remove any scars, even the most rough ones. You will now learn how to get rid of scars and scars on the body.

There are two types of scars on the body:

  • physiological: normotrophic scar - pale pink, thin, dense, does not protrude above the skin. After a certain time, it becomes almost indistinguishable.
  • pathological: atrophic (whitish stripes or pits drawn into the skin), hypertrophic (rough, dense, protrude on the skin surface), keloid (purple or cyanotic, rough, fleshy, have a predisposition to growth, sensitive, accompanied by itching and pain).

How to get rid of scars on the body?

Before that, visit a beauty center where you will be offered one of the following methods:

  1. Laser resurfacing is the best option if the patient does not want to go under the knife. It allows you to cope with all scars, with the exception of keloids. The most widely used laser is the erbium laser. It has two modes of operation: fractional and ablative. It is better to use fractional resurfacing, since it gives the desired effect with a minimal risk of complications, patients tolerate it well. Grinding involves the removal of vertical columns of tissue to the full depth of the scar. At the same time, areas of intact skin are preserved between them, from which the recovery process then proceeds - the replacement of scar tissue with normal tissue. As a rule, the course of laser resurfacing includes five or six procedures carried out with a monthly interval. As a result, the scar is significantly smoothed out or completely disappears.
  2. Medium chemical peels. They are performed with phenol or trichloroacetic acid. The acid acts on the epidermis so that it necrosis occurs up to the papillary layer of the dermis. After 7-14 days, a young epidermis appears under the crust - the skin is restored. The method must not be used in areas where the crust can be injured by clothing (for example, on a belt). If the crust is damaged, the risk of secondary scarring and pigmentation increases significantly. A satisfactory result is achieved by a course of two to three procedures, carried out with a pause of 2-2.5 months.
  3. The surgical method of treatment is carried out in two stages: excision of the scar and irradiation of the injured area with x-rays.

How to get rid of a scar on the body in a folk way.

Among the folk methods of getting rid of scars and scars on the body, the following should be noted:

  • Mix freshly squeezed aloe juice (50 g) with sea buckthorn oil (1 tablespoon). Treat the scar with the mixture several times a day. Do not cover, do not rinse.
  • Boil vegetable oil (4 tablespoons) with beeswax (about the size of a pea). Cool slightly, add 2 raw chicken yolks and 7 streptocide tablets (crushed). Mix all ingredients thoroughly. This recipe is also effective if the stitches do not heal after surgery, eczema and burns.
  • You can simply wipe the damaged areas with lemon and tomato juice.
  • To remove dark scars, it is recommended to use cucumber: the extract is applied to the skin, left for 15 minutes, then washed off with cold water.

The best option is to use the listed recipes in combination.

Sufficiently old scars on the skin cannot be completely removed, only a few surgical methods are able to do this. You can also use some methods to smooth the skin and make them almost invisible. You can buy various creams, masks and other products at the pharmacy, or use natural, cooked at home.

  1. If the scar has arisen after an operation or wound, then you need to apply special creams to dissolve the scar tissue as soon as possible. Many people recommend Contractubex cream, which does its job well.
  2. If after applying creams and other means, the scars are still visible, then you can use peeling. So special reagents are applied to the skin, which are able to remove the top layer of the skin. This method is great for removing scars on the legs, arms and other parts of the body.
  3. If the scar is in the form of a hole or dent, then you can apply special dermal fillers. Thanks to them, the skin is leveled, but the procedure is performed once every few months.
  4. Laser therapy helps to smooth out the scar on the skin without leaving marks. There are several laser treatments that can help you get rid of scars. Some remove the upper layers of the skin, while others penetrate the lower layers of the skin and activate the production of collagen. Thanks to this, scars disappear forever and give the skin a natural look.

How to remove scars on the body at home folk remedies

onion juice

Onions are a natural remedy that will help you get rid of scars. It contains unique enzymes for skin regeneration. Pre-steam the skin in the scar area and lubricate it with cooked fresh onion juice. At night, apply baked onion compresses. Do this every day for several months.

Remember that the result can be seen if you follow all the rules and do not quit treatment.

Banana, cucumber and lemon juice

Make healthy juice from fresh cucumber, lemon and banana. Lubricate the scarred area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin several times a day with the prepared mixture.

Mask of melon seeds

If you prepare a mask from melon seeds and apply it daily to the area with a scar, you can smooth out the scar tissue. To do this, dry the melon seeds, grind them to a powder state, add egg shells and olive oil. The resulting slurry must be applied to the scar in the form of a compress. Follow this procedure for at least 1 month.


Sage, chamomile, calendula, nettle, plantain, parsley, dandelion, mint, green tea, yarrow and St. John's wort. This list of herbs has a regenerating effect. From the decoctions of these plants, it is necessary to make lotions for 2-3 months.

Rub honey 1-3 times a day on the scar tissue. After a few months, the scars will become pale in color and also become smooth.

Essential oils

Essential oils have a regenerating and healing effect. Many cosmetologists recommend using rosemary, lavender, sea buckthorn or castor oil.

beeswax or paraffin

Warm paraffin or wax masks can smooth the skin. You can also prepare a special ointment for scars from wax. To do this, take 1 part of beeswax and 3 parts of sunflower oil. Heat the oil and melt the wax in it (in a water bath). Lubricate the scars with cold ointment for 1-2 months.

How to get rid of facial scars - video
