How to make from cotton pads. Crafts from cotton pads and sticks

You can make a lot of crafts from cotton pads with your own hands, including topiary. More than one master class teaches how to turn white soft circles into delicate flower buds, and where to adapt these buds later.

Cotton pads are inexpensive, buying them is not a problem, but there are a lot of ideas what else they can be turned into. With your own hands, you can crush, bend, twist discs to understand what they can turn into. In most cases, a master class is not needed - the discs themselves twist into a flower.

Such a roll-button can be supplemented with a bead, or rhinestones, or a core that is cut out of corrugated paper.

Just try to wind more of these flowers, figure out what to make the core of. You can watch some master class, taking the idea from there. Inside a flower made of cotton pads, a candy, a button, glass beads or sequins can be hidden.

Perhaps just a small mother-of-pearl bead sewn into a bud will be the best decoration. And you can use not just a bead, but a hairpin with a bead. In this case, you will insert hairpins into the foam ball.

Cotton pad rose (video)

Topiary from cotton pads: instructions step by step

Suppose the buds are ready. By the way, there is a good alternative to them - to make roses with your own hands from several discs. That is, if a bud with a bead is one disk, then such a rose is made up of several circles at once.

  • Start making a crown. You will need a base ball, conditionally it will be a foam ball, which you can buy at a needlework store. This ball can be left white, and flowers from cotton pads will be fixed on it.
  • Set aside a hole in the workpiece where the trunk of the tree will be threaded. If it’s easier for you to work like this, then you can put the barrel on the finished crown, or you can immediately fix the barrel in the ball with hot glue.
  • Glue flowers from cotton circles very carefully, the material is delicate and easily soiled. It is better to glue it from top to bottom, avoiding voids.
  • Next, when the crown is ready, decorate the trunk. Usually bleached twine, white satin ribbon or lace ribbon is used.
  • Now the tree needs to be “planted” in a pot to make a real topiary. Take either a ready-made flowerpot, or any container that can be decorated. Pour gypsum mortar into it, and evenly plant a tree there. Wait for it to dry.

The top layer of plaster can be decorated with the same discs, making waves or small cotton balls out of them.

A quick way to make a topiary from cotton pads (photo MK step by step)

Making a pot for topiary

Further, any master class can be taken as a basis. Beginners can make a fairly simple decor - for example, tie a container with burlap, then tie it again with a thin lace ribbon, and on top with a very thin satin ribbon. The finishing touch is mother-of-pearl beads or buttons.

There is another way to decorate, more complex. To do this, you will need a smooth pot. More than one viewed master class on decoupage technique will come in handy. With light napkins, with an interesting, soft print, you paste over the pot, complementing with other cut-out pictures. A few coats of varnish will complete the job.

Or you can simply wrap the flowerpot with delicate corrugated paper, securing it on top in a circle with a snow-white satin ribbon.

Do-it-yourself topiary from cotton pads (video master class)

How else to use cotton pads

From a cotton pad, you can make simple but cute daisies. The master class comes down to just a couple of steps - straighten one disk, make cuts in a circle to form petals. And inside such a chamomile, stick a yellow felt core. Even a child can make a topiary with such daisies with his own hands.

But what else are cotton pads capable of:

  • Fold five circles in one place, making a corner, and connect with beads to make a flower of five large petals;
  • It will be beautiful to paint the edges of the flowers, as if to emphasize the edges of the petals, ordinary watercolors will cope with this task;
  • You can simply cut cotton pads into several pieces, these lumps that look like snow, or lamb curls, can also be used in crafts, and topiaries are no exception.

Of course, discs can also be painted, moreover, in natural ways - tea leaves, brilliant green, potassium permanganate, etc. But they are beautiful on their own, soft white circles, warm and tender.

Crafts from cotton pads: Christmas tree (video master class)

As you can see, literally everything today can be turned from everyday life into creativity. And even simple cotton pads can turn into the most delicate flowers that you just want to touch. Try to decorate your tree of happiness with such a soft crown.

Topiary from cotton pads (photo)

Soon the New Year, and on New Year's Eve, the most important thing in the house is an elegant Christmas tree. Therefore, I suggest you watch a master class on making a Christmas tree with your own hands from cotton pads, the author of this master class is Marina Bobkova. Marinachka showed us in detail how you can make a wonderful Christmas tree from cotton pads with your own hands.

To make a Christmas tree, we need:
* Cotton pads.
* Stapler.
* Glue "Moment" or thermal gun.
* Beads for decoration.
* Cardboard.
* White acrylic paint.
* White braid.
* Tinsel.

How to make a Christmas tree with your own hands:
To make a Christmas tree, we need cotton pads, Marina took four packs of 100 pieces to make a Christmas tree. From cotton pads we will make needles for our Christmas tree, they need to be made in a huge amount. Take a cotton pad and bend it in half. Then we bend it in half again and fix it with a stapler. We do the same with steel cotton pads. Of course, here you need to have a little patience, since you need to process a lot of disks))

We get such needles from cotton pads for the manufacture of our Christmas tree.

When all the needles are ready, we can start making the frame. We need to make a cone, you choose the height of the Christmas tree yourself, Marina has a Christmas tree height of about 50 cm. And so we make a cone, for this we draw a circle on thick cardboard and then cut it out. The height of your cone will depend on the radius of that circle. The larger the radius, the higher the cone will be.

We take a white braid and glue it at the base, around the cone. We paint the cone itself with white acrylic paint.

This is how it should work.

When the frame dries, we begin to glue needles on it. We start gluing them from the bottom up. First we glue one row, then the second, and so on until the end.

Look at what a beautiful Christmas tree made of cotton pads we get.

When the tree is ready, you need to make a decoration on it at your discretion. Here, as your fantasy tells you. Marina adorned our beauty with gold and silver beads. You can leave it unchanged, it turned out to be very beautiful with us.

The Christmas tree is ready, but what else is missing from our beauty? Of course the stars. According to the template, we draw two blanks on cardboard, cut them out and glue them together. Then we need to color our star to make it even prettier. We paint it with golden acrylic in several layers and decorate it with thin tinsel.

Glue the finished star in the right place.

So our Christmas tree is ready with our own hands from cotton pads ...

I want to give you a little advice: It is better to use discs that are not fluffy, so your Christmas tree will last you longer and look more beautiful.

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Cute roses, cute animals, original topiary are just some of the crafts invented and created by craftswomen from cotton pads and sticks.

They have long ceased to be just means for hygiene. These are wonderful materials from which unforgettable creative masterpieces are created.

Using fantasy, a plain white circle and a piece of plastic with cotton wool can be easily turned into a non-standard gift, a decorative composition for decorating an interior, a children's craft for a holiday. In addition, the monetary costs for the creation of such things will be minimal.

How to make a Christmas tree

The simplest thing to make from these materials is some kind of New Year's toy. For example, a Christmas tree.

Special skills are not required, but a minimum set of tools is required:

  • cotton pads (preferably with a relief pattern);
  • a cone made of thick paper or cardboard;
  • watercolor or acrylic paints;
  • decorative sequins;
  • brushes;
  • glue.

The number of disks needed to make a Christmas tree depends on its height. If the tree is planned to be small, then one package is enough. Mugs with an embossed pattern will make the product more original, but ordinary ones are also suitable.

It is preferable to take watercolor paints. They look softer. PVA is most suitable as an adhesive, it leaves no residue after drying.

So, the process of creating a New Year's masterpiece is as follows:

  1. We glue a cone of the desired height from thick paper or cardboard.
  2. With the help of paints, we give the edges of each disk a pale blue tint.
  3. Decorate with glitter glue. It is better to apply glitter paints only on half of the round. Let the blanks dry properly.
  4. We glue the painted discs over the entire height onto the cone.
  5. The bottom of the product can also be painted with paints and decorated with sparkles. The tree is ready.

How to make flowers

Quite easy to make applique with snowdrops. Due to the texture of the material, they seem soft, tender in spring.

To create a picture with spring flowers, the following materials are needed:

  • cotton discs;
  • multi-colored cardboard;
  • green paper;
  • glue.

Several stages of the application manufacturing process:

  1. Flowers are cut out of the disk in a shape resembling bells. These will be primroses. Several blanks can be made in the form of an oval with pointed edges, similar to unblown buds.
  2. Next, the blanks are glued onto a piece of colored cardboard. The color is optional.
  3. Leaves, stems are cut out of colored paper. They stick. If there is no desire to cut out of paper, then the leaves can be drawn with a green pencil, paints, felt-tip pen.
  4. At the bottom of the picture, halves of cotton circles resembling snow are glued.

How to create a topiary

A little more difficult, but more interesting to perform from topiary. A topiary is a small sculpted tree. Various improvised materials are used as a crown. To create a topiary, you need to prepare the following:

  • cotton pads;
  • small pot; you can use different containers you like: a mug, a jar;
  • a plastic ball or foam blank in the form of a circle; a piece of paper compressed into a ball is quite suitable;
  • satin ribbons, beads, rhinestones, other decorative elements for decoration;
  • glue gun, PVA glue.

So, to make a topiary, the following steps are performed:

  1. We prepare the basis for the crown. Any blank that has a round shape will do, even a piece of paper.
  2. We connect the crown with the trunk. As a trunk, you can use a plastic stick, a small branch, several wooden skewers tied together, and other elements resembling a trunk.
  3. We prepare small flowers from circles. You can shape them like roses or lilies. Roses are glued together with glue from several cut out petals. Flowers in the form of a lily are prepared with a stapler (a cotton circle is folded into four parts and fastened in the corner with a staple), or simply twisted, an open bud is obtained (it is fixed with white threads on the narrow side). If desired, the blanks can be painted in the color you like.
  4. All prepared flowers are glued to the ball. Of course, the ideal option would be a ball of absolutely even shape; it will be much easier to glue blanks to it. Flowers are best placed very close to each other, leaving no empty seats. To make the crown look original, in addition to flowers, bows, ribbons, rhinestones, beads, and other decorative elements are glued to the ball.
  5. Next, you need to prepare a pot or some other container-stand for the tree. A ready-made plastic or ceramic flower pot of small size is purchased. You can make a pot yourself from some jar by pasting it with satin ribbons, lace, fabric, beads.
  6. After all the elements of the topiary are made, they are connected to each other. Crown with a trunk, and then with a pot. To do this, gypsum diluted in water is poured into the pot. A trunk with a crown is inserted into the hardening composition. The trunk can be decorated with rhinestones, beads and other small details.

Such a topiary may well serve as an excellent gift for the holiday. It is not so difficult to create such masterpieces, and if you approach it with imagination, it is very exciting.

How to make callas

Another easy-to-make element is the calla flower.

Here's how it goes:

  1. We prepare the necessary tools, materials: discs, sticks, yellow felt-tip pen, marker, glue, scissors, cocktail tubes.
  2. We make stamens from sticks. We paint them on one side in a bright yellow color.
  3. We spread the stamen in the middle of the disk with the painted side up, glue the circle from the bottom with glue so that the flower looks like a calla.
  4. After the glue dries, insert the unpainted part of the stick into the cocktail tube.

How to make roses

Roses are very beautiful. Here is what is required for this:

  1. Prepare circles, alternately twist them into tubes, put petals on top so that it resembles rosebuds.
  2. When the workpiece begins to look like a rose, it is fixed, i.e. sew all the petals with threads.
  3. A colored bead is sewn into the core of the bud to give originality.

If the rose was planned to be colored, the disks are painted in the desired color before starting work. To do this, it is immersed in a container with acrylic paint diluted in water. Painted products are laid out, left to dry completely. Flowers made in this way are suitable for use as separate elements, as well as for creating an appliqué or topiary crown.

Children's crafts from cotton pads

Cotton pads are an excellent material for working with children. With its help, not only fine motor skills, imagination develop, but also perseverance and logic are trained. Crafts created together with the mother or in the kindergarten team form the skills of communicative communication.

In addition, the discs have an excellent universal shape, and they are very cheap in price. As practice shows, children are very fond of making various pictures and applications. The main thing in creating a children's masterpiece is to let the child feel like a creator, to show maximum imagination.

applique caterpillar

One of the easiest crafts for children to make is the Caterpillar applique. For this you will need:

  • colored cardboard;
  • cotton pads;
  • ear sticks;
  • picture of an apple.

What needs to be done:

  1. It is necessary to cut out a picture of an apple from a juice box. Stick it on a rectangular sheet of color picture.
  2. Then the discs are painted over with watercolors in the desired color. Cut circles of different diameters. They are glued to an apple, depicting a caterpillar. A smiling face is drawn on the largest circle in diameter. Curved ear sticks are attached to it (these will be horns).

Applique chick

The application "Chicken" is also easily done. This will require:

  • colored cardboard;
  • cotton pads;
  • gouache, brush, scissors;
  • a piece of plasticine;
  • black pencil or marker.

The manufacturing process includes the following steps:

  1. The cotton circle is painted in a bright yellow color. Drying up.
  2. The yellow circle is glued to the cardboard base. A beak, comb, legs made of red and black plasticine are glued to the disk.
  3. Eyes are drawn with a black felt-tip pen. You can use a black bead for the eyes.

Application owl

To make the application "Owl", the following is done:

  1. An owl is drawn on a piece of paper. The cut out image of a bird is glued onto a cardboard base.
  2. Round eyes, beak, claws are made from colored black paper.
  3. For the eyes, you need to cut out two more yellow circles, but smaller than the black ones in diameter. Instead of eyes, you can glue two yellow buttons.
  4. Owl details are cut out of cotton pads. They are glued to the cut out contour.
  5. Eyes, beak, claws are glued.

How to make daisies

To create "Daisies" you will need:

  • cotton pads;
  • white threads;
  • watercolor or acrylic paints;
  • glue.

The creation process consists of the following steps:

  1. From disks we make 8-9 petals. To do this, we bend the edges so that the leaf resembles a cone. The side with a narrow edge is secured with a thread.
  2. From the received petals with the help of threads we form a circle. In this case, the curved edges of the petals should be outward.
  3. We create the middle of the flower from a yellow disk. To do this, we paint it, dry it and glue it.
  4. Chamomile can be made in a single copy, or you can make a bouquet. Makes a great holiday gift.

What can be created from simple cotton wool

In addition to cotton pads, children come up with crafts from plain cotton wool. The safety and softness of such material will allow the child to work with him with pleasure.

For example, the Poodle picture is very easy to make. For this, the following actions are carried out:

  1. On a rectangular sheet of colored cardboard (preferably a bright color), a contour cut out of white cardboard with the image of a dog is pasted.
  2. Then very small balls are rolled from the cotton wool. Then they are glued to the images of the poodle. The impression of voluminous wool is created. Balls are not glued to the whole dog, but, like a poodle, to part of the head, tail, paws, chest.

How to make a monkey

Another very popular material in creativity and needlework is cotton swabs. With their help, many interesting products have been created.

For example, a monkey made of this material looks very funny. It is done quite quickly:

  1. An outline of an animal is cut out of white cardboard, which is glued onto another piece of rectangular contrasting cardboard.
  2. Then, blanks must be prepared from the base material. To do this, the tops of the sticks with pieces of cotton wool wound around them are cut off. The number of these blanks depends on the size of the contour.
  3. The next step will be gluing the prepared blanks to the contour of the monkey. The sticks are glued in a circle and in a checkerboard pattern, covering the sharp edges with a new layer. So the image will look more aesthetically pleasing.
  4. The only place where they do not stick is the muzzle. With the help of a felt-tip pen, eyes, mouth, nose are drawn on it.

Flowers from cotton buds

It is not difficult to make flowers from such material. For this, the following materials and tools are being prepared:

  • foam blanks in the form of balls. They are sold in many departments for needlework;
  • skewers or wire for the stem;
  • glue;
  • paper for winding the stem;
  • paints, brushes, glue, stationery knife.

To make a flower, you must do the following:

  1. Using a clerical knife, the foam ball is divided into two halves. If you leave the ball round, then the flower will be spherical.
  2. With paints (preferably acrylic), we give the half a beautiful bright color.
  3. With scissors, divide the cotton swab in half, and petals are obtained.
  4. For beauty, the resulting details are also painted in some bright contrasting color.
  5. We stick the petals into half of the ball and fix it with glue.
  6. The stem of the flower is made of wire or a wooden skewer. It also sticks into the foam.
  7. The stem is wrapped with corrugated paper. Leaves are prepared from it and attached to the stem.

Topiary from cotton buds

Topiary is done in a similar way:

  1. It is necessary to prepare materials and tools: foam blank in the form of a ball; wooden skewers or a branch for the trunk; cotton buds; paints; a small flower pot or other container for a stand; gypsum; various decorating elements (ribbons, beads, rhinestones).
  2. Cotton buds are divided in half with scissors, painted in the desired color.
  3. Halves of sticks and a trunk of several connected wooden skewers or another branch are stuck into the ball. For reliability, it is better to attach all parts with glue.
  4. The barrel is wrapped with corrugated paper, satin ribbons of a suitable color.
  5. Gypsum diluted with water is poured into the pot. A trunk with a crown is fixed in it.
  6. The pot is ennobled with the help of bows, small ribbons, decorative butterflies, ladybugs, beads, rhinestones.

In addition, excellent appliqué pictures are made from such a seemingly simple material. To do this, the contours you like are cut out of cardboard and glued to the base. In the future, this contour is pasted over in a checkerboard pattern with cotton swabs cut into halves. Thus, you can create pictures with sheep, bears, houses, flowers and everything that the imagination is capable of.

Making crafts from cotton pads and sticks is a great activity not only for children, but also for their mothers. This lesson will allow you to make an original item for room decor, a non-standard gift for a birthday or another holiday without much effort and money. The main thing is to use your imagination, put your thoughts and soul into the process of creating, come up with another interesting idea to create a masterpiece.

Tatyana Peshkova

It is very easy to make it. For the torso and head, I crumpled two lumps of ordinary newspaper and tied them with threads so that they would not be disheveled. Then I glued them together with a glue gun, and then began to glue cotton pads, bending disk twice. By the same principle, I made arms and legs, and then glued them to the snowman. Nose and mouth made of colored paper, eyes from an old soft toy, put on his head New Year cap and tied a bow around her neck. I think it turned out not bad.

The next thing I did cotton pads These are balloons to decorate the group. I made 7 of them, they hung from the chandeliers in a certain sequence. It was very beautiful.

The ball is very easy to make. Crumple the newspaper and tie it with a thread, then glue the entire paper ball cotton pads. To decorate, glue beads in a scatter, on top of a few artificial spruce branches and you can make a bump. Here is the ball ready.

That year there was a competition for "The best house of Santa Claus". I again decided to make cotton pads. And took 2nd place.

For the tower, I needed several boxes of different sizes, which I glued together in the form of a tower. And then just pasted disks and decorated.

That's how I got attached to crafts from cotton pads.

This year, the contest of the forest beauty in the garden, I also want to make cotton pads but somehow unusual.

Sorry, I didn’t take pictures step by step, somehow I didn’t even think that someone would be interested. Thank you for reading to the end.

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Mother's Day - A solemn day A day of joy and beauty, On the whole earth he gives mothers His smiles and flowers! Mother's Day is celebrated in Russia.

Mother's Day is approaching. We read a lot of poems with the kids. We came to the conclusion that mother is the sun, a flower, the most dear.

Tasks: To develop fine motor skills of hands, develop imagination in children, cultivate accuracy in doing work, patience and perseverance.

To make this craft you will need: cotton pads, colored paper, colored cardboard, scissors, gouache, glue. We take one cotton pad and color it.

The best gift is a handmade gift. And if you do it with your child, then it will not only develop in children.

Irina Wunsh

We will need:

2. Cotton pads

3. Glue stick (glue gun)

4. Threads for knitting

5. Sequins, beads (for decoration)

Working process

1. We cut out a triangular-shaped cap from cardboard (or take a disposable spoon), wrap red threads on it.

2. We bend the cotton pad, glue the fold - it will be a mustache, Santa Claus's beard. We cut the beard with scissors. The nose can be cut out of red cardboard or glued on a bead.

3. We cut out the torso, arms, legs of the shape we need, wrap them with red threads. In order for the thread not to slip, you can glue it to the cardboard.

4. We cut out mittens and boots for our Santa Claus from cotton pads, glue them.

I think something of this can be done with the children of the preparatory group. Look at these toys and already a festive mood. All in your hands!

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