How to talk to a guy on a date. What to talk about with a guy: on social networks and on the first date? Be silent if you don't like something

The most exciting thing. It may affect your future relationship with your boyfriend. It would seem nothing complicated. I’ve gone over in my head thousands of times how to behave, what to do, but what to talk about on the first date is still not clear. Therefore, many young ladies are worried and worried.

Representatives fair half humanity has always been interested in the question of what to talk about with absolutely by a stranger. It's best to treat your first date like a... unique opportunity express yourself and show your sympathy. It is possible that the young man is also worried and sincerely hopes that you will be the first to start a conversation. Therefore, you should carefully prepare and think through the topics of conversation.

How to start a conversation

To make an unforgettable impression, it is not at all necessary to have oratory skills. A sincere smile and a welcoming attitude will be much more appropriate. You shouldn’t talk a lot, you may seem like an uncontrollable talker, and the risk of saying something unnecessary increases significantly.

Try to follow a few rules on your first date:

  • Show all your femininity and sincerity. It is better to speak openly and answer honestly asked by the guy questions. This will help position it.
  • Try to look into the eyes and do not forget to include facial expressions. In communication with a man this has great importance, makes it possible to understand that you are interested in the interlocutor.
  • It's not enough to just listen, take part in the conversation, ask suggestive questions.
  • Listen carefully to your partner, try to remember as much as possible of what he said, this will be useful in future relationships.
  • Keep the conversation going and avoid long pauses.

What is better to remain silent about?

When planning what to talk about with your boyfriend on a first date, it is better to ban some topics in advance:

  1. You should not retell your medical history to a young person, starting from early childhood.
  2. It is better to omit stories about your relatives.
  3. On the first date, it is not acceptable to talk about past relationships, much less criticize or condemn the qualities of ex-men.
  4. It is not advisable to share your defeats with a guy.
  5. There is no need to complain about how unfair life is to you. Otherwise, a man will get the impression that you are a whiner.

A completely inappropriate topic for a first meeting is financial situation.

A discussion of the number and variety of apartments, houses and cars of your family will appeal to the tax inspector, but certainly not to the young man. At the very least, it is indecent to talk to a stranger about material well-being.

Be wiser

If you're really into a guy, your job is to find out as much as possible about him. This does not mean that you need to sit him opposite and interrogate him with prejudice. Gently and unobtrusively ask questions that interest you, listen to him carefully. Wise woman knows that it is better to listen than to talk.

To find out all the information that is important to you, just look into your eyes, show interest and ask leading questions. Try not to miss the little things, they will help you get to know your chosen one better and build a meaningful, interesting conversation.

Although the topic of past relationships is prohibited, if the guy starts talking about ex-girlfriends you shouldn't interrupt him. The way he speaks about them will help you understand what a man wants from a future girl, what qualities do not attract him and vice versa.

You shouldn't tell everything about yourself on the first date. Leave something for the future. You should intrigue the guy and awaken in him a desire to get to know you better, to meet you again, or even more than once.

What topics are suitable for a first rendezvous?

You can’t talk about family, money and men, the question arises - what can you talk about? In fact, finding a topic of conversation is not difficult. For example, on a first date you can talk about:

  • interests and hobbies;
  • latest news;
  • favorite books, films;
  • musical preferences;
  • sports and entertainment.

In addition, men, like women, consider themselves first-class specialists in the field of personal relationships and politics. If last topic not at all suitable for romantic date, then we can safely talk about gender relations. The main thing is not to go into details, not to impose your point of view and not to give examples from personal experience.

Rules for a successful date

To ensure that you feel comfortable on your first date and that it doesn’t end in defeat, take into account a few rules:

  1. Try to be a good conversationalist. Draw a parallel between a date and a dance, give the guy the opportunity to “lead” and you will be delighted with this meeting. You shouldn’t just listen to your interlocutor, you need to find a “golden” middle – speak moderately and listen carefully. Be as natural as possible. Feigned interest will be declassified and can ruin the evening. If a guy brings up a topic that you don't understand much about, it's better to be honest about it.
  2. Remember to be punctual. Being late for a first date with a guy is bad manners. Your lateness will only add to the tension. If you consider yourself a real princess, do not let your chosen one wait for you. After all, punctuality is the politeness of crowned persons.
  3. Prepare thoroughly. To shine on your first date, you should take care not only of conversation topics, but also of your outfit. Of course, high heels will impress a young man, but they will provide you with a truly “unforgettable date.”
  4. Don't forget to express your opinion. You are an individual and have every right to say what you see fit. This does not mean that you have to argue and prove that you are right. A man is pleased to communicate with a woman who can support any conversation and express her point of view.

Communication with a man is significantly different from communication with girlfriends. To avoid coming across as a "dummy", prepare for the date in advance. And, most importantly, remain yourself. Insincerity and pretense will not bring positive results. Men are sensitive to falsehood.

Life is an unpredictable thing. You will never guess in what situation you will need this or that knowledge. For example, young ladies often have the question of what to talk about with a guy. And such a question may arise not only at the first meeting, but also after several months of communication.

The first meeting is understandable; people do not know each other yet and have a poor understanding of the interests of the interlocutor. Yes, and they are still embarrassed to open up and discuss some very personal or intimate topics. Therefore, at the first meeting, girls are more often faced with the problem of choosing a topic for conversation.

Although after several years life together when feelings have cooled down a little, general topics may not be added for conversation. On the contrary, a communication crisis often arises when there is nothing left to talk about. But you shouldn’t be afraid of this, this happens when all the generally accepted topics have already been discussed, you know every letter of your biographies, all funny and funny stories learned it by heart a long time ago.

First date: what to talk about with a guy.

Finding a suitable topic for conversation at the first meeting is not so easy. After all, the interlocutors do not know each other at all. But there are some rules that, if followed, will make the conversation interesting and exciting.

7 communication rules for a first date.

  1. At the first meeting, try to be natural and... Communicate openly and answer all questions asked by your interlocutor honestly. This way you will be able to win your partner over.
  2. Be sure to look your partner in the eye, and never look past him. Don’t be afraid to show your facial expressions, it is thanks to them that the guy will understand that you are really listening to him.
  3. When your interlocutor tells you something, ask leading questions and show that you are interested in this topic. If you are discussing an event, try to seem competent and express your opinion (it should not radically diverge from his position).
  4. All guys want to take leadership positions, so leave it to him to choose the topic and start the conversation. But under no circumstances remain passive. This will show that you are not at all interested.
  5. Try to remember as much as possible from what the guy tells you. If you succeed in some kind of relationship, then you will thank yourself for it.
  6. On the first date, try to find out more about the guy’s interests so that you can later learn the basics of a particular topic. This will help you get closer.
  7. When communicating, try to avoid long pauses. Keep up the conversation, ask questions, be interested in the guy’s personality.

What is it better to remain silent about on the first date?

On the first date, of course, you won’t be silent; you need to talk about something. But there are taboo topics that it is better not to raise at the first meeting:

  • It’s better to leave stories about relatives for later;
  • history of your illnesses starting from kindergarten It’s better not to remember either;
  • no need to talk about everyone ex-boyfriends, and even more so there is no need to criticize their habits and manners, although you can tell about the first;
  • it is also better to remain silent about your own failures;
  • It’s better not to complain about life, so as not to seem like a whiner.

Topics to talk to a guy when you first meet.

If you can’t talk about yourself, relatives and ex-boyfriends, then what should you talk about with your boyfriend? In fact, and interesting topics There's plenty to discuss. For example, you can discuss the following topics for conversation with a guy:

  • last news;
  • trips;
  • movies;
  • books;
  • hobby;
  • entertainment;
  • sports, etc.

In addition, all people, including men, consider themselves major experts in two topics, politics and personal relationships. And if it is better not to talk about political topics at the first meeting, then discuss various aspects interpersonal relationships Can. Only preferably in theory, without particularly linking it to your personal past experience.

Communication crisis: what to say to a guy.

As mentioned above, a communication crisis can occur between people who have been communicating for a very long time. But, as they say, there are no hopeless situations. You can fight this seemingly serious problem if you just delve into it.

What is better not to discuss.

If the conversation does not work out, then it is better not to discuss the following topics:

  • You shouldn’t touch on a topic that’s only interesting to a guy, because over time you’ll get bored and the guy will figure you out. Believe me, this will not lead to anything good. On the contrary, your loved one will be upset because you tried to “sacrifice yourself.”
  • Better not ask him about the past. Guys are very secretive. If he wants, he will tell you himself.

What to talk about.

It’s impossible, I don’t know anything about it, so what should I tell the guy? In general, there are many topics for discussion, if there is a desire.

  • Most a win-win– discuss this last day. Try asking your loved one how his day was, how his work was, etc. Tell us about your day, but choose the most interesting moments.
  • Discuss some common interests. If you both enjoy skiing, dream about a vacation to a ski resort. If you both love hiking in the woods, plan your next weekend. And you can have a lot of such interests: from computer games to origami. Believe me, you will both get a lot of pleasure from such communication.
  • Talk about plans for the future. Ask your loved one what he expects from life, what success he wants to achieve. Guys love to talk about future plans.
  • Another win-win option in any situation - A new book or a movie. Start talking about the emotions that aroused you New film, and before you know it, the guy will pick it up. And if this film did not impress him, it will be possible to find out why. Agree, not a bad topic for conversation.

But if your loved one doesn’t want to keep up the conversation, he doesn’t like topics of conversation with the guy, it’s better not to touch him, maybe he’s not in the mood. In addition, let him think about what questions to ask the girl to keep the conversation going.

Here are some topics that it is better not to approach a guy about:

  • Don't ask why the guy is silent, or what he's thinking about. You still won’t get the truth from him, you’ll only force him to lie.
  • Stop constantly asking him about your shortcomings. He can’t constantly lie and say that you are beautiful. But you will still be offended by the truth.
  • Don't repeat that you are stupid. If you constantly repeat this, the guy will accept it and believe it.
  • Don't complain to your boyfriend about life, bad feeling, constant illnesses, etc. You can listen to this once, well, twice, but not every day. Everyone gets tired of constant complaints. Put yourself in his shoes.

Talking to a guy is very different from talking to a girlfriend. Those topics that seem very important to you may be empty chatter for a guy. Therefore, listen to your loved one, be interested in his hobbies and you will succeed.

Prepare for your first date according to all the rules! You definitely need to think about what you will say to the guy. We offer quite interesting topics and a list of specific questions that will help you get to know a person and tell about yourself. You will also find taboo topics that should absolutely not be raised. They can ruin their opinion of you. Choose the options that suit you and increase your chances of getting a second date!

Choose universal, positive phrases to make talking easy and comfortable:

  • Hello, how great it is that we met on such a sunny (rainy) day!
  • Thank you for inviting me to the cinema! I love comedies (horror, crime).
  • I hope our meeting will be as interesting as our acquaintance.
  • Finally we have met and can get to know each other better.
  • I hope you have a good time with me.

Don’t rush to bombard the guy with questions; first of all, greet him and wait until he is the first to become interested in you.

The best topics to talk about on a date

Here is the list suitable topics for conversation:

  • Movie. Almost everyone watches films. Discuss new releases, sensational and classic films from the past.
  • Sports and hobbies. Unobtrusively find out what the young man is interested in (fishing, hunting, cooking, theater, billiards or wood burning). You can compliment him that he has many interesting hobbies.
  • Job. Ask about his occupation, what field the man works in, but not about his position and income level. You can ask questions about his attitude towards the fact that the girl is doing business.
  • Family. Find out about his brothers or sisters, parents. Enter into a dialogue by talking about your family. Perhaps you are both the eldest children in the family, or have brothers.
  • Animals. How he treats animals, whether he has a pet, who it is, breed, age.

Try to talk about nothing (the weather, food in a restaurant, if the date is in it, tell funny stories from life). This will help you get closer and avoid discomfort.

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Concrete questions

When trying to ask specific questions, find out what interests you specifically.

  • Where did you go on vacation last summer?
  • How did you spend this weekend?
  • What book are you reading now?
  • What cuisine do you prefer?
  • Do you like to travel?
  • Why this course (direction, profession)?
  • The most favorite place in our city?
  • Do you love winter? winter holidays, ski?
  • What kind of pets do you have?
  • Do you go to concerts or nightclubs? What kind of music do you listen to?
  • How do you feel about walking?
  • Have you ever forgotten things (wallet)?
  • What flowers do you give your mom for her birthday?
  • The brightest New Year from childhood?
  • Do you watch cartoons? Which animated hero like?
  • Favorite color?
  • Do you prefer to call or write a letter at e-mail(SMS)?
  • Have you ever performed in front of a large audience? What does it feel like?
  • Why did I attract you?

What you can't talk about with a man

Taboo topics that should not be discussed when communicating with a guy:

  • Neither on the first nor on subsequent dates should you talk about health or financial problems.
  • Under no circumstances should you ask or talk about past relationships. Even if he is very interested, such additional burden makes it difficult to develop a new relationship.
  • Do not interrupt or criticize him, stick to a neutral-positive line in your statements.
  • Don't turn your date into a one-man show. Dialogue is the only thing correct option conversations.
  • The topic of loneliness should also not be discussed on the first date, especially with a subsequent comment in the style of “It’s good that you invited me on a date, otherwise I haven’t dated anyone for six months and I’m starting to feel sad from loneliness.” Don't be surprised if you don't get invited to a second date.

If anything, there is an article on the site about. She will help you prepare properly, tell you how to captivate your interlocutor, and what mistakes should be avoided.

Don’t know where to go for your first meeting, what to wear, or how to overcome fear? Take advantage of our tips on how to...

To avoid missing your chance, find out why in advance. Here we answered the questions: how long to wait for a call, what can prevent a guy from making one, what is the best thing for a girl to do in this case.

No matter what smart things you say, you need to decide on an outfit. separate article Online. It gives advice on choosing clothing depending on the weather and the location where the meeting will take place.

If after the first walk the guy will disappear and shows no desire to meet again, feel free to invite him on a second date. , we understood other material. Collected here suitable phrases and methods.

A famous video blogger offers his topics for conversation in this video:

If you are confident in your charisma and sociability, it is better not to use templates at all and improvise.

Hooray! Finally, it happened, he noticed you, appreciated you, approached you and invited you on a date. This means that he really likes and is interested in you. But the question immediately arises, how to make sure that he does not lose interest in you, so that he understands and appreciates not only your external attractiveness, but also your intelligence and sense of humor?

This is why the first date is an important step for development further relations, after the first communication, disappointment is quite possible, both on the part of the young man and the girl. But if you are disappointed, then this is quite acceptable, but how can you avoid having the light in a guy’s eyes go out before your eyes? Unacceptable! Especially if you really like him, your heart is beating and you want night walks, the first kiss and much more that you can only dream about alone.

This means that you should prepare for the first date, and this applies not only to clothing, but also to conversation, behavior, and manner of communication. Since many girls are concerned about the question - what to talk about with a guy on the first date?

In order to decide on clothes for a meeting you should inquire about the venue. The girl will feel quite uncomfortable in evening dress on a bowling alley or casual wear in the theatre. Therefore, depending on the place, choose the appropriate outfit. Ideal place for the first date there will be a cozy, not particularly pretentious restaurant, with pleasant music, relaxing drinks and delicious cuisine. You can wear what you look attractive in, like yourself and don’t feel uncomfortable. After all, you will already have enough worries, so you should avoid additional uncertainty about tight shoes or an excessively short skirt.

It is natural to want to look attractive and irresistible, but this does not mean necessarily buying a new dress or shoes with breathtaking heels. But new shoes tend to pinch, and high heel can significantly change your gait, and, moreover, not in better side. Therefore, it is better to learn to walk in heels and update your shoes at another time.

Therefore, if in Everyday life you're not a follower bright images, That no need to create a new look and come on a date in a new role.

After all, he invited the real you, and the new role will be unusual not only for you, but also probably will not arouse the sympathy of the young man. After all, he liked a modest and pretty girl, and not a vamp woman.

So, are you ready? If you are overwhelmed by anxiety and you are not able to cope with it, then you can drink valerian or Novopassit. You shouldn’t be insecure, he likes you, you’re young and beautiful, you attract him, because he invited you on a date, which means everything will be fine.

It is accepted that a woman is always late, therefore, no matter how early you are ready, you should not arrive half an hour before the appointed time and wait for a young man. But you shouldn’t stay for an hour either. It is unlikely that your chosen one is so patient. Therefore, there will be a delay of five to ten minutes the best option. The young man will already begin to worry about whether he will come or not, but he will not yet be truly worried.

Therefore, your appearance will bring him a feeling of involuntary relief (after all, she came), and will give you the much-needed confidence (he waited and is clearly glad to see you).

Where to start a meeting, what to talk about, how to overcome the initial stiffness and embarrassment?

  • Firstly

When approaching, smile at the young man, give him a look that reflects your feelings, your sympathy. After all, it’s not only you who are worried, he is also worried and also feels insecure. Therefore, your warm greeting will help you overcome the awkwardness and start communication.

Try to act as natural as possible, be yourself, open to communication and honest in your answers.

Don't be shy to show facial expressions, it is the expression on your face that will show a man that you are truly listening to him, caring, or genuinely enjoying his jokes. Don't take your eyes off him, look into his eyes.

Ask questions during his stories, express your opinion, but try not to radically diverge from his position, be wise and tactful.

  • Secondly

Don’t forget that a man must feel like a leader (and only you will know how it will actually be). That's why let him start the conversation, give him the palm in this. But this does not mean that you are assigned the role of inserting interjections or periodically exclaiming in surprise and joy. No matter how passionate the young man is about his person, and no matter what oratorical gift he possesses, your passivity in the conversation will not go unnoticed. That’s why you shouldn’t remain silent.

However This does not mean that on the first date you should tell everything about yourself, about your family and friends, tell him about your illnesses, starting with infancy, tell about your ex-lovers and criticize their manners and habits. He clearly doesn’t need all these details and details, and will cause him nothing but irritation and headaches. And you shouldn’t be surprised if after only half an hour of such a “lively” conversation he begins to urgently get ready to go home.

What then can you talk about with a guy on the first date? Yes, about anything, you can discuss the latest news, talk about travel, express your opinion about the films you watched or the books you read.

  • Third

Listen and remember. Everything that the young man tells about himself will be useful to you in the future. Find out what he likes, what his interests are, pay attention to it, study it yourself and it’s quite possible that you will like it too. And this will help you get even closer and understand each other. Try hard avoid pauses in communication, ask leading questions and help keep the conversation going.

  • Fourth

You shouldn't test a young man's generosity. Therefore, when ordering dishes in a restaurant, still look at the cost of the dishes; you should not order everything that is the most expensive, but you should not rush to the other extreme and ask for a glass of water. Everything needs moderation. And don’t forget to take some money with you, because it is possible that the young man will turn out to be a supporter of Western dating (in our opinion, a miser), and you will have to pay for your dinner yourself. In this situation, you will definitely be glad of your accuracy when choosing dishes.

What to do if a young man actively persuades you to be intimate on the very first date?

If before it was impossible to even imagine this, now modern times This is almost the norm now. Young people often explain this proposal by a lack of free time: they do not have time for flowers and courtship, romantic walks and going to the cinema. Why all this if the final option is still a bed. So why all this unnecessary movement and effort? Let’s not argue with this formulation of the question or talk about the obvious disadvantages and omissions. It just happens, and there is not the slightest fault or any provocation on the part of the girl. Therefore, you should not assume that it was you, your behavior that caused such a proposal.

There are times when sex is quite appropriate on a first date:

  • you have known the young man for a long time y, you studied or worked with him, you’ve been connected for a long time friendly relations. In this case, the transition from mutual sympathy to intimate relationships quite natural;
  • are you quite sure about young man , you have a strong feeling that this is your person whom you have been waiting for so long. And therefore sex is not only possible with him, but simply necessary;
  • Well, and quite natural is the end of the first date in bed if it was, in principle, intended for this specific purpose.

But if you are not ready to end your date in bed, then you should think over the refusal, do it in such a way that the man does not get offended and does not consider himself humiliated. This is especially important if you think that you need him, that all this incontinence is superficial. And indeed, women themselves allow themselves to be treated in such a way that the first date and the first intimacy actually become equal. Therefore, your refusal to have sex may initially anger and surprise a young man, then intrigue him and make him want to get to know and understand you better. So being different from everyone else doesn’t mean being worse than others, you’re just different, and he will understand and appreciate it.

So what can you do:

  1. Unexpected phone call. You urgently need to go to the aid of: - a sick grandmother; - an upset friend;

    To the brother who lost his keys.

  2. Realizing that this is not your option, give him the money for your dinner and leave. You don’t owe him anything, and let him solve his problem himself.
  3. Explain to him what is for you intimacy is a synonym for love, not just physiological process. That’s why you don’t accept bed without feelings, so today it’s a categorical no.

If you both have a common desire to make it unforgettable and perfect, then it will definitely be that way. But for this you need to try not only the young man, but also you. Of course, the young man plays the first violin, because the result depends on his intuition, ideas and resourcefulness.

But this result must certainly be reflected in your eyes, because if the light is on, your eyes sparkle with joy, then the guy will strive to ensure that the light not only does not go out, but flares up as brightly as possible.

Well, maybe that's pretty naive question, especially after discussing whether or not to have sex after the meeting, but still: Kiss. To be or not to be? And here it all depends on your age and on your impressions of the last date. If you are fourteen or fifteen years old, then often this is the first kiss in your life, and you will remember the first kiss even at ninety years old. Therefore, the chosen one must be worthy of both a kiss and memories that will remain in a woman’s heart for decades. Therefore, if you are confident in the young man, want to continue the relationship, feel grateful for a wonderful evening, then, of course, there will be a kiss.

As she gets older, a girl no longer attaches such great importance to a kiss. Therefore, it is quite natural to kiss someone for a pleasant evening and given a bouquet of flowers, even just as a sign of gratitude.

No call, what to do?

You are happy with the date, the meeting went very well, you have the most vivid impressions of the young man, you are ready for further meetings. But one big But. The phone is silent. There are two options here:

  • You didn't make the right impression, and he does not want to prolong the relationship.
  • he has unexpected circumstances, because of which he cannot contact you.

Therefore, you should not rush things and draw conclusions. You should wait a week or two, and then you can call yourself. And even though some people say that you shouldn’t call first, it’s still better to put all the dots right away than to suffer from the unknown.

The first date for almost every girl is an exciting event, especially with a man she hardly knows. And while dating should be a precursor to a relationship, first meetings are also mini-interviews, whether we want to admit it or not. That's why it's important not only to choose nice outfit and skillfully put on makeup, but also think about it in advance interesting topics for conversation.

A date can be an absolute disaster if you act unnaturally and try to pass off as someone else. The first encounter is like an onion: you need to peel one layer at a time. Gently allow your partner to express himself and avoid asking very personal questions. Basic rules of communication on a first date:

  • Be natural and feminine, do not embellish your life. Try to answer your interlocutor's questions honestly in order to win him over. If a man likes something and you don’t, for example, some activity, then you don’t need to lie and say that you like it too, so that he will like it. It is important to always be sincere. Otherwise, he can easily catch you in a lie, and this can ruin his attitude towards you.
  • If possible, look the man in the eyes as much as possible and demonstrate your interest. Don’t be afraid to show your facial expressions and sincere laughter, then he will understand that you are listening to him carefully.
  • Show your interest when a guy talks about his life. Ask leading questions and express your opinion.
  • Give the initiative to your partner; he should feel like a leader. Let him choose a topic to start a conversation, and you support him and do not be passive.
  • Try to remember what your interlocutor tells you. You will thank yourself for this when your relationship develops and new meetings follow.
  • Find out more about a man's interests and hobbies to get to know the basics of a particular topic.
  • Avoid long pauses in your conversation. Try to always maintain communication, ask questions and share interesting experiences.

Best topics to talk about

An exciting first meeting can unsettle you and make you forget about everything in the world. Use these "safe" topics to avoid silence:

  • latest events and news;
  • books and films;
  • music;
  • hobby;
  • sport;
  • animals.

If your date is at a restaurant, talk about taste preferences. Mention your goals and aspirations, plans for the future. It will be useful to remember funny life stories and anecdotes. Talk about travel and places you dream of visiting.

What questions to ask?

Let's imagine that your meeting is taking place in a cafe or restaurant. I've decided to break down our hypothetical first date into five steps and offer a series of questions to help you manage your anxiety and keep the conversation going.

First ten minutes

Questions in the first ten minutes are key to starting a conversation in a meeting. They are asked after you have said hello and settled down somewhere convenient location. They set the tone for your date and give you a chance to chat more casually. Here are some of the options:

  • How was your day?
  • How did you get here?
  • What is your mood?

After ordering food and drink

Now that the awkwardness of the first minutes of the meeting has passed, it’s time to give the conversation a more specific character. Questions at this stage should be an equal mix of inquisitive and casual to provide an opportunity to better understand the man. Do you have many common interests, what is he interested in, how does he spend his weekends?

  • What do you like to do outside of work (school)?
  • Do you like to watch movies or TV series? Which?
  • What kind of music do you listen to?
  • Have you traveled recently?
  • Have you read any good books recently?

Personal questions

It's time to move on to more personal matters, making sure you're both ready for it. Some of these questions may seem stupid at first, but they will become very useful later on. You will be able to get to know your interlocutor better, understand whether he is right for you and whether he is an interesting person. It is not necessary to use all the questions; choose those that are suitable specifically for you and your partner:

  • What are you doing? Do you like your work or study? What do you want to do next?
  • Do you often spend time with your family?
  • Do you have borthers and sisters?
  • Can you easily wake up in the morning or do you like to sleep longer?
  • Do you like to cook? What works best?
  • What are your 3 main ones? life values(family, work, health, creativity, etc.)?
  • Do you have a large group of acquaintances or a couple of best friends?
  • Do you consider yourself a career-oriented person?
  • Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
  • The most vivid impression in life?
  • What do you value most in a man and a woman?


If you feel like everything went well, don't be afraid to tell him:

  • Thank you for the invitation, I really enjoyed it.
  • Such a cozy cafe, you have excellent taste.
  • It's very tasty food. Thank you for inviting me to this particular place.
  • I had a wonderful time! Thank you!

If you did not like the man’s behavior during your meeting, then it is important to inform him about this so that he knows about your feelings and does not do it again. This should only be said in a polite manner:

  • I consider it a sign of disrespect when a person is late for a meeting with me, opens his hands, allows rudeness, insults, etc. towards me.
  • I hate it when a man often answers his phone during a date.

A normal man will take this well and will no longer allow this kind of attitude towards you. If he does not care about your feelings and continues to behave unworthily, then in this case it is better to immediately leave the company of such a person and not communicate with him anymore.


The first date doesn't have to be long. It is better to spend 1-1.5 hours on it. There is no need to completely open up to a man at the first meeting. Then he will be more willing to ask you out on a second date to get to know you better.

Taboo topics

  • Four things you should never talk about on a first date: politics, religion, former relationship and the man's income. Too serious and fast, don't rush!
  • Don't ask your partner why he is silent or what he is thinking. You won’t get an honest answer from him, but you will put him in an awkward position and force him to lie.
  • You may not have had a great day, but keep your mouth shut. Don’t whine or complain about your life, don’t talk about problems, otherwise the man will get bored and he definitely won’t want to listen to complaints for the rest of his life.
  • Try not to brag about your achievements or talk about financial possibilities. The gentleman may be embarrassed and decide that your standards are too high. Or with this behavior you can attract a gigolo.
  • Also, don’t get ahead of yourself and talk about how you want to get married as soon as possible. Men are afraid of responsibility and rapid development relationship by nature, so don't scare him.
  • A large number of compliments can create the impression that you are not sincere and are pursuing certain goals.
  • Excessive flirting will make you an easily accessible and desperate lady in the eyes of a guy.
  • Don't ask provocative questions or be rude to your man. Do not demonstrate your egocentrism, so as not to seem like a narcissistic girl.

Rules for a successful first date

  1. Appearance. You should look beautiful and natural, do not choose flashy outfits with large necklines and short length skirts. Conceal minor facial imperfections, do not overdo it with rich makeup.
  2. Don't drink alcohol. The only exception may be a glass of wine. But at the same time, you need to understand how your body reacts to alcohol. A glass of wine is enough for one girl to get drunk and start talking nonsense. On the other hand, on the contrary, a small amount of alcohol helps you relax and begin to behave more confidently during a conversation.
  3. Don't use swear words. It will be very ugly if honey well-groomed girl foul-mouthed. You are not a shoemaker! Be modest and laugh with restraint. Good manners and modesty are always valued by the opposite sex.
  4. Ask open questions . A man will immediately understand that you are interested in him and will give detailed answers. And they will show you the true picture and help you decide whether this guy is right for you or not.
  5. Conversation on neutral topics . Do not touch on “sensitive” topics, take a keen interest in the man’s hobbies and life. Try to find common interests, tell us about your hobby. Do not interrupt the gentleman, do not allow him to remain silent for a long time, asking leading questions.

What to wear on a first date?

If you can't choose an outfit for a date, then watch this video. It can give you new ideas.

I hope my recommendations, list of topics and questions will help you at your first meeting with a man. The main thing is to behave naturally, be open and sociable. Relax, smile a lot and show interest in the topics discussed, and a second date will be guaranteed!
