How to organize your time: effective methods, methods and recommendations. How to use time effectively How to spend time profitably

Useful tips

In the modern world, a person feels like a squirrel in a wheel. Many people live by stereotypes and habits established in society.

However, be that as it may, even the busiest person has a little free time during the day.

Have you ever thought about how many interesting things you could do if you used your free time profitably?

Here 10 great ways to spend your free time.

Don't do anything

This, of course, sounds strange, but why not? Every person is free to decide what to do and how to spend your free time. However, many of us devote too much time to work, which negatively affects our health and rhythm of life in general.

But the human body needs time to restore strength after physical or mental stress. He cannot constantly work for wear and tear.

Therefore, at least sometimes allow yourself the so-called “doing nothing”, enjoy the feeling of complete physical and mental relaxation. Try not to think about anything. Know that a state of complete lightheadedness has a healing effect.

Remember! It's okay to do nothing when you have free time during the day.

Get enough sleep

Healthy and restful sleep- this is the most useful state that a person needs. Therefore, approximately 30% of a person’s entire life is in this state. As numerous studies have shown, it is Most diseases occur due to lack of sleep.

Therefore, for the normal functioning of the body, it is extremely necessary to get a good night's sleep, which is what you need to do in your free time from work. In this case, the duration of night sleep should be at least 8 hours. We should not forget about the healing daytime sleep.

Benefits of sleep:

  • Recuperation
  • Restoration of nervous system cells
  • Prevention of diseases such as apathy, depression, chronic fatigue
  • Strengthening the immune system
  • Accelerating the healing process.


Even short meditation throughout the day, clearing your thoughts and consciousness can make a big difference. After all, it helps to look at the problem from the other side, and, therefore, solve this or that issue more competently.

It is better to indulge in reflection in a calm and relaxing environment, and not, for example, while driving a car, since in such a situation you need to fully concentrate on the process of driving a car (although if you are a passenger, then you have an excellent opportunity immerse yourself in the power of fantasy).

Take a short break from work to focus on some pleasant illusion.

Feel the warmth in your body. Imagine how the oxygen you breathe restores every cell of the body, improving the functioning of the muscular and nervous systems. These thoughts will help restore mental and physical balance.

It should also be noted that positive thoughts attract into our lives favorable events and changes.

Listen to your favorite music

Music is the best way to pass the time and feel a surge of pleasant emotions. Today, electronic technologies make it possible to listen to music almost everywhere and always. If you are one of the passionate music lovers, then do not deprive yourself of pleasure listen to your favorite music.

Such a pastime can inspire and motivate a person to be productive.

Each song or melody carries a certain sign, experience or information. Try listening to the positive vibrations of live music.

By the way, it has long been proven that soft classical music can have great healing effects on the human mind and body.

Read good books

Reading books has always been a smart and rewarding way to spend your free time. The human brain is like a theater, as it is full of numerous thoughts and images. With the help of a book, you can plunge into the world that is described in a story or story. You will be able to feel the atmosphere of the era described in the book.

Besides, Reading is a great way to develop your mind, which all successful people know, in whose lives, despite the lack of time, there is always a place for reading their favorite book. If you still think that reading is an old-fashioned way of self-development, then you are seriously mistaken.

And don’t think that books are too bulky and inconvenient to use, because now almost all phones support applications with which you can read any books, not to mention an e-reader, which is extremely convenient for reading and storing many books in electronic form .

Play sports

There is always a free minute for a few simple exercises. This is the best thing you can do for your body.

There are quite a few types of gymnastics. One day you can set aside time for breathing exercises, in the other - gymnastics for the eyes, this is especially true for office workers who spend the whole day at the computer.

Know that exercise increases blood flow to muscles and organs. Even five minutes of exercise will make you feel better and lift your spirits.

Clean houses

Sometimes very It's good to get rid of everything old and unnecessary things, and each of us has a lot of such things.

Putting things in order– an excellent way to combat negative emotions and even depression, as proven by numerous studies. Yes, yes, it is ordinary housework that helps to distract from obsessive thoughts.

Psychologists say that by parting with old things that remind us of some event (even a joyful and bright one), we say goodbye to the past and thereby open the way to a new bright future.

Meet your friends

If you want not only to spend time usefully, but also to receive a charge of positive energy, then be sure to organize meeting with friends. A walk in the park together, a game of volleyball, or just a friendly get-together in a cafe will definitely do you good.

Pay attention to yourself

It just so happens that in the pursuit of wealth and social status, we often forget about ourselves and those little joys that make life more interesting and fulfilling. But in vain!

Ordinary going to the hairdresser or spa– a great option to relax after a hard week of work. Men won't give up visiting a bathhouse or sauna.

Time is a precious treasure, but many people forget about it and waste it by watching TV or playing computer games. But life is much more than news or TV series. Life is a wonderful opportunity to find yourself in this world and realize your abilities. And also make yourself happy. You need to be responsible for yourself and learn To use time wisely.

What to do for the benefit of yourself and others

1. Favorite thing

The most important thing for which each of us came into this world is to fulfill our destiny. That is, find yourself in this life, find your favorite thing and do it.


All people should constantly learn something new or improve their previous knowledge. Moreover, you can do this either independently or with the help of special courses. And for some it would be good to get a first or second higher education. It all depends on what your life goals are.

3. Development

Engaging in self-development and personal growth is also important, because our lives largely depend on who we are and what we think.


Creativity is one of the ways spend time usefully. Firstly, with its help you can free yourself from negative energies. Secondly, get positive emotions. Thirdly, make money.


Everyone knows that physical activity is very useful, but few people actually apply this knowledge. And in vain. Such people lose a lot. I hope that you will not find thousands of excuses for playing sports. And follow people who lead a healthy lifestyle. The main thing is to choose workouts to your liking and for your health.


7. Charity and good deeds.

Charity is a wonderful way to spend time benefiting others. Moreover, it is necessary to provide financial assistance. You can give another person your attention and support.

8.Knowledge of the world

Our world is so abundant and diverse. There are so many beautiful and interesting things you can experience and get a lot of positive impressions.

9. Positive relaxation and loving communication

If it so happens that you have some free time, be it a lot of it or several short breaks - 5-10 minutes, even one 5 minute break, what should you do? How to spend your free time profitably?

When the work is already finished and there are several hours of free time, or a whole weekend, you can use them both for relaxation, to relax, have fun, shake yourself up and breathe calmly that this stressful work day is over, or spend time with your loved one. This time can also be spent on self-development, active recreation, hobbies and much more.

Below we will try to give a list that will help you quickly choose something that you can do in your free time.

In your free time, you can think about your goals, both long-term and short-term. If you have 10 minutes during your workday, you can think about your personal and professional goals for the current day. Adjust your movement throughout the day. Form your goals for the current day or the next.

Ask yourself: is what I’m doing now moving me closer to achieving my “big” goals?

Reading not only allows you to spend your free time usefully by learning something new, but also develops thinking abilities and improves brain function. You can read in your free time both fiction and professional or philosophical literature.

If you have piles of magazine articles piled up or need to print out good articles and reports to look at later, you can take a short break to read or prepare to read.

For quick action: you can create a special folder where you will keep the materials you need to read. Or leave bookmarks in your browsers to quickly find the necessary material.

The principle works here: the more you know, the more you can apply, and therefore earn. Self-education is the key to your development.

3. Rest and sleep

If you are very tired at work, but rest and sleep are simply necessary for physical, mental, moral and psychological recovery. Sometimes you need to use your free time for relaxation.

4. Exercise

Depending on the amount of free time, you can go in for sports. If you have a few hours a day regularly, you can go to the gym, aerobics or other sports classes, even if the free time is only 10-15 minutes, then you will spend it usefully if you do a few bends, a few squats, etc. d.

Remember Gorky used to say: “You work while sitting, rest while standing”

5. Walk

You can walk up the stairs, you can go outside, breathe some air, bask in the sun, “run away” from people if you constantly work with them, or “find” people if you rarely contact them.

If there is a park nearby, you can “communicate with nature” a little and find peace among the trees.

Again, if you have a lot of free time, then you have the opportunity to meditate thoroughly, or sign up for courses; if free time is limited, then you don’t need to carry a yoga mat with you and lay it out in the office to meditate. Just sitting at your desk, focus on your breathing and try not to think about anything. Stop the flow of thoughts, it is very useful. Meditation has been scientifically proven to be very beneficial for the body and mind.

7. Meditate

In minutes or hours of free time, you can just think, sometimes this is important and will allow you to spend your free time usefully. You can think about your questions and goals, as well as about work issues. If you don’t want to think about routine, try thinking about philosophical topics, about the nature of the universe.

8. Clean out your inbox

Do you have 5-10 minutes before the meeting? Use these 5 minutes to clean out all sorts of junk from your inbox. This applies to both physical and electronic mailboxes.

Naturally, if you have a lot of letters in your inbox, you will have to work quickly. Use different criteria and send mail to the trash in batches. The information is already outdated, there is some spam, so feel free to send it to the furnace. Leave only important ones and those that are still relevant.

We continue the topic about the email inbox. Did you get rid of the letters? It's time to unsubscribe from various and useless mailings so that they don't clutter up your inbox.

Leave only those that you need right now. If you think that the others will be needed soon, we delete them anyway. Subscribe again when you need it.

In addition, for some reason, an empty box evokes a very pleasant feeling that resembles freedom.

10. Making phone calls

If you have a list of phone calls that need to be made, keep it handy. You may have a few free minutes when you are going somewhere, eating or just sitting at the table, during which you can make several calls from the list, thereby spending your free time profitably.

11. Additional income

Keep on hand a list of small tasks that you can complete partially or completely in your free time. During this period, you will concentrate on completing a task and you will be able to advance in it several times faster and further. If you have a few short breaks to work really productively and earn a low amount of additional or main money, use them.

Determine what work you have that needs to be done and that will bring money, break it into small pieces so that you can complete each stage within 5 - 10 minutes and just do it, do it little by little.

12. Files

It sounds gloomy, but the execution is even gloomier. However, you'll have a better time if you organize your own desk by organizing your materials so they can be found quickly. Of course, over time everything will return to “ordered chaos” mode, but at least there will be priority materials on the table that need to be worked on first. By the way, this applies to both your desktop and the desktop on your computer. So start optimizing your workflow

13. We establish the necessary contacts

If you have some free time at work, pay attention to your colleagues. Yes, in just 5 minutes you can create useful connections. Sometimes a little attention to your colleagues, a question asked, a smile, a printed report sheet or a coffee can work wonders!

14. Budget planning

Many people don’t think about planning their budget or leave everything until the last day.
During breaks, you can fill out the appropriate forms, plan the movement of your money, and draw up a financial budget for the next month.

15. Brainstorming

For example, we make a list of articles or new projects that we would like to launch. You can brainstorm what to give to your loved one, etc.

Topics for storming can be different, but very useful, both for your personal life and for your work; this is a great option for how to spend your free time profitably.

16. Make the necessary preparations

For example, make a list of necessary phone calls or who you need to send letters to, take notes on what needs to be done to complete a particular task. As they say, everything is in your hands.

17. Arrive early for the meeting

If you have 5 free minutes, come to the meeting early. Of course, you can feel like a fool who comes and sits alone. But people respect those who arrive a little earlier, they are satisfied with those who arrive on time and they cannot stand those who are late. Think about the reasons for yourself.

18. Listen to music

Listening to your favorite music can relieve stress, stimulate you to new achievements, lift your spirits, and just help you relax!

19. Spend time with friends

20. Take care of yourself!

If the time is right, take care of yourself! Take a hot bath, do a face mask, etc. This will definitely lift your spirits and allow you to spend your time productively.

21. Prepare a delicious dish

If you love to cook, why not cook something delicious? You can experiment, cook something you’ve never cooked before. They will help you with this; they will help you spend your free time for the benefit of yourself and your household.

22. Do some cleaning

Cleaning your home is always a rewarding activity. As they say, cleanliness is the key to health. If you've been cleaning recently, you can still wipe down the dust and floors to give a feeling of freshness.

Perhaps you have been wanting to make a change for a long time, and if you have a few free hours, then it’s time to do it.

In principle, there are many useful things to do, and the list of these things will STILL depend on you and your decisions.

Many people simply, out of curiosity, want to know what to do in their free time. We hope that you will use several, or at least one, activity from the list or be able to advise another person on how to spend their free time profitably.


During the work week or day, a person works or studies so much that he simply needs rest. And it’s best if this vacation is radically different from his activities. For example, when a person is engaged in mental work, the best rest for him will be an active pastime - playing sports, playing in nature, forays out of town. But when an employee already spends all his working time outdoors, doing something with his hands, constantly moving actively, then the best way for him to relax would be to read an interesting book, do crossword puzzles or play chess. Changing activities is the best way to give the body a rest and switch to another activity. However, this is just a recommendation, not a mandatory requirement.

It often happens that a person follows his habits even on vacation. And here a lot depends on the makeup of each individual. Thus, an inactive person engaged in mental activity is unlikely to give up the tranquility of his home environment for a long time and go in for active sports. Conversely, an active and energetic athlete will not want to stay at home for a long time, doing quiet activities, he will actively explore new areas and places. Therefore, in any type of activity you need to count not only on what is good for the body, but also on what each person likes to do.

When there is little free time, it is better not to waste it on pointless study of television programs or the Internet. Organize a meeting with friends, go to the cinema or theater, play board games, or get out into the fresh air and engage in active sports. Together with your family, you can organize an unusual dinner, and then enjoy it with your favorite movie. Come up with an activity that the whole family could do and that would be interesting to both adults and children. This could be crafts, modeling, putting together puzzles or construction sets, writing stories or drawing. Reading together as a family is also great for relaxation and bonding.

If you like to spend your free time alone, then you can do any of this activity alone. Quiet reading, watching movies, walks around the city or in the forest, playing with a pet, crafts or creativity will perfectly help you relax and occupy your leisure time with interesting activities.

When there is a lot of time for relaxation, for example, there is a holiday ahead, a long weekend or a vacation, you can go to a country where you have never been before. Traveling is the best way to leave behind the worries and sorrows of working time, forget about everything and be transported to another world. These can be either short trips to nature or long trips around another country. Be sure to try something new every time on these trips. If you have never hitchhiked, spent the night in a tent, climbed even low mountains, or gone on excursions, do it. New activities will bring even more impressions, even if traveling is familiar to you.

Hearing the phrase “rest time,” many automatically think that it is time to sit back and do nothing. Yes, it’s completely normal to relax at your leisure, but only occasionally. Free time also provides an excellent opportunity to finish unfinished business or improve yourself personally or professionally. Spend your leisure time productively - engage in self-development, communicate on social networks and improve your health.


Engage in self-development

    Review your goals and set new ones. Use free time as a period for reflection. Review the goals you've set, decide whether you're making progress toward them, and determine whether you need to amend them or better define new goals.

    • For example, if you set a goal last month to “save $10,000,” check your savings to see how well you did. If everything goes as planned, move on to the next goal. However, if you are behind on deadlines, it may be worth lowering the bar (say, to “5,000 rubles”), or coming up with a strategy that will help you stay on schedule (for example, find a part-time job).
  1. Determine what you would like to study. Time away from work, school, or household responsibilities can be spent productively by using it as a chance to learn something new. New skills can help you advance your career or just challenge your creative side.

    • Make a list of a few new skills that you would like to learn. This could include activities such as learning a new language, improving computer knowledge, or learning to ride horses.
    • To maintain balance in your life, choose a few skills related to personal or professional development, as well as a couple of activities that you want to do purely out of curiosity.
  2. Optimize your to-do list. Perhaps your to-do list is full of overwhelming tasks that you struggle to complete day after day. Such tasks cause frustration and are rarely completed, and when they are completed, it is only at the very last minute. Get things organized, organized, and done.

    • Write down on paper the most important tasks for the next week. Then determine whether you can complete the task at once or in stages. Instead of “finish a history essay,” break the task into several steps, such as “find history sources,” “make an outline,” and “create a draft.”
    • It's the one-step items that you're most likely to check off at the end of the day.
  3. Earn extra money. If you need additional funds, you can spend your time away from work or school by working part-time or choosing a creative way to earn money. Find a second job that you can do in the evenings or on weekends. Monetize your passion for jewelry making by setting up a shop on Etsy (or similar sites). Sell ​​old books or clothes stored in the attic or closet.

    Build Social Connections

    1. Expand your base of professional contacts. Beyond the 9 to 5 schedule, there are a number of networking events you can attend. Saturday brunch or evening cocktail parties can serve as a great backdrop for promoting a new idea or exchanging business cards.

      • Look for similar events in your area, or test the waters at your job or union to find out about after-hours events.
    2. Invite friends or relatives to visit. Having a strong support group will make you more resilient to stress and even improve your self-esteem. If you usually don't pay much attention to your loved ones because of school or work, use your free time to go out with friends and "feed" your friendships.

      • Plan a movie night, a game night, or a trip to the ice cream parlor. Call a few friends or family members you can't seem to meet and invite them to join in the fun. Communication with loved ones is a great way to spend your free time.
    3. Start volunteering your time in the community. Helping out in your local community will give you the opportunity to connect with others, do something meaningful, and even improve your resume. Think about how you can help your city and figure out how it can be implemented.

      • You can help plan a community event, work at a homeless shelter, or pick up trash after the annual festival.
    4. Perform random acts of kindness. If you're looking for fun ways to fill your free time, do something nice for someone else. Random acts of kindness will show others that you care and will also give you a reason to be proud of yourself.
