How to remove deodorant stains. The stain on your reputation is indelible, the rest can be dealt with - remove traces of deodorant

Traditional recipes will help you effectively remove sweat stains and get rid of yellow or white marks under your arms. Despite the fact that these are cheap drugs, they are quite effective, and the components of the stain remover can always be found in the kitchen or in a pharmacy. How old the sweat mark is determines how many times the removal will need to be repeated and what method to use.

Many deodorants can leave stains on clothes that do not disappear after regular washing, requiring separate cleaning procedures.

How to remove white marks?

Antiperspirants and deodorants contain talc and salts, the purpose of which is to reduce sweating. Mixing with the fluid secreted by the body, these substances settle on clothing, are absorbed into its fibers and appear as marks on dark or colored clothing.

  • They cannot be hidden or washed off with regular laundry detergent. Therefore, experienced housewives, in order to remove stains from deodorant and sweat or remove yellow stains on a collar, use recipes known to our grandmothers. Removing stains using ancient methods requires compliance with a number of rules:
  • wash clothes only in cold water;
  • do not use chlorine-containing preparations;
  • Before washing, dirt should be cleaned with a dry brush;
  • When washing, pay special attention to the edges of the stain;

Before washing, test the selected method on an inconspicuous area of ​​clothing.

Remove traces immediately

While deodorant stains have not yet become embedded in the fabric of clothing, they can be treated using washing powders or liquid laundry shampoo. This item should be washed immediately after each wear. When removing stains on clothes using powder, you should dilute it with water to such an extent that it looks like wet sand, then treat the armpit area with the diluted mixture and leave it to sour for a couple of hours.

How to remove old stains?

To remove old stains from sweat and antiperspirant on a shirt, you need products that penetrate the fibers of the fabric and remove salts from hygiene products or remove yellowness from sweat. It is not always possible to achieve the desired effect in one go, so do not despair and consider the folk method not to work. It just needs to be repeated several times. It is worth remembering that white stains on black clothes are much more difficult to remove than similar marks on colored items, so it is worth taking this into account when soaking.

If there are difficulties in choosing home methods for removing stubborn stains or the selected products still do not help, Amway representatives offer Pre Wash for gentle and safe cleaning of even white clothes from difficult stains.

How to remove white marks with vodka?

This technology is brilliant for removing stains from black items. White traces of deodorant should be soaked in vodka and left for half an hour, and then washed in cold water. Instead of vodka, you can take medical alcohol, moonshine or any other strong drink that does not contain dyes. Using alcohol-containing solvents is suitable for fresh stains, but will be ineffective for old ones.

Dish detergent for white marks

The main condition of this recipe is that the dishwashing detergent must contain glycerin. Without it, the method will not work. You can also take liquid soap or pure glycerin, but in the latter case the dosage will need to be reduced. Treat the stain with dishwashing liquid and leave for an hour, then rinse and wash according to the standard procedure. The technology is ideal for removing white marks from colored clothing.

Vinegar for white marks

The method using acetic acid is suitable only for natural fabrics. Deodorant stains should be moistened with vinegar and left for half an hour or longer. It depends on the age of the white blot - the older it is, the longer it needs to be soaked. The best solution for the procedure is a regular acid solution, which is sold in any store.

Salt and sour cream are rubbed into stains from deodorant and sweat in the evening, so that in the morning you can easily remove this stain.

Salt for white marks under arms

Dilute table salt with water to form thick sour cream. Rub the mixture into the deodorant stains. So the item should lie overnight, and in the morning the solution should be washed off. The product is not suitable for delicate or woolen items, as grains of “solvent” can damage the fabric. To achieve greater effect, clothes can be rinsed in water with a diluted food additive.

Yellow spots on clothes and their cause

Yellow sweat marks are typical for white clothes. They appear for two reasons. The first is that human sweat contains a certain set of microelements that are absorbed into the fabric and paint the fibers yellow. The chemical composition of the laundry detergent is such that the enzymes it contains do not help get rid of sweat stains, but, on the contrary, drive the yellowness even more into the fibers and cover it with a white coating, which makes it even more difficult to return the white color to the armpits and collars.

In addition, yellow sweat marks on white clothes have a persistent unpleasant odor. The second reason is the same salts and talc in hygiene preparations for sweat, they are especially typical for roll-on or solid antiperspirants.

How to remove stains from deodorant and sweat?

Most of the products and substances available to every housewife are used in removing deodorant stains from clothes.

  • Most bleaching chemicals contain chlorine, which cannot remove yellow marks and can also affect the fabric after washing. The following substances will help remove sweat and deodorant stains from white clothes:
  • aspirin tablets:
  • lemon juice;
  • baking soda;
  • ammonia alcohol;
  • peroxide solution;

laundry soap in solid or liquid form.

Soda for removing stains

Dilute baking soda with water to a thick paste, gently rub into the stains and leave to sour for several hours. Afterwards, wipe off the dried paste with a soft brush and rinse the item. It will help remove yellow marks, remove unpleasant odors, and soften fabric hardened by sweat. It is a delicate absorbent that is suitable for use on delicate white or colored fabrics.

Hydrogen peroxide

Peroxide solution is a universal recipe for removing sweat stains on white clothes. After using it, the main thing is to rinse your armpits thoroughly, otherwise if even a drop of solution remains on them under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, it may turn yellow even more. There are several options for using peroxide solution to remove stains from white items.

  • Soak your armpits in a hydrogen solution and after three hours wash thoroughly in cold water.
  • In a basin, dilute the mixture in the proportion of a tablespoon of hydrogen per liter of water. Soak clothes in it for several hours, depending on the severity of the stain. Rinse.
  • Dilute the solution with baking soda in a ratio of 5:2 and rub into sweat stains. Wait until they start to lighten.

Deodorant stains are not aesthetically pleasing and are difficult to remove. Here are tips for eliminating and preventing the problem.

How to remove white deodorant stains

Light spots appear on dark things in the form of streaks. Use proven tools.


Apply it to the stain and let it sit for a quarter of an hour to 60 minutes. Prepare a strong soap solution, wash the item, rinse, and dry.


The product will help remove deodorant from dark-colored clothing. Saturate the contaminated area with it and leave for 1.5-2 hours. Then wash the item.

Attention! This method is not suitable for light-colored fabrics: vinegar will turn them yellow.

Dishwashing gel

It can also clean clothes. Apply the liquid to the deodorant marks, rub lightly with your fingers, and after half an hour, rinse thoroughly. Hasn't everything gone? Try again.

How to remove yellow deodorant stains

Traces of deodorant on light-colored fabric have a yellow tint. You can remove them without damaging the fabric using available means.

Acetylsalicylic acid

The well-known aspirin will easily remove antiperspirant residue from clothes if you follow the following algorithm:

  1. Crush 4 tablets with a spoon or pestle.
  2. Add a little water to make a paste that is easy to apply.
  3. Treat the stain and let the mixture dry.
  4. Rinse the product, then wash.


The same thing, with the same effect, is done using soda. The powder is diluted with water, applied to the stain, wait until it dries, shake off, and rinse.


Removing deodorant stains with lemon juice is no more difficult than any other method. Squeeze out the liquid onto the dirt, and after a quarter of an hour wash the product by hand in cool water.

Hydrogen peroxide

Moisten the dirt with it, and wash it off after two hours. Things can be washed even better if you use a mixture of peroxide (about 100 ml), dishwashing gel (25 grams) and soda (50 grams).


Pour equal amounts of ammonia and water into a small container and mix thoroughly. The solution perfectly removes even old stains. Moisten the contaminated area with it, and rinse after two minutes.

Universal methods

Some of the products can be safely used on fabrics of any color.

Laundry soap

Most armpit stains can be easily removed with laundry soap. It is crushed and dissolved in water. The product should first be soaked in the resulting soap solution and then washed.


Using salt to remove traces of deodorant, and at the same time bad odors, follows this:

  1. Dampen the stain.
  2. Sprinkle generously with salt and forget for 12 hours.
  3. Moisten again and sprinkle with salt again, but this time rub thoroughly with your hands.
  4. Wash the product.

How to remove deodorant stains with popular stain removers

Household chemicals will always come to the rescue. Here are the most famous brands of manufacturers.

Frau Schmidt

This brand produces both stain removers and bleaches, which are quite gentle but effective on the fabric, cleaning it. These products are based on bile concentrate.


The most famous brand of stain remover in our country. Vanish liquid and powder products, designed for cleaning various fabrics, do an excellent job. The manufacturer describes in detail how to wash, remove stains and other useful information on the label.


Network companies often cause negativity among others, but you should not be so biased towards Amway. After all, this manufacturer produces truly high-quality household chemicals that are safe for fabric and human health. The assortment includes products for washing absolutely any clothes, including items for newborns, in the form of powders, gels, concentrates, even a spray for preliminary stain removal.

Dr Beckmann

The company has been popular with housewives for several years due to the quality and relatively low cost of its products. Dr Beckmann has a lot of stain removers - for any stains and fabrics. There is also a remedy against deodorant traces.

Rules for removing stains

  • do not ignore the recommendations of the manufacturer of household chemicals, act in accordance with them;
  • check the expiration date;
  • test any product on an inconspicuous area of ​​the product;
  • To prevent the border of the treated area from appearing after drying, before cleaning, lightly rub the stain with a soft brush or moisten the material around it with warm water;
  • Always clean stains from the edges to the middle, and not vice versa, so that it does not increase in size.

How to remove deodorant stains from different types of fabric

Before removing deodorant stains, find out the material of the product. This is necessary for selecting a product. An illiterate approach will lead to the fact that washing will be ineffective, or even lead to irreversible damage to the item.

Linen, cotton

Natural fabrics can be washed with ammonia and other universal folk remedies described above. Household chemicals designed for such fabrics will come in handy. Do not wash white linen items with chlorine-containing products.

If the stain is fresh, then an ordinary dry cloth will help remove it.

Wool, silk

Removing contaminants from these fabrics is complicated by their “capriciousness” in operation; a mistake will lead to damage to the product. Use gentle products: salt, soda, laundry soap.


Synthetic fabrics need washing more often than others. Most of the above methods will work. It is not recommended to set high temperature and maximum speed when machine washing. Do you wash by hand? Don't twist your clothes too much.


You rarely have to remove deodorant stains from denim. However, if a problem arises, remember that jeans do not tolerate:

  • temperatures over 40 degrees;
  • bleaching agents (oxygen would be the best option);
  • spin at high speeds;
  • drying in the sun, near heating devices.

Otherwise, any folk and store remedies are applicable.

How to remove deodorant stains depending on the color of the material

For light, black, colored products, various means are used.

White material

Cleaning natural fabrics is acceptable using hydrogen peroxide or vinegar. Drying in direct sunlight will bring positive results. But for synthetics, aspirin will be effective and safe.

How to remove yellow deodorant stains from clothes: 1. Mix hydrogen peroxide with water. 2. Add soda. 3. Apply to the problem area. 4. Remove any remaining baking soda after the mixture has dried. 5. Wash the item as usual.

Black material

You can remove whitish stains and the smell of sweat with laundry soap. If this does not help, resort to lemon juice, alcohol, and dishwashing liquid.

How to remove deodorant stains from black clothes: 1. Apply baking soda to the stain. 2-3. Pour in vinegar. 4. Wash as usual. Attention! This method is not suitable for delicate fabrics due to the aggressiveness of the method.

Colored material

Wool, silk, and viscose cannot be soaked in water with the addition of vinegar, but other fabrics are welcome. This will strengthen the paint into the fibers. Then wash the product with soap or stain remover.

How to remove old deodorant stains

Since it is easier to get rid of traces of sweat and deodorant when things are not worn, you need to wash them in a timely manner. However, even stale stains can be dealt with.

  1. Rub the stain thoroughly with laundry soap.
  2. Immerse in warm soapy solution and leave for 6–10 hours.
  3. Rinse several times.
  4. If traces remain, sprinkle with salt and rub with a soft brush.
  5. We wash, rinse and dry the item.

How to avoid deodorant marks

First, purchase a quality product. Secondly, use it correctly:

  • Apply only to dry armpits;
  • Spray the spray at a distance of 20 cm;
  • wait until it dries on the skin, only then put the item on.

You should wash your clothes by hand with soap and water as often as possible to avoid old stains. It is recommended to add soda to the water so as not to give dirt and bacteria a chance.

Clean and pleasant-smelling clothes are not only beautiful, but also good for health. But sometimes, even if you wear things carefully, antiperspirant stains may appear. Coping with this problem is not so difficult, the main thing is to choose the right product in accordance with the color and type of material.

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Deodorant can be not only a reliable hygiene product, but also a source of hassle. After all, even the most expensive and high-quality gels and aerosols can sometimes leave marks on clothes. But don’t rush to throw things away or run to the dry cleaner.

We are in website We have prepared 7 tricks for you that will help remove traces of deodorant from clothes, and at the end of the article you will find a small bonus.

Important point: Before using any of these products, test them first on an inconspicuous area of ​​your clothing.

1. Salt

This method will help deal with old stains that have become embedded in the fabric. Safe for both white and dark-colored items.

Take a pinch of salt. Wet the area of ​​fabric with the stain and sprinkle it with salt. Leave for 8–12 hours, preferably overnight. Then wet the item again, take some salt and lightly rub the fabric. After such “peeling”, put the item of clothing in the washing machine and wash it, choosing the appropriate mode.

2. Vinegar

Dampen the stains with vinegar and leave overnight. In the morning, wash your clothes as usual. This method will help save colored clothes, as well as clothes made of wool and other natural fabrics.

But white things should not be treated in this way - they may turn yellow. To prevent this from happening, you can use the whitening recipe at this link.

3. Lemon juice

With its help you can get rid of fresh traces of deodorant.

Squeeze a few drops of lemon juice onto the stain. Leave for 5-10 minutes. After this, wash the item manually in slightly warm water.

4. Liquid dishwashing detergent

The detergent can remove very stubborn stains, including those from deodorant.

Wash the stain with the product and leave for 30 minutes. Then rinse the clothes under running water.

5. Vodka or alcohol

These products are good at removing white stains from dark clothes.

To remove a stain, pour vodka or alcohol onto the damaged area and wait a few minutes. The effect should be visible almost immediately. Sometimes it is worth keeping alcohol or vodka on clothes longer, but no more than an hour. Then the item must be washed.

6. Ammonia

Ammonia is a reliable assistant in the fight against severe pollution. To get rid of whitish stains from deodorant, mix the product with water in a 50/50 ratio, wet the stain, and after a couple of minutes rinse the cloth well.

Even the best and most expensive deodorant can cause white marks on clothes. By itself, deodorant is easy to wash off, but if it gets mixed with sweat, then a simple task turns into a problem.

Causes of stains

White spots on black things are especially striking. An elegant black dress can be seriously ruined if traces of deodorant are not washed off in a timely manner. The same applies to T-shirts, turtlenecks, shirts and other black or colored clothing.

The cause of the stain is the composition of the deodorant. If you are interested in the question, you will find out that many sprays and stickers contain aluminum salts. They cause harm to our things by interacting with the liquid secreted by the human sweat glands. In addition, the composition includes fat-like substances, emulsifiers, solvents, fragrances and many other components that can leave behind stains that are difficult to remove.

They say that it is more difficult to remove traces of antiperspirant due to their composition, but let's look at the problem more broadly. Deodorant fights odor, antiperspirant reduces sweating. Most modern body products perform both of these functions, which means they can leave noticeable marks equally.

How can you eliminate conspicuous white spots and streaks on colored and black clothes, while eliminating the smell of sweat? There are several methods, which we will now familiarize ourselves with.

Delicate wash

Delicate items are washed by hand using baby soap:

  • fill a basin with cool water;
  • lather the stain;
  • wash it.

Usually a fresh trace of deodorant, even if it is mixed with traces of sweat, washes off well. Instead of baby soap, use mild glycerin soap or gel to wash dishes.

Thicker black fabric is washed from sweat using yellow-brown laundry soap. Although it has a specific smell, it perfectly removes many contaminants, including sweat and deodorant. Its alternative today is white soap like “Antipyatin”.

Products from the kitchen

Publicly available tools are:

  • salt;
  • vinegar;
  • vodka;
  • lemon.

We’ll talk about them, starting with salt.

Salt is used to remove deodorant stains from colored clothing. Yellow or white spots should be wetted and the cloth should be covered with salt, rubbing it in a little. Leave the item in this state overnight, and then wash off the salt, which should have an effect on the white spot by morning.

Alcohol helps remove stains on colored clothes. Medical alcohol diluted with water or pure vodka will do. The fabric is impregnated with it in those places where white or yellow stains from sweat have formed. They say that after an hour, alcohol dissolves unpleasant formations, and all that remains is to wash things in the washing machine.

You can use vinegar. Being an acid, it is able to dissolve the precipitate of salts and thereby save the item from stains left by the deodorant. Vinegar is not recommended for use on white items as it can make the situation worse and leave behind yellow marks. But it will suit colored clothes.

If you want to experiment, use freshly squeezed lemon juice instead of vinegar. It contains acid that removes stains. Apply the juice to the white stain and wait until the cloth dries before rinsing.

Yellowed fabric

If you see yellow spots on your clothes after using deodorant, it means that the product has mixed with sweat, and now it will be very difficult to wash it off. Yellow stains most often remain on white and colored clothes, and washing with powder or soap does not help get rid of them.

Since ammonia was obtained, it has been widely used in everyday life and medicine. Use it to remove stains from black clothes and you will understand why it is so popular. You will need to make a solution consisting of one part alcohol and four parts water. Wet the fabric generously with this solution, wait for it to take effect, and wash it off.

Acetylsalicylic acid contained in aspirin works well on stains. To use it, just grind a few tablets and dilute the resulting powder with water. White aspirin paste is applied to the stain, rubbed into the fabric and washed off after 2-3 hours.

To save colored clothes, you can prepare a mixture that includes baking soda, hydrogen peroxide and a little dishwashing detergent. You can determine the proportions yourself, whichever you like best. Usually add 1-2 teaspoons of detergent, since it foams well. You can take a little more peroxide and add enough soda to make a thick mixture.

The mixture is rubbed into the fabric if the deodorant stain cannot be washed off in any other way. For the mixture to take effect, you need to wait 2-3 hours. As a result, nothing remains of the yellow traces of sweat, as if they never existed. Even the corrosive smell, if there was one, disappears, and the fabric itself becomes fresh and soft.

Deodorant is very popular among not only women, but also men, as it helps cope with sweating and unpleasant odor. However, very often after using this product, white or yellowish marks remain on clothes. These stains are especially visible on black clothes. Let's figure out together whether it is possible to remove such stains and how to avoid their appearance in the future.

Causes of stains

Most of us apply this product immediately before putting on clothes and do not think that there are still some rules that, if followed, will help keep things clean. and cope with heavy sweating:

  • After applying any type of deodorant (aerosol, roll-on or hard stick) to the armpits, you need to wait some time for the product to dry. As a rule, this information is indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging. On average, it takes five to seven minutes to dry completely. Only after this time has passed can you put on your clothes without fear that they will get dirty.
  • Do not forget that any deodorant should be applied only to clean and dry skin. If there is moisture in the armpits, then applying a deodorizing agent on top will only make the situation worse. In this case, residual water or sweat will react with the deodorant, and the product will not be able to dry on the skin and provide protection throughout the day. In addition, the existing unpleasant odor from sweat will only intensify.

If, despite all the precautions, the appearance of stains could not be avoided, do not panic. There are a large number of methods that can be used at home without damaging your clothes and effectively washing them of white deodorant traces.

How to wash it?

Of course, many housewives know that black things, like colored ones, require careful care. After all, if washed incorrectly, a dark color can fade and lose its appearance.

Therefore, you should remember that black items should not be washed in hot water and should not be used with bleaching agents containing chlorine. It is best to use a special powder for such purposes, which allows you to preserve the original color of the product for a long time.

Try washing dirty black clothes in a regular washing machine. with the addition of concentrated dishwashing detergent to the powder. In this case, you must first wash the armpits with a sponge and leave the fabric to soak for half an hour. You will see that the end result will definitely please you.

You can also try removing deodorant stains using popular products commonly called stain removers. Among them the most popular are:

  • Vanish- a strong product, presented in the form of powders and gels, aimed at a specific type of clothing (for black, white and colored underwear). Easy to use.
  • Amway Pre Wash- not only strong, but also hypoallergenic. Available as a dry spray, easy to use.
  • Stain remover pencil from Faberlic It is a hard stick that removes most types of dirt, including old stains. Convenient to use, easy to use.
  • Dr. Beckmann Expert– a special product aimed at combating traces of deodorant and traces of sweat. The result is like a professional dry cleaner.
  • Help for washing dark and black fabrics - a special product that restores dark color, smoothes fibers and gently cleans soiled surfaces.
  • Powder ACE Oxi Magic Suitable for colored and white clothes only. It works great if you mix it with regular washing powder when washing.
  • Powder Bos plus Maximum Suitable for white laundry only. Returns a snow-white appearance even to gray and yellowed things.


When using various methods for removing white stains from black things, you need to know what types of fabrics a particular product is suitable for. It is also necessary to remember that you first need to test the product on an inconspicuous area of ​​the product so as not to spoil or damage it. In addition, the cleaning mass must be applied from the edge of the stain to the center. This is necessary so that the boundaries of the traces are erased and the contamination does not reappear.

So, the ways:

  • For cotton and linen clothing, such as shirts, you can use salt with ammonia. To do this, add a teaspoon of salt and the same amount of ammonia to one glass of warm water. Treat the area of ​​contamination with the prepared mixture, leave for a quarter of an hour, then wash as usual.

  • For thin silk fabrics, you will need a soap and salt solution. First, soak the item in soapy water and add a saline solution to it (a teaspoon per glass of warm water), wash it under your arms and leave for 10-15 minutes. Next, wash the item as usual.
  • It should be remembered that stains on black wool clothing can only be removed with a soap solution. Another method is not suitable for such things, since the product can be deformed. If you doubt your abilities, it is better to use dry cleaning services.

For any type of fabric you can use the following products:

  • Remove white spots from the armpits with regular vodka. To do this, apply the liquid to a sponge or cotton pad, rub into the contaminated surface and leave to soak for 5-10 minutes. Then wash your clothes as usual.
  • Lemon juice can quickly remove deodorant stains. Apply the liquid from half a lemon to the dirty surface, rub lightly and leave for three to five minutes. After which you need to wash the item in the usual way. But it is worth remembering that lemon has bleaching properties, so be sure to try the product on a small area of ​​the product before use.
  • Table vinegar will help get rid of traces of deodorant, including on colored items. Using a sponge or cotton pad, apply the product to dirty areas, lightly rub and soak the entire product overnight. Then wash your clothes as usual. It is important to remember that this method is not suitable for white things, since exposure to vinegar and fabric may cause unsightly yellow stains that will be almost impossible to remove.

  • Regular table salt will also help you. A pinch of salt is rubbed into the armpit area and the item is left to soak for 12 hours, after which it is necessary to wash and rinse the clothes well.

If you need to remove old deodorant stains that have become deeply ingrained into the material, you can use stronger methods:

  • Use a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda. You need to combine two tablespoons of baking soda and four of the same tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide. Apply the resulting paste to the spots under the arms, rub lightly and leave for a more complete effect for two hours. Next, you need to wash the item as usual. To obtain a better effect, you can also add one teaspoon of concentrated dishwashing detergent to this mixture.

  • One of the most powerful means is the use of ammonia. But you should resort to it only as a last resort, since the item may be damaged, for example, become lightened. Moreover, when working with this liquid, be sure to use rubber gloves to protect the skin of your hands. To prepare the solution, mix ammonia with water in a one to one ratio. Apply to the contaminated surface for about 3 minutes (no more), then rinse well and wash the clothes as usual.

To get rid of the unpleasant smell of ammonia, you can use a gel softener when washing.

  • Another powerful deodorant stain remover is industrial alcohol (denatured alcohol). It is applied to the stains and left for about forty minutes. Next, the item must be thoroughly rinsed and washed as usual.
  • And this remedy will help you if you use it immediately after taking off your clothes. Oddly enough, in this case you only need a nylon stocking or sock. Wipe the contaminated areas of clothing with this cloth; the deodorant will be easily removed and you will not have to use strong products.
