How to iron clothes without an iron. How to iron clothes without an ironing board

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When there is no iron nearby, but you need to look perfect, time-tested methods will come to the rescue. How to iron things without an iron depends on the type of product and fabric. There is an option for every item.

  1. When washing, set the mode "easy iron" or without folds. Shake the laundry vigorously after washing. Spread out, straighten out. Hang dry or lay flat to dry.
  2. Buy things with synthetic fibers in the composition. They make the fabric dimensionally stable, it wrinkles less.
  3. On a trip, fold clothes in rolls, rollers. Do not take natural materials on the road.
  4. How to iron without an iron? Products with sleeves are ironed with steam. Straight trousers, skirts, t-shirts are flattened under pressure. Tongs remove folds, creases on small objects, edges of products. A wet towel is suitable for wool.

how they ironed when there were no irons

Ways to iron without an iron

It is not always at hand or may break. Sometimes, before a crucial moment in the house, electricity can be turned off. You need to know about methods that will help make things even without an iron.


This is the old proven way. It is widely used in dry cleaners. Clothes are steamed at home.

Bath method:

  1. Close the drain plug, collect the most hot water. Hang the necessary thing on a coat hanger.
  2. Carefully fasten them over the bath so that they do not fall. Close the bathroom from the outside.
  3. After 20 minutes, pick up an even thing. Leave to dry on hangers.

Convenient for those whose iron has broken since the evening. The clothes will have time to dry before morning.

Tip: if the fabric is a little wrinkled, you need to boil a pot of water and hold it over it. For very wrinkled, a bath is suitable.

With a kettle:

  • boil the kettle, bring the spout to each crease;
  • hang until dry.

Suitable if the clothes are recently or not very wrinkled. You can smooth out a couple of large creases.


If you do not want to mess with hot steam, water methods are recommended.

Ironing without an iron with a wet towel:

  1. Wet a large towel. Lay an oilcloth on the floor or table.
  2. Place a towel on top. Distribute on it, smooth out the necessary clothes with your hands.
  3. When it becomes even, hang to dry.

The method helps knitted products: sweaters, jumpers, cardigans.

"Manual" method:

  • wash hands with soap, moisten abundantly;
  • smooth the material on both sides.

Everything will work out if there are no strong folds.

Simple options for ironing a small piece of clothing on vacation:

  • sprinkle it with water;
  • hold firmly with your hands, shake vigorously.

This method works on T-shirts, light dresses, skirts, shirts.

electrical appliances

Hair curlers will help iron your trousers without an iron. It is necessary to heat them up to the required temperature.

Then, one by one, clamp the problem areas. Use tongs to smooth out creases in skirts or ties.

Easy to iron with a hair dryer:

  • moisten the cloth a little;
  • spread out or hang on a coat hanger;
  • direct hot air, observe smoothing.

Important: before use, the tool must be degreased. Otherwise, styling products will remain on the clothes.

Lightweight fabrics are ironed in this way.


You can quickly iron a small tie, bow tie or handkerchief with a light bulb. It is heated, the product is taken, it is carried out in both directions. Do from the wrong side, so as not to contaminate the material.

A hot mug will save small T-shirts. It is necessary to fill it with boiling water and wait until heated. Lay out the clothes and run through them like an iron. It is convenient to use - there is a handle.

If necessary, a pan will help to iron a large item. The method is the same as with the mug. It will turn out to make even bed linen.

Other Methods

A long but effective way is pressure. There are two options. Things are placed under the mattress. Before this, it is necessary to carefully smooth out all the folds and creases. The second option is to roll it into a tight roll and put it under the mattress. In the morning you will get a smooth product.

Acetic solution will help to smooth a shirt, t-shirt, skirt, trousers:

  • combine 3 parts of water and 1 vinegar 9%;
  • pour the composition into a spray bottle and spray on a wrinkled fabric;
  • dry it outside or on the balcony.

The acetic aroma will quickly disappear, while taking odors from the material (burnt, food, fat) with it. The method does not leave stains.

If the hotel does not have an iron, you can iron a slightly wrinkled item in the shower. The door to the bathroom is closed and clothes are left on hangers while taking a shower.

How to iron a shirt without an iron:

  • spread out on a flat surface and stretch to the sides;
  • put a heavy object on top or sit on it;
  • with strong creases, moisten them a little.

This method is suitable for small items of clothing - skirts, t-shirts, shorts.

It is not difficult to iron things without an iron. It is important to choose the most suitable option.

You can also watch a video that tells how to iron things without an iron:

Iron- an essential assistant in the life of every housewife. With its help, we make sure that the clothes look beautiful and attractive, without creases and folds. But there may be situations when it is not possible to use it. For example, they turned off the electricity in the house, or it broke down.

There are options on how to iron things without an iron - 10 ways can definitely help with this.

Ways to iron things without using an iron

Before the advent of electric irons, people also had a need to iron their clothes, which they satisfied even without special small household appliances. Some of them can be used in everyday life.

Especially they can come in handy on a business trip or on vacation, when there is no equipment at hand. And you don’t want to walk around in crumpled clothes anyway. So, let's look at ways that work flawlessly and help get rid of warehouses and rumpled clothes.

  • Use steam. Such methods may vary depending on what is at hand. All of them are based on the effect on the crumpled thing of the steam formed when water is overheated. For example, you can use a kettle.

If the thing is small, you can place it near the spout of the kettle, from which a stream of steam will come out. Alternatively, you can boil water in a pot and place a piece of clothing over it. If you need to smooth a large item, such as a sheet or a men's sweater, you will need more steam area. To do this, you need to take a bath with hot water, hang things on a coat hanger and hang them over the bath for 30-40 minutes. Under the influence of steam, the wrinkles on things will be smoothed out, and they will not look wrinkled.

ATTENTION! It is worth considering that after this method it will take some more time for things to dry.

  • Heated metal mug. To do this, you need to pour boiling water into it and gently drive over the clothes. The metal surface will heat up and begin to smooth the fabric.

IMPORTANT! Make sure the bottom part that will be in contact with the fabric is clean.

Instead of a mug, you can use any other metal container filled with boiling water. For example, a ladle or a small saucepan. In order not to burn yourself, it is better to carry out the procedure with an oven mitt or a towel in your hand.

  • Use a damp towel. This option is well suited for woolen items: sweaters, pullovers, cardigans. And also for t-shirts and pullovers. In order to smooth clothes using this method, you will need a towel slightly larger than the item itself. The towel should be lightly moistened and laid out on a hard surface (table or floor). After that, put the rumpled clothes on top and straighten the folds with your hands. After some time, the folds will be smoothed out, and the clothes will need to be dried a little.
  • Use a special "smoothing" solution. For its preparation, components are required that are always at hand, or they can be easily found in the public domain.

All you need is water, vinegar and fabric softener. They are mixed in equal proportions (1/1/1). The resulting solution is poured into a spray bottle. After that, it is sprayed on the creases and folds in the clothes until they are eliminated. Then it takes a little time for the thing to dry.

  • Stroke with wet hands. This method is only suitable for thin fabrics that do not form strong creases. You just need to wet your hands and make smoothing movements with your palms.

  • Hot bulb. It is necessary to apply this method very carefully so as not to burn yourself and not leave a stain on your clothes. The hot light bulb is carefully unscrewed from the ceiling in compliance with all safety measures. It is advisable to wrap the fabric around the base so as not to burn yourself. The fabric to be smoothed is placed on a hard surface with the wrong side up. A hot bulb passes through the folds and creases.
  • You can put the fabric under a heavy press or weight its ends by attaching some kind of weight to them. The thing needs to be carefully straightened and put on a flat hard surface, and covered with a press on top (it can be a book, a pot of water) or put clothes under the mattress for the night on which they will sleep.

To smooth the trousers in this way, you can attach a small weight to each leg at the bottom. Pants first need to be moistened and hung on a hanger;

  • Hot bank. It is suitable for smoothing small items: T-shirts, ties, scarves or thin scarves. Jeans or a sweater to smooth out in this way, unfortunately, will not work. To use this method, you will need a 3-liter bottle filled with hot water. The thing to be smoothed is wrapped around the jar and the water is allowed to cool. As a rule, this time is enough to save clothes from small warehouses and creases.
  • Hair straightener. This method is more familiar to girls who are faced with a straightener almost every day. But not everyone knows that they can straighten not only hair, but also slightly wrinkled clothes.

Of course, it should be understood that small areas of thin fabric can be smoothed in this way. For example, the sleeves of footballs or the legs of knitted shorts.

  • Proper drying. It can help solve the problem with smoothing. The fact is that in a properly dried item, creases and folds may not appear at all, which means that there will be nothing to iron. In order for the clothes to dry and immediately acquire a presentable appearance, you need to shake them well before hanging them up. It is best to hang to dry on a coat hanger, shake occasionally during the drying process.

These simple ways will help you put your clothes in order and not walk in a wrinkled blouse on a business trip or not on vacation.

Every modern home has an iron that helps to put things in order in a matter of minutes, however, when we go on a business trip or on a camping trip, we lose this opportunity. There are also situations when, before a very important meeting that requires an impeccable appearance, the iron breaks or the light is suddenly turned off in the apartment. Using one of our tips, you can iron your clothes without resorting to the help of an iron.

No time? The fastest way to iron things without an iron!

We offer you to watch a video that clearly demonstrates three ways of alternative ironing things.

The most effective ways to iron clothes without an iron


Steaming is one of the most effective ways to take care of your clothes. In order not to put on wet clothes, they should be steamed in the evening.

After filling the bath with hot water, hang clothes over it and hold until the creases and folds are completely straightened. After that, the steamed things are transferred to a dry room so that they have time to dry well overnight. This method is especially good for smoothing lush wedding dresses.

To steam small things, their details or individual folds, you can use the kettle: just hold them over the steam coming out of its spout. In order not to spoil the thing, the distance to the kettle must be at least 30 cm.


An equally effective and popular way to iron things without an iron is pressing. You can use your own mattress as a press. After carefully smoothing the clothes with your hands, you can put them under the mattress all night. This method, which allows you to get perfectly even creases on your trousers, can help out those who are on a business trip and do not have access to an iron.

Stroking the kettle

A good substitute for an iron can be any metal container filled with boiling water: a large mug, saucepan, Turk, saucepan or ladle. So that the water does not cool down longer, it is better to boil it in the dishes that will be used as an iron.
The procedure is simple: having laid out the necessary thing on the ironing board, they begin to iron it, wielding a hot container like an iron. Periodically changing the water to a hotter one, you can iron things quite well even from very dense fabrics (for example, jeans or a jacket).

Important! To avoid stains on clothes, use immaculately clean dishes to iron them. When using a mug, it is necessary to use an oven mitt to prevent burns.

Hair straightener

As an iron, hairdressing tools can be used: a curling iron or an “iron” for hair. With their help, you can gently smooth out the edges of clothes, the collar and even the creases on the trousers. Heating the tongs to the highest possible temperature, first touch them to an inconspicuous part of the clothing to make sure that they do not damage its fabric. If the test was successful, they grab the trouser arrow with a heated “iron” and, without opening the tongs, carry it out to its end. Collars and shirt cuffs are ironed in the same way.


To smooth a delicate woolen thing, you need to moisten a thick terry towel with hot water, put it on top of a damp cloth, carefully spreading it with your hands. After the disappearance of the folds, it can be hung on a coat hanger and dried well.

For those who don't like ironing:

So, we are convinced that there are many ways that make it possible to look quite respectable, despite force majeure and the absence of an iron.

Thanks to the development of technology, ironing things has become easier than ever. However, it is important not only to iron thoughtlessly, but also to do it correctly in order to save not only time and effort, but also not to ruin your clothes. In addition, there are many tricks with which you can extend the life of things and even return a decent look to not new clothes.

Where to begin?

First you need to consider the tag on things and find out the required temperature regime, which depends on the composition of the fabric. Items made of linen are ironed at a temperature of 190-230°C; cotton - 165-190 ° C; woolen - 140-165 ° C; from natural silk - 115-140 ° C; viscose - 85-115 ° C.

It is important to position the ironing board conveniently so that it falls on the left side (if you are right-handed), and the cord does not interfere. If there is no special board, then you can use the table by covering it with a blanket.

Correct ironing technology

It is necessary to iron from right to left, starting from the wide part of the thing towards the narrow one. You should drive the iron along a straight thread along and across the fabric, otherwise you can pull it unevenly. Things tailored along the oblique are also ironed along the shared thread.

When ironing, do not pull the fabric. The thing needs to be laid out evenly, the way it should look when finished. First of all, small details are ironed: sleeves, collars, cuffs, pockets, embroidery, lace. Clothes made of dark fabric are always ironed inside out.

    Do you iron things according to the rules?

Dresses and skirts

At the skirt or first smooth the upper part (neckline, collar, shoulders) and only then the hem. Iron first across, and then along the product, straightening the formed folds with the tip of the iron. In all women's products, the vertical darts are ironed towards the middle, and the chest darts are pressed down.

Iron first across, and then along the product, straightening the formed folds with the tip of the iron.

So that when ironing a dress, seams and darts are not imprinted on the fabric, you must first iron the dress as a whole, and then bring the iron under the allowance and carefully smooth out the remaining traces. For a product made of thick fabric, the hem should be ironed carefully, without stretching the fabric, ironing the fold line and only slightly steaming the place of the hemming.

So that skirts and dresses with corrugations and pleats do not lose their shape, before washing with a thin thread, the edges of all folds are sewn with large loose stitches, things are dried on a hanger, straightening and pulling the folds well in the right direction. With this preparation, ironing the folds is not difficult.

Classic suits

Jackets and jackets begin to iron from the sleeves, and first iron their lining, for which they use an additional small board. After that, the top of the jacket and the floors are ironed around from side to side, then the collar, back and, finally, the lining. Lastly iron the sides. However, the jacket does not need to be ironed if you hang it over a basin of steam and let it hang.

Pants need to be ironed quite often, because they quickly lose the line of the front crease with wear. Ironing starts from the inside - from the seams and pockets. Every leg ironing separately - from the bottom up, firmly pressing the edges with an iron, first from the side of the step, and then the side seams. After that, iron the belt from the face and inside out. To keep the arrows longer, you need to rub them with soap from the inside, and stroke them from the outside through gauze dipped in vinegar.

Men's shirts

It should be moderately damp, and the iron should be well heated for ironing to be as effective as possible.

When ironing cuffs, be sure to unbutton them, straighten them on an ironing board and iron on both sides.

They start ironing from the collar, straightening it well and ironing it first from the inside, and then from the outside. When ironing cuffs, be sure to unbutton them, straighten them on an ironing board and iron on both sides.

After that, you can go to the sleeves using a special small board. In conclusion, they iron the skirts of the shirt and the back, paying special attention to the buttons and openings, carefully ironing them.


Knitwear can lose its shape after washing and ironing, so these clothes are ironed from the inside while it is slightly damp. You should not actively drive the iron over the thing - it is better to just gently apply it to the fabric in succession. The ironed thing is advised to lay out on the ironing board and give it time to dry and cool.

Cotton linens, tablecloths and towels

Cotton underwear is also best ironed when damp, sprinkling it with hot water: overdried linen absorbs cold water worse. Wet linen is rolled up and left to rest for a short time for uniform moistening and only then ironed.

To return things to their original shape, broken by washing, they are leveled by pulling on the ends. Large items (duvet covers, sheets, tablecloths) are folded in four and ironed each part separately. Bed linen is ironed from the front side and only places with embroidery - from the inside. When ironing handkerchiefs, napkins, towels, tablecloths, first smooth the edges, and then the middle.

Silk and wool products

After washing, it is recommended not to hang silk products on a rope, but wrap them in a dry terry towel. Silk items are ironed slightly damp, but they should not be splashed, otherwise water stains will appear. It is best to briefly wrap the product in a wet cloth. Silk is best ironed from the wrong side with a moderately heated iron through a thin fabric. However, light-colored silks are best ironed on the front side.

Silk is best ironed from the wrong side with a moderately heated iron through a thin fabric.

Wool shrinks easily, so iron it only through a damp cloth from the wrong side at a temperature of 150-165 ° C. If you still need to iron on the front side, then in order to avoid the appearance of shine, make sure that the fabric is damp enough and the iron is hot. Products made of wool are precisely ironed, rearranging it from place to place. This method saves the thing from deformation.

Some woolen items do not need to be ironed. It is enough to hang them on hangers over a bathtub filled with hot water. If woolen things shrink during washing, they are moistened by spraying with water, allowed to rest and ironed through a rag, stretched to the desired size. But after ironing, you can not leave such a thing wet, otherwise it may sit down again.

Fleecy fabrics

Fabrics with long pile, camel hair, velor, soft varieties of drape should be ironed from the inside and do it on a soft surface and without strong pressure. It is best to iron such products with steam and without final ironing through a dry cloth.

You should never iron velvet, otherwise you can damage its surface. It is better to hold the thing over a boiling kettle and straighten it so that the wrinkles disappear.

Extra delicate items

Before ironing, lace should be starched and ironed with the nose of the iron, trying not to wrinkle the edges. Often, before washing, lace products are sewn with large stitches to a piece of white fabric and then ironed with it. This facilitates the work and allows the pattern to appear more clearly.

When ironing lace products, it is important to know which threads are included in the fabric. Openwork items made of cotton threads are ironed from the wrong side through a wet fabric. Do not forget that synthetic lace is afraid of a hot iron. Thin silk linen is stored washed, but not ironed.

Synthetic items

When ironing synthetic items, it is important to follow the temperature regime indicated on the product label and do not leave the iron in one place for a long time. Otherwise, melting may occur, at first imperceptible, but then appearing in the form of spots.

Shaping the product

To make the pockets and edges of products more dense and collected, they should be ironed with pressing - align their edges, cover with a damp cloth and leave the iron on them for two to three seconds. Then cover with a dry cloth and press until completely dry.

If the seam needs to be pulled out, then it is covered with a damp cloth, carefully pulled and straightened with the left hand, and ironed with the right hand.

If, on the contrary, it is necessary to shorten the stretched seam, it is ironed at a very high temperature through a damp cloth, pressing the iron from time to time and allowing the steam to saturate the entire fabric. Continue this until the fabric is completely dry.

Take care of the iron and ironing board

A soiled iron sole can be cleaned with vinegar diluted in water or with special products, but cannot be scraped off with a knife.

To prevent the appearance of limescale, fill the iron not with tap water, but with distilled or filtered water.

If you put a sheet of foil under the upholstery of your ironing board, it will reflect and save heat.

To clean the steam iron, pour vinegar and water in equal parts into the steam chamber, evaporate the mixture and leave for 5 minutes. After cooling, as soon as the water is poured out, the scale particles will soak and fall off.

You can extend the life of your ironing board by spraying it with starch spray and ironing it with a hot iron. And if you put a sheet of foil under the upholstery of the ironing board, it will reflect and save heat.

Little tricks

If things are neatly dried and folded, then ironing them will be much easier.

In no case should clothes with stains be ironed, otherwise they will be very difficult or even impossible to remove.

Metal threads in fabrics can withstand only very little heat and do not tolerate moisture: they lose their luster and become dull. You also need to be careful with buttons, because touching them with an iron, you can melt the fastener and ruin the whole thing.

If at ironing Brilliant stripes appeared on the fabric, they are moistened with water and the shiny area is ironed through a dry fabric.

You can add luxury to things by using a scented spray.

Ironed things should not be immediately put on or put in a closet, but it is better to let them cool for about a couple of hours - this will save them from deformation and jamming.

In a non-standard situation, when there are no household appliances or the electricity is out, ironing clothes can also be done and is not difficult at all. Home remedies and tricks tested by experienced housewives will help out in force majeure circumstances. It remains to arm yourself with patience and have a margin of time.

incandescent lamp

An ordinary round-shaped lamp, when heated, is able to correct wrinkled areas and give a presentable look to small things. The method is intended for natural fabrics, and synthetics should be handled with care. After turning on the lamp, you need to wait until the lamp warms up. For this, 10-15 minutes is enough. Now unscrew and run over the surface of a dry, straightened fabric, smoothing out the wrinkle. It is better to act from the wrong side. Before use, thoroughly clean the lamp from dust and dirt, so as not to stain clothes.

Heated dishes

The easiest and most affordable way to iron without an iron is to use an iron mug with hot water. This is what our ancestors did before the advent of the iron. It is enough to cook boiling water, fill the mug halfway and iron.

If there is a metal pan with a clean bottom without burning, then you need to boil water in it and drain it. Use the dishes as an iron. Unfortunately, the walls cool down quickly, and the heating will have to be repeated.

Rolling pin for dough

A rolling pin will help to iron a T-shirt, trousers or a napkin. The wet product must be carefully placed between the towels, align the arrows. Screw everything onto the rocking chair and roll it several times with pressure on a solid base.

The familiar electric iron appeared in 1882, when the American inventor Henry Seeley patented it. Prior to this, heavy metal irons were heated in a furnace or filled with hot coals.


High temperatures are able to smooth out textile materials. Contact with the hot soleplate successfully replaces steam, which is especially true for delicate fabrics such as tulle.

Hot water and a shower head will help straighten light clothes, a shirt or a jacket. It must be positioned so that the flow is directed to a wall or horizontal surface. Put the clothes on the coat hanger and hang on the bracket. It is important that water flow or splashes do not fall on the fabric. Close the shower doors and the room tightly. Hold in a moist cloud for 10-20 minutes. After that, turn off the tap, and put on the thing and do not take it off until it dries. At first it will be uncomfortable, but effective. The advantage of the method is that the steam is always at a constant temperature.

In the absence of a shower, fill the bath with hot water and hang textiles over it. The steam will soften the fibers, and the creases will disperse. The usual procedure takes half an hour.

Steam from a kettle can give a smart look to a small thing. It is enough to place the product over the spout with steam coming out of it. Care must be taken not to burn yourself. The disadvantage of this method is that you have to heat the contents several times.

Advice! Proper drying and spinning will help not waste time ironing. When washing clothes, do not twist and wring out strongly. It is recommended to leave it in a straightened form for the natural drainage of water so that there are fewer creases on the fabric. Shake and dry on a flat or coat hanger.

saving moisture

Water is able to give the appearance of products of complex shape. Several methods of application are known:

  1. Just moisten the thing from the spray bottle and put it on. Do the procedure 20-30 minutes before going out.
  2. Sprinkle a thin T-shirt or blouse with water and shake vigorously for 2-3 minutes.
  3. Wet hands will help to quickly get rid of small folds. Palms should be simultaneously held on the fabric on both sides with a little pressure.
  4. Knitted sweaters and sweaters reanimate a damp towel. Terry textiles are immersed in a container of water and squeezed. It is spread on a horizontal surface, and then the clothes are laid out. Moisture will be absorbed into the fibers and unevenness will disappear in a few hours. It remains to hang the thing on a wide coat hanger to dry.


The pressure on the fabric can relieve creases in a skirt or jeans, but this will take time. Spread the crumpled thing on the bed frame and carefully cover with a mattress, moisten if necessary. Overnight, small and deep folds will disperse on clothes. The mattress can be replaced with any suitable heavy object, such as a stack of books. Stretch the affected area before pressing.

Acetic solution

Vinegar diluted with water in equal amounts. The resulting composition is placed in a spray bottle. Hang clothes on a coat hanger or lay them out on a table. Work evenly with the solution until the fabric is moistened. Wait for natural drying. Thus, it is possible to straighten the curtains by placing them directly on the cornice.

There is another equally effective way of "chemical" ironing. It is necessary to mix in equal parts vinegar 9%, cold water and fabric softener or rinse aid. Mix the components thoroughly until smooth. Spray onto clothing in an even layer. After drying things, the folds will disappear without a trace. It is worth noting that the solution does not leave stains, so you do not have to worry.

Life hack! You can quickly iron curtains or bedding in a washing machine with a dryer function. Place clothes and a few ice cubes in the drum. Turn on the desired mode. In just 10 minutes, everything will be perfectly smooth.

Own weight

Flattening the fabric under its own weight or the "smooth dry" method is simple and effective. Hang a dress or pants that are damp after washing and fix the position. Place in a ventilated area until dry. Under the influence of gravity, the irregularities on the fabric will disperse.

steam generator

If relations with the iron do not add up, then there is a worthy alternative - a steam generator or steamer. The device will cope with bruises even more successfully than an iron.

Hair straightener

Using hair tongs is a simple and affordable way to restore a locally wrinkled shirt, collar or cuffs, draw arrows on trousers, straighten a tie and eliminate furrows in a skirt. Heat the device to a temperature corresponding to the type of tissue or set the medium mode. Clamp the problem area between the plates and hold for 2-3 s. Repeat if necessary.

Advice! Before use, carefully wipe the contact surface of the tongs from the remnants of styling products to avoid stains.

Important Points

In order not to torment yourself with ironing, you need to take care of this in advance. Buy clothes from the "right" fabric that does not wrinkle. This property depends on the composition. Synthetic additives contribute to the spontaneous smoothing of the fabric after washing. But cotton products are very wrinkled.

When traveling and for storage, fold things correctly. It is recommended to place clothes rolled into rolls in a suitcase. So after extraction it will look good.

When machine washing, pay attention to the spin settings or use the “no folds” option. At the maximum speed of rotation of the drum, a minimum of creases will remain on the fabric. However, clothing should not be subjected to such extreme exposure all the time. From this, things wear out faster and lose their attractiveness.
