How to properly store a mink coat in summer. Rules for storing mink coats at home

In order for a fur product to last for many years, you must follow some simple rules and recommendations for storage and wear. Many people wonder how to store a mink coat so that it does not lose its original appearance and thermal qualities for a long time. Let's look at how to create the necessary conditions for keeping fur products at home.

How not to handle a fur coat

  1. A mink coat cannot be soaked and washed entirely, ironed or dried with a hairdryer.
  2. If the fur is wet, it is strictly forbidden to dry the item on a radiator or heater.
  3. The product should not hang close to other things or come into contact with them.
  4. Do not apply perfume on or near fur.

How to store a fur coat: simple secrets

Preparing a fur product

If you are looking for a way to properly store a mink coat at home, then you must initially devote time to properly preparing the product.

Thoroughly clean the product from dust and dirt. To do this, shake it vigorously several times, and then walk with a special brush both on the outside and on the inside.

If the mink surface needs to be cleaned of grease, use available means for this: talc, starch or flour. They are good absorbents and quickly absorb excess fat.

It will be enough to apply the loose product for half an hour, then shake off or sweep away with a soft brush. To prevent contamination, take your mink items to the dry cleaner at least once a year.

After cleaning the fur, the mink item must be well ventilated and dried. To do this, hang the fur coat on hangers and leave it for several days in a dark, cool room with good air circulation. It is better to choose a wooden hanger that is suitable in size so that the sleeves do not become deformed during storage.

Finally, fasten the buttons and pockets, remove the accessories and place the mink item in the case.

Choosing a good case

Owners often face the question of which case to keep their mink coat in. First of all, when choosing, you should pay attention to the material; it should allow air to pass through well. Cotton and linen sheaths cope with this: they create an air layer around the fur coat and preserve the fur qualities.

Plastic bags are absolutely not suitable.

Summer storage

When the cold season ends, you need to decide how to store a mink coat in the summer at home. First you need to choose the right storage location. A spacious closet or dressing room is suitable for this.

To avoid creases and abrasions of fur, the product should not come into contact with other things. Then take care of the correct temperature in the room: the air should be cool (the best option is from 0 to +10ºС), and the humidity should be within 45%.

To prevent the fur from fading, it is necessary to avoid direct sunlight. The storage location should be well ventilated, and once every 2-3 months, take the mink coat for several hours closer to the windows or to the balcony for ventilation.

If you do not dare to keep a fur coat at home, place it in a special freezer, where the required temperature is maintained and other rules for storing mink products are observed. Many dry cleaners offer this service in the summer. To the question of whether it is possible to store a fur coat in a home freezer, the answer is negative; A food freezer is not suitable for this purpose.

A mink coat is without a doubt one of the “girls’ best friends.” Despite the ardent indignation of nature lovers and animal defenders, a woman looks chic in natural fur. How to properly store a mink coat so that it remains beautiful and warm for all ten seasons for which a mink is on average designed?

A mink coat is beautiful and warm. How to store it in winter and summer, read our article

For obvious reasons, storage of fur products can be divided into two states: current - during the cold period when you wear them, and long-term, when you send your furs for “preservation”. In this article we will look in detail at the subtleties and nuances of storage, but first, a little theory, from which all subsequent practical advice follows.

Features of the structure of natural mink fur

The fur consists of individual hairs of different types:

  • the guides are the longest, protruding above the hairline, elastic and rigid. They set the direction (as is clear from their name) in which the fur lies;
  • guard hairs - shorter and thicker than guides, they represent the main type of hair, reliably cover the fluff and prevent it from rolling and matting (into felt);
  • downy (underfur) – thin, soft and short hairs, the most numerous (in fur-bearing animals there are 94-98%); form a thick and warm bottom layer.

Your fur coat can be made from regular or specially processed fur - sheared, plucked - with trimmed or plucked guide and guard hairs. The hair layer is located on the skin tissue (mesh), in which each hair is naturally strengthened.

Concluding the theoretical digression, we conclude: the appearance of a fur product, the ability to preserve its aesthetic and practical properties for a long time depend on the conditions of keeping fur-bearing animals, high-quality tanning of the skin, fur processing, competent tailoring and proper care.

Winter care for a mink coat

You should wear a mink coat often and with pleasure! The fur must breathe and be ventilated. It is clear that weather and everyday conditions for your favorite fur coat will not always be favorable. It’s not very often in our climate that frosty, dry days with little clouds occur, and you have the opportunity to walk comfortably.

Wear mink as often as possible, the fur must “breathe”

Fur has the ability to dry out, break, absorb odors, get wet, change color, etc. Therefore, pay attention to a few simple rules:

  1. Avoid places with a high density of people and smoky rooms.
  2. Stand when traveling on public transport. It is advisable not to lean against other passengers or lean on walls.
  3. If you use a personal car, then when getting into the cabin, carefully smooth out the fur coat underneath you and do not get carried away with heated seats. Be sure to unbutton long models to the waist, or even better, take them off and carefully place them in a free space or throw them over your shoulders. When leaving the car, straighten and fasten your fur coat well along its entire length.
  4. For long fur coats whose owners travel on foot, there is another harmful factor - de-icing chemicals used to treat asphalt. Raise the hem of your fur coat and, while walking through the slush, constantly hold it with your hand.
  5. Avoid wearing shoulder bags, wrist watches and bracelets, waist belts (especially those with large buckles), heavy jewelry, and shawls over a fur coat. Due to constant mechanical friction, the fur will wrinkle, and bald spots and bald spots will form on it.
  6. Do not engage in “fur piercing” by pinning brooches and other accessories to it - traces of punctures and abrasions will not go away later.
  7. Beware of pouring perfume and eau de toilette onto your fur coat. Substances containing alcohol cause fur to deteriorate, and the smell is absorbed for a very long time and can become unpleasant over time.
  8. Decorative cosmetics (lipstick, foundation, powder, blush) with constant contact with fur stain and clog it. Therefore, it is better not to allow exposed skin to come into contact with the collar of a fur coat; it is recommended to wear a headscarf or scarf underneath it.

Wear a headscarf or scarf under your collar to protect your fur from decorative cosmetics.

What harms a fur coat

Natural and weather factors cause great harm to natural fur:

  • sunlight. It causes fur (especially light or dyed) to fade and acquire undesirable and uneven shades;
  • high temperature (above 25℃). The heat dries out the flesh, which becomes inelastic and brittle, and the pile - it quickly becomes dull, breaks and actively crumbles;
  • humidity (above 60%). Fur absorbs water well, which leads to the appearance of an unpleasant odor, deformation of the interior and irreversible damage.

Natural factors harm fur; avoid rain, snow and bright sun

If your fur coat gets wet in the rain or sleet, be sure to dry it immediately upon returning home. Shake it off first to remove any remaining water; Additionally, you can blot the fur with a dry cloth. Then simply hang the fur coat on hangers (wide wooden ones), button it up and leave it in an open space indoors without direct sunlight or drafts. To speed up drying, you should absolutely not use heating devices, a hairdryer or an oven - regular room temperature is enough.

Helpful advice: You can remove minor dirt or small stains yourself. Lay the area of ​​the fur coat that needs cleaning on a flat surface, sprinkle it with talcum powder (flour or starch), lightly rub it with your palm in the direction of the pile, remove any remaining powder with a soft cloth, shake off the fur coat and go over it with a special fur brush.

Read more about how you can clean mink fur yourself.

Do not carry the bag on your shoulder or elbow (constant mechanical friction will cause the fur to wrinkle)

Storing mink coats in summer

After a season of active wear, the fur coat should be carefully inspected outside and inside, and if necessary, take it to a dry cleaner or to a fur studio for restoration of damaged parts. It is easier to change a lining, especially a light one, every 2-3 years than to clean it.

For summer storage, fur coats can be placed in specially designed refrigeration chambers at dry cleaners or fur salons, where optimal conditions are maintained: temperature 10-12 ℃, humidity within 50-60%, constant ventilation. The fur coat will be fine there, specialists will look after it, and if necessary, they will clean and repair it, but you will have to pay a considerable amount for such a service. Many people prefer to store mink coats at home.

Principles of home storage of mink coats

Home storage involves following the same rules: you need to provide a dark, cool place, plenty of free space to place it separately from other things, smooth wooden hangers that fit the size.

The fur coat must be completely buttoned up and a cover made of natural “breathable” fabric should be put on top of it: cotton, linen, etc. Polyethylene or vacuum covers can only be used for short-term packaging, for example, during transportation. It is advisable to wash the fabric cover first and make sure that it does not fade. Otherwise, your fur items may acquire unexpected shades.

Once every 2-3 months, the fur coat must be taken out and aired for several hours in the room or on the balcony. In summer, carry out this procedure on dry, cool days to avoid exposure to heat and direct sunlight. By the way, the ventilation rule also applies to warm winters, when you do not wear your furs and do not go outside in them.

Numerous climate control companies offer special refrigeration units for storing fur coats at home. Determine the size of the refrigerator based on your needs. The advantages of such an installation: fur products are always at your fingertips, storage takes place in ideal conditions, you don’t need to worry that the salon (if you put your fur coat in storage) will somehow ruin the fur coat. The main disadvantages: the high cost of such equipment and the need to allocate space in the house for installation.

To prevent the appearance of moths and its catastrophic consequences, various insecticidal agents are used where fur items are stored. Aerosol preparations cannot be sprayed onto a fur coat; in extreme cases, they can be used to treat the cover. Naphthalene and other “chemicals” in the form of plates or tablets often have a sharp, characteristic odor that lingers in the fur for a long time. Therefore, the majority of votes are for natural “mole repellents,” that is, aromatic herbs and essential oils.

Among the recommended ones are lavender, chamomile, mint, valerian, tobacco, tansy, and zest. Dried herbs or pieces of citrus peel are filled into natural fabric bags (sachets) and placed in pockets, under the collar and cuffs of a fur coat, in a case, on shelves and the bottom of a closet. The sachets need to be changed every 2-3 months, that is, during scheduled airing of the fur coat.

Can mink coats be stored in the freezer?

On many forums there are discussions on the topic: is it possible to store a mink coat in the freezer? Judging by the answers, it is possible. Some believe that this method keeps the fur “toned” and even stops shedding.

If you have a lot of free space in your freezer and are ready for risky experiments, try storing your mink coat frozen. But we cannot guarantee that it will definitely “remain like new” (quote from the forum).

Video from YouTube on the topic of the article:

Do you know that:

Threads made of gold and silver, which were used to embroider clothes in the old days, are called gimp. To obtain them, the metal wire was pulled for a long time with pliers to the required fineness. This is where the expression “to drag out the rigmarole” came from - “to do long, monotonous work” or “to delay the completion of a task.”

There are special traps to combat moths. The sticky layer with which they are covered contains female pheromones that attract males. By sticking to the trap, they are eliminated from the reproduction process, which leads to a decrease in the moth population.

If your favorite things show the first signs of gestation in the form of untidy pellets, you can get rid of them using a special machine - a shaver. It quickly and effectively shaves off clumps of fabric fibers and returns things to their proper appearance.

The easiest way to remove scale and carbon deposits from the soleplate of the iron is with table salt. Pour a thick layer of salt onto the paper, heat the iron to maximum and run the iron over the salt bed several times, applying light pressure.

Stretch ceilings made of PVC film can withstand from 70 to 120 liters of water per 1 m2 of their area (depending on the size of the ceiling, the degree of its tension and the quality of the film). So you don’t have to worry about leaks from neighbors above.

Before removing various stains from clothing, you need to find out how safe the selected solvent is for the fabric itself. It is applied in a small amount to an inconspicuous area of ​​the item from the inside out for 5-10 minutes. If the material retains its structure and color, you can move on to stains.

Fresh lemon is not only suitable for tea: clean dirt from the surface of an acrylic bath by rubbing with half a cut citrus, or quickly wash the microwave by placing a container of water and lemon slices in it for 8-10 minutes at maximum power. The softened dirt can simply be wiped off with a sponge.

The dishwasher cleans more than just plates and cups. You can load it with plastic toys, glass lamp shades and even dirty vegetables, such as potatoes, but only without using detergents.

The habit of using an automatic washing machine “sparingly” can lead to the appearance of an unpleasant odor in it. Washing at temperatures below 60℃ and short rinses allow fungi and bacteria from dirty clothes to remain on internal surfaces and actively multiply.

Products made from natural fur look very attractive and are surprisingly practical. If stored properly, a mink coat can last up to ten seasons. To achieve good results, you need to follow a number of important recommendations. So, how to store a mink coat in the summer at home?

Before hanging a fur coat in the closet, you need to perform certain manipulations. If there is no noticeable dirt or other obvious problems, you can prepare the product for storage yourself.

To properly store a mink coat at home, you first need to carefully examine its surface - this is done from the outside and inside. If the hem of the product is damaged by reagents, do not try to clean it yourself. The same is true for other stains.

If you try to deal with the problem on your own, you can seriously damage the product. It is best to take your fur coat to the dry cleaner. Moreover, this is true not only for mink, but also for other types of fur - for example, mouton.

Before storing your fur coat, straighten the product and comb it

To prepare a clean fur coat for storage, you need to perform the following steps:

  • ventilate in a dark and cool place - it is important to ensure a good flow of oxygen;
  • comb the products with a special fur brush;
  • put on a special hanger;
  • fasten the fur coat with all the buttons.

In order for the item to serve as long as possible and at the same time remain of high quality, you need to properly care for it all winter. To do this, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. It is prohibited to dry fur products using electrical appliances. Exposure to direct sunlight is also contraindicated.
  2. If a fur coat is exposed to rain or snow, it should be dried at room temperature using a hanger. It is forbidden to try to speed up this process by hanging it near the fireplace.
  3. It is not recommended to wear backpacks and bags on your shoulders, as the fur in this area can get wrinkled and rubbed.
  4. It is forbidden to spray perfumes and oils on a fur coat. Also, do not treat it with other odorous liquids. This cannot be done when constantly wearing and storing the product.
  5. You should not pin brooches or other decorations to the product, as they will harm it.

Important: Before removing the fur product for wintering, it is necessary to assess its condition. If it is dirty, it should be taken to dry cleaning. If everything is in order, just comb the fur.

The hanger for a mink coat should be large and wide enough

Storage rules

After preparation, you need to decide how to properly store a mink coat at home. To do this, it is recommended to follow some rules.

Sufficient space

When storing mink coats, if this happens at home, it should not be too cramped. The product must be placed in a wardrobe and ensure that other things do not crush or squeeze it. This item of clothing must be hung on a sturdy hanger of the correct size and fastened with all buttons.

After this, it should be packed in a special case. This accessory is often sold along with a fur coat. However, it can also be purchased separately. Thanks to this device, it will be possible to protect the fur from abrasions and damage. The cover also prevents the product from being damaged by moths.

Cases and cases for fur coats made of natural fur

Lack of light

To prevent the fur from fading in the sun and becoming dry and unsightly, it is important to place the product in a dark place that is well ventilated. If you plan to keep your fur coat in a closet, you should systematically open the doors for ventilation.

Before doing this, it is advisable to open the windows to ensure a flow of fresh air. According to numerous reviews, this allows you to significantly better preserve the appearance of the fur.

The fur must breathe, but at the same time it must be protected from light, so polyethylene covers are not suitable


Mink fur loves the cold. Therefore, the optimal temperature should be 5-15 degrees. However, it is not possible to create such conditions at home. It is best to store your fur coat in an air-conditioned room. In this case, with systematic ventilation it will be possible to ensure a comfortable temperature regime.

If there is no air conditioning at home, you can regularly hang your fur coat in ventilated areas - for example, on the balcony. This will help maintain its attractive appearance for a long time. To avoid the influence of solar radiation, the fur coat should not be removed from the cover.

No unnecessary accessories

To store a mink coat at home, it is recommended to first check it for the presence of foreign objects. There should be no change or other things in your pockets. You should also definitely unfasten brooches and other jewelry, remove the belt, clasps and other accessories.

If this is not done, there is a risk of damaging the appearance of the product. Excess accessories can stretch the fur base, lead to deformation of the product and make holes in the pockets.

Is it possible to store a fur coat in the freezer?

Mink fur can deteriorate due to increased dryness and exposure to sunlight. In addition, it is forbidden to keep a fur coat next to other things. It is worth considering that a white fur coat can turn yellow under the influence of unfavorable factors.

To preserve the product, it is better to use a special freezer. Such storage protects the fur coat from exposure to the sun, dampness, moths, and high temperatures. Of course, you can simply put the fur coat in the freezer. However, it is much better to use a specialized refrigerator. In such places, special care is provided for fur coats.

The product is handed over for the summer, and when winter comes, it is taken away. The fur in such a freezer breathes because air is supplied into it, which blows over the product. For preventive purposes, reduce the temperature several times a month. This avoids the appearance of moth larvae.

In special storage rooms you can create ideal conditions for fur

Features of protection against moths

These small insects can completely ruin an expensive product over the course of the summer. Today you can find a large number of moth repellents on sale, but most of them are prohibited from being used. They can ruin the fur or cause a persistent odor from the product.

Therefore, experts advise using natural methods of protection. These include dried geranium or orange peels. It is also possible to use tobacco. However, it is much more effective to simply put the fur coat in a durable and airtight case. It will help protect the product from any insects.

If a moth does appear, it will be immediately noticeable. The fur will become sloppy, tufts and bald spots will appear. Spikelets of fur will appear under the fur coat, which insects will chew off, and larvae will begin to accumulate in the folds. If such signs appear, it is recommended to take immediate action.

Remedies for moths

First you need to buy a powerful insecticidal drug. If used correctly, within 2 hours you will be able to cope with harmful insects and save your fur coat from moths. Effective means include the following:

  • Antimol;
  • Armol;
  • Raptor from moths.

To cope with the problem, the fur coat needs to be treated with the composition, put in a case and closed for several days. If the case is not completely sealed, it is best to place the product in a bag. Every day it is additionally sprayed with a spray - this will prolong the effect of the product.

It is worth considering that folk recipes in this case will not give results. They are best used for preventive purposes.

Now you know how to store a mink coat in the summer. Strict implementation of simple recommendations will help you achieve excellent results. This will help preserve the appearance and quality of the product for a long time.



A mink coat is a sign of luxury. It suits all women, as long as they choose the right style, it is warm and comfortable.

However, such a thing costs a lot, so you need to know how to store it so that it pleases its owner for many years.

In winter, there is no need to create special conditions for storing fur products. It is enough to take proper care of them, do not wear them in rain or snow, dry them and ventilate them.

Cold has a beneficial effect on fur, and frost kills insect larvae. But in the summer you will have to create favorable conditions for storage yourself.

Most of us know that in summer the main task when storing natural fur products is to protect them from moths. However, if you simply fill the pockets of a mink coat with mothballs, stuff it in a bag and put it away, it will not end well.

Even if the moth does not start, the fur will be damaged, creases will appear on the fur coat and it will look extremely unaesthetic.

This can be avoided if the product is not only properly stored in the summer, but also properly prepared for storage.

This process includes several stages:

  1. Drying.

Natural fur does not tolerate moisture, so before storing the fur coat, it should be dried thoroughly. To do this, you need to hang it for several days in a well-ventilated, dry and cool room. There should be no heating devices of any type or central heating radiators nearby. It is also impossible to speed up the drying process using a hairdryer or other equipment. Moreover, fur must also be protected from sunlight. The sun and heat are no less enemies of natural fur than moisture.

  1. Repair.

If the lining of a fur coat is torn or the hook has fallen off, and you have not yet had time to repair it, it’s time to do this when preparing it for summer storage.

  1. Cleaning.

Inspect the product to ensure there is no contamination that requires removal. If there are any, it is best to dry clean it. As a last resort, you can try to get rid of the contamination on your own. A mixture of vodka and vinegar (1:1) helps get rid of greasy stains if you rub the mink with it against the growth of the fur, and then dry it.

Potato starch will help refresh the color. They sprinkle it on the fur, then shake the fur coat well. However, in this case, the risk that the fur coat will become more attractive to moths increases.

  1. Carding.

Combing the fur too often is not recommended, but occasionally it is even necessary. You cannot put away a fur coat for storage without combing the fur. Comb it using a special brush or a metal comb with rare teeth. First they scratch along the pile, then against it, then smooth the pile in the direction of its growth.

  1. Selection of hangers and anti-moth products.

Not just any hanger is suitable for storage. It should not be hung on a thin wire hanger to avoid deformation. The shoulders should be strong and wide. Their size should correspond to the size of the fur coat. Most often, the product is sold already with such a hanger, and it is worth preserving it.

Naphthalene was previously used to protect against moths, and today it is considered a fairly reliable and at the same time cheap remedy. But there are other similar products on sale that are not inferior in quality and are safer for humans. It is also necessary to prepare a cover. It is desirable that it be made of natural fabric, and it must be breathable.

  1. Immediate preparation for storage.

Hang the fur coat on hangers, fasten all the buttons. Remove brooches, other jewelry and accessories.

Now all that remains is to cover it up and put it in the closet. At the same time, make sure that the fur coat is not cramped in it: the distance from it to other things should be at least 10 cm. During storage, a number of other restrictions must be observed.

How not to store a fur coat

When preparing a mink product for storage in the summer, you should remember what actions with products made from natural fur are prohibited:

  • fold (creases will appear, the fur will wrinkle and look old and ugly);
  • hang close to other things, in a cramped closet (otherwise the consequences may be almost the same as when folded);
  • treat with anti-moth aerosols (this will spoil the fur);
  • hang in an open place, without a closet (natural fur is afraid of light and dust);
  • iron and steam, as well as wash (with this you will sign a “death sentence” for your fur coat).

Knowing what storage conditions are unacceptable for products made from natural fur, you can create an ideal environment for your fur coat. However, is this feasible at home?

In what conditions is it better to store mink coats in summer?

Ideal conditions for storing fur coats are created in special refrigerators, where optimal temperature is maintained, good air circulation, and there is a freezing mode to destroy moths and their larvae. If you cannot use the services of a company to store fur in such a refrigerator, try to store it properly at home.

Where to store: closet, balcony, camera?

More often, three options for storing fur coats are considered: balcony, closet, freezer. The first option disappears in the summer, since it is warm outside at this time of year, and fur does not like heat. The most favorable temperature regime for fur is in the freezer. However, in order to place a fur coat in it, it will have to be rolled up. You can’t do this with a fur coat, so you’ll still have to give up the freezer. The only option left is a closet.

Try to choose the coolest and most spacious one. You can even set aside a separate cabinet for fur coats, installing it in the coolest and darkest corner of the apartment.

A cabinet with transparent doors will not work, as fur is afraid of light. The place for storing fur coats should be dark - this is also a prerequisite.

What to store in: a case or a bag?

There are two options: a case or a vacuum bag. The second option seems ideal as it saves a lot of space. However, using a vacuum bag to store your fur coat is actually a bad idea. She gets wrinkled in it - that's one thing, condensation that is destructive for fur is formed in it - that's two things. You will have to abandon simple plastic bags for storing fur for the same reasons. There is only one option left - a cover. It must meet the following requirements:

  • not be narrower than the fur coat, but at least 10 cm longer in length;
  • be breathable;
  • have a side insert;
  • have a long zipper so that the fur coat can be conveniently placed in the bag.

When storing several fur coats, it is advisable to purchase several covers.

An additional requirement is regular ventilation of the fur coat. This should be done once every 30-60 days. You need to hang your fur coat in the shade, in a cool and dark place.

The video explains how to properly care for fur and prepare it for storage.

Why is it important to follow the rules?

Failure to comply with the rules for storing mink coats can lead to negative consequences. In particular, fur may lose its attractiveness. An even more serious threat is moths. If you do not notice its appearance, the larvae will quickly “trim” your fur coat, making it unsuitable for further use.

Folk remedies against moths

In order to prevent the appearance of moths, you can use not only store-bought, but also completely safe folk remedies that have been proven over centuries. Here are the most common ones.

  • Orange peels.

Moths don't like the scent of citrus fruits, so the peels of oranges or other citrus fruits will keep them away from your fur coat. The crusts can be laid out on the floor of the cabinet.

  • Lavender.

Aromatic sachets filled with dried lavender flowers and essential oil obtained from this plant are suitable for use at home. If sachets are used, they should be placed in your fur coat pocket. If preference is given to oil, then an open bottle with it is placed on the floor of the closet; it is not placed in clothes.

  • Geranium.

Geranium oil can be used in the same way as lavender oil. Another option is to grow indoor geraniums at home. She is unpretentious and will delight you with cute flowers. Moths will fly around your house.

  • Tobacco.

If you grow a houseplant at home - fragrant tobacco, it will repel moth butterflies. Smoking tobacco is laid out in fabric bags and distributed among pockets. However, this is not the best way to save a non-smoking lady’s fur coat from moths, since the tobacco aroma emanating from it can ruin her image.

Moths do not like the smells of cloves and eucalyptus, so their esters can also be used to protect clothes from this insect.

If stored properly, the mink product will last a long time. First of all, at the end of the winter season, the fur product must be prepared for long-term storage, then covered and put in a closet. In this case, it is imperative to take measures to protect the fur from clothes moths. For this, proven folk remedies that are accessible and safe are suitable.

Even a mink fur coat made from the highest quality materials and with the necessary technologies can quickly become unusable if it is not cared for correctly. Moreover, literally 2-3 seasons are enough for these clothes to irrevocably lose their beauty, grace and warmth! Therefore, it is very important to understand how to care for a mink coat in summer and winter. Moreover, there is nothing difficult in observing such rules. You can see for yourself thanks to our article with all the key recommendations on this topic!


The most important topic in this context is, of course, storing a mink coat in the summer when you are not using it. To ensure that such clothing does not lose all its properties and external luster during the warm season, attention should be paid to the following points:

Look for a refrigerator. The ideal way to take care of fur during the break between winters is to contact a specialized company that rents out space in so-called refrigerators. They are rooms where special temperatures are maintained (in the range of 0-10º C) and humidity (around 50%), there is no light and there is air circulation. It is these conditions that meet the requirements for storing a mink coat in the summer. True, before sending to such a “warehouse” it is better to insure the clothes against damage and theft - it’s safer this way.

Design your own closet. If there are no such companies nearby or you don’t trust them, you can do it on your own. The first option is to buy a household fur refrigerator. But its price is justified only if you have several fur coats... Therefore, a regular wardrobe would be a more logical alternative. Make sure it meets the criteria for how to properly store a mink coat at home. It should be dark, dry (not too much, a heating system is not allowed nearby!) and spacious: the fur does not tolerate crushing, it wrinkles and breaks.

Prepare your fur coat. Before sending fur clothes into hibernation, they must be put in order. First of all, it is cleaned. To get rid of dust, shake the fur and go through the pile with a special brush (available in fur stores). You can also blow cold air on your clothes from a hairdryer. Next you need to get rid of the greasiness: the accumulated fat is sprinkled with flour or starch, then removed. True, such care for a mink coat at home is reasonable if it is slightly soiled - otherwise, go to the dry cleaner so as not to spoil the fur.

Take care of all the details. Sometimes damage to fur clothing is caused by details. So, you need to place your fur coat on wide hangers exactly in size, fastening the clothes with buttons or hooks and ridding them of the belt, jewelry and small items in the pockets - then the clothes will retain their shape. A cover made of fabric, not polyester, is also required: it will not allow the fur to “breathe.” And of course, don't forget about moths. Just no mothballs! It is also better to avoid aerosols. The best option is to place sachets with orange or tangerine peels in the closet: effective and without harm to the fur.

And plus in the story about how to store a mink coat in the summer, we must not forget about its regular ventilation. Once every 2-3 months you need to take it out of the closet and hang it right in the case on the balcony for a day. By the way, it is worth airing the furs for 2-3 days right before sending them for storage (also excluding direct sunlight).


The warm season is not the only period when fur clothing needs special treatment. To extend its life, it is also worth paying a lot of attention to caring for it in winter. To do this, you should carefully study the recommendations on how to properly care for a mink coat:

Choose the time to wear. Although you probably want to wear beautiful furs as often as possible, in some situations it is better to do without them. Firstly, you should not wear such clothes in rain, slush or sleet - excess moisture will ruin them. Secondly, you should avoid large crowds of people and especially crowding, so as not to damage the pile. Thirdly, if the fur coat is long, reaching to the ground, remember about reagents on the roads. Taking all this into account, the best advice on how to preserve a mink coat is to wear it only in dry and frosty weather, preferably not too sunny.

Choose accessories. The desire to complement a spectacular mink fur coat with some stylish element is expected, but is it worth it? The same handbag that is regularly worn on the shoulder can, with its strap, wipe away the fur to a bald spot in a couple of years. And if such an accessory is made of suede, then there is a high risk that the material, upon contact with the pile, will “share” the dyes and stain the fur coat. You should also avoid the temptation to decorate your clothes with a hairpin or brooch - they can easily damage the interior. And make sure that perfume or hairspray does not get on the fur: it absorbs them too actively.

Dry it properly. Even if you already know exactly how to store a mink coat at home and look after it in everyday life, no one is safe from it getting wet. Therefore, it is important to understand how to dry it properly. Any “accelerators” are excluded: you cannot place the fur over batteries or radiators, or blow it with a hot hairdryer. Instead, shake off the moisture, treat it with the same special brush, and if there is a lot of water, gently blot the fur with a cloth. And then just leave to dry naturally away from sunlight.

“Walk” the fur. Sometimes winters are so warm or humid that fur clothing remains virtually unclaimed - and remains in the everyday wardrobe for weeks. For this situation, it is necessary to ensure optimal storage conditions for mink coats at home. The closet should be located away from heating, be dark, spacious: a gap of at least 10-15 cm is needed from the sheepskin coat or coat. And most importantly: do not forget to ventilate the furs from time to time - once every 2-3 weeks, leave them for a day on the balcony (also in a case and so that the clothes are not exposed to sunlight).

As you can see, there is nothing particularly difficult about how to care for a mink coat. And following these recommendations will not require too much effort from you. But thanks to this, you will be able to enjoy the sophistication and softness of your valuable furs longer!
