How to correctly calculate the amount of your pension. What are pension points and how to calculate them

Until January 2015, the activities of the pension system were legally regulated by Federal Law No. 173 of December 17, 2001 “On labor pensions in the Russian Federation”. Before the start of the new stage of the reform, the insurance pension was called labor and consisted of two parts: insurance and funded.

In connection with the next stage of reform of the pension system, which started at the beginning of 2015, there was a transition to fundamentally new provisions for its functioning, with the introduction of new concepts and changes in the calculation formula.

However, the reform has not yet brought the desired result and the Pension Fund budget deficit is continues to grow despite the adoption of Federal Law No. 383 of December 14, 2015, the decision to extend the moratorium on the formation of pension savings until the end of 2017 and the abolition of indexation of pensions for working pensioners.

Insurance and funded part of the pension in 2015

Currently, when the insurance and funded parts of the labor pension have become its individual types, their assignment and calculation are carried out separately after contacting the Pension Fund with the relevant applications.

Legal regulation of the procedure for calculating and establishing a funded pension is carried out by the relevant Law No. 424 of December 28, 2013.

The introduction of the IPC into the formula is a new condition obliging future pensioners not only to have sufficient work experience, but also to ensure timely receipt of contributions to the Pension Fund.

The use of a PC when calculating pensions makes it possible to increase the interest of citizens in the payment by employers of contributions to the Pension Fund budget established by law.

IPC is calculated Every year based on the amount of compulsory pension contributions paid to the Pension Fund during the period of employment. Calculated as follows:

IPC = SV / MSV × 10,

  • NE- the amount of insurance premiums made for the year in which the calculation occurs;
  • MSV- 16% of the maximum contribution base (in 2016, 796 thousand rubles).

On April 1 of each year, by decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, the cost of one point for the next period is established. From February 1, 2017 it was set at 78 rubles 28 kopecks.

The cost increase can be carried out twice a year:

  • February 1, depending on inflationary processes in the economy.
  • April 1 of each year and depends on the state of the Pension Fund’s budget.

Fixed payment to the insurance pension

In the course of further reform of the pension system, instead of the basic size of the insurance part, the concept was introduced in 2015 fixed payment (FV).

The fixed payment is set at a fixed amount and indexed by a coefficient established by a Government decree annually.

Taking into account the indexation that was carried out in 2017, the PV was set at 4805.11 rubles. This value will be set until the next indexation.

When assigning pension payments to certain groups of pensioners, increasing coefficients are applied, the value of which for PF and insurance pensions differs depending on the category of the recipient.

The increase coefficient to the fixed payment, in accordance with Article 17 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2015 No. 400, is applied when assigning an old-age insurance pension:

  • those who have reached 80 years of age;
  • who are dependent on the persons listed in clauses 1, 3, 4 of part 2 of article 10 of the law “About insurance pensions”;
  • have worked for at least 15 years at RKS;
  • residents of the Far North.

Minimum old-age pension in 2017

Since 2017, the minimum insurance period required when assigning an old-age insurance pension is 8 years, and the value of the individual pension coefficient should reach 11.4 points with an annual increase in its value by 2.4 points until it reaches 30 points (Part 3 of Art. . 35 Federal Law N 400). The size of your future pension will directly depend on the number of points. The calculation of the amount of payments with minimum requirements is given in the example below.

There is no concept in Russian legislation "minimum pension", since its size depends on many factors. However, she cannot be less than the subsistence level (LM), established for pensioners in the region of residence.

If, during the calculation, after applying all the allowances and coefficients, the pension turns out to be below the minimum wage, then a social supplement is assigned. Such an allowance is paid to the pensioner only after he applies to the Pension Fund authorities with a written application for its appointment.

In 2016, the cost of living for pensioners in the country was set at 8,803 rubles; in 2017, the law on the federal budget reduced it to 8,540 rubles. At the same time, the regions independently determine its size and, on its basis, establish regional surcharges. Working pensioners cannot count on social supplements.

Considering that the size of the fixed payment for 2017 is 4805.11 rubles, and the cost of one pension coefficient by decision of the Government is set at 78.28 rubles, we calculate the minimum assigned age insurance pension:

4805.11 + 11.4 × 78.28 = 5697.50 rubles.

This value is below the subsistence level (8,540 rubles in 2017), therefore, when assigning this amount of payments, you can apply for the establishment of a social supplement, which will increase the size of the pension payment.

When is a funded pension assigned and how is it calculated?

  • 234 months in 2016;
  • 240 months was established in 2017.

If a citizen delays applying for a funded pension for a year upon reaching retirement age, then the expected period will be reduced by 12 months, which will increase the size of the monthly pension payment.

The duration of the expected period is established by Article 17 of Federal Law No. 424 of December 28, 2013 “About funded pension” and is determined annually based on statistical data on the life expectancy of pensioners.

Payments of pension savings are made simultaneously with the insurance pension. The delivery method is determined by the pensioner himself at his own request.

The Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation (Mintrud) and the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR), after long and painstaking work, informed the President that the pension calculator developed by experts had been successfully launched. This service allows people who are still working to find out approximately how much pension they can hope for when they retire.

Of course, this is an approximate value that This pension calculator is designed to calculate the conditional amount of a pension in 2019 prices using the current pension formula and the formula that is currently developed by the Government of the Russian Federationpension calculator 2019 It will be given to you online. The calculation of pensions is carried out both according to the rules currently in force and in accordance with the new formula for calculating pensions, which was developed by the government of the Russian Federation. Therefore, when the pension calculation service appeared, it is now possible for any Russian citizen to determine his pension. The pension calculation form is designed in such a way that it is possible to estimate what will happen in the future with the pension rights of any person who is planning to retire in the future. The calculator takes into account several factors that affect the amount of the pension, these are:

  • duration of work;
  • length of military service for men;
  • fact of child care for women,
  • continuation of work after reaching retirement age.

It should be noted that according to, the amount of the old-age pension depends primarily on the amount of insurance contributions that were transferred for the employee to the Pension Fund of Russia, so to speak, to the compulsory pension insurance system (OPS). But the amount of work experience of an employee retiring has almost no effect on the size of his pension. This restriction is removed, because it takes into account the so-called annual pension coefficient, which takes into account every year of work of a Russian.

The specific size of the calculated pension increase coefficient depends on the difference between the employee’s salary and the maximum possible salary with which employers legally pay insurance contributions to the mandatory pension insurance system. At the beginning, the maximum salary will be set at 1.6 times the Russian average salary (AWS), but then the government plans to increase it to 2.3 AWS within 7 years.

Note: Salaries, of course, are taken into account only exclusively “white”, official, without “envelopes”!

The old-age insurance pension is calculated using the formula: the sum of your pension points is multiplied by the cost of one pension point in the year the insurance pension was assigned and the amount of the fixed payment is added.

When calculating the conditional amount of the insurance pension, the following indicators for 2016 are used:

  • Fixed payment - 4383 rub. 59 kopecks;
  • The cost of 1 pension coefficient is 71.41 rubles;
  • The maximum salary before personal income tax, subject to insurance contributions, is 66,334 rubles per month.

In addition, when calculating the labor insurance pension, additional increasing coefficients will be taken into account for each year of work after the person reaches retirement age. In addition, coefficients for military service and time spent caring for a child are introduced. By adding up all the annual and bonus coefficients, the resulting amount is multiplied by the value of the annual pension coefficient. It will be set every year by the government of the Russian Federation, as well as by the coefficient for deferred pension, i.e. for the fact that a person remained working and did not retire due to old age. This is the main incentive factor.

The received fixed payment (analogous to today's fixed base amount of the insurance part of the old-age labor pension, its size in 2013 is 3,610.31 rubles), is increased by the size of the bonus coefficient for work after reaching retirement age - and here it is, your pension. At least the insurance part of it. But for those who were born in 1967. or later, there is also a funded part, consisting of insurance contributions from employers and income from their investment.

Note: The pension calculator is intended only for those Russians who work and who More than three years left until retirement. The service is not intended for calculating payments for the disabled and incapacitated, people who have lost their breadwinner, military personnel and employees of law enforcement agencies, individual entrepreneurs, as well as workers in hazardous and hazardous industries who have the right to early retirement. Because the size of pensions for them is calculated according to other, special principles that this calculator does not take into account.

PERSONAL ACCOUNT of a citizen, The amount of the future Pension can be adjusted via the Internet

Citizens can refuse the funded component of their pension, as well as transfer their pension savings from the Pension Fund to the Non-State Pension Fund online.

Note: Information from the Pension Fund of Russia

These opportunities are provided for users of the “Personal Account of a Citizen” on the PFR website who have a qualified electronic signature (CES).

Via the Internet, you can submit applications to transfer from the Pension Fund to the NPF and back, as well as transfer your pension savings from one NPF to another.

In addition, you can refuse the funded part of the pension in favor of the insurance one. Moreover, it does not matter who now manages the funded part of your pension (PFR or NPF).

To gain access to your “Personal Account”, you just need to register and have an account on. There is no need to register separately on the Pension Fund website. But to obtain a qualified electronic signature, you will have to contact an accredited certification center. A list of such centers, as well as detailed instructions for submitting electronic applications, can be found on the Pension Fund website.

Citizens can ask their questions about pensions by phone

Citizens can get a free consultation by calling the new number of the unified federal call center of the Pension Fund of Russia:


Not only the consultation is free, but also the call itself (in Russia). You can request clarification at any time of the day.
The Unified Federal Advisory Service of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation answers questions regarding, in particular.

in 2015, the state introduced such a calculation of pensions, the calculation formula for which has undergone significant changes (compared to the previously applied procedure). also made some adjustments. And citizens who independently study the Law “On Insurance Pensions” (where the new formula for calculation was approved) voice a large number of questions. They are faced with difficulties in how to calculate their pension; the calculation formula does not help.

To understand how pension payments are calculated and what they are, a visit to our website will help. Regarding payment, please refer to the appropriate section. And as usual, the reader can ask the site’s duty lawyer additional questions.

Pension calculation, formula for calculating old-age labor pension

The Pension Fund applies this coefficient only from 01/01/2015. For example, if it arose on March 2, 2018, and a person applies for it only on March 2, 2019, then for the full 12 months he is set PC 1 in the amount of 1.056. And if 24 months pass, then 1.12. The values ​​of PC 1 are established by the Law “On Insurance Pensions” (Appendix No. 2).

Please note that the mandatory conditions for the appointment of an old-age insurance pension by 2025 will be the presence of 30 pension points, at least 15 years of work experience and reaching retirement age (60 years for women, 65 for men). Since it was adopted by our deputies in 2018.

So, having studied the pension calculation algorithm and the calculation formula, we will give a detailed example of its application.

An example of calculating an old-age pension, calculation formula

Citizen of the Russian Federation Prigorshnev, born in 1960, reached retirement age 62 in 2022. He did not have the right to a preferential pension. I applied for a pension a year later, in 2023.

In 2015, his pension points were converted to 60 points. From 2015 to 2022, he earned another 6 points. In addition, he served, additional IPK

In total, by addition, we obtain Prigorshnev’s IPC 60+6+1.8 = 67.8.

In total, the amount of Prigorshnev’s old-age insurance pension will be:

FV 6,759.56 rub. (2023) x QEF for 12 months 1.056 + IPC 67.8 x SPK 110.55 (for 2023) = RUB 14,633.38

How to calculate your pension yourself

Judging by the letters, some would like to calculate their old-age pension themselves. Here is what the lawyer thinks about this.

Calculating pensions is not an easy matter; you need to take into account many nuances, which are known best to professionals - employees of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Therefore, it is wiser to trust them. If the pension calculation they performed does not suit you, try contacting a higher authority - the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation office for the region, territory, or republic. You can write to Moscow - to the Pension Fund of Russia, its specialists are also obliged to give you a reasoned answer, with references to legislation.

But you can make an approximate calculation yourself. Federal law will help us with this “On labor pensions in the Russian Federation”, and the most “fresh” one, with the latest changes that were made at the end of December 2009. If you need some more information not specified in the law, we will provide it.

So, we study the law on labor pensions and find out that the size of the pension of any citizen depends on three components. Firstly, on the length of work experience (in calendar order), determined as of January 1, 2002 (from this date the specified law came into force). Secondly, from wages (for 2000-2001 or for any 60 consecutive months, which may include the 24 months preceding January 1, 2002). Thirdly, from paying insurance premiums after 2001.

As established by paragraph 3 of Article 30 of the law, the estimated size of the labor pension is determined for men with a total work experience of at least 25 years, and for women with a total work experience of at least 20 years, according to the formula:

RP = SK x ZR/ZP x SZP.

Let's decipher the abbreviations. RP— the estimated size of the labor pension. SK— length of service coefficient, which for insured persons is 55% and increases by 0.01 for each full year of total work experience in excess of the specified duration (that is, in excess of 25 and 20 years, respectively), but not more than 20%. For a woman with 20 years of experience, the coefficient is set at 55%, for 21 years - 56%, etc., for 40 years and more - 75%, since there is a limit of no more than 20% (55% plus 20% = 75%). The coefficient for 25 years of experience for a man is 55%, for 26 years - 56%, etc. For 45 years and more - 75% (limit - no more than 75%).

ZR- the average monthly earnings of the insured person for 2000-2001, which is calculated according to individual (personalized) records in the compulsory pension insurance system or for any 60 consecutive months on the basis of documents issued in the prescribed manner by the relevant employers or state (municipal) bodies. Since the average monthly salary for 2000-2001 is known (according to the Pension Fund of Russia), and it significantly exceeds the average monthly salary in Russia for the same period, it is not necessary to submit a salary certificate for 60 consecutive months.

Salary— average monthly salary in the Russian Federation for the same period (1494.5 rubles). SZP- average monthly salary in the Russian Federation for the period from July 1 to September 30, 2001 for calculating and increasing the size of state pensions, approved by the government of the Russian Federation (1,671 rubles).

Important indicator: the ratio of the average monthly earnings of the insured person to the average monthly salary in the Russian Federation (ZR/ZP) is taken into account in the amount of no more than 1.2. Even if this ratio is 3 or 10, it is still taken into account as 1.2 (with the exception of citizens who lived or worked in the Far North and similar areas before January 1, 2002, for them this figure may be higher).

Let's say you were born on May 3, 1951, continuous work experience in production since August 1, 1974, average monthly earnings for 2000-2001 (data available in the Pension Fund department) 5,013 rubles. You also need a salary certificate for 60 consecutive months, but, for example, the company where you worked for more than five years in a row no longer exists.

Your work experience as of January 1, 2002 was 27 years. This means your experience coefficient (SC) is 57. Now let's count. Your earnings (ZR) for 24 months of work during 2000-2001, according to individual personalized accounting information, amounted to 5,013 rubles. The average monthly salary in the country (AMS) for the third quarter of 2001, approved by the government of the Russian Federation for calculating pensions, was determined in the amount of 1,671 rubles.

The ratio (ZR/ZP) for you is 3, but, as we already know, no more than 1.2 is taken into account. I repeat: to calculate the pension, wages for the periods from January 1, 2000 to December 31, 2001 were used.

We determine the estimated pension amount (RP):

RP = SK x (ZR / ZP x SZP) = 0.57 (57%) x 1.2 x 1671 = 1142.96 rubles. This is the amount of your pension as of January 1, 2002.

To assess pension rights as of January 1, 2002 by converting them into estimated pension capital (PC), it is necessary: ​​from the resulting estimated pension amount (RP), subtract the size of the base part as of January 1, 2002 in the amount of 450 rubles and multiply by the corresponding period pension payments (T). That is, carry out the calculation using the formula:

PC = (RP - warhead) x T.

T- this is the number of months of the expected period of payment of the old-age pension, which depends on the year the pension was assigned. So, if the pension was assigned in 2010, T is equal to 192 months, if in 2011 - 204 months, if in 2012 - 216 months. So, the estimated pension capital (PC) is equal to:

(1142.96 - 450) x 204 = 141363.84 rubles.

Now we determine the estimated pension capital (PC), taking into account indexation and insurance contributions on the date of entitlement to a pension (as of May 3, 2011). That is, the estimated pension capital must be indexed based on the growth of the average monthly salary in the country and the Pension Fund’s income per pensioner (we find out the coefficients in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation):

141363.84 x 1.307 x 1.177 x 1.114 x 1.127 x 1.16 x 1.204 x 1.269 x 1.427 = 690509.26 rubles.

And the amount of the insurance part (midrange) will be equal to the amount of the estimated pension capital divided by the period of pension payment (T). That is:

690509.26: 204 = 3384.85 rubles.

To the result obtained, we add the amount of insurance premiums recorded on your individual personal account, as of the date of appointment, according to the individual accounting data of the Pension Fund.

254284.85: 204 = 1246.49 rubles.

Let's summarize: the insurance part of your pension is 1246.49 rubles. Not much. To it we add the general fixed base amount of the insurance part of the old-age labor pension (B), which as of February 1, 2011 is 2963.07 rubles per month (you have no dependents, you did not work in the North):

1246.49 + 2963.07 = 4209.56 rubles.

Now let’s take into account valorization (revaluation of pension rights), which was carried out on January 1, 2010. According to the law, the estimated pension capital is subject to valorization (increase).

The amount of valorization (SV) is 10 percent of the value of the PC, and in addition, 1 percent of the value of the calculated pension capital is added for each full year of total work experience worked before January 1, 1991.

First, we determine your length of service before 1991, it is equal to 17 years.

CB = 690509.26 x = 186437.52 rubles.

This amount must be divided by the number T (204 months). We get: 913.91 rubles per month.

So, the pension taking into account valorization:

4209.56 + 913.91 = 5123.47 rubles.

From February 1, 2011, labor pensions were indexed by 8.8%. Total: 5123.47 + 450.86 = 5574.33 rubles. Since the pension turned out to be very small, its owner will receive an increase in the pension so that its amount is not lower than the subsistence level in the region where he lives.
