How to save a relationship 22 simple tips. Don't make hasty decisions

Maintaining a relationship should not be an end in itself.

Some relationships are based only on the fact that the partners seized each other with their claws and do not let go. In this case, if the grip is loosened, the relationship will really collapse, because, apart from strong hugs, nothing connected people here. Once, out of boredom, they met, got used to and stuck to each other - that's all the relationship. And although they could have become familiar and comfortable for a long time, they are worthless, and the loss is not great if they fall apart. That's why:

Keep your distance

This is the main rule from which all others follow. When Man and woman enter into a new relationship, they are for each other - uncharted territory. They open each other and rejoice at every step taken towards. Moreover, in the end, they strive to become one inseparable whole - this is often considered the embodiment of the ideal of a love relationship.

But with every step taken towards rapprochement, lightness and novelty leave the relationship. Men and women tend to bind each other to themselves. It seems to them that by locking themselves in one cage, they will be able to save their relationship.

People are driven by their fears. , fear of life, fear of one's inner world, fear of responsibility, fear of losing love, fear of losing each other - sheer fears and anxieties. In such a rut, relationships quickly lose their pure original essence.

And for a normal healthy relationship, such mutual penetration is absolutely not necessary. If you do not bind yourself with vows of eternal love and fidelity, relationships do not become light and superficial, on the contrary, they become more honest and sober, and that is why, more pleasant and durable.

To keep a person nearby, you do not need to put him in a cage - you need to give him freedom. It is the fear of losing a loved one that most often leads to loss. All this jealousy, suspicion and the desire to put each other on a chain - that's what makes relationships heavy and tedious.

Relationships are a game that is interesting for its process, not the result. It seems to many that the goal of the game is to reach such a moment when it will be possible to say about another person - "Well, that's it, now he is mine." That is, when you can put the stamp "The task is completed - the relationship is established" and relax. But as soon as such a clear certainty appears, the game immediately loses its meaning. Relationships turn into a boring routine and then go downhill with increasing speed.

Therefore, in order to maintain the freshness of relations, it is necessary to abandon the desire for victory, certainty and stability. You need to step over your fears and allow the relationship to balance on the verge of fame and the unknown. How animals play - they growl, bite, roll on the ground, but if the enemy is defeated on the shoulder blades, he must be released in time - because otherwise, the game will end.

It is difficult to step over fears and habitual ideas, but this is the only way to build and maintain really easy, honest and resilient relationships. The right to freedom breeds attachment. To understand, you need to try it for yourself.
Take courage and try - keep your distance. Let each other remain separate people. Do not stick to each other, do not allow yourself to be possessive. Be yourself, but do not forget that next to you is a person who is dear to you.

In the case of an adult balanced psyche, decisions are guided not by emotions, but by sober pragmatic calculation. This does not detract from the sympathy or even passion for each other, which is present in such a pair. Here, the relationship is based on a completely different principle:

"We are together as long as we are GOOD together."
Or, if you like, "We are together as long as we both want it".

And, oddly enough, such an internal attitude does not make relationships fleeting and fleeting, but on the contrary, it gives them a special value, naturalness, and teaches you to appreciate every moment spent together.

This principle has an important implication regarding

Money matters:

Many couples put all the money in a common pot and only then decide together what to spend it on. But, like the lack of personal territory, the lack of personal money deprives people of a sense of freedom and independence. Therefore, everyone should have their own wallet and the ability to spend a certain amount without any reporting on where, when and for what.

It is often considered normal that a woman does not earn any money at all or does not earn enough to support herself. It would seem that it's okay if a man is ready to take care of her. But on a psychological level, this state of affairs creates a lot of problems.

A man deep down feels like a benefactor and believes that a woman now owes him something for his kindness. And a woman, although she can afford to live in clover, falls into a powerful addiction and is deprived of any inner freedom - now she is tied to existing relationships and has no way to go free if the situation requires it.

As long as the relationship is good, this situation seems normal. But as soon as the relationship reaches an impasse, the woman finds herself in a trap that she has built for herself. Yes, and the man also finds himself in a difficult position - it is quite difficult to drive a person out into the street with nothing.

Therefore, it is highly desirable that both man and woman should have their own independent income, sufficient so that at any moment they can go apart and live on their own.

Take care of each other and your relationship

When you buy a new car, do you give it your personal crash test? No, you blow off dust particles from it, polish it, fill it with the best gasoline, take it to the best service center for diagnostics. You take care of it, and you don’t test it for strength and don’t check how much you can dilute gasoline so that it can still start.

So why do we approach another person and relationships differently?

Take care of each other. Take care of each other. Not out of a sense of duty, not because it is written in a smart article, but because it is in your own interests. Point yours in a constructive direction. Take care of the well-being, health and comfort of your loved one, and he will take care of you. Pure pragmatism. Learn to give, not just demand and take.

Stop Manipulating

No matter how wonderful this relationship is, sooner or later, they will both get bored. Even the best and most versatile person will quickly bore you if he is an eyesore all the time. But most couples do not understand this and, on the contrary, strive to completely integrate their lives into one whole.

When a man and a woman just get to know each other, they are independent people, with their own views, interests and friends - and that is how they like each other. A person flourishes when he lives a full life and in harmony with himself. But in too close relations this is impossible, and instead of supplementing your usual life with the presence of a loved one, you simply have to give up life.

At first, in a fit of passion, it is not difficult to agree to such an exchange. But later, when emotions subside, you will again want to go free - to friends, girlfriends, to the mountains, to old hobbies. And at this stage, many relationships experience a strong shake-up, because only two extremes are seen as a way out - to fully devote life to each other or to leave.

You don't have to spend every minute together. Moreover, it is fundamentally important to have personal time for solitude, for your friends and hobbies. Personal individual life must go on.

This is especially important for a man, because he reveals himself best in his affairs and hobbies. But a woman should also be able to fill her time with something else besides communication. with your loved one a man, so as not to lose its independent value. Then the time spent together will be experienced more vividly and appreciated more.

All you need is to allow yourself to do your favorite things, and be together just when you really want to. That is why it is so important to keep your separateness in a relationship. It is quite possible to remain separate people, and the relationship only benefits from this. If you give up childish greed and the desire to completely own a person, if you step over the fear that a person who has been released into the wild may not return, if you do not reduce your whole life to relationships, everything falls into place by itself.

Stop clinging to each other and walking around holding the handle. Even if you do not have souls in each other, do not forget that all life is not limited to relationships, that people sometimes need loneliness, and that separate entertainment is not a betrayal of a loved one at all.

Personal space should be respected and protected as if it were your own. Someone needs more freedom for complete comfort, someone less, and this needs to be calculated independently. But only complete spiritual and financial independence can make a relationship truly strong. Fight for your independence, defend your freedom and value the freedom of another person. Do not be afraid to lose, otherwise, you will lose.

Talk to each other

Another rule, as important and fundamental as the ability to keep a distance - learn to talk to each other. Do not talk, do not gossip, do not discuss business at work or the movie you watched, but talk about what is really important - about yourself, about your experiences, about relationships, and about what. Neither men nor women usually do this.

If in a couple we are talking about experiences, then everything quickly slides into mutual ones - who is right, who is wrong. It's not all that. Relationships are complex. And if you rely only on intuitive mutual understanding, you won’t be able to go far. Be sure to say everything out loud - why do you need this relationship, what do you like about them, and what worries you. Where are you going in this life, how do you see your future.

No need to accumulate resentment, no need to swallow irritation, no need to silently give up your desires - talk about it. There is only one condition - remember that your loved one is not your enemy, that he does not owe you anything, and that you want to keep him. This means that the only tools you have are requests, compromises and agreements ()

A man and a woman who can speak seriously and honestly are the best psychologists for each other. What do you want, what do I want, what do you live, what do I live, what do you expect from me, what do I expect from you - elementary questions that will sweep aside half of all problems and ordinary troubles. You just need to muster up the courage to start talking about it.

The main parting word for men

Always remember that you are a man. It is you relationship with you woman. It is you who is the leader, and, accordingly, you are in demand for what kind of relationship you have.

But building relationships doesn't mean keeping them. This is the prerogative of a woman. More on that below:

The main advice to women

When a woman behaves like a woman, a man is forced to behave like a man.

So they say, and this is close to the truth ... if you understand these words correctly. If a woman wants to maintain her relationship with a man, she must be able to step back into the background in time and take the position of "weak". Believe it or not, but only by learning to yield to your man can a woman be truly happy.

Yes, a man must be strong and must be able to put a woman in her place, but such men do not fall from the sky and, as a rule, there is no empty place next to them. Therefore, dear and beautiful women, learn to tell your man " Yes Dear". This does not detract from your dignity and your independent value. All you need is to learn to accept the male choice and stop running ahead of the engine. If this is not done, if you allow yourself to take over a man - and you are strong in this! - you will cut down the branch on which you are sitting.

Any, even ideal, relationship fades away sooner or later. Interest in a partner is lost, the desire to learn and live moments of life together.

Flowers once a year, lack of desire to understand a partner, resentment and irritation, daily routine - all this can destroy the most passionate relationship.

But why does a once loved person become so alien and cold? Where does love and mutual attraction go? And is it possible to maintain a relationship with a loved one? Of course yes!

How to maintain a long-term relationship

Relationships need to be constantly built and developed. They need to be taken care of, otherwise they collapse like a house of cards. What can be done to prevent this from happening? Here are 11 "rules" that will be useful to everyone

1. Control and freedom.

When two people start living together, they want to know everything about each other. But over time, constant questions, the desire to know everything about your partner, the desire to be in touch all the time become one of the catalysts for the collapse of relationships. In fact, behind this is the desire to control a loved one completely. But why do we want to control the other person all the time?

This behavior is driven by fear. People are afraid of loneliness, afraid of losing love, afraid of losing a loved one, and at the same time afraid of responsibility for their actions. In such an atmosphere, relationships often lose their lightness and naturalness, irritation, distrust, and jealousy appear.

So the first rule appeared, which says: if you want to keep a person nearby, give him freedom, do not put him in a cage.

2. Personal territory and personal time.

There are situations when partners work in one place, and, accordingly, spend almost all their time together. In such cases, they have a completely natural desire to be alone - to move away from the working day. And the partner at such moments annoys and interferes.

To cope with irritation in such a situation, you should not spend all your time together. Try to find time for personal privacy, going to the gym, hobbies, socializing with friends, etc.

Let yourself and your partner rest from time to time so that he has time to get bored. For some it may be an hour, for others the whole day. It is quite normal that a loved one sometimes wants to be alone. You should not make an elephant out of a fly and think that your relationship is about to collapse. Everyone needs personal space and time to reflect and relax. This is how our psyche works.

There is an opinion that the rule of personal time is violated mainly by girls. When, after work or school, they begin to dump all the events that occurred during the day on their boyfriend.

Partly it is. Men are more closed personalities, and they do not need constant communication with their soulmate.

Therefore, advice to girls: try not to forget about this feature of male psychology and give your young man time to rest after the bustle of the day.

But even among men there is often a desire to completely control the woman he loves. Remember, a healthy relationship should not limit the partner's freedom.

3. Gifts and surprises.

To diversify the routine, give each other gifts, and not once a year, but as often as possible. It is even better if it is something special that unites you in life and reflects your common aspirations.

4. Talk about your desires simply and directly.

Do not keep resentment and dissatisfaction in yourself. Talk about desires simply and directly. Any little thing can turn into a serious scandal if the problem is solved in its infancy.

At the receptions with psychologists, the most frequent complaints of partners against each other sound like:

  • “You don’t love me at all ...” (favorite female manipulation, did you recognize it? =));
  • or: "You don't let me speak";
  • or "You don't let me rest after work."

Just talk to your partner. Tell us what you don't like and what you want to change. Do not accumulate negativity in yourself. Do not wait "when it explodes."

Of course, this will require courage, openness and readiness in a similar situation to meet your partner halfway when a loved one also asks for something. But it is compromises and the ability to negotiate that help maintain relationships in the long run.

5. I love you.

To keep your relationship with your loved one, remember these three simple words. These words have a special magic.

Confess your love to your partner and you will see how this phrase holds your relationship together. These are the most powerful, most wonderful, best words you can say to your loved one.

6. Do not take dirty linen out of public.

When you are in public, never sort things out. Public jokes, insults and showdowns will only harm your union.

7. Manage your emotions during conflict.

If an unpleasant situation happened due to the fault of one of you, try to keep your emotions under control. Don't talk too much. After a while, the situation will change, emotions will subside, but what has been said cannot be returned.

8. Help your partner.

Mutual help at home, at work acts like glue, holding your relationship together for many years. Help each other and any quarrels will seem insignificant to you.

This rule is especially useful for men. Do not forget to help your beloved women in everyday life, in raising children, in the kitchen. Try to give your lady a day off for one evening. Prepare dinner, do the cleaning yourself, and be sure that your soul mate will thank you for sure =).

9. Thank you.

Magic word, right? How nice to hear it from a loved one. Say thanks after dinner. Or thanks for taking out the trash. Say thank you as often as possible. Put warmth and love into this word and you will receive the same in return. What goes around comes around.

10. Touch each other.

Physical contact in the life of partners is of great importance. It makes your connection stronger. Hold hands, kiss, hug - just touch each other. Body contact helps us convey our attitude towards a partner, love, confidence in safety and protection, warmth, support.

11. Pay attention.

When you spend time together, forget about friends and girlfriends. Give all your time to each other, communicate, listen, walk. Don't get distracted by strangers. There is only you and your partner.

Very important

These rules and tips only work if they are followed together. If only one partner tries, then this will not change anything, or it will ruin your relationship.

What kills love between two people and how to save a relationship you can learn from the video clip of a practicing psychologist

Relationships cannot stay in one place. At first, people are in a period where there is romance, frequent dates, sweet acts. After that, rapprochement occurs, trust appears. After a woman and a man begin to live together, they have to go through the stage of getting used to each other.

It is not surprising that over time, hidden and not always pleasant character traits appear in people. Here, each person has a question - how to save love, is it worth it. We understand the intricacies of relationships.

How to keep long distance relationships?

One of the reasons couples break up is distance. Perhaps the lovers are separated by work or study, the army, and often it turns out that cities and countries lie between the couple. How to endure separation, save love in such a situation? There are some practical tips for this.

Constant communication

With the development of gadgets, Internet technologies, you can communicate around the clock and without significant costs. Therefore, if you and your loved one are far from each other, be sure to correspond, call up, send photos, video messages. Relationships will end if you do not pay attention to your loved one.

Create ceremonies

Perhaps it will be reading one book for two every night before bed. Maybe you and your loved one, watch the film separately and then begin to discuss it. As a last resort, choose an online game, go through it together - only joint activities lead to rapprochement, establishing close contact.

Show interest in his affairs, thoughts, worries

If time permits, write him a lengthy letter, even an email. It's so interesting, so nice to read a message from a loved one and understand how he tried to do something nice.

Point out the advantages of the fact that the person is far away from you

It can be freedom of action and choice - where to go, to the cinema or the theater, and not to stand all evening near the stove. For those who live together, cleanliness in the house, the absence of scattered socks, clouds of shirts on the ironing board can be considered a plus. You most likely have time to communicate with friends, relatives, visit the gym or self-development. These actions will cheer you up and make you more interesting for your loved one.

Don't be overly in control

When a loved one lives far away, it is impossible to be sure what he is doing and with whom he is spending time.

But you can change while being nearby, and if you begin to torment your loved one with constant scandals, checks, this will most likely lead to a break.

Make surprises for each other

You can easily order a gift delivery in another city - imagine how pleased your man will be if he unexpectedly receives a present, albeit a small one. If there is such an opportunity, then you can secretly come for the weekend - arrange such a pleasant surprise.

Make plans for the future with a man

Each of you will know what lies ahead and strive to reach such a result as soon as possible.

Maintaining a good relationship at a distance is difficult and at a certain period of time fatigue and a desire to quit can appear. Do not despair, remember that many couples have gone through such a test, and their love has become stronger. Therefore, be patient - and everything will work out.

How to maintain a close relationship with your husband?

The question of how to keep love for many years has many solutions, and they depend on the status in which the man and woman act. If a woman has been married to a beloved man for a long time, then among the methods to maintain a good relationship, several key factors can be distinguished.

Bring intrigue

Many couples break up on domestic grounds. Routine affairs, problems at work, the routine of life - these elements can slowly kill even the strongest feelings. Therefore, it is so important not to fall into the captivity of a domestic swamp and periodically shake it up.

Make unexpected surprises, arrange romantic evenings. To do this, it is not necessary to go to restaurants or stand at the stove all evening, preparing culinary masterpieces. Sometimes it's enough to order pizza, light candles and just forget about all external problems. Such small "islands of happiness" will refresh feelings and revive passion again.


Here we are not talking about tolerating the humiliating behavior of a man, so long as he does not leave the family. This concept has a different, deeper meaning. Men and women have some character traits that can greatly annoy a partner.

If you understand that such a behavior or habit cannot be corrected, then simply come to terms with its presence. Ignore and try to treat this situation with humor.

The ability to accept a partner as he is is the main rule of strong family relationships.

Be attentive to the man you love

Many problems appear in family life - household chores, children, own work. You need to think about everything - pay bills, walk the dog, design and cook dinner, do homework with the child - and this is after a full day of work.

It is not surprising that after such a conversation with a loved one, to find out how his day went, there is simply no strength. But this is the wrong approach - it will invariably lead to distance. Set aside time that you will devote only to your husband. Let some housework not be done, but feelings will grow stronger and develop.


This, it would seem, is a simple word, but a simple action is actually very difficult for many couples. For some reason, men believe that a wife should obey unquestioningly, and many wives decide that the role of a man is only getting money, everything else is not his business. This is obviously a false path. You need to appreciate your partner, respect his opinion and always consult.

Save your personal space

This rule applies to both. It is difficult to keep yourself in a family, especially with the birth of a child. But it is precisely the opportunity to sometimes be alone with yourself that is an important necessity that every person needs to receive. Agree on how much time everyone will have allocated only for themselves - this simple rule will help strengthen relationships, reduce the negative situation.

calm conversations

Calm conversations are the key to a healthy relationship. Every family is familiar with the situation when problems ripen, accumulate like a snowball - and at one moment erupt into a huge scandal.

In order not to bring the situation to such a state, it is enough to calmly and rationally discuss everything that you do not like in a partner or relationship. So you can come to a compromise, avoid quarrels and strengthen feelings.

How to maintain a good relationship with a guy?

In the relationship between a guy and a girl, slightly different rules apply. Usually in this period, lovers are in euphoria from their own feelings and do not notice anything around. But after some time, many girls begin to notice that the guy has cooled off, and do not understand the reasons for this behavior. In order to prevent a break in relations at this stage, it is important to remember some principles.

Don't take everything too seriously

For young girls, every little fight feels like the end of the world. No need to make an elephant out of a fly - try to treat the situation with humor. Most problems at this stage of the relationship arise only if there is no understanding in the couple. Talk to each other and calmly explain the situation.

Do not argue over trifles

Young people are always very serious - they strive with all their might to prove their case, even if this sometimes leads to scandals and breaks.

Think about whether such behavior is worth swearing or is it easier to remain silent?

Spend time together

Usually young people like to communicate in companies, but it is also important to communicate in private - to get to know each other. This is the basis for future harmonious relationships.

Don't be too critical

For young people and girls, the first relationship does not always end well, because everyone expects perfect behavior from a partner. Remember, he is also still learning to position himself and his partner correctly - forgive him for some mistakes.

How to maintain relationships in the family?

We talked about how to behave with a man in order to maintain good relations in the family for a long time. But one important point has not been touched. It deserves a separate discussion.

It concerns the self-perception of a man. A man perceives himself as the head of the family, breadwinner and founder. As a rule, it is on him that the financial side of ensuring the life of the family rests. But for some reason, many women take for granted that the husband goes to work. Instead of recognizing his merits, instead of praising her beloved, each time she finds a reason to be dissatisfied with him.

You can meet such women in your environment who, as soon as they do not insult a man in conversations with other people, sometimes even in his presence. This behavior of a beloved woman means betrayal, the relationship is on the verge of breaking. This, probably, can only withstand, and that is not a fact.

The main rule of a strong family is to be sure that the husband is the best, most beloved, smart, handsome, strong person. This is worth saying not only to yourself, but to everyone around you. No one can complain about their man.

Believe me, if your husband hears from other people how you praised him, he will not only be pleased - he will be ready to move mountains and mutual understanding will reign in the family. If in fact he lacks some qualities, then he will do everything to match your story.

Speaking from the point of view of psychologists, in 2012, studies were conducted on the question - can love last for a long time in the modern world? And the amazing thing is that it has been proven that many couples are able to maintain good relationships and a feeling of love throughout their life together. Here are the secrets that help them in this.

Down with boredom

According to statistics, most of the betrayals and divorces occur precisely because of boredom in everyday life. People cease to be surprised, to try something new together, although this is not difficult at all.

To self-realization - together

This is the slogan of families that live together for over 10-15 years. They see the relationship as an opportunity for their own development and support each other.

The desire for life in general supports and relationships

People who do not immerse themselves only in everyday life and family, but know how to find pleasure in ordinary things, such as joint shopping trips, live together happily ever after.

Ways to keep love

A few rules that are easy to follow, and the result they will bring is impressive:

  1. Be honest and ask for it from your loved one.
  2. Do not confuse the concepts of love and sex.
  3. Determine what you want from a partner and relationship and tell him about it directly. Ask your loved one to do the same.
  4. In a relationship, you need to be one whole, not two separate people.
  5. Learn to negotiate.
  6. Listen carefully to the man you love.
  7. Watch your appearance.
  8. After a quarrel, be able to ask for forgiveness and admit mistakes.
  9. Do not become dependent on relationships and men.
  10. Keep developing yourself.
  11. Love and respect not only your partner, but first of all yourself.
  12. Learn to cooperate - divide all affairs and tasks in half.

How to keep passion in a relationship?

Relationships should include a sensual component. Scientists have proven that passion in a relationship lives for about 2-3 years, after which it gradually fades away, and it is replaced by tenderness and calmness. But this often leads to the fact that a man or woman decides to cheat.

  1. Beautiful body shapes are exciting, in contrast to the sagging belly and enlarged hips. In a family, it is very important for both partners to devote time to their physical condition. A partner may refuse physical contact just because he does not like the appearance of his wife. Therefore, the gym, a healthy diet - and the problem is practically solved.
  2. A woman must keep the intrigue. But for some reason, ladies, getting married, forget about this rule. You don’t need to make a girlfriend out of your husband, remember the rules of flirting - this will shake him up and quickly return passion.
  3. Show your imagination in organizing romantic evenings. The abundance of literature on intimate topics will allow you to find new solutions for spending leisure time together - put on beautiful underwear and surprise a man with an unusual evening.

Is it worth keeping the relationship?

If such a question arose, it means that the problem already exists and needs to be addressed. To understand whether it is necessary to maintain a relationship, it is important to sit down and figure out what is wrong, what confuses you and what you would like to see.

In determining the importance and necessity of a relationship, there is one main criterion by which to judge - and this is not love. In the matter of building a family, it is important to understand whether the existing relationship benefits both partners, whether they develop them, whether they do better.

If you understand that you are holding on to your partner only because you are afraid of loneliness, you are ready to accept him after betrayal, then the answer is unequivocal - there is no point in continuing. They will not lead to anything, they will form complexes in you, feelings of guilt, fear. But if you understand that you love and relationships are needed, important and give you an outlet, then here you need to work on what problems exist and how they can be solved together. Such work will bring you even closer to your partner.

Many couples decide whether to keep the relationship for the sake of children. But when you think about it, will the children be happy seeing an unhealthy environment in the house and constantly stressed parents? This is the answer to the question.

Divorce: how to save a relationship

In the modern world, one cannot do without such unpleasant moments as a break in relations. But deleting a person from your family, sometimes you cannot delete him from life - common work, an apartment, children lead to the fact that the question arises - how to maintain friendly relations after a divorce or after parting and whether this can be achieved in principle.

First you need to give each other time to recover from the relationship. It is worth temporarily forgetting about grievances and misunderstandings, setting yourself up for a good future. The next step is realizing what led to the divorce and understanding that only one partner is not to blame. Accept it as a fait accompli - there will be no sense in mutual insults, only new frustrations and scandals.

At first after a breakup, especially if the couple has children, it is important to forget about your feelings and pay special attention to them. Divorced children suffer more than their parents, while they adopt the features and behavior of adults in the family. Think about where you made mistakes and try to negotiate with your ex-husband.

How to maintain romance in a relationship after marriage?

Newlyweds face many problems after the wedding - living together, solving household issues. Gradually, romance fades away, and the young family is immersed in solving everyday issues.

Although it is quite simple to make the romance last for many years.

Don't stop taking care of yourself

Bright makeup, hairstyle, home clothes - these are trifles, but they make up the image of a woman.

A man will be pleased if a beautiful girl continues to stay with him, and not a tired lady in a dressing gown.

Absolutely all couples, without exception, face problems (crises) in relationships.

Even those couples that at first glance seem to be just perfect ...

There are two options for the development of events, make an effort, work on yourself, change, develop, become better, look for compromises, etc. and so on, and also, work on your relationship with your partner so that the relationship is right, balanced, and ultimately makes sense OR = the easiest option, do not strain and leave. For most it is the 2nd option ...

Today, I will tell you about the 1st option, namely: in what cases it is worth trying to save the relationship.

In my opinion, it is worth trying to save relationships when it makes sense to save them.

Meaning is different for everyone. Below, I will give just a few examples (so that you understand (a)).

What does that mean, does it make sense?

If you feel that you still love your girlfriend / woman, or vice versa, your man = then you need to try to do everything in your power in order to establish and maintain this relationship.

By the way, here it may also be that one of the partners = is already ready to end this relationship, and someone, on the contrary, is still struggling and trying to maintain / improve them ... in this case, it is also worth trying to maintain and improve relations, because IT MAKES SENSE. In this case, I recommend to someone who is already ready to end the relationship = on the contrary, give your partner a chance, because he (or she) is trying his best, trying to establish and maintain your relationship, so I would recommend going to a meeting.

After all, think about it, you weren’t just with this person for so long. Break not build...

Well, if you have already given (a) a chance = nothing has changed = you will already know for 100% that this is the end. You will know for sure that you have done (a) everything in order to maintain this relationship.

But! If you really don’t want any of this, you don’t want anything anymore, with this person, then you don’t need to force yourself, because the meaning of relationships is to strengthen each other, not destroy.

If the relationship has no meaning, then they are not needed. Therefore, if nothing has changed, you have not corrected your problems, mistakes in relationships, then tell your partner honestly about everything and move on.

If you are a good match for each other = you have common interests, hobbies, you + - think the same way, you + - have the same worldview, you are approximately equal to each other, you understand each other perfectly, you are like kindred souls, as if the same, you are both feel = then, definitely, it also makes sense to try to maintain and improve your relationship. Because common ground = without them, no relationship can do.

Without points of contact = no serious relationship is possible in principle. And you already have them. This is your similarity, “relatedness” = a rather rare phenomenon = because we are all different personalities, absolutely different, and meeting “the right” little man = quite difficult, I would say, extremely difficult, therefore = it makes a lot of sense to improve your relationship and save them.

If you don’t see a joint future with this person, then there’s no point in maintaining a relationship.

When there is a meaning, you see it = then it makes sense to preserve them, improve them, etc. etc.

Worthy high-ranking personalities = units in the literal sense of the word. Hard deficit.

If you are lucky enough to meet a really worthy partner = then there is also a MEANING for establishing and maintaining relationships and you should definitely use it.

Because a dime a dozen - low-mid-ranking individuals. With which a lot of minuses, problems, shortcomings, horror, and so on. Things. And if there are other points, for example, feelings, love, sincerity, with such a high-ranking status = then it’s just definitely worth making every effort to improve your relationship and maintain it, and even more: improve together, work in all directions , improve relationships, etc. etc..

This item is especially relevant (important) for girls / women, because. you are biologically dependent on men, a worthy sexual partner is extremely important to you, tk. a worthy man for you is the main resource in life. No. 1. After all, it is a worthy man who will be a woman and offspring: to feed, clothe, protect, take care, etc. etc., It is extremely difficult to meet a worthy man in our time. And if suddenly, your man is such = it makes sense to establish relations with him and keep them and improve them.

The same, in fact, for men. Decent high-ranking women, in our time, are also in short supply. Therefore, if you were lucky enough to meet such a young lady = it makes sense to interact with her further, provided that, of course, you want it yourself ... provided that there are other points, for example, she tries, in everything, or there are feelings, love and many other things…

When the subject of the transaction has already been implemented, and it is the children who are the subject of the transaction in the relationship = you always need to find compromises in a good way, with each other, in relationships, always!

Because children not in full-fledged families = they have much fewer opportunities than children in full-fledged families, because of this, children not in full-fledged families grow up much less adapted to the surrounding reality, respectively, and much less competitive, and, accordingly, and the chances of their survival, in this situation, are much less in comparison with children who grew up in a full-fledged family. Do you understand?

If before the implementation of the subject of the transaction = you can disperse one and all, then after the implementation of the subject of the transaction (the birth of children) = it makes sense = you need to try to maintain and improve these relationships.

When making a conclusion, remember the word SENSE, when there is a sense = you can (should) try!

  1. If there are feelings, love, etc. = it makes sense to try to maintain and build relationships.
  2. If one of the partners is trying to establish and maintain = it also makes sense to try.
  3. For example, if you are a good match for each other, kindred spirits. = also makes sense.
  4. For example, if you see a happy future together with this person… = it makes sense.
  5. If the partner is worth it = worthy (th), high-ranking (th) = also makes sense.
  6. If there is a joint child (children) = it also makes sense to establish and maintain relationships.
  7. and many other things related to the word MEANING = when it is = it is worth it. IMHO!

Regards, administrator.

Relationships are daily and painstaking work. Both men and women should work on them. However, due to their natural passivity, representatives of the strong half of humanity, if they do this, only during the candy-bouquet period in order to lure their “prey”. Having received it, they very often relax and let the further development of relations take its course. Therefore, more women worry about how to maintain a relationship with a loved one. After all, it is not for nothing that they are called "keepers of the hearth" - without their participation, the fire of love will quickly go out.

with a loved man?

It is both simple and difficult at the same time. Simply - because there seem to be two people between whom there is love. And if there is love, then they cannot part. But it only happens in fairy tales that "they lived happily ever after." In real life, this wonderful feeling sometimes does not stand the test of everyday life, time, finances, etc. It is difficult - because the other person, even the closest and most beloved, is in some way a separate “planet”, which remains until the end unknown. Each person has their own character and personality, so sometimes it is very difficult to build a strong relationship, despite all the efforts. But a woman who is interested in how to maintain a relationship with her loved one will always find paths and loopholes to the soul of her beloved. Women's cunning and wisdom come to her aid. she definitely succeeds with her beloved, and the man does not even suspect what kind of work is being done in relation to him!

Some ways

So what do you do to keep your union? A woman just needs to always be interesting, a little different and, of course, remain sexually attractive. This cannot be achieved if you do not take care of yourself. Styling, painting, manicures, pedicures, epilation, a neat and feminine wardrobe - nothing will work without this. Try to be slightly incomprehensible to him, as if inaccessible. This turns men on very much, because the hunting instinct, albeit somewhere deep, is still there. However, this does not negate the existence of frank and trusting relationships - on the contrary, try to make them just like that. Strive to become also the best friend to your man. Many women, when thinking about how to save a relationship with a guy, make the same mistake. They tie him on a short leash, preventing him from taking another step: endless calls, texts, letters, daily meetings and questions about whether he loves her.

Normal men do not like to be controlled, so this tactic will lead to him running away to a smarter, more self-sufficient and interesting girl who has other interests besides him. How to maintain a relationship with a loved one? Surround your man with attention, care, affection, love. Speak tender words to him more often, take an interest in his affairs, praise, notice and thank him for everything he does for you. Build a trusting, sensual relationship, but at the same time remain a separate person from him with your interests, hobbies and worldview.
