How to take care of dry and sensitive skin. Sensitive facial skin: how to improve its condition? Salon and folk methods

Our face is a mirror that reflects all the stages of your life path. Wrinkles indicate how much you were nervous, smiling, worried, or even crying. Gray, unkempt skin - about problems with internal organs, diseases, prolonged stay indoors, the presence bad habits and dependencies. Therefore, it is important not only to take care of the skin of the face, doing masks, peelings, deep cleanings and operations, but also to protect your health in general.

Facial skin care as a means to restore youth and beauty

Healthy, beautiful, radiant skin is real. It can be acquired not only through threadlifting, operations or unreasonably expensive miracle creams. Regular application of moisturizer to the skin of the face and neck nourishes it. Your skin will be under the protective film of the cream, and most of the harmful microorganisms and dust will not be able to get into the pores. So train yourself to hydrate.

It is important to remember that if you constantly apply makeup before going to work, you should have a foundation in your makeup bag. The cream rolls off, causing the powder to crumble, and tone cream look blurry on the face. Buy a quality base. It is better to buy an expensive skin care product and protect your skin from the effects of cosmetics than to save time and think about how to stop aging.

Youthful skin depends on your pace of life and attitude to health. Physical exercise, walking on fresh air, optimistic mood will add you brilliance and beauty.

Remember, dry skin or oily skin is easier to care for. After all, dry skin needs hydration, and oily skin needs nutrition and cleansing of pores. Problematic skin causes a lot of inconvenience - this is the selection of cosmetics, and cleansers, and scrubs.

Considering the impact of the external environment, the problem healthy eating and relaxation, most women have sensitive facial skin. Rash, allergic reactions, exposure to ultraviolet light aggravate the situation. Today we will talk about how to care for sensitive skin.

The first rule of care

Facial cleansing and washing are the most important secrets healthy skin. When caring for sensitive facial skin, it is worth choosing tonics and cleansing milk based on natural ingredients. They gently envelop the face, cleansing it of impurities. Avoid using soap as it dries out the skin. In the morning, it is enough to apply a tonic to cleanse the face of secretions, and wash with warm water. In the evening, be sure to remove the remnants of makeup with tampons and sponges, wash your face and apply a moisturizer at night.

Hot water negatively affects the capillaries, and cold water causes hypothermia. Before the age of 30, the consequences of improper care for sensitive skin are not so noticeable, but the older you get, the more more bugs become obvious.

Second rule

Once every 5 days, make it a habit to use scrubs. You can even start a tradition of exfoliating your face every Saturday to remove dead skin cells. You can buy an exfoliator at the store or make your own. For example, mix two tablespoons of ground coffee with one tablespoon of honey, add a few drops of lavender or orange essential oil and apply on the face for 4-5 minutes. True, be sure to do a small test - apply a small amount of the product on the neck or hand to check for the presence allergic reactions.Ron Berg insists that those who skip exfoliation and don't use scrubs suffer from clogged pores. It's one thing to remove the top layer of dirt while washing. But we must not forget about deep cleansing. He says that men are much better than us women. We don't shave every morning. Razor and shaving gels remove dead skin particles and cleanse pores.
You can turn to specialists to carry out chemical treatment. There are those that need to be done once a year, once every few years, and even a couple of times in a lifetime. it deepest cleansing pores, restoration of tissue function and a healthy glow.

Third rule

When you have learned how to properly wash and cleanse the skin, it is also important to moisturize it. There are enough creams that need to be used during the day or applied at night, nourishing the skin with microelements and vitamins. You should buy products from trusted manufacturers so as not to harm your face even more. Avoid applying such creams to the skin around the eyes, because the skin there is very thin and susceptible to external irritants.

Moisturizing the skin of the face is worth several times a day - morning, afternoon and evening, as an option. If you can use a moisturizer at work, use it. Don't forget about the neck area.

Fourth rule

Watch out for the sun! In any form and in any weather. Exposure to ultraviolet rays irritates sensitive facial skin. Even in winter, a rash, red spots, moles and pronounced freckles can appear on the face.

It is especially necessary to protect the skin of women after thirty, so as not to provoke the appearance of age spots and the development of wrinkles. Application sunscreen on the skin of the face not only saves from the effects of the sun, but also moisturizes it.

Fifth Rule

Do not be afraid to use folk remedies. Naturally, within reasonable limits. For example, many women do the following. An ordinary chicken egg is broken, the proteins are separated from the yolks. The protein is applied to the face for 20-30 minutes. The skin tightens, begins to tingle a lot. Rinse off residue, apply moisturizer. After half an hour, apply the yolk for 10-15 minutes. Rinse again with warm water and moisturize. The skin becomes soft, tender, like a child's. This procedure can be repeated once a week.

Or applying sour cream helps to protect the skin from irritation and moisturize the pores. It is advisable to use natural milk to prepare the product or buy it not in supermarkets, but on the market. So you will be sure of the quality of your mask and the absence of GMOs.

Natural remedies are much better than the most expensive creams. But you should always test and check the effect of this or that miracle - cream or mask on your body. Facial skin is the most delicate and sensitive. She is constantly exposed to wind, frost, heat, breathes street dust and suffers from improper care.

We hope the above rules will help you protect your skin and make it healthy.

The cream for dry and sensitive skin may include the following components:

  • keratolytics- substances that soften and remove dead scales: milk, lemon, malic acid, salicylic acid, urea, resorcinol;
  • nutrients and regenerating substances: vitamins A, B, E, C, K, PP, d-panthenol;
  • antipruritic and anti-inflammatory substances: deresined naftalan, birch tar, zinc pyrithione, extracts of Veronica officinalis, lemon balm, oregano, juniper, needles, burdock, willow bark, nettle;
  • moisturizers: olive, almond, sea buckthorn, sunflower, linseed oils, bear, badger, sheep fats, lanolin, hyaluronic acid.

But the main component of any cream for dry skin is humekants (hydrants). These are substances that retain moisture on the surface of the skin and prevent its dehydration. Humekants are divided into hygroscopic and film-forming.

Hygroscopic humectants bind and hold water molecules deep in the skin. These include collagen, hyaluronic, lactic and pyrrolidonecarboxylic acids, urea. They care for the skin at deep levels through superficial (creams) or deep (injections) application.

Oils, fats, waxes are humectants that form a hydrophobic film on the surface of the skin. Among film-forming hydrants glycerin, a mixture of alcohols and fatty acids used as a base for creams. Glycerin promotes cell renewal, prevents skin dehydration, makes it velvety, regulates metabolic processes.

Keratolytictherapy necessary for very dry skin, especially with severe peeling. However, for sensitive skin, mechanical scrubbing or peeling with fruit acids is contraindicated, as these methods injure the skin, making it even more sensitive. You can gently and carefully get rid of keratinized scales with the help of creams, which include urea, salicylic, boric or glycolic acids. However, these drugs, in addition to keratolytic, have a drying effect, so after using them, it is necessary to apply a moisturizing mask or cream to the skin.

Conventional skin care products may contain one ingredient, but a cream for very dry skin usually contains several active ingredients. Creams such as Losterin have a multidirectional effect, while eliminating peeling, itching, inflammation, nourishing and restoring skin covering. This is especially true for xeroderma of the 2nd and 3rd degree, when inflammation, itching and cracks appear in addition to the feeling of dehydrated skin. In addition, with severe xerosis, the skin becomes very sensitive even to dry air, wind, water, not to mention cosmetics. therefore healing cream for very dry skin should have a calming and desensitizing effect.

With xeroderma of the 2nd and 3rd degree, there is pruritus, due to which the skin is injured, cracks, wounds, scratches appear. Skin in this condition is much more difficult to treat, and therapy may include not only the use of external agents, but also drugs for internal use and physical therapy. However, if you start antipruritictherapy immediately, most problems can be avoided.

Zinc, naphthalene and tar external preparations have a calming effect. CreamsWithcontentzinc among other things, they soften the skin, making it more susceptible to the action of other substances, so it is advisable to use them in combination with preparations that include nourishing and moisturizing components.

tarcreams when xeroderma is used with great care, as tar dries the skin. To relieve itching, a small amount of cream of the lowest concentration (0.5%) is applied to the affected area. The composition of tar (juniper, birch, pine, coal tar) includes more than 10,000 active ingredients, which not only relieve itching, but also normalize metabolic processes in the skin. Tar cream can both improve and worsen the condition of dry skin, therefore, at the first negative reaction, it is canceled.

CreamsWithNaftalanoil are widely used in dermatology, including for the treatment of xeroderma. Preparations with naftalan relieve itching, reduce the level of inflammation, sanitize and anesthetize the skin area on which the cream was applied. Naftalan oil is part of the Losterin cream.

Good care for dry skin creams, which include ceramides- waxy fatty substances that are produced by the body. Ceramides, together with fatty acids, are part of the sebum that forms a protective film on the skin. With a lack of these lipids, the skin reacts sharply negatively to tap water, sun, frost and other weather conditions; without them, the skin dries out, loses its elasticity and quickly ages.

Currently, ceramides for cosmetics are synthesized from rice grains and soybean oil, they are introduced into creams along with herbal extracts and vegetable oils, which allows you to moisturize the skin, activate its metabolic and regeneration processes. In addition, cermids are also used for scalp and hair care - lipids strengthen and strengthen the surface layer of the hair, preventing damage.

Royalmilk- another remedy of natural origin, recommended for deep nutrition with xeroderma. Royal jelly consists of water, proteins, carbohydrates (sucrose, glucose, fructose), vitamins (A, C, D, E, H, PP and group B), free fatty acids (stearic, decenoic, palmitic, succinic, lactic, pyruvic ), hormones (testosterone, progesterone, estradiol), mineral salts and trace elements.

Creams with royal jelly are used to care for very dry, irritated, and aging skin. Milk improves cellular metabolism and blood circulation in the skin, normalizes the function sebaceous glands promotes cell renewal and prevents the formation of wrinkles.

Recently there have been creamsWithextractsnailmucin(mucus). Due to its powerful regenerative and moisturizing properties, the cream is suitable for the treatment of even very irritated, flaky, cracked skin. Cosmetic mucin is taken from snails of the species Helix Aspersa. Under its influence, collagen and elastin begin to be produced in the skin, the action of free radicals is neutralized, inflammation is reduced, and hydration is normalized.

The powerful action of the cream with mucin is explained by the composition of organic matter. Yes, it includes allantoin- A powerful antioxidant that helps to normalize the composition of the skin. In addition, allantoin also has regenerative properties - in snails it helps to restore the shell, in relation to humans, the antioxidant tightens and heals even deep cracks. In addition to allantoin, mucin contains antimicrobial and copper peptides that have a resolving and sanitizing effect, vitamins A, C and E, as well as collagen and elastin, due to which firmness and elasticity return to dry skin.

Suitable for instant hydration creamsandgelsWithaloeVera- a herbal plant widely used in cosmetology and medicine. The plant pulp contains polysaccharides, prostaglandins, glycoproteins, flavonoids, resins, bitterness, phenolic compounds, hormone-like substances, essential oils and many other components, including vitamins (A, C, B) and minerals (calcium, potassium, magnesium, copper, zinc).

Preparations with aloe vera not only moisturize, but also soothe the skin, neutralize inflammation and relieve irritation associated with xeroderma. With systematic use, gels and creams with aloe vera help restore the natural hydration of the skin, which means they can be used to prevent seasonal xeroderma. Also, under the influence of the plant extract, the production of elastin and collagen is restored. Aloe juice relieves redness and normalizes skin pigmentation, and also protects it from ultraviolet radiation.

CreamWithmummy used for deep nourishment of dry skin. Shilajit is an organic-mineral substance, in the formation of which plants, animals, microorganisms, even soil and rocks take part. In medicine and cosmetology, purified mummy is used, which is a thick homogeneous mass of brown or black color, with a bitter taste and a spicy smell. The nutritional, regenerative, rejuvenating and normalizing metabolism properties of mumiyo are substantiated by the content of amino acids, fatty and organic acids, phospholipids, resins and resinous substances, essential oils, tannins, enzymes, steroids, flavonoids, coumarins. Shilajit also contains a complex of vitamins and more than 60 macro- and microelements.

Creams with mummy have a pronounced anti-inflammatory, wound healing and antibacterial effect. The use of this substance stimulates the epithelialization of damaged skin and the production of collagen, which is necessary for dry skin.

Kartalinovayaointment indicated for use in various skin problems, including xeroderma. It is made from grease, salicylic acid, chamomile and string extracts, eucalyptus and lavender oils. It also contains honey and vitamins A and D. The ointment not only removes dead skin flakes, but also deeply nourishes, moisturizes and renews skin cells.

How do you find the best moisturizer for dry skin? Just pay attention to the composition of the cream. For example, Losterin cream contains 6 active ingredients. Urea deeply moisturizes the skin, salicylic acid and sophora carbonate extract have a good keratolytic (exfoliating) effect, d-panthenol and almond oil nourish, moisturize the skin and promote enhanced cell regeneration. Losterin also has a bactericidal effect, which is so necessary for irritated skin prone to microtrauma and cracks. The bactericidal effect is achieved due to the action of deresined naftalan, a valuable oil product that has long been used to treat skin diseases. Naftalan also has a desensitizing, antipruritic, anti-inflammatory, and sedative effect.

In the field of cosmetology, there are several main types of skin: dry, combined, oily , normal and sensitive skin . Sensitive is the most problematic of all. Many people think that problematic skin is either oily or dry. Actually sensitive skin brings representatives The fair sex has a lot more problems than everyone else.

Signs of sensitive skin

This type of skin can be irritated by anything: unfavorable habitat , the wrong cosmetics , the wrong water and a host of other factors . Also, this type of skin can be inherited from birth, but this is a very rare case. Most often, such problems arise as they grow older.

Wrong, constant change of cosmetics, skin diseases - all this adversely affects the epidermis. The upper layer is destroyed, peeling appears, lack of sebaceous glands, the skin becomes much thinner, wrinkles and various other imperfections immediately become more noticeable.

There are several of the most basic signs of this type of skin:

  • constant irritation and rashes on the skin;
  • peeling, dryness;
  • feeling of tight skin;
  • itching, tingling;
  • burning sensation, allergic reactions to fragrances, cosmetics;
  • various spots.

Sensitive skin quickly reacts to natural factors: sun, frost, different temperature regimes, wind. Due to this response, sensitive skin is much more susceptible to aging than the rest (especially around the eyes and lips). There are several types of sensitive skin: dehydrated (tightness and discomfort), very dry and dry (when dry, even the smallest ones are very pronounced), oily, or mixed (shiny surface of the skin, acne, peeling), very sensitive to external factors (any change environment is reflected on such skin).

To find out and understand the causes of such problems, it is necessary to consult with a specialist. Having learned the reasons, you can change something, choose the right means, everyday. Usually, sensitive skin prevails in girls and women with red, blond hair, thin skin and light eyes. Often sensitivity skin is confused with dermatological diseases and allergies. However, if the problems occur suddenly, then 99 percent out of 100, that these are the first signs of sensitive skin.

Factors of manifestation of this type of skin:

  1. Mental breakdowns, nervous injuries, the use of drugs, serious illnesses.
  2. Pathology of the internal organs of the gastrointestinal tract, dermatological, infectious, allergic and endocrine diseases, reduced immunity.
  3. Cosmetic products of poor quality, wrong skin care.

Sensitive care skin

Caring for sensitive skin should be kept to a minimum. With this type of skin, you can not use,, alcohol lotions and tonics. Even a scrub with the smallest exfoliating particles can cause great harm to such skin. It is necessary to select preparations for care very carefully, based on reviews, brands, composition of the product.

You can use care products made by yourself at home. But even in this case, you must remember that not every ingredient may be right for you. Bad water from the tap, washing with soap, various procedures in beauty salons, creams with fragrances - all this can cause irritation.

It is best to start your day with washing with barely warm water without additional products (soap, foam). If tap water causes irritation, discomfort, then it is better to replace it with boiled, melted, or non-carbonated drinking water. Lightly brewed green or spring water can also be used. In this case, even the slightest changes in the epidermis should be noticed.

For sensitive skin, it is best to choose creams (nourishing or moisturizing) marked "hypoallergenic". It is also always worth looking at the components of creams: oils, hyaluronic acid (it is she, not salt), allantoin. For sensitive skin, drugs from a pharmacy are perfect, for example, for treatment. Such preparations are very mild and do not cause allergic reactions .

You can carry thermal water with you in your handbag. You can use it anywhere, anytime. It soothes the skin with inflammation and irritation.
With regards to decorative cosmetics, it is best to get rid of it. But not everyone can afford it. There are some helpful tips here:

  1. Instead of foundation, it is better to use compact or loose powder.
  2. You should not buy waterproof mascara, for it you usually have to purchase a special removal liquid, and there are a lot of harmful substances in it.
  3. In order to do without irritation around the eyes, it is best to use a black pencil and mascara of the same color (black is less allergenic).
  4. It is better to refuse liquid eyeliners, and the shadows acquire light shades.
  5. For removal, milk for sensitive skin type.
  6. Face masks should not be carried away, and any peeling should be abandoned once and for all.

Washing sensitive skin

Not everyone owners Sensitive skin is suitable pouring from a faucet. It should be remembered that it is best to wash your face with warm water without soap or gel. You can use soft products specifically for this type of skin, you need to apply it with light massage movements. Do not wipe too much with a towel, it will be enough just to slightly wet the excess moisture.

For washing, you can use water purified from chlorine, mineral water, herbal decoctions of chamomile, nettle. After washing, do not forget about applying a nourishing cream. It is best to remove make-up from the face with a special milk, and use a lotion or tonic without alcohol. Also, the lotion can be prepared independently from lemon juice and glycerin with the addition of pure water.

If washing with water, herbal decoctions and mineral water does not suit you, then you can wash your face with a tablespoon of milk with the addition of a small spoonful of butter and honey. Or use cream, sour cream.

Cosmetics for sensitive skin

As mentioned above, the selection of cosmetics should be approached quite consciously. Marks "hypoallergenic", "sensitive skin" must be on any package. If there is irritation, inflammation on some ingredient, then it is necessary to study the composition, and do not purchase products with alcohol, essential oils, dyes.

Some of the best cosmetics according to consumer reviews:

  • for sensitive skin, you can use Calendula and Arctic Berry Ultracalm Cleansing Milk - Sensitive skin from REN and soft Precision gommage CHANEL;
  • moisturize the skin will be able to crème pour from AVENE and biosensitive from BIOTERM;
  • masque de cotton by CARITA and F 10 Enzymatic Smooth radiance Facial Mask by REN;
  • cream that relieves inflammation and soothes irritated skin Redness solution from CLINIQUE .

oil for sensitive skin

As everyone is well aware, the benefits for the epidermis are simply enormous. However, not all of them may be suitable for sensitive skin, but many can still be used. Some will relieve itching, peeling, others will moisturize and nourish, others will relieve irritation. They can be used in pure form, or mixed into cosmetics.

For starters, it is better to use base oils, and after addictive skin, can little by little add exactly for sensitive skin (lavender, camomile, pink).

For dry skin, exposed strong peeling can use butter coconut. It wonderful softens, feeds, moisturizes cutaneous cover. rises elasticity and elasticity, disappear conspicuous wrinkles. His can apply front and after sunburn, a same in winter period from weathering skin. coconut butter soothes, disinfects cutaneous cover. His can apply in pure form (slightly having melted in palms slice oils), or add in cream for faces. Same can first apply butter, a over him lotion, cream or milk.

Wonderful fits for sensitive skin butter cedar. Thanks to useful substances, butter wonderful feeds skin, not causing allergies and irritation. relieves from peeling, dryness, wrinkles, skin diseases (recommended dermatologists).

Butter same Good fits for especially sensitive skin. nutritionally at fading, aging, dry, dehydrated skin. Use can in pure form, leading piece oils on skin cover faces better Total on night, or front way out on street (ideally for weather). His can to mix With oil painting sesame, or peach.

Butter apricot bonesin German very many useful vitamins. It wonderful moisturizes, feeds, exfoliates and rejuvenates cutaneous cover. Same removes various inflammation and irritation.

AT list necessary and nutritional oils for sensitive type skin can turn on: almond, rice, olive, butter jojoba, avocado, boragoEverybody these kinds oils contain in yourself useful and important trace elements and vitamins, topics more they not cause allergic reactions, what important in care per sensitive skin.

Cream for sensitive skin faces

As and all products for care, cream need to choose hypoallergenic, looking on then, from what made product. AT list ingredients must to be most minimum number harmful and maximum necessary and useful components. Better Total choose nutritious, or moisturizing cream, desirable With presence sunscreen filter.

Front purchase better explore

In the autumn winter period our skin is especially prone to dryness, flaking and micro-cracks. Therefore, it is important to provide proper nutrition and skin care during this time. Today on the cosmetic market there are many products that act not only as decorative cosmetics, but also having medicinal property.

Often the problem of dry skin worries female representatives, regardless of the time of year and, for example, the nature of the diet. This is just a genetically determined sign, and often a consequence of prolonged exposure to the sun or in a solarium.

Mechanism of action

Means for dry skin of the face have a certain set of qualities, the combination of which leads to a positive result:

  • increased hydration and nutrition;
  • maintenance of water-salt balance in the dermis and epidermis;
  • peeling effect, i.e. exfoliation of dead cells;
  • restoration of the sebaceous glands;
  • protection against UV radiation and frost;
  • smoothing wrinkles;
  • hypoallergenicity.

Products for moisture-deprived skin have a creamy texture, because crumbly and dry cosmetics will only exacerbate the problem. Cosmetics for dry skin of the face create a waterproof barrier between the skin and the environment. At the same time, moisture freely penetrates the skin, and its loss is limited.

Composition features

When choosing products for dry skin, be sure to pay attention to the composition of the product, because the effect depends on it.

Preference should be given to water-based cosmetics containing nourishing and moisturizing ingredients.

The components, the presence of which in the composition of these cosmetics is desirable and even mandatory include:

  1. glycerin, fats and oils needed to create a waterproof layer.
  2. vitamins A and E, which improve the trophism of the skin of the face.
  3. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that enhances the regeneration of dead cells.
  4. hyaluronic acid, capable of "binding" moisture.
  5. glycolic acid (1%), which activates the synthesis of connective tissue proteins.
  6. to collagen and elastin are the main components of the dermis, which determine its properties.
  7. salicylic acid (2%), the action of which is aimed at reducing skin flaking.
  8. extracts of chamomile, calendula, celandine, which improve skin nutrition and regeneration.
  9. sun protection filters (SPF).

Harmful components, the action of which has a detrimental effect on dry skin of the face:

  1. alcohol, which is known to dry the skin.
  2. sodium lauryl sulfate and sodium laureth sulfate, which are very drying to the skin.
  3. menthol (mint), tightening the skin.

Overview of cosmetics for dry skin

In most cases, it is not enough to use moisturizers and make masks to moisturize. Dry skin requires careful selection of not only care products, but also decorative cosmetics that have the appropriate properties.

When choosing from the cosmetics on the market, pay attention not only to the composition of the product, but also to its consistency.

Excessively dry powder or blush will only emphasize existing problem with skin.

Cosmetics for dry and sensitive skin of the face have appropriate marks on the label, which makes it easier to find the right product.


  • Mineralize Concealer by MAC- A creamy concealer that actively moisturizes the skin and masks its imperfections. Price from 1800r;
  • Clarins Instant Concealer- Liquid concealer with excellent moisturizing effect. Price from 1500r;
  • Decay 24/7 by Urban- Concealer creamy structure in the form of a pencil. Price from 1300r;
  • Lumi Magique Concealer from L "Oreal- concealer, perfect for dry skin, capable of performing the function of a highlighter. Price from 600r;
  • Affinitone Consealer by Maybellinea budget option liquid concealer, well hiding small flaws. Price from 350r;


  • Color Compact SPF50 Light by Heliocare- cream-powder, which in addition to moisturizing action has high protection against UV rays. Price from 2500r;
  • Mineralize Foundation/Loose by MACmineral powder supporting water balance skin. Price from 1800r;
  • Like a Doll Loose Powder by Pupa-compact powder with cottonseed extract, providing skin hydration. Price from 1000r;
  • Alliance Perfect from L "Oreal- Highlighter powder with a creamy texture that moisturizes the face well. Price from 800r;
  • Luminys Baked Face Powder by Pupa- baked powder, which includes oils that provide sufficient nutrition and hydration of the skin. Price from 700r;

Tone cream

  • Superbalanced Silk Makeup by Clinique- a long-wearing foundation with a slight sun-protective effect. Price from 2000r;
  • Inner Light Mineral Tinted Moisture SPF15 by Aveda- has a light texture and is easy to apply. Price from 1800r;
  • Aerateint Pure by Vichy- foundation in the manufacture, which uses thermal water, moisturizing the skin during the day. Price from 800r;
  • Lumene CC Color Correcting Cream– has a moisturizing and regenerating effect, contains protection against UV radiation. Price from 600r;
  • Radiance Reveal Healthy Mix Foundation by Bourjois Paris- economy class moisturizing foundation. Price from 400r;


  • Cream Eye by RMS-Beauty- popular cream shadows, ideal for dry skin of the eyelids. Price from 2000r;
  • Full metal shadow by Yves Saint Laurent- liquid shadows with a convenient applicator. Price from 1900r;
  • Ombre Couture by Givenchy- Waterproof matte cream shadows. Price from 1100r;
  • Addict Fluid Shadow by Dior- liquid shadows, which may not be very convenient to apply at first, but they are very persistent and do not dry the skin. Price from 900r;
  • Cream Crush Lasting Color Eyeshadow by Kiko- long-lasting cream-shadows, perfectly moisturizing the skin. Price from 400r.


  • Phyto Lip Shine by Sisley- Extra-class moisturizing lipstick. Price from 2500r;
  • Rouge Coco Shine by Chanel– has established itself as one of the best moisturizing lipsticks-balms. Price from 1700r;
  • Joli Rouge by Clarins- Moisturizing lipstick-shine, keeps on the lips for a long time. Price from 1500r;
  • Vitabalm by Darphin- nourishing lipstick-balm, which has no color, but has a healing property. Can be used under colored lipstick. Price from 700r;
  • Color Rich Serum from L "Oreal Paris- contains hyaluronic acid in its composition, moisturizes lips and restores water balance. Price from 400r;


  • Multi-Blush by Clarinscream blush suitable for problematic skin and protect it from dehydration. Price from 2000r;
  • Chubby Stick Color Balm by Clinique- cream blush in a stick with good durability. Price from 1500r;
  • Creme Puff Blush by Max Factor– creamy baked blush, easy to use. Price from 1000r;
  • Diorblush Cheek Stick by Dior- a blush creamy texture in a stick, which after application gives a matte effect. Price from 1000r;
  • Raspberry Miracle by Lumene- budget blush stick, to create a natural blush. Price from 600r;
  • Rouge Cream Blush by Nyx Professional MakeUp- cream blush with a fairly oily texture. Price from 400r.

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What is suitable for sensitive dermis

Especially careful attitude requires sensitive skin. In cosmetics for such skin, it is important to have nutritional components, vitamins and trace elements in the composition. This cosmetics is hypoallergenic, does not contain fragrances and fragrances.

You can find out about the presence of soothing properties in the product by a special label on the product: "for sensitive skin."

Usually it will contain only natural substances, eliminating irritation, redness and other consequences of overly sensitive skin.

How to rinse properly

The owners of dry skin of the face definitely had a question, what is the best way to wash off makeup. Now in the cosmetic market there are a lot of options for removing cosmetics. Let's dwell on them in more detail.

Micellar water

Initially, this tool was invented for the care of the skin of babies. It is easy to guess that its use for owners of dry skin will not bring inconvenience. It does not dry the epidermis, and also perfectly removes makeup.


The product is very mild and does not cause irritation. Effectively nourishes and moisturizes the skin, allowing you to maintain the balance of water at the proper level.

You should choose those products, the basis of which is water.

Cleansing cream 2 in 1

Skin moisturizer and make-up remover are becoming more popular due to their versatility: in the process of removing make-up, you moisturize the epidermis, and eliminate the need for additional facial skin care products.


The use of oils as makeup removers guarantees the restoration of water and lipid metabolism in the skin. Can be used as natural oils(olive, grape seeds, coconut, etc.), as well as modern artificially synthesized hydrophilic oils.

The process of removing makeup includes several basic rules:

  • remove makeup in a certain sequence: lips, eyes, face;
  • make-up removal should be done strictly along the massage lines;
  • when removing makeup from the eyes, use those products that have the appropriate marking: “to remove eye makeup”;
  • at least 3 cotton pads must be used to remove makeup;
  • Do not wash your face with water after removing makeup, just apply a moisturizer.
  • Firstly, You need to clean up your diet, drink more water, choose natural foods, and add sources of vitamins A, B, E, and C to your diet.
  • Secondly, never expose your skin to extremely hot or cold temperatures. When washing your face in the morning, try to use slightly warm water. Do not abuse being in the sun and in the solarium. Before going out, whether it's winter or summer, use a moisturizer as a makeup base. In summer, this cream should contain a UV filter.
  • Thirdly, do not forget to do moisturizing masks several times a week. Masks can be used home cooking, and bought in the store. The main thing is the regularity of this cosmetic procedure. And also carefully consider the choice of cosmetics for daily makeup.

If you follow all the above rules, but your skin condition does not get better, and may even worsen, then you should contact a beauty salon for a consultation with a specialist. You may be scheduled for a facial massage, peeling or ultrasonic cleaning skin.

In cosmetology, sensitive facial skin stands out in separate type, due to the need for special gentle comprehensive care. It instantly reacts to any irritants, giving its owner a lot of problems. They are constantly manifested by peeling and redness, vascular networks and new wrinkles. It is possible to normalize the condition, reduce increased sensitivity, thanks to folk remedies and the achievements of aesthetic medicine.

Types of skin sensitivity

Three main types - oily, dry and combination are at risk of becoming very sensitive skin. This can be triggered by lifestyle, diet, adverse environmental conditions and improperly selected cosmetics.

  1. Oily epidermis is characterized by an unhealthy complexion, with redness on different areas, the relief of the face may be accompanied by bumps, the pores are enlarged, blockage of the ducts in the form of comedones is noticeable.
  2. Dry sensitive skin is very thin, prone to peeling, irritation, the formation of premature wrinkles and sagging. The complexion is pale in some areas, vascular networks may appear.
  3. Combination skin combines the main problems of the previous two. In the T-region are visible wide pores, increased sebum production provokes shine and infection. On the cheeks, the integument is noticeably thinner, prone to rosacea and dryness.

You can determine by the following factors:

  • Unhealthy pallor;
  • Instantly reacts to touch, changing color;
  • Normal washing provokes a feeling of tightened dermis;
  • Regular irritations and allergic reactions;
  • The occurrence of injuries during massage;
  • Ignition leads to burns;
  • Contact with fresh grass is fraught with a change in pigmentation;
  • Cold or heat causes unpleasant, and even painful sensations.

Sensitive skin care tips

A very thin epidermis constantly reacts to any irritants. To reduce possible negative reactions, it is worth following a number of simple recommendations. Together with cosmetics proper care will help to quickly bring the skin back to normal.

Interesting video: Sensitive skin care at home

Important advice from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. Frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are indicated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemical substances destroy the structure of curls, the hair becomes brittle, lose elasticity and strength, the color fades. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, the experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Сosmetic. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. Recommended to visit official internet store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

Oily sensitive skin care

  1. Cleanse the skin soft means, the content of alcohol, alkali, other aggressive ingredients is excluded;
  2. Apply on pimples and acne medicinal ointments in minimal quantities;
  3. For scrubbing, use products with soft particles that prevent vascular injury, irritation;
  4. Choose decorative cosmetics marked - anticomedone;
  5. Do not forget about regular moisturizing, nourishing masks, creams, if you enrich finished products, the amount of vegetable oils should not exceed 10%;
  6. Normalize nutrition, avoid sweets, snacks, smoked meats, spices that provoke purulent formations.

Care for dry sensitive skin

  1. Wash only with warm water, forget about steaming, or procedures with ice;
  2. Protect the face from exposure to ultraviolet radiation, select the factor depending on the season, pay attention to the presence of filters with titanium dioxide or zinc oxide;
  3. To moisturize, use tested creams or replace with vegetable oils;
  4. Do not use esters, acids, sorbents that scratch and injure the skin;
  5. In the cold season, it is worth using creams and emulsions with a cold protection effect;
  6. During the day, thermal water will help to refresh and moisturize the face.

Salon treatments for sensitive skin

Have been practicing in cosmetology for a long time effective methods adaptation of the thin epidermis to the environment.

The most popular and effective for sensitive skin care are:

  1. Phototherapy- with the help of a laser, rosacea stars are removed, the complexion is restored, microcirculation improves, there is no rehabilitation period and side effects;
  2. Biorevitalization- thanks to the introduction of injections with hyaluronic acid, not only the improvement of turgor and elasticity occurs, but also the normalization of all metabolic processes, inflammation and irritation disappear, facial vessels are strengthened;
  3. Mesotherapy- all the same beauty shots, only the composition can include plant extracts, vitamins, minerals, natural stimulants, this method allows you to deliver useful components into the deep layers of the dermis, which is difficult to achieve with traditional cream application.

You will have to give up various types of peelings, polishing, corrective and rejuvenating massages. Best cosmetics for skin prepared with your own hands, you can always test for allergies, and natural ingredients safe and will not cause harm.

Home remedies for sensitive skin

Folk methods allow you to take care of the most sensitive skin, restoring its immune properties. In nature, it is easy to find all the means for complete care for soft skin. They cleanse and soothe, nourish and moisturize, keeping the skin fresh and elastic. Only individual intolerance can become contraindications.

Oils for sensitive skin

It is difficult to find more perfect products in terms of their chemical composition. Rich in vitamins and acids, saturate the dermis with essential substances, keeping youth and elasticity. It is also recommended for sensitive eye skin, they do not cause irritation, cope with mimic wrinkles, overhanging eyelids and swelling.

List of the best oils:

  • Olive - softens and nourishes, strengthens the facial vessels, smoothes the network of wrinkles, is used in the off-season and winter, when the epidermis is especially prone to dryness and irritation;
  • Almond - does not clog the sebaceous ducts, has a lifting effect, you can add a few drops to ready-made cosmetics or apply as a replacement for moisturizing serum;
  • Jojoba - thanks high content tocopherol, is considered one of the the best means for rejuvenation and protection sun rays, used effectively in acne formulations to soothe inflammation, and used in pure form;
  • Grape - is used to moisturize the problematic dermis, with enlarged pores and regular rashes, light oil is perfectly perceived by the age-related dermis, it softens and nourishes, refreshes the integument.
  • Shea - a dense structure often repels owners of oily sensitive skin, but this natural product is effective for absolutely all types, it can be used to speed up the processes of regeneration, healing of wounds and cracks, and in winter provides reliable protection from temperature changes, maintaining the level of moisture without clogging the pores.

As a result: care products should protect the dermis as much as possible from adverse environmental factors. For daily nutrition and hydration, restoring the pH balance and saturating the skin with vitamins and acids, it is worth preparing a natural cosmetic product.


  • 10 ml peach oil;
  • 5 gr. shea butter;
  • 3 drops of bergamot ether.

Production and method of application: after melting the wax in a water bath, add vegetable oils, removing from heat and pouring into a prepared cosmetic jar, add drops of ether. Apply a thin layer on the cleansed face, following the massage lines.

Application: for daily use morning and evening, in the presence of wounds and cracks, do not include essential oil in the composition.

Tonic for sensitive skin

Masks for sensitive skin at home

Capricious and fickle sensitive dermis needs comprehensive care. Cleansing, toning and nutrition, mandatory procedures necessary for her youth and health. But all prepared compositions must be checked for possible reaction so as not to harm thin integuments.


As a result: at home, you can gently remove dead skin cells, remove toxins and oxidants, refresh color and narrow pores.


  • 10 gr. oatmeal;
  • 5 gr. plantain;
  • 5 gr. chamomile.

Production and method of application: grind herbs together with flakes in a coffee grinder to a state of powder. Dilute with mineral water and distribute on the epidermis. Eight / ten minutes is enough, after you can wash your face.


Eventually: thin skin has enough weak immunity, often prone to infections, rashes, cracks. To restore the natural properties, it is enough to periodically replenish the deficiency of vitamins and fatty acids.


  • 10 gr. cottage cheese;
  • 2 yolks;
  • 5 gr. cream.

Production and method of application: yolks, mixed with cottage cheese, add cream, too thick mass can be diluted with warm green tea. Wipe the surface with micellar liquid, then distribute the finished nutrient mass. Finish your facial after twenty-five minutes.



As a result: natural cosmetics will help soothe the skin, get rid of redness, irritation and rash.


  • 10 gr. rice flour;
  • 20 ml of milk;
  • 3 drops of sandalwood ether.

Production and method of application: mix rice powder with warm milk, add wood drops. Distribute the product along the lines of massage, leave to act for twenty minutes. Remove leftovers in the usual way.

For dry skin

As a result: moisturize the integument, get rid of peeling easily, thanks to the recipes of nature. Cells are saturated with the necessary moisture and useful substances, which increases the firmness and elasticity of the dermis.


  • banana;
  • 15 gr. starch;
  • 10 gr. coconut oil.

Production and application method: combine banana puree with corn starch and nutritious dense oil. Apply the plastic mass on the face, firmly pressing it to the surface. After resting thirty / thirty-five minutes, remove the remnants.

from a pumpkin

As a result: helps to avoid beriberi, strengthens facial vessels, improves lymph outflow. Effectively used for puffiness and swelling, as well as for the prevention of premature wrinkles.


  • 20 gr. pumpkins;
  • 15 gr. yogurt;
  • 6 drops of retinol.

Production and method of application: bake the vegetable, chop on a grater and combine with natural yogurt, enter liquid vitamin. Spread with a spatula on prepared covers, cleaned of decorative cosmetics, apply to all areas of the face, without exception. After fifteen minutes, remove the remains with a damp disk.

From chocolate

Bottom line: home remedies are effective against wrinkles, age-related flabbiness and loss of firmness. Use a restorative procedure at least twice a month.


  • 15 gr. bitter chocolate;
  • 10 gr. shea butter.

Production and method of application: after melting the dessert in a water bath, add African oil. Distribute the finished composition, cooled down a little, with a spatula, enjoy spa care for a quarter of an hour. After carefully remove the remnants of the mask.

From kelp

As a result: acts against wrinkles, deeply moisturizes and refreshes the color. For a lasting lifting effect, carry out five / seven cosmetic sessions.


  • 20 gr. kelp;
  • 15 drops of grape oil.

Production and method of application: pour dry, crushed algae with mineral water, leave for ten minutes, then add oil. Apply with a brush or sponge, as if smoothing out the covers. After forty minutes, finish in the usual way.

From honey

As a result: to whiten pigmentation and improve the relief of oily sensitive dermis, it is worth using folk recipes. Strengthens blood vessels, improves microcirculation and oxygen respiration.


  • 15 gr. honey;
  • protein;
  • 5 ml strawberry juice.

Production and application method: squeeze juice from fresh berries, beat with honey and protein with a whisk. Distribute after washing with a brush in several layers. The mask is valid for fifteen / eighteen minutes.

From sour cream

As a result: for whitening and nourishing the epidermis, smoothing out static wrinkles, it is worth using dairy ingredients. Proteins are perfectly perceived by cells, do not cause allergic reactions.


  • 10 gr. sour cream;
  • 5 gr. aloe juice.

Production and method of application: combine sour cream with vegetable juice, apply a mass similar to an emulsion in the evening, before going to bed, wipe the skin with thermal water in the morning.

from cucumber

As a result: restores the balance of moisture, vitamins and minerals, refreshes and relieves puffiness. An effective mask to restore elasticity and firmness.


  • cucumber;
  • half an avocado;
  • 10 gr. wheat flour.

Production and method of application: after removing the skin from vegetables, grind on a grater, add cereal powder to the mass. Distribute in a dense layer on the surface of the face, after protecting the eyelids with cotton pads. Rest for about forty minutes, then remove the composition with a napkin.

From potatoes

As a result: for age-related, problematic dermis, prone to dryness and peeling, it is worth holding a home caring session. The procedure also prepares the skin for adverse weather conditions, dry air, frost, or the exhausting high temperatures of summer.


  • 2 potatoes;
  • 10 gr. cream;
  • yolk.

Production and method of application: in a blender, make a homogeneous mass from raw vegetables, add milk cream and egg yolk. Distribute the composition in a dense layer, including on the delicate area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyelids. You will have to wait about twenty-five minutes, after washing.

Video recipe: Mask for inflamed and sensitive skin at home

from cabbage

As a result: relieves inflammation, possible purulent formations, removes toxins. Suitable for all types of dermis, even if there are wounds or cracks.


  • 20 gr. cabbage;
  • 5 ml plantain juice.

Production and application method: cabbage leaf grind in a meat grinder, combine the finished pasty mass with the juice of a medicinal plant. Apply the composition to the cleaned covers, hold for about half an hour.

From oatmeal

As a result: for regular cleansing, normalization of the sebaceous glands, acceleration of renewal processes, it is worth using natural ingredients.


  • 10 gr. flakes;
  • 8 drops of calendula oil.

Production and method of application: steam the flakes with green tea, add to the cooled slurry spoiled milk and marigold oil. Distribute the product in a circular motion, after ten minutes you can complete the caring manipulations.


As a result: an effective procedure will help against acne, inflammation and pigmentation.


  • 10 gr. clay;
  • 5 gr. chamomile;
  • 15 drops of jojoba oil.

Production and method of application: grind the flowers in a coffee grinder, combine with clay and oil, dilute the composition with mineral water. Treat the surface, avoiding contact with the eyelids and lips, rinse off after half an hour.

Interesting video: Care for inflamed sensitive skin
