How to install a child seat in a car. Child car seat - how to install it correctly

Properly securing your car seat is key to safety. because Even the most expensive and safe chair, if installed incorrectly, can cause even more harm than not having it at all. I would like to immediately note that information on installing a specific chair can be gleaned exclusively from the instructions for it, but we will describe the main methods and give answers to some questions.

So, there are four main ways to secure a child car seat in a car.

1. Fastening using standard three-point vehicle belts.

This mounting option is quite universal because... There are belts in every car. The belt runs along special guides, as if covering the chair at several points, which ensures proper fixation. As a rule, guides are marked in red, which reduces the likelihood of error. Since the belts have some plasticity, at the time of an accident the load increases more smoothly and the child is subject to less overload.

The disadvantages of this type of mount include the difficulty of installation. and some dependence of the installation quality on the coincidence of the geometry of the child car seat with the car seat, in other words, not every seat fits perfectly into any seat. In the event of a multi-impact accident, the seat may move from its intended position.

A) Read the instructions and make sure that the length of the belt in your car is sufficient to secure the seat. Some models of child seats require up to 235 centimeters of belt.

B) The belt in a car must have three fastening points (right, left, shoulder); installation on two-point belts (found in trucks and minibuses) is not allowed.

C) Always check the strength and tension of the belt after installation, and also see if the belt is jammed somewhere.

2. Fastening using the ISOFIX system.

ISOFIX system - allows you to firmly secure the seat in the car. The design of this system is simple; on the back of the chair there is a steel frame with U-shaped clamps, which clings to the return loops located on the back seat of the car. How to check if a car has Isofix? Just run your hand through the connection between the backrest and the seat on the back sofa and move along and if you come across small loops in the depths, then you have found Isofix. Sometimes there are information stripes on the seat fabric.

Isofix fastenings have been designed to make installation easier and easier, With this system it is almost impossible to install the chair incorrectly. Isofix mounting is only available on the rear seats.

The advantages of this system: ease of installation, reliable fixation in any car, more resistant to a series of impacts in an accident.

Cons: vibration is transmitted from the body, heavy weight of the chair, price.

3. Latch mount (USA).

The Latch system is 10 years younger than Isofix and does not have a number of disadvantages of its predecessor.

In fact, Latch is an elastic belt with carabiners (Isofix has a metal frame with carabiners), which immediately gives certain advantages: the belts are more elastic and do not transfer all the vibrations of the body to the chair, a chair with Latch is lighter and cheaper. The Latch fastening does not interfere at all when securing the chair with regular belts.

4. SureLatch mount (USA).

The SureLatch system is the latest invention of the American company Evenflo. The base is the same as the usual Latch, but it is supplemented with automatic tensioners, which undoubtedly simplifies the installation of the seat in the car.

The SureLatch mount is the best option for use with European cars because... there, often, the response bracket is deep.

About the compatibility of child car seat anchors:

Seats with belt fastening are universal and can be installed in any car with three-point belts.

Seats with Isofix can be installed in a car with this system; some of the models have the ability to be fixed with standard three-point belts.

Seats with Latch/SureLatch are installed both in European cars with Isofix and in American cars with Latch/SureLatch; they also have the ability to be secured with standard three-point belts, without exception.

Not every car enthusiast thinks about safety when driving their car. Most drivers rely on the strong body of their car, driving skills, airbags and seat belts, and this is enough to confidently drive the car. But when a new “passenger” appears in the family, the issue of safety comes first. Now, in order to transport your child, you need to purchase a child seat. However, this does not mean that you can calm down on this. To be sure that your child is safe, you need to know how to install a child car seat correctly. Let's figure out what's what together.

How to install a child car seat in groups

Before we talk about how to install a child car seat correctly, it is necessary to understand what groups of child seats exist today. The thing is that certain types of such chairs have a clear design that can be installed only in one place. Let's figure out what types of chairs exist and how they are installed depending on the group to which they belong.

Group 0 and 0+

A child seat in a Group 0 car is used if the child’s weight does not exceed 10 kg. As a rule, such a chair is used for newborns, and after six months it will have to be replaced with a chair of another group. The chair itself is a basket, which is used in strollers. The only difference is that this seat has additional seat belts inside. This kind of car seat is installed in the rear seats in such a way that the child is perpendicular to the movement of the car. For additional safety, the car seat is secured with standard car seat belts.

A group 0 child seat becomes unusable too quickly, so there is an improved version - 0+. The difference is that such chairs, as a rule, can withstand up to 13 kg. Therefore, you can transport a child up to 1 year of age and only then buy a new seat. In addition, the chairs of this group are installed with their back to the movement, which has a positive effect on the child’s neck and spine. The advantage of group 0+ seats is that they can be installed in the front seat.

Group 1

If your child is already able to sit upright, then it’s time to switch to a child seat in a Group 1 car. It must be installed facing the direction of travel of the car. Until your child reaches a weight of 15-18 kg, you can safely sit him in this seat without worrying about safety while driving.

Group 2-3

A group 2 child seat in a car is very rare, since many manufacturers prefer to combine groups 2 and 3 in one. In this case, you receive a child car seat without internal belts. Now, for fixation, car seat belts are used, which pass through special holes in the seat. It’s not even worth talking about the comfort of such chairs, because most of them have a clearly adjusted angle of inclination for your child to sleep well.

Group 3 or booster

Boosters are the name given to group 3 child seats. It can’t even be called a chair anymore, because the booster has a solid structure and is just a seat. There is no side protection and they are attached very unreliably. Although manufacturers prove that they can be used for children from 4 years old, we would argue whether such chairs can be used at all.

Which car seat is best?

Today these are all existing classes of children's car seats, but as practice shows, there are many more of them. Manufacturers have learned to competently combine several classes in one chair. These chairs are of course more expensive, but in the end they save you money. After all, if in 1-2 years you have to change at least three chairs, you can buy one chair once, which will last you 2-3 years.

When choosing a child car seat, you need to take into account things such as the height and weight of the child, the method of fastening and other important factors that allow you to make the right choice. There is probably no definite answer to the question “which car seat is best?” Each child seat has its pros and cons, and your goal is to determine the best option for you and your child.

How to attach a child seat?

Based on the mounting methods, car seats for children can be divided into three groups. Each seat has its own mounting method, and all of them are widely used in car seats. Which mounting method is right for you is up to you to choose. In turn, we will try to tell you how to attach a child seat of a particular class.

  1. A seat secured with seat belts. These seats are secured in the car using standard passenger seat belts. Most often, chairs of this type have special grooves into which the seat belt is pulled. A definite advantage of such a system is that it is a universal mounting method suitable for all cars. The downside is that there is no single instruction on how to install such chairs, but for each chair, as a rule, instructions are attached.
  2. Seat with ISOFIX fastening. Child car seats with ISOFIX mountings are attached directly to the car body. To do this, in the car in the back row between the back and the seat there are special brackets into which the mount is inserted. This is also a fairly reliable method of fastening, however, not all cars are equipped with such brackets. That is why, when choosing a car seat, you should pay attention to the way it is attached.
  3. Chair with Latch type fastening. The Latch type fastening on a car child seat is a strap with something like an anchor at the end. How to install a Latch-type child car seat? It’s quite simple - the strap stretches over the back of the seat and clings to the body bracket with an anchor. This type of fastening, again, is not suitable for all cars, so you need to check in advance whether such a bracket is in your car.

How to fasten a child seat?

In the review, we managed to discuss classes of child seats, dividing them according to the age and weight of the child, the type of seat, as well as the method of fastening. When choosing a child seat of one class or another, you determine in advance how to fasten the child seat, because all this is specified in the instructions. The situation is completely different with where exactly to place a child seat in the car.

Of course, as we said earlier, the future location of the chair depends on the class itself (0, 0+, 1, etc.). But in which part of the cabin will it be safest for your child to be? And as practice shows, the safest place in the event of an accident is the rear right seat, as well as the rear seat in the middle. If you were able to correctly install the child seat in this place, you can be sure that your child is completely safe. We hope that we were able to answer the question of how to install a child car seat correctly.

For a newborn, even visiting a local clinic is a big journey. And for parents, the first “outing into the world” associated with transporting a baby in a car is, first of all, worry about the safety of the little one on the road. And if your family has a car, then even before the baby arrives, you need to think about purchasing a restraint system so that from the first days of life the child is maximally protected during the trip. But what types of infant carriers are there, and how to attach this device and place the baby in it?

The infant carrier is a special orthopedic design weighing 4–5 kg, which is equipped with belts that guarantee the safe fixation of a baby up to 1.5 years old in a lying or semi-lying position. The purpose of the device is to protect the small passenger from damage and sudden weight transfer in an emergency.

Modern models of infant carriers can serve as carriers, strollers, rockers, and sometimes even cribs.

What types of cradles are there?

  • group 0 - such devices are a recumbent block of some modern strollers;
  • group 0+ - they can be mounted on both the rear and front seats of the car. Modern devices have a backrest angle of 30 to 43 degrees, which ensures a horizontal position for the baby while the car is moving. In some models, when transformed into a car seat, the backrest can be raised to a sitting position.

This is interesting. Even premature babies who are only recommended to lie down can be placed in infant carriers marked “0”.

Table: differences between different groups of newborn restraints

Group Child's age Type of baby restraint Installation method inside the car
0 from birth until reaching 10 kg weight, that is, on average, up to 6 months of age. internal three-point seat belts of the car seat The device is attached to two standard vehicle seat belts along the rear seat. The baby will ride lying down in this design. This mount is only used on category 0 infant carriers.
0+ for children up to 1.5 years (up to 13 kg). internal five-point seat belts
  • against the direction of travel (this type of fastening is necessary for babies weighing up to 10 kg);
  • in the direction of travel of the vehicle (if the child weighs more than 10 kg, but less than 13).

Additions that will help place your baby comfortably

Models of infant carriers of any category, the method of fastening the child and mounting in the car can be:

  • with awnings for protection from the sun (and the glances of curious people, among other things);
  • with additional seals (for example, rollers for fixing the head to enhance protection against injuries to the cervical spine - these are necessary for up to 3 months, and then can be used at will or according to doctor's indications).

Modern baby carriers are multifunctional, as they are equipped with a carrying handle, can be installed on the base of a stroller, used as a crib (for short sleep, for example, so as not to wake up a toddler if he falls asleep on the road), a chair or rocking chair at home.

Important point: regular stroller cradles are prohibited from being used to carry children.

All models of infant carriers require the presence of an orthopedic insert (mattress). It is not worth adding additional blankets and pillows, as this will not only reduce the level of safety of using the device, but will also negatively affect the baby’s health. One caveat: if your model does not have additional rollers for fixing the head of a child up to 3 months, then you can use folded towels.

Photo gallery of different types of infant carriers for installation in a car and on a stroller chassis

A regular infant carrier of category 0 has only a horizontal position and is impressive in size. You can place the infant carrier on removable chassis to turn it into a comfortable and compact stroller. The handle allows you to transfer the baby from the car to the room without disturbing him, and he will continue to sleep.
The model with a hood will protect the baby from the sun and prying eyes

Where can a car seat be located in a car: in the front or back seat?

Devices for transporting babies undergo numerous tests and crash tests, taking into account not only the anatomy of the baby, but also possible driving flaws, which make it possible to highlight the advantages and disadvantages of different mounting locations.

  1. Behind the driver's seat. This is the safest position for the seat in a frontal collision. According to statistics, the seat behind the driver is the least likely to be damaged in a direct impact from the front. However, if, for example, another car crashes into a car at an intersection, then it is the passenger sitting there who will be injured.
  2. Back center. This arrangement is justified from the point of view of the behavior of a person in an emergency situation. The fact is that at the moment of a collision, the driver will try to twist the steering wheel so as to protect himself, but at the same time it is the rear seat on the passenger side that is under attack. If you seat your baby in the center, he will be safer.
  3. In the front seat. Typically, this type of mount is chosen by mother drivers. Again, psychology plays an important role: a woman thinks that if she sits her child in front, it will be easier for her to control everything that happens to him on the road. However, it is important not to forget to turn off the front airbag, otherwise during sudden braking it will work and injure the baby. With this type of fixation, the car seat is installed against the direction of travel, that is, with its back to the windshield.

How to properly install and secure a car seat in a car

How many options are there for mounting a baby carrier in a car? Only two. This:

  • standard seat belts;
  • base with supporting leg.

Standard seat belts to fasten the device and carry the child

This method is considered the simplest and most cost-effective. Any infant carrier has special grooves and clamps for threading belts.

If you are inclined to use this type of fastening, then pay attention to the size of the car belt. For a large infant carrier its length may not be enough. In this case, it is important not to try to come up with your own home-grown ways to fix the situation in order to attach the carrier. There are only two options: either replace the belts or choose a different model of the device.

How to use the car's standard seat belts to attach the bassinet and place your baby

  1. Pull the seat belt 1–1.2 m.
  2. We install a car seat on the seat.
  3. We pass the lap strap of the belt over the child’s legs through specially provided grooves in the body of the restraint device. She will press the device to the car seat
  4. We wrap the chest strap around the cradle from behind, placing it in a special bracket. This secures the backrest and protects the device from tipping over in the event of an accident.
  5. We fasten the seat belt into the groove provided for this purpose on the car seat - the car seat will automatically tighten.
  6. We fasten the internal seat belts on the baby so that there is a gap of 2 adult fingers between them and the child’s body. To do this, we adjust the tension of the straps using length adjusters.

Your car's seat belt should be long because, as a rule, infant carriers are massive structures

Video: how to install a car seat using car seat belts

Chairs on base with support leg

A base with a floor support is the most expensive and most reliable option for attaching a car seat. This base can be secured with seat belts or Isofix locks.

The mount on the leg creates an additional point of support

Isofix allows you to attach the base directly to the car body. This system is developed according to European standards and consists of hinges to which the device is snapped. There is one thing: not all cars are equipped with it.

How should a car carrier with the Isofix system be installed so that a child can be transported in it?

The base with the Isofix system allows you to use a baby carrier without standard car seat belts.

Video: how to install the base and fix the infant carrier on it

How to place a baby in a car seat or rules for using a restraint system

Don’t forget that your baby should not be in a car seat (even the most comfortable one!) for more than 1–1.5 hours. If a longer trip is planned, then plan regular breaks, during which the baby needs to be taken out of the device and carried in your arms in different positions (upright, on your tummy, sideways).

A few words about the wardrobe, blanket and envelopes

The internal belts of the infant carrier are designed for clothing of a certain thickness and cut. They don't take into account the cold of our climate with thick blankets and envelopes. There are several options for getting out of this situation so that you can securely restrain the baby and prevent him from freezing:

How to sew a cover for a car seat: instructions

Young parents are very sensitive to the tissues with which their baby’s body comes into contact. Car seats are no exception. Indeed, especially in hot weather, you want your little one to be comfortable and pleasant on the trip. And if we take into account that mattresses in transportation devices are sewn from synthetic fabrics so that the product retains its presentation for longer, then the question of how to sew a cover for a car seat with your own hands becomes especially relevant. The task is not easy, but quite doable.

Sequence of actions and photos for sewing a cover for a car seat with your own hands

It is best to sew a cover for a car seat from calico or poplin. On average, you will need fabric 1.2 m long and 2 m wide.

Caring for a baby car seat

Even with proper and careful use of the infant carrier, sooner or later you will need to clean it. Of course, you can use dry cleaning services, but most parents prefer to deal with the problem themselves.

First of all, if the car seat includes a replaceable cover, a removable mattress and bolsters, then the difficulties are halved: they are washed in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations, and the remaining parts are wiped with a soapy solution (use children’s cleaning products) using a sponge or rag. The main thing is, when removing the upholstery, follow the instructions for the specific model of the holding device, so that you can put everything back in place without any problems.

If you do not want to remove and put on the elements of the device, or the model does not suggest this, then you can clean the soft parts with a brush soaked in a soapy solution. If there are stains on the fabric, use a stain remover (such as Vanish). After the procedure, do not forget to go over the upholstery several times with the same brush, but without soap, just do not overdo it with moisture. All that remains is to dry the mattress and covers. To do this, you can place the infant carrier near the battery or let it dry naturally.

Video: how to disassemble and assemble a cradle for washing

A car seat is a necessary device for transporting a baby in a car. But security cannot be ensured only by the very fact of its existence. It is important to install the structure correctly and check the reliability of the fastenings. Only after this can the small passenger be transported. Modern manufacturers of restraint devices provide each model that comes off the production line with detailed instructions for installation, operation and care, designed to protect the most valuable thing we have - the health and life of the baby.

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Getting around the city by car when you have a child, especially a newborn, is much more convenient. But don't forget about safety. That is why there are certain rules for transporting children, supported by articles of law. And the main thing is that the baby must be in a car seat. But when entering a children's goods store, young parents are often confused: which device to choose, how they differ, how to attach them, and whether a certain model is suitable for their car.

What is a baby car seat, what age is it intended for children?

Transporting children in a car without special equipment is dangerous, according to the law of the Russian Federation, for which the driver faces a fine of 3,000 rubles. To reduce risks, special devices have been developed, which are attached to the car seat and in which the child feels comfortable and is completely safe.

The baby’s skeletal system is very fragile: from birth to one year the skeleton mainly composed of cartilage tissue. The baby’s neck is a very vulnerable place: even slight but sharp jolts can lead to serious injuries. Therefore, the use of a car seat is mandatory.

What types of car seats are there: consultation with Dr. Komarovsky - video

Soft or hard carrier, special stroller block for transporting a baby in a car

Some parents prefer not to buy a special car seat, but to replace it with a child carrier or a cradle from a stroller. Experts say this is wrong and in many cases unsafe:

Where and how a car seat can be installed in a car to ensure the safety of the child

The location and direction of the infant carrier depends on its model and category:

  • parallel to the seat;
  • against the movement of the car;
  • in the direction of movement;
  • round trip.

The safest place is behind the driver's seat, which is where it is best to install a baby carrier.

How to position and secure a category 0 carrycot

A category 0 car seat should only be placed in the rear of the car so that the baby rides sideways. It is secured with basic seat belts, which do not allow it to move. The device takes up most of the back seat.

The car seat is attached to the back seat of the car

To keep the baby safe in the event of a sharp push or blow, there are special belts inside the cradle that are fixed on the baby’s chest. Physiologically, such models, where the baby is in a horizontal position, are the most convenient, especially for premature babies who have a very weak skeletal system.

Straps for securing the infant carrier in the car

The car seat has a special mount for installation in the car. It is also worth considering the fact that not all car models have seat belts in the rear seat. In devices of category 0 and 0+ they are included, which is very convenient.

A special device for fastening the infant carrier allows you to securely fix it with a seat belt

How can a car carrier be installed and fixed 0+

Car seats of category 0+ are attached only against the movement of the car, in order to ensure safety for the baby in the event of sudden braking or impact and protect him from injury. It is allowed to install such models not only in the back, but also in the front seat. For example, if one parent is traveling with the child, then it is better to secure the carrier in front, so the baby will see mom or dad, and the driver will not be distracted by turning back to look at the baby.

When installing a car seat in front, you need to turn off the airbags: they can cause great harm to the child.

Car seats category 0+ in the front and rear seats of the car - photo gallery

The car seat 0+ can only be mounted against the rear and front seats of the car. The car seat can be installed on the front seat. The hood in the car seat folds and unfolds and serves as protection from the bright sun.

Installation instructions: sequence of actions and photos

Experts say that car carriers of group 0+ are the safest for newborns and children under one year old. Such models are secured in the car using seat belts as follows.

How to properly install a car seat in a car to carry a child - video

How to attach a car seat 0+/1

The category 0+/1 car seat is mounted in the cabin differently, depending on the age of the passenger. If parents use this model from birth to a year and a half, then it only needs to be placed against the direction of the car. When the baby grows up, it is installed facing forward and transforms into a car seat: the soft insert for newborns is removed, the backrest is adjusted so that the child can ride in a sitting position.

The fastening of a category 0+/1 car seat depends on the age of the child and can be against the movement or in the direction of movement


In addition to the mounting method discussed above, the infant carrier can be installed on a special base, which is sold with some models. It is convenient because if parents need to transfer their baby in another car, they do not need to remove the base and rearrange it. It is enough to simply secure the infant carrier using standard belts.

The base is fixed to the seat using belts or the Isofix system and is constantly in the car, and the carrier itself is simply placed on top and snapped onto a reliable mechanism. Today, the newest models of infant carriers and seats are equipped with a kind of stand that rests on the floor. This design creates an additional fixation point, which increases safety when transporting a child. In crash tests, such devices receive the highest scores.

How to attach the base and place the carrier on it - photo gallery

The base is sold complete with a car carrier. How to properly install the baby seat on the base. A car seat with a base and a leg resting on the floor provides additional safety for the child.

The Isofix system is designed for fixing the infant carrier.

Another option for installing a car seat is the Isofix system, which was proposed in 1990. It consists of special brackets hidden between the back and seat of the car, and locks on the base of the carrier.

Isofix is ​​a more reliable fastening option than standard belts or a base, as it has several fixation points. However, it is worth noting that this system has weight restrictions: the child’s body weight should not exceed 18 kg.

According to European laws, over the last few years all manufactured cars must be equipped with the Isofix fastening system.

It is very easy to secure the infant carrier; just connect the fasteners to the brackets inside the seat. A special indicator will show how correctly the installation was done: red - incorrect, green - correct. If there is no indicator, then if successful, a characteristic click will sound.

Also behind the back of the rear seat or in the trunk of the car there is a special Top tether mount, to which you need to attach a hook with a belt. This allows you to more securely fix the car seat.

Attaching a car seat to the Isofix system - photo gallery

The Isofix system is designed for a weight of no more than 18 kg. The Isofix fasteners on the car seat must be connected to the brackets hidden in the seat. The Top tether belt is the third point of support in the Isofix system. Fixing the car seat using the Top tether belt in the car.

Installing a car seat with a base and Isofix system - video

Rules and features of operation: how to place a child in a cradle

For complete safety while traveling in a car, parents must follow a certain sequence of actions:

  • correctly secure the infant carrier in the car (against the movement of the car, securely securing it with belts or on the base);
  • carefully place the child inside;
  • fasten the baby with seat belts;
  • check whether the belts are securely fastened and whether the baby is well secured.

Car seat and winter clothes

Another important point when transporting a baby in a car seat is the clothes he is wearing. In the warm season there is no problem with this, but in winter, when the baby is dressed in voluminous jackets and overalls, this moment is important.

Experts recommend not placing a child in a car seat wearing bulky winter jackets, overalls or envelopes due to the fact that the larger and denser the layer of clothing, the less securely it is secured. This reduces the security of the device. It is better to put the baby in a well-warmed car, and to make sure that he will not freeze, cover him with a blanket or blanket.

Is it possible to put a child in a car seat wearing bulky clothes, an envelope or a blanket: the opinion of Dr. Komarovsky - video

Do I need to use an extra mattress?

Along with the carrier, you need to purchase a special liner, which is a canvas covering the entire length of the cradle with a convex cushion at the bottom. For what? To ensure that the baby is in a physiological position and there is no load on the still fragile spine. When such a mattress is placed in a car seat, the child lies correctly and the back does not sag.

All infant carriers, except category 0, are a deep concave bowl, which does not allow the child to lie completely horizontally. Therefore, many parents, when buying a device, worry about the position of the baby in it.

Sometimes the mattress has sides for additional protection of the neck and head from impact. There are also special inserts on sale that you can simply place in the infant carrier under the mattress without a sewn-in bolster. If you do not have such a liner or mattress, you can use a blanket or towel. This is necessary for additional fixation of the child in the device.

A special mattress for placing a newborn in a car seat - photo gallery

Special protection and support for the baby's neck and head and fixing straps. Mattress in the car seat with a bolster to ensure the correct position of the baby.
Special mattress with neck support for newborns

Anatomical insert in the car seat so that the newborn can lie and sleep comfortably - video

Making your own liner

You can sew the insert for the car seat yourself. For this you will need:

  • dense fabric made from natural materials so that the baby does not have allergies;
  • filler (sintepon or foam rubber).

Pattern of an insert for a car seat with dimensions

Rules for caring for the infant carrier

Depending on the car seat model, there are different ways to care for the covers. On some devices for transporting children, they are non-removable, so they can be cleaned in specialized dry cleaners or at home yourself. In the second case:

  • remove additional parts: inserts, cushions, toys, etc.;
  • Vacuum the bassinet to remove crumbs and dust;
  • take a sponge and, soaking it in water with baby detergent, clean the carrier;
  • Using a clean sponge and water, rinse the case thoroughly to remove soap suds;
  • dry the infant carrier in the fresh air.

If the cover is removable, it can be washed by hand or in a washing machine. Before doing this, carefully read the instructions: what mode and temperature are allowed for this type of fabric, whether the spin can be programmed. Dry the upholstery in the fresh air. After all the parts have dried, the infant carrier is assembled.

How to put on a cover and assemble a car seat after washing - video

A car seat is a mandatory element for transporting children, including newborns, in a car. First of all, its presence ensures the safety of the baby in the event of sudden braking or an accident. When choosing a device, you need to focus on the age and weight of the baby, because each model has weight restrictions. Also, when using a carrier, it is necessary to secure it correctly in the car so that it does not move out of place, and securely secure it with the child’s seat belts.

In our age of speed, roads and constant tension from reckless drivers, safety comes first. This saying is especially close to children. In view of this, world scientists have developed special child seats that are installed directly in the car.

If you do not provide your vehicle with these attributes, at a minimum you can run into a significant fine. Otherwise, in the event of an accident, there is a high probability of a disastrous situation.

A child car seat is a must when transporting children, but just buying one is not enough. You need to know how to secure a child car seat so that in the event of an accident, its correct fixation will preserve the life and health of the little citizen.

Before explaining how to attach a child seat in a car, you should understand what criteria to use when choosing it. Today, consumers are presented with a huge number of different options, from infant carriers for the youngest to seats for older children.

Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, the emphasis should be on the main parameter – convenience.

All child car seats are divided into several groups:

  1. The first 2 groups, by the nature of the designation 0 and +0, refer to infant carriers and are intended for the smallest passengers. Group 0 is intended for children under one year old with a baby weighing up to 10 kg.
  2. The next group allows you to secure a child up to 13 kg of body weight and up to 18 months.
  3. The following categories are full-fledged car seats. Group No. 1 – 9-18 kg and from 3 to 7 years.
  4. Group No. 2 – 15-25 kg and also from 3 to 7 years, that is, for larger children.
  5. The last one, group No. 3 – 22-36 kg and from 6 to 10 years.

0 and +0 belong to the category of infant carriers and, accordingly, have an exclusively lying position. In addition, the position can be changed using a special mechanism. Such infant carriers are always equipped with special belts with which it is not difficult to secure the child.

For older children, groups 1-2 and 3 should be purchased. They can be either transforming chairs or a regular fixed type.

Safe fastening rules

Installing a frame seat is a decisive step in the safety of the child. There are several methods of fixation. First of all, the car seat can be secured with regular seat belts. There is also a specially developed isofix system.

According to many tests, the safest place to attach a child seat is the middle of the rear seat.

The fixation process itself is quite simple:

  1. First, pull out the seat belt 100 - 120 cm.
  2. Next, a chair is installed in the middle of the rear seat.
  3. The usual method is to check how stable the structure is.
  4. If the car seat is securely installed, the car seat belt is inserted into specially designed straps.
  5. Finally, the seat is tightened with standard tape.

It is much easier to fasten a car seat for a child 5-7 years old than the same car seat, since the belts are fastened from above, and the standard tape is secured in special devices.

In order to simplify the whole process as much as possible, it is best to seat the potential passenger in the seat being installed. This will allow you to take into account all the nuances, because the main thing is that the child feels comfortable.

Installing car seats using isofix

How to properly secure a child car seat using isofix?

The isofix mount is nothing more than special fasteners that are built into the car body and into the car seat itself.

It is rapidly gaining popularity and, for example in Europe, is a mandatory addition to the production of any car.

It is also important to note that regardless of any brand of seat, securing it will not be a problem, since the fastenings are universal. If the car itself is not equipped with these locks, it is permissible to fasten with regular seat belts.

The technology for installing a car seat with isofix locks is uniquely simple:

  1. If the car is already equipped with these fasteners, you should find them.
  2. Then find similar fasteners on the child car seat.
  3. Then the brackets are connected by pressing.

If done incorrectly, the child seat will not lock. Otherwise, specific clicks will be heard, which will confirm the correct connection.

In order for the child’s safety to be at the highest level, you should adhere to some basic rules:

  1. Even if you have the skills, it is recommended to read the instructions. The point is that some models may have some differences. The methods of fastening change accordingly.
  2. If possible, it is better not to remove the seat after each trip, but to leave it in the car. If this is not possible, you should be careful after each new installation.
  3. After securing the child seat, you need to check it for tightness. In the case when it moves up to 2 centimeters during testing, this is allowed, but if more than 2 cm, the child seat should be reinstalled.
  4. After the child seat is installed, you should pay attention to the fact that the seat belt in the shoulder area is secured. It is equally important to make sure that the mating part does not come into contact with the child seat.

In the case when some of the installation nuances are not very clear, you should not experiment. This can expose the child to unnecessary danger.
