How to conceive a baby poses. Poses favorable for conceiving a child: which is better and faster to get pregnant with a girl or a boy? Choosing a position for conceiving a child

But many methods have been developed that increase the possible chances of having a boy.

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This is a tried and tested method. Scientists have found that the sperm contained in the sperm that a man releases during copulation is divided equally into the content of X chromosomes and Y chromosomes. The latter are faster and more energetic, unlike the former, but less tenacious. To conceive a boy, the egg with the X chromosome needs to be reunited with the Y sperm.

To ensure that sperm with the right set of chromosomes survive in the vaginal environment and reach the egg to fertilize it, try to maintain a high alkalinity of the vaginal environment. For example, by douching with soda in a ratio of 1 to 17 with water before sexual intercourse. Under such conditions, the viability of Y-sperm increases, which means that the chances of fertilization by a boy increase.

The ideal time to conceive a boy is the day the egg leaves the ovary (ovulation) or the next day before or after it. The main thing is to correctly determine this date.

The day of ovulation is determined in several ways:

  • Over the course of several months, mark the days when your period begins. By analyzing statistics, identify the average cycle. Have active sex these days. Designed for ease of counting many different programs for a computer or mobile phone, or online calculators, in which the day of ovulation will appear automatically based on the entered indicators.
  • For a couple of months, every morning, without getting out of bed, insert a thermometer into the rectum to measure basal temperature. Record the received data in a graph, and at the end of the time, analyze the recorded information. The graph will show when the temperature at some times will be higher than at other times by a quarter or half a degree. These are the periods of ovulation.
  • Buy special ovulation tests at the pharmacy. True, the pleasure is not cheap.
  • Walk for the time specified by your doctor ultrasound examination to a gynecologist, who will show the moment of maturation of the follicle with the egg and whether the thickness of the endometrium of the uterus is sufficient for it to gain a foothold there after fertilization.

Create an alkaline environment in the body by consuming the following set of foods:

  • Meat, sausage, fish in different varieties and quantities;
  • Fruits, especially oranges, bananas, peaches, cherries;
  • Dried fruits, especially dried figs;
  • Cereals;
  • Almost all vegetables and greens are allowed, except: cabbage, dill and green salad.
  • Drinks allowed: mineral water with soda, black tea, coffee.

Correctly chosen positions during sex

In some positions during intercourse, the likelihood that the released seminal fluid will penetrate as deep as possible into the cervix is ​​higher:

  • Doggy-style or lying on its side, when the man is behind the woman and the penis is inserted deeply;
  • A position in which a woman sits astride a man, with her back or face to him;
  • Or a variation of the classic position, when the woman lies on her back facing the man, but at the same time a pillow or rolled blanket is placed under her buttocks to raise the woman's pelvis high for maximum penetration.

It is worth remembering that the chosen pose is not enough. It is important that the woman has an orgasm, which should occur simultaneously with the man's orgasm. The fact is that during orgasm, a woman secretes a liquid, which, with its composition, “kills” X-sperm, giving the surviving sperm a chance to fertilize the egg.

After orgasm, do not suddenly jump out of bed, it is better to lie down and rest for half an hour.

There are two of them: Chinese and Japanese.

Chinese table based on the Chinese lunar calendar, it takes into account only the mother's age. Knowing it, a favorable month for conceiving a boy is calculated.

The first column shows the age number, and the first line shows the possible month of conception; when these two columns are crossed, the letter “m” or “d” is written, which corresponds to a boy or a girl. The method is designed for girls from 18 to 45 years old.

Japanese technique represents a duo of two tables that are interrelated. To calculate using this method, you need to know the month of birth of both intended parents. Based on this data, you look at the number given in the first matrix, which will be written in the intersection of the column where the month of birth of the intended father is indicated and the line where the month of birth of the future mother is indicated.

Knowing the number, select the desired column in another table; the names of the twelve months will be written under it. Those months that, when intersecting with the “boy” column, give a greater number of crosses in the resulting column than in the adjacent “girl” column are better suited for conceiving a boy.

These tables do not have scientifically proven evidence of their correctness, but statistics for many years show that a large number of couples conceived a child of the desired gender, guided by them.

Of course, it won’t work without them. To increase the likelihood of conceiving a male fetus:

In general, thoughts materialize, so program yourself for success in advance and everything will work out! No method can guarantee a 100% result. Except, perhaps, IVF. The main thing is that the baby is born strong and healthy.

Before you think about conceiving a boy, watch the video:

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Some people have to approach the issue of conceiving a child from a scientific point of view, because otherwise they cannot get pregnant. You have to not only change your lifestyle, but also have sex only in a certain position. Doctors are convinced that this factor means a lot, so in this article we will tell you about the best positions for conceiving a child, and also tell you which positions it is better to avoid altogether, striving to realize the dream of becoming parents.

Every couple sooner or later thinks about having a child. Some people go to a family planning center to know the exact day when they should have sex, while others don’t attach any importance to these things and live the usual rhythm of their sex life.

Both methods of producing offspring work, but not for everyone. There are people for whom conceiving a baby is a real problem. In such cases, couples often turn to medical specialists for help, who, first of all, recommend that potential parents make love only in certain positions on specific days of the woman’s menstrual cycle at 17:00, because it is at this time of day that sperm are most active.

However, it is very important that the woman and the man feel comfortable and pleasant to satisfy each other in the position recommended by the doctor. After all, a child should be born from love and tenderness, and not from thoughtful steps, which young families are often fixated on, turning sex into a routine. Both a woman and a man must experience orgasm during sex so that sperm can penetrate better and faster into the uterus, which, at the peak of a woman’s pleasure, constantly contracts and promotes conception.

  1. "Missionary" At the moment of ejaculation, a man must enter the woman as deeply as possible so that the sperm are very close to the uterus, into which they will immediately penetrate and begin to move towards the egg waiting for them in the fallopian tubes. It is advisable that the woman have a pillow under her hips - this is necessary so that the sperm does not flow out of the vagina too quickly.

Important! It is best if a woman in the missionary position raises her legs high, for example, throws them over her man’s shoulders. This will increase the depth of penetration of the penis into the vagina, and thereby contribute to the conception of the baby.

  1. "Doggy." A woman needs to turn her back towards her man, get on all fours and spread her legs so that the man can penetrate her deeply. Doctors believe that in this position the deepest penetration is achieved, and, therefore, the chances of conceiving a child if ejaculation occurs in the “Doggy” position are very high.

Important! The first two positions are considered the best for conceiving a boy, because with them the already fast Y chromosomes will quickly reach their goal and fertilize the egg.

  1. "Side". The woman needs to lie on either side, while the man should position himself behind the woman and insert his penis into the vagina. In this position there will be no deep penetration, but intercourse will occur at the desired angle - after ejaculation, the sperm will quickly penetrate where they should in order to fertilize the egg. If you use this position, then after completion of sexual intercourse do not get up, it is better not to move at all for the next 15 minutes.

Important! This position, as well as the “Cowgirl” position (when a woman is on top at the moment a man ejaculates into her), is considered the best for conceiving a girl, because with them the sperm are very far from the cervix (Y chromosomes have the same chance as X chromosomes reach the egg).

After each intercourse, it is advisable for a woman to take the “Birch” position. You can simply move towards the wall and raise your legs and hips up. In addition, you should definitely stop using various lubricants that are sold in pharmacies to enhance sensations during sex. They will disrupt the necessary microflora in a woman’s vagina and kill sperm.

What postures to use if there are physiological abnormalities?

Unfortunately, it is quite common today that a woman cannot get pregnant normally due to the fact that she has physiological abnormalities in the development of the genital organs:

  • bending of the uterus (if the cervix and the uterus itself are not in the same plane, but at an angle due to which sperm cannot penetrate the reproductive organ);
  • inflammatory process in the ovaries (this can be the most common disease caused by a cold, or it can be a serious pathology provoked by an infection);
  • bending of the fallopian tubes, causing them to become obstructed (sperm enter the uterus, but cannot reach the egg, which is waiting for them in the fallopian tube due to a physiological abnormality).

If you are diagnosed with any of the above, then you need to have sex to conceive a child using just a few positions:

  1. “Missionary” is the best position for conception when the uterus is bent. A woman is advised to relax completely and trust her body to a man. The success of the long-awaited conception of a baby will depend on the strength of his excitement, pleasure and depth of penetration.
  2. “Doggy” (the so-called “doggy pose”). You may not have thought about it, but it is in this position that intercourse between most animals occurs - this is a natural position that promotes reproduction.
  3. “Spoon” (in the previous section we described it as “Side”, because at the moment of sexual intercourse the woman should be on her side, and the man behind her).
  4. A pose in which a woman lies on her stomach. In this case, you just need to lie on your stomach, raise your pelvis a little so that the man can enter the woman, and not move, but lie quietly and enjoy. We can say that in this case the success of conception will depend solely on the man.

Under no circumstances should a woman with such pathologies give up on herself as a mother. Don't focus on this problem because it is quite common and doctors already know how to deal with it so that women become happy mothers. If you really give up, you can resort to genetic procedures, after which conception will definitely occur.

What positions are best to avoid altogether in order to conceive a child?

If you make love with one goal in mind - to give birth to a baby, then you need to completely abandon certain positions. These include:

  1. The pose when a woman and a man are standing. In this case, the sperm will not penetrate the cervix and will not reach the egg, because all the sperm will most likely immediately end up on the floor.
  2. "Rider". With this position, the conception of a daughter can occur, however, in rare cases. Most often, sperm do not have time to reach the egg while ovulation lasts and die in the cervix.
  3. A position where either a man or a woman sits on top of each other. Sperm cannot stay in the vagina for long - most of them will die instantly.

For fertilization to occur, you cannot:

  • having sex in the bathroom and other places where the air temperature is expected to be high - these are extremely unfavorable conditions for the survival of sperm;
  • you should not abuse bad habits - give up smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages during pregnancy planning (even if conception occurs when you are not in a completely adequate state, then there is a high probability that you will give birth to a not very healthy baby).

In general, if we consider conceiving a baby from a psychological point of view, then it is important not to focus on the problem. You just need to enjoy each other and be positive. This can be done easily if there is love, passion, tenderness and emotional connection between a man and a woman. Try to relax as much as possible, arrange the appropriate atmosphere and furnishings at home. Let the process of birthing a new life give you only pleasure and leave unforgettable impressions.

Video: “Top 5 sex positions for conceiving a child”

Not all women manage to get pregnant easily, and many wait for the desired conception of a baby for years, trying to resort to any tricks just to increase their chances of success. It's no secret that the female reproductive system is vulnerable and can fail due to frequent stress, smoking, or long-term use of antibiotics, thereby delaying conception indefinitely. Up to 15% of the female population experiences such difficulties, and their number is growing every year. The position of a woman during a man’s ejaculation is considered important in the process of conception. Let's take a closer look at the best positions for conceiving a child.

According to sexologists, regular sex with one partner is 50% of success in conception. Of course, you shouldn’t be frequent, and intimacy 3-4 times a week is quite enough. But when choosing the optimal position, seminal fluid should not flow out of the vagina, just as close contact between partners will quickly lead to the desired result.

It is normal if sex occurs shortly before ovulation - 4-5 days or at the time of its onset. Sperm are more active during the first 16-17 hours, but remain viable for 5-7 days.

To choose a suitable pose, a woman needs to know the physiological characteristics of her body. Sexual relationships are, first of all, a desire to please each other, to give pleasure. And a woman doesn’t need any discomfort, since stress, nervousness and whims can have a detrimental effect on the baby in the future.

To achieve this goal, the sperm must penetrate as deeply as possible to reach the egg. So, it is advisable that:

  • seminal fluid did not flow out of the vagina;
  • there was closer contact between partners, especially at the moment of ejaculation;
  • the accepted position of the body coincided with the direction of the uterus in case of its bending;
  • the vagina had the most favorable alkaline environment.

Optimal positions are considered when a woman:

  • below, and the partner above;
  • lies on its side, and the man lies behind;
  • stands on all fours, and her partner is behind her.

How effective the conception of a child will be is largely determined by the structure of the female body and its physiological characteristics. A good position is the classic one: the woman is below, the partner is above. Effective postures for conception when the uterus is bent are with both partners lying on their sides. The side depends on which direction the organ is turned.

When the uterus is bent backwards, it is better for the woman to take a position on all fours, resting her elbows on the surface under her, the partner is positioned slightly higher behind her. If the uterus is small, it is better to place a pillow under your back and raise your pelvis to provide full access for the penis to the uterus.

Effective positions for conception

Intimacy should be regular and rare; casual meetings between partners can lead to a delay in pregnancy for an indefinite period. Frequent ejaculation is also bad - it leads to a decrease in the production of seminal fluid.

According to sexologists, the most favorable positions for conception are when the sperm remains in the woman’s vagina. Seminal fluid should not leak after sexual intercourse. The best positions for conception are:

“Missionary” position – with the classic position of the man on top and the partner below, for effective fertilization of the egg. This is the best position for conceiving a child, but during ejaculation, the woman needs to raise her pelvis well so that the sperm does not leak out in any way.

“Doggy style” is a position when a woman lies on her stomach, resting her hands on the surface and slightly lifting her pelvis. A man should position himself from behind for deep penetration of the penis and increase the chances that the sperm will quickly reach the target.

The position for conception when the uterus is bent in one direction or another involves the position of the partner on her side, which corresponds to the direction of the cervix. After finishing sex, you need to lie down in the same position for 5-7 minutes.

The best positions for conceiving a child of a certain gender

Sexologists cannot say for sure whether adopting a certain position has any effect on conceiving a boy or a girl. But why not try, especially if the gender of the child plays an important role? So, which position has the best chance of getting pregnant with a boy?

Sperm quickly penetrate the fallopian tubes at the moment of orgasm, which leads to contraction of the uterus. But after sex is over, you don't need to get out of bed immediately. It is better to lie on your back a little so that the sperm and egg have a better chance of “meeting”. Usually you need to take the classic pose when the man is on top. But it is also possible for it to be located posteriorly or laterally, depending on the direction of the bend of the uterus.

What should you do to conceive a boy?

  1. 4-5 days before ovulation, then there is a greater chance that sperm containing male chromosomes will reach the egg.
  2. On the day of ovulation, so that the sperm penetrates as deeply as possible during ejaculation.
  3. Immediately after ovulation, as this is a favorable moment for the formation of an alkaline environment in the vagina, which increases the viability of sperm.

Which position is suitable for conceiving a girl? To do this, sperm must travel more slowly to the fallopian tubes. If you want to get pregnant with a girl, you should have sex 3-4 days before ovulation. Sperm should not be allowed to penetrate deep into the vagina. When choosing a position, you should give preference to the “missionary” position, when the partner is on top.

The gender of the child in most cases depends on the activity of sperm. To conceive a boy, it is better 4-5 days in advance or on the first day. If you want to conceive a girl, the penetration of sperm, on the contrary, should not be deep, and their movement to the egg should not be slow.

When partners orgasm at the same time, or a woman a little earlier, she begins to secrete a special secretion and the vital activity of sperm increases significantly. Y sperm survive only in an alkaline environment and are responsible for conceiving a boy. If sperm gets in, it is better for a girl not to bring sex to orgasm.

Factors that increase the chances of pregnancy

Sexologists have long come to the conclusion that there are a number of factors that can increase the chances of fertilization.

  1. Psychological mood of a woman.
  2. Physical improvement of the body, sports.
  3. Avoiding stress.
  4. Overheating of the testicles: this is why it is not advisable for a man to visit a hot bath, steam room, or sauna before sex, which only leads to a decrease in sperm viability.
  5. Having sex multiple times throughout the day will significantly reduce your chances of conceiving.
  6. Taking hormonal contraceptives, steroids, and smoking harms both women and men.
  7. The use of various intimate gels, lubricants, shampoos that can reduce acidity in the vagina and lead to a reduction in sperm viability.

It is important for women to remember the main thing - they need to be in a great mood, because positive emotions are conducive to conception. It is endorphins (hormones of joy) that help in achieving your cherished desire and the appearance of long-awaited stripes on the test.

It is useful for women not only to know which positions are best for conception, but also to dream, think positively, and imagine the birth of a baby. Pregnancy is a joy and you need to try to bring it closer, wait for the moment when the doctor suddenly says the cherished words at the initial examination. Children are always happiness and the main thing is to believe that you won’t have to wait long for your cherished pregnancy.

Nature is a strange thing that always argues with statistics. If you believe the latter, then many more men are born in the world than women, while in reality every third girl finds it difficult to find a husband.

Why does this happen?

This is probably a topic for a separate article, while the current one is entirely devoted to how not to let a family name die, or, more precisely, to give birth to a boy on the first try.

For the sake of general awareness, let's start with the fact that boy Y-sperm do not live long, which obliges a man who wants to have a son to choose a sexual position with the deepest possible penetration. Another good tip: start procreation on the day of ovulation or the day before.

This way the sperm will have a better chance of successfully crossing the finish line.

Indirect factors

It would seem that what’s difficult is to independently choose the best positions for conceiving a long-awaited boy.

But no, and in this matter a careful approach is needed, taking into account several circumstances, for example:

  • Anatomical features of the internal structure of the expectant mother. Each woman may have certain gynecological abnormalities that prevent her partner from reaching the cervix, and she herself from becoming pregnant in principle. Therefore, planning for fertilization should begin with a thorough examination by a gynecologist, and obtaining advice from him regarding which positions will be the best and most effective specifically in your situation;
  • The laws of physics, which also have their significance here. Remember the law of gravity when you try to turn your next picture or Kama Sutra into reality. It is very difficult for sperm, and Y in particular, to overcome this, and therefore you need to take maximum care of them, and take a guide to more “earthly” body positions;
  • Rules of hygiene and behavior. After just finishing sexual intercourse, a woman should not immediately rush to the bathroom. For half an hour she is supposed to lie on her back, with her legs thrown up on the sofa, wall or shoulders of her partner;
  • Pre-diet. Expectant mothers are advised to start eating foods that promote the conception of a male embryo in advance. These include all types of meat and grains, egg whites, fresh vegetables and fruits. For a while, dairy products, nuts, beans, caviar and seafood are removed from the diet. The menu needs to be carefully thought out, preferably with the help of a nutritionist, to avoid a deficiency of important vitamins and microelements. Dad also needs to not only learn the best positions for deep penetration, but also switch to veal, lean poultry, flour products and fresh herbs for a couple of months. In the name of procreation, you will need to give up alcohol and tobacco, and drink more homemade juices, fruit drinks and compotes.

Below are the most successful positions for conceiving a boy that are currently known.


It is believed that there is no better position for conceiving a male child than the one in which the partner is from behind. This way he is able to penetrate the woman deeper and help her be the first to feel an orgasm.

The lady should kneel down, lean on her elbows, and completely entrust herself to the future dad. The latter has convenient access to the clitoris, which should not be neglected in the name of additional acuity of sensations.

If a man gets tired quickly, the position can be slightly adjusted. For example, he can stand on the floor near the bed, while the woman remains on the bed in the indicated knee-elbow position.

"Spoons" and "missionaries"

The missionary position is the most natural, comfortable, and takes into account the law of gravity. And even though it is as old as the hills and does not allow deep penetration into the womb of the expectant mother, only with its help the largest possible volume of sperm enters the uterus. The probability of fertilization increases significantly, but only Mr. Chance will decide which sperm will get there first.

When a woman has ovarian pathologies that provoke a lateral displacement of the uterus, the question of which positions to choose for pregnancy becomes even more relevant. In this case, a man can help the sperm quickly enter the reproductive organ in the following way: he places his partner with her back to him and penetrates her from behind. As a result, minimal leakage of ejaculate and almost 100% fertilization. The only caveat: the side on which the expectant mother should lie is determined by the gynecologist, based on the results of an ultrasound of the genital organs.


For some unknown reason, this name is given to a position in which a woman’s legs are thrown over a man’s shoulders. The adopted “martial” position guarantees the deepest penetration possible, which means that short-lived Y-sperm will have a greater chance of being the first to reach the coveted egg.

World experience

The problem of increasing the number of representatives of the stronger sex has long puzzled scientists on our planet.

For example, German researchers found that during the war and recovery periods more women were born than men.

They explained this fact by the fact that Y-sperm “love” a calm environment and emotional calm during sexual intercourse.

The Italians claim that overweight ladies are much more likely to give birth to an heir than thin women. But here it is important not to overdo it with weight gain, since excess obesity makes fertilization difficult, and in some cases, completely impossible.

Well, Japanese scientists insist on the dangers of smoking, arguing that nicotine present in the body of the expectant mother prevents Y-sperm from reaching the uterus before their “female” counterparts.

Sometimes couples manage to get pregnant quickly, but more often it happens that spouses try for years, calculate ovulation, measure basal temperature, use special sexual positions in order to see the two cherished lines on the test strip. When done correctly, these actions contribute to successful fertilization. Sexual body positions deserve special attention. There are several opinions on what position you can quickly get pregnant in. These options have not been proven, so it is impossible to say unequivocally that the position will 100% help you “fly” quickly.

Review of the best provisions

In order for a child to be conceived, spouses are advised to have sexual intercourse regularly, and regularly - this is not often. When a couple retires to the bedroom several times a day, pregnancy should not be expected, and it does not matter what positions were used for conception. Such a frequency of sexual contacts will delay the appearance of an heir.

Attention! Frequent ejaculations reduce the quantity and quality of semen. Sperm become weak and lose activity, which significantly reduces the couple’s chances of fertilization.

As for the best position, to achieve pregnancy, the closest possible contact between sexual partners is necessary so that the ejaculate does not flow out of the female vagina. Here, the best positions for conceiving a child are presented in four options.


This arrangement of bodies was borrowed from animals that usually do not suffer from difficulties in reproducing offspring. How to conceive a child in this position? The woman, resting her elbows, gets on her knees. The man sits behind. This position is ideal for quick conception, it allows the partner to penetrate so deeply that the ejected sperm and sperm will end up next to the cervix.

When the female pelvis is elevated, sperm does not leak out, which helps fertilization. For men, this position is pleasant because it allows you to completely control the process of sexual intercourse and provides strong sexual satisfaction.

Missionary position

The best position for conceiving a child is the traditional missionary position, when the man is on top of his partner. In this arrangement, the ejaculate is almost immediately delivered to the uterine cavity, then to the cell where fertilization occurs. The advantage of this position is its versatility; it is suitable for couples of any size. According to some gynecologists, the missionary position is one of the favorable positions for conceiving both daughters and sons. The location of the missionary also contributes to the appearance of twins, but the main factor remains genetic predisposition.


Couples who are trying to figure out which position is easier for their spouse to get pregnant should try the “spoon” body position. The girl lies on her side, the husband fits behind her as tightly as possible (like two spoons). A man in such positions for conception is able to get as deep as possible to the uterine cervix; there is an opportunity for additional stimulation of erogenous areas, which will give his partner greater pleasure.

Regardless of which position is best for conception, after intimacy a woman should lie down with her pelvis elevated so that the ejaculate stays in the vagina longer. Stand in the “birch” position, place a cushion under your butt, throw your legs over the back of the sofa or lift them up and lean them against the wall.


One of the best positions for conception, ensuring the maximum possible depth of penetration and quite intense sensations. The partner lies on her back, placing her legs on her husband’s shoulders, like shoulder straps. Sexologists say that it is impossible to find better positions for achieving multiple orgasmic sensations for both spouses. It’s just that the male penis, during penetration, stimulates the uterine cervix and the G-spot well.

Attention! For those who feel uncomfortable lying with their legs on a man’s shoulders, they can throw up only one leg. As an option, using a table is suitable, the woman lies with her back on the tabletop, the husband is located, standing between her legs.

In what position to become pregnant with a baby of a certain gender?

Many spouses are interested in what positions they can definitely get pregnant in in order to give birth to a child of the desired gender. Are there specific positions for conceiving a boy or positions for conceiving a girl? It turns out that such a theory exists, but there is no absolute guarantee that a woman will become pregnant with a child of the desired gender. Sometimes gynecologists are cunning, guaranteeing 50/50 results; in any position, the chances of getting pregnant with a boy or girl are 50%.

Which position is more likely to conceive a child of the desired gender? “Girl” positions are distinguished by female dominance in the process of sexual intercourse (the “cowgirl” position). The correct positions to get pregnant with a boy come down to the missionary position. But this is a theory that does not have confirmed scientific research, so it should not be taken seriously.

I want a daughter

How to get pregnant with a girl? For successful fertilization by a girl during sexual intercourse, deep penetration must be avoided. The principle is that by penetrating shallowly, a man leaves no chance of survival for the sperm that deliver the male chromosome, which die in the acidic vaginal environment within a few hours. At this time, more tenacious sperm with X chromosomes, carrying the female genotype, manage to penetrate the uterus and reach the female cell through the tubes.

In which position is it easier to conceive a girl? Experts believe that it is advisable for a girl to do without a female orgasm. It is better to have sexual intimacy two days before the onset of the ovulatory period, after which it is better to abstain from sex altogether in order to prevent a situation where male sperm will bypass female sperm and reach the egg faster.

How to get pregnant with a boy

In what position is it easier to conceive a boy? Sexologists say that the maximum possible deep penetration is the trump card for a man who wants his wife to give birth to an heir. When penetrating deeply, weak but nimble “male” sperm manage to reach the egg and fertilize it. The most important point when conceiving boys is the instability of “male” sperm to high temperatures, therefore, to become pregnant with a boy, you need to avoid baths, any overheating and long exposure to the sun.

What to do in order for male children to be born - it is necessary for the woman to experience orgasm first. When this occurs, a specific secret is released that increases the lifespan of the “male” sperm, or more precisely, the Y chromosome. Experts also say that there are many chances of becoming pregnant with a boy when having sexual intercourse approximately 12-18 hours before the ovulatory period.

Making twins

We found out which positions are best for quickly conceiving a child of the desired gender. But it turns out that some couples, following certain provisions, manage to get pregnant with twins. To do this, the positions must be accompanied by deep penetration of the partner, although such a condition does not guarantee an exact result. In practice, multiple pregnancies occur only in those women who are genetically predisposed to this.

The most advantageous position for twins is a waterfall, when the wife is on her knees and the partner penetrates her from behind, gradually accelerating and deepening. An important nuance is that at the moment of ejaculation, the penis should plunge into the vagina as deeply as possible.

How to get pregnant with an unusual uterus

Often, women experience various features of the uterus, such as bends and other changes. Previously, it was believed that it was quite difficult to get pregnant with a uterine inflexion, but it turns out that you just need to know the convenient positions and how to quickly get pregnant with just such a problem.

  • Saddle uterus. With this feature, fertilization will generally occur, but the woman is recommended to raise her pelvis after intimacy. In such a case, problems often arise not with conception, but with pregnancy, because there is a threat of miscarriage, premature birth, etc.
  • How to conceive when bent. Uterine folds can be acquired, or a woman is born with such a defect. They are divided into anterior, posterior, lateroflexion and anteversion bends. Usually, no special problems arise due to deviation from the axis of the uterine body, but difficulties with conception with such a feature are practically the norm. In case of uterine bending, sexologists recommend staying in the classic missionary or knee-elbow position, and after sex it is advisable for the spouse to lie on her stomach for a while.

If fertilization does not occur in any position, then it is necessary to solve the problem with a doctor, sometimes surgically (especially with a saddle-shaped uterus).

What interferes with pregnancy

When studying what positions you can get pregnant in, you should not forget about other factors that also affect fertilization. These include a psychological state. If a woman is fixated on pregnancy, she begins to get nervous, and with each failure, the depression worsens. Thoughts are material, it’s better to try to calm down and adjust yourself, imagining what your child will look like. If you didn’t get pregnant this cycle, wait for the next one, don’t go into deep depression.

After sexual intercourse, you should not jump out of bed, because sperm leaks out and it is more difficult for sperm to reach their target. Lie in bed for a while, think about pleasant things, dream and relax for at least 15 minutes. Do not try to relax with alcohol before sex, in such a situation it is your enemy, since it leads to a deterioration in the quality characteristics of the seminal fluid, which can lead to the birth of a baby with abnormalities.

When choosing which position is best to get pregnant, do not forget about regularity. Sex is regular, but not frequent. Plan to have sexual intercourse no more than once a day, otherwise the sperm will be weak and will not cope with fertilization. Don’t worry about trying to get pregnant with a baby of a certain gender; such methods usually don’t work.

What positions are acceptable during pregnancy?

And now the desired pregnancy has arrived, but this is just the beginning. A woman faces a difficult task - to bear and give birth to a baby. But somehow I don’t want to give up on my sex life. There are safe positions for pregnant women, in which there is no risk of harming the baby. The most optimal and safe position during pregnancy is the “spoon” position. Woman on her side, husband behind. If the husband lifts his partner’s leg while holding it with his hand, this will help avoid pressure on the fetus.

Another type of position during pregnancy is facing your partner. The woman sits on top of her partner, facing him. At first, such an arrangement may seem uncomfortable; on the contrary, sitting on top, the woman controls the depth of penetration. For comfort, the woman leans on her husband's lap. There are a lot of positions, any couple will be able to choose the optimal one for fertilization and during the gestation period.
