How to plan the gender of a child - a boy: advice from obstetricians, special diets and folk remedies. Planning the gender of the unborn child

The birth of a child in the family is an important event for every married couple. Therefore, more and more families are planning a pregnancy: they undergo a medical examination, take vitamin complexes, and also plan the gender of the child, especially if the planned pregnancy is not the first and the couple especially wants to have a child of a certain gender. As medicine and the results of many married couples have proven, there are certain ways to plan for a child of a certain gender.Several basic methods of planning the gender of a child are popular now; let’s look at each of the available options and find out how you can plan the gender of a child in advance.

Method for calculating ovulation in planning the sex of a child

Scientists have proven that sperm that carry male gametes are more mobile and faster. However, they live in the woman’s genitals for a short time, on average 2-3 days. Those cells that have female chromosomes can move much slower. However, their survival in such an environment is up to one week. Accordingly, if you want to give birth to a boy, then you should have sexual intercourse as close as possible to the day of ovulation or on the day of ovulation. Conceiving a girl involves intimacy about a week before the expected date of release of the egg. To plan using this method, it is necessary.

Using an ancient Chinese table to plan the sex of a child

In order to plan the gender of the unborn child in this way, you need the age of the expectant mother and the month in which the pregnancy is planned. Next, use the table to determine the months in which you should conceive a child of the desired gender. This is when you need to have unprotected sex.

However, some doctors are distrustful of this technique.

This is due to the fact that the gender of the unborn child depends solely on the man. However, this method has mostly positive reviews. Couples note that, thanks to the calculation, they were able to give birth to the desired son or daughter.

Planning the gender of a child using the Japanese method

In order to plan the gender of your unborn child, you can also use the Japanese method, which is also presented in a table consisting of two parts. One of them presents data on the month of birth of the future father and future mother. To calculate, you need to find cells with birth months and draw straight lines from them. At the intersection of values ​​you can see a number.

The found number is decisive and calculated for the second table.
Find the resulting number in the upper range. Then go down and determine which months are more likely to conceive a boy or a girl. The probability of having a child of the desired gender is indicated by ***** Now find the resulting number in the following table, and look at the month in which the probability of having a child of the desired gender is greatest.

The more *****, the higher the chance of conceiving a girl or boy, respectively. Based on this, plan for a child in a certain month. However, this method is not 100% reliable.

How to plan your baby's gender by updating your blood type

There is also a way to plan the sex of a child based on the blood type of the future parents. Thus, using this method, it is known that male blood undergoes renewal every four years. Whereas in women, blood renewal occurs once every three years. European doctors claim that whose blood is “fresher” than a man or a woman, a child will be born of that gender. In order to plan a specific gender, it is necessary to divide the age of the future father by the number 4, the same must be done with the age of the future mother, however, the age must be divided by 3. Having received the result, it is necessary to compare the numbers. Whoever has a smaller remainder after division will be considered fresher blood. Accordingly, the baby will be born male or female. Let's give an example, so the future dad is 30 years old, the future mother is 28 years old, let's do the calculation:
Man - 30 ÷ 4 = 7.5
Woman - 28 ÷ 3 = 9.3
In the specific example given, the couple is expected to give birth to a boy. With this calculation method, it is necessary to take into account facts such as: blood transfusion, donation, major operations or childbirth.

However, any blood loss leads to the fact that the process of blood renewal is shifted and the results may not be reliable.

There is another example of planning a child of a certain gender according to a group of parents and their Rh factor.The essence of this method is that a certain combination of blood groups affects the gender of the unborn child. Depending on the combinations of the parents' blood groups, there is a certain probability of having a girl or a boy. There are different combinations of blood groups, so if the mother has the first blood group, and the father has the first or third blood group, there is a high probability of giving birth to a female child. In the other two cases, there is a greater chance of having a boy. If the expectant mother has a second blood group, then she needs to find a partner with the same or fourth group in order to give birth to a girl. Women with the third blood group can give birth to a girl if the child's father has the first blood group, etc.
The same can be said about an expectant mother with a fourth blood type, who can become the mother of a girl - if the child’s father has a second blood type.
The Rh factors of future parents should also be taken into account, which can also affect the likelihood of planning a child of a certain gender. So, if both parents are Rh positive or negative, the child will most likely be born female. If the Rh factors are not the same, you should wait for the birth of a boy.

It is worth considering that most reviews from young parents indicate the unreliability of the described method, although they are justified from a scientific point of view, there is always a high probability of obtaining a completely different result.

In addition, it can be noted that, regardless of blood type, many families have children of different sexes; this is also due to other factors that also affect the gender of the child, for example, the day the child was conceived, how close it is to the day of ovulation.

Thus, this method not only allows you to plan the gender of the child, but also to find out what gender your child will most likely be born.

Following the French Diet

Scientists from France have found that the nutrition of future parents plays a big role in the process of planning and giving birth to a child of a certain gender. Experiments conducted by scientists have confirmed that in approximately 80% of cases, following a diet can help parents conceive a child of the desired gender. During the experiments, two special diets were developed that contain a special set of products necessary for conceiving a child of a certain gender.

So, in order for the family to have girl , The expectant mother must follow a milk diet, i.e. consume large quantities of cheese, kefir and sour cream, i.e. consume foods high in calcium and magnesium ions. Instead of meat dishes, it is better to give preference to vegetables, such as cucumbers, tomatoes, green salad, peppers, eggplants and cabbage.

Detailed nutrition planning girls, as follows:

  1. Milk and dairy products: milk, kefir, fresh sour cream, yogurt, cottage cheese, curd mass, glazed cheese, cream cheese, unsalted cheese.
  2. Meat products: boiled meat with minimal salt content: beef, veal, pork, chicken.
  3. Fish and seafood: river and sea boiled fish, shrimp, crabs.
  4. Eggs: all dishes based on eggs (yolks).
  5. Cereals: rice, millet, semolina.
  6. Bread and flour products: any types of bread, crackers, pasta, all types of baked goods without salt and yeast.
  7. Vegetables: eggplants, cucumbers, lettuce, garlic, beans, sweet peppers, onions, peas, asparagus, radishes, carrots, champignons, lettuce, green onions, boiled tomatoes, fresh and canned vegetables.
  8. Fruits and berries: apples, pears, grapes, raspberries, strawberries, citrus juice, grapefruits, lemons, mangoes, quince.
  9. Drinks: very weak coffee or cocoa, tea, chocolate, calcium mineral waters.
  10. Dried fruits and nuts: almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, unsalted peanuts, raisins.
  11. Miscellaneous: honey, jam, jelly, sugar, spices, herbs, aromatic herbs, gelatin, mustard, porcini mushrooms, butter or margarine without salt.

A couple who wants to conceive a girl should not abuse strong coffee, tea, carbonated drinks, beer, or canned fruit juices. Limit your consumption of salted dried fruits, smoked, dried or salted fish, and canned fish in marinade. The consumption of dark and milk chocolate, salt, garlic, gherkins, olives, brine, marinades, chips, yeast, soda, ketchup, spicy sauces and any canned food is also best limited or completely eliminated during planning.

In order for a couple to plan the birth of a boy, Several months before trying to conceive, you need to eat food with large amounts of potassium and sodium ions, and as little calcium and magnesium ions as possible, which are found in potatoes, mushrooms and lean meat. Bananas, oranges, apricots and cherries are perfect fruits, since they contain the necessary elements in sufficient quantities.

Detailed nutrition for planning a boy is as follows:

In addition, it is worth limiting the consumption of dairy products, dried fruits and nuts, fresh vegetables and herbs, seafood, egg yolks, rice, millet, flour and confectionery products.

It is worth saying that modern doctors tend not to recognize the French diet, as they claim that a certain diet does not in any way affect the release of certain chromosomes in male sperm. However, French scientists explain the influence of nutrition on the gender of the child by the fact that the microelements included in the diet affect the biochemical structure of the egg, which facilitates the penetration of sperm from an XX- or XY-pair into it. In addition, as a result of following a diet, the hormonal balance that affects the reproductive cells does not change significantly.

One way or another, temporarily following the “French diet” will not harm either the expectant mother or the unborn child, since after pregnancy, the expectant mother can eat whatever she wants.

Prayer to conceive a boy

Believers in the old days, having no idea about modern methods of planning the sex of a child, often prayed to the Saints in order to become pregnant with a son or daughter. Knowing about effective ways to plan the gender of a child, prayer can be not superfluous, but on the contrary, very necessary for conceiving a healthy child. So, in order to become pregnant with a boy, you need to pray to St. Alexander of Svirsky.

« Oh, sacred earthly angel, God-bearing and reverend Father Alexander, humble saint of the Most Holy, many who live in Your mercy turn to You with faith and love. Ask for us, God's servants (the names of the spouses), for a long-awaited miracle, a new life for Your sex. Contribute with your intercession, God's saint, ruler of our world. May the holy church of God rest in peace. Be a merciful miracle worker for us, a helper in all circumstances and sorrows. Do not be ashamed of our prayer, do not despise our humble prayers, but before the Throne of the Life-Giving Trinity, intercede for us, so that we may be honored in the villages with Royal greatness, and the grace and forgiveness of God will come. Amen".

Prayer to conceive a girl

To conceive a girl, you need to pray to the Holy Great Martyr Paraskeva Pyatnitsa.

Paraskeva’s prayer for the birth of a girl does not include the request for a child itself; it should be added at the end, formulated in your own words. The test of prayer is:

“Oh, holy and blessed martyr of Christ Paraskeva, maiden beauty, praise of the martyrs, purity of image, magnanimous mirrors, wonder of the wise, guardian of the Christian faith, idolatry flattery to the accuser, champion of the Divine Gospel, zealot of the Lord’s commandments, worthy to come to the haven of eternal rest and in the devil Your bridegroom, Christ God, brightly rejoicing, adorned with the supreme crown of virginity and martyrdom! We pray to you, holy martyr, to be sorrowful for us to Christ God, whose most blessed sight will always rejoice. Pray to the All-Merciful One, Who opened the eyes of the blind with His word, that He may deliver us from the illness of our hair, both physical and mental; with your holy prayers, kindle the dark darkness that has come from our sins, ask the Father of Light for the light of grace for our souls and bodies; Enlighten us, darkened by sins, with the light of God’s grace, so that for the sake of your holy prayers sweet vision will be given to the dishonest. Oh, great servant of God!

O most courageous maiden! Oh, strong martyr Saint Paraskeva! With your holy prayers, be a helper to us sinners, intercede and pray for the damned and very negligent sinners, hasten to help us, for we are very weak. Pray to the Lord, pure maiden, pray to the Merciful, holy martyr, pray to your Bridegroom, immaculate bride of Christ, so that by your prayers, having escaped the darkness of sin, in the light of the true faith and divine deeds we may enter into the eternal light of the never-evening day, into the city of everlasting joy, in now you shine brightly with glory and endless joy, glorifying and singing with all the heavenly powers the Trisagion of the One Divinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."

In vitro fertilization as a way to plan the sex of a child

The main recognized medical method of planning the sex of an unborn child even before the moment of conception is in vitro fertilization. Currently, this is the most effective, albeit expensive (for example, one in vitro fertilization procedure will cost from 100 to 300 thousand rubles) method of calculating the gender of the unborn child. Most often, it is used by couples who cannot conceive a child on their own, and also if there is a high probability of having a child with pathology and developmental disabilities. During in vitro fertilization, doctors remove several eggs, and the man supplies his genetic material (sperm). Fertilization occurs in a special favorable environment, after which doctors grow the resulting cells for several days and determine their sexual predisposition. Next, specialists select only boys or exclusively girls and perform a transplant. The embryos are placed in the woman's uterus, after which she is ready to carry and give birth to one or two babies. Often such manipulation requires the use of many medications, and this also requires certain equipment and professional laboratory assistants.

Slavic calculation method for conceiving a child with a certain gender

According to the method, if a couple wants the birth of a girl, then she needs to wait for an even number of years and conceive a child only on even days of the month. In addition, you can plan the gender in another way, so you need to add the number of the month of conception to the mother’s age, if the result is an even number, a girl will be born, if an odd number, a boy will be born. Also, to conceive a child of each gender according to the Slavic calendar, they alternate: 11th day boy, 12th girl, 13th girl, 14th boy, 15th girl, 16th boy, 17th girl. From 18 to 21 days, abstinence from intimacy is advised so that the offspring is born healthy. After 21 days of the cycle, the time for safe love comes. Another method of planning a child is the age of the mother. If the age is odd, for example, 27 years old, then it is best to plan for a boy in even months: February, April, June, August, October, December. If the mother’s age is even, then on the contrary, it is most likely to conceive a boy in January, March, May, July, September, November, that is, in odd numbers.
It is also important at what time of day the baby planning should take place, so Wednesday, Friday and Saturday are considered favorable for the birth of a girl. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday guarantee the conception of a boy. As for Sunday, on this day fate decides independently; it will not be possible to guess what gender the child will be.

Gender planning using the lunar or zodiac method

Astrologers and some scientists note that the effectiveness of this method is at the level of 80%. The essence of this method is that the moon passes through the required female sign every 2.5 days, accordingly, you can use it to choose the most optimal days for the birth of a girl. First, find out what zodiac sign the moon is in at the moment you are going to conceive a baby. When a star passes through the signs of water and earth, then there is a high probability of the birth of a girl. These signs include Pisces, Capricorn, Scorpio, Virgo, Cancer and Taurus. If the moon is in the zone of fire and air signs, there is a high probability of conceiving a boy. These meanings include Gemini, Aquarius, Leo and Libra, as well as Aries and Sagittarius.

So, folk signs: in order to conceive a child with a female gender, it is recommended to put a comb, a mirror, threads, and a spinning wheel under the pillow. These items should be in bed not only at the time of conception, but throughout the entire menstrual cycle. To conceive a boy, you can put your husband's pants and hat, nails or any other male instrument. Now, all this seems a little strange, but in the old days such methods were trusted and resorted to.

There are other, less reliable and often unreliable ways to plan a child, such as visiting healers and fortune tellers who promise to determine the sex of the unborn baby and help give birth to the desired son or daughter. However, there is no guarantee that everything will go as you planned and your expectations may not be met.

There are also quite effective positions for planning the sex of a child. They were discussed in detail on another site in the article: “ Poses for conceiving a child and how to easily get pregnant with a boy or girl.”

Thus, each of the listed methods of planning the sex of a child can be used by future parents either individually or all at the same time. In this case, the likelihood of having the desired boy or girl will increase. Despite the positive reviews, many methods are simply ineffective, so you should be prepared for any outcome and not be upset if what you planned did not work out; the birth of a healthy and desired child is much more important!

Is it possible to plan the gender of your unborn child? How to plan the gender of the child?

Even in ancient times, people came up with all sorts of methods for planning the sex of a child. But nature has arranged everything in such a way that it is very difficult to do this. And this is correct, otherwise the demographic situation in the world may be disrupted.

When a woman is expecting a child, she loves him no matter what gender he is. And maybe you shouldn’t guess in advance whether it will be a boy or a girl. This will be just a baby everyone loves, and the most important thing is that he is healthy. After 20 weeks of pregnancy, the sex of the baby can be determined by ultrasound. So by the time of birth, the baby's gender will no longer be a surprise.

Today there are no accurate, scientifically proven and safe methods for planning the sex of a child. If we consider all the methods of planning the gender of a child that exist today, they can be divided into traditional and scientific.


These are methods found empirically. Some of them have come down to us from ancient times, while others were invented quite recently. What these methods have in common is that they all have no scientific basis and there is a significant likelihood of errors.

As is known, the sex of a child does not depend on the woman, since her genes do not contain the Y chromosome, which determines the male sex. A woman's genes contain X chromosomes, a man's genes contain X and Y chromosomes. However, most traditional methods of planning the sex of a child try to make some changes in a woman's body.

Chinese method of planning the gender of a child

This is one of the most ancient methods, which consists in the fact that to conceive a boy it was necessary to lay his head to the north, and to conceive a girl - to the south.

In Ancient China, there was a very complex way of calculating the sex of a child using special tables.

Gender planning with diet

Diet also plays an important role when planning the sex of a child. It is recommended that a husband and wife follow such a diet for three weeks before conception, and a woman for another two months after conception.

Diet for having a girl. It is recommended to consume: milk and dairy products, boiled or stewed meat and fish (in small quantities), eggs, yeast-free bread, porridge (rice and semolina), vegetables (eggplant, asparagus, beets, carrots, cucumbers, green peas, capsicum, onions, boiled tomatoes), fruits and berries (apples, pears, strawberries, raspberries, pineapples, grapefruits, lemons, watermelons, mangoes, quinces), nuts (almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts - only not canned), sugar, honey, spices, jam, jelly, fragrant herbs, weak coffee, tea, chocolate, cocoa.

It is not recommended to consume: canned fruit juice, sweet carbonated drinks, sausages, ham, smoked meats, fried meat and fish, smoked, dried and salted fish, canned fish, crayfish, crabs, cheeses, ice cream, corn porridge, regular bread, confectionery , chips, any canned food, cabbage, raw tomatoes, beans and lentils, plums, apricots, cherries, bananas, oranges, melon, currants, raisins, dried apricots, dates, prunes, salted dried fruits, salt, yeast, olives, margarine, salty butter, ketchup.

Diet for having a boy . It is recommended to consume: more meat products, sausages, fish, cereals, potatoes, mushrooms, white beans, lentils, peas, any fruit, dark chocolate, mineral water, tea, coffee, canned and salty foods, yeast.

It is not recommended to consume: milk and dairy products, fish caviar, seafood, eggs (only whites are allowed), pancakes, confectionery products made with milk, salad, green beans, green peas, raw cabbage, dill, walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, peanuts, cocoa, milk chocolate.

Women who already have children know that when they were pregnant with a girl, they wanted something salty and spicy (from the diet for boys) and vice versa, during pregnancy with a boy, a woman is drawn to sweets. So it is quite possible that there is rational grain in these diets.

Planning the sex of the child by updating the blood composition of the parents

Complete renewal of the blood composition in men and women occurs at different times: in men once every 4 years, in women - once every 3 years. The calculation is carried out starting from the date of birth or the last major blood loss. The authors of the method are of the opinion that the child will inherit the gender of the parent whose blood is younger at the time of conception. Therefore, the mother’s age is divided by 3, and the father’s by 4, the resulting remainders are compared: whoever has the larger remainder will pass on his gender to the child.

For example: at the time of conception, the mother’s age is 23 years, the father’s is 25 years. 23: 3 = 7 (remainder 2), 25: 4 = 6 (remainder 1). The mother’s balance turned out to be more than the father’s, which means the girl will be born.

This method has not been confirmed by any serious research.

Planning the sex of the child using sexual activity and the position of partners at the time of conception

It has been noted that the birth of a child of one sex or another depends on the sexual activity of men. Thus, girls are more often born after prolonged sexual abstinence, while the birth of boys requires an active sex life. To give birth to a girl, a man is recommended to actively engage in some activity and take a break from sexual life for at least a month. To give birth to a boy, constant sexual activity is recommended.

Regarding the position of partners at the moment of conception, popular wisdom says that after the conception process girls are more often born in the “missionary position,” that is, when the man is on top, while boys are born when the man is behind. The last method is good because the sperm is emitted near the cervix and immediately enters the uterus and fallopian tubes.

Seasonal-temperature method of planning the sex of a child

The seasonal method is based on observation. It has been established that girls are more often born in April, June, July, September, November and December (which means they were conceived in July, September, October, December, January, February). Boys are more often born in January, February, March, May, August and October, which means that their conception occurred in March, April, May, June, August, November.

Based on these data, you can plan the sex of the child, however, it is unlikely that anyone will give you a guarantee of the desired effect.

The temperature method of planning the sex of a child is logically quite understandable. It is based on the fact that not all sperm are the same. Some of them are distinguished by increased viability (these are spermatozoa containing X chromosomes, as a result of fertilization of eggs which produce girls), while other spermatozoa, on the contrary, are characterized by low viability but increased activity (they contain XY chromosomes, when fertilized by which eggs are produced boys).

Spermatozoa do not like heat; Y-spermatozoa die especially quickly at high temperatures. Therefore, men who want to have a son are recommended to wear loose underwear and trousers that do not compress the genitals, and avoid baths, saunas, and hot baths. They are advised to take cold showers and not dress too warmly during the cold season.

Planning the gender of the child according to the phases of the moon

There is a theory according to which, along with the menstrual cycle, there is a second, individual astrological cycle, which is calculated by the woman’s date of birth. Based on this cycle, you can accurately plan the moment of conception and the sex of the child.

According to this theory, the probability of conception is maximum during the period of time when the phase of the Moon (12 phases in total, according to the number of signs of the Zodiac) repeats the phase that was at the birth of the woman. Often this does not coincide with the most likely moment of conception, calculated by the menstrual cycle (ovulation). But if calculations based on the phase of the moon and the menstrual cycle coincide, then the likelihood of conception increases.

Depending on the lunar phase (negative or positive) during which conception occurred, a child of one sex or another was born. Conceiving a girl is possible in negative periods, when the Moon occupies “feminine” zodiac signs (Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces), while conceiving a boy is possible in other periods that are considered “masculine” (Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra , Sagittarius, Aquarius). You can find out what sign the Moon is in in a regular calendar.


Scientific methods for planning the sex of a child are also imperfect and not fully studied. Nevertheless, they have a logical scientific basis and are more or less verified by available statistical data.

Using ovulation time to plan your baby's gender

Ovulation is the moment when an egg is released from the ovary. After leaving the ovary, the egg lives for a day. The released egg is fertilized either by sperm that entered the woman’s body at the time of ovulation, or by those that “waited” for her to leave the ovary (the sperm remains viable in the woman’s body for up to 6 days).

There are two types of sperm: those containing X and Y chromosomes. It has been found that sperm with the Y chromosome are more motile, but less viable. This is precisely what the method of using ovulation to determine the sex of a child is based on: if sexual intercourse coincides with the moment of ovulation, then the sperm with the Y chromosome are the first to reach the eggs, that is, there is a high probability of having a boy. If sexual intercourse occurs a few days before ovulation, then a girl is more likely to be born, since the X chromosomes have a greater chance of “waiting” for the egg.

The method is complex, since it is not always possible to accurately calculate the moment of ovulation: rarely does a woman have the same menstrual cycle from day to day. At the same time, it seems quite reliable and logically justified, but serious statistical studies of its effectiveness have not been conducted.

The moment of ovulation can be determined in the following ways:

By measuring basal temperature, that is, the temperature in the rectum throughout the entire menstrual cycle;

By observing the secretion of mucus from the genital tract: the discharge becomes abundant, the mucus is viscous, viscous; at the same time, some women feel short-term pain in the lower abdomen on one side (the moment the follicle ruptures and the egg is released);

Determining the moment of ovulation using a special pharmacy test (strips similar to a pregnancy test);

With the help of ultrasound examinations, it is possible to record the moment of release of the egg from the ovary and the formation of a temporary endocrine gland at this site - the corpus luteum; This method is called folliculometry.

Using sperm separation to plan the gender of a child

This separation can be done by two methods: using electrophoresis and laser.

Using electrophoresis, sperm X and Y are separated, heading to different poles. An egg taken from the woman's ovary is then in vitro fertilized (IVF) with sperm containing either X or Y chromosomes. Unfortunately, the method has serious side effects: the electric field has a mutagenic effect, so the child may develop various abnormalities.

Sperm separation using laser. This technique appeared only a few years ago. The sperm is also divided into sperm containing X and Y chromosomes, and the egg is fertilized using IVF. This method has not yet been supported by serious statistical data, so it is difficult to say how effective it is and whether it has serious side effects.

Gender of the unborn child can be determined using genetic analysis. This is possible, for example, with in vitro fertilization (that is, in vitro fertilization), and before implantation of the fetus into the uterus, a complete genetic diagnosis is carried out in order to exclude possible anomalies, during which the sex of the fetus is determined.

Thus, today in the world there are no reliable, scientifically proven, effective and safe methods for obtaining the desired sex of a child.

Table. Planning the gender of the child

January February March April May June July August September October November December
18 M D M D M M M M M M M M
19 M D M D M M M M M D M D
20 D M D D D D D D D D M M
21 M D D D D D D D D D D D
22 D M M D M D D M D D D D
23 M M D M M D M D M M M D
24 M D M M D M M D D D D D
25 D M M D D M D M M M M M
26 M D M D D M D M D D D D
27 D M D M D D M M M M D M
28 M D M M D D D M M M D D
29 D M D D M M D D D M M M
30 M D D D D D D D D D M M
31 M D M D D D D D D D D M
32 M D M D D D D D D D D M
33 D M D M D D D M D D D M
34 D D M D D D D D D D M M
35 M M D M D D D M D D M M
36 D M M D M D D D M M M M
37 M D M M D M D M D M D M
38 D M D M M D M D M D M D
39 M D M M M D D M D D D D
40 D M D M D M M D M D M D

What question is most often asked to a woman during pregnancy? Of course: “Who are you waiting for?” But really, who are the parents waiting for? If you look at the root, then, first of all, of course, a healthy, strong baby, but whether it is a boy or a girl is not so important.

On the other hand, each parent has his own wishes regarding the gender of the child. Fathers, as a rule, have a boy, an heir, as they put it. Mothers are more varied in their wishes, although more often they still lean towards a girl.

Situations when a child of a particular gender is needed at all costs are extremely rare. But even these things add up. As a rule, due to the presence of hereditary diseases in one of the parents that are transmitted to children of only one sex, or if the parents belong to certain religious organizations. However, people often think about planning the sex of a child in less critical cases: for example, if the family already has a girl, parents can try to plan for a boy. The desire to plan the gender of the child may be more acute if there is already more than one child of the same gender in the family.

Is it possible to plan the gender of the unborn child? To date, no method provides a 100% guarantee. However, you can try to influence the situation. There are a huge number of methods for planning the sex of a child: these are scientific theories, the legacy of ancient teachings, and even folk methods and examples. Each woman decides for herself which one to resort to. Many of them can be easily combined with each other.

First, I would like to talk about these methods of planning pregnancy and the sex of the child. It turns out that traditional medicine can help in this matter. Another thing is that it is expensive. But, unlike other methods, it is much more effective.

For example, MicroSoft offers sperm sorting method . As you know, women have 2 identical chromosomes: XX, men have different chromosomes: XY. Sex cells carry half the DNA and only one chromosome each. All eggs have an X chromosome, which is quite natural. But sperm are divided into carriers of the X chromosome, conventionally called female, since fertilization with this sperm produces a female embryo, and carriers of the Y chromosome, which, upon fertilization, determine the male sex of the embryo.

The sorting method is based on the fact that the DNA content in male sperm is 3% less than in female sperm. DNA molecules are colored in a special way, female sperm are brighter. They are sorted using a laser, and then the necessary sperm are injected into the woman’s uterus, depending on what gender she wishes. It is curious that the effectiveness of this method varies for children of different sexes: the chances of having a girl are estimated at 90%, but a boy can only be guaranteed with a 70% probability.

Another medical method of gender planning is called preimplantation genetic diagnosis . With this method, before transplanting the fertilized egg into the expectant mother, the sex of the unborn child is checked, and an embryo of the required sex is transplanted into the woman. In this case, specialists can give a 100% guarantee. This makes this method very popular.

However, in some European countries this procedure is prohibited. This was done in order not to disturb the natural balance in the ratio of boys and girls. In other countries, such as Japan and Canada, PGD is only allowed if there is a medical indication. For example, to avoid inheritance of hemophilia, which occurs only in men.

Chesterman-Phillmps and Young method

This method can safely be called pseudo-scientific. It is based on the natural features of the X and Y chromosomes. Women's sperm are heavier and slower than men's, but much more tenacious. That is, male sperm reach the fallopian tubes faster, while female sperm are able to wait longer for the egg.

It turns out that if you have sex on the day of ovulation, the chance of conceiving a boy increases sharply, but if you try a couple of days before ovulation, the chance of conceiving a girl is greater. Much depends on the depth of penetration. So, if the penetration was shallow, then the path of the sperm will be longer and only the hardiest, that is, female sperm, will be able to pass it.

By the way, one of the compilers of methods for planning the gender of a child by ovulation added to all this a recommendation not to conceive children the day after ovulation. Conception in this case is theoretically possible, but, according to Young, the risk of miscarriage or the birth of children with birth defects increases.

Diet for planning the gender of the child

Several generations ago, French scientists conducted studies on the nutrition of women who gave birth to mostly girls or mostly boys. According to their theory, the sex of the unborn child is influenced by the mother's nutrition during the last menstrual cycle.

Based on their research, 2 diets were compiled for conceiving a child of the gender of interest. The parents of the unborn child must adhere to the chosen diet for 2 months before conception.

For that, to conceive a boy , parents should eat potatoes, meat, mushrooms, cherries, dates, pineapples, peaches, apricots, bananas, oranges. But it’s better to avoid dairy products, lettuce, cabbage, beans, and nuts.

Respectively, for those who want a girl , it is better to rely on milk, beets, eggplants, cucumbers, carrots, capsicums, peas, onions, nuts.

When deciding on this method of planning the sex of a child, it is worth thinking about this question: how safe will an artificially created deficiency of certain microelements be for the unborn child.

Genetic predisposition

Another interesting theory claims that the sex of the child mainly depends on the gene pool of the father. That is, to determine the likelihood of conceiving a boy or a girl, it is enough to look at who is more male in the family. If a man has many brothers, then he is most likely predisposed to having boys, but if besides him there were only girls in the family, then he will have to wait a long time for a boy.

To test this theory, researchers surveyed 1,027 families and tracked their relatives back to 1600. Roughly speaking, about half a million people took part in the study.

Planning the gender of a child according to the lunar calendar

For the lunar calendar for planning the sex of a child, we should thank Dr. Jonas, who became interested in astrology back in 1947. His interest increased significantly after he found a mention in one of the ancient books that the lunar cycle affects a woman’s ability to conceive a child.

From that moment on, he took up this topic closely, and soon created a treatment center that helped women conceive a child, including the desired gender, based on the lunar cycle.

According to Jonas's theory, the most favorable days for conception are those days in which the phase of the moon coincides with the phase in which the woman was born. In this case, it does not matter at all whether this somehow coincides with ovulation. Moreover, some followers of Jonas believe that normally a woman’s menstrual cycle is synchronized with the lunar one, and it is no coincidence that the average cycle length is 28 days.

Gender planning according to the lunar calendar today is offered by many astrological clinics and organizations. Somewhere you will be asked to pay for this service, somewhere it will be provided for free. Moreover, you can also find calculators on the Internet that allow you to do the calculations yourself.

The law of harmony when planning the sex of a child

Another specialist who offers to calculate the probability of conceiving a child of the required gender for a fee is a certain Valery Nekrasov. According to his theory, the sex of a child depends on whose energy potential prevails during the formation of gender characteristics. Energy potential depends, among other things, on the age of the spouses. If a woman's potential is higher, girls will be born, if lower, boys will be born. If the energies of the spouses are in harmony, then they can easily conceive a child of any gender if desired. Unfortunately, this theory does not involve influencing the situation, only knowing what awaits the couple.

Chinese floor planning method

The Chinese gender planning calendar suggests focusing on the age of the mother and the date of conception. Surprisingly, it gives quite high accuracy, despite the lack of a scientific basis.

Japanese floor planning method

The Japanese method of planning the sex of a child is not much more complicated, although it does not fit into one table, like the Chinese. It consists of two parts: the Japanese gender planning calendar and schedule.

First, in the table you need to find the figure for the intersection of the birth months of the father and mother of the planned child. This figure is then looked for in the vertical part of the graph. The graph itself shows in which months the conception of a child of the selected gender is most likely.

Blood renewal theory

Planning the sex of a child by renewing the blood is also a very interesting theory. And most importantly, all the necessary calculations according to this theory are easy to carry out independently.

It is known that over a certain period of time the blood in the human body is completely renewed. According to the calculations of researchers, the renewal cycle for women is 3 years, for men it is a year longer. It is believed that the blood is younger at the beginning of the cycle.

The sex of the child depends on whose blood is younger at the time of conception. To determine this, it is necessary to divide the number of complete years of a woman by 3, the age of a man by 4, and compare the remainders. Whose remainder is greater, that parent has younger blood. By the way, if the expectant mother has a negative Rh factor, then the blood of the parent who has the smaller balance will be considered younger.

One important nuance is that serious operations, large loss of blood, transfusions and the like interrupt the old cycle and a new one begins. That is, if a person has experienced severe blood loss in his life, then the countdown is not from the date of birth, but precisely from the date of this incident. When planning the sex of a child based on blood, this aspect is important to consider.

Dominance in the family

Some suggest that the gender of the child depends on who occupies the dominant position in the family. According to this theory, nature will inevitably restore balance in the family. If the feminine principle is suppressed, that is, the husband dominates, then to compensate for this suppression, he will send a girl to the parents. If a woman, on the contrary, dominates, then the birth of boys awaits her.

According to this theory, it is not difficult to explain why children of different sexes are born in the same family. At different times, the situation in the family may change, including with the birth of a child. So, if a woman has always made decisions in the family, she will give birth to a boy. However, with the birth of a child, the situation can change radically, just as the rhythm of a woman’s life will change dramatically. Accordingly, the husband takes a more advantageous position, begins to make decisions for the whole family, and the next child may well be a girl, in order to balance the feminine principle.

It would seem that influencing gender according to this theory is simply impossible. However, this is not entirely true. If you are a powerful woman, nevertheless, you want to give birth to a girl, give your husband more freedom, let him make important decisions, feel weak. This method works vice versa. If you want a boy, start paying more attention to family matters, insist on your opinion, and so on.

Folk signs for determining the sex of the unborn child

This issue cannot be solved without folk signs. Of course, you shouldn’t take them seriously, but it’s quite possible to get to know them for general development. So, it is believed that to conceive a girl, place a pink satin ribbon or spoon under the pillow during conception; for a boy, the ribbon should, of course, be blue.

And in the old days, on the first wedding night, either an ax and an arrow were placed next to the newlyweds if they were expecting a boy, or a spindle if they were expecting a girl. It was believed that objects of traditionally female or male craft, especially if they were used by parents, would transfer energy to a new person.

Of course, none of these methods, except medical ones, imply any serious guarantees, and each individual couple will decide whether to use any of them or not. The main thing is that if nothing comes of this idea, don’t be upset. Children are a blessing in any case. Your child should always feel most wanted, and your regret over failure can make him feel like you don't need him. Children feel such things literally at the cellular level, especially while they are in the womb.

Is it possible to plan the gender of a child (video)


Planning the gender of a child is an important task for future parents. It turns out that you can determine in advance the birth of a boy or girl using the right methods, time has passed and many married couples have passed.

The sex of a newborn child was determined at the cellular level. From school biology lessons, every person remembers that a cell consists of cytoplasm and nucleus. It is the nucleus that contains a set of specific chromosomes. A healthy cell has 46 chromosomes - i.e. 23 pairs.

All 22 pairs for men and women are exactly the same. The differences are only in the last 23 pairs.
In the female body there are two “X” chromosomes, in the male body there are “X” and “Y”.

If at the moment of conception an egg (female cell) meets an “X” sperm (male cell), then after 9 months a girl will be born, and if it meets a “Y” sperm, a boy will be born.

Chromosomes "X" and "Y"

Back in the 60s of last year, scientists concluded that it is possible to predetermine the future gender! It all depends on the degree of cell activity.

The fact is that male cells with “X” chromosomes are distinguished by their vitality, but not by their activity. While in the uterine cavity, they can safely wait 48 hours for ovulation. On the other hand, cells with “Y” chromosomes are more active, but are susceptible to rapid death. They can quickly reach the egg and fertilize it if conception occurs on the day of ovulation.

How to influence the gender of the child?

This desire has arisen among humanity from time immemorial and it is still relevant today. It is interesting that it began in Ancient China and could be traced in many European countries. You may or may not believe this, but Easterners are confident that girls are most often born to parents who smoke. It is tobacco that can influence the number of “X” chromosomes in male material. The Japanese even emphasize that a man must smoke one pack of cigarettes a day.

Men who smoke have more X chromosomes

Other researchers, from the other side of the world - Italians, have determined that the gender of the unborn child is influenced by the time of year. So, they are absolutely sure that in the fall there is the greatest opportunity to conceive a boy, because this season affects the concentration of “Y” chromosomes in male sperm.

Autumn is the time to conceive boys

The most ancient scientists also believed that the moon could influence this decision. Couples need to plan sexual relationships not only depending on its phases, but also take into account weather conditions. For example, the Egyptians knew for sure that the full moon favored the birth of a son. They knew that a girl would be born if a woman was impregnated immediately after her menstrual period. Well, Aristotle himself insisted that if a couple wants a boy, they need to conceive a child at a time when the north wind blows, and a girl when the south wind blows.

Blood renewal theory

Modern man hardly pays attention to the weather and the phase of the moon during fertilization. However, there are several basic methods that allow you to accurately predict the gender of the unborn child. Increasingly, couples are planning the gender of their baby according to the fashionable European theory of blood renewal.

Planning the sex of the child by blood renewal

It is believed that the Rh factor affects the sex of the child first and only then the age of the parents.

Chinese baby gender planning calendar

Chinese calendar table for determining the sex of a child by mother's age

According to the results of special studies, male blood can be renewed every four years. Women's blood does this more often - once every three years.

Formula for calculating the sex of a child

To determine, you need to multiply the father's age in months by four and divide by 16. Then you should multiply the mother's age in months by three and divide by 12. Compare the resulting numbers, if the male number is greater, there will be a boy, if the female number, there will be a girl.

Formula for determining the sex of a child before conception:
For a man: Y = 4 x (integer number of months lived: 16)
For woman: X = 3 x (integer number of months lived: 9).
If the male number Y is greater than the female number X, then these parents will have a boy. If the female number X is greater than the male number Y, then these parents will have a girl.

Child gender calculation table

How to use the table? This is a Japanese calendar, which consists of two tables. Using the first table, we determine a number from 1 to 12 and look for this number in another table, and plan the gender of the unborn child.

The first table of the Japanese calendar for determining the sex of a child

Second table of the Japanese calendar for calculating the gender of a child

Medical planning techniques

Such planning is quite possible, but highly undesirable. Medical planning allows you to determine the sex of the unborn baby with 100% accuracy using chromosome staining. Such planning is allowed for couples undergoing artificial insemination and is prohibited in many countries, such as China. It is believed that this method is not natural and can lead to an imbalance on the planet.

Preimplantation genetic diagnosis

It is used mainly for genetic diseases in parents to prevent transmission of this disease to the child.

In addition, preimplantation genetic diagnosis is carried out in married couples with an increased risk of congenital anomalies in children, which is not associated with the carriage of diagnosed mutations. Such cases include couples where the mother’s age exceeds 35 years; where the father's age is above 39 years; if the father has severe spermatogenesis disorders; in married couples with recurrent miscarriage; in married couples with repeated unsuccessful IVF attempts.

Independent planning of the baby's gender

The more people, the more opinions.

There is also a popular theory that says that the less often sex is present in a couple’s life, the greater the likelihood of conceiving a girl. And vice versa: more often - to the boy.

Therefore, some couples practice the abstinence method and then move on to fertilization, and therefore often have sex if they want to conceive a son. This theory is effective, since sperm have the ability to mature quickly.

Nutrition for conceiving the desired child

French scientists have concluded that adhering to a strict diet will help determine the sex of the baby. Moreover, it is believed that a certain diet should be followed during menstruation. Before conception, the mother should adhere to a strict two-month diet. For example, if a woman wants a boy, she should give preference to:

  • potatoes
  • mushrooms
  • bananas
  • oranges
  • dates

Food should be seasoned generously with salt.

If a woman wants to conceive a girl, she needs to eat:

  • eggplant
  • dairy
  • cucumbers
  • pumpkin
  • beets
  • peas
  • pepper

Statistics show that this method has an effectiveness exceeding 80%. It is also worth keeping in mind that following a diet can have both positive and negative effects. Lack of microelements leads to vitamin deficiency.

Folk signs for planning the sex of a child

There are many different folk remedies, both effective and stupid, that favor the birth of a certain gender of the baby. For example, our great-grandmothers and great-great-grandmothers were sure that if you put an ax under the pillow during conception, a boy would be born, and if you put an ax, a girl would be born.

It is also known that if mothers eat sweets, this contributes to the birth of a girl, and salty ones - a boy. Among all the recommendations and methods, it is important to highlight the most effective ones, which contain some truth.

It will be useful to take into account the father’s place of work, because men working in hazardous industries rarely have the opportunity to conceive a boy.

This is because carriers of the gene in male sperm are very susceptible to negative influence factors.

A huge role in planning can be given to the heredity of the parents, for example, if there are many children in families. This feature is important for both mom and dad.

Surprisingly, it is female heredity that is unique. Pay attention to how many children are in the mother’s family and what gender they are. Predominant gender can influence your child.

The female body has a predisposition to conceive boys or girls. Therefore, a fertilized egg can be rejected by the body at any time if it does not meet its requirements.

They also believe that gender depends on a woman’s physique and appearance.

It has been noticed that it is not tall and plump ladies who reproduce boys, but slender and tall ones - girls.

And you shouldn’t ignore the character of the couple, because it often happens that strict “iron” people are predisposed to sons, while soft, flexible and gentle men most often raise daughters.

How to conceive a child by ovulation?

In planning the sex of a child based on ovulation, the decisive role is played by the type of sperm that fertilizes the egg. How to find out?

It is no secret that the sex of the unborn child depends on the father, or more precisely, on the set of chromosomes of the sperm that fertilizes the mother’s egg.

At first glance, this is a simple and effective method that does not require complex calculations. For more information on this method of planning the sex of a child and other methods, see this article Gender of the child before conception on our website.

If you want to have a girl, try these recommendations:

  • do not add salt to food, try to eat bland food
  • include a large amount of dairy and fermented milk products in your diet
  • eat a lot of sweets
  • eat meat, poultry, fish
  • forget about smoked meats
  • avoid pickles
  • don't drink coffee

If you dream of a son, try:

  • salt food generously
  • eat sausage, smoked meat, pickles
  • eat bananas often
  • include potatoes in every menu
  • Don't get carried away with eggs and milk

Which of the “correct” methods is more effective is up to you to decide. The main thing is not to overdo it with your efforts and do not harm your body with diets or foods that can cause you allergies.

Video: Planning the gender of the child

The idea that it is possible to plan the sex of a child was given to me by my mother-in-law. She said that it is possible to plan the gender of the child based on the blood renewal method. Then I thought that if it is possible to somehow influence the gender of the unborn child, then this chance should not be missed. My parents really wanted a boy. When my older sister was born, their hopes for a son grew greatly, and they really expected that this time it would definitely be a boy. Older women often predicted the appearance of a boy based on the sharp shape of their abdomen. And the doctor announced to my mother that there would be not one child, but two. My parents even prepared names: Vadim and Maxim.

But the Lord God wanted a girl to be born. My childhood was spent surrounded by toy trucks and cars. My first doll was given to me when I was 10 years old by some relatives who came to visit. And I constantly felt guilty that I was born a girl. I ended up having short hair and playing with boys more often than girls. I was the first girl in the class whom the boys started calling by name rather than by last name.

In general, when I found out about the possibility of planning the gender of the child, I was excited about this idea. Knowledge of methods floor planning a child can save many parents and children from similar situations. If you can avoid disappointment, then why not? Especially for those who have 3 girls, and the husband stubbornly wants a son.

Methods for planning the gender of a child

After studying all these Chinese and Japanese gender planning calendars, I realized that the probability of having a boy is 50%. I decided to look for something else. I tested the blood renewal method on my friends and relatives, who could accurately remember the years of birth of their parents. The probability exceeded 80%. I didn’t stop there. I believed that if you combine all the realistic methods of planning the gender of a child, you can independently increase the likelihood of having a child of the desired gender.

According to the blood renewal method, it turned out that before December 2007 (the deadline) we had to conceive a boy.

Preparing for conception

3 months before the expected date, we were tested for sexually transmitted diseases, my husband quit smoking, and we stopped buying alcohol. And a month before conception we decided to go to the sea and relax.

All these 3 months I wrote down the days of menstruation and the timing of unusual discharge. Once I even noticed a transparent clot of lubricant on my panties. I recorded this day as the date of ovulation.

All these 3 months I gave up milk, kefir, yogurt, and sweets. Sometimes I ate cottage cheese. And she ate large quantities of meat, fish, and sausage. She ate a lot of fried food and did not skimp on salt.

Failed attempts to conceive

After three months of preparation, we decided it was time. Armed with ovulation tests and an electronic thermometer, I began the most important stage of planning the gender of the child. It was important not to miss ovulation. And so that the husband is not at work at this time (he worked for days).

After a couple of days of communicating with the electronic thermometer, I decided to leave it for more important matters and catch ovulation only with the help of test strips. And besides, a change in rectal temperature could be caused not only by ovulation, but also by other factors.

Every morning I ran to the bath and looked at the stripes that appeared for a long time. Sometimes it was not clear whether there was a second stripe or not. In such cases, I used a different test.

When it was already the middle of the cycle, and I still didn’t see the coveted two stripes, I was upset. Maybe the day of ovulation fell on the day when my husband was at work, or maybe the test was just wrong, and my husband and I missed this day. Or maybe I didn’t ovulate at all that month. Since it does not come every month, but approximately 8-10 times a year (for women under 28 years old).

I was upset. I used to think that getting pregnant was not a problem. This conclusion was confirmed by many cases of unwanted pregnancies among girls I knew.

I plunged into the abyss of the Internet, hoping to find even more information on my question. And I found information that you can talk about problems with conception only after a year of unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant. This calmed me down a little, but December was already upon us, and I didn’t have time for unsuccessful attempts. The closer to December, the more likely it was to conceive a girl. And we still hoped to conceive a boy.

Hooray! I am pregnant!

The third menstrual cycle of planning the sex of the child has begun. Sometimes thoughts crossed my mind that maybe I should leave this idea of ​​gender planning, relax and forget about everything. After all, it is then, according to the grandmothers, that the long-awaited conception occurs. But it was too early to give up. I decided that now I will not wish for the appearance of the treasured stripes and worry about their absence. And think about conception as little as possible.

This month I started catching ovulation using strips right from the last days of my period. And I was simply stunned when I saw two lines on the test on the last day of discharge. I didn’t take it seriously and chalked it all up to residual discharge on the last day of my period. I did not use the repeat test. She tenderly kissed her still sleeping husband, thinking that he was still sleeping. A sweet kiss grew that morning into passionate mutual caresses and hugs between two loving people.

After this incident, I no longer saw double stripes. I didn't even worry about their absence. I tried not to think about our goal, but every morning I used tests.

Menstruation did not come on the expected day. She didn’t come on the second day either. But since I always had an irregular menstrual cycle, I decided to wait another week to take a pregnancy test. But every day I lived without menstruation added to my hope for the long-awaited conception, and the desire to take the test earlier was simply impossible to contain. And I decided to take the test without waiting until the next morning. The only problem was that I was at work that day and didn’t have any tests with me. During my lunch break, I ran to the nearest pharmacy. But they were not there. Maybe another girl would come back, but not me. I took the bus to another pharmacy. There were tests there. But, looking into my wallet, I realized that I didn’t have enough money for the test.

Upset by this, I left the pharmacy and accidentally met my colleague. I don’t know what he did there, but I still borrowed money from him “for painkillers for the tooth.”

I just arrived at work and immediately locked myself in the toilet. I bought the spray test because it can be used without a cup. I read the instructions, took the test and... Hurray, I'm pregnant! I left the toilet happy and radiant. I don’t know what the girls who met me in the toilet thought. I immediately called my husband and pleased him with my news.

The next week we did an ultrasound. We first saw our baby when he was 5 weeks old. He still had a ponytail back then. At an appointment with a gynecologist, we learned that our child was conceived immediately after the end of menstruation. And we were sure that we would have a boy. At around 22 weeks we were told at an ultrasound that we were having a boy.

Our son is now about a year old. And we are already thinking about our daughter. Now I know that you can and should plan your life the way you want. Even when it comes to planning the gender of the child.
