What are good diapers for newborns? Customer reviews. Pampers and boys are compatible, future father-in-law and mother-in-law can sleep peacefully, future mother-in-law - do not worry

Are diapers bad for boys? A very burning topic, and this is understandable - any questions related to the field of love, sexual relations and procreation have always been, are and will be very sharp and exciting.

There are occasional and quite frequent reports in the media that the use of disposable diapers is the cause of male infertility.

A typical message looks like this:

« The use of diapers threatens the reproductive function of boys

Scientists say that the use of diapers (and other types of disposable diapers) can lead to infertility in boys. Pampers contribute to an increase in temperature in the scrotum, which harms the normal development of the testicles. It is known that in adult men, an increase in temperature prevents the production of full-fledged sperm.

The increased number of cases of male infertility in the last 25 years, scientists attribute entirely to the practice of using diapers» .

The first impression from such a quote is that the scientists who proved the harmfulness of diapers must be very rich people. After all, if it is possible to scientifically substantiate the fact that infertility in a particular male individual is caused precisely by wearing a diaper, then a huge amount of money can be sued from the manufacturing company. However, no one has ever heard of such a trial.

The fact is that the “scientists” mentioned in the above quotation, as a rule, write in a slightly different way.

In any study, and there are very few such studies, the conclusions are very far from categorical.

For example, German pediatricians (University of Kiel), based on a study of as many as 48 (!) children, publish the results of measuring the temperature of the scrotum in the journal Archives of Disease in Childhood and suggest that the use of diapers in boys may further affect the quality their sperm.

It is clear that for science the value of the conclusion “may affect” or “may not affect” is practically zero, but for newspapers such an assumption is quite enough. Well, isn't it a sensation - after all, it turns out that the number of infertile men is growing because of diapers!

And it (the number) is really growing. And there are plenty of reasons:

- sedentary and mostly sedentary lifestyle;

- smoking, alcohol, drugs;

- excess household chemicals;

- binge eating;

- swallowing drugs with or without reason, starting from infancy;

- specific diseases leading to infertility - venereal or, for example, mumps (mumps);

- psycho-emotional stress both at home and at work;

- ecological situation.

The list is not complete, but sufficient. Who would be surprised if you write that sitting all day (at work, driving a car and watching TV at home), being overweight and arguing with your wife and superiors is bad for sperm quality? Nobody! But blaming diapers for all the troubles is much more interesting ... After all, you can refuse disposable diapers, but where can you go from your wife and bosses.

In order to objectively understand this problem, let's make a short digression into the field of anatomy and physiology.

So, in the period of intrauterine development in the male fetus, the testicle is located in the abdominal cavity and descends into the scrotum only at the time of birth. Anatomically, the testicles of newborns are relatively large in comparison with the adult male. The right testicle is slightly larger than the left, but as they grow, their mass levels off. Specific arithmetic parameters (this is information for lovers of the exact sciences) are: height 9-11 mm, width - 5-5.5 mm, thickness - up to 5 mm, weight 0.2-0.3 g.

The seminiferous tubules, through which the resulting sperm is released into the vas deferens, in children of the first 7 years of life, are actually not tubules, because there is no lumen in them - solid cell strands.

The testicles contain special cells called Leydig cells. Their task is the production of male sex hormones - androgens and testosterone. In the first 7-8 years of life, Leydig cells actually “idle” - this is confirmed at least by the fact that the concentration of testosterone in the blood is very, very low, and the amount of androgens in the urine of a ten-year-old boy is the same as that of a girl of the same age.

After seven years of life, a lumen appears in the seminiferous tubules, sperm precursor cells begin to appear - the so-called spermatogonia and spermatocytes. Well, full-fledged, high-quality and active spermatozoa can be detected not earlier than at 10 years old, and as a rule, much later.

From the point of view of common sense, the information provided is quite enough to make sure that the allegations that diapers affect the quality of sperm are untenable - how can you influence something that is not in principle until the age of seven?

For those for whom the above information is not enough, here are a few more facts.

Indeed, there are a number of studies proving that exposure to the scrotum of an adult male at elevated temperature leads to a decrease in sperm activity. Let us immediately emphasize: this is not about infertility, that is, the complete cessation of the movement of spermatozoa, but only about a decrease in their activity. The essence of the study is as follows: adult volunteer heroes were lowered for 30 minutes into water with a temperature of 45 ° C. This procedure was carried out daily, and only after two weeks was it possible to detect a decrease in sperm activity. Only a science fiction writer can try to draw conclusions from this experiment that diapers are harmful.

The specific figures, based on the data of numerous measurement attempts, are as follows: when using gauze diapers, the temperature of the scrotum averages 34.9 ° C, and when using diapers - 36.0 ° C. We are not talking about any 45 ° C and close. But that's not even the point: after all, it is the temperature of the scrotum that is measured, and not the temperature of the testicle. And the difference here is very, very fundamental.

There are as many as 7 (seven!) shells between the testicle and the environment. The testicular artery, which carries blood to the scrotum, passes right in the middle of the powerful venous plexus, and this creates ideal conditions for the release of heat. Heating the skin of the scrotum is not a problem, but warming up (overheating) the testicles themselves is not an easy task: the compensatory capabilities of the thermoregulation system are too great.

The last phrase is confirmed by numerous experiments on the study of sperm activity in residents of warm (very warm) countries, as well as in men who work at high ambient temperatures. All researchers come to the same conclusion: if the testicle is naturally normal, that is, if there are no anatomical defects, no increase in ambient temperature can prevent a person from successfully (effectively) procreating.

And one more indisputable fact that can convince the most notorious skeptics, provided that the said skeptics agree to think and draw conclusions.

We have already mentioned that in the fetus, the testicle is located in the abdominal cavity. There is not a rare disease called cryptorchidism. Cryptorchidism is a developmental anomaly in which the testicle (one or both) is missing from the scrotum - it does not descend and remains in the abdominal cavity after birth. In such a situation, an operation is performed, during which the testicle moves to a place intended for it by nature. The number of such transactions is in the millions.

Numerous studies of the tissue of an undescended testicle have shown that if the operation is performed at the age of a child under 2 years old, no changes in the structure of the testicle can be detected - neither at the time of the operation, nor in the future. i.e. testicle, 2 years located in the abdominal cavity, does not differ in any way - either structurally or functionally - from the testicle, which is normally present in the scrotum from the moment the boy is born.

But the temperature in the abdominal cavity is 5 degrees higher than in the scrotum. Above constantly, all 24 hours a day, 2 years in a row. And that is not all. With cryptorchidism, cooling of the testicle is difficult, since the distance between the testicular artery and veins is noticeably greater than with the normal location of the testicle. Here it turns out: even if the thermoregulation of the testicle is disturbed due to the incorrect location of the vessels, even if for two years the temperature of the testicle exceeds the normal one by as much as 5 degrees - this still does not lead to any negative consequences!

The temperature of the scrotum (I repeat once again: it is the scrotum, not the testicles) inside a disposable diaper is 1 degree higher compared to a reusable diaper. Well, what of it? NOTHING. Why are we making noise? Unclear…

In general, there is a lot of illogical in attempts to discredit diapers.

So, in any newspaper article devoted to the harmfulness of disposable diapers for boys, a phenomenon is mentioned called "Greenhouse effect" . The essence of this phenomenon, from the point of view of the authors, is that inside the diaper, not only the temperature is higher, but also the humidity. It is the combination of these two parameters that has a detrimental effect on the sexual health of the future man.

This is what is completely incomprehensible. It would seem that the point of using a disposable diaper is, first of all, to eliminate moisture, and their benefits are based on this. It is inside the diaper, due to the specific properties of the absorbent, that no increased humidity is observed: on the contrary, it (humidity) is lower, and the skin is drier, in comparison with reusable diapers. Again, the diaper, no matter how tightly it is fixed, is very far from tightness, and what kind of greenhouse effect can there be if the humidity is lower and there is no tightness? The question, of course, is rhetorical. Do not change a diaper for days or, in addition to a reusable diaper, wrap a child with three diapers, an oilcloth on top so as not to soak a valuable blanket, and go for a walk in this form - in such a situation, it is quite possible to talk about the greenhouse effect. But the connection of the greenhouse effect with a disposable diaper is painfully problematic.

And another literary masterpiece. Unique phrase: "The testicles really need cold, fever is contraindicated for them." As you lower your eyes to the end of the note, the author is necessarily a woman. Where did this experience, these observations come from? I am sure that if you ask a million men what their testicles need, not one will ask for a cold ...

Again quote: "Male testicles love coolness, so they are in the scrotum, and are pulled up only before ejaculation." Nearby is a photograph of a young specialist journalist. Can a man dispute such a statement? Well, except to turn to writers with a request: ask your loved one to take off their swimming trunks at the moment when he comes out after swimming in the river. You will be surprised to find that the "cold-loving" testicles are pulled up not only before ejaculation ...

To summarize:

diapers and boys are compatible, future father-in-law and mother-in-law can sleep peacefully, future mother-in-law - not to worry.

Source: InfoArt News Agency.

By using the expression “a little”, the author does not mean the total number of studies on the impact of diapers on a child’s health (there are actually plenty of them), but the number of studies in which assumptions are made that disposable diapers are harmful.

2 years is the most modest figure, 3 years is more common in studies.

The maximum figure for the temperature difference is 1.2 degrees. More often 0.5-0.8.

In order to close the topic of the relationship between diapers and babies of a certain gender, we note that if “boys and diapers” is a mythical problem, then “girls and diapers” is real. Late diaper changes and/or improper washing techniques can allow intestinal bacteria to enter the vagina and cause specific diseases. It is clear that the cause of these diseases is a violation of the rules of care, and the type of diaper is of no fundamental importance. The disadvantage of a diaper is that it is more difficult to detect the very fact of “sickness”, the disadvantage of a reusable diaper is that feces mixed with urine have a more liquid consistency, infection occurs more easily.

Diapers were invented. They save you from wet diapers, washing, ironing. But how to make the right choice? Indeed, on the windows of children's stores there is a huge assortment of various personal hygiene products for children. Manufacturers are also different. In this regard, parents have a question: “What are good diapers for newborns?” Reviews on the Internet are quite contradictory, but there are still companies that are most popular. We will talk about them in the article.

How to choose the right diaper?

On the forums, you can often see the question: “Which diapers are best for newborns?” Reviews are quite different, because each organism is individual. What suits one child may cause an allergic reaction in another. How to be in this situation? First of all, you need to consult with a pediatrician. Here are some key points to keep in mind when buying this product:

  1. Pay attention to the raw materials from which the diaper is made. It is desirable that the base be made of cotton material. In this case, air will be available to the skin, which prevents the formation of diaper rash and allergic reactions.
  2. Choose the right size diaper. Do not take products, so to speak, "for growth." The child will be uncomfortable, and stool products may leak out.
  3. Pay attention to fasteners. It is better that the diaper has stretchable elastic bands. This will allow you not to squeeze the baby's tummy and securely fix the hygiene product on the baby's ass. Another important point is a rather massive elastic band in the back area. Thanks to her, liquid feces will not flow out, even if the diaper does not completely absorb it.
  4. Pay attention to whether there is impregnation. Recently, it has become fashionable to add lotions or creams to products that soften the skin. But for a newborn, such a composition can turn into a terrible allergy. After all, the baby's skin is naturally delicate and soft.
  5. Don't buy reusable diapers. They are suitable for older children who are potty trained.

It is often difficult to determine what are good diapers for newborns. Reviews about the same brand of goods can be both negative and positive. Many factors influence this.

Pampers - a popular brand or quality products? We study reviews

Considering the rating of the best diapers for newborns, Pampers can be seen as a leader. Their products are of high quality. Undoubtedly, advertising and the right ones play a huge role. Today, the manufacturer produces several series of diapers:

  • premium care.
  • Active baby.
  • Sleep&Play.

All of them are suitable for kids in one way or another. So what are good diapers for newborns? Positive reviews can be heard about And this is far from being an accident. The series is designed for children of the first month of life. As young mothers assure, diapers have many advantages:

  • Completely repeats the shape of the baby's body.
  • A special breathable layer protects the skin from diaper rash and redness.
  • Rubber bands can be fastened many times.
  • There are wide Velcro and cuffs that protect the baby from leaks.

The downside is the high cost of the product.

Let's opt for "Haggis"

You can often hear the question from parents: “What are the best diapers for newborns?” Reviews of experts diverge. Many opt for Haggis products. Their products are represented by the following models:

  • Elite Soft.
  • Ultra comfort.
  • classic.

For a newborn, Elite Soft is more suitable. Buyers write that the inner layer is a definite plus. It doesn't just look like a gel, it's shaped like a pad that allows you to instantly absorb moisture. But this is especially important in the first weeks of a baby’s life, when meconium leaves the body, and the stool has a liquid consistency.

The upper part of the diaper is made of cotton. The fasteners are designed for reusable use. In order to help parents, there is a special strip that shows the level of fullness of the diaper. It is very comfortable. According to young mothers, another important detail is a special “pocket” in the back area. Designed to prevent the baby from leaking liquid stools.

"Libero" - diapers for babies

What do we know about Japanese diapers?

Not so long ago, Japanese diapers appeared on the Russian market. They are relatively inexpensive, so this type of product immediately interested buyers. And not in vain. They belong to the premium class, and the low price is due to the lack of commercials. Thinking about which Japanese diapers are best for newborns, we reread the reviews first of all. And they are quite contradictory. There are some of the most popular brands:

  1. Merries. According to buyers, the highlight is the use of only natural materials, special additives that have antiseptic properties.
  2. moony. According to reviews, they have developed a new ventilation system, the skin constantly “breathes”. In addition, there are no Velcro. Instead, a special silent tape was invented. This allows you to change the diaper even while the baby is sleeping.
  3. goon. Young mothers note first of all their unique inner layers. They contain vitamin E. There is a moisture indicator. Japanese diapers are very popular. The only difficulty is to buy an original product, not a fake.

Molfix - economical diapers

Those parents who wish to purchase goods at more affordable prices can be offered Molfix Newborn. These diapers are designed specifically for newborns. Suitable even for premature babies. The weight of the child should be from 2 to 5 kilograms.

Parents point out the pros of these diapers:

  • Special notch for an unhealed navel.
  • Natural composition.
  • Reusable Velcro.
  • Price policy.

Cons buyers call the following nuances:

  • Poor absorbency.
  • Too thick.
  • You can often hear about the occurrence of allergic reactions.

In general, the diapers of this company are not bad, but not suitable for all babies.

Many mothers choose DaDa

What are good diapers for newborns? Reviews about manufacturing companies are quite different. Recently, DaDa brand products have become popular. According to parents, they are quite thin, pleasant to the touch, have reusable elastic bands, and absorb well. Of the minuses, one can single out frequent counterfeit products. It is worth noting that these diapers are made in Poland, and not in the Czech Republic, as indicated on some packs.

Doctors' opinion

In order for the baby's skin to remain soft, diaper rash and dermatitis do not occur, you need to know the basic rules for using diapers. Pediatricians assure: if you put them on correctly, they will become real helpers for parents, help save a lot of time and effort. Pediatricians often hear the question, “Which diapers are best for newborn boys?” Online reviews vary. Some argue that the male sex should not use these products at all, otherwise you may later face the problem of infertility. Doctors assure that this is a myth and speculation.

How to use diapers correctly?

It is worth using diapers, but you need to do it wisely:

  1. Control time. Don't leave your baby in a diaper all day. For a maximum of 3 hours, after that it should be replaced. This is especially true for newborns who are breastfed. They are able to defecate 6-8 times a day. After that, the diaper must be changed, since the stool is not absorbed by 100%.
  2. Follow hygiene procedures. After the diaper is removed, it is necessary to wash the child with warm water. It is not recommended to use napkins in this case, very often their composition leaves much to be desired.
  3. Don't forget air baths. Leave the baby without a diaper, it will only benefit the skin.
  4. Do not forget to use special creams. They create a thin protective film on the skin, which prevents diaper rash. Answering the question of which diapers are better for newborns, many experts disagree. The main thing is that the product should be of the appropriate quality and fit the baby.

What to look for before buying?

On the forums, you can often hear the question: “Which diapers are best for newborns?”. Reviews are quite contradictory. There are negative comments. This happens due to the fact that people acquire a fake. Before making a purchase, you must:

It stays about the same from year to year. Among the leaders are: "Pampers", "Haggis", "Libero". It is worth choosing a product individually. It is desirable that the diapers be made from natural materials, have a breathable layer, reusable Velcro. No need to chase for an inexpensive product. After all, in the end, you can earn allergies and atopic dermatitis.

Is it bad to use diapers?

In our country, thanks to television advertising, a myth was created about the harmlessness of the constant use of disposable diapers, which we usually call diapers. It's actually not as harmless as it might seem. What is the danger of constantly wearing disposable diapers by a child?

Let's start with the fact that diapers absorb moisture well, and therefore the child does not experience discomfort. On the one hand, this is good, but without experiencing discomfort, the child does not learn self-control over urination. This can lead to the fact that the child will wear diapers almost up to 5 years.

Another reason why it is extremely undesirable for a child to wear diapers all the time, unfortunately, is unknown even to most of our doctors, but is well known to doctors in the West. The fact is that at the age of several months, Leydig cells are laid in boys, which will produce the male sex hormone - testosterone. However, this process can be hindered by overheating of the testicles, which can occur if diapers are used around the clock. Modern diapers keep the skin dry and prevent the appearance of diaper rash, but, being like a thermal compress, they can cause overheating of the testicles.

The consequences of such overheating can manifest themselves in twenty years in the form of infertility. A small number of spermatozoa, their poor mobility - all this may be the result of the constant wearing of diapers in childhood. Therefore, it is highly undesirable for a child to wear diapers around the clock - at least 3-4 hours the child should be kept without a diaper or slightly tied up with a diaper.

An interesting way to sterilize sheep is used by Australian farmers. They put warm fur bags on the ram's testicles, and after a while the ram turns into a eunuch. Unfortunately, many mothers, when dressing boys, use the same method. Pantyhose are put on top of the diaper, panties are put on them, and leggings are also on top. But, according to the male anatomy, it is not advisable for the genitals of boys to overheat, it is best when they are constantly ventilated and kept cool.

Tatyana Kharchenko, head of the laboratory for a comprehensive assessment of medical devices at the Institute of Environmental Hygiene and Toxicology, notes: “In our opinion, the use of diapers is not advisable for all newborns. For children with hypersensitivity or suffering from allergic diathesis, it is better to use traditional gauze diapers. In addition, the use of diapers should be short-term, no more than 3-4 hours, regardless of the flow of advertising information from manufacturers.

Yuri Polonsky, a practicing psychotherapist, notes: “A child who grew up in diapers may not be ready to take responsibility for his actions. A person must understand that each of his actions entails consequences. On a subconscious level, this is laid literally from the cradle.

Child psychologist Anna Svetitskaya agrees with him: “A child who grows up in diapers will not learn to overcome difficulties (after all, wet diapers are the first of them) and can grow up to be a conformist: a person who will go with the flow, not trying to resist and argue.”

But the opinion about disposable diapers I.V. Kazanskaya, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Chief Pediatric Urologist of the Ministry of Health of Russia: “How many times is a potty in demand? This is important for every mother to know. How often does the child make the panties wet and how much does it "run" there? It’s bad, for example, if the baby, as experts say, does not completely empty the bladder: it comes off several times and a little bit, and in the last “entry” it will give out a lot of urine. You can't see it in diapers. And incomplete emptying of the bladder leads to infection, the development of diseases that require long-term treatment. And it’s really bad if the child urinates extremely rarely. And again, diapers make this problem a secret with seven seals. Unfortunately, the cause of rare urination can be a malformation of the spinal cord or urinary system. The consequences are the worst. Boys are especially at risk - at the age of 17, such a teenager quite unexpectedly develops severe renal failure. The signs by which a urologist would have recognized the disease manifested themselves in early childhood - he wrote little, rarely wrote, while shuddering, crying. But do you really notice this if the son spends all day in waterproof panties and it’s a pity, as one mother told me, if he ruins a new sofa ...

No, we are not against progress. If it is reasonable to use waterproof diapers (not around the clock, but only wear them for a walk or a visit), there is no trouble in them. Just from early childhood, you need to watch how the child urinates, and at the very first violations that you learned about today, consult a doctor. Then we, pediatric urologists, will have fewer patients who need long, tedious, and sometimes expensive treatment. There will also be fewer suffering, notorious children.”

However, specialists involved in the certification of diapers believe that they simply cannot “breathe”. This is not allowed by the product design. All diapers consist of three layers. From getting wet, baby sliders (or parental sofas) are protected by the bottom layer, protected by a polymer film (unlike the middle layer, there is no perforation in the bottom layer). And, according to experts, if this layer does not allow moisture to pass through, then air will also not pass through.

As Candidate of Medical Sciences A. Melnikov notes: “Theoretically, it can be assumed that diapers use unusually microscopic perforations, which make the polymer film “breathable” and at the same time impervious to moisture. But then this disposable personal care product should cost... like solid gold jewelry.”

In fairness, it should be noted that there are also myths about diapers that attribute negative properties to them that they do not possess.

So, for example, it is often said that due to the fact that a child wears diapers, he will have crooked legs. However, in fact, the curvature of the lower extremities in children under two years of age is in no way associated with wearing diapers. The reason for the curvature of the legs is either some disease (primarily rickets), or the use of still actively advertised (but no less harmful) walkers.

Experts note that disposable diapers not only do not bend the legs of the child, but even provide the position of the hip joints of the infant, which is similar to the position characteristic of the so-called "free swaddling", which most pediatricians around the world have recently advocated.

Disposable diapers are also credited with being "responsible" for cystitis (an inflammatory disease of the bladder) in children. Its cause is usually improper care of the child, including irregular or untimely diaper changes. But are the diapers themselves to blame? By the way, doctors note that during the treatment of cystitis, one should refrain from using diapers - it will be more convenient to monitor the frequency and volume of urination, and there will also be no prolonged contact of wet material with the genitals.

It would be wrong to blame only diapers for another trouble - the appearance of the so-called diaper dermatitis (redness, irritation, diaper rash appear on the skin). The explanation for this phenomenon is partly physiological - the urine of newborns in the first weeks of life contains a large amount of salts that irritate delicate skin. And numerous studies conducted at different times in different countries have shown that the frequency of "diaper dermatitis" with gauze diapers and diapers is approximately the same: 50 to 50. Scientists note that the problem can be dealt with only by carefully observing hygiene - washing the child more often , arrange air baths for him, coat the folds. In addition, it is necessary to replace the “compromised” diaper, at least temporarily: diapers with gauze or, accordingly, vice versa.

Finishing the conversation about disposable diapers, it should be noted that this invention of mankind certainly makes life easier for parents. But just like a knife, you can cut bread and cut your finger, so diapers can bring both benefit and harm.

Despite the fact that with the advent of diapers, the life of modern mothers has become much easier, many of them are worried about the possible harm caused by these not cunning children's "devices". The main concerns of parents relate to the harmful effects of diapers on the childbearing function of boys. Moms of future men are very worried about whether their children will be able to live a full sexual life in the future and continue their race. Therefore, today the conversation will be devoted to the burning topic of the dangers of diapers for boys.

Recently, German pediatricians, based on the results of ongoing research, have suggested that the regular use of diapers in boys in the future may adversely affect the quality of their sperm, which, in the end, will cause infertility. This is justified by the increased temperature in the scrotum when wearing disposable diapers, which affects the normal development of the testicles, and in the future prevents the production of full-fledged sperm. Recently, there has been a significant increase in the number of infertile men, which is associated with the practice of using diapers in the early stages of children's lives. However, this statement has not been scientifically proven. Research in this area does not give categorical answers.

For the sake of objectivity, you should remember a little anatomy and delve into human physiology. In the process of intrauterine development in the future boy, the testicle is located in the abdominal cavity and only closer to childbirth does it descend into the scrotum. In children under the age of seven, there is no lumen in the seminiferous tubules, through which sperm enters the vas deferens. The testicles contain such Leydig cells, whose task is to produce male sex hormones (androgens and testosterone). In boys, in the first seven years of life, these cells produce practically nothing. This fact proves the low level of testosterone in the blood, and the presence of androgens in the urine of boys is the same as in girls of the same age. In the eighth year of a boy's life, a lumen begins to form in the seminiferous tubules, sperm precursor cells, the so-called spermatogonia and spermatocytes, appear. But fully developed high-quality spermatozoa appear in boys no earlier than ten years of age. From this we can conclude that diapers in no way affect and cannot affect the quality of sperm, because up to the age of seven in boys, in principle, it is not produced.

Most doctors agree that the use of diapers does not harm the health of babies, including boys. A significant danger lies in the action of the greenhouse effect in combination with urine fumes, as well as an increase in the temperature of the genital organs. Conducted studies in this area have shown that, indeed, the temperature rises, but only slightly - by only 1-1.5 degrees, which, accordingly, does not have a detrimental effect on the child's reproductive function. In this case, the importance is the timeliness of changing the diaper, in particular after sleeping, walking, if the baby has pooped. In addition, it is very important to constantly monitor the condition of the baby's skin: if the skin becomes wet, then the diaper needs to be changed. It is ideal, of course, to change the disposable diaper after each urination. But if, when buying, the diaper was chosen correctly, taking into account its absorbent properties, as well as the age and weight of the child, then this is not particularly necessary, since the urine will be completely absorbed.

Indeed, a number of studies have been conducted, the results of which proved that when the scrotum of an adult male is exposed to elevated temperature, a decrease in sperm activity is observed. At the same time, I want to note right away that there is not a complete cessation of sperm movement (infertility), but only a slight decrease in their activity. The studies involved male volunteers who were placed daily for half an hour in water at a temperature of forty-five degrees. Only two weeks later, a slight decrease in sperm activity was revealed. Hence, only dreamers can say that diapers are harmful for boys.

Numerous measurements made it possible to establish that when wearing ordinary gauze diapers, the temperature of the scrotum reaches an average of 34.9 degrees, and when using diapers - 36.0 degrees. No one even mentions the figure of forty-five degrees. But that's not the point. In the process of research, only the temperature of the scrotum is measured, and not the testicles, although the difference between them is huge. There are seven membranes between the testicle and the environment. The testicular artery, through which blood enters the scrotum, passes through the center of a strong venous plexus, which creates ideal conditions for heat transfer. It does not require much effort to heat the scrotum, but to overheat or even heat the testicles themselves requires incredible efforts, because the compensatory capabilities of the heat-regulating system are quite large. This fact is confirmed by studies of sperm activity in men living in hot countries, as well as working in high temperatures. If a man’s testicle has no anatomical defects and is naturally normal, then no matter how the ambient temperature rises, this will not affect his desires and opportunities to continue his race.

By the way, there is such a fairly well-known disease called cryptorchidism. With this anomaly, one or both testicles are absent from the scrotum due to not descending from the abdominal cavity at the time of birth. Now, to eliminate such a defect, operations are successfully performed, thanks to which the testicle is placed in the place intended for it by nature. Studies of the tissue of an undescended testicle have shown that when a boy under two years of age is operated on, no structural or functional changes in the testicle are observed either before or after the operation. Meanwhile, the temperature in the abdominal cavity is as much as five degrees higher than the temperature in the scrotum. And in such conditions, the testicle is within two years! In addition, with cryptorchidism, the process of cooling the testicle is difficult due to the rather large distance between the testicular artery and the veins than with the normal location of the testicle. It follows that even if the thermoregulation of the testicle is disturbed due to improper arrangement of the vessels, as well as when the testicle is in temperature conditions that are as much as five degrees higher than normal, no violations occur and no negative consequences occur.

An important issue that worries mothers all over the world is the effect of diapers on the baby's skin. The skin of the child under the diaper should not differ in color from other areas of the skin. Redness of the skin may indicate a violation of the temperature regime of the baby. The normal process of thermoregulation in children is formed only by one and a half to two years. Therefore, if the use of a diaper is mandatory, then the temperature in the room should not be higher than sixteen or eighteen degrees. In addition, the baby's room should be constantly ventilated several times during the day, it should be wet cleaned, and the baby should be given more fluids. Many believe that the use of disposable diapers leads to the appearance of diaper dermatitis. However, this connection is false. The appearance of this disease occurs when the skin of the crumbs comes into contact with ammonia, which is formed during the mixing of feces and uric acid. Boys' diapers solve this problem by separating feces and urine. And with the timely replacement of the diaper in general, this problem can be avoided.

The only thing that shows the harmfulness of the diaper is the potty training of the child. And I wouldn't call it bad. Prolonged use of the diaper only slightly complicates this process. But these difficulties arise only for a month or two, after which the kids are still aware of the importance of the pot.

Today, diapers weigh only 50 g and consist of an absorbent and waterproof layer. Summing up, we can say that modern diapers, when used correctly, do not cause any harm to the health of the baby. In addition, thanks to the developed ideal microclimate inside the diaper, its use minimizes the risk of diaper rash and dermatitis. It is very important when choosing diapers to take into account some conditions. In particular, diapers must be appropriate for the weight of the child, which will relieve him of discomfort, meet quality and hygiene indicators, and be hermetically sealed.

When using diapers, two immutable rules should be observed in order to avoid trouble:

  • change the diaper every three to four hours;
  • the baby's ass should be regularly left open, giving the opportunity to "breathe", and also lubricated with specially designed creams.
