Which headache pills are safe during pregnancy. head pill during pregnancy

Headache during pregnancy, if it occurs, which pills are better to take? Doctors recommend in this case, especially if such pain is new for a woman, to start with measuring blood pressure. And then, depending on the result, decide which pills for headaches during pregnancy are better, and preferably together with the doctor. A gynecologist can help in that matter, but not always. More often, women are advised to contact a therapist. And having received recommendations from him, including finding out which pills you can drink for a headache during pregnancy, contact a gynecologist so that he approves these recommendations. It is very desirable to do this, especially if you turned to a general practitioner, not the one who works specifically with expectant mothers. After all, some therapists may recommend drugs that are undesirable for taking during pregnancy or potentially unsafe for the fetus.

Especially carefully you need to take drugs for headaches in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, since at this time all the organs and systems of the child are laid. Many drugs can be toxic and cause malformations, especially when taken in high doses. So, Ibuprofen (Nurofen) is an unapproved medicine for headaches in early pregnancy, but it can be taken if necessary in the second trimester, and again not in the third.

What then analgesic is allowed? Doctors recommend that before grabbing painkillers during pregnancy for a headache, make sure that it is not pathological blood pressure that is to blame. After all, both high and low blood pressure can give pain. In general, every expectant mother who had certain problems with pressure should have a tonometer at home to measure it. For example, with low pressure, it is better to take pills from the head during pregnancy, just drink hot tea and eat something tasty. Well, at high pressure, you need to drink a drug that reduces it, and not various antipyretics and analgesics.

If the pressure is normal, then you can take paracetamol during pregnancy for a headache. This medicine is allowed at all times if taken in acceptable dosages. But usually much less than these allowable doses are enough to relieve pain. Literally 1-2 tablets are enough. But it is better not to drink citramon from the head during pregnancy, since this drug contains caffeine, and some versions of these tablets also contain acetylsalicylic acid, the use of which can lead to bleeding.

In the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, you can take an antispasmodic pill from the head, for example, Spazmalgon, No-shpa, Duspatalin.

Well, in order to prevent pain in the future, you need to try to find their cause and remove it. In general, headache is considered common, especially among women. And the first thing that is always taken is a headache remedy and a secluded place in the room, without noise and any movement. And in order to relieve pain and support the body with something useful, experts suggest using effective natural products.

1. Potatoes. Potatoes contain quite a lot of potassium. There is more of it, even than in a banana. Eat potatoes boiled or baked, this will certainly affect the pain with spasms.

2. Pumpkin seeds. They are high in magnesium, which is often used in pain medications. In addition, there is also zinc and phosphorus, which together normalize brain activity and have a positive effect on vision. But just do not eat salted pumpkin seeds, as salt can cause fluid retention in the body, swelling and increased pressure.

3. Sesame. It effectively fights headaches thanks to calcium, especially when pain occurs from fasting. Always keep sesame seeds with you to satisfy your hunger for a while.

4. Almonds. This overseas nut helps with migraines. It contains vitamin B2 and magnesium, which by their action greatly alleviate the condition.

5. Ginger- a natural antihistamine, also known for its anti-inflammatory properties. If the pain is just starting, be sure to drink a cup of ginger tea.

In addition, if you are emotionally sensitive or do not tolerate changes in the weather, which very often leads to headaches and poor health, you should take a more responsible diet. Especially during the period of bearing a child. Drink pure water, indulge in seafood and lean on seasonal vegetables, fruits and berries.

Expectant mothers often face various syndromes that are difficult to get rid of due to the functioning of the body during pregnancy. Due to the high risk of complications, women during this period are strictly prohibited from using many medicines, which can also be attributed to pills for pain in the head.

How to get rid of a headache during pregnancy

Therapy of any spasm is based on taking painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs. However, not all pills from the head during pregnancy are allowed to be taken. It is especially dangerous to use chemicals until the placenta is fully mature. The pharmacology of analgesics and nonsteroidal drugs is such that these pills from the head during pregnancy can lead to unpredictable consequences for a woman and her unborn child. The problem is complicated by the fact that drugs are often used by analogy without taking into account the cause of the disease, which may be due to:

  • increase or decrease in blood pressure;
  • malnutrition;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • migraine;
  • sharp mood swings;
  • long work at the computer;
  • hormonal changes;
  • insomnia;
  • frequent stress.

The danger of using medications often provokes pregnant women to use non-traditional methods of therapy for headaches. Traditional recipes rarely have side effects, but their components still need to be checked for allergenicity. Preference should be given to herbal teas and sedatives. It is strictly forbidden to use infusions of fenugreek and raspberry leaves until the third trimester of pregnancy. These plants have an abortive effect. Recommended to use:

  • aromatherapy with oils of rose, lavender, lemon.
  • herbal teas from currants, lingonberries with honey.
  • salt foot baths;
  • bloodletting at points above the waist;
  • acupuncture.

What pills can be taken during pregnancy from a headache

The appointment of any drugs by doctors depends entirely on their pharmacodynamics and the degree of formation of the placental protection of the fetus. Headache pills during pregnancy must meet the criteria for safety and efficacy, which cannot be said about many drugs presented in the pharmacy network. For this reason, expectant mothers should coordinate with the doctor the use of any medications. Answering the question of what can pregnant women do for pain, experts call:

  • Citramon;
  • Ibuprofen or Nurofen;
  • No-shpu;
  • Paracetamol;
  • Pentalgin;
  • Ketonal;
  • Ibuklin;
  • Tempalgin;
  • Panadol.

It should be said that Pentalgin and its analogues must be used with caution. These pills for severe headache during pregnancy are a group of caffeinated drugs that are often prescribed for spasms caused by migraines. Such drugs are forbidden to be taken with gestosis with high blood pressure. Against this background, the use of Paracetamol will seem harmless.

Citramon in the early stages

It is quite safe to treat a headache with this drug, but in the second trimester, when the effect of caffeine on the fetus will be blocked by the placental filter. Citramon quickly helps to eliminate a severe headache that occurs due to vasospasm or low blood pressure. The drug perfectly copes with inflammatory phenomena. Citramon is especially good for relieving migraine symptoms.

This drug is one of the relatively harmless drugs, so it can be classified with reservations as something that you can drink from a headache during pregnancy. The active substance of the product quickly copes with the problem. Ibuprofen is commonly classified as a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), known for its harmful effects on the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, you should not get involved in taking this medication during pregnancy. It is important to know that the state of the body after using Ibuprofen is akin to undergoing chemotherapy.


Drotaverine, which is the active ingredient of the drug, has a sedative and analgesic effect. No-shpa is widely used during pregnancy in neighboring countries, as a means of eliminating unwanted uterine tone. However, this drug is banned for use in Europe. If you do not know which pills from the head can be used by pregnant women, then you can try to cure the disease with this remedy, but only after consultation with a specialist. The recommended safe dose for pregnant women is no more than 3 units of the drug per day.


Treatment with these tablets is considered the most optimal during the period of embryonic development of the fetus in the body of a woman. A future mother can take it without fear if she has a headache or a fever. The active substance of Paracetamol has a gentle effect on the body of a woman and a baby, which allows the use of this medicine before the formation of the placental barrier. Annotation to the drug reports that its dosage for pregnant women should not exceed 4 tablets per day. The course of therapy can last no more than 3 days.

Pills prohibited during pregnancy

The body of a woman during the embryonic development of the fetus in it experiences many unpleasant rearrangements. It is difficult for women to deal with the symptoms of ailments during this period: it is forbidden to take many pills. Among the medications that experts unequivocally prohibit women from taking during the embryonic development of a child inside their body, the following should be highlighted:

  • Acetylsalicylic acid or "Aspirin". It negatively affects the formation of the heart and blood vessels of the unborn child. Often causes fetal liver pathology.
  • Analgin. Changes the composition of the blood, which can lead to irreversible consequences for the unborn baby.
  • Reserpine. It contributes to the development of mental disorders in a child, which can be manifested by constant drowsiness of the crumbs.


Headache during the period of bearing a baby is a frequent and unpredictable phenomenon. About 80% of women experience bouts of pain throughout their pregnancy. Moreover, a headache can occur for various reasons and be of a different nature. It is not always possible to endure another attack, and a woman has to save herself with the help of analgesics, which can greatly harm an unborn baby. Let's understand together why the head hurts during pregnancy and what pain relief methods are acceptable in this delicate position.

Headache often overtakes women after conception. Mostly, such discomfort worries women in the first weeks of pregnancy under the influence of hormonal changes, and is soon eliminated on its own. This does not pose any health hazard and is a specific response of the body to pregnancy. But recurring headaches also have more worrisome causes.

On a note! Most often, an attack of pain is migraine-like in nature. This is a steady throbbing pain, localized in the area of ​​the temples. Concomitant symptoms can be: blurred vision, nausea, a sharp reaction to bright light and any noise, dizziness.

Women may experience headaches during pregnancy for the following reasons:

  • Changes in hormone levels. After conception, an active synthesis of female hormones begins in the body and their quantitative ratio changes greatly. After the first three months of gestation, the body fully adapts to its new position and the pain subsides. This condition does not require treatment, but if a woman has a severe headache during pregnancy, an obstetrician-gynecologist should advise a suitable pain reliever. It is absolutely not worth enduring unbearable pain, because strong psycho-emotional stress can complicate the course of pregnancy.
  • hypertension. High blood pressure is more common in the last trimester. The physiological factor of this condition is a greatly increased volume of blood flow. Pathological provocateurs of increased pressure and headaches include: preeclampsia, kidney disease, malnutrition, stress, pathological weight gain, excessive physical activity. For the treatment of hypertension, drugs that lower blood pressure are prescribed, and in parallel, the causes of its increase are eliminated.
  • hypotension. In the first half of pregnancy, progesterone affects the tone of all muscle cells. It provokes relaxation not only of the uterus, but also of blood vessels. In this situation, they expand and blood pressure drops. At the same time, the brain begins to receive less of the required amount of oxygen, and the woman begins to get sick and dizzy. For this reason, most often the head hurts during pregnancy in the early stages. The gynecologist decides how to fix the problem that has arisen, but very often taking caffeine-containing products helps to normalize the condition: mugs of hot and always sweet tea or a piece of dark chocolate.
  • Starvation. If a woman eats poorly, with long breaks between meals, she may experience "hungry" headaches from a sharp drop in glucose levels. To prevent a recurrence of pain, you need to eat regularly throughout the day, avoiding overeating.
  • Anemia. A low level of hemoglobin is a provocateur of pain attacks during pregnancy. The lack of oxygen greatly affects the tone of the vessels in the head and causes severe pain.
  • Preeclampsia. This is a critical condition during pregnancy, requiring thorough treatment. A sharp narrowing of blood vessels disrupts blood circulation in the body, which is accompanied by a throbbing pain in the head. A woman has “flies” before her eyes, protein in the urine is diagnosed, and pressure rises.
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases. Pregnancy is a provocateur of exacerbation of old diseases. There may be problems with the spine. An increase in the mass of the fetus creates a load on the skeleton, which causes an attack of osteochondrosis. Pinched nerves and blocking the full blood circulation in the spine will cause a headache of a aching nature. Another cause of pain can be vegetovascular dystonia, which is accompanied by a sharp spasm of blood vessels in the head and pain.
  • The emergence of new diseases. Headache during pregnancy can also occur when dangerous infectious diseases occur: meningitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, encephalitis, pyelonephritis, eye diseases. Headache in such diseases is quite strong and prolonged, and disappears after the start of treatment of the underlying disease.
  • Stress factor and overstrain. Pregnant women react more vividly to emerging conflict or dangerous situations. A strong reaction of the nervous system can result in a migraine attack. Severe overwork at work or insufficient sleep can lead to the same result. Such factors are very dangerous, because in addition to a headache, they can provoke a threat of miscarriage. Therefore, in the first trimester of pregnancy, if you have a headache and pain in the uterus, you need to calm down and seek the advice of a doctor.
  • Weather. Many women react sharply to fluctuations in atmospheric pressure. They may have a headache, decrease efficiency, and lose their appetite. As a rule, if there was such a high weather sensitivity before pregnancy, then during the period of bearing a child, a woman will suffer from a headache when the weather changes.
  • Food. Experts have long noticed the relationship between the diet of a pregnant woman and a headache. If you often have a headache for no apparent reason, watch what you ate before the next attack. The most common cause is the use of marinades, chocolate, citrus fruits, smoked fish, products with monosodium glutamate, nitrites, sulfites and synthetic sweeteners.

Headache during pregnancy. When to Seek Emergency Medical Care

Many pregnant women wonder if a headache can occur during pregnancy as a result of any dangerous disorders? Unfortunately, the answer to this question is yes. Although most headache attacks are nothing more than discomfort, there are times when medical attention is urgently needed.

You should contact your doctor immediately if your headache is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Convulsions, problems with consciousness, impaired speech, panic attacks.
  • Excessive weight gain, combined with the appearance of extensive edema of the extremities and urinary retention.
  • Shortness of breath for no reason and pain, localized "under the pit of the stomach."
  • Severe nausea and/or uncontrollable vomiting.
  • Stiffness of movement (rigidity of muscle tissue) and high temperature (this is a symptom of meningitis).
  • Rhinitis, pain in the forehead and eyebrows (symptoms of purulent sinusitis or frontal sinusitis).
  • Pain after hitting the head (as a result of a fall).
  • Intense pain syndrome that cannot be stopped on its own.

Advice! The ambulance worker will find out the cause of the pain and how dangerous it is in your delicate position, and will also help relieve pain and tell you if urgent hospitalization is needed.

The main ways to eliminate headaches during pregnancy without medication

Before taking pain pills, try safer ways to manage pain.

On a note! If you have a headache during pregnancy, and you don’t know what to do, you can call an ambulance and they will definitely advise you over the phone about what you can do in your situation.

Massage. Light massaging of the head helps a lot to stabilize the condition during the next attack of pain. This procedure should be avoided in the presence of inflammation of the scalp, severe hair loss and hypertension.

You can do the massage yourself or you need to ask someone close to you. Massage involves vigorous squeezing of the entire surface of the head for 10 minutes.

Basic head massage techniques:

  • Tightly hold the fold of skin between the eyebrows, massage it a little, and then slowly move towards the temples.
  • Gently massage the temple area.
  • With your palms, stroke from the eyebrows to the back of the head.
  • Comb your hair with your fingers.
  • Make partings and massage them strongly.
  • Squeeze your head strongly with your hand over the entire surface.
  • Grab your head from both sides, simultaneously move the skin in the direction from the ears to the top of the head, and then push it apart.
  • Lightly stretch your neck.

If the state of health during the massage only worsens, you need to stop massaging your head.

Shower . If you have a headache during pregnancy, the first thing to do is to calm down and take a shower. Warm or cool showers are great for relieving headaches. A warm shower contributes to the general relaxation of a woman and the expansion of blood vessels. This procedure is suitable for hypertension and severe overexertion. A cold shower greatly invigorates, helps a woman gain strength, constricts blood vessels. Such a shower can be taken to raise the pressure.

Important! A contrast shower during gestation is contraindicated, since a sharp narrowing and expansion of blood vessels can cause complications.

Compresses. Warm/cold compresses help relieve tension pain (pain from overexertion). They should be applied to the frontal and occipital area twice a day. To enhance the effectiveness, you can soak the compress cloth with a light solution of vinegar.

An alternative compress is to use the Asterisk balm. The product should be applied to the forehead and temples.

Permitted drugs for headaches during pregnancy

If the headache is not going to recede, there is nothing left but to resort to the help of painkillers. Not all funds can be taken by ladies in a delicate position, therefore, if you have a headache during pregnancy, what can be taken for pain - only the gynecologist decides, taking into account your gestational age.

In the first trimester, almost all drugs are potentially dangerous to the fetus, so the pain syndrome is eliminated by completely safe methods:

  • Rest or nap.
  • Weak herbal teas, for example, with chamomile, lemon balm, linden.
  • Sweet tea or 20-30 g of chocolate, if the pain was due to low blood pressure.
  • Walk if there is a severe oxygen deficiency.
  • Decoction or tablets of valerian.
  • Relaxation techniques (yoga, meditation).

Starting from the second trimester, the arsenal of painkillers expands slightly, since the fetus is more resistant to the development of pathologies. A woman can already relieve a headache with analgesics, but they are selected after determining the level of blood pressure, the presence of concomitant symptoms and the individual characteristics of the female body.

Mostly pregnant women are prescribed the following drugs:

  • Paracetamol is the most favorable type of pain reliever during pregnancy. The composition of the drug does not affect the condition of the fetus, subject to a safe dosage. It is allowed to take 2-3 tablets per day, but the course of treatment should not last more than three days.
  • No-Shpa is an effective antispasmodic that reduces headaches and normalizes blood pressure. Up to 6 capsules are allowed per day without fear. The drug is allowed at all gestational ages.
  • Analgin is an analgesic with a low concentration of the main substance. The remedy relieves pain of various etiologies, but if abused, it can cause congenital pathologies in the baby. Analgin is allowed as a one-time remedy for pain.
  • Ibuprofen is an analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent. It is prescribed only up to 30 gestational weeks. After this period, the drug has a teratogenic effect on the fetus, affecting the heart and lungs.
  • Citramon is a caffeine-containing analgesic. Helps relieve headaches due to hypotension. You can take 1/2 tablet twice a day. Exceeding the dosage adversely affects the development of the fetus.

The third trimester also has certain requirements for the selection of painkillers. Paracetamol or caffeine-based products (if there is no preeclampsia) are considered more effective and safer. Such drugs do not affect the well-being of the fetus and do not provoke premature birth:

  • Solpadein Forte - relieves not only headache, but also toothache, relieves fever and neuralgia. The drug can cause impaired respiratory function, so it is permissible to take no more than 1 tablet.
  • Panadol is an analgesic and antipyretic drug. Conditionally harmless remedy, the daily dose of which is 4 tablets.
  • Sedalgin is a non-narcotic analgesic. During pregnancy, it is taken with caution 1/2 tablet per day.

Which pharmaceuticals are contraindicated for headaches during pregnancy

Even if a woman suffers from an unbearable headache, it is strictly forbidden to take such medicines:

  • Triptan - has a teratogenic effect on the fetus.
  • Ergotamine - provokes miscarriage and bleeding.
  • Motrin is a common cause of congenital heart defects.
  • Depakote - violates the laying of the neural tube.
  • Aspirin thins the blood and causes bleeding.

Of course, you should not endure a headache during pregnancy, but you need to get rid of it with caution. Before taking any pill without the advice of a doctor, think twice about the consequences. If you often have a headache, what you can drink during pregnancy should be advised by a gynecologist or neurologist, and not by a friend or a pharmacist at a pharmacy. Pregnancy is a period for which only you are responsible, therefore, be wary of drug treatment.

Video "Headache: what to do during pregnancy?"

During pregnancy, headache is a common phenomenon. But the doctor should not be left without attention if it is repeated often and the intensity of unpleasant sensations is significant.
Each ailment during pregnancy imposes a special responsibility on medical workers. It is necessary not only to alleviate the suffering of the expectant mother, but also not to harm the baby. After all, most drugs negatively affect its growth and development.
Headache during pregnancy 1, 2, 3 trimester is removed (“treated”) in the same way. But if at the usual time it was possible to get rid of it with any painkiller pill, now, before taking something, you need to think a hundred times.

Causes of headaches during pregnancy may include:

  • a change in the female hormonal background that affects vascular tone;
  • bad habits and changes in diet (there are foods that provoke such pain. For example, some sweets, chocolate);
  • changes in the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems;
  • increased sensitivity to climatic and weather conditions;
  • violation of posture due to an increase in the abdomen.

Headache is very diverse, so its treatment depends entirely on the type and cause of occurrence.

Types of headaches during and outside of pregnancy

1. Migraine. It is characterized by unilateral appearance of discomfort and pulsation. Because of it, many women are deprived of the opportunity to do household chores, sleep, eat, and even carry on a conversation. For some expectant mothers, the pain begins with flashes of light or circles before the eyes. Headache during pregnancy 1st trimester, if possible, should be treated non-pharmacologically, since almost any drug at such an early stage can provoke developmental disorders of the embryo and even spontaneous miscarriage. The main rules in the treatment of migraine are calmness, silence, sleep, fresh air and darkness. Which specific remedy for headaches during pregnancy will help you - you need to calculate by trial and error. But you need to be prepared for the fact that migraine sometimes lasts for several days, however, the intensity of pain decreases.

2. Headache caused by an increase or decrease in blood pressure. Very often, pregnant women experience an increase in pressure, which leads to headaches. People suffering from hypertension, hypertensive-type vegetative-vascular dystonia should definitely monitor their pressure, measuring it twice a day and recording the result. These data must be shown to your doctor for the possibility of further examination and treatment. This recommendation is also mandatory for women who often have pressure jumps with minimal emotional and physical stress.
If there is hypertension, you can relieve a headache during pregnancy and at the same time reduce pressure with the help of only one drug approved for expectant mothers called Dopegit. A life-threatening reason to call an ambulance is a pressure above 150 over 100.
If the pressure, on the contrary, is low, there are many ways to get rid of a headache during pregnancy. For example, clean up at home, do laundry, take a walk in the fresh air, drink tea or coffee (up to 2 cups a day), eat. Low blood pressure is 90 over 60 or less.

3. Tension headache. It is characterized by the appearance of intense discomfort on both sides of the head and occurs more often in early or late pregnancy. In early pregnancy, an antispasmodic can be taken from the head in this case. For example "No-shpu". There is no need to be afraid of these pills, because they are very often prescribed for the threat of termination of pregnancy in the first weeks after conception. If you want to do without pills, you need to master a few techniques for head massage. Should help relieve stress.

4. Taking certain medications. Many women begin to look for a way to treat a headache during pregnancy in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd trimester, without first trying to find the provocateur of these sensations. But almost all expectant mothers take certain drugs, a side effect of which can be just a headache. For example, "Curantil" - a drug often prescribed to "thinn" the blood and improve the blood supply to the fetus.

5. Problems with the spine, its cervical region. This possible cause should be considered by women who have had injuries. Although, they may be so insignificant or old that they are not remembered. However, an x-ray of the cervical spine will be needed to make an accurate diagnosis. Well, they do this after giving birth. In the meantime, headaches can be relieved during pregnancy with paracetamol. This is a very good drug, which is prescribed even for children with fever from the very first days after birth.

Seeking medical attention for headaches during pregnancy in the 1st,2nd,3rd trimester

It happens that during the time of bearing a child, conditions appear that require emergency specialist help. Sudden pain, which is sharp in nature and occurs in the expectant mother, can lead to cerebral hemorrhage and other serious consequences.

In particularly difficult cases, only premature birth may be the best treatment. And you should not think about what you can take for a headache in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, but agree to an emergency caesarean section. Such a measure is necessary, for example, with rapidly developing gestosis. Its other symptoms are the flickering of flies before the eyes, an increase in pressure, protein in the urine in a high concentration according to the result of the analysis.
What pills can you drink for a headache during pregnancy in the early and late stages and preventive measures.

The first step is to properly organize the time of sleep and rest. A pregnant woman, especially in the later stages, should sleep for at least 8 hours. In addition, you also need to sleep during the day. Be sure to spend more time in the fresh air and exclude prolonged exposure to the TV or computer.

In addition, hunger or thirst can provoke a headache, so you should eat well and properly.

To improve well-being, a woman can listen to classical music, wear loose clothes, watch comedies, thereby creating a calm and pleasant atmosphere around her.

You should also ban smoking near you, both outdoors and indoors. Passive smoking will adversely affect the child and can cause malaise. If nothing helps, you need to think about which pills you can take for headaches during early and late pregnancy and in what dosages. Naturally, before taking the drug, you need to at least read the instructions for it, or rather, the contraindications section. In many annotations, pregnancy will be indicated there. But not always everything is so categorical. For example, there is more than one drug that you can safely drink from a headache in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy. For example, paracetamol. And in a normal, not children's dosage. 1-2 tablets of 500 mg. Should help. By the way, these same pills are drunk at elevated temperatures and even toothache. But a headache during pregnancy with Citramon, another popular drug, is better not to remove, since this drug contains caffeine.

In the course of carrying a baby, mothers often face various ailments and painful sensations. Sometimes they are worried about headaches, migraine pains, etc. How to safely eliminate such unpleasant symptoms, because women in position can not drink any drugs. What headache pills during pregnancy effectively and safely stop uncomfortable and rather unpleasant sensations.

You can not self-medicate, it is dangerous for both the mother and the fetus

Moms can have a lot of reasons for the appearance of headaches. To understand how best to deal with them, it is worth understanding them in more detail.

  • Psychological factors. Pregnant women perceive any situation with increased emotionality and excessive feelings. Although mothers should not succumb to such vivid experiences, they still live with emotions. Stressful situations at home or at work, fear associated with pregnancy, etc. etc. There are many reasons, but each of them can trigger the development of strong psycho-emotional experiences that will provoke a headache during pregnancy.
  • Hormonal changes. With the advent of pregnancy, grandiose transformations in all spheres, including hormonal ones, are launched in the female body. Such changes are often accompanied by migraine attacks during the first trimester.
  • Irrational nutrition. If a woman prefers to eat food cold, then she may experience migraines more often than usual. In addition, food that contains tyramine or phenylamine can provoke headaches. Also, pregnant women are advised to be especially careful with citrus fruits and chocolate, coffee and bananas, tea and oriental dishes. Also, a feeling of hunger can cause migraines, so pregnant women are advised to eat often, but in very small portions.
  • Rushing pressure. In the early stages of girls, blood pressure indicators are often lowered, which is caused by toxicosis, and at the end of pregnancy (III trimester), blood pressure, on the contrary, is often elevated, accompanied by hyperedema and an increased content of protein in urine. Such conditions often occur with headaches.
  • Dehydration. If a girl does not drink enough ordinary water during pregnancy, then this will negatively affect her well-being and material exchange processes, including causing headaches.
  • Overweight. Excess weight, even before, even after, even during gestation, does not bring anything good to a woman. Constant feeling of fatigue, shortness of breath, palpitations, headaches.
  • Sleep problems. At night, girls may be disturbed by insomnia, and in the morning it becomes unbearable to get out of bed, which indicates a lack of sleep. It is extremely important for a woman to sleep at least 8 hours, otherwise headaches cannot be avoided.
  • Pathologies. Sometimes headaches during gestation are caused by the presence of any pathological conditions such as VVD or osteochondrosis, etc.

A stuffy room, meteorological dependence - these factors also quite often provoke migraine pains. Therefore, in the apartment where the pregnant woman lives, all rooms should be ventilated daily, especially the room where she sleeps.

How to deal with them

Headaches in girls who are expecting a baby are quite common, because the body is experiencing serious stress, toxicosis, etc. Only with the right diagnosis will a specialist be able to determine the exact factors of the pathology and choose which pills for headaches during pregnancy are allowed to patients.

But more often, doctors are still trying to find a method to eliminate painful discomfort that is not associated with medications and is safe for pregnancy. This is extremely important, because girls in position can drink a strictly limited list of drugs. But in some cases, it is impossible to do without medication, so it is so important to know drugs that are safe for patients.

What pills can

It is very important to sleep well during pregnancy

Almost every medicine is endowed with its own contraindications and causes certain adverse reactions, so the specialist selects the safest drugs that you can safely drink while carrying a child. The most famous and relatively safe pills for headaches during pregnancy are Paracetamol and its modifications. These drugs are classified as anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal drugs. Only a specialist should prescribe treatment, even though Paracetamol is considered a relatively mild drug.

It is able to penetrate the placental protection, however, it does not have a negative effect on the fetus, if medical recommendations are strictly followed. Firstly, the allowable daily allowance for pregnant women is 6 tablets (500 mg each), and the duration of administration should not exceed 3 days. Secondly, it is categorically unacceptable to take paracetamol for the prevention of headaches, each tablet should be taken in the presence of pain.

Experts recommend that pregnant women use this medication in a soluble form, which is considered the most effective. Paracetamol may also be present in other drugs, for example, in Panadol, Efferalgan, Tylenol or Kalpol, etc. If the pregnant woman has problems with blood, liver or kidney functions, Paracetamol tolerance or enzymatic production, then taking the drug is contraindicated.

First trimester

After fertilization, massive restructuring takes place, the purpose of which is to create optimal conditions for the development of a new little man inside the mother's womb. Such changes can occur with severe headaches.

  • But in the first weeks of gestation, important processes of laying the baby's intraorganic structures take place, so taking any medication is highly discouraged.
  • But what pills can be taken if the headaches are very strong and unbearable. Experts recommend using home remedies to combat migraines, such as massage or a cool compress on the forehead.
  • If the pain is unbearable, then you need to contact a gynecologist so that he can choose the safest way to stop migraine symptoms.
  • As a last resort, if home methods of struggle do not help get rid of headaches, then a single dose of Paracetamol or No-shpa is allowed.

But still, it is better to try to eliminate headaches in non-drug ways, which will be discussed below. The fewer drug interventions mommy allows in the first trimester, the more favorable the conditions for the intrauterine development of the baby will be.


Beneficial for long walks outdoors

By the second stage of pregnancy, when the hormonal background stabilizes, and the body has already been rebuilt for a new mode of operation, headaches bother mothers much less often, but still this is possible, for example, with any diseases. In such a situation, it is imperative to see a doctor who will prescribe the necessary therapy, after which the pain will disappear.

If headaches arose due to banal fatigue, nervous experiences and other similar reasons, and there is no strength to endure them, then you can take Paracetamol or Ibuprofen, Nurofen, Citramon. Pretty quickly, you can relieve a headache during pregnancy with the pills listed above. But only without fanaticism, it is enough to take only one tablet for relief to come. Although the placental barrier protects the fetus from harmful substances, you should not stuff your baby with chemistry.

In the third trimester

The third stage of gestation is the final one, mommy is eagerly preparing for childbirth, her weight, like the size of the crumbs, is growing daily, her tummy is increasing. Against the background of gestation in the third trimester, patients often develop preeclampsia, accompanied by hyperedema, shortness of breath and increased pressure, and headaches.

The closer the cherished day is, the stronger the mother is morally exhausted, she is nervous about the expectation and inconvenience of the last weeks of pregnancy. Such psycho-emotional stress cannot go unnoticed and often causes headaches. Patients can take No-shpu, Paracetamol, Panadol.

What drugs are strictly prohibited

The list of drugs allowed during pregnancy is quite limited, most medications are strictly prohibited for pregnant women. Therefore, it is extremely important for mom to know what medications can negatively affect the baby and gestation in general. Let's say right away that after conception, mom will have to forget about aspirin, since it has a negative effect on the laying of the baby's organs and their development, and in the last trimester, taking acetylsalicylic acid, which thins the blood, can provoke heavy bleeding or prematurely close the lumen of the arterial duct of the fetus. Banned and other drugs:

  1. Analgin. It is forbidden to take this painkiller for pregnant women, because Analgin is highly toxic, and against the background of long-term use it can provoke pathological changes in the structure of chemical blood. The ban for pregnant women also applies to medicines containing analgin, for example, Baralgin, Spazmalgon, Spazgan, etc.
  2. Citramon. The drug is also unacceptable for future mothers, because aspirin is its main component. This also includes drugs with aspirin like Citrapar, Askofen, etc.
  3. Triptan or Sumatriptan are anti-migraine drugs that are indispensable for headaches, however, due to the high risk of abortive effect, they are contraindicated for pregnant women.
  4. Ergotamine and other medicines with ergot in the composition are also prohibited during gestation, because they cause uterine contractions and heavy bleeding, a delay in the development of the baby and other negative reactions.
  5. Zapmigren, Tryptamine, Amigran - contain substances of narcotic origin, which explains their prohibition for pregnant women.
  6. Timolol, Metoprolol, Atenolol, etc. These agents cause neonatal hypoglycemia, which is fraught with a slowing of the heartbeat and development of the baby.
  7. Valproic acid, Depakine, Depakote - provoke the development of congenital anomalies such as neural tube defects, malformations in the development of limbs or myocardium, facial or cranial deformities, etc.
  8. Motrin. Its active ingredient is Ibuprofen, which can lead to myocardial defects or prolonged pregnancy.

Of course, headaches give mothers a lot of trouble and discomfort. But when carrying a mother, first of all, you need to think about the consequences for the baby, and not about quickly getting rid of a migraine.

Relieve pain without pills

But how to eliminate the unpleasant painful heaviness in the head if you can not take any medicine. Patches are considered one of the reliable and safe remedies for headaches. Usually they are impregnated with herbal extracts, essential oils, so they do not pose a threat to the child. To get rid of pain, it is enough just to stick a patch on your forehead for about a quarter of an hour and there will be no trace of pain.

Asterisk balm, known to every woman, is also effective for headaches. It contains eucalyptus and mint, clove and other oils. You need a small amount of ointment (the size of a match head), apply on the temples and forehead and grind. An asterisk will save not only from migraines, but also relieve coughs and runny noses, dizziness and other ailments that so often bother pregnant women.

To avoid headaches, mom is recommended to walk more in the fresh air, eat right, sleep enough in ventilated rooms, keep drinking, swim in the pool more often, etc. Then migraines will not bother you.
