Class hour on the theme “Soon, New Year is coming!” Class hour on the topic: Class hour "Happy New Year"

Class hour 2nd grade on the topic “How people of the earth’s latitudes celebrate the New Year”

The class hour takes the form of the game “Field of Miracles”

Equipment: 1. To play you need a top and a circle marked into sectors. Available:

Game sectors (the number of points that the player will receive if he names the letter or word correctly is written on them);

Sector “plus” (the player can open any letter in the word);

Sector “chance” (the player can use the help of the hall);

“Prize” sector (the player can take the prize and leave the game);

Sector “bankrupt” (transition).

2. Board with tasks.

3. Prizes for the winner and participants.

Progress of the game - cool hour

Leading. New Year. There is something magical and mysterious about it. It begins with blue twilight, light powder, a decorated Christmas tree, the flickering of garlands and the crackling of candles, hidden hope... Of course, it will be good. New Year is the best time to start a new life, fulfill your plans and dreams. New Year is always hope for the best.

There is some kind of fairy tale in this holiday, and therefore it is no coincidence that for many it is the brightest and most beloved. Whether the New Year will be a fun, amazing holiday, whether miracles will happen, whether good, sweet memories will remain after it for life - depends on you and me.

In all countries, the New Year is celebrated differently, but everywhere this holiday has common features: hope for happiness, prosperity and a better future. Guys, today we will go to other countries and find out how they celebrate the New Year there.

First tour

1. In France, the one who gets this product in the pie receives the title of king, and on New Year's Eve everyone obeys him. Name this product. (Bean.)

2. In Austria, Germany and Hungary, this dish on the festive table is considered a guarantee of prosperity and happiness. (Pig.)

3. In Hungary, this dish is never served on New Year's Eve: it is believed that happiness can fly away from home on wings. (Game: chicken, duck, goose.)

Players' presentation.

Exercise. There is such a tradition in this country. On New Year's Eve, when the clock strikes midnight, the lights in the house are turned off. At these moments, many are trying to find Santa Claus in the dark in order to kiss him: according to a comic belief, this portends good luck. Name the country. (Bulgaria.)

Second round

Questions for selecting participants:

1. What animal is stuffed in Sweden on New Year’s Eve? (Goat.)

2. What kind of tree is decorated for the New Year in Japan? (Fir.)

3. In Tibet, women bake this to gift everyone they know and even strangers. The more you give away, the richer you will be. (Pies.)

Players' presentation.

Exercise. In this country, New Year falls on the hottest month of the year. On this day, it is customary to pour water on each other, and it is called the Water Festival. (Burma.)

Physical education minute

There are three shelves in the forest

(clap our hands):

Fir trees - fir trees - fir trees

(arms up - to the sides - down),

The heavens lie on the fir trees

(hands to the side),

There is dew on the Christmas trees below

(hands down, crouched).

Third round

Questions for selecting participants:

1. In which country is it customary to throw away old things on New Year’s Eve in order to buy new ones in the coming year? (In Italy.)

2. In England, the parliament’s decision to move the New Year from March 1 to January 1 was met with resistance by some categories of citizens: they stated that “Parliament does not have the right to make them many days older.” Who was that? (Women.)

Players' presentation.

Exercise. In Ancient Greece, this vegetable was often sent to quarreling spouses for the New Year - a symbol of quarrels and gossip. (Beet.)

The final

Presentation of the final participants.

Exercise. In what country can you meet such a Santa Claus: on his head with a fox hat, in his hands a long whip, flint, flint and snuffbox? (Mongolia.)

Super game

Exercise. Every country has many New Year traditions and customs, but Father Frost or Santa Claus always come to the New Year. Which saint became the prototype of Santa Claus? (Saint Nicholas.) Awarding the winner.

Leading. Happy New Year to you, dear guys!

On New Year's Eve, wishes come true.

On New Year's Eve, everything in life works out.

Problem books suddenly become easy,

Fortune comes to the losers

All grievances and sorrows are forgiven,

People's cherished dreams come true,

Enemies become friends, loyal ones -

All evil evaporates, probably.

The light becomes much better -

Of course, there is no more beautiful holiday.

Playing with spectators


1. Where does Santa Claus live? (In Lapland.)

2. In what city does Santa Claus live? (In Veliky Ustyug.)

3. Traditional Christmas dish in the United States of America. (Turkey.)

4. In the Baltic countries, meeting a person of this profession brings happiness. (Chimney sweep.)

5. In Russia, Father Frost is accompanied by the Snow Maiden. Who accompanies Santa Claus? (Elves, gnomes.)

6. What kind of tree is decorated for the New Year in Vietnam? (Peach.)

7. In what fairy tale did all the months of the year meet on New Year’s Eve? ("Twelve months".)

8. Which Russian writer invented the Snow Maiden? (Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky.)

9. In the fairy tale by V.I. Dahl there is an old man who had twelve birds. Who is this old man? (Old year old.)

10. In the fairy tale by K.D. Ushinsky was played with by an old woman. What was her name? (Winter.)

11. In which Russian fairy tale did Moroz reward his stepdaughter and punish his own daughter? (“Morozko.”)

12. In what fairy tale did the boy’s heart turn into a piece of ice? ("The Snow Queen".)

13. Name a work in which Dragonfly had a very hard time with the onset of winter. (“Dragonfly and Ant.”)

14. In what fairy tale was the girl able to reach the North Pole and return back in one day? (“Seven-flowered flower.”)

New Year's riddles

Village in white velvet,

And fences and trees.

And when the wind attacks,

This velvet will fall off. (Frost.)

Invisible carefully

He comes to me

And he draws like an artist

He patterns on the window. (Freezing.)

Powdered the paths

I decorated the windows,

Gave joy to children

And I went for a sledding ride. (Winter.)

The carrot is white,

It grew all winter.

The sun has warmed up,

I ate all the carrots. (Icicle.)

Blanket white

Not made by hand

It didn’t weave or crumble -

It fell from the sky to the ground. (Snow.)

Without boards, without axes -

The bridge across the river is ready.

The bridge is like blue glass -

Slippery, fun, light. (Ice.)

In the new wall, in the round window

During the day the glass is broken,

Overnight - inserted. (Ice hole.)

What a beautiful girl

Does he dress up once a year? (Christmas tree.)

Extra-curricular event on a New Year's theme for primary school students

Educational game hour "Why exactly the Christmas tree?" for primary school

Lyapina Vera Valerievna primary school teacher MBOU School No. 47 Samara
Description: This material can be used by primary school teachers and educators for conversations, extracurricular activities, and extracurricular activities for primary school students.
Target: Getting to know the tradition of decorating a tree for New Year and Christmas.
- consider the history of decorating the New Year tree;
- develop children’s interest in the history of the holiday;
- develop speech, imagination, and communication skills in students.
- activate the creative abilities of students.

Progress of the event

Today I want to start our lesson with a riddle.
You can always find her in the forest -
When will you go for a walk:
Stands prickly like a hedgehog
“In winter in a dress?” - “So what!”
And the dress is fluffy,
Green, branchy!!!
Yes, you're right, it's spruce. Of course you are familiar with this tree. We all love the beautiful and fabulous custom of decorating a Christmas tree for the New Year holidays. This worldwide tradition has a very rich history, and without it it is hardly possible to imagine celebrating the main winter holidays. For each of us, this is a tradition that, I am simply sure, will never cease to exist.
But do you know why the spruce became a symbol of the New Year and Christmas?
(Children's answers)
Of course, all of your listed evidence of the benefits of spruce is accepted. But still, it wouldn’t hurt to find out where this tradition came from.
Sleep, little Christmas tree, to the sound of the blizzard.
I'll take you away with fluffy snow
Fall asleep on Mother Spruce's lap,
So green in the white forest.
Go to sleep and don't listen to any nonsense,
No wind, no animals, no birds, no one!
As if they will take our Christmas tree soon
And they will take you home to celebrate Christmas.
No, in a vat with a rim made of old paper
They won't put you in front of everyone.
You will not hold garlands and flags,
Toys and candles, balls and a star.
No, you will hide the bunny - long ears,
Blizzard and frost will decorate you,
And a star will flash on the top of your head
The hour the baby Christ was born...

Listen to the legend:
Near the cave where little Jesus was born, 3 trees grew: olive, palm and spruce. The palm tree and the olive tree gave their fruits to the mother and baby. And there was nothing to give. She stood modestly on the sidelines and was very afraid of ruining the holiday. She couldn’t give me prickly needles, sticky resin and hard pine cones. She felt very ashamed and cried with her resin... And then, to console the spruce, stars fell from the sky onto her.
And a miracle happened. Showered with stars, the irresistible spruce approached the baby, and he, captivated by her beauty, smiled joyfully. El was happy, but did not become proud. It was for her modesty that the Angel rewarded her with a kind green tree. He made it a symbol of the bright holiday of Christmas.
This is how, according to this legend, a green sparkling beauty appeared for the holiday. Which symbolizes the inextricable connection of earth with heaven, that is, people with God. This is such a beautiful legend.

2 Presenter
And I will tell you the main European legend.
According to this legend, at the moment when Jesus was born, there were more heavenly bodies: another star rose in the sky. The light of this star attracted many people, and they all went to Bethlehem, the city where Jesus was born. But not only people wanted to see the Baby. Magi, animals, birds and plants came to show their joy to the Baby and his Mother. The mighty Hyperborean spruce also learned about the magical birth. But when she came to the cave where the Mother of God was feeding her Son, the spruce tree began to feel shy and did not dare to enter and remained on the sidelines. The other trees asked her why she didn't come closer. The spruce tree looked at the abundance of their fruits and replied that it was afraid to scare the people who came to the cave.
It became clear to the trees that the spruce was ashamed of its simplicity and gloom, and they began to decorate it with flowers, nuts, apples, and figs. They even sprinkled juice on her bumps. And from this the cones were covered with gold. The spruce began to shine and entered the cave. The Son of God saw her, smiled and waved his arms in greeting. He liked the elegant spruce tree the most. Then a star began to shine above the top of the tree. The one that attracted everyone to the Baby.

Night. Freezing.
The stars are sparkling
From the heights of heaven.
All covered in snow, like ermines,
The quiet forest sleeps.
Silence all around.
Polyana Sleeps in the arms of sleep,
Swims out from behind the forest
The moon is on watch.
The stars are going out.
They're pouring from the sky
Pale rays
Frosty snow sparkled
Silver brocade.
Branches spread wide
In a snow coat,
There is a Christmas tree in the middle of the clearing.
It went up like an arrow.
To the beauty of the forest
The moonlight has fallen
And the lights of ice crystals
Played in the branches.
Diamond threads
Entwined in pine needles,
Emeralds and rubies
They lit up in the snow.
A clear star near the Christmas tree
The head is lit
... The great day is coming
Christmas holiday!
Brightly with star rays
The blue sky shines...
- Why, tell me, mom,
Brighter than the stars in the sky
On the holy night of Christmas?
Like a Christmas tree in a mountain world

This midnight is lit
And diamond lights,
And the shine of radiant stars
Is she all decorated?
- Truth, my son, in God's heaven
On this holy night
A Christmas tree is lit for the world
And full of wonderful gifts
For the family, she is human.
Look how bright the stars are
They shine for the world there, in the distance:
The holy gifts shine in them
- For people - goodwill,
Peace and truth are for the earth.
1 Presenter
In ancient times, people considered nature to be divine and believed in the existence of spirits who lived in the forests on coniferous trees. It was believed that they were the ones who caused severe frosts, sent blizzards and confused hunters.
To protect themselves from the tricks of forest creatures, people tried in every possible way to appease them: they decorated spruce trees with various fruits and treats. The evergreen tree has always symbolized life itself.

Spruce is considered a symbol of eternity. Nature may fall asleep and wake up for a while, but spruce, like life, remains eternal. At any time of the year, it stands green and represents immortality, eternal youth, courage, fidelity, longevity and dignity. And its cones were considered a symbol of the fire of life and restoration of health.
2 Presenter
Our people borrowed the very custom of putting up a Christmas tree for the New Year from Western Europe.
It was from Germany that the New Year tree came to us at the beginning of the 19th century. The Germans who lived in St. Petersburg showed the Russian nobles that the Christmas tree should be hung upside down (or upside down) from the ceiling.

But then it was decided to install the spruce on the floor.

1 Presenter
I wonder what they used to decorate the spruce tree at the very beginning? Spruce decorations also have their own history. At the very beginning it was candles and delicacies - apples, nuts, sweets, gingerbread. It was also a treat for the children. The Christmas tree has become a mandatory attribute of the Christmas holiday. The beauties were decorated with crafts made of colored paper, fruits, and tinsel.

New Year's game "Christmas tree decorations"
-We'll play with you now
An interesting game.
What we decorate the Christmas tree with,
I'll tell you quickly
Listen carefully
And answer definitively
If I tell you right,
Say yes in response
Well, what if it’s suddenly wrong,
Answer boldly - “no”.
-Very tasty cheesecakes?
- Bedspreads and pillows?
-Hairchair and cribs?
-Marmalades, chocolates?
- Are the glasses glass?
-Wooden boards?
-Fried crumpets?
-Computer mice?
- Are the beads multi-colored?
-Are the garlands light?
-Snow made from white cotton wool?
-Glue bubbles?
-Sandals and galoshes?
-Plates, forks, spoons?
-Are the candies shiny?
- Are zebras real?
-Are the cones golden?
- Are the balls radiant?
2 Presenter
There is a legend about New Year's tinsel.
Once upon a time there lived a woman who had many children. They lived very poorly, so she had to work a lot. The night before Christmas, my mother decorated the Christmas tree, but she had very few decorations. In the middle of the night, spiders crawled onto the branches of the tree and wove a web. When Jesus Christ saw this, he took pity on this family and blessed the tree. Then the web turned into silvery tinsel.

In Russia there was a tradition of tearing off gifts, which was called “plucking the Christmas tree” (or they said: “destroying the Christmas tree”).
Who knows what kind of tradition this is? (children's answers)
1 Presenter
According to the tradition of the German people, the Christmas tree holiday has always been considered a day of children's family celebration. In the beginning, it was held in a house only for members of one family and was intended for children. Both under Peter and later there were many Germans in Russia, they preserved the customs brought from their homeland. It was their custom to decorate a small Christmas tree in the main room of the house, cover it with a blanket, and the head of the family would take it off at the appointed hour. Russian people came up with it in their own way. The Christmas tree in a Russian home reflected part of the church ritual and served to unite the whole family around it.

The children could not see what was happening in the house, but by all kinds of signs they tried in every possible way to guess what was happening outside their room: they listened, looked through the keyhole or through the door crack.
Oh, give us a Christmas tree! Magic Christmas tree
With garlands of colorful lights.
Make you languish, look through the crack,
Burn at closed doors.
2 Presenter
At first, the tree was in the house for only one evening. The tree made a strong impression on the children; they were delighted. The installation of the spruce was prepared by adults and always kept secret from children. And thus the Christmas tree was a surprise for the children!
Exhausted by the anticipation of the holiday, stunned by the festive splendor of the beautiful Christmas tree, the cheerful children at the end of it attacked the Christmas tree and smashed it and everything that was hung on it. That’s what this tradition was called - the holiday of “plucking the Christmas tree.” At the end of the holiday, the devastated and broken tree was taken out of the hall and thrown into the courtyard.
They began to place the Christmas tree in the middle of the hall, where everyone was given the opportunity to have fun around it, dance in circles, and examine the toys that decorated the Christmas tree from all sides. It is believed that the round dance around the Christmas tree was borrowed from the Trinity Day ritual. They danced in a circle and sang the old German song “Oh Christmas Tree.”

And this year we celebrate 114 years since the writing of the New Year’s anthem, the song “A Christmas Tree Was Born in the Forest,” without which not a single holiday is complete. Young and old sing this song. The author of the favorite New Year's song of many generations is Raisa Adamovna Kudasheva

When wealthy people began to invite their friends to the Christmas tree, they tried not to skimp on decorations and always used new decorations. They decorated with candles, confectionery toys, and fruits. They tried so hard to show their taste and wealth. At first the spruce was called the Christmas tree, and then simply “fir tree”.
1 Presenter
Interesting fact
The oldest spruce on our Earth is 9550 years old! The oldest spruce on Earth has lived for nine and a half thousand years. She even has a name - Old Tikko. It is 4 meters high and grows on Mount Fulufjellet in Sweden.

In Russia, the oldest spruce trees grow in the Kostroma region in the Kologrivsky Forest reserve. They are 400 years old.

2 Presenter
Glass Christmas tree decorations were invented in Germany in the 19th century. They say that one poor glassblower once did not have money to decorate his Christmas tree with edibles, and so as not to upset his children, he made glass toys. Soon such toys became fashionable.

Namely, in Russia, glassblowers came up with traditional balls, cones and mushrooms with funny figures of fairy tale heroes - this is how the “Russian Christmas tree” differed from European trees.
What symbols of the Christmas tree can you name?
-a wreath, which must be hung on the door, is a symbol of the merging of the end and beginning of the year;

- indispensable candles on the table are a way to invite goodness into the house.

At the end of the 20s of the 20th century, the Christmas tree in Russia was banned along with the celebration of Christmas and even the New Year. But in 1936 it returned as a symbol of the New Year holidays. And we will hope that this will not happen again.
1 Presenter
The world's tallest artificial Christmas tree, according to the Guinness Book of Records, was installed in 2009 on Pacio de la Reforma in Mexico City. Its diameter was 35 meters and its height was 110.35 meters, which corresponds to the height of a 40-story building.

200 workers installed it for 2 months. Electric garlands were hung for decoration; their total length was about 80,000 meters.
In 2007, the world's largest floating Christmas tree was erected on Lake Lagoa Rodrigo de Fretas in Rio de Janeiro. The height of the festive tree was 85 meters, it was decorated with more than two million light bulbs.

The largest Christmas tree in the world is a 45-meter spruce, installed in 2014 in Germany in the city of Dortmund at the Christmas market. It was made by merging small fir trees and weighed 40 tons; assembly took 1 month. 1,700 fir trees were specially grown for the holiday tree. The Christmas tree was decorated with 48 thousand light bulbs and glowing garlands. The four-meter angel installed on top weighed more than 90 kg.

The tallest Christmas tree in Russia is 33 meters, its age was more than 110 years. It was installed in 2009 on the Cathedral Square of the Kremlin in Moscow.

This is the path the “New Year’s beauty” had to overcome. We can no longer imagine the New Year holiday without the main symbol. After all, even Santa Claus leaves gifts under the Christmas tree. And of course, it is the Christmas tree that creates this unforgettable atmosphere of the New Year holidays with its lights and toys. New Year's chores are some of the most enjoyable. They gather the whole family and bring joy and festive noise to the house. Everyone is happy, exchanging gifts, congratulating each other. And in the center of all this, the Christmas tree triumphs - the tree of life.
Game "Winter Mood"
The presenter reads poems, and the children answer: “true”, “false”.
1. Bloomed amidst the frost
There are large roses on the oak tree.
They are collected in bouquets
And they give it to the Snow Maiden. (Wrong)
2. With Snow Maiden Snowman
I'm used to visiting children.
He loves to listen to songs
And then eat candy. (Right)
3. Santa Claus melts in winter
And he gets bored with the guys -
What was left of him was a puddle;
We don't need it on New Year's Day. (Wrong)
4. In August on New Year's Eve
Santa Claus is coming to visit
He has a big bag
It's all filled with grass. (Wrong)
5.Meadows do not bloom in winter,
But they go sledding.
The kids have fun with them -
Both girls and boys. (Right)
6. Come to us from hot countries in winter
The birds are flying home again,
Snowy warm times
They want to hatch chicks. (Wrong)
7. A glorious New Year's holiday
Oak is the most important for children -
He is green and mighty
Our Christmas tree is taller and steeper. (Wrong)
8. There are snowstorms in January,
Decorating the spruce with snow.
Bunny in his white fur coat
Jumps boldly through the forest. (Right)
Sparkling Christmas tree
Sparkle with lights, Christmas tree,
Invite us to the holiday.
Fulfill all your wishes
Make all your dreams come true! Happy New Year,
Happy New Year
Congratulations to everyone,
And then
And let's dance in a circle,
And we will dance and sing. Santa Claus is standing by the Christmas tree,
Hiding a laugh in his beard.
Don't keep us tormented for too long
Untie the bag quickly!
Game "Decorate the Christmas tree"

Lesson objectives:

    expand students' knowledge of the history of the New Year holiday;

    make a snowflake.


    introduce New Year traditions in Rus' and other countries;

    teach to distinguish between Father Frost and Santa Claus;

    develop fine motor skills and hand coordination;

    promote the development of communication skills, the ability to work individually and in a team;

    improve the ability to work according to templates;

    teach mutual assistance, listen to each other’s answers;

    develop fantasy, imagination, sense of composition.

Equipment and materials for the lesson:

    multimedia projector;

    computer presentation;

    for students - folder for work


1. Organizational moment(Slide 1)

- Guys, we have guests today, say hello to them. See if everything is ready for the lesson. Sit down quietly.

2. Report the topic of the class hour

He comes on a winter evening
Light candles on the Christmas tree.
He starts a round dance.
This is a holiday… (New Year)

- Right. The most beloved, most long-awaited holiday is approaching. Regardless of age, all people are waiting for it.

Who are the guys on New Year's Eve?
Don't you get tired of having fun?
Who gives gifts to children?
Who to the guys in the world
Did you bring a Christmas tree from the forest?
Guess it! (Father Frost)

– And today we will learn about Santa Claus: where he came from, where he lives, how he prepares for the holiday. But we will not only talk, but also make crafts. Therefore, the theme of our class hour is “Santa Claus’s Workshop” (Slide 2)

3. Teacher’s story about the history of the holiday

– When do we celebrate the New Year? (January 1) You probably think that people always celebrated this wonderful holiday in winter. However, it is not. Among ancient peoples, the celebration of the New Year was marked by the arrival of spring, the victory of life over death, and fell on March 1. Much later, the New Year was celebrated on September 1st. On January 1, Tsar Peter I ordered to celebrate the New Year in Rus' (Slide 3).
This was over 300 years ago. Peter I ordered that on January 1st we congratulate each other on the New Year, go out into the street and shoot into the sky from our guns. And we still shoot upward, but with firecrackers and firecrackers. Also, it was this king who ordered everyone to decorate coniferous trees. Only the toys back then were very simple - gingerbread cookies, bagels, apples, pieces of cotton wool... This is where the custom of decorating the Christmas tree came from. (Slide 4)
And although the winters were very frosty then, the custom of celebrating the New Year took root very quickly. People happily went out into the streets, lit fires, danced around them, and called on the sun to warm the snow-bound and frost-bound land.

4. Conversation about New Year's traditions. Game “Believe it or not”

– How do you traditionally celebrate the New Year in your families? For example, I always clean the house for the holiday. It is not appropriate to receive Father Frost and Snow Maiden in a dusty room. And you?

From past centuries came customs:

– pay off debts before the New Year;

- forgive insults;

– celebrate the holiday in new elegant clothes, etc.

These are the traditions of the Russian people. And in other countries they are their own. Let's play the game “Believe it or not.”

    Do you believe that in Italy on New Year's Eve it is customary to throw chairs, flower pots, and clothes out of windows? (Slide 5) Yes, that's true. The more you throw away, the more wealth you will have in the coming year.

    Do you believe that in Spain you have to eat 12 olives when the chimes strike? (Slide 6) No, grapes. And then all your wishes will come true.

    Do you believe that in Cuba, before midnight, all the vessels in the house are filled with water, so that at exactly 12 at night they pour it out of the window? (Slide 7) And this is so. Cubans really want the coming year to be clean and clear.

    Do you believe that in Japan you should cry on New Year's Day? (Slide 8) No, on the contrary, laugh. This is the most fun Japanese holiday. They believe that if they laugh all night, they will have good luck for 12 months.

    Do you believe that in Germany at midnight all people climb on tables, chairs, armchairs? (Slide 9) And this is so! With the last stroke of the clock, he jumps into the new year.

– And in our country, over the past few years, another tradition has taken root - the New Year holidays not only for children, but also for adults. And this year we will celebrate the New Year, and then Christmas for 2 whole weeks.

5. Teacher’s story about St. Nicholas the Wonderworker(Slide 10)

– Who is the main New Year’s wizard? Who lights the Christmas trees and brings gifts? From November to March Moroz has a lot of work. He walks through the forests and knocks on the trees with his staff, causing bitter frosts to occur. Frost sweeps through the streets, painting the windows of houses with patterns. It chills the surface of lakes and rivers. The frost stings our noses, gives us a blush, and makes us happy with fluffy snow.
The image of the winter lord is embodied in Russian folk tales. What fairy tales do you know? (“Morozko”, “Moroz Ivanovich”) However, this fairy-tale character has a prototype - a real person.

In the 4th century, Archbishop Nicholas lived in the Turkish city of Myra. He was a very kind man. (Slide 11) He was especially kind and generous to children. As they say in a legend that has survived to this day, a very poor family lived in Mir. They were so poor that the father had nothing to feed his three daughters, and so that they would not die of hunger, he decided to give the children to other people's families to be raised. But Nikolai found out about this and found a way out. He threw gold coins into the house through the stove chimney. And the girls hung their socks by the fireplace to dry at night. Imagine their surprise and joy when they discovered gold in their socks in the morning! There was no limit to the rejoicing, and the family was saved. This is where the tradition of hanging one's socks by the bed on New Year's Eve came from, in order to receive a gift from the good wizard in the morning.
Nicholas accomplished many good deeds during his lifetime. His stories of kindness spread throughout the world, and people of many countries began to revere him. And after his death the church elevated him to the rank of saint. And in Russia, Nicholas the Wonderworker is considered one of the most revered saints.

6. Find the differences game

Each nation has its own Nikolai, the good New Year's wizard. In France, Pere Noel (Slide 12). In Finland Joulupukki (Slide 13). In Hungary, Mikulas (Slide 14). In Italy Babbo Natale (Slide 15). And in America? (Slide 16). What about here in Russia? (Slide 17) And they look different, each has its own image.
Lately we've been seeing Santa a lot on our TV screens. And very rarely Santa Claus. And I would really like you to understand where whose image is. Let's learn to distinguish the appearance of our native Father Frost from the foreign Santa Claus. (Slide 18)

– Look at the screen. Which of these grandfathers is ours? (On right)

Let's look from top to bottom:
– headdress (fur hat, cap with pompom);
– beard (long, gray; short);
– eyes (sees well; wears glasses);
– outerwear (warm fur coat to the toes; short jacket with pants);
– color of clothing (can be blue, red, white; only red);
– hands (in warm mittens; gloves);
– in his hands (holds a staff that can freeze; no staff);
– shoes (felt boots or boots with raised toes; black boots);
– a vehicle (can be on foot or in a sleigh drawn by three horses; rides in a cart drawn by reindeer);
– assistants (granddaughter Snegurochka; elves can help).
The main similarity is a bottomless bag of gifts.

7. New Year's physical exercise(Slides 19-28)

8. Making Christmas tree toys (snowflakes).

-Today we will make the most common Christmas tree attribute - a snowflake. (for children, napkins, scissors).

-You will do this work yourself, and we will decorate the classroom with the best snowflakes.

While the children are performing, music plays and a splash screen appears on the screen.

9. Where does Santa Claus live?

Now we are ready to celebrate the New Year, and we will look forward to the arrival of Santa Claus. Do you know where he comes to us from? Previously, he did not have a permanent place of residence, but now he lives in Veliky Ustyug all year round. (Slide 31)

His palace in this city is called the Residence. The word residence itself means the residence of an important person, such as the president. Can you imagine how important and meaningful Santa Claus is to us if he lives in the residence! Why in Veliky Ustyug? Only in the Vologda region are there real fairytale forests, marvelous lakes, and miraculous springs. Only there can our wizard live.
Father Frost's palace is hidden in the forest. The mansion has a throne room where Grandfather meets important guests, such as Santa Claus. And if you ring the crystal bell in this room, then your wishes will certainly come true. There is a book of wishes in Santa Claus's personal account. All guests write down their requests in it, but Santa Claus, of course, fulfills the most cherished and kind ones. There are also several rooms with gifts for Santa Claus from the children of our vast Motherland.
You and I can write to Santa Claus too. Here is his address. Santa Claus will definitely fulfill your wishes. After all, it has already become a tradition for us to write letters to Santa Claus.

10. Homework explanation

– There are 2 weeks left before the holiday, and you still have time to write a letter to Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. And today I want to give you this homework: write a letter or draw a picture with a request not for yourself, but for someone you care about, someone you love, someone you want to please. Who has such a person? It doesn’t have to be a child; gifts are nice for people of all ages. We will put the letters in this extraordinary envelope and send them to Santa Claus in Veliky Ustyug.

11. Lesson summary

– Our class hour is coming to an end. What new have you learned? What have you learned?
I wish you that under the tree on New Year's Eve there will be the most desired gifts not only for you, but also for your loved ones.

The white snow sparkles all around, the garlands glow brightly!
The rabbit is knocking on our door, he brought gifts for everyone:
And good luck, and luck, and great weather,
And, of course, congratulations on your new happiness! Happy New Year!

Special (correctional) secondary school No. 10 in Orsk

Open class hour on the topic:

"Journey to the New Year"

Prepared by:

class teacher of 9th grade Fateeva I.A.

2012-2013 academic year

Class hour on the topic: “Celebrating the New Year.”


help children understand the importance of family holidays in their lives.


To introduce students to the traditions of celebrating the New Year in different countries of the world;

Promote the development of collective creativity, communication, cognitive interests, creative thinking;

To foster respect for the traditions of folk holidays and respect for nature.

Equipment: computer, multimedia projector, screen, presentation

“New Year”, tokens with even and odd numbers, artificial trees, Christmas tree decorations, scarves, candies, gifts.

Organizing time.

New Year is the favorite holiday for both children and adults. It is difficult to find a person who would not love this holiday. From early childhood, New Year is the most beloved, homely and warm holiday. Maybe that’s why we prepare for this holiday so carefully. Meanwhile, everything has its beginning.

Today the theme of our class hour is “New Year's Eve”. We will remember the traditions and customs of celebrating the New Year in Rus', as well as the traditions of celebrating the New Year in different countries, and find out why the Christmas tree became the symbol of the New Year.

1. Magic holiday . (Presentation show)

In Rus', the New Year was celebrated in the spring, in March, when nature woke up from hibernation. Among the ancient Romans, “March” - “Mars” was considered the first month of the year according to the Roman calendar. From this ancient Slavic holiday

The tradition of lighting lights on New Year trees has survived to this day.

Since the 15th century, the holiday began to be celebrated on September 1, after the harvest.

In winter, the New Year began to be celebrated under Peter 1, in 1700.

Tsar Peter issued a decree commanding that the New Year be celebrated on the night of January 1st. He traveled with the singers to the houses of the boyars and congratulated them. On the streets in

At this time, fires were lit so that there was a lot of light and warmth. On this day, everyone congratulated each other, decorated houses with pine, juniper and spruce branches, arranged fireworks, lit fires and candles. Each house had a Christmas tree decorated with toys.

Of course, every nation, every people has its own traditions and examples of celebrating this or that celebration. An important attribute of this holiday in almost every country is the New Year tree. In Russia it is a Christmas tree.

Why is there such a special attitude towards the Christmas tree? It turns out that the custom of celebrating the New Year

with the green beauty goes back to ancient times and is associated with the cult of greenery. For many ancient peoples, spruce symbolized courage, courage, and immortality.

They believed that spruce enjoyed the special location of the Sun. Our distant ancestors endowed trees with the ability to create good and evil, and believed that spirits, both good and evil, found shelter in the branches of spruce trees. Therefore, people decorated trees to appease the spirits and gain their support.

We will not break traditions and will also decorate our Christmas tree, which we made at the technology lesson, with New Year's toys made by your

hands together with parents. (Children decorate the Christmas tree with made toys.

Music sounds).

Who knows from which country the custom of decorating the Christmas tree with New Year's toys originated? ( from Germany)

They first started decorating the Christmas tree in Germany in the Middle Ages. The first toys were apples, nuts and various sweets. Later, the Christmas tree began to be decorated with shiny toys, light bulbs, candles, and a star was hung at the very top. It is a symbol of the Star of Bethlehem, which indicated the birthplace of Jesus.

Who is the main hero of the New Year?

2. Santa Claus.

The prototype of the modern Santa Claus was a very real person. In the 4th century, Archbishop Nicholas lived in the Turkish city of Myra. He was a very kind man, and for his good deeds Nicholas was declared a saint after his death. In the Middle Ages, a custom was established: On St. Nicholas Day, December 19, to give gifts to children, just as the Saint did. After the introduction of the new calendar, the Saint began to come to children at Christmas, and only then at New Year.

When Russia began to celebrate the New Year, old

Grandfather with a beard and boots. But then Santa Claus was not cheerful and

good-natured. He had a bag in one hand and a stick in the other. He gives gifts

Of course, he gave it, but only to smart and obedient children; the rest got a good beating with a stick. But the years passed, and Santa Claus grew older and kinder, and stopped

handed out blows, but simply intimidated naughty children with scary fairy tales.

Santa Claus is called differently in each country.

In America, Canada, the Netherlands and some other countries, he is known as Santa Claus. He is very similar to our Santa Claus, only instead of a fur coat he wears a red jacket and cap.

In France, Pere Noel brings gifts to children. It enters the house through the chimney, and children who do not want to be left without gifts put their shoes in front of the fireplace or stove.

Gifts for children in Finland are delivered not by Santa Claus himself, but... by a goat!

He gives gifts only to those children who behave well. The goat records all the pranks of the children in his magic book.

In Italy, the good Fairy Befana flies to children. She appears at night on a magic broom. The fairy quietly fills the children's stockings, which are hung by the fireplace, with gifts.

In Australia, New Year is celebrated in the summer. Santa Claus has a light cap on his head, his shirt is belted, and his pants are tucked into felt boots. He sails on a special board,

which they ride on the waves.

In distant Guinea, gifts are distributed by an elephant. He walks through the streets to music and songs.

In Syria, a Bactrian camel delivers gifts to children.

Mongolian Santa Claus is very similar to a shepherd. He is dressed in a shaggy fur coat and a fox hat.

At New Year's celebrations in Russia, this old man always comes with his granddaughter Snegurochka. Only our Grandfather has a granddaughter, Snegurochka, and she was born in Russia. The Snow Maiden is a literary character. She appeared in 1873 and at first was called not the granddaughter of Santa Claus, but a daughter. This happened thanks to the play “The Snow Maiden” by Alexander Ostrovsky, which he created based on the folk

fairy tales about a girl fashioned from snow and melted by the warm rays of the sun. Later, writers and poets turned her into a granddaughter.

The Snow Maiden helps Father Frost distribute gifts to children and adults.

Where does Father Frost live with his granddaughter?

There is probably no country left in the world that does not claim to be the homeland of Santa Claus. In first place here, of course, are the Scandinavian countries - Finland, Denmark, Norway. Russia in this dispute does not lag behind the rest of the planet. In 1998, Veliky Ustyug, the oldest city in the Vologda region, was named the Russian homeland of Father Frost.

You can write a letter to Santa Claus here.

Santa Claus address:

162340, Russia, Vologda region, Veliky Ustyug, st. Vinogradova, 4. To Santa Claus.

3. New Year. The tradition of decorating the Christmas tree. Protection of Nature.

In Rus', the New Year holidays lasted two weeks. Celebrated New Year, Christmas

and Baptism. We always wish you a successful and happy New Year. To this day, the tree, being a symbol of eternal greenery and eternal life, is the most important attribute of the New Year.

Oh, what a tree, just a sight for sore eyes,

And fluffy and modest,

To everyone's surprise!

I would like to remind you guys: to take care of nature,

to the surrounding world.

Today our guest is the head of the environmental circle Oksana Viktorovna Polyakova. She will tell us how we can save our forest during the meeting

New Year.

Let there be Christmas trees in your homes for the holiday, but artificial ones, and in the park, in the forest, we will enjoy the aroma of “living” pines and firs. After all, if someday we cut down all the trees, they... will not exist. Everyone would like the forest beauty - the Christmas tree to LIVE!

And on New Year's Eve, I really want you to take part and help

should I post leaflets with an appeal to all residents to

they did not cut down forest beauties and did not harm nature. (Leaflets are distributed to children).

4. Performing a New Year's song and round dance.

5. Crossword

Now, guys, let's solve the New Year's crossword puzzle.

She was green, small,

Then I became scarlet.

I turned black in the sun

And now I'm ripe. (Cherry)

OR Which tree is a symbol of the awakening of life? (Cherry)

This year lasts the longest:

And there are more hours and days in it,

We are all waiting for his arrival

Exactly once every four years. (Leap year)

Walking in the field, but not a horse,

It flies freely, but is not a bird. (Snowstorm)

Two snub-nosed girlfriends

Keep up with each other

Both are running through the snow,

Both songs are sung

Both ribbons in the snow

They leave it running. (Skis)

And not snow, and not ice,

And with silver he will remove the trees. (Frost)

He's always busy

He can't go in vain.

He goes and paints it white

Everything he sees along the way. (Snow)

He entered - no one saw

He said - no one heard.

He blew through the windows and disappeared,

And a forest grew on the windows. (Freezing)

Name it guys

A month in this riddle:

His days are the shortest of all days,

Of all nights longer than night.

To the fields and meadows

It snowed until spring.

Only our month will pass,

We are celebrating the New Year. (December)













































6. Summary of the class hour.

It is traditional to give a figurine of an animal symbolizing this year on New Year's Day.

The coming New Year is the Year of the Dragon. And I want to give you calendars with a baby dragon, may the coming year bring you good luck. Welcome New 2012

A year in the family, surrounded by your most beloved people, for this year it is especially important that all close people are together, then the warmth and harmony will remain in your home all year. (Children read poems congratulating Happy New Year).

Scenario for New Year's class hour for 2nd grade

Class hour for younger students

Galina Vasilievna Egorova, homeschool teacher.
Place of work: KGBOU "Motyginskaya comprehensive boarding school", Motygino village, Krasnoyarsk Territory.
Description of material: This scenario will be of interest to primary school teachers. Santa Claus will come to visit the children with riddles, games and gifts. The class hour is dedicated to the theme "New Year". The teacher selects the required time for the class hour, based on the number of poems prepared for Santa Claus.
Target: Formation of a festive mood, ideas about the New Year.
-educational: contribute to the creation of an atmosphere of celebration, miracle and magic;
-developing: develop memory, speech, fantasy, imagination, the desire to create a festive atmosphere around you;
-educational: cultivate friendships, faith in miracles and magic, interest in the New Year.
Equipment: artificial Christmas tree, blank paper toys, riddles, illustrations of riddles, words on the board, colored pencils, gifts.
Father Frost:
Hello kids!
Girls and boys!
I looked into your school
Stay here and there.
I once heard
What a friendly class you have here
And I decided to take a look
Sit in your class.
Is this true to be sure?
Admire your friendship!
They tell you the whole truth
There are no friends more than my guys!
They don't shout or fight
They are eager to gain knowledge.
All lessons are done
And they help the neighbor.
And where the trouble will happen -
The children are all there together!
So, Grandfather Frost,
No wonder you brought gifts!
Father Frost:
Okay, I'll sit
Yes, I'll look at the kids.
Tell them riddles
Do they know the answers?
Get ready guys
Let's think about the answers!
The teacher reads riddles, the children answer together:
1. Even though she herself is snow and ice, she sheds tears when she leaves (Winter)

2. I come with gifts, shining with bright lights. Dressy, funny, I'm in charge for the New Year (Christmas tree)

3. What kind of artist applied leaves, grass, and thickets of roses to the glass? (Freezing)

4. A white star fell from the sky, landed on my palm and disappeared (Snowflakes)

5. Bel, but not sugar. No legs, yes he goes (Snow)

6. Suddenly, bushes grew out of the black darkness in the sky, and blue, crimson, and gold flowers of unprecedented beauty bloomed on them. (Firework)

7. We stood there all summer and waited for winter. Waited for the time - rushed down the mountain (Sled)

8. It grows upside down, not in summer, but in winter. But the sun will burn her - she will cry and die (Icicle)

9. They grew across the river, they were brought to the holiday. There are needles on the branches, what are they?... (Christmas trees)

10. Not shoes, not boots, but legs wear them too. We run in them in the winter: in the morning - to school, in the afternoon - home (Felt boots)

Father Frost:
Well, we made Grandfather happy,
I’ll give you candy for that! (Treats everyone with candy)
Now we'll play
Yes, we name the words.
And from new phrases
Describe your class!
There are a number of words on the board. You need to choose antonyms for words and make sentences about the class (Small, sad, bad, pugnacious, noisy, selfish)
Oh, what great guys!
Clever guys!
Here's a new game for you,
It's time to play it.
Let's clap together
And stomp your feet!
Children stand near their desks, and Santa Claus says the words. If the word has the sound "sh", then the children clap their hands. If they hear the sound "s", then everyone stomps: reed, chair, mouse, rustle, table, scarf, seam, hood, dog, elephant, nose, step.
Father Frost:
How nice it is for me to be with you,
You really are a friendly class!
I want to ask you
Decorate our Christmas tree.
Let the toys hang on it
On all branches to the top!
The children decorate the blanks of New Year's toys and hang them on the Christmas tree.

Father Frost:
Isn't it time we start
Read poems under the Christmas tree?
Students can recite poems to Santa Claus if they wish.
Oh thank you guys!
Both boys and girls!
Happy New Year to everyone,
I wish you to be healthy!
It's time for me to leave
And give you gifts!
Santa Claus gives each student a gift. The guys and the teacher thank Santa Claus.
