The Code of the Smart Fool book. The book "Code of the Smart Fool 50 Tips from the Smart Fool"

How many women dream of a happy relationship, but remain single for a long time. They are constantly asking questions, what is the matter, what are they doing wrong. Pavel Rakov helps to find answers to them, he conducts trainings and is the author of books. More and more women are attending his seminars, based on the feedback from those he has already helped. This book, 50 Rules for a Smart Fool, invites women to look at men and themselves from the other side.

Usually a woman is convinced that a man should be handsome, successful, faithful, kind, strong… the list goes on, adding a hundred more qualities. However, as the author of the book says, women often forget that they themselves can give a man. Concentrating on taking as much as possible from a man, they forget to give back.

Pavel Rakov says that here you need to learn to understand why a man is needed. If a woman is experiencing financial difficulties, then she is looking for a secure one. And if she herself is independent, then she will no longer be afraid to be left alone and without money. Many girls are used to showing their strength, power, teaching, saying that they know what a man should do. The man either does not like this, and he leaves, or he becomes a weak-willed henpecked, which is no longer to the taste of women.

So what to do to have a knight nearby, ready for exploits for the sake of the lady of the heart? The author of the book recommends pretending to be a fool; in some situations when needed. He gives a list of tips that will make you change, become attractive to many men, tells you how to choose a worthy one. The book provides an opportunity to become an inspiration, for which a man will be ready to go to great lengths. And probably, readers will learn the secret of a good and lasting relationship.

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Few say what to do. It seems to me that I differ from those who just talk like that, by a direct transition to action. In each of my books there are exercises, technologies for you ladies. Also in this collection there are clear tips that you can take in order to form a habit. There is a lot of information in voluminous books, after reading it is easy to forget. Now you have a book with a whole set of proven mottos and instructions. Practice each item for at least a week and then evaluate the fruits of our common labors. And these will be gifts from various men, offers and compliments given without any intimacy. For example, be internally grateful and biochemical processes in your body will change for the better. Gratitude is a set of certain emotions, feelings. It is happiness, pleasure, trust, sympathy or love, respect, desire to give, service. There is no femininity without gratitude. Those women who write a long list of requirements for a man, alas, are not feminine creatures.

When teaching children not to walk on a red light, it is important not to prohibit, but to allow walking on a green light. You will find out what is allowed for you and see how your life will sparkle with bright colors. See how many positive changes will be in your life when you start to think, develop new skills and the men around you begin to change. Remember: with one person you can behave more favorably, be afraid of another, a third cause abomination, the fourth - respect, the fifth - admiration. Men also have different emotions towards women. Our task is to create such an atmosphere inside that will then be around you, in your outer world.

If you want to find advice on your specific situation, come to my training, go to my YouTube channel, search the Internet for information in my performance that will help support you in your good endeavors. Good luck to us, health and love!

Your Pavel Rakov

1. Admit that you are a fool

Go out into the street and announce to the oncoming man that you are a fool. Make this confession, feel your spirits rise, and understand how your great brain sometimes interferes with you. If a woman can say to herself that she is a fool, she is not a fool. She demonstrates psychological flexibility, and this is one of the best qualities of femininity. This is a wise woman, ready to control a man. She can become a woman in a million.

How many stories associated with this replica! One girl scratched someone else's expensive car with her car. An angry dork comes out of the damaged car and menacingly moves towards the culprit. She suddenly remembers the magic phrase and shouts: “What a fool I am!” He stops in his tracks, breaks into a smile and says: “Well, what are you! It's OK! Excuse me, I braked sharply!” The issue is resolved instantly.

The magic word acts on a man as a recognition of his merits. This is your "Sim-Sim, open!" to the minds and hearts of the stronger sex. Men begin to prove that the girl is not like that, make compliments, exchange phone numbers, give gifts. They experience happiness, and the girl sees how easy it is to turn on the best emotions in a stranger, to cause children's delight. Get a crazy success in a few seconds! Perhaps someday scientists will unravel the special code embedded in this confession, which has such a positive effect on the male brain. For now, you just have to believe and start acting.

Pavel Rakov's new book "Clever Durra Code" is already on sale!

  • It's like a girl's pocket guide!
  • is an instruction for women to seduce worthy men!
  • - these are useful and practical tips, the experience of thousands of successful acquaintances, and happy marriages!
  1. An unusual book on a spring from the Star of training Pavel Rakov!
  2. Know-how of the author!
  3. From the leading show-training №1 in Russia!

Information about the book "The Code of the Smart Fool"

Publication format

145x200 mm (medium format)

Number of pages

Year of issue




publishing house


training star


pedagogy and psychology


Softcover, spiral

Publication language

Age restrictions

Publication type

standalone edition

Packed weight, g


From the author

To succeed with men, it is not necessary to have a suspended tongue, oratorical eloquence and assertiveness. Religion, education and appearance are not important at all. All you need to know is the technology of dealing with men. And if you have not yet achieved success in a relationship, your abilities have nothing to do with it. It's just that you have not been taught the simplest and most correct steps.

I feel your outrage. You may have read a bunch of success books, gone through a lot of training, but no matter how hard you try, you still don’t get the result you want. And I know why. Because most girls seem much worse than they really are. Lovely, kind, dreaming of great and pure love, in life they keep the “brand” of a bitch or drive themselves into a dead end with some questions, answers and actions in the process of communication.

My books for women explain in detail what infuriates, annoys or pleases men, why they react in one way or another. Here is a training manual that contains the most important communication technologies described in my books. Looking into it, you can hone the skill of interacting with the stronger sex.

Of course, it would be much more effective if you trained not on real strangers or, on the contrary, long-loved men, but on a special tested “simulator”. That's what I am, at my author's events demonstrating behavior that is typical for males, but does not carry truly dangerous consequences. Come, test your skills, analyze mistakes, and after that, use simple technologies in your life with pleasure and receive gifts, attention and adoration from men.

The magic of this collection is also that the book works for you, even when you do not suspect. Pay attention to the many covers that can declare you to others without your participation. Do you want to meet a man? Choose a title page, read a book in crowded places, and signs of attention will not take long.

I share information to make you happy!

Synopsis for "The Code of the Smart Fool"

Pavel Rakov's books for women explain in detail what infuriates, annoys or pleases men, why they react in one way or another. Before you is a manual that contains the most important communication technologies from best-selling author Pavel Rakov. Everything you need is clearly stated in the code! Read the question and look at the color of the page!

Not sure what questions to ask on a first date? On the black pages is a list of the most stupid women's questions. Whites, on the contrary, talk about what questions will win over the chosen one. BONUS! Do you want to meet a man? Especially for you, the book provides several catchy covers that will help you attract the attention of all men! Open the book on the page you like in a crowded place, and signs of attention will not keep you waiting long.

about the author

Pavel Rakov is the author of popular trainings for men and women in the CIS, the host of the trolling show “My Beautiful…” on the REN TV channel. Pavel Rakov is a dollar millionaire (he went into business back in 1992), the author of books on the psychology of success. He is happily married and has two children. Over the past two years, over 100,000 people have attended his trainings, and most of them say that their lives have improved significantly after attending Pavel's trainings. Pavel Rakov's most popular training is "Actually, I'm smart, but I live like a fool." Many participants successfully married, saved their families, raise children in love and harmony.

Available editions

  1. Paperback 2016 (this version)

Review of the book "Code of the Clever Fool" by Pavel Rakov

Well, any coach of ours began to write more and more often! And another book was published by everyone beloved Pavel Rakov, and while there were good discounts in the Labyrinth, I ordered one copy for myself. I suspect that a little later the book will be released in electronic form, but I did not want to wait, especially since I like to read real books.

So, the little book is not a little book at all, but ... a notebook. Well, like 48 sheets, only about 200.

On the one hand, it is very convenient for reading, but .. and what is there to read???????
It turned out that at each new spread there is a brief commentary on behavior in a particular situation ...
One spread is devoted to INCORRECT actions.

And the next turn, already CORRECT actions.
