When they give a cross. Why can't you give a cross? Who can give a pectoral cross

The cross represents the Christian faith. But is it possible to give a cross for a birthday or on another occasion? After all, religious gifts often raise doubts, people are afraid to accept them as a gift.

This circumstance is connected with various signs "wandering" in society. For example, it is forbidden to give a cross, because to receive it as a gift means to find sorrow and “carry the cross”. But this is a delusion. Everyone has their own fate, as well as freedom of choice, and a donated cross cannot spoil fate.

A cross is a wonderful gift, but only for a very close person or relative. You should not give it to colleagues or just acquaintances, their spiritual world is not fully known to you, however, as well as moral principles. You can not please with such a spiritual gift and put yourself and the birthday man in an awkward position. It should also be noted that the pectoral cross is a shrine, so it must be given with a light heart and pure thoughts.

Many people are interested in whether it is possible to give a cross that has not been consecrated in the church. Of course, it is better to buy a cross in a church shop, but if you bought it in a jewelry store, then you need to go to a temple or church to have it consecrated. Crosses are also sold, which are just decoration, they are not considered wearable and, accordingly, they do not need to be consecrated. Although even such "decorative" products have wonderful energy.

But let's get back to the superstitions and signs that prohibit giving crosses. Where did they come from? Let's remember the words from the Bible that "this is my cross and I have to carry it." Probably, the ban began with this saying. But the Orthodox Church does not object to the fact that a person is presented with a cross, and the clergy reject superstition. But nevertheless, we list the main signs, because everyone has the right to make his own decision.

Why can't you give a cross? Main signs

1. The cross can cause negative changes in life.
2. To accept a cross as a gift means to accept the load of other people's mistakes and problems.
3. A person who received a cross as a gift may break down mentally, because he does not have enough strength to “carry the cross”.
4. With a donated cross, the troubles of the previous owner are betrayed.
5. A cross received as a gift leads to grief and tears.

Thinking about the question: is it possible to give a cross, remember that our ancestors exchanged crosses as a sign of spiritual closeness and kinship. This rite made people brothers and at the level of the spirit, brothers were obliged to pray for each other. The cross expressed the blessings of the person who presented it as a gift.

But the most important thing to always remember is that the cross is a symbol of faith, and not a beautiful decoration. It should become an incentive for the gifted person, inspire hope in his heart and peace in his soul. After all, if you are given such a bright gift, it means that they love, care, worry and believe in you. And true love is the most powerful stimulus that can turn life around, and "reverse rivers."

Various small items such as crosses, wallets, mirrors or watches have many signs and superstitions associated with their gift. But that's why you can not give a cross or any other item is not always explained.

Giving a cross means trusting a person and wishing the best! But the one to whom such a gift was made may not know this.

Such a gift always causes a lot of fear. There are such superstitions from the origin of the cross. It acts as the most important creed, and also personifies all the suffering of Jesus. But despite the rich history and symbolic meaning, church leaders do not forbid making a gift in the form of a cross to their relatives and friends. Just the opposite - giving a cross is considered a positive omen.

Such a gift as a pectoral cross carries positive energy and goodwill from the donor to the donee. Also, it has a sacred meaning, despite the lack of illumination of the gift. Donation can take place, both on a birthday holiday, and for reasons by a well-known donor. But it is best that the cross be presented by the godparents to the child after the rite of baptism.

Gift of body amulet

Giving a cross for the birthday of a person you appreciate is definitely a positive omen. But if a gift for the new year will look like such a body amulet? In such a case, one should refrain from such things.But if you choose a gift, then you don’t have to think about what material it should be made of.

The body amulet is a special symbol of protection, which can be either gold or silver, or made of wood.The whole power of the transfer of the object lies in the emotions and positive energy transmitted from the donor to the donee.

You can give a charm as your husband, child, wife, mother or father, brothers and sisters. A good sign would be to give your work colleague or boss, good friends for their birthday.

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It would be wrong to give a cross to unfamiliar people. Everything is contained in the transmitted energy. Despite all good intentions, an unfamiliar person will not be able to fully receive all the properties of the cross. In addition, this subject is quite an intimate part of every person's life. Even though the donation will be made for a birthday, the transfer of positive energy will not be made.

Thus, if the cross is given to good friends or relatives with the best of intentions, then it will bring blessing to everyone.

Signs associated with body amulets

There is a sign according to which people can become forever brothers and sisters. It was believed that if two people exchanged their pectoral crosses, then they would be bound by faith and common protection. Such superstition acts as the most powerful and it is not recommended to carry it out with unverified people. Only with someone who is one hundred percent trustworthy. Otherwise, there is a high risk of constant torment with him and quarrels. Giving your cross to your spouse or wife will be a good omen for both.

Giving your pectoral cross to an atheist would not be a good idea. People who do not believe in God have a very negative attitude towards religious symbols. Giving your amulet to such a person will be unpleasant for both the donor and the donee. There is too much negative energy and denial of this symbol, despite all the beliefs and talk about the importance of faith. That is why it is impossible to give a cross to those who are not involved in religion.

Gift Options

Thus, we can say that the following categories of people should be bestowed:

  • husband or wife;
  • parents;
  • children, nephews, children of friends;
  • believing friends and good acquaintances;
  • loved one;
  • brothers and sisters;
  • atheists - people who do not believe in omens;
  • unfamiliar;
  • people to whom there is a personal dislike.

It should be remembered that your pectoral cross is really a very strong thing in terms of energy and protective properties. Therefore, only the closest people should receive it. And it doesn't matter what it will be made of and how it will look. It is important to give, together with him, love and kindness.

The pectoral cross is not just an ornament, but a symbol of the Orthodox faith, the subject of salvation and redemption of mankind from sins and death. Since ancient times, the cross has been the most secret symbol that has always protected its owner. A lot of signs and superstitions are associated with the pectoral cross. The cross is worn close to the body and hidden from prying eyes. Today we will try to figure out whether it is possible to give a cross for a birthday or accept this sacred gift.

Why can't you give a cross for a birthday?

There is a popular sign that says that it is impossible to accept a cross as a gift. There is some truth in this, because the giving person, along with the cross, can give away his sins and troubles in life, he will have to wear someone else's cross and his problems all his life. For the same reason, in no case should you pick up a cross found on the street, even if it is made of precious metal. Together with the cross, you can take on the problems and illnesses of a person who has lost the creed.

The Church has its own opinion regarding the gift of a cross. The clergy say that in some cases it is possible to give a cross if you are sure of the good intentions of the giver. That is, such gifts should not take place among unfamiliar people. You can give a cross only to close relatives, in whose thoughts you have no doubt. Especially if a person needs a cross, if he has changed his faith or lost (broke) an old cross. In this case, the gift is absolutely appropriate and comes in handy.

In what cases can you give a cross for a birthday?

According to a long tradition, godparents give a pectoral cross during Baptism in the Church. This cross remains with a person for life. However, there are times when the cross breaks or is lost. In such situations, it is necessary to have a new cross. It is believed that godparents should take care of this, even if the child is already an adult and is able to buy himself a creed. A godfather or mother buys a new cross, but a person can buy a chain for him himself. A broken cross cannot be thrown away, it must be taken to the Church and asked the Father to accept it. As a rule, the Church has special ovens for such products.

Giving a cross to a loved one with good and good intentions is a wonderful gesture of goodwill. So you wish the gifted person to be closer to God, strengthen his faith. To receive a cross from someone as a gift is a good sign, it symbolizes the person's affection and sincere love for you. Often a cross is given to younger relatives, it is believed that in this way you convey your strength and life experience. But remember that you should give a cross only if a person needs it. It is undesirable to give a second cross if you have your own pectoral cross.

When your loved one needs a new cross, it is not necessary to wait for a birthday. It is very symbolic and correct to receive a cross on the day of the Guardian Angel or on the eve of major Orthodox holidays. If no celebrations are planned, buy the desired gift just like that. The purchased cross can be from any material, the Church does not see any special meaning in this. Gold, silver, copper or wood - there is no difference, the main thing is the meaning that you put into the gift. The purchased product must be consecrated in the Church, remember this.

As noted earlier, you cannot give your own cross, otherwise you can give your sins, illnesses and problems to a person. However, in some cases, giving your own cross is allowed. For example, if the giving person survived a fatal illness and recovered. You can give your cross to a loved one with a similar misfortune. In this case, the cross is the hope for healing from the disease. Sometimes spouses give crosses to each other, that is, they exchange them. This is a sign of special love, respect and affection. But, as a rule, this happens in extreme cases, you shouldn’t give your cross to someone just like that, the symbol must be treated with respect, awe and thrift. If you are tormented by doubts and you do not know what to do at the moment, you can seek advice from the Father, telling him everything. It will help to make the right, not contrary to religion, decision. If you are afraid that you will convey negative qualities with positive energy along with the cross, then before donating, you must definitely consecrate the cross in the Church. The sacred sacrament will cleanse the creed of all negativity and help to transfer to the new person only strength, light and faith in God.

Can I accept a cross as a gift?

As noted earlier, you can accept a cross as a gift only from the closest people, whose intentions you have no doubt. To accept a cross as a gift should be with great gratitude not only to the donor, but also to God. You can not accept crosses as a gift from people who lead an unrighteous lifestyle. Such crosses, even after illumination, should be left as a gift to the church or given to those in need. If suddenly you were given a second cross, you can wear one of them, and put the other near the icons in the house. The cross can be given to someone close to you, having previously illuminated it. A birthday cross is a very delicate, intimate gift that is made only in the circle of relatives and friends. Naturally, he should not contradict the faith of the birthday man, in no case is it worth giving such a shrine to atheists or representatives of another faith, at least the person will be forced to refuse the gift.

Remember that a pectoral cross is not a talisman that brings good luck. This is protection from evil and disasters, which should protect any Orthodox person. Wear a cross with respect and awe, and it will help you in difficult situations.

Video: is it possible to give a cross?

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Hello! I wanted to give my husband a cross with a chain, can I?


Yes Julia, you can. It will be a very nice, personal gift. Help God.

Priest Sergiy Osipov

Good afternoon, I have lost my pectoral cross. I bought a new one in the church, and a week later I found my lost cross. What is the best thing to do with them now?


Vitaly, one of the crosses can be put at home next to the icons or given to someone.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

Hello, please tell me, my mother wore a cross and decided to buy herself a new cross, and give the worn one to her daughter, is it possible?


Julia. Every Orthodox Christian is required to wear an Orthodox cross. Close relatives can give their cross to each other, but at the same time they themselves must also wear a cross.

Iromonakh (Viktorin Aseev)

Hello! Can I buy a second silver cross, but in a larger size, and give my own, which I now wear, to a loved one or relative? I also have a gold one, but it just lies, I wore it for several years (it is not consecrated) Do not think that somehow I "collect" them and wear them for show, no. But maybe it's all superficial? Enlighten me please


Nina, if you need a bigger cross for convenience, you can buy it. The main thing is not to treat the shrine as an ornament.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

Hello. Can a mother give her son a new cross, like, they said that you can’t give it - your cross (fate) will be carried ...


Svetlana! What you describe is nothing but superstition! You don't have to believe the stories. Give your son a cross with all your heart. The cross cannot bring anything bad, the cross is not "fate", it is a shrine.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

Please tell me! I have two crosses, one small with which I was baptized, years later my grandmother, the kingdom of heaven to her, gave me a larger one, as a keepsake, which I now wear and with which I baptized my godchildren. I keep a small cross at home in a box. The question is: is it possible to give a small cross to his wife so that she wears it, because. she is baptized, but there is no cross.


Anton, you can give the cross to your wife or someone else. There is nothing wrong.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

Hello. Here is my question. I want to give a dear person (boyfriend) a silver pendant (angel). The guy always wears a chain with a cross. Is it possible to wear this angel on the same chain with a cross (if the angel is consecrated in the church). Thanks for the answer.


Zhanna, it’s hard for me to answer in absentia, because I don’t know what kind of angel you want to give, you have to see if it’s possible to wear it at all. On the same rope with a cross, you can wear images of saints. Show this angel in the church to the priest. But I can say for sure that the main thing is the Orthodox cross, it cannot be replaced by anything. Higher and stronger than the cross, neither an angel nor a saint can be.

Hieromonk Viktorin (Aseev)

Hello, I would like to know: I want to give the girl a silver image of the Guardian Angel, she wears a gold cross on a gold chain, can they be worn together on the same chain? Thanks in advance.


Oleg, every Orthodox Christian is obliged to wear, first of all, an Orthodox cross. Icons of saints, the Savior, the Mother of God, the Guardian Angel can be worn together on the same chain with a cross.

Hieromonk Viktorin (Aseev)

Hello! Yesterday I found an old cross with Nikita Besogon. Can I give it to people who currently need it (one person does not let them live in peace)? Will they be allowed to pray and will he protect them?


Yuri, you can donate, but you just need to properly treat such things. The fact is that Divine help, grace protects from temptations, and if people do not pray, do not live the church life, do not confess, then there will be no grace, and no crosses or icons will help. It's not a talisman, after all! A person must change, and then the world around will begin to change. Rev. Seraphim of Sarov remarked remarkably about this: “Save yourself, and thousands around you will be saved!”

hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

Good afternoon. I have a question, can I buy and give my son a pectoral cross, because, as you know, it is considered good form among the Orthodox if parents give a cross to their child. And is it possible to bless the cross with holy water at home, or is it better to go to church? Thank you.


Evgenia, you can, of course, buy a cross, and the point here is not at all a “good form”, but the fact that every Orthodox Christian is obliged to wear a pectoral cross. The cross is consecrated only in the church and only by the priest. Crosses cannot be consecrated at home.

Hieromonk Viktorin (Aseev)

Hello, father! Tell me, please, what should I do, many times there was a desire to buy certain crosses. In the end, I now have 3 crosses, but I understand that I need to wear one. What to do with the rest? After all, they are not accessories. Can they be taken back to the church? Or how to do it then? Thanks in advance. God bless you.


Hello Anastasia! You are right, the cross is not an accessory and should be treated with reverence. Put the crosses to the icons in the holy corner. You can give them to those who do not have a cross, or give them to the temple.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

Tell me, is it possible to give mom your amulet? In addition, when I was baptized, I hung the cross on a string on which this amulet now hangs.

Yana, of course, you can give your mother your amulet. But in general, every Orthodox Christian is obliged to wear a pectoral cross, and together with a cross, on the same string or chain, you can wear icons and amulets.

Hieromonk Viktorin (Aseev)

Hello! Tell me, please, is it possible to give a friend a gold cross for her birthday? Thank you.


Katya, I think you can give a golden cross. But the cross is not just a thing, it is a symbol of victory in death over evil, and it must be treated as a Shrine, carefully, reverently, and it must be worn on the body, and not stored somewhere. The cross protects us, protects us from all evil spirits, the cross can never be removed. Be sure the cross must be consecrated in the temple.

Hieromonk Viktorin (Aseev)

Hello. My friend gave her cross with a chain into the hands of the sorceress, so that she would cleanse it of everything bad. She placed it in her hand and whispered something. When a friend of mine put it on, she felt an oppressive feeling in her chest, health problems began, and after a while, misfortune happened in her family. She regretted it, repented, the priest consecrated him at home and took him to church to consecrate him. It got easier, but the problems didn't go away completely. Maybe this cross can no longer be worn, maybe sold or donated, for example, to a church? What can be done to help her? Thanks in advance.


Elena, the cross is consecrated - and that's it. We will not be more philosophic and shift our problems, mistakes, and all their consequences to him. Let a friend wear this cross, and at the same time go to church herself more often. You see, over time, but with God's help, he will forget about his problems.

hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

Good afternoon! Tell me, I want to become a godmother to my nephew, is it possible for him to give his silver cross at baptism, which my godfather gave me. I myself wear gold, consecrated.


Hello Irina! It is not forbidden to give a cross according to church customs. You can give this cross as a gift, but don't forget to bless it if it's not.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov
