Who is suitable for moonstone, properties. Moonstone (Adularia) and its properties How moonstone is mined

Moonstone is a unique, unusually beautiful translucent natural mineral. The stone owes its name to its silver-gray, delicate blue hue, shimmering tints that create the effect of a lunar glow, reminiscent of reflections of moonlight. Another name for the natural mineral is “adularia”, “fisheye”, “aglaurite”, pearlspar. The mineral attracts attention due to its unique aesthetic, magical and healing properties.

Description of the stone

Moonstone is a transparent or translucent mineral, which is known for its unusually beautiful, spectacular “lunar” glow (irization, adularization). This unusual effect is scientifically explained by the thin-plate structure of the stone. Adularia is one of the rare natural minerals, potassium feldspars.

The adularian owes its unusual, mystical name to the mountain with the unusual name Adula, which is located in Switzerland. It was there that a unique stone of unusual beauty was first found.

In appearance, the mineral resembles chalcedony, a synthetic spinel. Adularia is fragile and sensitive to mechanical stress and shock. As a rule, moon stones have a prismatic, columnar, tabular structure.

The mineral is highly valued among jewelry makers, of course, mainly due to the fact that this semi-precious mineral reduces the cost of jewelry and at the same time looks quite impressive.

Moonstone was often used by artisans and jewelers in the second half of the nineteenth century to create precious jewelry. The delicate silvery glow gave the jewelry a special shine and exclusivity. It looks especially impressive in combination with silver.

  • Leo;
  • Virgo;
  • Libra;
  • Scorpio;
  • Sagittarius.

Leos, having an amulet with a moonstone, will gain great strength, confidence, and inner peace. For people of the power sign, adularia will give calmness, balance, and help balance ambitions.

It will help Libra in realizing creative ideas, revealing talents, and personal potential. Representatives of the sign will find balance, harmony and peace.

Virgos will gain wisdom, confidence, and become more reasonable. In addition, the mineral will help Virgos in solving family problems and improve love relationships. Representatives of this sign will become more decisive and gain confidence.

Moonstone will help unleash the creative potential of people born under the sign of Scorpio. It will allow Sagittarius people to find a way out of difficult situations and help them solve problems. Capricorns, using it as an amulet, will be able to achieve financial stability.

For all of the above signs, the moonstone will ensure success in study, work, new beginnings, and will help move up the career ladder, of course, if you really believe in the power of the “moon” crystal.

But for a moonstone to bring success, it is very important to have a natural specimen. Unfortunately, a jewelry stone is quite easy to counterfeit, so on sale there is increasingly a risk of purchasing, albeit a high-quality, fake.

Adularia received its second name “moonstone” because of its light blue tint, which is formed by the thin structural plates of this mineral. Several centuries ago, on the territory of the Russian Empire, this amazing stone was called tausin. In Persian, "tausi" means peacock. This name was given to the stone due to the similarity of its iridescence with the color of the tail feathers of male peacocks. Previously, people believed that the owner of this stone was not afraid of any life difficulties and problems, as it brought good luck to the owner.

One of the rarest types of moonstone is adularia, which has a yellow color. According to ancient legends, with the help of this stone, witches avoid death by transferring their power to the mineral. Owners of yellow moonstones should take a closer look at their stone during the full moon. Stones endowed with the power of a witch turn orange or even blood red in the moonlight.

Mineral deposits and mining

The largest deposits of moonstone are located in Sri Lanka. It is on this Indian island that most of the adularia is mined.

After the 50s of the last century, researchers managed to discover several more fairly large deposits of adularia. Large deposits of moonstone have been found in Madagascar, as well as in the US state of Virginia and Tanzania.

Colors and varieties

Most often, moonstone has a white, light gray or blue, purple tint. The entire surface of the stone has a specific shimmer with a golden tint. Sometimes you can find a stone with a rare star-shaped pattern. There are also minerals that have a cat's eye effect. The rarest stones are those that are yellow in color.

Real black moonstone is not found at all, although unscrupulous sellers can convince buyers.

Moonstone with a blue tint has a delightful three-dimensional color depth. It reveals itself especially brightly when the stone is rotated in the light. Such stones are especially prized by collectors. This is directly reflected in their cost, which can be several times higher than that of more common moon stones. Multi-colored moonstones from India are much less valued among jewelry lovers than blue moonstones.

physical characteristics

This stone belongs to the iridescent feldspars, which are characterized by an optical effect called schillerization. This effect occurs when exposed to x-rays, causing the stone to begin to luminesce slightly.

This mineral itself is formed by transparent crystals of prismatic or lamellar shape. Such structural crystals have a blue-white shimmer, reminiscent of moonlight. Because of this effect, moonstone may sometimes be called fisheye. You can also sometimes find crystals with a yellow color. This mineral is very rare. Most of the high quality stones were mined in Sri Lanka.

Medicinal properties of Adularia

Since ancient times, many peoples have believed that using moonstone can protect oneself from the negative effects of moonlight on humans. Experts who practice lithotherapy say that if you constantly carry a piece of moonstone with you, you can minimize the likelihood of epileptic seizures, as well as prevent sudden outbursts of uncontrollable anger, eliminate panic attacks and get rid of insomnia. Moonstone is called by healers as a natural sedative.

Traditional healers believe that with the help of this rare mineral the functioning of the genitourinary system can be significantly improved. The stone also has the ability to have a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive and endocrine systems. In addition, it is worth noting the ability of adularia to improve blood flow and facilitate the process of childbirth.

Magical properties of Moonstone

Based on the very name of the mineral, we can draw a simple conclusion that it is directly related to the energy of the moon. Quite often, when looking at a stone, you can find a small cloudy white spot on its surface. The size of this mark on the mineral directly depends on the phase of the moon, which is the patron planet of adularia.

At night during the full moon, adularia takes on the texture of ice. According to magical practitioners, it is at this moment that the stone has the most powerful magical properties. At this time, it is recommended to perform magical rituals that use moonstone.

One of the main mystical abilities of the adularia is to increase the intuition of its owner. This is especially pronounced in people who were born at night during a full moon. If both spouses have a moonstone, it will help prevent serious quarrels, scandals and family breakdown.

If there are figurines or any products made of moonstone in your home, it is recommended to remove them away as the moon wanes. This will help a person not to fall under the negative influence of the stone during this period when it is capable of sucking out the energy of the residents of the house.

Moonstone meaning for zodiac signs

Adularia is a moonstone. As you know, the moon is the patroness of the so-called water zodiac signs. It is for this reason that the stone is best suited for representatives of water signs included in the horoscope.

The effect that a stone can bring depending on a person’s belonging to a particular zodiac sign:

  • As for Aries and Capricorns, this stone will not bring them any benefit. According to some esotericists, a stone can only harm these signs by taking away their vital energy. It is for this reason that many Capricorns and Aries note that when wearing jewelry with adularia, they experience a loss of strength and a lack of any incentives;
  • With the help of moonstone, Taurus will be able to find the desired peace and tranquility. This mineral helps representatives of this zodiac sign put their shattered nervous system in order. A pendant and rosary with adularia are best suited;
  • Gemini also gains peace of mind due to the moonstone. It helps them eliminate stress and psychological trauma;
  • Cancers will be able, with the help of adularia, to get rid of the constant state of concern over all sorts of simple everyday things;
  • Leos will be able to gain wisdom, become calmer and more balanced when making important life decisions;
  • Moonstone often brings family happiness and a strong marriage to virgins;
  • With the help of the stone, Libra will be able to find their purpose and their own path in life, as well as gain inspiration for new achievements;
  • Scorpios can count on the help of the energy of the stone when developing a business and trying to climb the career ladder;
  • Sagittarians with moonstone quickly find a way out of the most difficult situations, which helps them develop and improve their social status;
  • Aquarians become less stubborn. Thanks to this, they more easily find a common language with other people, which helps them in socialization;
  • Pisces will be able to count on the help of the stone in developing their business, as well as improve their morale.

The main thing to remember is that a talisman is just an assistant in life, but a person achieves all achievements in life through his own labor.

The more often the owner communicates with the stone, asking him for help in certain matters, the stronger its effect on the person at the energetic level. It is also recommended to make wishes while holding the stone in your hand during the full moon.

Amulets and talismans made of mineral

Moonstone is an excellent talisman for all people representing creative professions. This mineral accompanied the lives of many famous writers, artists, and poets. The stone awakens hidden talents in a person and inspires him to new creative achievements.

The mineral brings good luck to its owner and creates a peaceful atmosphere in the home, ideal for a family. It is for this reason that jewelry and various products made from moonstone are often given to newlyweds at a wedding. Many peoples valued the mineral much more than gold, considering it a sacred natural artifact.

Adularia has its greatest power during the full moon. The glow of the stone relieves nervousness, as well as overstrain of the human nervous system, which helps to establish relationships in the family and team.

A person who decides to buy jewelry with a moonstone for himself or as a gift to someone may notice a wide range in prices. The price of such jewelry directly depends on the size, clarity of transparency, and the shade of the stone.

The most beautiful and expensive are blue stones that have a three-level tint, which is best manifested when viewed in the light. Such stones are in great demand among collectors, which determines their high cost.

Traditional Indian moonstones with multi-colored colors are significantly cheaper than blue adularia.

Stone products and jewelry

Moonstone is quite often used to create jewelry. Adularia was widely popular about a hundred years ago among representatives of European bohemia. The world-famous French master jeweler Rene Lalique used the best specimens of moonstone to create his jewelry masterpieces, which today can be seen in some museums and private collections.

The price of jewelry such as rings, earrings, pendants, bracelets or studs with moonstone depends not only on the cost of the precious metal, but also on the degree of purity and size of the mineral itself. Pricing is also influenced by the shade of the adularia and whether gold is used in the manufacture of jewelry.

Depending on the size and quantity of adularia in the finished jewelry, its price is determined. This allows you to choose jewelry for yourself or as a gift to a loved one, regardless of your budget, so that everyone can afford to become the owner of this amazing natural mineral.

Mineral storage and care

When purchasing moonstone, it is extremely important to familiarize yourself with the basic rules for storing it. Due to the fact that adularia is a mineral, it is highly fragile. If accidentally dropped, there is a possibility that it will break into many small pieces.

In other words, it is important to take precautions and minimize the possibility of an accidental fall of the adularia. It is also not recommended to store the stone in places where it will be exposed to direct sunlight. When exposed to ultraviolet light, the stone may fade and lose a little of its bright color.

How to distinguish a fake from the original

Due to the high demand for moonstone in the jewelry market, unscrupulous sellers, in pursuit of profit, deceive gullible buyers by selling them fakes.

In order not to buy an artificial moonstone, it is enough to follow the following recommendations:

  1. Most often, a fake moonstone looks much richer and purer in appearance than the original. Natural stones always contain some voids, inclusions of other minerals and air particles. True, it is worth noting that modern craftsmen have learned to fake such features of natural adularia;
  2. The surface of real moonstone feels like silk. Adularia is distinguished by cold tactile sensations. Unlike fake stone, natural stone is very difficult to heat with the warmth of your hands;
  3. You can also look at the stone in the light. Natural moonstone, with a slight change in viewing angle, will be distinguished by a light lilac color. This shade cannot be seen when viewing the stone at a right angle. A fake adularia will have such an interesting sheen from any angle;
  4. When a natural stone is left in water for several hours, it gains color and becomes brighter. At the same time, the fake will not change in any way.

Thanks to some simple steps, you will be able to distinguish the original stone from the fake one. It is true that there are cases where high-quality counterfeits are made that can only be detected in laboratory conditions.


Moonstone or adularia is similar in appearance to a white or transparent crystal with light blue tints. It is used as an inexpensive ornamental material. The gem received its name due to its characteristic external features.

There are different types of minerals in nature. Labradorite moonstone became known in the 18th century. It was found on the peninsula of the same name in Canada. Some time later, boulders with adularia were discovered in Russia during the construction of a road from St. Petersburg to Peterhof. Labrador quickly spread among the nobility, and they began to wear jewelry with it.

At first, compatriots called the moonstone tausin (the meaning of the word translated from Persian is peacock) due to the fact that the tides were similar to the feathers of a bird. In Ukraine, a little later, the richest deposits of the mineral were discovered. Due to the excess there, it depreciated in value and began to be used as a facing material.

Minerals from Finland and Madagascar, which are called Madagascar moonstone, can boast of extraordinary beauty. Among the varieties, the solar mineral is also popular - aventurine feldspar with sparkling yellowish tints from the USA, Norway and Russia.


What a moon stone is became known thanks to formations in veins of alpine origin and pegmatites. In its unprocessed form, the material looks like a rhombic crystal with a size of up to 10 cm. In our country, varieties of feldspars - orthoclase with lunar tints - are mined in the following places:

  1. Kola Peninsula.
  2. Irkutsk and region.
  3. Khabarovsk region.
  4. Southern and Subpolar Urals.

The Sri Lanka peninsula is rich in the most valuable types of mineral with blue opalescence. There are clusters of crystal in the oldest volcanic rocks.

Physicochemical characteristics

The external description of the moonstone is similar to chalcedony. Due to its fragility, it is easily destroyed under the influence of mechanical force. The mineral consists of thin plates and transparent crystals.

Chemical formulaKAlSi3O8
Molecular mass278 g/mol
Mohs hardness index6
ColorColorless, golden, gray with blue tint
Degree of transparencyTranslucent, transparent
FlickerSilk, glass
Character of the fractureConchoidal
Impact resistance of the materialLow
Density2.6 g/cm3

A distinctive property of the mineral is the presence of schillerization. This specific optical effect means the shimmer of colors. Under the influence of X-rays, the gem begins to exhibit luminescent properties.

On a clear, cloudless night, the radiance of the stars, commanded by the flickering moon, will amaze anyone. The Lord of the Night presented people with a moonstone so that among their everyday worries and responsibilities they would remember magic and sorcery. This gift of nature is truly beautiful. The crystal looks like a bluish piece of mother-of-pearl shining in the hands of a person.

In ancient and mysterious India, the mineral was considered the frozen light of the Moon. It was recognized as one of the most powerful artifacts. Modern servants of Indian temples also claim that moonstone, after special rituals, can release droplets of liquid - lunar dew, which has incredible magical power. Among pragmatic mineralogists, the following names for the crystal are common: adularia, fisheye, aglaurite and pearlspar.

Physical properties

Aglaurite is a type of feldspar. Consists of prismatic crystals and thin plates. Therefore, the mineral is quite fragile and can be damaged by any mechanical impact or impact. The stone is colorless and translucent, sometimes transparent. It has no inclusions visible to the naked eye. If a fish eye is placed under X-rays, it will begin to luminesce. The crystal acquired its name due to its appearance. The gem shimmers, and the glow seems to come from inside the adularia. It resembles the twinkling of the moon.

Medicinal properties

A piece of “moonlight” also has healing properties. According to lithotherapists, it can cleanse a person’s aura and drive away bad thoughts. Pearlspar can help its owner:

  • Get rid of chronic fatigue and depression.
  • Overcome constant bad mood.
  • Normalize sleep, get rid of nightmares and insomnia.
  • Improve your emotional state.

The mineral restores human energy and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system.

Magic properties

The main feature of the fish eye is its ability to enhance clairvoyance.

The crystal helps people with psychic abilities. Healers and magicians who possess a moonstone have the ability to see events in the distant future. Historians, archaeologists and anthropologists who own adularia will be lucky and will be able to penetrate the secrets of the forgotten past. The stone also enhances the intuition of people seeking to comprehend new knowledge.

The cold glow of the gem can awaken dreaminess in its owner, relieve excess tension, and relieve self-confidence. A fish eye can make a person complacent and merciful.

If difficult situations arise in life, then you need to relax with a stone in your hand and imagine that all the negativity goes far, far beyond the city. After such meditation, the decision on how to get out of a difficult situation will appear in your head.

Gemological properties

The chemical composition of adularia suggests that it is potassium aluminum silicate. Its formula will be KAlSi 3 O 8. The mystical glow gives aglaurite uniqueness and mystery. The mineral is especially beautiful in natural moonlight or sunlight.

In nature, the crystal is quite rare. Therefore, moonstone can cost more than $100 per carat. Prices for Indian adularia range from 10 to 40 dollars, and for larger specimens - 90. The most expensive gems are those with a soft blue tint.

Types and colors

Basically, pearlspar has milky, bluish, turquoise and lilac shades. There are specimens of light gray color with a delicate pearlescent tint. The shimmer of adularia appears when a person turns the polished crystal. The gem itself is homogeneous and has a milky, hazy hue inside. Deposits on the island of Sri Lanka, in the Ural Mountains and in Chukotka give people very valuable gems. Their feature is blue iridescence - a rainbow-colored glow after crystal processing.

Sometimes plagioclases can be sold under the guise of adularia, but they belong to a different group of minerals. After processing, plagioclase also acquires a rainbow tint, which resembles gasoline stains on the surface of water. But when examining it, there is no feeling of extraordinary depth, as when admiring pearlspar. Plagioclase is sometimes also called moonstone, but this is incorrect.

Talismans and amulets

Those people who consider adularia to be a rustic crystal think wrong. It will look good in an intricately made frame made of any precious metal. When processing the stone, craftsmen try to make the dome high so that the radiance of the crystal is maximum. The oval shape of the gem is considered the best.

People have used the solidified "moonlight" as an amulet for centuries. And today the magical power of the mysterious crystal has not disappeared. Do not forget that any piece of fish eye jewelry is not only a stylish decoration, but also a strong talisman.

  • A men's ring made of noble platinum with a large insert of beige-smoky pearl spar looks very expressive thanks to the gloomy glow of the gem. The stone in such a product looks really amazing, because the frosty shade of the metal emphasizes its beauty. The owner of such a talisman will get rid of attacks of uncontrollable rage and anger, and will become more balanced and calm.
  • A pendant made of blackened silver with a gray adularia is sure to attract the attention of others. The round cabochon and ornamental frame will highlight the dignity of any moonstone. The pendant will help the lady solve the main problems in her life, especially those related to personal experiences. A pendant with aglaurite, on which the image of the zodiac sign is applied, can become a very powerful amulet.
  • The women's ring is impressive, contrasting the metallic shimmer of a greenish-blue fish eye with a dark yellow gold cut. Such an accessory will become a real symbol of femininity and spiritual strength of the fairer sex. The ring will bring her confidence and the desire to achieve any goals she sets.
  • The brooch, which combines moonstones with lemon-gold cut, is simply magnificent. The product is suitable for a mature lady. The magical mineral will give her the idea that there is no need to regret what has already passed.
  • Earrings with aglaurite in silver are exquisite and light. They are suitable for the fairer sex of any age. The decoration will be an excellent addition to both business and festive clothes. The amazing radiance from the depths of the gem will attract the attention of others. And the owner of such earrings will gain reliable protection from nervous overload and stress.

How to spot a fake?

Very often, cheaper minerals or fakes are passed off as moonstone. Most often, instead of natural adularia, specially processed plastic or glass is offered. It's very easy to spot a fake. You need to look at it through the rays of the sun or a source of artificial lighting. A natural mineral is always unevenly colored. A clear sign of a man-made trinket will be the unusually bright shimmer of the specimen. And also a distinctive feature of a fake is that it looks equally beautiful from different sides and angles.

And it’s also worth holding the product in your hands. If the stone heats up very quickly, it means it is fake. A real mineral will remain cold for a long time. You can place the sample in plain water. The piece of “moonlight” will become brighter and its color more saturated. The fake will not change visually.

It is necessary to distinguish between pearlspar and plagioclase. The second mineral has a clearly distinguishable heterogeneous structure, which is arranged in layers. When examined, you can see the boundaries of layers and cracks, which you will never see in adularia. The reflection of plagioclase can be yellow or orange, while moonstone is characterized by blue-blue tones.

Who is moonstone suitable for?

Many healers note the healing properties of aglaurite. The mineral mainly helps the fairer sex. Ladies wearing jewelry with gemstones become calmer and more balanced. They begin to feel their feminine attractiveness, and bad thoughts visit them less and less. For women who are preparing to become mothers, it is better to wear only adularia jewelry. Then worries, doubts and fears will leave them alone.

Fisheye favors creative people:

  • writers and poets;
  • literary reviewers;
  • musicians and composers;
  • actors;
  • artists;
  • journalists;
  • art critics

If such representatives of the human race have a product with a gem, then they will be able to see the world around them in a new light.

Fish eye energy can also help business people. If you put an amulet with a crystal on your right hand, then any negotiations will go like clockwork. Partners will definitely support the point of view of the owner of pearlspar. The power of the gem will bring success in any area of ​​business if the start of the business is combined with the time when the moon is waxing. At the same time, you must not part with the amulet.

Wearing moonstone is indicated for those people who have an explosive temperament. The crystal will give them the ability to control themselves. A fish eye can also attract love into the life of its owner. Therefore, it should be worn by those who want to find their soul mate and arrange their personal life.

Do not forget that aglaurite does not affect aggressive and evil people. He helps only kind and flexible individuals.

How to wear moonstone correctly?

In order for pearlspar to have a better effect on the owner, certain rules must be followed:

  • Fish eye jewelry should only be worn on days when the moon is waxing. At other times, the gem does not give its energy, but, on the contrary, takes it from its owner.
  • Adularia cannot be worn with other stones, since it is unknown how the energy of interaction between two minerals will affect a person.
  • Cutting from a non-precious metal reduces the magical effect of aglaurite, so you should only buy silver, gold, and platinum products with a crystal.

If a bracelet or ring made of adularia is worn on the left hand, it will help its owner to establish relationships with people. And for a person in love - to achieve mutual feelings. The gem on the right hand will reveal the owner’s abilities with its powerful magical power.

A piece of “moonlight” gains strength as the month waxes and reaches maximum power during the full moon. At this time, you need to recharge the mineral. It should be placed in the place where the lunar path appears at night. Adularian loves when the owner communicates and consults with him. Only then will he protect the person with all his might.

Moonstone is a type of feldspar. The mineral is very common in the earth's crust. But crystals suitable for the jewelry industry are now quite rare. The main deposits in India and Sri Lanka are practically depleted. It belongs to the class of semi-precious ones, but due to the small number of high-quality samples, it is highly valued. It has a wide range of healing and magical properties, suitable for water signs of the zodiac.

Magic properties

The influence of moonstone is inextricably linked with the phases of the moon. As the moon grows, the impact intensifies. It is believed that during the full moon, crystals have a special glow and properties. On a waning moon, a gem can become an energy vampire. Therefore, it is better not to wear such jewelry at this time, but to put it in a box.

Moonstone occupies a special place in the magical and healing practices of Ancient India. It is a symbol of fertility, love energy. There is a belief: if a tree does not bear fruit, then you should hang a moonstone crystal on it on a full moon - it will definitely begin to bear fruit.

Should be worn by unmarried girls, it will help you find your soulmate and find love. The stone has a good effect on family relationships; if there are constant quarrels in the house, then the moon crystal will bring peace and tranquility.

It is known that moonstone reacts to a decline in love energy. If the relationship cools down, then it may even fade, lose its bright radiance, shine.

The stone helps magicians and sorcerers to penetrate the secrets of nature and control the behavior of wild animals. With its help, you can look into the past and reveal the deepest secrets hidden in the human heart.

Healing properties

The healing properties of moonstone are based on its effect on the human body.

Helps with problems with reproductive function and infertility. It has a calming effect on the baby in the womb and makes childbirth easier.

It has a great effect on the nervous system, helps to restrain emotions, relieve internal tension, and relax.

Just as the moon affects all fluids, moonstone stimulates blood circulation, improves the flow of oxygen to the brain, activating its work. Helps you focus on important tasks. You should wear a beaded bracelet on your right hand.

  • This is useful:

If a person suffers from swelling, there is no better way to improve circulation and fluid balance in the body. Stabilizes the functioning of the kidneys and genitourinary system.

It has a beneficial effect on people suffering from epilepsy and helps relieve attacks. In this case, the most important role is played by a person’s faith in healing properties.

Suitable for patients suffering from asthma; jewelry is best worn on the chest.

It helps well with insomnia, sleepwalking, a person finds a calm, healthy sleep. If you wear moonstone, the tendency to depression decreases. It makes people more energetic and fills them with vitality. This is especially important for older people, it helps relieve accumulated fatigue and makes you feel younger.

  • Read:

Who is it suitable for?

First of all, moonstone is intended for creative individuals. They can draw inspiration from it and find bold, talented solutions with its help.

An amulet for historians and archaeologists, everyone involved in solving the mysteries of the past. Also suitable for those who want to become a speaker, it helps to clearly express their thoughts.

Suitable for water signs of the zodiac, all of them are very dependent on the influence of the night star.

Cancer– the stone will enhance the best aspects of character: a penchant for romance, good intuition, the ability to clearly express one’s thoughts. Stabilizes mood swings, helps achieve greater determination, and achieve financial and creative success.

Pisces suitable for enhancing their love energy, making it easier to find a soul mate. Jewelry with such a gem will help you focus on important tasks. This will make it possible to make your pink dreams come true and get the long-awaited result.

Scorpios, on the contrary, will bring peace of mind and peace. It will help improve relationships with others, fill you with tenderness and love.

Aquarius x Moonstone suits well, enveloping them in a haze of mystery and mysticism.

Libra the gem will help you gain determination, find balance, harmony, and firmly move towards your goal.

Capricorns, Aries, Sagittarius - doesn't fit. It relaxes them too much, has a bad effect on their ability to work, and makes them lazy.

Moonstone has a beneficial effect on people with the following names:

  • Avdotya;
  • Gleb;
  • Igor.

Moonstone in jewelry

The best combination of a gem with the lunar metal is silver. The influence intensifies and reaches its maximum level. To obtain results, contact with the human body is necessary. Therefore, it is better to choose beads or pendants. When purchasing, be sure to check the origin of the crystals. Due to the depletion of natural deposits, a huge number of synthetic imitations have appeared. They have no beneficial properties and will bring nothing to their owner.
