The best lubricants for intimacy - review. Tips for choosing intimate lubricant: what is it for and which is better

In the near future, intimate lubricants are becoming increasingly popular. It’s logical, because these products have a lot of positive properties: they make it possible to avoid injury to the genitals during sex and make the act itself more enjoyable. If you're wondering how to spice up your sex life, don't be embarrassed to try out a lubricant gel.

Purpose of intimate lubricants

Sexual lubricants are a type of intimate cosmetics. They differ both in their functions and in composition. An intimate gel can be used during vaginal sex, when a woman lacks natural lubrication, during anal sex, and even during oral sex. Obviously, all these types of intimate lubricants have different qualities. Vaginal lubricant is perfectly suitable for female microflora, helps restore the natural environment, and spermicidal lubricants, among other things, provide additional protection against unnecessary pregnancy. Anal lubricant makes sexual intercourse more pleasant and has anesthetic and antiseptic properties. Oral lube is perfect for oral sex because it smells and tastes good.
Obviously, you can only use oral gel lubricant in small quantities.

Composition of intimate lubricants

Based on their composition, lubricants are divided into aqua, oil and silicone bases. Oil gels are one of the very first lubricants, currently irrelevant and rarely used by anyone. They do not have the qualities inherent in modern products, and when combined with latex, they can compromise its integrity.

Gels with an aqua base are even more common. In the absence or insufficient amount of vaginal lubrication, they perform its functions without effort. Water-based lubricants are easy to use and do not leave marks on clothes and bedding. Their only drawback is that they can dry out at the most inopportune moment, so it is recommended to keep the tube nearby.

The most modern means used during sexual intercourse are silicone lubricants. Even a small amount of gel will be enough for you to have a pleasant time. It will not dry out during intimacy. The only drawback is that it is difficult to remove the lubricant from your laundry if you use it carelessly. Today, silicone-based gel is considered the best lubricant.
Silicone lube is also perfect when using sex toys.

Where to buy

You can purchase intimate lubricant gel in large shopping centers or pharmacies. A wide selection of lubricants also awaits you in sex shops, real or virtual.

There are a large number of products on the market to improve the quality of sexual intercourse and eliminate discomfort from different manufacturers. Contex is no exception and offers the buyer a wide selection of lubricants.

What is Contex lubricant used for?

Lubricants are designed to provide the necessary hydration of organs during sexual intercourse, without which soft tissues can be injured. Contex lubricant consists of natural ingredients and is absolutely safe in contact with the genitals.

Lubricants can be used:

  • during traditional sexual intercourse, in cases where natural lubrication is not enough, or a product with an additional effect or aroma is used;
  • during anal sex;
  • with the participation of sex toys;
  • for other cases of non-traditional sex.

Contex official website provides the buyer with a wide selection of products for all types of sexual intercourse.

Types of lubrication

Depending on the purpose of purchase, Contex Grease, all types of which have their own characteristics, can be:

  1. For vaginal intercourse.
  2. For anal sex.
  3. Flavored.
  4. With a cooling effect, which ensures prolongation of sexual contact.
  5. With a warming effect, which, on the contrary, has the greatest stimulating effect.
  6. It has antiseptic properties, which is especially indispensable when outside the home.

Most popular models

Contex lubricant, types and description of the main functions of the most popular models among buyers:

  • water based;
  • silicone based;
  • exciting series;
  • for anal sex.

Water based

They are most popular because they can be used for a wide variety of sexual games:

  • Romantic - suitable for regular use, due to its water base it is possible to combine it with contraceptives, has a subtle strawberry aroma;
  • Long Love - has a cooling effect that prolongs the duration of the act, in addition, it has a slight analgesic property, which is suitable for women who cannot relax and thus experience pain;
  • Contex green - this lubricant model is made specifically for women and contains green tea extract, which has a beneficial effect on the health of the genital organs.

Silicone based

Also popular among lubricants, they provide maximum glide:

  • Silk is a popular lubricant that combines silicone and water and has the effect of prolonging sexual intercourse.
  • Wave is a lubricant containing silicone that provides very strong gliding and is perfect for unconventional and experimental sex.

Exciting series

Designed specifically to add fire to love games and provide increased excitement:

  • Contex Flash - contains camphor, cinnamon and cumin oils, has a warming and stimulating effect, which promotes the release of natural lubrication and increased erection in men;
  • Contx plus flash - has the most powerful stimulating properties, provokes blood flow to the pelvic organs and gives incredible desire to both partners;

For anal sex

The anal environment does not have enough natural moisture to ensure safe sex, therefore, for such experiments you need to choose the right lubricant:

  • Wave - has already been discussed, a silicone-based lubricant, provides very strong glide, allowing the penis to easily penetrate the hole, can be combined with a condom, in addition, provides care for the mucous membrane;
  • Contex plus strong - contains aloe extract, which gives the lubricant a regenerating effect, promotes the healing of microcracks that are on the mucous membrane, and also fights harmful bacteria that can enter the body.

Not all Contex products are presented here; the official website will help you get acquainted with each model and make the right choice.

Composition of Contex lubricants

Lubricants consist of natural ingredients, taking into account the fact that the product will directly interact with the genitals. The main composition includes:

  1. Water (Silicone).
  2. Lactic acid.
  3. Glycerol.
  4. Cumin oil.
  5. Ethylexanoate.
  6. Carboxymethylcellulose.
  7. Carbomer.

Advantages of Contex lubricants

The Contex company is quite popular among manufacturers of intimate goods. The buyer prefers this brand because it has a number of advantages:

  1. A wide range of products, it is possible to choose a lubricant for any type of sex, with different properties or scents.
  2. The composition of the product does not change the natural pH level in the body.
  3. Contex lubricants have undergone laboratory tests and are confirmed by a quality certificate.
  4. The ability to combine lubricant with barrier contraceptives.
  5. The low price of the product is affordable for buyers with any income level.
  6. Does not cause side effects or allergic reactions, with the exception of individual intolerance to the components.
  7. Does not contain alcohol.
  8. There is a large selection of packaging; you can purchase lubricant in tubes of different sizes, as well as with a dispenser.

How to use it correctly

Detailed instructions for using the lubricant must be indicated on the packaging; before use, you must read it carefully.

There is nothing complicated in using any type of lubricant; it is easy to handle, even if it is used for the first time:

  1. Before starting sexual intercourse, you need to squeeze a small amount of lubricant onto your hand, genitals or sex toy.
  2. If necessary, the product can be spread over the surface by hand.
  3. If the lubricant was not enough, then you just need to apply a little more and continue sexual intercourse.

Despite the safety of this product, for proper use of the lubricant, you must remember to follow some recommendations:

  • lubricants are intended for external use only, they should not be ingested or used during oral sex;
  • if, after applying the lubricant, a rash, redness, itching or deterioration in health is detected, you must immediately wash off the lubricant with warm water; if negative symptoms do not go away within 24 hours or intensify, then you need to consult a doctor;
  • lubricant will not be a substitute for birth control, some types of products can reduce sperm activity, but they will never provide 100% protection, so lubricants must be used together with contraceptives;
  • if you are purchasing a lubricant for the first time, especially for products that have some kind of effect or have an aroma, then it is recommended to purchase a small volume, and if you like it, then switch to a larger package in the future;
  • Do not forget that some types of lubricants contain oils, which means they can leave stains on the fabric that will be difficult to wash off.

The variety of sexual life must be approached responsibly, since a good sex life has a beneficial effect on health and makes families stronger. Contex can help in this matter by providing its wide range of lubricants to take sexual relations to a new level.

Water-based lubricants are gaining popularity among modern couples. To improve the quality of sexual life, in some cases it is necessary to use a gel. Such products are produced by various manufacturers; in order to determine which lubricant is suitable for specific people, you need to carefully study the composition and properties. Only after this can you purchase intimate goods.

Before using lubricants, medical advice is required.

Reasons for using intimate products

Not all people use lubricants during sexual intercourse. There are several reasons for such a purchase. The purchase of intimate goods is necessary in the following cases:

  • lack of natural lubricant;
  • increasing the sliding effect;
  • variety of sexual life;
  • additional treatments;
  • prolongation of sexual intercourse;
  • strengthening the protective properties of condoms.

In most cases, lubricants are purchased due to the lack of natural vaginal secretions during intimate contact. This substance is produced by the cervical canal. Its walls are permeated with special glands. When a certain amount of estrogen is released, the glands begin to actively function. This releases the fluid necessary to lubricate the vaginal walls. Estrogen is released when certain parts of the brain are stimulated. They entail increased production of estrogen by the pituitary gland. But this activity is not observed in all patients.

The secretion may be absent even with strong sexual arousal. This can be caused by a variety of health problems. Lubrication is not produced in the presence of postpartum injuries, disturbances in the level of hormonal substances, prolonged exposure to stress, or a decrease in one’s own libido.

The reason for purchasing lubricants may be the presence of injuries to the cervix. Such damage often accompanies abnormal labor. In this case, scar cells appear at the site of the rupture. They form a scar. There are no secretory glands on the surface of the scar. Lubricant production is reduced. Special lubricants can help eliminate discomfort.

The problem may also be a hormonal imbalance. With this type of disorder, stimulation of the nerve centers of the brain does not cause the production of estrogen. The level of the hormone in the blood does not increase. At the same time, secretion production remains at the same level. In this situation, dryness is present during contact. You can fix the problem with the help of lubricants. The main treatment should be carried out only under the strict supervision of a doctor.

The reason for purchasing ready-made lubricant may also be due to a woman being under stress for a long time. Nervous stress can lead to disruption of the system. When the psycho-emotional state changes, other natural processes are also disrupted. A concomitant pathology is vaginal dryness during sexual intercourse. Intimate gel helps reduce the intensity of the problem. Consultation with a psychologist is also recommended.

Lubricant should be purchased if there is discomfort during sexual intercourse. Unpleasant sensations arise due to friction of dry skin. In this case, the task of lubrication is to increase the sliding of tissues among themselves. When applying an intimate product, a film forms on the skin. It can be gradually absorbed. This film eliminates friction and increases slip during sexual contact.

Additional factors

Some couples use intimate lubricants to spice up their sex life. Some lubricants contain various additives. These components have a pleasant smell and have aphrodisiac properties. Aphrodisiacs, when they come into contact with the olfactory glands, cause irritation in the part of the brain responsible for arousal. Also, such supplements increase the flow of blood fluid to the genitals. Increased blood circulation is accompanied by slight swelling of the tissues. This feature enhances the contact of organs during sexual intercourse. Pleasant sensations during sex are enhanced.

A nutritious breakfast after a wild night of love

Some lubricants can also be used for massage. Applying the gel to the skin causes increased sensitivity of nerve endings. These gels can be used to increase arousal during foreplay.

Intimate lubricants can also be used to obtain an additional therapeutic effect. These products contain antibacterial components. Antibacterial drugs cause the death of pathogenic microorganisms. They also help reduce the risk of infection during unprotected sexual contact. Antibacterial substances help eliminate minor inflammatory processes. Cleansing the microflora helps normalize the condition of the female reproductive system.

Some families are faced with such a delicate problem as early ejaculation. Rapid ejaculation can occur due to various factors. The reason may lie in various lesions of the male gonads. Often the problem is detected due to the high sensitivity of the penis. There are nerve endings on the head of the penis and the foreskin. During sexual contact they cause strong arousal. If the number of roots is large, excitement occurs faster. At the same time, a large amount of endorphin, a hormonal substance responsible for pleasure, appears in the blood. Endorphin provokes the rapid onset of ejaculation. Prolonging lubricants help prolong sexual contact. Anesthetic drugs or peppermint oil can act as a prolongator. Such substances prevent the activity of some nerve endings. In this case, the man’s time of ejaculation increases.

Lubricants can also be used to increase the protective properties of condoms and other types of contraception. Such intimate products contain spermicidal components. Spermicidal lubricant has a detrimental effect on male reproductive cells. These substances change the structure of sperm. Upon contact with the lubricant, the flagellum of the cell dissolves. The sperm loses the ability to move. When the tail is lost, the male cells die. This property is used to reduce the risk of pregnancy due to condom rupture or unprotected sexual intercourse.

Types of intimate products

Special oil-based lubricants are simple and easy to use

Lubricants are produced by various manufacturers and have a variety of chemical compositions. Experts categorize lubricants based on their base. Gels can be oil, silicone or water based. Each foundation has its pros and cons.

The oil base allows you to get a long-lasting gliding effect. Additives do not dissolve in such a substance. For this reason, stimulating, cooling components are added to the oil base. Aphrodisiacs can also be injected into it. Oil lubricants are available in the form of sprays. This release form allows you to apply the product evenly to the genitals. Oil lubricants can also be used as a massage product.

Silicone-based gels have become widespread. A positive quality of silicone is its slow ability to absorb into the skin. If the amount of lubricant is calculated correctly, part of the product remains on the skin even after sexual contact. Lubrication helps eliminate skin friction and promotes strong gliding.

Silicone base is used to make lubricants used during anal sex. This remedy causes gradual stretching of the intestinal walls. The risk of injury during anal intercourse is reduced.

A negative quality of this drug is its poor interaction with water. The gel is poorly washed off from organs by running liquid. In this case, lubricant residues may stain your underwear. Contamination is difficult to wash off with powder. Also, silicone grease is not recommended for use with latex products. Silicone changes the structure of the condom. Latex becomes elastic and can be damaged by active friction. For this reason, preference should be given to water-based intimate lubricants.

Positive qualities of this substance

Many manufacturers produce water-based lubricants. This base has a number of advantages over silicone and oil. The following advantages of a water base are highlighted:

  • the product does not cause negative reactions in the body;
  • availability of a wide selection of gels;
  • approved for use with latex products;
  • does not leave stains on linen or skin.

The water base is a hypoallergenic chemical. This basis does not cause negative reactions from the autoimmune system. For this reason, aqueous lubricants are approved for use by patients suffering from various allergic ailments.

With the right choice of means, you can improve the quality of sexual intercourse

A variety of additive components can be diluted on a water basis. Anesthetic, warming, antibacterial and aromatic substances can be used as additives. For this reason, water-based lubricants are used for a variety of applications. They help prolong sexual intercourse, eliminate inflammation, diversify sexual activity, and increase libido.

The aqueous base does not have solvent properties. It does not have a negative effect on latex products. The structure of the condom does not change upon contact with aqueous lubricants. Therefore, such lubricants can be used in conjunction with latex products to protect against unwanted pregnancy.

The main positive quality of the water base is its ability to quickly absorb. When applied to the reproductive organs, the aqueous base is completely absorbed within 10–15 minutes. This quality keeps underwear clean. Also, residues can be easily removed with any detergent.

Also, the positive qualities of water lubricants include their wide distribution. Such gels can be purchased at any pharmacy kiosk or your nearest store. Due to low production costs, these lubricants are inexpensive. The price depends on the manufacturer and the volume of the container.

Negative aspects of the gel

Water-based lubricants have not only positive qualities. They also have a number of negative qualities. The following disadvantages of a water base are considered:

  • uneconomical means;
  • individual intolerance;
  • narrow range of applications.

The water base has high absorbency. The gel is quickly absorbed into the skin. For this reason, during prolonged sexual contact, it is necessary to reapply the gel to the genitals. Frequent application leads to rapid emptying of the container. For long-term use, couples need to purchase large packages of water lubricants. For this reason, the product is not economical.

Some lubricants contain components that can cause allergic reactions. Such reactions cannot always be predicted. A common adverse reaction is severe swelling of the vaginal walls and head of the penis. To avoid such complications, it is recommended to carefully study the composition of intimate cosmetics before purchasing.

Water-based lubricants are not used for anal sex. With such contact, it is necessary to significantly increase the extensibility of the intestinal walls. There are glands on the intestinal walls that absorb excess fluid. The applied aqueous gel is completely absorbed by the intestines after a few minutes. For this reason, anal intercourse can cause intestinal damage.

Various intimate products allow you to get a variety of sexual spheres. Before purchasing any product, experts recommend carefully reading the instructions. If a couple only needs extra hydration during sex, water-based intimate gels can be purchased.

Surely many couples have had problems - they want to have sex, but the worries of the day prevent them from completely relaxing and organically preparing for sexual intercourse. If you have an intimate lubricant gel on hand, you can solve many problems of sexual relationships and have sex when you want.

When is lubrication needed?

The function of intimate lubricant gels is moisturizing. They are used not only for use in the genital area, but also on other parts of the body - if couples decide to try a non-trivial approach to sex.

A lack of natural secretions can be felt during prolonged coitus, in a couple in which the woman is at menopausal or post-menopausal age, if the partners are tired. Carrying out anal intercourse without gel lubricant is likely to cause injury to the mucous membrane.

Microtraumas to the genital mucosa are very painful, and tissue regeneration of the intimate areas is slow. Pathogenic microorganisms can penetrate into microcracks; infection causes purulent-inflammatory processes.

Therefore, you should not show false shame when purchasing gel lubricant for intimate areas. This is the same indispensable attribute, helping to maintain health, just like a condom.

Before choosing the product you need, it is advisable to have information about what it is suitable for, which gel is better, and when lubricant is needed.

What types of moisturizers are there?

Currently, the choice of intimate gels is quite wide. They differ in composition and additional effects. If you purchase a reliable product from a trusted supplier of intimate accessories, then the name rarely indicates that this is an anal lubricant gel, and this one is vaginal.

It is possible to determine which product is better to purchase based on the additional properties indicated.

Positive qualities of water-based lubricants: easy to wash off;

  • does not leave stains on clothes or marks on the body;
  • comparatively cheap.

The disadvantage of water-based gels is that you have to constantly add them, as they quickly dry out and lose functionality.

Advantages of silicone-based lubricants:

  • does not dry out for a long time - which means one serving is enough for the entire time of use;
  • properties remain unchanged throughout sexual intercourse.

But at the same time, funds should be handled with care. When they get on clothes, they leave stains, it is quite difficult to wash your hands and body, and if you don’t wash them off, the feeling of sticking remains for a long time. In addition, they are more expensive.

The use of both means is universal.

Additional benefits

If we consider additional properties, lubricants can be classified:

  1. Exciting - when used, the capillaries of the mucous membrane expand and blood flow accelerates, which increases sensitivity. It is recommended to use the stimulating gel lubricant during traditional sexual intercourse. It stimulates the work of the Bartholin gland, and the amount of natural secretions increases. This product contains ethyl nicotinate.
  2. Gel lubricant with an anesthetic reduces the sensitivity of the tissues in contact, prolongs sexual intercourse, and increases the “stability” of a man. Often used as anal. Some couples use anesthetic gel when having sex after a long break.
  3. Lubricant with spermicide not only facilitates sexual intercourse, but also saves from unwanted pregnancy if the main means of protection breaks or falls off. This often happens if partners decide to spend a full night of love.

An additional advantage of this product is that they are produced in different tastes and smells. There is no need to run to the bathroom during your shift to wash off the unpleasant-smelling substance.

You can understand how it is irrational to use anal lubricant or gel with spermicides - good, tasty products are not cheap.

The nuances of using moisturizers

Intimate lubricants are hypoallergenic, but individual sensitivity should still be taken into account. If one of the partners has a tendency to exhibit allergic reactions, then you should choose a tasteless, odorless product.

Is it possible to use lubricant during pregnancy? If there is no allergic reaction, then why not? Perhaps you should consult a gynecologist to get advice on which lubricating gel is better and less toxic. Most likely, they will advise you to purchase products without fragrances.

Despite the fact that most gels are universal, for anal intercourse it is worth choosing a product with a more viscous consistency - it glides better.

If the lubricant is applied to parts of the body where hair is located, then you should purchase water-based lubricants.

After using any lubricant, hygiene procedures should be followed. The components of the products change the acidity of the mucous membrane of the genital organs or skin, which increases the activity of opportunistic microorganisms.

By the way, when using glycerin intimate gel, the possibility of getting candidiasis is minimal.

Lubrication reduces friction between moving and rubbing surfaces and allows for better gliding. Therefore, it is used in the practice of masturbation, vaginal and anal sex, as well as when using sex toys.
In this guide to intimate lubrication, we'll explain the benefits of using a lubricant and help you choose the best option for you.
Why is using lubricant so important, how to use intimate lubricant correctly?
Moisture is an important element of sex, without it you will begin to experience dryness and irritation, which, you see, does not contribute to pleasure! Lubrication facilitates a prolonged session of intercourse, which may involve activities that go well beyond vaginal intercourse. It also makes sex toys easier to use and helps with some sex positions.
Since the anus and rectum do not secrete their own lubricant, it must be used in anal play. In addition, it is advisable to use lubricant during masturbation.
Using lubricant increases the sensitivity of the penis while using a condom. To make sure, add a small amount of lubricant to the head of the penis before you put the condom on it. However, do not overdo the amount of lubricant you apply; if you use too much, you risk the condom slipping off. Add a few drops to the outside of the condom as well.

Using a lubricant can help prevent premature ejaculation.
Lubrication is essential to sexual pleasure, but some women are embarrassed to use it with a partner for fear that it will demonstrate their inability to naturally lubricate. In other words, they don't want their partners to perceive this as vaginal dryness and that they are not involved enough in the intimate process. Women should not be embarrassed by the need or desire to use lubricants. There are many completely normal factors that can cause or contribute to vaginal dryness. Medical factors, particularly diabetes and cancer, can significantly reduce vaginal lubrication. Physical and emotional stress, hormone replacement therapy, antibiotics, antidepressants, antihistamines and some decongestants can contribute to vaginal dryness. Diet and lifestyle, cigarettes, alcohol, high salt diet, coffee are also factors that cause vaginal dryness. Interestingly, having breast implants can also lead to dryness.
Decreased estrogen levels, which typically begin to decline in women in their thirties, will contribute to vaginal dryness. This can happen during the pre- and post-menopausal stages. If a woman experiences hydration at a younger age, it may be due to natural factors in the menstrual cycle or as a side effect of taking oral contraceptives. Prolactin, the hormone responsible for breastfeeding, may have an anti-estrogenic effect, which is a factor in reducing vaginal moisture.
Tips and tricks
- Use intimate lubricant on parts of the body and objects that are inserted, fingers, toys, penis. Also, use it on areas of the body that experience friction, the female genitals and the anus.
- Use sufficient, but not excessive, amount of lubricant. Otherwise, you can get the opposite effect, in the form of a decrease in sensitivity.
- Before purchasing a large container, ask if there is a small container available. Selling sample samples is quite common. Try a particular lubricant first before you start using it regularly.
- Never hesitate to use intimate lubricant in sexual games.
