Magical ways to protect against negativity. How to protect your biofield

Protective magic is an integral part of every magical tradition, even those that do not practice curses, as our world is full of challenges and dangers.

daily prayers

Again, as a first line of defense when defending, I always start with prayers. You can set an alarm for a specific time to pray quietly. You can also read a prayer daily silently, to yourself. You can get creative with your prayer practice, or you can read the simplest version. Do what you feel is the best choice. I give another example of a prayer in which the old format is preserved.

PRAYER CALL: Hail [God(s)/ Goddess(s)/Holy Spirit/Universe/Higher Self/etc.]

PRAISE: You, who are my love, protector and protector (li), I praise you!

PLEASE FOR HELP: Thank you for protecting me from the curses of my body, mind and spirit.

YOUR DEADLINE: Now and forever.

SAFETY IMPERATIVE: Without harm to any living being and only for the highest good of all. May it be so.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: In return, I offer [thanks/love and devotion/another offer] to the higher powers.

BLESSING: Be blessed!

Take three deep breaths and listen to your feelings: you may receive a message or a sign, which is especially important during protective prayer, as this sign can be a warning of the danger that awaits you on this day.

Magical or psychic protection

Magical or psychic protection is a way of creating a barrier between oneself and negative energy on the astral plane. In principle, each of us unconsciously resorts to such protection every day. If you are able to perceive the aura, you will be able to observe how someone else's aura changes depending on the degree of its protection from the negative impact.

A certain part of a person's aura that you are. perceive, may be his magical shield. However, both maintaining a clean and dynamic aura and creating effective magical protection require a lot of energy and daily attention, especially if you have a very busy job. For example, high school teachers are subject to teenagers' negative energy throughout the day. If a secondary school teacher is not aware of and does not support mental protection practices during working hours, then in the not too distant future, he may have to change professions.

How to create magic ormental protection?

If you are able to see the aura, I suggest that you start by analyzing your aura.

Stand in front of a mirror and try to see your aura. Close your eyes and imagine yourself in a safe and private place, surrounded only by people you love and trust.

Open your eyes and notice how your aura has changed. Has its outline changed, has it become more extended and indistinct, or has it almost completely disappeared?

Now close your eyes and imagine yourself in a stressful situation in which you need mental protection, such as a job interview or being attacked by a bully.

Open your eyes and analyze how your aura has changed. Did its “edges” become denser, or did it change shape and color? When you started protecting yourself, did your aura expand or contract?

If you were able to feel your aura and see it, now try to visualize it in a situation where you need to put an energy shield in front of you to protect yourself from enemy attacks. Repeat all these steps until you can create magical protection instantly.

Even if you cannot physically see the aura, you can still use it to create a magical shield.

Although I can see an aura, I only started using this method to create a magic shield the next day, when I realized that my natural defenses suddenly stopped working. I could still see my aura, but I felt very vulnerable, and some of my acquaintances, who turned out to be energy vampires, suddenly began to invade my personal space and consciousness. On the advice of an older and wiser friend, I started practicing defense visualization, which is completely different from my natural aura, and it turned out to work just fine.

Your shield can take on any form you can imagine, as long as it gives you a sense of strength, security, and protection from attacks from entities from the astral plane. There are several types of magical shield that are commonly used in psychic practice:

  • Transparent thin cocoon, surrounding you, through which no one can penetrate without your permission.
  • Rainbow. External energy passes through each colored layer of the rainbow. All negative energies are blocked and only positive ones pass to the end.
  • Ring white or violet light that gradually grows upwards and turns into a sphere that surrounds you.
  • fire circle in the center of which you stand.
  • Armor or fortress protecting you from all dangers.
  • Your body is changing, and you turn into a strong animal, like a bear or a snake, and now it is easy for you to repel the attack of any enemies.
  • you are surrounded a pack of hounds, a pair of wolves or other animals that guard you.

As you can see, the possibilities for creating magical protection are endless and limited only by your imagination. What you create with your imagination will exist on the astral plane and interact with the energies that are directed at you from there. If you doubt the effectiveness of such a visualization, try creating a magical shield somewhere in a public place and pay attention to the reaction of the people around you. Are they pretending that you are simply not in this place? Are they afraid of you? Do they keep a respectful distance from you or, on the contrary, try to get as close as possible to you?

How you present yourself is how others will perceive you and interact with you. Practice shielding daily; this will allow you to feel more comfortable and instantly create a powerful magic shield if needed.

We live in a world in which an unthinkable amount of energies that are completely different in composition, quality and other properties are intertwined, sound, flow, reflect, transform, return back.

Let's talk about the fact that man himself lives far from being in a "three-dimensional" world, as we are taught. Although the “three-dimensional world” always sounds strange, and I always want to ask: “Actually, where, dear ones, did “time” go? Therefore, for our physical bodies and regarding their protection, I choose for myself the formulation of life in the "four-dimensional" world.

Energy frame

I will list the main body-conductors of a person who mainly need protection:

  1. The dense physical body is like an apparatus for the response of the inner spiritual man, the response of the Gods, the Life in which we live and move.
  2. The etheric body is its main task and purpose to revitalize and energize the dense physical body and integrate it into the energy body of the Earth and the solar system. This is such a bundle of energy flows, lines of Force and Light.

The etheric body is the basis of all manifested forms of life.

  1. The astral body (or the body of emotions, or the body of desires) is a consequence of the interaction of the inner Self and desires, and manifests itself as emotion, pain, pleasure, and others. 90% of the causes of physical illnesses are hidden in the etheric and astral bodies.
  2. The mental body is that amount of energy that a person can use and express through the mental substance. In fact, these four main bodies form a single mechanism. From here, basically, we have the life of a person on the listed four planes (worlds), in relation to which since the beginning of time people have invented defenses and attacks against a person. In every religion, doctrine, philosophy, for thousands of years, experience and knowledge in this area have been accumulated, as they say, for every taste.

Since demand generates supply, with the growth of people's ability to influence not only their own kind, but the worlds of other vibrations, including the worlds of various kinds of objects, minerals, plants, the animal kingdom, as a result, techniques were born to protect homes, personal spaces, affairs, roads , pets, crops, etc.

I want to make a reservation right away that real attacks are still very rare and a person needs to try very hard to harm another so that the “offended” (he must also be well trained in the science of attacks) starts work on the offensive. An attack is always very energy-intensive, troublesome and expensive for the attacker himself. Always remember this. And all “attacks” are 90% the result of the deeds of one’s own hands: a surge of negative emotions, negative mental attitudes, chronic diseases, nervous overload and one’s own bad causal relationship with the Universe.

Algorithm of work in case of attacks from outside

So, if you still came to the conclusion that you are being attacked, let's first deal with the four planes of human existence. First, the attack always manifests itself in the body with varying degrees of discomfort - from tension, pain, nausea to a feeling of dizziness and loss of strength. And it is not always immediately possible to clearly understand which centers (center) were attacked. Since I tell everything only solely on the basis of my many years of experience, it is up to everyone to decide whether to follow my recommendations or find their own. Everything is always individual! As in the saying: "What is good for a Russian, for an American is death." Fortunately, there is a lot of information on the topic of "protection" now.

When attacking, first of all, we need to slow down and reduce the reactions of the physical body as much as possible. This is done not only to alleviate the physical condition, but to understand which centers “hit”, and therefore, to find out the reasons for such a consequence. Many mental centers are located in our head. In order to relieve stress from the head centers during an attack, you need to take a hot shower.

This will increase the outflow of blood from the head and return awareness. And also, turning to water, as an element, with a request for purification, it will help to remove completely or partially, or weaken the negative impact on your astral body, which is very important in such circumstances. During a psychic attack, the center of the solar plexus always suffers. It is felt to varying degrees of spasm, nausea, pain, tension. Easing or even removing these symptoms is the same hot shower or applying a warm towel.

Recovery Ritual

For a complete recovery, I always recommend doing the following ritual. We always have only four on the physical plane: four seasons, four elements, all bodies are in one of the four states, etc. So, by combining the four elements of the elements, we will get harmonization and purity in one bottle. It's no secret that negative entities that headlong fly to the "suck" during an attack cannot withstand the active energies of Fire, Water, Air and Earth. Remember this!

Ritual structure:

You will need candles (any and as much as you want), a bathroom with a shower, salt (half a pack) - if you add a handful of Thursday salt to it, the effect will exceed all your expectations, music (mantras, meditative, nature sounds, bell ringing). In fact, these are our four Elements. We turn on the music (Air Element), light a candle (Fire Element), pour hot water on ourselves (Water Element).

And then, we rub ourselves with salt (Earth Element). And we stand in all this connection and merging for 10-20 minutes. We meditate on purity, Divine Light, Power, Life and other joys. You can read petitions, prayers - whatever your Spirit as the Fifth Element desires at this moment. The hand itself will reach for the flush. After flushing, put out the Fire, close the Water, turn off the Music with love and release the Elements with Gratitude.

After the ritual, there may be a light, slight weakness. Therefore, drink a cup of fresh tea, savoring every sip of life. Just sit in silence. Your clothes must be clean. The same ritual can be applied to cleansing your home. Only salt is necessary, dissolved in water, and sprinkled with this water at home. Candles should be lit in every room. Music should be placed at the center of the home. These techniques are simple physical techniques that are very effective and require a minimum of energy costs, which is very important when attacking when there is a rapid leakage of forces.

Flowing water, according to old beliefs, can always throw a witch off the trail: running water has specific electrical qualities, as evidenced by its effect on the “magic wand” in the hands of the magician (the vine always indicates subsoil water or metals).

Water is the carrier of any purification. It is also an element of the psychic sphere. Salt is a crystalline element of the Earth. Crystals perfectly absorb and hold the ether. In this case, negative energy. Air - will bring your mental body into harmony and help you merge with the Divine Light. Fire - will purify and protect the space, and ignite the inner Fire in you.

So, when attacking, first of all, we need to slow down and reduce the reactions of the physical body as much as possible by applying simple physical techniques. They help not only to reduce the reactions of the physical body, but also to purify the body - the ethereal with the astral. Secondly, to take measures for the final cleansing (using, for example, annealing with candles, singing certain mantras) and restoring our bodies (by restoring centers, removing negative programs, breakdowns, leaks) from attack, and only then, thirdly, we we put already actually protection from negative influences.

And be sure to clean your home!

Choice of protection option

There are a lot of protections against negative influences, and everyone can choose the one that suits him best.

It could be:

  • Protection of Egregor;
  • Supreme protection;
  • Meditative protection;
  • Defense of Non-Identification;
  • Transition to another vibrational wave;
  • Building all kinds of energy shields;
  • Solvent protection;
  • Protective formulas;
  • ritual protection;
  • Volitional repulsion;
  • Subject protection;
  • Discharging and others.

A lot of material has been written about all these protections. Visualization methods for setting defenses work very well. This is a mental visualization of walls, mirrors and all sorts of other obstacles around your aura.

Energy protections are more energy-consuming - when energy shields, cocoons, doubles, phantoms are created. I also cannot but mention protective amulets and talismans. The Protective Pentacle, especially the fiery one, shows itself perfectly in work. It can be drawn in any situation from closing portals to protecting one's own aura.

Witch bottles and pouches for magical protection

To protect your home, I recommend using the "Witch's Bottles" - as a talisman against any evil. But there is a nuance here: there are raw "witch bottles" - with liquid poured into the bottle, and dry - respectively, with dry ingredients included in the composition. In general, the theme of "witch bottles" is very extensive, interesting and multitasking.

I myself love this magical, in every sense, object. So, based on practice, raw "witch bottles"


Take them out and bury them as soon as they are done. If you leave such a bottle at home in a secluded place, it threatens you not only with the explosion of the bottle, but also with complete astral horror, which you cannot even imagine.

The "witch's bottle" will collect all the evil from the adjacent space and with a bang "give" it ... to you. Therefore - only in the ground, and deep. We leave the dry bottle at home for 6 months in the area where you want changes. If you need protection in justice, then we put it in the far right corner of the house from the front door.

To protect against evil, put in it in equal parts of the herb St. John's wort, wormwood and thistle. The bag must be sewn from a purple fabric. You can place all this beauty above the front door or where you think protection is needed. Love your home as often as possible - fumigate your home with cleansing herbs, incense. Put candles on. Chant or play mantras.

"Ring" the atmosphere of your home with bells, wind music. Sprinkle with water. I save the embers of the Beltane fire and put them in the water I sprinkle around the house. "Moon water" is also good for sprinkling. Love your aura as often as possible - think positively, meditate, “burn off” with candles, fumigate yourself with incense, sing prayers and mantras, develop spiritually, dance, merge with the Universe and the Gods in the Divine violet flame.

Moontime, a magazine about Wicca and Paganism,

The issue of energy protection against various dangers will never lose its relevance. Still, security is one of the basic needs of a human being and you want to protect yourself immediately and from everything. As a result of this interest, there is a mass of topics, articles and materials devoted to various ways of building energy protection. Let's figure out which protection is better and how it works in general.

You should probably start with what protections are in general. Firstly, protection can be built at the expense of personal energy and the intention of the person himself. This is the usual bioenergetic protection available to absolutely anyone. Secondly, protection can be created with . Most practices and techniques for working with external energies, such as Reiki, KEN, runes, etc., suggest the possibility and special, characteristic technique for creating energy protection. Well, third, protection can be any . This method is used by magicians, both for their own protection and for the protection of their clients.

Most often, when it comes to energy protection, they talk and talk about protection. first type: bioenergy. An example of such protection is the simplest construction of a brick wall, the visualization of a waterfall, or the construction of a complex protective "suit". Also, bioenergetic protections include wearing various protective talismans bought in a store or made with your own hands and protection with the help of complex “magic rituals” read in a smart book. Despite the variety of forms, the effectiveness of such protection is approximately the same and, frankly, not too high. In fact, any such protection is just some thickening and thickening of the outer shell of the cocoon (energy body) of a person. A person with such protection is perceived a little more separated, "closed" from other people and the external energy environment. Not bad, but no more.

A big plus of such protection is that its construction does not cause any difficulties. Here you don’t even need to go to a super-duper webinar)). This is the situation when an article on the Internet and a few hours of practice (well, maybe a few days) will be enough to master the technique. Just a couple of days - and you will have your own protection that can protect you from some small energy "dirt" that periodically arrives from outside, small energy strikes from ordinary people and other unpleasant little things.

By cons, I would include the "limited" protection of this type. This kind of design is designed specifically for "small things" and is simply not able to stop a more or less serious impact. Even the most primitive corruption, created by a knowledgeable person, passes through such a barrier “at once”. Trying to use bioenergetic protection to stop a serious impact is like protecting yourself from flying stones with a panama hat. Panama is, of course, good protection, but it is designed for the sun's rays, and not for stones at all, at least a helmet is needed from stones.

Moreover, it will not be possible to significantly improve and in any way "increase" the power of bioenergetic protection. There is no growth potential there. Such protection is built, maintained and fueled solely by the energy of the owner, and this energy, as you know, is not endless. Any attempts to “strengthen” bioenergy protection will only lead to the fact that more and more energy will be spent on it, which is necessary for life and the implementation of various goals. In the end, a person can get serious problems not as a result of some kind of influence or “strike” from the outside, but simply because there is no energy left to maintain life and achieve goals - all was spent on building and nourishing protection. The effectiveness of the protection itself against such actions will improve very, very slightly. Well, you had a two-layer panama hat, it will become a three-layer one - it’s good, but it still won’t save you from stone strikes.

But with a real threat, protection can quite cope second type, created by a person practicing work with various external energies. External, cosmic energy is virtually limitless like the ocean. This means that protection based on it is not limited by the energy potential of a person. What happens in this case? A person is enveloped in cosmic energy, which has a high density and immunity to human influence - and it becomes much more difficult to harm him. Can do it only a specialist who has appropriate initiations in the energy of the Cosmos. To put up a defense of the second type, imagination alone is not enough. It would seem that here it is - happiness and security. But even here there are nuances.

The reliability and effectiveness of the protection built with the help of various techniques and practices of working with external energy largely depends on the personal strength, power and strength of the energy of the psychic who created this very protection. This, of course, is not bioenergetic protection and is not fed exclusively by human energy directly, but still the amount of energy that a practitioner is able to invest in protection directly depends on him - the amount of energy that he is able to control. It is theoretically that every initiate has a whole ocean of external energies at hand, but in practice everyone manages to manage only some part of this ocean, in proportion to their personal strength and level of energy. Therefore, the quality of protection of this kind varies. From the creation of a “green” novice cosmoenergy, comparable in efficiency to the bioenergetic one, to a very, very powerful and effective protection that can withstand more than a serious impact, behind which stands an experienced Master. Protection from the energies of the Universe is potentially many times stronger and better than the protection of the first type and, with proper skill, provides almost one hundred percent energy security from medium-level threats. Continuing the panama analogy, the second type of protection is something like a strong armored helmet.

With regard to protection third type, which is provided by the magician with the help of an ally, then here the effectiveness depends not so much on the technique / tradition / practice within which this or that protection was performed, but on the level of energy and skill of the one who performed this very protection. The stronger the magician - the more powerful ally he has, the better protection he can provide. Usually such protection with the help of an amulet or a conspiracy is much stronger and more effective than the protection created through various practices of working with external energies. A protective amulet or a spell created by a strong magician is like a very reliable bulletproof vest, with which not only stones are not scary, but it is also not scary to stick out under bullets. A person is followed by a strong Spirit - a rational being that reacts flexibly to everything that happens and can seriously influence the situation in real time. Solely for the safety of the client, of course. Such protection is the most effective, but at the same time the most difficult to implement and, of course, the most expensive.

What can you advise to those who would like to protect themselves from any outside influences? Ideally, of course, go learn and master some extrasensory techniques and practices in order to have at your disposal at least a “helmet” that can protect you from more or less serious impact. But if there is no desire to learn, well, then bioenergetic protection is better than none at all. For those who want to use bioenergetic protection, for example, the violet flame method is suitable.

To build the first type of defense, stand up straight, relax, close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths in and out. Imagine that an abyss is unfolding beneath you, filled with a raging violet flame, a powerful energy that no one and nothing can overcome. "Pull up" from the abyss three, five or seven flames, and let them envelop you with infinitely powerful energy. Visualize the violet flames beginning to swirl clockwise around you at a distance of about twenty centimeters from your body. Intertwined with each other, they form an infinitely strong and reliable cocoon, a protective cocoon. When the violet flames rise to just above your head, imagine how they are intertwined, form a strong dome above your head and go into endless space in a single beam. It is necessary to install such protection 5 days in a row, 5-10 minutes a day, and adjust it no more than once a week. In the event of a collision with a large amount of energy "dirt" emanating, for example, from an unpleasant person, it will be enough just to "remember" the protection put in place, "seeing" it in its finished form. This simple and effective technique will help you quickly condense energy and increase your security.

And, of course, regardless of whether you use protection of the first or second type, it can and should be supplemented with outside help - in the form of an amulet from a good magician, for example. Your own protection and confidence in your own invincibility is, of course, good, but with an amulet it is an order of magnitude more reliable, and a careful one, as they say ...

Anticipating questions: yes, I know a good magician. Yes, I wear her amulet myself. Contact me in a personal in social networks or in any other way - I will prompt.

Energy protection is a very important element of a person's energy and psychological invulnerability, as well as a comfortable state and well-being. How to learn to put energy protection?

Types of energy protection

Energy protection is divided into several types:

  • Protection, which is part of the structure of human energy.
  • Energy protection that a person creates himself, with his will and thoughts, setting a certain program of work for it.
  • Energy protection, which is given by the Higher Forces, namely the Patrons of man.

Here we will consider the second type of energy protection that a person can create on his own.

What is energy protection based on?

Any energy protection is built on the basis of energy management.

To successfully install energy protection, you need to master a simple visualization method¹.

Visualization is based on the fact that a person creates and represents the desired image and puts energy into it. When creating an image, it is necessary to feel the event and the presence of protection, after which the thought materializes.

Energy protection "Rotation of the aura"

Aura Rotation² is a very effective way to deal with people who like to absorb other people's energy.

Feeling an extraneous influence, you need to imagine that your biofield is an invisible mesh, dense to the touch. After that, you need to unwind it clockwise, that is, from left to right. Mentally rotate the aura until the danger of a psychological attack passes.

Your spinning aura will throw away anyone's energy tentacles, they will have nothing to cling to, and thus you will conserve your energy.

Energy protection "Whiplash"

The "Whiplash" defense option is a very fast, burning look into the eyes of an energy vampire, coupled with the release of a compressed clot of energy through their eyes.

After such a protection option, the energy vampire has a feeling of "sand in the eyes", and he is simply forced to stop the "sucking" of energy in order to bring himself back to normal. He may even have a temporary partial visual impairment.

Energy protection "Crystal Dome"

This is a powerful and effective short-term energy protection. If you need to quickly and effectively protect yourself for a short time, you can safely use it.

In the region of the solar plexus, a blue ball is formed, which, with a sharp exhalation, increases and “squeezes out” all the negative, forming a protective shell around the body, consisting of a transparent “crystal material”. Simultaneously with the expansion of the ball, the arms must be sharply spread apart.

This method not only creates energy protection, but also performs a cleansing function. The crystal dome can be quickly placed, but it does not last long.

Energy protection "Egg"

To successfully use this technique of energy protection, it is necessary to develop the ability to feel any objects at a considerable distance.

First you need to master the "touch with your eyes", i.e. mentally touch objects and capture the feeling from them. Having mastered the “touch with a glance” and without looking at the object, “touch” it, while you should not close your eyes. It must be warned that training for "probing" objects should not be more than 1-2 minutes up to 5-7 per day.

After mastering this exercise, we build an “egg”. You need to feel, and not imagine, that at the level of the ribs in front, behind and from the sides, at arm's length, there are four warm golden peas, i.e. it turns out a cross lying in a horizontal plane with an axis passing along the midline of the body.

When the cross rotates, a hoop is formed, which is easy to turn into an egg that surrounds your body and does not allow any negative influences to penetrate inside. The walls of the egg are very dense, the layers of the biofield are wound on top of each other for about a minute. Shells can be one-color, two-color (imaginary).

It is desirable to use colors golden, blue, orange. It is very important to clearly spatially feel all your actions. It must be warned that training for "probing" objects should not be more than 1-2 minutes up to 5-7 per day.

Information-biofield energy protection

First, a protective shell is visualized, but not in the shape of an egg, but in the shape of a ball.
Then the ball is densely filled with silver-purple bioenergy. Along the outer surface of the ball, ribbons pass in the form of parallels and meridians, on which it is written "You don't need me (you don't need me)".

Energy protection "Mirror wall"

Very good power protection! You need to imagine yourself on all sides and from above surrounded by a wall of one, two or three rows of bricks. From the outside, the wall is covered with a continuous layer of mirrors facing the outside world.

And from whatever side they try to attack you, the aggressors will always receive retaliatory strikes reflected and reinforced by the mirror. This technique is popular all over the world and has proven its effectiveness more than once.

When using the “mirror wall”, never show the person trying to influence you negatively that you are being defensive. Your calmness and friendliness will make him deliver more and more powerful blows, which will return to him with more and more force.

This technique is the easiest to perform and does not require special physical and energy costs, because you do not feel the barrier as part of yourself or your biofield. It seems to exist separately, and this is its advantage. However, the main disadvantage is that it is very difficult to imagine this barrier when you are moving.

Energy protection "Shield of Perseus"

One of the most powerful energy protection techniques. It allows you to repel a narrowly targeted attack, returning it to the enemy, without covering the entire body. A round mirror shield is visualized on the left (right) hand, which reflects energy attacks, placing it on the ejection path.

This is a very fast energy protection method and does not require special expenses, but it has low durability. A correct calculation of the angle of attack is required for effective reflection.

Energy protection "Cross"

You need to surround yourself on all sides with crosses, placing them close to the body. Slowly, with effort, starting from the head, move the crosses away from you up to a distance of 1 meter. Compare your condition before and after moving the crosses aside, feel how they are strengthened and form a single whole.

Combined energy protection:

First, perform protection with a “cross”, moving the crosses to a distance of 1-1.2 meters. After that, make protection with the help of a “shell” or “biofield rotation”.

How to work with energy protection?

Remember that each person has his own version of protection. Not all of the above methods are suitable for everyone. Try to determine which method is more suitable for you.

Try to use the barrier everywhere, this will protect you from troubles, negative energy and ensure your safety. In order to keep it always, it is enough just to know about it, to feel it. Just say to yourself: “I am in a protective barrier! Try to get to me."

This statement should cut off all attempts to mentally influence you, since you will be 100% sure of your protection.

I wish you good luck with the protection. And at the same time I wish you never to be energetically attacked!

Stas Romashenkov

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

² Aura in esotericism and parapsychology is a shell invisible to the human eye that surrounds the human body, or any other living object, that is, an animal, plant, mineral, etc. (

  • Don't use cell phones unnecessarily. And if you do, be brief. Demonic energy enters you through the eardrum. Sometimes this entity looks like a black 4-inch snake. It hurts when it gets into the ear. Of course, never hang around or live near wave towers. Avoid microwaves at home.
  • City phone: we sometimes cover the receiver with a gauze cape moistened with lemon juice - it works for a while, but not for long. Landline phones are not as harmful as mobile phones.
  • Cover your head with your hands when you walk under high-voltage wires. The pulses they produce are used by the entities and they will climb from any angle or loop above your head and try to climb on you from behind. If you put your hands on your head when you go through the cables, you are safe. Later, you will feel a pulsing on the outside of your arms. Strange, but true.
  • Unplug electrical equipment when not in use. You can also make crossed loops of copper wire to cover electrical sockets. It works like an elementary Faraday cage. Never use electric blankets - deadly.
  • Entities aspire to positive ions. Colder places with more negative ions, such as waterfalls and forests, are usually less polluted. Nature is purer, but not entirely free from entities. I think negative ion generators could make your home and surrounding area less attractive to the entities.
  • Entities love dry, warm places. Avoid heat and sunshine - it destroys melatonin. You need it to perceive the energies. If you have to be outdoors for a long time, try to stay under a canopy. Remember, the Egyptian secrets are presented to us as ancient wisdom, but in fact it is the bible of dark forces. They came from a hot, dry place known for black magic and demonic sorcery.
  • Try to stay physically as cold as possible and keep your body cool from the inside by drinking plenty of water. Don't let your body dry up or your fear level will rise significantly. If this happens, drink at least 3 liters of water per day and take 1000 mg of lecithin tablets per day. This will help retain water in the cells. You will restore the water balance in 3 weeks, and notice the difference in well-being in a few days.
    As already mentioned, entities will try to penetrate your energy field and physical body. They are looking for warmth and vitality, but they also want to aggravate your mood and affect your feelings. They want you to stop hoping, get angry and despair. When a person is already in their grasp, they usually do not sting, but simply feed on your etheric body and do not want you to know about it. They are cowardly and always come from below from behind. Therefore, if you are facing north, then the entities will be below your waist in the direction of the southwest.
  • Keep your feet off the floor. Or, if they are on the floor and you are aware that the entities are coming from below from the ground or from the apartment below, keep your feet on a wet towel or wear slippers. Don't sleep on the floor if you can avoid it. Remember, the closer to the floor, the more vulnerable you are.
  • Protect your back at all times, especially in crowds. The two most vulnerable points on your body are on your back. These are points at the level of the heart, located on both sides of the spine an inch from it at the point of the shoulder blades. You will recognize these points when they hurt, or ask a friend to press between your shoulder blade and spine until you feel the pressure move along the meridian towards the heart. We have found that when we rub these points with the French drink Fernet Branca, it helps a lot. I don't know if other types of alcohol will work. Remember, we live in a demonic evolution. You may be hesitant, but I assure you, when the morph really drops, almost everyone will see it. Our world is a journey of evil spirits with human beings who are not aware of their connection with them from other dimensions. Entities jump through the minds of others to find you. When they jump, they sting like stinging nettles. You can feel these esoteric jumps from 70-100 yards (64-91 meters). They use the minds of the people they are in contact with on earth to find you and attack you. Especially when they lose you, as happens in a crowd or in a traffic jam.
  • By watching people point at you or take pictures, ethereal vamps operate secretly against the backdrop of our collective subconscious. They may ask the other person's mind: Where is he? The person may not be aware of their influence and may point to you in a crowd without understanding why they are doing it. When we see people pointing at someone, which is common, we try to confuse them by immediately pointing back at them. The digital revolution has allowed vampires to track you through digital camera signals. Therefore, complete strangers will try to film you, again not knowing why. Avoid being in the lens when strangers are taking pictures in tourist areas.
  • Wash your car: UFO is chasing your car. We know they drop little balloons on the car to mark it. We have seen this many times. Wash the roof of your car regularly. They also track you through your energy. Sometimes in traffic they will lose you. We dive under arches and into tunnels. Wait 4 minutes and then drive slowly. They will get confused if you move slowly. You can add gas later. When outdoors, try to sit in the shade - under an umbrella, ledge, awning, etc.
  • Silence is gold. When you speak, the entities find you by the resonance your voice creates on the front of the top of your skull. If you put your hand there, you will feel how strong the vibration of your voice is. Silence, like slow motion, separates you. Entities are attracted to the human voice during conversations and loud music. They also notice you when you're moving fast, as they're attracted to a sudden change in volume, like during short bursts of activity, like running after a bus, for example. The media obsession about running for health plays into the hands of the entities. Running will shorten your life and worsen your health. So many Olympic runners die young.
  • Music. There are some sweet sounds that drive entities to despair. One example is the sound of Tibetan balls. They also dislike Gregorian chants. Any spiritual music helps. For years I played spiritual music quietly, on repeat, before going to bed. Protection begins to build and you soon feel that you are sleeping in a cube that is out of this world and far from the entities.
  • We use dim light or a candle at night, but it doesn't drive the entities away. This only makes them less intimidating for you, as you can see around you if you suddenly wake up.
  • Stay away from graves and gothic vibes and never watch horror movies, especially with others at the cinema. I don't think you could make it home from a place like this without a dozen entities following you. Horror movies are like molesters inviting you to Satan. These are special Hollywood invitations for the gullible. I have a longstanding deep distrust of Hollywood and the misinformation and filth they put out. You may want to take the same position.
  • I noticed that tattoo and piercing parlors are usually dark. The motivation for a piercing is usually sex or attention, and sometimes it's just the next step on the road to degradation. I think one small tattoo or carnation is wonderful. But when it becomes an obsession, you have to look carefully which impulse prevails: desire or necessity.
  • Vampires are attracted to everything dirty and vile. They hang in mud, rags, urine-stained doorways, alleyways, dumps, and the like. If you can, wash these places and do not stay there for a long time unnecessarily.
  • Be clean, wash thoroughly, keep your hair neatly cut, especially your beard and dreadlocks, keep your nails clean. After using the toilet, wash yourself immediately, do it without fail, because. entities are attracted to even small particles of excrement and urine.
  • Vampires are attracted to blood. Girls during menstruation should try to stay clean and fresh.
