DIY space station model. Craft "Space" from unleavened dough

Take a clean plastic lid from sour cream or other dairy product. Print out a beautiful space background. Mark a circle equal to the inner diameter of the lid.

Cut out a circle from the space printout and glue it onto the plastic lid.

Take plasticine of brown, gray and golden color. Crumple the plasticine into a layer and place three colors on top of each other.

Combine colors to create an interesting combination with streaks.

Place a layer of the resulting plasticine on the bottom of the background. Using a stack, spread the plasticine and make an uneven edge.

Take plasticine of brown, pink-violet and yellow color, put it on top of each other, as in the picture.

Make a thin plasticine layer from the resulting combination.

Tear the layer into small angular pieces. Create a mountain range on one side of the planet.

Use a toothpick to add relief to the mountains. Take gray, silver and pink plasticine.

Crumple the gray plasticine into a layer and cut out a rocket with nail scissors, as in the picture.

Make turbines, portholes and the top for the rocket from silver plasticine. Stick the parts to the rocket. Make strips of blue, white and pink plasticine and design it like a flag on a rocket.

Use a toothpick to make a design on the rocket.

Mix yellow, red and golden plasticine.

Design the flames of fire emanating from the turbines of the rocket.

Combine several colors of plasticine to create a beautiful combination. Give the plasticine layer the shape of a planet.

Stick the planet onto the top edge of the magnet.

Mix silver and golden plasticine and form a ring around the planet.

Select the rings using a toothpick.

Combine brown and orange plasticine and make a comet. Use orange and purple plasticine to create a flaming trail.

Make a thin black roller for the flagpole. Make a Russian flag and connect it to the flagpole.

Take a round flat magnet.

Glue the magnet to the back of the plastic cover.

The space magnet is ready!

Fantastic! What a wonderful magnet we made from ordinary available materials and plasticine! This handmade souvenir will become a decoration in your collection of refrigerator magnets.

The theme of space fascinates and intrigues children and adults. Cosmonautics Day is an excellent occasion to remember the first flight into space of Yuri Gagarin's hero dogs Belka and Strelka. How to make a craft for Cosmonautics Day with your own hands? DIY gifts for Cosmonautics Day. Master classes with step-by-step photos. Craft ideas for Cosmonautics Day. Ideas for making space rockets, planets, airplanes, astronauts and aliens.

The holiday of the most courageous, brave and strong person for a child - dad - is approaching - Defender of the Fatherland Day. This means it’s time to think about what is the best gift to prepare. Children usually make gifts for February 23rd with their own hands.

Drawings about space have a special, attractive power: children always draw them with great pleasure, willingly fantasizing about travel and life among the stars. We propose to show the children how to make a drawing on the theme “Space”, using a pencil sketch, colored pencils, gouache and watercolors as a basis.

A good craft option for Cosmonautics Day is an applique in the form of a rocket flying across the starry sky, the main elements of which are made of salt dough. Crafts for Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten are made in order to make the topic of space exploration more relatable and interesting for children.

Children about constellations. It was not by chance that we chose constellation pictures for children as a theme for our classes. Astronomy for children is an area that stands on the border between the real and fairy-tale worlds. The starry sky arouses great interest in children, encourages them to study the world around them, space, search for information in various sources, and develops the child’s memory and ability to think abstractly.

Crafts for Cosmonautics Day give children the opportunity to immerse themselves in the most favorite topic for many of them - the theme of Space. Children really like to fantasize and dream about the vast expanses of space, imagining themselves flying on a rocket or spaceship.

A simple but quite interesting craft “Flight into Space” will surely appeal to your little explorer, and he will be happy to pick up the idea of ​​making it for the upcoming Cosmonautics Day.

A simple, but very cute postcard made by a child for Cosmonautics Day will certainly become an unexpected gift for a loved one, since most often gifts are not given on this day. But this doesn’t make receiving them any less enjoyable.

An application for Cosmonautics Day for kindergarten is a great opportunity to tell children about a huge breakthrough in the development of all mankind - the first flight of our Soviet man into the vast and unknown space.

Craft for Cosmonautics Day from scrap materials! Let's make a fast and bright rocket with flame! Every child has an endless supply of generosity and a desire to please their close friends and relatives, so one of the main tasks of parents is to create conditions for these qualities to manifest themselves.

Crafts made from plasticine for February 23 are an excellent gift option for boys, their grandfathers and fathers. By making a beautiful car, tank or plane from plasticine, you will delight defenders of any age.

More than forty-five years have passed since Earth Day was first celebrated on our planet. Children's drawings, crafts, and their generous donations from their own savings help to attract the attention of adults around the world to the importance of maintaining calm and unity among the populations of all countries.

The kids really love creating models of real things. This helps them better understand the world around them and feel part of it. Many children like to create miniature models of large objects - buildings, bridges, vehicles and even planets.

Crafts made from plasticine do not have to be voluminous. Flat plasticine crafts – appliqués – look no less impressive, during the making of which children’s fingers gain strength, and the children themselves gain patience and perseverance.

On the occasion of the celebration of the first manned flight into space, children with great interest create crafts on a space theme using any means at their disposal. Most often, paper becomes the basis for creativity. But it can be replaced with another material - for example, a craft made from plasticine for Cosmonautics Day can turn out beautiful.

Cosmonautics Day, like any other holiday, is a great reason to get creative with your kids. Crafts on the theme “Space” always excite the vivid imagination of children, because they are attracted by everything unusual, unusual, and beyond the scope of reality.

What can a craft be made from for Cosmonautics Day? Of course, from paper, plasticine, and other “traditional” materials. But children will be interested if you take unusual things as the basis for this craft - for example, unnecessary CDs, fluffy pom-poms and chenille wire.

Both boys and girls will be delighted with such a space craft. Many historical events are subsequently remembered with memorable dates and holidays dedicated to them. Thanks to such holidays, children have the opportunity to gain insight into the most important episodes that influenced the course of history -

We make constellations with our own hands. Constellations for children are a topic that stimulates the imagination, developing their imagination and breadth of thinking. It directs children's thoughts into distant outer space and allows them to better understand

With your own hands in kindergarten or school you can create a variety of unusual and beautiful crafts for Cosmonautics Day. Where do you get ideas for compositions? Of course, in our master classes with detailed descriptions and photos of finished products. Any materials are suitable, from colored paper and pasta to plastic bottles, cardboard and plasticine. Simple work will take very little time, and more complex ones will require some effort and attention, but the bright, spectacular result will more than compensate for all the labor costs.

Beautiful DIY crafts for Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten - description with step-by-step photos

You can make a figurine symbolizing the image of the first cosmonaut with kids in kindergarten, using the recommendations of this master class with step-by-step photos. In the meantime, the guys are busy making crafts, it’s worth telling them in an accessible way about Yuri Gagarin, who was the first on the planet to conquer outer space and went down in history thanks to this brave feat.

Necessary materials for a beautiful craft for kindergarten for Cosmonautics Day

  • silver foil cardboard
  • sheet of white paper
  • toy eyes
  • red plasticine
  • scissors
  • simple pencil

Step-by-step instructions on how to make a DIY craft in kindergarten in honor of Cosmonautics Day

DIY crafts for Cosmonautics Day for school - “Solar System” poster

For the school on Cosmonautics Day, it is worth making an interesting and educational craft, for example, a poster illustrating the location of celestial bodies in the solar system. In addition to the aesthetic component, such work will also serve as a visual aid, helping children remember the names of the planets and how they differ from each other.

Necessary materials for making a themed poster at school with your own hands

  • sheet of thick cardboard
  • set of colored plasticine
  • toothpicks
  • lentil grains
  • millet and rice (cereals)
  • yellow paint

Step-by-step instructions on how to make a craft for schoolchildren in honor of Cosmonautics Day

  1. Coat a sheet of thick cardboard very thoroughly with black plasticine. It will be open space.
  2. Roll balls of the planets of the solar system from plasticine of different shades, approximately adhering to their generally accepted size and color. For some planets, mix two or even three colors of plasticine. Make the earth in the form of a blue ball, and stick green pieces of continents on top. Arrange the planets in a slightly curved row in the center of the picture.
  3. Make a comet from yellow plasticine. To do this, roll a small ball and attach three flat plasticine blocks to it.
  4. Roll a large ball out of yellow plasticine and place it in the lower left corner of the composition. Paint the toothpicks yellow and insert them into the right edge of the large ball. This figurine will become the Sun.
  5. Under a row of planets, lay out the outline of a rocket from grains of rice. Lay out a round porthole inside from lentils, and fill the rest of the free space of the body with millet.
  6. Take 15-20 wheat grains and scatter them all over the poster, thus depicting the starry sky.
  7. Make a mount on the back of the poster using strong twine so that the work can be hung on a wall, door or window.

Simple paper crafts for Cosmonautics Day for children

For Cosmonautics Day, you can make simple themed paper crafts with your children, for example, bright rockets on sticks. There are no difficulties in manufacturing and the children can easily cope with the task even without the help of adults. Then it is appropriate to decorate the classroom with the finished works: attach them to the board and windows or put them in cups with stationery. Such cute decorative elements will definitely lift your spirits and create a pleasant, festive atmosphere around you.

Necessary materials for children's paper crafts in honor of Cosmonautics Day

  • set of colored paper
  • scissors
  • simple pencil
  • glue (PVA and “Moment”)
  • plastic sticks
  • colour pencils

Step-by-step instructions on how children can make a craft out of colored paper for Cosmonautics Day

  1. On a sheet of colored paper of a bright shade, draw a space rocket in two copies and carefully cut out each of them with scissors.
  2. Cut out small stars from glittery gold and silver paper and glue them with PVA glue to the front along the base of the rocket.
  3. From paper of a contrasting color, cut out a figure in the likeness of a sun with wide, short rays and glue it to the top of the workpiece.
  4. From white paper, cut out a circle with a diameter slightly smaller than the sun figure. Inside this circle, use colored pencils to draw an image of an alien. Then paste the picture on top of the “sun”.
  5. Turn the decorated part over to the wrong side and use Moment glue to glue a plastic stick to the paper. Press it firmly to the surface and wait until it sets well.
  6. Coat the second fragment of the rocket on the wrong side along the edge with PVA glue and glue it to the back of the first fragment.
  7. When the design dries well, you will get an original and beautiful craft - a space rocket on a stick.

Children's crafts for Cosmonautics Day from pasta - master class with detailed description

Following the advice of this master class, you can teach children to create interesting and unusual crafts for Cosmonautics Day from pasta. The material is very accessible and is always at hand, and the variety of shapes and configurations of pasta allows the little creator to show his imagination and make a truly unique and original thing.

Necessary materials for children's pasta crafts on the theme of Cosmonautics Day

  • pasta of various shapes (tubes, shells, feathers, curls, etc.)
  • PVA glue and “Moment”
  • cardboard
  • box cover
  • blue spray paint
  • blue colored paper
  • yellow paint

Step-by-step instructions for making pasta crafts for Cosmonautics Day

  1. Cut out blanks from a sheet of thin cardboard: one measuring 30x40 cm and three - 20x15 cm. Roll them into a tube and glue them so that they do not unfold. This will become the basis for rockets.
  2. From the remains of cardboard, cut out four fragments and make cones out of them (one large and three small), matching in diameter with the base of the rockets.
  3. Using “Moment” glue the large cone to the large body, and the small ones to the small ones and leave for a while so that the structure sets and becomes solid.
  4. Turn the cardboard cover over and glue the inside with blue colored paper, and use a brush to draw yellow dots or stars on it.
  5. Decorate the inner sides of the box with curved or convex pasta. To do this, use Moment glue.
  6. Saturate the base of a large rocket with PVA glue and lay it out with long and large pasta tubes. Also design the bases of small rockets. For them, cut long pasta into three parts.
  7. Cover the tapering parts of the rockets with shell pasta. Place the grains as close to each other as possible so that the coating is dense.
  8. When everything is finished, take a can of blue paint, spray the rockets evenly on all sides and leave until the paint is completely dry.
  9. Inside the cardboard lid, which will serve as a stand for the composition, draw a circle corresponding to the diameter of a large rocket and paste pasta shells around it along the contour. Glue a large rocket to them on top, and “plant” three small ones on the glue next to them.
  10. Using pasta of various shapes, use glue to assemble alien figures and place them near the rocket.
  11. On the outer part of a large rocket, lay out a circle with shells, symbolizing a porthole. Allow the composition to dry thoroughly and place it in a prominent place.

Crafts for Cosmonautics Day from plastic bottles - master class with photos

For a school competition on the occasion of Cosmonautics Day or as a gift to a loved one, you can make a very interesting and unusual installation on the theme of interstellar travel with your own hands from plastic bottles. The work is not too difficult, but it requires accuracy and diligence. The finished product is bright, voluminous and attracts attention at first glance.

Necessary materials for creating crafts from plastic bottles for Cosmonautics Day

  • plastic bottles – 2 pcs (one – 1 l, the second – 2 l)
  • White paper
  • holographic paper
  • scissors
  • ruler
  • simple pencil
  • eraser
  • PVA glue
  • glue "Moment"
  • felt-tip pens
  • sheet of black thick cardboard
  • paint set
  • brush

Step-by-step instructions for a master class on making crafts in honor of Cosmonautics Day

  1. On a transparent 2-liter bottle, use a black felt-tip pen to draw two oval portholes.
  2. Cover the entire surface of the bottle with pieces of white paper, except for the narrowed part adjacent to the lid and the areas left for the portholes.
  3. Cover the tapering part and the neck with holographic paper.
  4. Then cut out narrow wings for the future rocket from the same paper and attach them to the sides of the ship using PVA glue.
  5. Leave the portholes empty or paste your photographs there.
  6. For a smaller bottle, partially cut out the middle, and connect the remaining bottom with the narrowed part and glue it so that the structure does not fall apart.
  7. Cover the wide part with holographic paper so that it covers the legs and forms a rounded dome.
  8. On a sheet of black cardboard, draw a cosmic landscape, depicting planets, stars, flying comets, meteorites and a piece of the globe.
  9. Glue a rocket made from a large plastic bottle with Moment glue so that it appears as if it is launching from the Earth.
  10. Attach a satellite made from a liter bottle in the upper right corner. Leave the work for a while to dry. If desired, glue a loop of strong thread on the back side so that the picture can be hung on the wall.

Cosmonautics Day

Almost half a century ago, April 12, 1961., for the first time, an orbital flight of a spacecraft with a person on board was made. The first cosmonaut to visit near-Earth space was Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin.

From that date the countdown of the triumphal procession began aviation and astronautics, as well as the amazing successes of technology sent into space - satellites, lunar rovers, rockets, spacecraft and stations. The day of this flight became the date of a powerful breakthrough in space exploration.

Celebrating this day, you can not only remember everyone who has worked and is still working to this day for the common good of humanity, but also create models of aircraft and spacecraft, make a doll or depict on paper using various techniques an astronaut in a spacesuit, soaring in airless space or studying other worlds, draw the fantastic beauty of the cosmic sky and much more, allowing you to clearly demonstrate and educate the younger generation...

Master Class

Master Class (MK) - this is the transfer of his professional experience by a master (teacher), his consistent, verified actions leading to a predetermined result.

To publish a master class, the work must be original (invented and made by you). If you used someone else's idea, you must indicate the author. (The link to the source should not lead to a site containing sales of goods or services, since links to commercial sites are prohibited according to clause 2.4 of the PS).

Your master class should not completely duplicate the one already available in the Land of Masters. Before publishing, check through the search that there are no similar MKs on the site.

The process should be photographed step by step (see Tips for photographing crafts) or filmed (see how to upload a video).

The order of registration: the first photo is the finished work that is proposed to be completed, the second photo is the materials and tools necessary for the work (or their detailed description), then the stages of MK from the first to the last. The final photo (the result of the work) can repeat the very first one. Photos must be accompanied by clear and competent comments about the process.

If you have already published your MK on another site and you want to also publish it with us, then you need to follow all the rules for designing a MK described above. In other words: in an entry with the MK type, you cannot simply put a photo of the finished product and a link to a master class on another site.

Attention: all master classes in the Land of Masters are checked by site assistants. If the requirements of the Master Class section are not met, the entry type will be changed. If the site's User Agreement is violated, for example, copyright is violated, the entry will be removed from publication.

In the preschool and school curriculum, along with autumn crafts, homemade cards for March 8 and Christmas tree decorations, there are unusual and original products from scrap materials for Cosmonautics Day - bright models of the Solar system, small space stations, stars and asteroids, rockets, spacesuits . Crafts for Cosmonautics Day for kindergarten and school, created with their own hands from paper, cardboard, plasticine, discs, bottles and even pasta, allow children to show their imagination, bring the distant and unattainable world of space closer, open the veil over dozens of secrets of the Universe, and literally touch hands to the mystery of the universe. Our page presents the best ideas and step-by-step master classes with photos and videos. Be sure to use them!

Simple DIY crafts for Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten

We invite the littlest dreamers to make a simple craft with their own hands for Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten - space stars. Unusual figured products with small colored crystals will decorate an exhibition of children's crafts and will certainly bring victory at the holiday competition.

Necessary materials for a simple craft for Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten

  • chenille wire (fluffy sticks for needlework)
  • sugar
  • thin satin ribbon
  • wooden skewer
  • wide ribbon
  • clear nail polish
  • star cookie cutter

Step-by-step instructions for creating an interesting craft for kindergarten for Cosmonautics Day

  1. Wrap the cookie cutter with red chenille wire. Wrap the ends of the stick, remove the mold and set the resulting figure aside. Do the same with sticks of other colors. The brighter the shades of the fluffy wire, the more impressive the finished craft will look.
  2. Tie a thin satin ribbon to each finished star. Fix the loop, hang the stars on a wooden skewer, as in the photo.
  3. Prepare any glass jar (or several if there are a lot of stars). Place a skewer on the neck. Make sure that the figures hang freely and do not touch the bottom or walls.
  4. Mix a glass of sugar with a glass of water and heat until completely dissolved. Pour another glass of sugar into the bowl with syrup and repeat the process.
  5. Pour clear, sweet liquid into jars with hanging stars.
  6. Leave the container in a warm, bright room for several days. Every day the crystals on the stars will form more and more noticeably.
  7. After 3-5 days, remove the stars from the water and place on parchment paper. Let the crystals dry. Generously coat the space stars with clear coat.
  8. Hang the dry figures by a thread on a long piece of wide colored ribbon. Now you have a ready-made simple DIY craft for Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten.

Interesting DIY crafts for Cosmonautics Day for school: step-by-step master class

Younger schoolchildren are in some ways smarter, more diligent and patient than kindergarten children. This means that for Cosmonautics Day they can easily prepare not just small space stars, but the entire solar system as an interesting thematic craft. And step-by-step master classes and tips from parents will help you complete the task much faster.

Necessary materials for an interesting craft for school on Cosmonautics Day

  • flexible wire
  • foam balls
  • plasticine
  • fishing line
  • scissors
  • gouache paints and brushes
  • glass of water

A step-by-step master class on creating an interesting DIY craft for Cosmonautics Day at school

  1. To make the Sun and major planets of the solar system, paint several foam balls with gouache in suitable colors. To create small planets, mix several colors of plasticine and form balls of different shapes.
  2. Using strong flexible fishing line, twist the “system”. To do this, make several orbits in which the planets will be located. Secure the orbital rings together with fishing line.
  3. Make through holes in the foam and plasticine balls and place the planets on the wire in the desired order. In the center of the composition is the Sun, then Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune.
  4. Tie a loop of fishing line to the very last turn of the wire so that the homemade solar system can be hung.
  5. At this stage the master class is finished. Take an interesting craft to school for Cosmonautics Day and listen to admiring reviews from your classmates and teachers.

Fun crafts from pasta and cereals for Cosmonautics Day

By creating fun crafts from pasta and cereals for Cosmonautics Day with their child, parents can not only pass their leisure time together in a fun and useful way, but also teach their children important things. So, during the assembly of stars, you can tell your assistants in detail about these distant and magical space objects, about their types and origin.

Supplies needed for a fun pasta craft for Cosmonautics Day

  • star shape for cookies
  • gelatin and water
  • grains and cereals
  • pasta
  • pan and spoon
  • PVA glue
  • gouache paint
  • dry glitter
  • parchment paper
  • clear nail polish
  • jute cord

Step-by-step instructions for creating fun star crafts from cereals and pasta for Cosmonautics Day

Bright crafts for Cosmonautics Day from paper, cardboard and foam: master class with photos and videos

Children just starting to explore the world will be very interested in studying the model of the solar system, hearing interesting facts about our galaxy, and getting to know our cosmonaut heroes. You can’t do this without the help of your parents. In your free time, make a bright craft from cardboard, paper and foam plastic for Cosmonautics Day and explain in detail to your child what’s what.

Necessary materials for crafts from paper, foam plastic and cardboard for Cosmonautics Day

  • large cardboard box
  • black and white acrylic paint
  • wooden skewers
  • foam balls
  • foil paper
  • paints and brushes
  • plasticine
  • fishing line
  • sharp utility knife
  • scotch

Master class with photos and videos on making bright crafts from paper and foam for Cosmonautics Day

Interesting crafts from plastic bottles and cardboard for Cosmonautics Day

Interesting crafts for Cosmonautics Day from cardboard and plastic bottles can be made even in the company of the smallest craftsmen. But before class, it is better to move actively in order to stock up on perseverance for the entire creative process.

Necessary materials for crafts from a plastic bottle for Cosmonautics Day

  • small plastic bottle
  • acrylic paint
  • bottle caps
  • colored cardboard
  • glue gun
  • scissors

Master class on interesting children's crafts made from bottles for Cosmonautics Day

To create a festive atmosphere at school and kindergarten, teachers often use interesting crafts for Cosmonautics Day from paper, cardboard, bottles, disks, pasta, etc. They are easy to make with your own hands at home and even easier to use in decorating children's rooms.
