Fashion designer. The most famous fashion designers: list, interesting facts and collections

Famous fashion designers are not just people who make fashion. Not! These are unique individuals who are ready to modernize, experiment and constantly change existing habits, bring new ideas and colors into everyday life, push for changes. That is why the names of the most famous fashion designers are known even to people far from the world of fashion: the creativity of fashion designers and their inspiration reflects the stages of the historical development of society and encourages the emergence of new trends.

Famous fashion designers: conductors of the fashion world

Why do people's tastes in clothes, shoes and accessories change? It’s not just that corsets are replaced by tight-fitting dresses, and hats decorated with chic feathers give way to laconic “bowler hats”. Fashion changes for two reasons:

  1. when society is ready for it;
  2. when there is an inspirational moment.

Clothing designers act as the second driving and fashion-forming factor. It can be very simple people who see the fashion world in a new way and try to convey their perception to others. Or specially trained masters who are tired of age-old canons of the same type. It does not matter! The main thing is that at a certain historical stage, personalities appear who easily manipulate the tastes and feelings of others, offering ideal outfits for the requirements of the time and the mood hovering around.

Everyone knows these names:

  • Pierre Cardin

Some of them spontaneously appeared in the fashion arena, others purposefully went to recognition and honor. In any case, today these are legendary fashion designers - famous fashion designers whose names have become brands, characteristics of styles, moods, eras.

Coco Chanel: rebellion against tradition

In fact, Gabrielle Chanel did not plan at all to get into the most famous fashion designers in the world, the top of her dream was a career as a singer. But fate decreed otherwise. The hat workshop converted into a clothing salon has become a real fashion house. In it, women were able to appreciate the advantages of comfortable solutions, try on men's surroundings and the first samples of sportswear for women.

Gabrielle changed her name to Coco and dominated the world of women's fashion for a long time. She gave the ladies:

  • rejection of corsets;
  • small black dress;
  • trousers, ties and other elements of men's wardrobe;
  • shoulder bag;
  • tweed suit;
  • perfume "Chanel No. 5".

Christian Dior: reminded women of tenderness

Collections of famous fashion designers often become the "ancestors" of new styles. This happened with the creation of Christian Dior in 1947. He gave women - feminine fashion, romantic and elegant. She became a real outlet among the post-war dull and gray style.

In the future, the maestro supported the mood of New Look in his collections, successfully avoiding the global retreat "in the old days" and modernizing products to dynamically changing trends.

Pierre Cardin: declared the existence of men's fashion

The most famous fashion designers in men's fashion are easily listed by name. But the ancestor of the classical stylistic trend was, of course, Pierre Cardin. His collection was published in 1960 and completely turned the world of designers who had previously worked only with women's outfits.

Pierre Cardin proved the importance of men's fashion, experimenting with shocking new ideas along the way. Among his achievements:

  • promotion of unisex style;
  • colored stockings;
  • over the knee boots;
  • ties decorated with flowers;
  • tight pants with buttons;
  • collarless jackets;
  • jeans.

Calvin Klein: jeans are fashion!

Which famous fashion designer came up with the idea to make work uniforms a stylish trend? Calvin Klein! He introduced the concept of "designer jeans" and actively used denim for his collections.

The loudest scandal around the fashion designer is also associated with jeans experiments, which cost him one million dollars. An attempt to turn a Leonardo da Vinci painting into Klein's Last Supper caused a backlash from the church with scantily clad models and heavy advertising for "designer jeans".

From Calvin Klein in the memory of fashionistas will forever remain:

  • unisex style;
  • spectacular underwear;
  • jeans!

Valentin Yudashkin - maestro of Russian fashion

Famous Russian fashion designers today begin with the name of Valentin Yudashkin. His penchant for sophisticated experiments, the desire for diversity and originality provided the maestro with worldwide recognition.

The designer's favorite style is casual, although in Yudashkin's collections one can observe both luxurious evening dresses and unbanal costume solutions. Yudashkin often takes government orders to work, trying to make the gray everyday life bright and ergonomic, but so far this has given him nothing but scandals.

Valentino Garavani: the charm of a red dress

Many famous fashion designers went to fame stubbornly and scrupulously. Valentino Garavani was such a creator of his future. Today everyone knows him simply by name, but once he had to make a lot of efforts to attract attention.

Valentino bet on two things:

  • charm and femininity of dresses;
  • "Advertising" talent from world famous personalities.

At different times, Valentino outfits were flaunted, performed, awarded and married by such persons as Jacqueline Kennedy, Elizabeth Taylor, Audrey Hepburn, Jane Fonda, Sophia Loren and many others.

Valentno gave the fashion world a love for red dresses, luxury, grace.

Thanks to talented fashion designers who can convey their vision, new trends in fashion are emerging. These directions differ from each other, and the names of the creators are remembered for a long time. Readers undoubtedly know many of them, because they are happy to purchase their products. Who are they, the best fashion designers in the world, who have created many wonderful collections.

10 Donatella Versace

Donatella's mother was a dressmaker, had her own atelier and shop. Following her mother's profession, the girl followed her brother to Florence to study knitwear. Giovanni was associated with the Versace fashion house, and she had to completely immerse herself in the fashion world. She happily served as a PR director. After the tragic death of her brother, Donatella released the first collection, which still resembled the Versace line. It took the talented fashion designer quite a bit of time to find his style. But two essential components, luxury and erotica, remained unchanged.

9 Donna Karan

She owns the creation of the trademarks Donna Karan and DKNY. Literally in a short hour, a small atelier turned into a company that produced products that were of interest to many women. Donna's modern approach is a concept called "Seven Simple Things". The fashion designer believes that the basic wardrobe of any resident of a large metropolis should include the following - trousers, a leather jacket, leggings, a sweater, a blouse, a suit and a comfortable dress. She does not like to create luxurious outfits and leans more towards convenience and simplicity. Therefore, among the fans of her work there are completely different strata of society, ranging from the working class to millionaires.

8 Calvin Klein

A rather scandalous American fashion designer, creator of Calvin Klein Inc and Unisex style. At first, only men's clothing was produced, but after enthusiastic responses in the fashion press, Calvin decided to supplement the collection with underwear and clothing for women. He perfectly mixed masculine and feminine details. For example, a double-breasted coat appeared in the women's wardrobe and there were also boxer panties (loose cut in the form of shorts). The talented author was the first to sell "designer jeans", emphasizing the length of women's legs and hips.

7 Tom Ford

The future designer and film director got his experience as a fashion designer as a design director at Gucci. Thanks to the activity of an energetic young man, the company's income increased significantly. The innovative look brought recognition among colleagues and the environment. In 1996, the design council awarded the Design of the Year award. After 10 years, Tom opens his first store. He calls the new trend in fashion "Tom Ford". Menswear, eyewear, accessories and… dozens of new boutiques. He shot two films - "A Lonely Man" and "Under the cover of night."

6 Pierre Cardin

He started his career as a theater designer (created costumes for the film "Beauty and the Beast"). A year later, I decided to gain experience with Christian Dior. Three years was enough for a talented young man to open his own fashion house. Unusual design allowed him to join the environment of famous fashion designers and make himself known. He was the first to start creating a denim direction, clothing for youth and children. The fashion designer patented 500 discoveries. Of these, high boots, flower ties, tight trousers with buttons.

5 Ralph Lauren

An American fashion designer who occupies a high position in the ranking of the richest people in the world. He was inspired by the image of simple landowners, as well as the Western style, where there were boots, jeans, fringed leather jackets. He created his own style, combining romanticism, elegance, masculinity and simplicity. But at the same time, clothes necessarily emphasized the social status and financial independence of a person. Once, as a child, having visited a boy from a wealthy family, Ralph promised himself that he would definitely become a millionaire.

4 Christian Dior

The French fashion designer was born in a small town in northwestern France. The family then moved to Paris. Christian's childhood was cloudless. Wealthy parents did not refuse the boy anything. But in the early 1930s, everything collapsed: my brother was placed in a psychiatric hospital, his mother died, and his father went bankrupt. To avoid a protracted depression, Dior goes on a trip. Leningrad, the Caucasus, the Black Sea coast distracted the young man from sad thoughts. Upon returning home, Christian begins to draw sketches of models. At first, the drawings were copied from fashion magazines, then their own were created. So gradually the future celebrity won the recognition of the public and the fashion world.

3 Yves Saint Laurent

French fashion designer who introduced elements of the male wardrobe (tuxedo and high boots) into women's clothing. As a child, in home puppet shows, the boy sewed costumes and created scenery. Having decided for himself that the future was determined, he went to Paris for haute couture drawing courses. At the age of 17 he won his first victory. His black cocktail dress was recognized as the best. Then work in the fashion house of Christian Dior and, finally, a fashion house under his own name. In parallel with the activities of the fashion designer, Saint Laurent is involved in the creation of costumes and scenery for ballets, drama performances, and variety shows.

2 Giorgio Armani

An Italian fashion designer who was lovingly cared for by his mother. Every weekend the family visited theaters, watched films. The impressions from the seen bright colorful costumes of the heroes were reflected in the future. At the beginning of his stellar journey, Giorgio served as an assistant to fashion designer Nino Cerutti. Kroil, sewed, pricked a pattern on the fabric. At the age of 40, he presented his own collection to the public for the first time. He opened a company and launched a haute couture clothing line - Armani Prive. Now he is the richest man in Italy, leads a secluded life.

1 Coco Chanel

French fashion designer who influenced fashion in the 20th century. Her simplified women's suit with elements of the men's wardrobe followed the principle of "luxurious simplicity". Coco designed a fitted jacket and a black little dress for women. Perfume "Chanel No. 5" has become a real revolution in the perfume industry. She began her career as a clothing seller, and in the evenings she sang in a cabaret. The listeners nicknamed her "Coco" for her bright performance with the song "Ko Ko Ri Ko". A truly fashion designer was able to become famous only by the age of 70. Chanel's tweed suit consisted of a tight skirt and a collarless, lace-trimmed jacket. Rich and famous people became regular customers.

Well-known fashion designers with completely different fates made us take a different look at ordinary clothing items. Their disagreement with the existing rules is a kind of challenge, and the innovations introduced are a sign of culture, knowledge and determination. All ranks of society gladly accept the achievements of talented creators, and golden names remain in the memory of entire generations.

If a clothing designer is in the top of the world's best names, this already says a lot. And if he was recognized as one of the 10 best world designers of the year, this means that next year your clothes will simply be swept away during shows.

1. Betsey Johnson is a womenswear designer.

The key to her success, Betsy considers the dance lessons she attended as a little girl. Her outfits are distinguished by experimental audacity and a number of small highlights inherent only to this designer. For "Outstanding Achievement in Fashion" in 2009, Betsy was presented with an award.

2. Tom Ford is a genius at what he does.

Tom Ford is known in fashion circles as the designer of the global brand Gucci and the creator of many costumes for popular films. He has many awards for various achievements in the fashion world, but he is most proud of the title of "Best International Fashion Designer", which he received in 2000. In addition to all the achievements, Tom at one time stood at the head of the creative process at Yves Saint Laurent.

3. Donatella Versace - female couturier

After the death of the great Javani, his sister Donatella became the head of the Versace fashion house. She, like her brother, is a fashion designer, and she is just as good at it. It is thanks to her work that it is still considered high class to wear clothes from the fashion house Versace.

4. Ralph Lauren - fashion designer

The brand created by Ralph - Polo Ralph Lauren, is very popular all over the world. Although Ralph himself was looking for himself for a very long time. He served in the army and studied science a lot. But fate made its choice, and the whole world recognized Ralph.

5. Marc Jacobs - glamor fashion designer

Not only is he a glamor designer, but he is also the 2012 Most Influential People in the World. He also runs two Louis Vuitton fashion houses and his own Mark Jacobs.

6. Valentino (Valentino) Clemente Lodovico Gharavanni - the most popular Italian fashion designer

The first steps into the fashion world of Valentino, that's how his fans know him, he started as a schoolboy. Already in 1959, he achieved a worldwide vocation and opened his world-famous studio. His clients are the most famous people and stars in the world. Among them are Julia Roberts and Elizabeth Taylor.

7. Dolce & Gabbana are famous fashion designers.

The mere mention of these names, Dolce and Gabbana, already means high style and 100% success among the public. All world stars have in their wardrobe the things of these famous designers. And despite the fact that they have been working for a very long time, they have never shown the world a failed collection that would remain in their fashion house after being shown on the catwalk.

8. Lee Alexander McQueen - the best designer in Britain

Four-time winner of the "Best British Designer" award. He worked for Givenchy for many years, but then, with the help of the Gucci Fashion House, he created his own brand, Alexander McQueen. Even with the death of the designer in 2010, his name is still among the top ten fashion designers in the world.

9. John Galliano - famous flamboyant designer

Outrageous, scandalous and yet one of the world's most popular designers, Galliano creates masterpiece after masterpiece. His shows are very popular, both among world pop stars and freaks. Many of them try to imitate his style, thereby standing out from the gray mass.

10. Stella McCartney (Stella Nina McCartney)

Stella is the daughter of Beatles member Paul McCartney and animal rights activist Linda McCartney. Due to the fact that Stella has very famous parents, for many years she could not achieve her own recognition. Journalists washed her bones for a long time until they realized that she was an individual with great talent. The first significant work was a show at Fashion Week in Paris. After that, they started talking about Stella in a completely different way.
